AGS Magazine - March / April 2020

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March / April 2020

TRADITIONAL U100S: REALLY THAT BAD? Soil Consultants Ltd examine data from various different sampling techniques to make the case for more traditional methods.

RESPONSES TO SILC MEMBERSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE Examining the responses to the 2019 questionnaire.

AGS GUIDE TO: OCCUPATIONAL STRESS Extensive guidance to managing, coping with and reducing occupational stress.

AGS WORKING GROUP UPDATE: BUSINESS PRACTICE The latest update from Group Leader Sally Hudson.

Chair’s Foreword I am writing this Foreword sitting at my dining table with my youngest son sitting opposite me ‘at school’ completing and listening to his lessons on-line, my eldest son is still in bed ‘on University time’ and my wife is on rota as she is a ‘Key Worker’. These situations are being repeated in households across the UK and it really is surreal times. As many workers have now been furloughed or are working from home, many AGS members are asking what should be the approach for site works and those construction sites which are still expecting subcontractors and workers to turn up. Many companies are announcing full scale shut down of services, others are moving to on-line services and others are still announcing business as usual so it is a very confusing picture. So what is the advice of the AGS to its members? We have already passed on guidance which has been provided by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) via Ground Forum, a brief look at this can be found in the News in Short. The CIC have direct contact with government departments and so this advice should reflect the most up to date guidance from the government and it seems to be taking a sensible approach. However, as much of current policy is being created off the hoof there is often a lack of detail which leads to confusion and different interpretations. There are also a number of buzz words which are being floated around and again these often have unclear definitions. Therefore, the advice is that members should approach the Coronavirus risk as they



would any other hazard. Members should be creating safe systems of work and taking a risk based approach to their work. Sites and projects should be assessed to determine if they really are safety critical? If the work was delayed for three or six months what would the consequences be? Members should assess the personal circumstances of their employees and encourage those with vulnerable household members or circumstances to not attend work. Sites which are deemed to be safety critical must implement the social distancing and enhanced personal and site hygiene controls. The most important point is that the highest form of risk control is to eliminate the risk which means that many sites should be made safe and secure to allow site workers to return home and observe the enhanced social distancing protocols currently in place. So please stay safe, risk assess your projects and keep your personnel safe. We are always on the lookout for additional, informative content for the magazine, so if you have a case study or technical article that you think the wider geotechnical and geoenvironmental public would find beneficial, please do get in touch. We would be interested in your feedback on the magazine and our future plans. Please contact if you have any comments.

Julian Lovell AGS Chair

ABOUT THE AGS The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) is a non-profit making trade association established to improve the profile and quality of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. The membership comprises UK organisations and individuals having a common interest in the business of ground investigation, geotechnics, geoenvironmental engineering, engineering geology, geochemistry, hydrogeology, and other related disciplines. EDITORIAL BOARD Julian Lovell, AGS Chair Ciaran Jennings, Forum Court Associates Katie Kennedy, Forum Court Associates Calum Spires, Equipe Group Neil Parry, GEL David Entwisle, BGS Jim Poole, Coffey Chris Vincett, Hydrock Vivien Dent, RSK Adam Latimer, Ian Farmer Associates EDITORIAL STORY If you have a news story or event which you’d like to tell our editorial team about, please contact the AGS on 020 8658 8212 or Please note that articles should act as opinion pieces and not to directly advertise a company. The AGS is under no obligation to feature articles or events received. CONTACT US AGS Forum Court, Office 205 Devonshire House Business Centre, 29-31 Elmfield Road Bromley, Kent, BR1 1LT

  020 8658 8212  Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists  @agsgeotech

Inside this month’s issue


A Candid Look at Responses to SiLC Membership Questionnaire 2019

COVER STORY PAGE 6  Stuart Wagstaff of Soil Consultants examines and draws comparisons between various sampling methods.

A previous questionnaire was issued to the membership in 2009. As part of the SiLC Marketing Action Plan (2018 to 2021), it was proposed that a revised and updated questionnaire would be issued to the membership and this was done in 2019. This article looks to examine the responses to the questionnaire.

AGS GUIDE TO: OCCUPATIONAL STRESS PAGE 16  Extensive guidance to managing, coping with and reducing occupational stress.

Q & A: CHAIDO DOULALA-RIGBY (YULI) PAGE 22  The AGS Magazine conducts a Q & A with Tensar International’s Chaido Doulala-Rigby (Yuli).

AGS WORKING GROUP UPDATE: BUSINESS PRACTICE PAGE 28  An update from the Business Practice Working Group.



News in Short: Incl. COVID-19 Update

PAGE 30 

Standards Update March 2020

PAGE 32 

Events Incl. GEOfuture 2020

March / April 2020


News in Short Update from the AGS regarding COVID-19 With the ongoing situation of COVID-19, the AGS would like to remind members of the current guidance. Businesses and workplaces should encourage their employees to work at home, wherever possible; if someone becomes unwell in the workplace with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, they should be sent home and advised to follow the advice to stay at home for 14 days and employees should be reminded to wash their hands for 20 seconds more frequently. The AGS are continually reviewing the situation and the decision has been made to postpone both the AGS Annual Conference which was due to take place on 2nd April and the Laboratories, Instrumentation and Monitoring Conference which was due to take place on 15th July. Further details about both conferences will be released in due course. Currently, the AGS are looking to go ahead with

the AGS Data Management Conference on 23rd September, however this will be monitored closely. For those who attend AGS Working Group meetings, we will be using remote and conferencing technologies to hold these meetings until further notice and details of these will be circulated with the meeting notification as usual. The AGS Secretariat are currently working remotely, but we are checking our voicemail twice daily and aim to get back to you as soon as we can. We can also be contacted by email via

Online Geotechnical Courses Offered Reacting to the changing landscape of the world amid the COVID-19 pandemic, geotechnical training experts Equipe Training Ltd have announced that they will be offering a wide suite of training as online courses. “The courses will still be live and trainerled, but will use a digital platform to engage

Virtual AGS AGM The AGS Annual General Meeting for 2020 will now be taking place on Thursday 2nd April at 11:50am via Microsoft Teams. 4


learners. We are very excited about the prospect of helping our customers to continue to educate and train their staff, so that when life returns to a semblance of normality, staff will be fully-trained and raring to get back to work.� explained Keith Spires, Operations Director at Equipe.

If you wish to participate in/view the AGM or review the meeting papers, then please get in touch via email via

Urgent PPE Support for the NHS The Construction Industry Council has been in touch with NHS London Hospitals Trust . The Trust has sent sent out a list of PPE requirements to ask what might be available from the construction industry across the spectrum of equipment required. A summary of the equipment required is as follows: • FFP3 Respirator Masks • Full Face Visors (disposable)

• Full Face Visors (reusable) • Safety Goggles/Glasses • Hand Sanitiser • Full Body (Hazardous Material) Suits • Logistics/Transport support It would be much appreciated if all readers of the AGS Magazine could cascade the request throughout their networks and see what might be available. If you are able to assist in the provision of any of these items, whether for the London area or outside of this, please contact who will pass your details on to the centralised contact.

The top three AGS publications for Feb’ 2020 1. AGS Guide to Ground Investigation Reports 2. Guidance for Safe Intrusive Investigation of Contaminated Land 3. AGS Guide: The Selection of Geotechnical Soil Laboratory Testing To download the publications for free; click here.

COVID-19 - What is critical construction work?

