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Publication Agreement No. 40012905 Farmer / Stockman


March 14, 2013

Volume 46 Number 11 1-866-345-3414 www. canadafarmandranch. com See our Listings on Pages B14 & B15

gratton coulee

See Pages B2 and B3 for the best deals on New or Used Farm Equipment

Agri Parts Ltd.

Your Farm Parts Headquarters 2 1/2 Miles South of Irma, AB on 881, 1 Mile East & 1/2 Mile North  Email:

Ph: (780) 754-2303


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See our ads on pages B22 & b29


behlen curvet

meridian bins

riding arenas Kubota tractors’ reputation has been built on quality and innovation – quality tractors, engines and transmissions. Meet the new M60 utility and MGX powershift medium Ag tractors with new cabs (industry leading width on the MGX cab), improved operator ergonomics and impressive new transmissions. For a limited time you can enjoy these and all of the Kubota M Series tractors at incredible finance or cash offers. See your local dealer for complete details. Like us on

evcon farm equipment ltd. 610 - 30 Street North, Lethbridge, AB.

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A2 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

d l

o s

Versatile 190

FWA, loader, grapple, loaded.

Versatile SX275 SP Sprayer

275 HP, 1200 gal tank, 100 ft. boom, boom height control, full GPS, loaded cab.

call for more details & pricing

Milliken Farm Supplies (1977) Ltd.

Taber, AB 403-223-4437 Toll Free 1-888-313-9988 Email us at

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A3

Perlich Bros.

planned marketing pay$! We’re 3 Miles East of Lethbridge on Highway 3 & 1/4 Mile South on the Broxburn Road.

Auction market Ltd.

Visit our website: Email:  • Lic. 0714651

“In the Hub of Southern Alberta’s Livestock Industry Since 1967”

Every Thursday: Slaughter Cattle - 10:30 a.m. & special Yearling Sales - 12:30 p.m.

March 21st

Expecting 1500 Head - Consign Now!

March 28th

Expecting 1500 Head - Consign Now!

Special Grass Yearling & Replacement Heifer Sale

SCHWARTKOPF FARMS LTD. MONDAY, April 15th at 1:00 p.m. AT THE FEEDLOT Located: West of Lethbridge, on HWY 3 to Picture Butte, Ab HWY #25, then 1 mile west on township road 9-4, then 1 mile North on Range Road 22-3

1747 Head Of Blk, Red Angus Heifers On Offer. Visit for complete sale details or contact Bob Perlich 403-382-7800. Be sure to attend this sale, you don’t want to miss it!

Stock Cow, Bred Heifer & Pairs sales . . . tuesdays! Tues., March 26th - 1:00 p.m. Tues., april 2nd - 1:00 p.m. Tues., april 9th - 1:00 p.m. Visit for listings & pictures

HILLMAN FARMS LTD. FARM AUCTION SALE Monday, March 18th, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.

LOCATED: From the junction of HWY 3 & SH 845 in COALDALE, AB proceed south for 3.2 kms (2 miles) to the junction of SH 845 & SH 512, turn east on SH 512 for 11.3 kms (7 miles) to RGE RD 19-1, turn south for 1.6 kms (1 mile) to Municipal Address 84081, RGE RD 191. GPS, LATLNG:49.68. Visit for sale listing & pictures

MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE wednesday, March 20th, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. AT PERLICH BROS. YALES YARD Visit for sale listing & pictures


LOCATED: 5.4 kms North of PICTURE BUTTE, AB to the junction of SH 843, then 1 km North to Municipal Address: 114021-HWY 843. GPS: LATLNG 49.935189-112.779709. See Page A4 For Sale Listing.


LOCATED: 4 miles (6 kms) West of ENCHANT, AB to the junction of HWY 25 and SH 526, then 1.5 miles (2.4 kms) North on RR 190 to Municipal Address 143048. See Page A5 For Sale Listing.

MACHINERY DEPARTMENT TONY VIRGINILLO    (403) 382-5005 Cell. phil boras    (403) 382-7710 Cell.



Friday, March 22nd at 1:00 p.m. - Taber Agriplex 45 Red & Blk Angus yearling bulls 40 Charolais yearling bulls 100 Red, RBF Replacement Hfrs Ben or Carol Tams - 403-223-4118 Hicken Ranch 100 Blk, BBF Replacement Hfrs


Tuesday, March 26th at 1:00 p.m. - PBAM Sales Ring 28 Salers yearling bulls 2 Salers 2 yr. old bulls; 4 Hereford 2 yr. old bulls PLUS! 10 Salers Replacement Hfrs. John Nikkel - 403-345-4963

GUEST CONSIGNMENT: 40 Hereford Replacement Hfrs


auctioneer JOHN PERLICH (403) 331-9911 Cell.

Expecting 1500 Head - Consign Now!

brian jones 7 Salers 2 yr. old bulls 403-938-6367

Consign Now!

gm / auctioneer bob PERLICH (403) 382-7800 Cell.

April 4th


Wednesday, March 27th at 1:00 p.m. - PBAM Sales Ring 60 Blk Angus yearling bulls Contact: Rock Smith: 403-653- 7402 cell. GUEST CONSIGNMENT: 100 Blk, BBF Replacement Hfrs


Wednesday, April 3rd at 1:00 p.m. - PBAM Sales Ring 52 Red Angus 2 yr. old bulls 30 Black Angus 2 yr. old bulls PLUS! 75 Red Angus Bred cows 3-4 yr olds 70 Open Replacement Hfrs, home raised and No visible brands Curtis Huber: 403-548-7705 Guest Consignor: 120 Red Angus RBF Open Replacement Hfrs

Rodgers Red Angus Bull Sale

Tuesday, April 9th at 1:00 p.m. - PBAM Sales Ring 50 Red Angus yearling bulls Plus!... 20 Red Angus Hfrs with calves at sides. AND Replacement Hfrs! Mike Rodgers - 403-642-2055 or Shawn Rodgers - 403-642-2041

Auctioneer/Field Rep Joe Perlich   (403) 635-0310 Justin Perlich  (403) 635-5310 HOG DEPARTMENT shelley black (403) 635-0316

order buyer: HOWARD TRAWEEK (403) 381-2995

darcy moorhead (403) 635-0308 bill perlich (403) 603-8006

FIELD REPS Ken Lidberg (403) 382-8189 DOUG DOMOLEWSKI (403) 223-1840 (Taber & Area)

YARD FOREMAN JAKE DANIELS Cell. (403) 635-0309

Phone (403) 329-3101  •  Fax (403) 327-2288

A4 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –


FARM auction sale friday, april 5, 2013 - 10:00 a.m.

