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Loft Floor Walls Embodied Carbon
The calculations uses OSB, C16 Timber and Polyurethane Insulation for its calculations. The calculations split the loft floor SIP walls into 6 seperate categories and then added the total of each category to get the total embodied carbon
The OSB of the SIPs have an embodied carbon of 334.88 KgCO2/Kg.
The Insulation of the SIPs have an embodied carbon of 472.3488 KgCO2/Kg.
The SIP Block Splines have an embodied carbon of 28.2243 KgCO2/Kg.
The top, bottom and end plates have an embodied carbon of 19.4883 KgCO2/Kg.
The Window Frames have an embodied Carbon of 5.1285 KgCO2/Kg.
Total embodied carbon is 865.886 Kg of C02.
Carbon Emissions Calculations
The data calculations only include material sourcing to the end of the factory processes and not the transportation.