The Construction Industry Council has asked its Member CEOs, Board, Public Affairs Group, CIC Champions, CIC Nation and Regional Chairs, Housing Panel, Health and Safety Committee and Associate Members to draw up a list of works deemed critical in order to assess which should continue during the COVID-19 shutdown.

The full, exhaustive list of ‘critical’ works can be found within a blog post from CIC Chief Executive, Graham Watts here.

AGS representatives have been party to these discussions and the CIC have advised that works should not continue unless they fall under one or more of the following related critical categories: • All general building control work for nationally important buildings / facilities, e.g. NHS estate, GPs, etc. • Structural inspections for subsidence / movement to determine risk

• •

Maintaining key national infrastructure: power stations and grid, motorways, railways, utilities etc. Works pertaining to nuclear projects Vital infrastructure development projects

If construction sites remain open (and the argument posed by CIC is that they should only remain open if the work is critical) then construction work should only continue if: • it can be carried out under the guidance issued by Public Health England; • it can be undertaken without compromising safety and health; • it is carried out in accordance with the Site Operating Procedure published by CIC http://www.constructionleadershipcouncil.; and workers can travel safely and responsibly to sites. March / April 2020


Image credit: Michael Kerr, Geotechnics Ltd

Are traditional sampling techniques really that bad?


ince the introduction not to undo the good work ... it is still of Eurocodes and put into improving quality apparent that the the classification within the industry. of samples with respect majority of engineering Over the last few years, to disturbance, there has practices who specify and major infrastructure been much debate in the ground investigation projects aside, it is still investigation industry as have little knowledge of apparent that the majority to the use of our traditional of engineering practices Eurocode... cable percussion sampling who specify ground and in situ testing techniques. investigation have little Whilst we at Soil Consultants are full knowledge of Eurocode in relation to ground advocates of improvements and increased investigation, in what they are specifying, the quality there is, to our mind, still a relatively methods available to achieve the geotechnical big unknown with regards to the benefits of objectives and the scale high end in situ testing techniques and/or of costs involved. Thus, Hammer rotary coring over the use of traditional cable ground investigation is still percussion drilling methods. This brief article Test House A A all too commonly awarded is designed to stir some thought amongst the Test House B B on a combination of lowest industry in comparing the use of ‘traditional Test House C C cost and ignorance, which methods’ over the more ‘improved’ sampling Test House D D the specifiers [and by and testing techniques called for in EC7 and Test House E E



default the client] are willing to accept as ‘value the quality of sampling and specialist in situ for money’. The Eurocodes are attempting to testing provide the accuracy and reliability to bridge this divide, but is the complexity and justify their use and the expense?’. The reality lack of understanding of these documents of this expenditure needs to be fully justified to still preventing the advancement of quality provide confidence to the client and the design and achievement of value? From feedback in team that the results are more accurate and the industry [largely structural engineering representative thus providing more valued practices], there appears to still be much work engineering. The counter argument to this to do with regards to quality being, ‘Is it better to obtain a of investigation, quality of greater data set, from say The use of the service and the value of cable percussion techniques, SPT has most likely ground investigation which to provide a more reliable been driven by our only we as an industry can average, which could be industry seeing this control and one which is achieved through a higher as a far less expensive constantly debated! number of boreholes and tests at significantly less alternative to rotary Since the publication of expense?’ coring... EC7 and its requirement for valid laboratory strength and With traditional techniques, deformation testing to only be performed on the introduction of the UT100 [thin walled ‘Class 1’ samples, the use of the traditional U100 sampler] has bridged the gap somewhat has been somewhat dismissed by the codes in the sample disturbance argument and and consequently a stronger reliance has been has been rudimentarily accepted. However, put on SPT testing as a compliant technique this sampling technique still does not fully along with ‘our knowledge of the geological comply with the requirements of EC7 due to formations’. The use of the SPT has most likely the percussive driving of the sampling tube been driven by our industry seeing this as a and it has important limitations in its practical far less expensive alternative to rotary coring use. Energy efficiency measurements for and a more practical method for congested SPT hammers has also been made part of the and restricted access sites. Indeed, this would Eurocode requirement, but this still comes with be true as, in our experience, rotary coring problems as there is a demonstrable divide in averages about 200% more expensive than consistency of the testing techniques and the cable percussion drilling and few inner city measured energy efficiency, as the table below sites offer the necessary access and working shows. Arguably, and hopefully reassuringly, areas. Pressuremeter testing also comes the majority of hammers seem to improve with a hefty price tag with an individual test with age which could indicate that operators averaging about £2,500 on a typical project. are looking after and properly maintaining The question which arises from this is: ‘Does their equipment. However, erratic results 




r Er% Er% Er% Er% Er%

2013 Re-test


66 70

75 65 70


2014 64 69 59 66 68


66 70 70 73


72 66





72 77 75

47 75 73

March / April 2020


59 56 74 79


London Clay C All Data - Upper and L

London Clay Cohesion Graph Cu - All Data






Undrained cohesion kPa 200



Undrained cohe 350













‘Average’ Line 10













35 Self Boring Pressure Meter

Cu Metal U100


Cu Plastic U100

SPT [uncorrected] 1

SPT [uncorrected] 2

SPT [uncorrected] 3

SPT N60 [corrected]


Graph 1: All data points

PM Env1 Cu Rotary Env1 SPTUnCor Env1 Average

PM Env2 Cu Rotary Env2 SPTUnCor Env2

Graph Envelopes toCu=Nx5 individual Equivalent2: cohesion plotted based on

Equivalent cohesion plotted based on Cu=Nx5

are not defined by the Codes and this raises the question as to whether or not there should be some benchmarking to condemn poor performing equipment.

this time. It is recognised that there are limited data available for pressuremeter testing and some of these data have been obtained from public open sources, but still relevant to the geology and geographical location. It is recognised

In order to put the questions above into context, Soil that there are Consultants have put Clearly, there are numerous limited data available together a data set of testing arguments for and against of the London Clay from the various techniques with for pressuremeter our projects undertaken regards to disturbance and testing and some of within central London testing orientation but it is these data have been using various sampling acknowledged that there obtained from public and testing techniques. The are flaws with all methods open sources... data represent the ‘more and the data have been traditional’ techniques adopted presented on face value from through cable percussion drilling ‘real’ projects. In this data set, as well as rotary coring and Pressuremeter we have considered: testing. In-situ CPT has not been included as • Cu derived from ‘metal’ UT100 and steel we do not have access to a relevant data set at U100 sampling tubes - we are unable to



London Clay Cohesion Graph All Data - Average of Upper and Lower Bound Envelopes

Cohesion Graph Lower Bound Envelopes

Undrained cohesion kPa

esion kPa 300

















Plastic Liners









CuM Env1 Cu Plastic Env1 SPT60 Env1

CuM Env2 Cu Plastic Env2 SPT60 Env2

l data sets

35 Average Rotary Core Average SPT N60 Average

PM Average Cu Plastic U100

Cu Metal U100 Average SPT Uncorrected

Graph 3: Average profiles Equivalent cohesion plotted based on Cu=Nx5

segregate between thin wall and thick wall tubes although the majority of samples shallower than 15m have been obtained using UT100s •