Located: 5.4 kms North of PICTURE BUTTE, AB to the junction of SH 843, then 1 km North to Municipal Address: 114021-HWY 843. GPS: LATLNG 49.935189-112.779709. Terms: Cash or Certifiable Cheque

Lunch Available

Having received instructions from Rod Oosterbroek who has sold his farm, we will offer for sale by public auction the following:


CUMMINS NTA 855-A engine, 4 spool hydraulics, plumbed for air seeder, 24.5x32 duals, 4112 hours, S/N:184675

1– CIH 2188 SP combine, CAHR, Super 8 Victory 8 belt pickup, hopper SEEDING AND TILLAGE extension, 2,918 engine hours, 2,388 rotor hours, S/N:JJC01933989 1– 2007 NEW HOLLAND SG110 air 1– 2004 WESTWARD 9352I SP swather, drill, 51 foot, 10 inch spacing, 4 inch CAHR, MACDON 972 header, 30 foot, steel packers, single shoot openers, pickup reel w/fore and aft, 2409 engine S/N:Y5S003355 c/w FLEXICOIL 2320 hours, S/N:159104, header:156674 tow behind tank, 2 compartments, 1–BERGEN swather transport herbicide tank, loading auger, 1–8 foot swath roller S/N:G2320H0-T080817 1– FLEXICOIL System 95 hydraulic TRACTORS harrow packer bar, 55 foot, heavy 1– JOHN DEERE 9400 4WD, CAHR, packers, mounted tine harrows, Powershift, 4 spool hydraulics, S/N:S95-B00-T080550 plumbed for air seeder, GPS EZ1– DEGELMAN #7000 Strawmaster STEER, 710/70R38 factory duals, heavy harrows, 70 foot, S/N:3242 weight balanced, c/w DEGELMAN 16 foot dozer/silage extension, 6313 1– FLEXICOIL 820 cultivator, 43 foot, 9 hours, SN: RW9400H010744 inch spacing, mounted tine harrows 1– CIH 7130, CAHR, FWA, PS, 3PTH, 1– EDWARDS 24 foot chisel cultivator w/ 1000 RPM PTO, 18.4R42 rears mounted tine harrows w/clamp on duals, 7557 hours, 1– IHC #55 chisel cultivator, 22 foot S/N:JJA0004079 1– MORRIS L320 Vibrashank cultivator, 1– 1984 VERSATILE 975 4WD, CAHR, 32 foot w/mounted tine harrows 1– ALTEEN 20 foot tandem disc, 22 inch pans

door w/grain gate, silage extensions, S/N:2HSFMAHRXRC092187 1– 1981 IH 4370 TRANSTAR EAGLE tandem, CUMMINS 400, 10 speed, 11R24.5 rubber, rubber block suspension, c/w ITB steel grain box, 3 piece end gate, under body hoist, side roll tarp, S/N:IHTD21377BGB14359 1– 1990 FORD F350 dually, 400 V8, 4 speed standard, freight box, winch, S/N:2FDKF37H3LCA62683

FEEDLOT EQUIPMENT 1– 1999 IH 4900 single axle, 466E diesel, 653 ALLISON automatic, air brakes, S/N:IHTSDAAR0XH636240, c/w KUHN-KNIGHT 3150 Commercial reel type feed mixer, DIGISTAR scale and remote indicator, S/N:B0034 1– JCB 416 wheel loader, CAHR, 2.5 yard bucket, tool carrier quick attach, bale fork, 8100 hours, S/N:SLP416005E00530808 1– Bumper pull 16 foot tandem axle stock trailer, center divider, rolling rear door 1– CAMMOND 10 foot box scraper

TRUCKS 1– 1994 IH 9200 tandem, CUMMINS 300, 10 speed, air ride, c/w COURTNEY BERG Silage Boss 20 foot unibody box, HARSH J100 hoist, air/hydraulic controls, hydraulic end gate, centre

1– IHC 595 tandem axle manure spreaders, PTO drive, double beater 1– CIH 8610 round bale processor 1– Pull type post driver, PTO drive Quantity of 3 inch drill stem

SPRAYERS 1– FLEXICOIL 65 field sprayer, 100 foot, 800 gallon plastic tank, chemical injector, fresh water tank, hydraulic drive pump, markers, S/N:S6500001040910 1– HARDI LS1210T truck mount sprayer, 45 foot booms 1– Plastic water tank, 1200 gallon

GRAIN AUGERS 1– BRANDT 1060 PTO drive grain auger w/mechanical swing auger 1– BRANDT 8 inch x 40 foot grain auger, ONAN 20HP engine, WHEATHEART hydraulic bin sweep 1– Drill fill auger-tailgate mount

IRRIGATION 1– KIRCHNER pull type ditcher 1– Portable 4 inch pump, gas engine 1– Portable 2 inch pump, gas engine

1– MILLERMATIC 185 electric wire feed welder 1– MILLER plasma cutter 1– MILLER TUNDERBOLT 225 amp electric welder 1– Welding table w/vise 1– ITC bench model drill press 1– hydraulic shop press 1– HONDA 2200 watt genset 1– Metal cutting band saw 1– Chop saw 1– Parts washer Quantity of hand tools, etc.

MISCELLANEOUS 1– MASSEY-FERGUSON 3PTH rotary mower THIS IS A PARTIAL LIST ONLY For a complete sale listing, pictures and conditions, visit For more information contact Perlich Bros. Auction Market Ltd. 403-329-3101.



1– KATO LIGHT PTO genset, 12.5 KVA, single phase, 120/240V,

The description as to condition or otherwise, as set forth on each item, is merely a guide and is in no way a warranty or guarantee, actual or implied. Neither the owner nor the auctioneer are responsible for any errors in description or condition. Sale subject to additions and deletions.

Perlich Bros. Auction Market Ltd.

3 Miles East of Lethbridge on Highway 3 & 1/4 Mile South on Broxburn Rd.

PHONE (403) 329-3101

Lic. 0714651


Box 1057 Lethbridge, AB T1J 4A2

FAX (403) 327-2288

Bob Perlich - Cell. (403) 382-7800  •  John Perlich - Cell. (403) 331-9911  •  Tony Virginillo - Cell. (403) 382-5005 •  Phil Boras - Cell. (403) 382-7710

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A5


FARM auction sale monday, april 8, 2013 - 10:00 a.m.

