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MARCO TEORICO EPANET: puede emplearse bajo sistemas operativos de windows, ofrece un entorno de trabajo, integrado para la edicion de los datos de entrada de la red, para el calculo hidraulico y las simulaciones de la calidad de agua y para poder visualizar los resultados obtenidos en una amplia
variedad de formatos. Esta variedad de formatos incluye planos de red con codigos de colores, tablas de datos, graficos con evoluciones temporales en diferentes variables. Se puede hacer ejericios o ejemplos de red de aguas como el siguiente:
For the realization of a model of water quality it is necessary to have the steps to make a model hydraulic epanet is a scanning engine hydraulic preassessments which includes these caracteristicas:no there is limit on the size of the network that you want to analyze.It calculates the losses by friction conditions by expressions of Hazen-Hilliams, Darcy-weisbach or Chezy-manning. It includes loss lower in elements such as elbows, couplings, etc. Model pumps both running at constant rotational speed as a variable rotation speeds, calculates the energy consumption and the cost of pumping stations, modeling different types of valves, including control valves, check valves, isolation, flow control valves, pressure-reducing valves valves etc
allows for storage of water in tanks showing any geometry for example that the tank are variable with the same height. Consider the possibility of establishing various categories of consumption in knots, each of them with its own curve of modulation, models consumption dependent on pressure that go abroad through issuing sprinklers sprinkler system. Can determine the functioning of the system simply with time controls and the level of the water in the tank or use a complicated system of temporary regulation MODELO DE CALIDAD DE AGUA
In addition to model hydraulic epanet also has the following capacities in water quality modelling.
tracked in the time of non-reactive substances that are in the network models the magazine of a material whether it increases its concentration as if it dissipates over time, modeling the age of water over the network, modeling reactions in the bosom of the fluid and in the coat of the pipe wall used coefficients and linear equations for modeling reactions in the wall of the pipeGeneral coefficients used in the sections that can be modified pipeline to pipeline. allows that the coefficients of the reactions of the wall are correlative with the roughness of the pipe allows over time concentration or mass entries at any point of the installation