Cu derived from plastic U100 tubes

Cu derived from rotary core samples

SPTs, both uncorrected and corrected for N60 [Cu plotted as 5*N] and

Pressuremeter testing

Graph 1 shows the culmination of nearly 1,200 data points and whilst the number of points make the graph difficult to read, Graph 2 presents the envelopes of each of the data sets [lower and upper bound limits representing approximately 90% -95% of the data points ignoring anomalous low and high values]. On these graphs is also plotted ‘an average line’

which has been derived through simple visual assessment of the data set [based on the lines produced by four engineers assessing the data independently]. Whilst this is not technically a scientific average, we believe this is representative of ‘the designer’s’ approach. Graph 3 further simplifies the data by plotting the middle average of the envelopes and also includes the ‘average’ line from all data as a visual benchmark which, is continued through all graphs. Graph 4 compares these data sets with the shear strength profiles for London Clay presented by Patel [1992] on 100mm diameter specimens. Although this is not an exhaustive analysis, on face value, the following points are noted: •

The Pressuremeter testing and Cu derived from rotary core show the widest scatter

March / April 2020


All Data - Average of Upper and Lower Bound Envelopes

of data. Cu measured from samples obtained in metal sampler tubes also exhibits a wide scatter

Uncorrected SPT-derived Cu shows the narrowest envelope of all the data sets. Correcting the N value for energy efficiency, serves to further narrow this envelope Whilst samples derived in plastic U100 sampler tubes gave a similar scatter in results to other ‘undisturbed’ measurement techniques, the overall strengths measured were greater, giving a higher average






Undrained cohesion kPa 200







Plastic Liners Patel’s Upper Bound Line







Patel’s Average Bound Line

Graph 3 plots the average of the envelopes which surprisingly Patel’s produces a relatively tight group of Lower 30 lines, slightly divergent at shallow Bound Line depth, tightening together at about 15m before diverging with depth. Patel’s 1992 paper produced a set 35 Average Patel Env1 Patel Env2 of data for the London Clay and Patel Env3 PM Average Cu Metal U100 Average Rotary Core Average Cu Plastic U100 Average SPT Uncorrected Average shear strength measured from U100 SPT N60 Average samples [type of sampling tubes Equivalent cohesion plotted based on Cu=Nx5 Graph 4: Average profiles and Patel’s envelope are not reported]. A refinement of Patel’s data has been undertaken measured Cu. with only the more central London sites being So, what does this mean? At this stage, it is considered to provide a comparable data. The arguable that the traditional U100 and SPT average and lower bound envelope of this techniques are valid and show a no worse refined data set are shown on Graph 4. The scatter than more ‘refined’ techniques. That majority of the average data is seen to lie close is not to say that any of the techniques do not to the lower bound line of Patel’s data, with have a place because this is very much ‘horses only the measurements from plastic U100’s for courses’ and the overall geotechnical bucking the trend, with the results lying above requirements of a particular project will the average line. By comparison, Cu depth profiles published by Patel;1992, Skempton;1951 dictate technique in certain circumstances. For more routine investigations, the use of the [U38 values corrected for 77% strength CW more traditional U100 and SPT techniques, publication 1991] and Marsland;1974 are plotted providing a greater data set could, in our view, on Graph 5. Whilst there is a reasonable give better value for money and a justifiable consistency with the gradients of the strength confidence in obtaining characteristic design profiles, there is a significant divergence in



All Data - Average of Upper and Lower Bound Envelopes Undrained cohesion kPa 0












Patel 5

Skepton (Corrected)




Reference Comparison ‘Average Line’





35 Average

Patel Env2

Marsland 98mm

Skempton Corrected

Design engineers, in our experience, continue to try and oversimplify this formation but, the London Clay is a variable deposit and the ground is not ‘Just London Clay’ as we hear on so many occasions. Thus, investigation designers should be advocating a sensible level of investigation to provide a reliable and representative data set. Whilst there is a wealth of information in the literature on the London Clay, on reflection, do we as an industry still need to put further research into sampling and testing techniques to provide the necessary confidence that routine ground investigation can provide reliable design parameters in light of the Eurocodes?

Graph 5: Cu profiles by various authors Equivalent cohesion plotted based on Cu=Nx5

values. In saying this, quality of ‘workmanship’ is a considerable factor and investigation companies should ensure drilling operatives are suitably experienced and supervised along with ensuring equipment is well maintained and sampling tubes are clean. The divergence of measured Cu profiles is proof that differences do exist in the London Clay and indeed, in our experience, the strength profiles around London do vary considerably, with some areas showing significantly weaker profiles than others; this should be accepted by the industry who should not be so quick to criticise the investigation contractor.

Article contributed by Stuart Wagstaff Director Soil Consultants

Disclaimer The contents of this article and the views represented within it are not necessarily reflective of the AGS as an organisation, or its Working Groups. The AGS Geotechnical Working Group will be publishing a response to this article in a future issue of the AGS Magazine.

March / April 2020


SiLC Annual Forum 2020 held at the Geological Society

A Candid Look at Responses to SiLC Membership Questionnaire 2019 A previous questionnaire was issued to the membership in 2009. As part of the SiLC Marketing Action Plan (2018 to 2021), it was proposed that a revised and updated questionnaire would be issued to the membership and this was done in 2019. Some questions remained the same as in the 2009 questionnaire, but the majority were revised,



for example to include questions relating to the NQMS and the role of an SQP. The response to the 2019 questionnaire was 46% of registered SiLCs (90 responses), whereas in 2009 it was 43% (57 responses). In general, those SiLCs who responded to the 2019 questionnaire consider that achieving SiLC registration had been worthwhile and

need of increased visibility in the industry to demonstrate why it is needed and why people should want to attain it. One response was even stronger saying it costs a lot of money and is of limited value. On the other hand it can be seen as encouraging in response to one of the other questions that there has been some requirement for SiLCs in pre-qualifications or specific project work. This applies to a range of groups across the industry, particularly Regulatory Authorities where 47 respondents out of the total of 90 indicated a requirement, but perhaps disappointing that only 28 respondents indicated a requirement from Environmental Consultants. The responses to the question regarding how well-known is SiLC, indicate that a strong marketing effort is needed in order to increase the awareness of all groups other than Environmental Consultants and Regulatory Authorities and, even for these, some marketing effort would be beneficial. Suggestions of where marketing is needed were Scotland, legal advisers, insurers, private developers, large landowners, NHBC and noncontaminated land professionals. It is perhaps a little surprising that 19% of had been a key factor in their respondents said that they In general, professional development. do not have a professional It can be noted that 81% of development programme. those SiLCs who respondents stated that For those that do, some responded to the 2019 SiLC is important to their indicated that SiLC questionnaire consider area of work. Comments forms a part of that that achieving SiLC indicated that generally programme. Although registration had been the regulatory authorities 46% of respondents said recognise its credibility; that they do not use the worthwhile and had it assists commercially National Brownfield Skills been a key factor in with winning work; and Framework (NBSF), an their professional from one respondent, a encouraging proportion of development. strong belief that it puts respondents appear to be them ahead of those that do using it, particularly for their not have SiLCs. However, there were a small appraisal systems. One respondent suggested number of comments which referred to SiLC that in parts the NBSF is overly complex, but as not very active, feeling stagnant and in did not say which parts.