Located: 4 miles (6 kms) West of ENCHANT, AB to the junction of HWY 25 and SH 526, then 1.5 miles (2.4 kms) North on RR 190 to Municipal Address 143048. Terms: Cash or Certifiable Cheque

Lunch Available

Having received instructions from Selmer Peterson, who is retiring from farming, we will offer for sale by Public Auction the following:


1– JOHN DEERE 7810, CAHR, MFWD, PTO, 3PTH, 3 spool hydraulics, 16.9x28 front tires, 20.8R38 rear singles, c/w JD740 FEL, bucket, grapple, 9080 hours @ time of listing, S/N:RW7810R012971 1– IHC 1086, CAHR, PTO, 2 spool hydraulics, 18.4x38 factory duals, 10250 hours, one owner tractor, S/N:2610177U21008 1– JOHN DEERE 4020, JD Roll guard cab, PTO, dual hydraulics, 18.4x34 rear tires, c/w JD 158 FEL, 9798 hours, S/N:T213R257156R


1– 2002 JOHN DEERE 946 discbine, 14 ft., hydro swing, S/N:E00946R166129 1– JOHN DEERE 566 round baler, 540 PTO, twin tie arms, S/N:E00566X129395 1– JOHN DEERE 7721 PTO combine, JD 212 pickup header, JD 6 belt pickup, S/N:HO7721X600345 1– IHC #75 pull type swather, 21 foot, bat reel, S/N:131026010226 1– 8 foot swath roller


2– JOHN DEERE 9450 hoe drills, 10 foot w/duplex hitch, hydraulics, factory transport and grass seed attachment

1– MORRIS CP-625 chisel cultivator, 24 foot w/mounted tine harrows 1– JOHN DEERE #100 chisel cultivator, 14 foot 1– ALLIS CHALMERS 19 foot HD tandem disc, 22 inch pans 1– RAINBOW 12 foot x 40 foot land leveller made with square tubing 1– MENZO 42 inch x 18 foot water filled land roller 1– Box scraper-10 foot

TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1– 2002 FORD F250 SuperCab short box, LARIAT package, loaded, leather interior, 7.3L V8 diesel, auto transmission, 4x4, receiver hitch, brake controller, 276000 kms at time of listing, S/N:1FTNX21F22ED21043 1– 1967 IHC 1600 LOADSTAR, single axle, 345 V8, 4 & 2 speed, steel grain box/hoist, 900x20 rubber, S/N:416600C01799 1– 2001 SOUTHLAND GN tandem axle flat deck-20 foot deck w/5 foot beavertail and ramp, S/N:2S9PN436421028762 1– CHAMPION 8000# electric winch w/remote on receiver hitch frame (was used on flat deck trailer) 1– 1997 SOUTHLAND GN tandem axle stock trailer, 20 foot, center divider, sliding rear door, storage area, S/N:2S9JM4350W1024128 1– BORDERLINE MFG. bale trailer, 38 foot, 22 bale capacity, S/N:1352006



1– FLEXICOIL Series 62 field sprayer, single axle, 80 foot, 800 gallon plastic tank, chemical injector, S/N:S62A000-H017262

1– BRANDT 7 inch x 40 foot auger w/ KOHLER engine 1– Grain auger 6 inch x 40 foot 1– Hydraulic drag auger 1– Electric drill fill, 4 inch, 12 volt


1– HIGH LINE 6800 bale processor, S/N:6BP98335 1– IHC 580 PTO drive manure spreader, S/N:1190853C00928 1– HI-HOG parallel axis squeeze 1– WW calf tilting table 7–Round bale feeders 1– Bale fork for FEL 1– Cattle oiler 1– HI-HOG alley head gate


1– KIRCHNER pull type ditcher 1– Floating pump w/100 feet of 6 inch hose 1– HONDA 2 inch water pump Quantity of wheel line braces


1– CUB CADET 782 L&G tractor w/mower, rototiller, snow blower, S/N:2050585U710830 1– WESTWARD estate sprayer w/HONDA engine 1– ADJA estate sprayer 1– STIHL weed eater


1– 2001 OKANAGAN 29-5Y 5th wheel RV,LT235/R16E tires on aluminum rims, hardwall, adjustable pin box, electric front jacks, rear stabilizer jacks ,roof rack, ladder, furnace, A/C, hot water, 2 way double door fridge, 3 burner stove, power range hood, hardwood floor in kitchen, flush floor slide living room, recliner rocker, hide-a-bed, full carpet, stereo CD player, one piece fiberglass shower w/glass door, outside shower, queen bed, TV center in bedroom, electrical outlets in night tables, bedside closets, carbon monoxide detector, and much more,V.I.N.2T9T5T29X11018226 1– HONDA FOURTRAX ES, 4x4, electric shift, front and rear racks

1–Socket set-3/4 inch drive 1–Electric impact wrench 1–Tap and die set 1–Torque wrench-150 lb ft 2–STURDY aluminum saw horses 1–Small shop press Quantity of bottle jacks 1–Socket sets Wrenches, hammers, pliers etc. Axes, log splitter, sledge hammers Shop assortments


Quantity of steel fence posts


1– Office desk, L-shaped, w/matching bookcase and storage cabinet 1– Steel office desk, w/matching filing cabinet 1–Student desk 1–Hide a Bed 2– LAZY BOY chairs-leather covered THIS IS A PARTIAL LIST ONLY


For a complete sale listing, pictures and conditions, visit


For more information contact Perlich Bros. Auction Market Ltd. 403-329-3101.

1–500 gallon steel water tank 1–135 gallon slip tank Quantity of barrel pumps 1–CENTURY 295 electric welder 1–EMGLO upright air compressor 1–BALDOR bench grinder 1–MAKITA chop saw 1–Portable air tank 1–2.5 ton floor jack 1–Engine stand 1–Chain saw 1–Battery tester 1–SNAP-ON toolbox w/old tools

The description as to condition or otherwise, as set forth on each item, is merely a guide and is in no way a warranty or guarantee, actual or implied. Neither the owner nor the auctioneer are responsible for any errors in description or condition. Sale subject to additions and deletions.

Perlich Bros. Auction Market Ltd.

3 Miles East of Lethbridge on Highway 3 & 1/4 Mile South on Broxburn Rd.

PHONE (403) 329-3101

Lic. 0714651


Box 1057 Lethbridge, AB T1J 4A2

FAX (403) 327-2288

Bob Perlich - Cell. (403) 382-7800  •  John Perlich - Cell. (403) 331-9911  •  Tony Virginillo - Cell. (403) 382-5005 •  Phil Boras - Cell. (403) 382-7710

A6 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –





“Working for You – Working with You”


Terms Cash

Lunch Available

DIRECTIONS - From Coaldale: South 3 1/2 Miles on HWY 845.