ď Ž

March / April 2020


According to the responses, the SiLC website in prequalification or specific project work, the does not appear to be very well used with overall number of requirements could have some members using it only come from a much smaller There seems every so often for specific number of authorities. Local things such as the Annual Authorities have a right to be doubt as to Forum or not at all. There to check reports and they whether the Members seems to be doubt as to need to build up their own Area has any useful whether the Members Area confidence in the scheme, purpose and there has any useful purpose and but by ‘getting it right first appears to be a general time’ in the preparation of there appears to be a general feeling that the whole SiLC the reports and the Local feeling that the website needs revitalising. Authorities ‘signposting’ whole website needs to the scheme in their revitalising. Positively, 61% of respondents guidance there is a move consider that the National towards ensuring that Quality Mark Scheme (NQMS) will achieve competent people prepare reports which a raising of standards (which was the main in turn will help raise standards. It is also purpose of the scheme – by getting things encouraging to note from the responses that right first time), but with 22% saying it will not. some requirements are also coming from For some it is because of the limited take-up landowners, corporate organisations and the but others consider that until it is mandatory it legal profession with uptake continuing to will not reach its full potential. One respondent grow. is not convinced that it will lead to faster planning applications as in their experience The SiLC PTP are resolved to improve the contaminated land issues are not generally the website in terms of its usefulness, including cause of planning delays. Another respondent links to other sources of information and said that there need to be positive case organisations. More marketing of SiLC is studies as to how the process has speeded up clearly needed. As inferred above, there is planning. a SiLC Marketing Action Plan (2018 to 2021) in place which is kept under review at each A disturbing comment came from one PTP meeting. This now incorporates the respondent who indicated that they had been feedback from the 2019 Questionnaire. Further specifically asked by clients not to include an marketing of the NQMS is underway by the SQP Declaration because they were concerned NQMS Steering Group which includes dialogue the site would be audited and this would with Local Authorities and Government Bodies. cause delay. In reality, there is no intention to Many thanks are extended to those who audit sites. Audits will cover only the basis on took time to complete the survey and every which the SQP has signed the Declaration and effort will be made to bring about the changes whether the NQMS process has been properly suggested. followed. There would be no interaction with or hold up of the site or the planning process and this respondent should inform their clients accordingly. Article contributed by

Although 25% of the responses indicated that they had received a requirement from Regulatory Authorities for an SQP Declaration



Roger Clark SiLC Chair of the Board and approved by SiLC PTP

QUALITY YOU CAN RELY ON UKAS and MCERTS accredited laboratory








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AGS Guide to...



ork-related stress, depression or pressure. We all experience pressure on a daily anxiety are defined as harmful basis, and need it to motivate us and enable reactions people us to perform at our best. It’s There is a have to undue pressures and when we experience too demands placed on them much pressure without the difference at work. Just under half of opportunity to recover that between stress and the total working days lost we start to experience stress. pressure. We all to ill health recently are The HSE definition of stress experience pressure attributable to workplace is ‘the adverse reaction a on a daily basis, and stress related conditions. person has to excessive pressure or other types of need it to motivate Pressure can be a positive demand placed upon them’. us and enable us to motivating force in the perform at our best. We can all feel stressed at working environment; times when everything stress is the natural reaction to becomes too much, when excessive pressure or, conversely, too little things get on top of us, or when we feel as pressure where employees may become though we are unable to cope. It affects us in stressed through feeling a lack of direction, different ways at different times and is often input or control. Stress is not an illness: it is the result of a combination of factors in our a state. It can, however, result in mental and personal and working lives. physical health problems if not controlled. Individuals will react in different ways to There is a difference between stress and



stressors and their reaction may vary immensely dependent on circumstances. As a result, proactive management is essential in order to minimise the levels of stress in the workplace.

... proactive management is essential in order to minimise the levels of stress in the workplace.

The key to minimising stress in the workplace, therefore, is to ensure that the managerial controls in place emphasise a balance between the requirements of the job (demands and pressures) placed on the individual with the individual’s capability (skills and knowledge) to perform the job well.

CONTROL: • Level of input or influence the individual has in their workload and organisation • Lack of consultation during planning/execution of the job or when setting performance targets and

timescales •

Lack of time to complete the job (fast turnaround times, sudden changes to schedule of works)


Encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues

Lack of training and equipment to do the job effectively, efficiently and/or safely

Statistics regarding Mental ill Health in the workplace are available: https://mhfaengland. org/mhfa-centre/research-and-evaluation/ mental-health-statistics/#workplace

Leadership failures within the organisation (from micromanagement through to laissez-faire passivity)

Long working hours and inflexible shift patterns/schedules which impact on personal and family life

Six Primary Sources of Stress Identified by the HSE

Extensive commuting and travel times which add hours to the working day

The HSE identifies 6 primary sources of stress arising from the design of work and workloads:

Pay and other benefits may be interpreted as a direct reflection of the individual’s worth to the company

Lack of training for staff (at all levels) and career support (supervisory training, progress through to Chartership etc.)

Individual and management training awareness through e.g. the Mental Health First Aid England, (MHFA) is a great resource and starting point for the Ground Investigation Industry to engage, learn and disseminate best practice about workplace stress and anxiety and how to deal with it in the office or site environment.


Includes issues such as workload, work patterns and the work environment

Unrealistic deadlines and expectations from management or clients

Unmanageable workloads (uneven distribution of work between staff, under resourcing or under-recruitment of staff)


Promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour

Lack of support or isolation from peers

March / April 2020

 17

(e.g. field based staff with office based colleagues) •

Bullying and harassment (including exposure to violence or aggression) and the failure of the organisation to manage potential conflicts on site as well as in the office

Whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that they do not have conflicting roles

Appointment of “hand-holding” mentors to communicate and listen to new/young worker/graduates concerns

CHANGE: How organisational change is managed and communicated in the organisation. •

Changes in job role due to technology or changes in regulation or industry standards.

Uncertainty in relation to highly variable industry (recession, competition, limited company “future proofing”)

Lack of transparency in directorial or management decision making.

Lack of clear and consistent disciplinary procedures or reporting structures


Lack of clear definition of an individual’s job description and reporting structure

HSE Management Standards Addressing Stress

New starters could benefit from “competency” task phased training to ensure they are not overwhelmed in new role

The HSE have defined a set of Management Standards to assist in the management of occupational stress. These standards define the culture of a company where the risks of work



related stress are effectively controlled through structured management. They are based on the six core areas of work design detailed above which, left unmanaged, are most associated with poor well-being, reduced productivity and increased sickness absence.

The HSE have defined a set of Management Standards to assist in the management of occupational stress.

The management standards are referenced in the HSE booklet INDG 424: Working together to reduce stress at work, an Employer’s Guide: These standards are intended to: •

Demonstrate good practice through a step by step risk assessment approach

Allow assessment of the current situation using surveys and other techniques

Promote active discussion across all levels of the company to consider practical

improvements • Help simplify risk assessments for work related stress by o identifying the main risk factors for work related stress

o helping employers focus on the underlying causes and their prevention; and o providing a yardstick by which organisations can gauge their performance in tackling the key causes of stress

Occupational Health Monitoring and Other Considerations or “Best Practice” Advice for Employers Stress can result in physical and mental ill-health if not managed carefully. For organisations where appropriate management structures have not been fully implemented,

March / April 2020


it is prudent to have mechanisms in place to help develop a culture in which stress is openly discussed and reported. These factors should be considered in the workplace by large ground investigation companies and SMEs alike.

work conditions, it should be A wellborne in mind that traumatic developed workplace events may result in Post-Traumatic Stress appraisal system Disorder (PTSD) or similar which encourages conditions. When producing staff to freely discuss risk assessments and workplace stress is emergency response plans, also essential. contingency for PTSD may need to be considered as Many organisations have an effect of sudden adverse Occupational Health Monitoring Programmes events such as industrial accidents, incidents and may wish to consider mental and involving violence, fire, flood and other force emotional wellbeing of staff as part of these. majeure events etc. A well-developed appraisal system which encourages staff to freely discuss workplace In the Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental stress is also essential. industry: Graduates and engineers are invariable on sites at the preconstruction There remains a stigma surrounding stage and might not always benefit from the mental health issues which may discourage higher level management afforded in the main employees from coming forward. construction phase by larger main contractors. Organisations may wish to consider an SMEs in the industry need to develop robust anonymous service through a third party processes and procedures to help individuals organisation (the charity MIND https:// have the confidence that they are not, or the psychological health operating beyond their capabilities. Provision consultancy “March on Stress�, for example of suitable and targeted training, experience While and knowledge coupled with competence this guidance primarily focuses on stressful are essential to help prevent undue stressful




situations for both operators and managers alike. Factors for consideration that may contribute to Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental industry stress: •

The exploratory nature of geotechnical / geoenvironmental work means that often we identify unexpected conditions which will cause delay and cost to various parties, and therefore our members are often at the focal point of urgent and demanding requests to verify that scopes of works / designs / construction works do not need to be changed

Unforeseen conditions involve likely delays, additional costs, safety challenges and even blame for “getting it wrong”, and it can be difficult to have these approved quickly or even at all, thereby pressuring our members to make compromises

AGS members’ work is often towards the bottom of a complex supply chain leading to the client, and the instructing party may have different contractual expectations to the ultimate client

Ground-related delays have a huge impact on the overall construction programme, and this causes high levels of urgency

Our members are often required to work at very dispersed locations, away from home and family support

PAS 3002:2018 Code of Practice on Improving Health & Wellbeing within an Organization is a good Employer’s Guide too. HSE Stress information page http://www.hse. and NHS https://www.nhs. uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/ March on Stress e-monitoring and occupational monitoring page http://www. CITB Construction Site Safety B: Health and Welfare GE700B publications/companion-websites/ge700-companion/weblinks/b-health-andwelfare/#anchor3 Mates in Mind aims to raise awareness, address the stigma of poor mental health and improve positive mental wellbeing in the UK construction industry. https://www. Construction Industry Helpline https:// www.constructionindustryhelpline. com. The Construction Industry Helpline (2019) has produced an interactive phone APP that includes anxiety, self-help and self-assessment tools that can closely relate to ground and site investigation industry concerns and issues, along with suggested help-links. https://www. html

References and Further Guidance

Although every effort has been made to check the accuracy of the information and validity of the guidance given in this document, neither the members of the Safety Working Group, nor the AGS accept any responsibility for mis-statements contained herein or misunderstanding arising herefrom.

HSE booklet INDG 424: Working together to reduce stress at work, an Employer’s Guide:

Guidance provided by the AGS Safety WG. The AGS Guidance on Occupational Stress can be downloaded for free on the AGS website.

University training may not prepare and equip graduates effectively with the “reallife” scenarios and expectations of the workplace

March / April 2020


Q & A with...

Chaido Doulala-Rigby (Yuli)


Job Title: Business Development and Chief Civil Engineer Eastern Hemisphere (EH)

What or who inspired you to join the geotechnical industry?

My engineering journey started in Greece where I was born, grew up and got my first degree in Civil Engineering. In my 26 years engineering career so far, that spans across the globe, including 10 wonderful years in Hong Kong working as a Geotechnical Engineer, I feel blessed to have been part of some extraordinary projects and to have met some truly amazing people both on a personal level and professionally.

I owe my initial ‘attraction’ to Geotechnics predominately to Dr Evan Passaris, who was a professor at Newcastle University upon Tyne back in the early 90’s and encouraged me to do their MSc in Rock Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Upon my MSc completion in 1994, I joined the Jubilee Line Extension (JLE – Contract 102) that was under construction in London, working as a graduate tunnel engineer for Balfour Beatty/ Amec JV. At the time, JLE was the largest Civil Engineering project in the UK and still remains one of the most expensive projects in the world of all times at over £4 million per meter of its 16km length!

Upon my return to the UK from HK some 14 years ago, I joined Tensar International and soon progressed to become the Chief Civil Engineer of the Company that invented Polymer Geogrid Technology and “revolutionised Civil Engineering” (as quoted in the ICE200 publication in 2018).

Looking back, I can confidently say that, while my MSc intrigued my appetite for Geotechnics, it was joining the JLE tunneling project that cemented my decision to follow Geotechnics. It taught me to expect the unexpected when dealing with soil, which fascinated me and encouraged me to further explore the weird and wonderful world of

Company: Tensar International Ltd Brief Biography:



Geotechnics. And here I am, just over a quarter of a century later, still in Geotechnics and still loving it!

What does a typical day entail? There is no such a thing as a ‘typical’ day and I guess that’s the best part of being an engineer, no 2 days are the same! I love travelling and I love educating people from all backgrounds about the magnificent performance of geosynthetics and especially Tensar’s leading geogrid technology. My current role is largely a combination of both. It is quite a demanding role, that I enjoy enormously, but I have worked very hard to earn it and I still work even harder to keep up with its ever-expanding nature. Many people say I am ‘lucky’. But I don’t believe in ‘luck’. I believe we can all create our own ‘luck’, and I find that the harder I work, the ‘luckier’ I get, meaning the more I get invited to travel for Tensar. What the people that call me ‘lucky’ don’t know is the amount of preparation that goes behind

Photo taken in front of Tensar’s 60m high geogrid reinforced soil walls in 2011 in Fujairah, UAE the ‘glamour’ of travelling. There are many reasons for my work related travel: to present bespoke technical papers that I author to International Conferences, to deliver bespoke design training to Tensar’s various EH offices that I look after, to present our cost, time and value message to suit specific Clients’ requirements, to present our latest R&D research to technical forums, to participate to committee/ panel meetings, to do STEM talks and/or activities with hundreds of school children and students, to review, interview and judge technical submissions of Industry projects’ entries on behalf of various independent Industry Awards such as Ground Engineering, ICE, Engineering Trust etc. What people that call me ‘lucky’ don’t see is the ‘red eye’ car, train and/or flight journeys that I take to get me to my destination on time and in the most efficient way and the weekends and early mornings or late nights that I spend on my kitchen table writing or assessing papers and preparing for my bespoke presentations. A large part of what I do is indeed voluntary and outside my normal, ‘day job’ working hours not because I ‘have to’ but because I choose to do so. Having gained so much

experience in Geotechnics and in Engineering at large over the years, it gives me great joy and pleasure to be able to share my knowledge and give back to the engineering community, whether it is by participating in committee work, Industry award judging or getting involved in STEM work. My ‘day job’ involves fast-track live project risk management by directing, advising, checking and indeed carrying out designs for Tensar’s multidisciplinary applications requests that land in my inbox daily from all over the world. Enquiries can vary from as simple as: “What fill can be used to build a 3m high car park retaining wall with your geogrids?” to “Can we build a 30m high dam with your geogrids?” to “Can you help us support a ~3,000ton crane over soggy paddy fields in Vietnam?!”. Or from: “Can you represent the ICE and talk

about What Is Civil Engineering to students in an upcoming Engineering Day event at a University in Manchester” to “Can you come to Peru next month to present Tensar’s containment capabilities to a mining Client”! So two days are never the same and it is this unpredictable variability of what I do that I love the most, not knowing what soil type, request or idea tomorrow brings! Undeniably, there are times that managing my ever-evolving to-do list can get frustrating too, but after all these years, I have learned to know when to close my laptop and remind myself, and other like-minded colleagues, that ‘tomorrow is another day’.