MFWD TRACTOR 1 – John Deere 8200 MFWD Tractor, 3110hrs, 4 Hyd. outlets, 1000 PTO, 18.4R46 duals, 16.9R30 fronts, 10 front weights (SN)RW8200P011372 2WD TRACTOR 1 – John Deere 4240 2WD Tractor w/ JD FEL & bucket, 7125hrs, 2 Hyd. outlets, 540/1000 PTO, 3PH, new 18.4-38 rubber (SN)4240H 027314RW COMBINE 1 – John Deere 9500 Combine w/ JD 914 PU header, 1785 engine hrs, 1340 separator hrs, 24.5-32 fronts, 14.9-24 backs, straw chopper, always stored inside (SN)H09500X650933 TANDEM TRUCK 1 – 1982 IHC S1900 Diesel Tandem w/ 20FT steel box & hoist, roll tarp, 92,983kms, automatic trans, 11R22.5 rubber (VIN)2HTAF1953CCA10175 GRAIN AUGERS 1 – Westfield MK100-51 PTO Swing Auger 1 – Sakundiak HD7-29 Auger w/ Honda 13hp 1 – Brandt 6x45 Auger w/ Kawasaki KF82 1 – Brandt End Gate Drill Fill


TRAVEL VAN & TRAILERS 1 – 1990 Dodge Ram 250 Classic Sport Van, 79,495kms, loaded (VIN)2B6HB21Y0LK766329 1 – 18FT Tandem Axle Flat Deck Trailer, new wood deck 1 – 14FT Flat Deck Trailer, wood deck SWATHER

• 48 M/L – 4” x 40FT End Rise Hand Move

1 – International 4000 SP Gas Swather w/ 19 ½FT header, batt reel

1 – UFA AgTrac Riding Mower, 18hp Briggs & Stratton, 46” cutting deck

• 20 M/L – 2” x 30FT End Rise Hand Move 1 – Pipe Trailer * Misc. wheel move, irrigation fittings and parts. YARD EQUIPMENT


1 – Friggstad 10FT Hyd. Box Scraper

1 – John Deere 9450 30FT Hoe Drill, factory transport, double box, 7” spacing, Eagle Beak points, Gen openers 1 – Flexi-coil System 70 30FT Hyd. Packer Bar 1 – Flexi-coil 62 100FT tandem Field Sprayer, 800gal poly tank, chem. mix tank (SN)S62B000-K036713 1 – John Deere 3100 5 Bottom Plow 1 – Morris 46FT Rod-weeder Frame w/ Valmar 240 1 – Victory 14FT Blade (converted into Deep Ripper) 1 – 2 Compartment Dry Fertilizer Box

1 – Kirchner Hyd. Ditcher 1 – Kirchner 3PH Sprayer MISC. SHOP TOOLS & SUPPLIES Campbell Hausfeld air compressor, hyd. jacks, gas cans, chains, ext. cords, implement tires, shovels, misc. tools, misc. parts, 17 – bags of Avadex. GUEST CONSIGNOR 1 - Southland 16FT Skid Steer Trailer w/ ramps 2 - Honda 3000 Inverter Generators 1 - Behlen 1500 M/L bushel Hopper Bin 2 - Behlen 500 M/L bushel Hopper Bins

Check out our website for more info:

The description as to condition is merely a guide, neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be responsible for any errors in the description of the items listed. Sale is subject to additions and deletions.


AGRICULTURAL, RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL If you are planning on buying or selling property in Southern Alberta, be sure to call:

Fort Macleod $989,900 308 acres m/l (deeded) mixed grass/hay land. This is a great setup for cattle or sheep. Many good sized corrals w/drinkers. Brand new 70x40 shop, good 2,960sqft home. 3 separate living areas, loads of potential in this property! Cranford $919,900 78 acres of prime irrigated cultivated farm land. Nice 2,500 sqft home, beautiful mature yard. This land has been in the family for 70+ years. Irrigation rights included with the price, motivated seller! Manyberries $449,900 103 acres, beautiful well kept acreage south of Medicine Hat & east of Foremost. This is an ideal place for a horse operation or small cattle operation. 1200 sqft home, 2+2 bedroom, 1 bath, double attached garage. Shop - 46x72 foam insulated, Barn - 33x54, tackroom, 5 stalls (10x12). Cement alley, foam insulated, Truly BIG SKY COUNTRY! Lethbridge $324,900 23 Edinburgh Way W - Beautiful home in a beautiful quiet area. Close to all amenities, schools and playground. 3 bed, 3 bath, single attached garage. Nice for that starting family or the downsizers looking for low maintenance.




(403) 331-0611

real estate - lethbridge


FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2013 10:30 AM

Selling: Agricultural - Industrial Cars & Trucks - Irrigation - Construction - Recreational


• 1 - 1980 International 3 Ton Truck w/ 16FT box & hoist, roll tarp, 5+2 trans, 111,769kms, 10.00R20 (VIN)AA172KCA17992 • 1 - 1973 Ford 700 Tandem Truck w/ 20FT box & hoist, brand new roll tarp, 361 gas, 5+2 trans, 69,423 miles showing (VIN)N70EVR12590 • 1 - Cattlelac Hyd. Cattle Squeeze • 1 - Fruehauf 50FT Tandem Axle Straight Cattle Liner (floor has been re-done) • 1 - Degelman High-Lift Rock Picker - PTO drive • 1 - Flexi-coil System 70 48FT Hyd. Packer Bar • 1 - Massey Ferguson 620 24FT Tandem Disc (SN)1867 505504 • 1 - Herman 50FT Spring Tooth Harrow Bar • 1 - Friggstad 47FT Cultivator w/ mounted harrows, Dutch knives, John Blue cold flow kit w/ new coupler • 1 - Friggstad 47FT Hyd. Packer Bar w/ P30 coils • 1 - Implement mounted Valmar 3155 w/ hoses & deflector • 1 - John Deere 9350 30FT Hoe Drill 7” spacing, liquid fertilizer kit w/ mover • 2 - Crown 500 Rock Pickers • 1 - Ezee-On Qucik detach FEL (fits JD 2WD Tractors) • 1 - Case 31FT Deep Till Cultivator w/ tine harrows • 1 - Mayrath 27FT Grain Auger w/ 16hp engine, new tube & flighting (nice shape) • 1 - Morris MH-310 30FT Hoe Drills, factory transport • 1 - Ashland B300 Earth Mover (SN)2327 • 1 - New Holland 769 Tandem Axle Manure Spreader, new floor, clean • 1 - UFA Calf Tipping Table • 1 - 5FT 3PH Finishing Mower (Brand New) • 12 M/L - 4” x 40FT Center Rise Hand Move • 1 - 2000 Pontiac Grand AM SE 4 door Car, 224,153kms, V6, power, automatic, (VIN)1G2NF52E0YM882127 • 1 - 1990 Dodge Ram 150 LE 4x4 Ext Cab Truck, box topper (VIN)3B7HM13Z2LM042548 • 1 - Versatile 10 24FT PTO Swather • 1 - Versatile 10 20FT PTO Swather


– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A7





“Working for You – Working with You”






Lost River Ranches - 600 Home Raised, One Iron Red Cross Strs & Hfrs Webalta Ranches - 100 Home Raised, One Iron Red Cross & Hereford Strs & Hfrs Fenton Hereford Ranch - 150 Home Raised Hereford Strs & Hfrs Barry Schlenker - 60 Home Raised BWF & Angus Strs & Hfrs Byron Haugan - 110 Home Raised Red, Char & Hereford Replacement Heifers Jager Ranch - 110 Home Raised Red Angus Strs & Hfrs Westman Ranch - 110 BLK & BWF Home Raised Strs & Hfrs Jesse Doenz - 60 Home Raised, One Iron Red Angus Replacement Heifers Beckman Ranch - 150 Home Raised, One Iron Red Angus Strs & Hfrs For More Info Call Balog Auction 403-320-1980


* * * * ***DUANE * * *NEUFELDT - BIGGAR, * *SK** ****** FEATURING

40 Fancy Blk Angus Cows. 2nd & 3rd Calvers. Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in July 2nd **RIDGEWAY CATTLE CO., TWIN RIVER**

20 - Excellent Red Angus, Red Brockle & Yellow Char 2nd Calvers. Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in July 1st 35 - Mature Red & Blk Angus Cross Cows. Bred to Red Angus Bulls. To Start Calving March 20th - A Few Will Be Calved By Sale Time!


11 - Solid Red 1st Calf Heifers. Bred To Easy Calving Blk & Red Bulls. To Calve April 1st 20 - Solid Blk Angus 1st Calf Heifers. Bred to a 68 lb Easy Calving Blk Angus Bull. To Start Calving April 1st


McIntyre Ranching Co. Ltd. MAGRATH, ALBERTA

Ranch Bull Sale

Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 1:00 PM Balog Cow Palace - Lethbridge

** Featuring - 30 Plus**

All Coming 2 yr Old Red Angus & Horned Hereford Bulls ** Genetically Easy Calving Bulls From a Ranch Proven Program ** For More Info Contact Ralph Thrall (III)

McIntyre Ranching Co. Ltd. 403-329-0043

Southern Angus Farms (Don Trowbridge) - Fort Macleod

Monday, April 8, 2013 - 1:00 PM Balog Cow Palace - Lethbridge, Alberta

Featuring: - 2 yr Old - Yearlings - Long Yearling BLK Angus Bulls Semen Tested - Good Strong - Ranch Raised Bulls

For More Info Call Don Trowbridge 403-553-2169

Lost River Ranches - 200 Plus Solid Red, Red Brockle & Hereford Home Raised One Iron Heifers Jesse Doenz - 60 Red Angus Home Raised - One Iron Heifers Byron Haugan - 110 Red Angus, Yellow Char & Hereford Home Raised, One Iron Heifers

**MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013** IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE SOUTHERN ANGUS BULL SALE C5 Corp., Lethbridge 50 - Outstanding Solid Blk Angus Open Replacement Heifers, Heifers are NVB (No Brands) Have Been On A Straight Growing Ration Very Pretty Feminine Replacement Heifers





110 - Very Fancy Solid Red, Red Brockle & Redneck 1st Calf Heifers. Bred to Easy Calving Blk Angus Bulls. To Start Calving April 1st - 60 Day Calving Period. Very Pretty Feminine Heifers. Some Will Be Calved By Sale Day.


160 - Outstanding Straight Bred Hereford Heifers. Bred To Easy Calving Blk Angus Bulls. To Start Calving May 1st - For 60 Days. Bulls In July 25 - Sept. 15/12 Heifers All Originate From One B.C. Ranch Extremely High Quality Females


Cattle Creek Red 10th Annual White Is 10th Annual Bar Double M Angus Bull Sale Right Charolais Bull Sale Angus Annual Bull Sale Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 4:00 PM

Saturday, March 23, 2013 - 1:00 PM BALOG COW PALACE - LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA

Featuring: 81 Powerful Yearling BLK Angus

Pittman - Jorgensen Monday, March 25, 2013 - 1:00 PM BALOG COW PALACE - LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA

Bulls, Big - Thick - Ranch Raised - Top Notch Bulls

Featuring - Reputation Charolais Bulls

Mitch Merrill 403-626-3463 Mark Merrill 403-626-3369

Glen Pittman 403-647-3511 Dale Jorgensen 403-758-6614

For More Info Call

For More Info Call

At The Ranch - 16 KM East of Walsh, AB

Featuring -

2 yr Old & Yearling Red Angus Bulls

For More Info Call Dave Flundra 306-662-2449 Email:

Bryan & Judy Magyar Farm Auction Sale Sundial, AB

Saturday, June 8, 2013 - 10:00 AM

1- John Deere 8560 4WD Tractor - 3321hrs • 1- Flexi-coil 65XL 110FT tandem Field Sprayer 1- John Deere 4250 2WD Tractor c/w JD 260 FEL & 7FT bucket - 4220hrs 1- John Deere 9660 STS Combine c/w JD PU header - 1386 separator hrs 1- John Deere 4650 2WD Tractor - 4320hrs • 1- John Deere 2320 SP Swather w/ 21FT header, DSA 2- John Deere 590 25FT PTO Swathers • 1- 1987 International Eagle 9300 Road Tractor 1- 1975 GMC 6500 Tandem Truck w/ 18FT Steel box & hoist • 1- John Deere 930 Straight Cut Header 1- 1996 Lode King 40FT Tandem Axle Grain Trailer • 1- John Deere 235 30FT Double Disc 1- 1974 GMC 6000 3 Ton Truck w/ 15FT Steel box & hoist • 1- Rem 1026 PTO Grain Vacuum 1- Flexi-coil 5000 57FT Air Drill, 9” spacing, single shoot, steel packers c/w John Deere 787 tow-behind cart

For Full Listing Check Our Website: or Call Balog Auction (403)320-1980


“The Complete Auction Service” Box 786, Lethbridge, Alberta Company Licence 109042


North America Toll Free 1-877-320-1988



Phone 320-1980 Company Licence 109042

A8 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

UCTION MARKET 200 A E T T U B E 1 LTD R U 1962 - 2013 T C I P “Serving producers for 51 years from the same location” . REGULAR CATTLE SALES Every Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. Feeder Cattle, then Slaughter Cattle, Cows & Bulls

Every saturday, 11:00 a.m.