Are there any projects which you’re particularly proud to have been a part of? I take pride in every single project that I get involved with. But if I had to choose a  March / April 2020


Yuli’s paper presentation in the 19ICSMGE in 2017 in Seoul, Korea

single construction project that I got involved with in my career so far, it has got to be Tensar’s tallest geogrid reinforced soil embankment walls in Fujairah, UAE, that were constructed in 2011. The project was a massive cut and fill exercise whereby in-situ Gabbro mountains were blasted to create rock cut slopes with heights in excess of 100m, while the blasted rock was crushed and reinforced with our geogrids to form massive 60m high soil embankments to cross the valleys in between the mountains to support a new freeway connecting Dubai with Fujairah port. Our reinforced soil embankments replaced the originally proposed viaducts due to the surplus of blasted rock available and due to the access and construction difficulties a viaduct construction would pose in such harsh and arid environment. I am very proud to have led the design and supply team of Tensar Engineers to deliver this project, that included remote resource 24


coordination, multicultural team engagement, and many site specific design alterations that I had to manage under very tight deadlines to best fit unforeseeable and challenging geomorphological conditions that were encountered during construction. And a few amazing trips to the site too! The other ‘project’, that I take immense pride to be part of, is my voluntary role as a registered STEM Ambassador, for which I am grateful to have Tensar’s full support. My involvement with STEM started in 2018, thanks to the British Army that invited me to role model my career in Civil Engineering to young female school students, at the first ever Army-supported STEM careers’ fair. The event, that saw 900 female students aged 11-18 participating, was organised at the Military Royal Academy Sandhurst in May 2018 in support to the UK Government that declared 2018 as ‘Year of Engineering’ in an effort to help close the skill and gender gap our Industry

is facing. The same event was repeated in 2019 but expanded over two days and attracted 2,000 school students of both gender and it is due to be repeated in 2020 scheduled to reach even more students from even more remote regions and form more underprivileged backgrounds, proving that there are no boundaries to engineering and that engineering is for all.

What are the most challenging aspects of your role? On a Company level, as the inventors and leaders of polymer geogrid technology for over 40 years, Tensar’s greatest frustration is that, together with other manufacturers now, despite the independently tried, tested and proven benefits of geosynthetics in reducing cost, time and carbon in earthworks construction, we are still trying to ‘convert’ vital sectors of our Industry like Highways and Railways and convince them to include geosynthetics in their design standards and codes, rather than still treating geosynthetics as a ‘departure’. In parallel, our added challenge is in trying to maintain top quality standards across the Industry and differentiate amongst the various geosynthetic products available in the market and their different functions. And although some companies, like Tensar, have invested a 











To learn more about our upcoming workshops and free program trials, get in touch with our UK rep Dr. Ian Williams at

Geotechnical tools, inspired by you. March / April 2020


large amount of money to have perfromance. our products independently On a personal level, working tested, verified and certified for a company with Global in achieving a certain reach comes with quite a few performance, unfortunately challenges from managing there are a lot of products different time zones, different available in the market that design codes and indeed because they look the ‘same’, different cultures to keeping they claim that they perform up with local the same. Industry Our critical updates by On a personal challenge making time level, working is trying to to actively keep up with for a company with participate defending our Global reach comes in various specification with quite a few technical in our multiple panels and challenges... live projects committees, and trying often to educate the international. And while Industry why ‘everything everybody is talking about that looks like gold is not ‘devolution’, most such gold’. To this end, we have committee and panel meetings come together with other still take place in or near like-minded geosynthetics London. And despite all remote manufacturers and we digital aids available such as succeeded in including some Webex, Skype and Teams, good guidance in two recent in a lot of such discussions, publications, namely the TWf Good Guide to Practice and the face-to-face interaction is still irreplaceable. My challenge is EFFC/DFI Guide to Working Platforms, whereby the advice to plan as far ahead as possible and try to keep my diary up to engineers is that, if they want to consider an alternative to date so I can fit in as many meetings as possible in a geosynthetic product, in a single journey, especially as piling platform design for I live and work ‘up’ North, in example, they MUST seek Lancashire. an alternative FULL design rather than just swapping with What AGS Working cheaper geosynthetics alone; Group(s) are you a each geogrid or geotextile Member of and what are performs and interacts with your current focuses? the available fill material I am a member of the in a completely different Geotechnical Working Group and unique way, which has of AGS. Our current focus is direct impact to the working platform design thickness and trying to investigate, assess



and compliment, if necessary, the currently Industry standards and guidance on ground improvement techniques and especially vibro stone column and dynamic compaction and their post-construction validation testing on site. Other areas of current focus of our working group is EC7-Part 2, improving sustainability in current site investigation process and the increasing volume and cost of BSI publications and its impact on SMEs, just to name but a few.

What do you enjoy most about being an AGS Member? enjoy meeting and interacting with like-mined professionals from our Industry and working together towards the betterment of our Industry by sharing knowledge and lessons learned, identifying knowledge gaps and filling such gaps by collectively and/ or individually writing and disseminating papers and guidelines.

What do you find beneficial about being an AGS Member? Personally, I benefit from knowing that I can contact other AGS members for professional advice that I can trust whether on projectspecific or Industry-specific issues. On a Company level, we find receiving and reading the

AGS magazine informative as and even cause death and it includes current Industry therefore our Industry must updates. We enforce stricter also greatly quality We also benefit from control and greatly benefit participating independent from participating in the AGS supervision in the AGS Conferences on site. Conferences... both for Why do networking but you feel the also for having the chance AGS is important to the to openly voice, share and industry? discuss our concerns and issues with the Industry. To Because it is run by Industry that end, I was extremely practitioners for Industry grateful to have the practitioners and as such it opportunity to organise and offers practical advice that is chair a panel discussion with clear, unambiguous and easy representatives from all stake to understand and follow. Or holders from our Industry oppose to, we are always open including Clients, Consultants, to a good debate! Contractors and Academia What changes would you that was aired at the AGS like to see implemented AGM in 2018 and included a in the geotechnical lively audience participation. industry? The objective of our panel discussion was about bridging On the technical front, I the gap between designers would like to see more and constructors and how performance-based designs do we make sure that the with confirmatory in-situ Engineers on site understand testing (i.e. observational the importance of following method) being more widely the construction drawings’ specified and accepted by specifications and what the Industry and in particular would be the implications, by the big Clients and Asset if, for example, they chose owners. Additionally, in to use materials of lesser order to increase the longquality rather than the higher term resilience, value and quality ones specified in the sustainability of our assets, drawings. The panel discussion I would like to see a life cycle concluded that any such cost analysis of new or arbitrary replacement, which upgraded assets becoming might lead to apparent cost a requirement in all tenders, savings, would most definitely in a way that would attract lead to inadequate design Tenderers’ interest and buyand ultimately to an unsafe in; and a way to achieve this, structure liable to collapse

I believe, is by moving our Industry towards Project 13 new business model that is based on an ‘enterprise’ rather than traditional transactional arrangements. But until we adopt and embed Project 13, I would like to see more Contracts won not just on lowest pricing but on technical scoring as well as reputation scoring of the Tenderer. On the cultural front, which is as important as the technical front in my opinion, the main change I would like to see in the Geotechnical and wider Construction Industry, is a change or rather ‘re-invention’ of individual behaviours from apathy to ownership and from routine acceptance to critical dialogue. As more and more disturbing details are coming to light from the Grenfell Tower tragedy, I think that our major focus as an Industry, should be to actively and loudly re-iterate and ‘re-enforce’ our ethical values to both practising young professionals and especially to students. Ethical behaviour, whether in personal or professional life can be taught. It is our responsibility to teach the future generations of engineers to be proud of their engineering achievements and to have a loud, firm voice when it comes to practising our professional code of conduct and our professional duty to warn. At any level. TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE must always come before any COMMERCIAL GAIN.

March / April 2020


AGS Working Group Focus

Business Practice Overview possible throughout the industry. The BPWG is working on updating the AGS Business Plan and is monitoring the services and benefits of the Association to ensure that members best interests are represented.

2. Updating AGS Publications Sally Hudson, AGS Chair Elect and Leader of the AGS Business Practice Working Group, has provided an update on the top issues the AGS Business Practice Working Group discussed at their last meeting which took place on 11th February 2020.

1. Promoting and Enhancing Quality and Safe Practice within the Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Industry The AGS continues to promote and enhance quality and safe practice within the geotechnical and geoenvironmental industry. To increase awareness, it is our goal to increase AGS membership as widely as



Some Client Guides and other publications are becoming out of date and so the BPWG is driving a programme of identifying and amending key publications. Although some recent updates have been published, such as the Selection of Geotechnical Soil Laboratory Testing guidance, the BPWG are working with the other Working Groups to continue this effort, starting with some of the most popular documents such as the Client’s Guide to Site Investigations. We are also continuously monitoring our website data to assess publication popularity.

3. New AGS Client Guides It can be difficult for our clients to know what the geoprofessional qualifications and designations mean and how

they fulfil their requirements and what value they offer. The BPWG has instigated preparation of two Client Guides to summarise the meaning of geo-professional affiliations. We have produced two draft documents, which are at review stage, one each to cover geo-environmental and geotechnical professionals. We will promote the new guidance within the AGS magazine once available to members. As a trade body dedicated to promoting best practice within the industry, we need to ensure that the advice we provide to our members is as current and accurate as possible and reaches as wide an audience as practicable. We are always keen to welcome new members into the BPWG and so for those interested in the governance of the AGS and wish to know how you can contribute to the BPWG, please contact the AGS Secretariat at

WITH WORLD CLASS ONLINE GEOTECHNICAL TRAINING FROM EQUIPE Equipe are delighted to announce that a range of our geotechnical and health and safety coruses can now be delivered as online distance-learning training during the COVID-19 enforced shutdown. This means you can stay up-to-date with your training from the comfort of your own home/office. The courses will still be delivered live by our training team and will be fully interactive, but will be split into modules that will be delivered across multiple days. Courses with practical elements will be split into two half days - one theory-based and entirely online, the other live and in person following the end of the social distancing shutdown. For more specific information, please contact us direct.

Health and Safety Courses

Delivered in partnership with RPA Safety Services

IOSH Safe Supervision of Geotechnical Sites - £495 + VAT

Learn in detail how to keep yourself and your on-site operatives safe in the field - industry SSSTS equivalent

IOSH Avoiding Danger from Underground Services - £175 + VAT

In accordance with the requirements and guidance set out within HSG47

IOSH Working Safely (on Geotechnical Sites) - £175 + VAT

A foundation to site safety for all personnel involved in the drilling and geotechnical industry

Other Health and Safety Courses Delivered in partnership with EB Safety Soltuions & RPA Safety Services

MARGI - Managing & working with Asbestos Risk in Ground Investigation - £225 + VAT

Comprehensive guidance to deal with asbestos in a GI environment, including CAR 2012

Geotechnical Courses

Prof. David Norbury’s Soil Description Workshop - £250 + VAT

Providing a detailed approach to soil description practices and techniques

Prof. David Norbury’s Rock Description Workshop - £250 + VAT

Providing a detailed approach to rock description practices and techniques

Standards Update

March 2020



BS EN ISO 22476-14: 2020

Geotechnical investigation and testing – Field testing –Part 14: Borehole dynamic probing

BS ISO 21266: 2019

Soil quality - A guideline for screening of soil polluted with toxic elements using soil magnetometry



BS 10176

Taking soil samples for determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) - Specification

BS5930:2015 + A1:2020

Code of practice for ground investigations



BS ISO DIS 11063

Soil quality - Direct extraction of soil DNA

BS ISO 16751

Soil quality - Environmental availability of non-polar organic compounds – Determination

potentially bioavailable fraction and the non-bioavailable fraction using a strong adsorbent complexing agent ISO WD 18400-301

Soil quality – Sampling – Part 301: Sampling and measuring of volatiles in soil quality field investigations

BS EN ISO 21365

Soil quality - Conceptual site models for potentially contaminated sites

BS ISO 22190

Soil quality – Use of extracts for the assessment of bioavailability of trace elements in soils

EN ISO NP 24212

Soil quality - Remediation techniques applied at contaminated sites



EN 1997-1

Eurocode 7 - Geotechnical design – General Rules

EN 1997-2

Eurocode 7 - Geotechnical design – Ground properties

EN 1997-3

Eurocode 7 - Geotechnical design – Geotechnical structures

BS ISO DIS 18674-4

Geotechnical investigation and testing – Geotechnical monitoring by field instrumentation – 4: Measurement of pore water pressure: Piezometers

ISO CD 24283-1

Geotechnical investigation and testing – Qualification criteria and assessment – Part 1: Qua technician

ISO CD 24283-2

Geotechnical investigation and testing – Qualification criteria and assessment – Part 2: Responsible expert

ISO CD 24283-3

Geotechnical investigation and testing – Qualification criteria and assessment – Part 3: Qua enterprise

BS EN ISO 22475-1

Geotechnical investigation and testing – Sampling of soil, rock and groundwater – Part 1 – Technical principles

BS ISO DIS 22476-9

Ground investigation and testing – Field testing –Part 9: Field vane test (FVT and FVT-F)

PAS 128 (revision)

Underground utility detection, verification and location - Specification






New standard


March 2020

New standard


December 2019




New standard

Proceeding to publication


BS 5930:2015

Proceeding to publication


D & SITE ASSESSMENT - In preparation





BS EN ISO 11063:2013

Proceeding to FDIS


Proceeding to publication


New standard

Project initiated


New Standard

ISO 21365 published October 2019, EN voting to end of


of the New standard

t or

April 2020 New standard

Proceeding to publication


New standard

Project initiated





Will partially replace BS EN 1997-

Comment period for prEN ended 8 January 2020


Will replace BS EN 1997-2: 2007

Comment period for prEN ended 8 January 2020


Will partially replace BS EN 1997-

Comment period for prEN ended 8 January 2020


– Part New Standard

FDIS being prepared



Comment period ended 21 January 2020.


1: 2004 + A1: 2013

1: 2004

New standard ISO TS 22475-2:2006 (BS ISO 22475-2: 2011)

alified ISO TS 22475-3:2007 (BS ISO 22475-3: 2011)

Not approved to proceed as DIS. UK voted against approval. Future will be decided at meeting of ISO TC182 in

2021 2021


BS EN ISO 22475-1:2006

FDIS launched 25 Feb Comment period ends 7 April.