Baby Calves, Bred Cows, Cow / Calf Pairs, Milk Cows, Light Feeder Cattle

Also Selling Saturday, 11:00 a.m. Hogs, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Horses

upcoming - special sales

Special Sheep & Goat Sale Saturday, March 23 - 11:00 a.m. ALSO SELLING FOR ROY HIRCH 24 GALLOWAY CATTLE • 12 Hfrs/Bulls - Lincoln Red X Braunvieh • 10 Hfrs/Bulls - Lincoln Red X Galloway • 1 Lincoln Red Bull • 1 Galloway X Braunvieh Bull Solid Reds or Blks - All 1/2 brothers or sisters to top indexing bull sold at 2011, 2012 Auction Sale, Very cost efficient Finishing Cattle

Wintered Light-Grassers

Special Yearling Sale Tuesday, March 26 - 10:30 a.m.

consignment equipment auction Wednesday, April 10 - 10:00 a.m.

Serving Alberta’s Livestock Industry Since 1940


Mon., March 18: Fraser Total Performance. 2 yr. & Yrlg. Black & Hereford Bull Sale Thurs., March 21: Hirch Charolais & DeJager Limo Bull Sale

REGULAR SALE - Friday, March 22 @ 9:00 a.m.

Tues., March 26: Bulls Eye Select Hereford, Black, Red & Charolais Bull Sale Wed., March 27: McKeary Charolais & Kopper LC Red & Ashbacher Angus Bull Sale

REGULAR SALE - Thursday, March 28 @ 9:00 a.m. Office Closed - March 29, 2013 for Good Friday Office Closed - April 1, 2013 for Easter Monday

Tues., April 2: Top Grade Red Angus Bull Sale plus Replacement Heifers Wed., April 17: Acadia Ranching Charolais & Black Angus Bull Sale Sat., April 27: Deer River Ranching 2 yr. & Yrlg. Black Angus Bull Sale

•  Farming  •  Industrial  • Livestock Equipment • Book Now!

H&E Stroeve Cattle Co. Farm/Feedlot Equipment Auction Wednesday, April 17 - 10:30 a.m. Go To to get updated info on all of our sales!

Ph. 403/732-4400 • Fax 403/732-4405 Owner/Auctioneer: Erik Dunsbergen Office: Jennifer Schultz • Lic. 307064

Sales every Thursday at 10 a.m.

Rod MacLean, Order Buyer/ Internet Rep, General Manager, ­ ����������������� (Bassano) 793-3060


Lachie McKinnion, Field Rep ������� (Cluny) 362-1825 Lowell Johnston, Field Rep ��������� (Hanna) 820-0516 •

(403) 362-5521 • Fax (403) 362-5541

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A9

“Professional Onsite Auction Management”

APRIL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION – Sat., APRIL 20, 2013 Ring # 1 @ 10:00 a.m. sharp, Ring # 2 @ 12:00 noon sharp, Ring # 3 @ 3:00 p.m. sharp. – Brooks, Alberta Ring #1 - Household , Antiques , Collectables; Ring #2 - Shop Tools, Appliances, Shop Supplies. Ring #3 - Vehicles, Equipment, Livestock handling. #1 Joanne Trucking Road, West of UFA Farm Center or 1 km south of Highway #1 and Lakeside Packers.

Les & Gloria Schuett Unreserved Antique Auction – Sat., March 23, 2013 @ 10:00 a.m. -Schuett Farm - One Tree, Alberta Directions: From Highway #1 Brooks/ Duchess overpass: 10.9 km on #191 One Tree Road From Highway #1 Brooks/ Cassils Road overpass: 8.4 km east on One Tree Road












• Consignments arriving daily – check our website: or call 403-362-5252

Box 1952 Brooks, AB T1R 1C7 • • Email: Office (403) 362-5252 • Fax (403) 362-5254 • Cellular (403) 793-4715

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feed mixers sold

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NEW JAYLOR IN STOCK • FAX 526-0125 • FAX 329-5296 • FAX 223-1171


A10 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Vulcan (403) 485-2231  •  1-800-264-2259 High River (403) 652-7797  •  1-877-652-7878 4wd tractors


JD 7820 MFWD 2005,

JD 9600 1994,

2330 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . $65,000


Bourgault 5710 50' air drill, 4100 hours, 16 spd PQ, JD 9600 1991, 7" spacing, 3" steel packers, no 3 pt, JD 746 ldr, 3758 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . $35,000 single shoot grapple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $115,000 w/5350 seed cart. . . . . . . Just Arrived JD CTS 1997, 1873 hrs., JD 914 PU  hdr. . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,000 CIH Puma 180 MFWD, 2008, 1100 hours, PS, no 3 pt, JD CTS 1996, 1525 hrs., CIH L770 loader, JD 914 PU  hdr. . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,000 grapple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119,000 JD CTS 1996, 2066 hrs., JD 914 PU  hdr. . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000


JD 9630T 2010, 250 hrs., jd sts combines powershift, 36” Durabelt 5500 tracks, JD 9870 STS 2009, Xenon lighting, other combines 308 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . . $305,000 leather, PTO. . . . . . . $360,000 NH TR97 1995, 2200 hrs., JD 9870 STS 2008,

890 hrs., MD PW7 PU hdr. . . $275,000

971 hdr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000



JD 9770 STS 2011,

210 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . . $320,000 (2) JD 936D 2008. . . . . . . . $48,000 (4) JD 936D 2007. . . From $42,000 JD 9770 STS 2011,

JD 1910 2006, 340 bushel

3 tank tow behind seed cart, 6 run double shoot, auger, variable rate, dual fronts, 710x38 rears, 14,000 acres. . . . . . . . $49,000

420 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . . $305,000 JD 936D 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . $19,000

JD 9630T 2009, 200 hrs.,

JD 9770 STS 2009, JD 635F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 500 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . Coming In JD 630F 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 JD 9770 STS 2009, 750 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . Coming In JD 630D 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . $58,000

powershift, 36” Durabelt 5500 tracks, Xenon lighting, leather. . . . . . . . . . . . $340,000 JD 9770 STS 2009,

(5) JD 930D 2001. . . From $22,000

820 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . Coming In (8) JD 930. . . . . . . . . . . From $4,000

JD 9760 STS 2005,

NH 971

1040 hrs., JD 914 PU  hdr. . . . $175,000 30’ straight cut header, bat reel, transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000 JD 9750 STS 2000,

JD 19001999, 270 bushel

2 tank tow behind seed cart, 6 run single shoot, auger, rear hitch . . . . . $27,000

2175 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . . $118,000 CIH 1010 30’ straight cut header, JD 9750 STS 2000, PU reel, transport. . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 2717 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . $89,000

JD 9660 STS 2004,

JD 9430 2008,

1300 hours, 24 spd, 800x38 duals. . . . . . .