New Standard

FDIS being prepared


PAS 128: 2015

Public comment period ended 16 March


March / April 2020


Upcoming Events (Subject to COVID-19) Sponsorship Available for AGS Conferences Platinum – SOLD OUT Diamond – SOLD OUT Gold (AGS Member Rate: £750 / Non-Member Rate: £1000) • • • • • • • •

Entry for two delegates into the event A designated area to exhibit company initiatives, research and software. This exhibition space can also showcase marketing materials, literature and banners Company logo on the event PowerPoint presentation holding slide Company logo and overview on the event programme Company overview on the AGS website Announcement of your company’s involvement on the AGS Twitter page Announcement of your company’s involvement on the AGS’ LinkedIn page   *Limited packages available

Silver (AGS Member Rate: £500 Non-Member Rate: £650) • • • • • •

Entry for one delegate into the event ¼ page advert in AGS magazine Company logo on event PowerPoint Presentation holding slide Company logo on the event programme Company overview on the AGS website Announcement of your company’s involvement on the AGS Twitter page

All prices exclude VAT. Unlimited silver sponsorship packages available. If you are interested in sponsorship, please email

AGS Data Management Conference 2020 The AGS Data Management conference is taking place on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 at the National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham. The agenda will be published in due course. TICKET PRICES £145 for AGS members and £215 for non-members. Prices exclude VAT. To register your place or to enquire about sponsorship, contact



POSTPONED - AGS Laboratories, Instrumentation & Monitoring Conference With the ongoing situation of COVID-19, The AGS have made the decision to postpone the Laboratories, Instrumentation and Monitoring Conference which was due to take place on 15th July. Further information will be released in due course.

SoBRA Early Careers Risk Assessment Workshop Wednesday 24th June 2020 Location: Atkins, The Axis, 10 Holliday Street, Birmingham, B1 1TF This workshop will provide early career professionals with the tools to be a better brownfield risk assessor in the context of geological knowledge and remedial needs. Talks and workshops presented by experts in each field will: • Provide an overview of key risk assessment frameworks (human health from soil, controlled waters, permanent gases and vapours); • Develop understanding of the key factors that commonly drive our model projections; • Explore how such model uncertainty may be reduced by good field practices, good site conceptualisation and selection of appropriate criteria; and • Provide attendees with an opportunity to network with their peers and attain confidence in a workshop environment. After the event a document will be produced summarising the outcomes of the workshops and highlighting key learning points and sharing common mistakes. This will be a useful resource to assist early career professionals in their risk assessments. More information can be found at:

GEOfuture 2020 From the team behind Geotechnica, the UK’s largest dedicated geotechnical conference and exhibition, comes a new project and event - GEOfuture 2020. Originally scheduled for July but now debuting in October 2020, GEOfuture will be a multi-faceted event which will promote the geotechnical and associated industries, discuss topics which affect the future of geotechnics in the UK and champion the latest industry innovations, with a particular focus on Professional Development. The event will take place at the Warwickshire Event Centre on Wednesday 27th October and Thursday 28th October. It will include an exhibition, conference and Early Careers Fair. Exhibition and sponsorship packages are on sale now, visit:

March / April 2020


Training Courses

CL:AIRE 2020 training courses now available Verification of Gas Protection Systems - Doncaster 15th October 2020 CAR-SOIL Bristol - 2nd July 2020 Non-Licensable Work Training for Land Professionals - Reading 18th June 2020 All asbestos in soils courses also available for delivery at your company offices. Please enquire using the help desk

Revised Training: Specialist Geotechnical Heath and Safety Courses Equipe Training and their health and safety training partners RPA Safety Services and EB Safety Solutions are delighted to announce their collection of specialist health and safety courses for the geotechnical market have been revised and renewed for 2020, and will now be available online. These courses are approved and certified by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and meet the requirements of UK Health and Safety regulations for working on geotechnical and land drilling sites. Upcoming courses include: • To be confirmed - IOSH Safe Supervision of Geotechnical Sites • 21st - 22nd May 2020 - IOSH Working Safely (on Geotechnical Sites) • 23rd - 24th April 2020 - IOSH Avoiding Danger from Underground Services Other health and safety courses include our latest H&S, asbestos-focussed course: •

3rd April 2020 - Managing and working with Absestos Risk in Ground Investigation

Places on these courses can be booked online here, or via contacting Equipe on +44 (0)1295 670990 or 34


How to become a Member of the AGS AGS Members all share a commitment to quality in the geotechnical and geoenvironmental industry. This has become widely recognised by clients, governmental bodies and other associations that touch issues to do with the ground. We welcome both companies and individuals who want to be recognised for their quality of practice to join our growing membership of over 130 Members. We shape our industry, continually improve practice and collaborate on issues that affect us all; from clients, all the way through to the people who use the land and the buildings we help develop. To become a Member of the AGS, please visit and submit your application online. Please note that all membership applications are reviewed by the Membership Committee 6 weeks in advance of each quarterly Senate meeting. The deadline for the next round of completed applications is Tuesday 12th May 2020.

AGS Chemical and Legal Helplines All Members of the Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists are entitled to free chemical and contractual advice through the use of Loss Prevention Committee Members, Marquis & Lord and Beale & Co. For advice on chemical safety and best practice, Marquis & Lord will provide 30 minutes of free advice to all AGS Members. Additionally, if you’re an AGS Member and are looking for legal advice, please contact Beale & Co and ask quote ‘AGS Helpline’ where the first 15 minutes of legal advice will be free of charge. CHEMICAL SAFETY HELPLINE Marquis & Lord Tel: +44 (0) 121 288 2386

LEGAL HELPLINE (Please quote Beale & Co ‘AGS Helpline’) Tel: +44 (0) 20 7469 0400

Member Reporting Service for Industry Issues If you have any queries regarding AGS Data Format, there is a discussion forum on the AGS Data Format website, where queries can be posted and answered by the Data Format team. If a Member has any issues with regard to Safety, Contaminated Land, Geotechnical or Laboratories which you think the industry should be aware of please email, we will then forward your email to the relevant AGS Working Group.

Disclaimer These articles are the opinions of the authors and are not intended to be a complete or comprehensive statement of the law, nor do they constitute legal or specialist advice. They are intended only to highlight current issues from date of publication that may be of interest. Neither the writer, nor the AGS, assumes any responsibility for any loss that may arise from accessing, or reliance on the material and all liability is disclaimed accordingly. Professional advice should be taken before applying the content of the articles to particular circumstances.

March / April 2020


Advertising and Rates An online advertising campaign within the AGS Magazine will help to build and increase industry awareness of your company’s profile, initiatives and offerings. The AGS can help build a package to suit your needs and budget; whether it’s a series of adverts across multiple issues, a combination of event sponsorship and advertising, or a single advertorial. How to Advertise in the AGS Magazine The AGS Magazine is a free email publication which looks at a range of topical issues, insights and concerns, whilst publishing new guidance notes, working group activities and information on upcoming industry seminars. With 10 issues each year, our subscribers include industry professionals such as practitioners, chartered specialists, senior decision makers and managing directors To receive a media pack or to discuss advertising rates, please contact Caroline Kratz on 0208 658 8212 or email

Adversiting Requirements

Advert Sizes and Rates

All adverts should be sent in a PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, PSD (Photoshop) or EPS (Illustrator) format.

 FULL PAGE W: 210mm H: 297mm RATE: £400  HALF PAGE W: 210mm H: 145mm RATE: £250  QUARTER PAGE


W: 105mm H: 145mm RATE: £160


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AGS Dates for Your Diary Upcoming AGS Events AGS Annual Conference

AGS Data Management Conference 2020

National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham

National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham

D E N Thursday 2nd April 2020 O Pcontact T S For more information, PO

Wednesday 23rd September 2020 For more information, contact

AGS Laboratories, Instrumentation & Monitoring Conference 2020

D E N Hamilton House, Euston, O London P T2020 S Wednesday 15th July O P

For more information, contact March / April 2020


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