2255 hrs., JD 914 hdr. . . . . . . $115,000 JD 568 2008, 6200 bales, mega wide plus, mesh wrap, JD 9660 STS 2004, big tires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 2305 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . $95,000 JD 568 2008, 8600 bales, JD 9650 STS 2000, mega wide plus, mesh wrap, 2363 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . $105,000 big tires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,000

JD 9650 STS 2000,

JD 787 1995, single shoot,

230 bushel seed cart. . . . . . . . . . . $12,000

JD 568 2007, 6800 bales, 2459 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . $105,000 mega wide plus, big tires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 JD 9650 STS 2000, 2307 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . $105,000 JD 567 2004, 17,000 bales, JD 896 2007, 14’, mega wide, mesh wrap. . . . . . . $21,000 off SP windrower. . . . . . . . . . Coming In JD 9650 STS 2000, 2366 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . $105,000 NH 7090 2010, JD 1600A 1994, 14’. . . . . . . . $9,000 mesh wrap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming In NH 1475 2004, 16’. . . . . . . . $22,000 JD 9520 2002, NH 688 2002, JD 9650W 2001, 3700 hrs., PS, 7000 bales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 NH 1475 2000, 16’. . . . . . . . $14,000 800x38 duals. . . . . . . $175,000 1330 hrs., JD 914 hdr. . . . . . . $130,000 NH 660 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 NH 1431 1998. . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 JD 9650W 2001, JD 8870 1995, 8400 hrs., CIH 625 1999, 16’ sickle header 24 spd., 20.8 x 42 duals. . . . . . $59,000 1855 hrs., JD 914 hdr. . . . . . . $110,000 Hesston 856A 2002, 18,000 bales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,000 off of CIH 8860 JD 9650W 2000, JD 8760 1989, 7000 hrs., 20.8 x 38 tires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,000 1630 hrs., JD 914 hdr. . . . . . . $120,000 Hesston 560 1991 . . . . . . . $6,000 SP windrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,000


jd other combines

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A11



Ward Nelson of Camrose, Alberta

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 – 10:00 a.m. Located: From Camrose, go 15.4 km (9 miles) east on Highway 26, then 0.7 km (1/2 mile) south on Range Road 184. This is an extremely nice line of equipment. Major pieces have been shedded. Lunch served by Gladstone Ladies Club.

TRACTORS • 1993 Versatile 976 4WD, Designation 6, 20.8x42 duals, 4723 hr., Atom Jet aux. Hyd pump, standard, shedded, S/N 930583 • Case 2390 2WD, 20.8x38 duals, 3542 hr., P.S., 1000 PTO, 3 hyd., shedded, vg cond., S/N 09923021 • 12’ Leon 2-way dozer blade • IH 784 2WD c/w Allied loader/bucket, 3-pt. hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 16.9x34 tires (very good), 4765 hr. • EZ-STEER guidance system c/w 500 monitor HARVEST EQUIPMENT • 2010 New Holland CR9060 SP combine, SwathMaster 8 belt PU, 418 sep./585 eng. hr., 900/60 R 32 rubber, yield and moisture, fine cut chopper, auto header height, new roller chains after 2012 crop, no peas, shedded, exc. cond., S/N Y9G113083 • 2011 30’ NH 72C rigid header, PU reel, hyd. Fore/ Aft, full fingered auger, lifters, shedded, exc. cond., S/N YBZL26214 • 2005 Case IH 2388 SP combine c/w 2015 header, SwathMaster 8 belt PU, AFX rotor, 1256 sep./1582 eng. hr., 30.5L-32 rubber, yield and moisture, hopper topper, chopper, extra pea concaves, $13,155.62 w/o Dec./12, shedded, vg cond., S/N HAJ292922 • 2005 30’ Case IH 1010 rigid header, PU reel, hyd. Fore/Aft, lifters, shedded, exc. cond., S/N CBJ023726 • Bergen 3600-HT header transport, like new • Baumle built header transport • 2010 30’ Massey Ferguson 9220 SP swather, model 5200 header, 279 hr., Dbl. Swath, elec. Fore/Aft, PU reel, gauge wheels, lifters, shedded, exc. cond., S/N 0AHS01133 • The two combines and swather sell with terms: 25% down sale day, balance by Aug. 1/13 FIELD EQUIPMENT • 12’ Houle HLL-12 hyd. land leveller, hyd. Lift and tilt, limited use, exc. cond., purchased new in 2011 • 28’ Big G Tandem disc, smooth blades, older heavy disc • Eversman 600 hyd. scraper • Rock-O-Matic 546 rock picker, 540 PTO drive, good cond. • 60’ Flexi-coil Sys. 95 Harrow/Packer • 70’ Flexi-coil harrows/drawbar, newer tines TRUCKS and GRAIN TRAILERS • 2006 Freightliner Century TA grain truck c/w 20’ steel box and hoist (2011), Automatic Smart Shift, Detroit 515hp, 520,564 miles at booking, 3,100 miles on new tires, remote hoist and endgate control, roll tarp, Cat’s Eye tire pressure indicators, shedded, very nice truck • 1994 Freightliner TA highway tractor, day cab, 726,764 km at booking, N14, 18 spd. Trans., wet kit, drive tires near new, Cat’s Eye tire pressure indicators, shedded, good cond.

• 1994 Lode King aluminum Super B grain trailers, open ends, newer tarps, 11R24.5 tires, Cat’s Eye tire pressure indicators • $7,074.90 w/o done on the above tractor and trailers as of Sept./11 • 1981 IH 1724 SA grain truck c/w 15’ steel box, 131,603 km at booking, 404 eng., 5&2 trans., roll tarp, 10.00x20 rubber, shedded • Two Michel’s hyd. hopper augers for grain trailers SPRAYER • 2002 Willmar Eagle 8600 sprayer, 4WD, 90’, 1200 US gal. stainless steel tank, 380/90-R46 tires, 1908 hr., four E-Kay dividers, 340hp Cummins, air ride suspension, two rinse tanks, EZ-STEER guidance c/w 500 monitor, auto boom height, Mid-Tech controller, triple nozzle bodies, shedded, vg cond., S/N 8600JL86109 • Four 520/85R46 Firestone radials to fit above sprayer, limited wear, to be sold separately AIR DRILL • 51’ Flexi-coil 5000 c/w front TBT FC 2320 tank and rear TBH FC 2320 tank, dbl. Shoot, 4-1/2” steel packers, 12” spacing, Dutch low draft openers, both tanks and drill were rebuilt and gone through four seasons ago, c/w extra rollers. NOTE: The drill will be sold with choice of one tank. The remaining tank will be sold separately. HEAVY HARROWS • 70’ Flexi-coil 85 heavy harrows, hyd. tine adj., limited use, purchased new in 2005, vg to exc. Cond. GRAIN BINS and AERATION • 2009 Grain Max 5000 hopper bin, rocket, vents, dbl. skid, site glass, exc. cond. • Three 2007 Wheatland 1620 E hopper bins, epoxy lined, 4119 bu +/-, level alert, manhole, poke hole, manway, dbl skids, never stored fertilizer, (one bin has side wall damage) • Four Sakundiak 18’x6 ring hopper bins, 5600 bu +/-, dbl skids, ladder, roof vents, top/bottom manways, full bin indicators, aeration tubes, OP cables • Four Grain Guard aeration fans, (Three 5hp, 3hp) • Grain Guard 60,000 BTU gas aeration heater • Chigwell 12612E hopper bin, 1600 bu+/• Westeel 14’x5 ring, 1650 bu+/-, good wood floor • Twister 14’x4 ring, 1500 bu+/-, good wood floor • Three round wood bins (Two - 1200 bu +/-, 1000 bu +/-) RECREATION and LAWN EQUIP. • 2011 Kubota RTV 900, 4x4, diesel, 149 hr. At booking, hyd. dump, windshield, winch, bush guard, exc. cond. • Polaris Big Boss 500, 6x6, 4,572 km, manual dump box • John Deere 240 lawn tractor c/w 30” rototiller and 48” mower, 18hp Kaw., good cond. • Swisher 48” lawn sweep AUGERS and GRAIN VAC • Buhler Farm King 13”x70’ swing auger c/w AG Remote electric swing mover, reverser, vg cond., purchased new in 2007

• Westfield TF 100-41, 10”x41’ auger c/w mover, 30hp Kohler, good cond., purchased new in 2008 • Westfield J208-46, 8”x46’ auger, 18hp Kohler, good cond. • Kongskilde 700 grain vac, 1000 PTO, shedded, vg cond. PICK UP and TRAILERS • 2002 Ford F-250 XLT Super Duty, elec. 4x4, ext. cab, long box, 172,411 km at booking, 5.4L, auto, A/T/C, spray-in liner • 20’ TA 5th wheel trailer, homebuilt • 8’x5’ SA utility trailer, tilt deck, 1’ sides MISCELLANEOUS • Chem Handler II (40 gal.) c/w banjo pump • GPI chemical pump • 1250 and 450 gal. poly water tanks • 5hp Honda slough pump, quantity hose • 20’ Brandt 3-pt. hitch sprayer, 65 gal tank, hand gun • 6’ Ford 3-pt. hitch rotary mower • 6’ Ford 3-pt. hitch rear blade • 8’ 3-pt. hitch cult. • New Sakundiak bin sheets and wall stiffeners • 60 gal. 3 cyl. Ind. Air upright compressor • Two 500 gal. fuel tanks/stand, 300/500 gal fuel tanks/stand, 12V fuel pump • Four 4’x8’ high steel shelving units, Oxy/ Acetylene outfit c/w bottles, HD Tow Rope, Drill Press, Banjo Pump, pressure washer, Hyd. 12T press, grinder/ stand, 12V Lincoln grease gun, 20T air hyd jack, Columbia gas snow blower, 4’ work bench, bolt bin and bolts, 3/4” Drive socket set, Saws-All, quantity wrenches, four water extinguishers, Tri-Met grain tester, welding table, chop saw, floor jack, tire chains 22.5, misc scrap iron and lumber AUCTIONEER’S NOTE Ward has discontinued his farming operation. This is a very nice line of well maintained equipment. Note the low hours on most pieces. The above listing is a guide only. All goods are sold on an “as is”, “where is” basis and any description, verbal or in advertising, of goods is set out or offered as a guide only. Doug Johnson Auction Service Ltd. accepts no responsibility for errors in description, it being the responsibility of prospective buyers to inspect the goods before the sale and satisfy themselves as to condition, age, authenticity, make or model. This list is subject to additions and deletions. Doug Johnson Auction Service Ltd. will not be responsible for accidents, damage or loss. All sales are final. GST will apply on some items. Payment in full on sale day. Payment by cash or cheque only. If paying by cheque and unknown to Auction Company, we require a reference letter from your bank. Arrangements must be made 48 hours prior to the sale for cell phone and absentee bidding.

For more information, contact Ward Nelson at 780-672-5429 or 780-679-2113. View full listing and pictures at

Sale Conducted By

Doug johnson auction service ltd. Camrose, AB  •  License #334038  •  Phone (780) 672-1105

A12 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –




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$59,000 TABER CASE IH MX255, 2003 E/ 5909 HRS, 380/90X54 DUALS 50%, 380/80X38 DUALS 50%, DLX CAB, STK# 055941

$255,000 TABER CASE IH ST485, 2010, E/ 1571 HRS, 710/70R42 70%, GROUSER 18FT BLADE, 1500 WHEEL WEIGHTS, STK# 057576


$187,300 TABER

CASE IH 2588, 2007, 17E/ 1351 HRS, E/ 1047 HRS, 30.5R32, 14.9X24, STRAW CHOPPER, STK# 060561

NEW HOLLAND FX40, 2005, E/ 1734 HRS, 800/65X32 80%, 356W HAY HEADER, 8 ROW CORN HEADER, STK# 059521

TRACTORS UNDER 140 HP CASE IH 1370, 1978, E/ 13948 HRS, 18.4-38 DUAL 40%, 14L-16 40%, 3 REMOTES, BOW ISLAND, STK# 067940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,900 CASE IH MX175, 2003, E/ 5340 HRS, LOADER W/GRAPPLE, 540/1000 PTO, 4 REMOTES, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 069479 . .$55,000 CASE IH PUMA125, 2011, E/ 274 HRS, STD FUEL TANK W/GD, GRID HEATER, COLD WEATHER PKG, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 033853 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $152,000 CASE IH PUMA125, 2011, E/ 312 HRS, STD FUEL TANK W/GD, GRID HEATER, COLD WEATHER PKG, TABER, STK# 033302 . . . . . . $119,000 CASE IH PUMA125, 2009, E/ 1594 HRS, 16.9R28 & 20.8R38, L770 LOADER, S/N Y8WLT4219, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 050477 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000 CASE IH PUMA125, 2008, E/ 3100 HRS, L760 LOADER, 95” BCKT/GRAP/FORK, QUICK CONNECT, TABER, STK# 070207 . . . . . . . . . . . .$85,000 CASE IH PUMA165, 2010, E/ 2300 HRS, L770, 50KPH TRANSM, 650/65R38, BALZAC, STK# 060664 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $115,000

CASE IH PUMA165, 2010, E/ 1000 HRS, MFWD, CVT TRANS 40K ECONO, HD SUSP FRT AXLE, DRUMHELLER, STK# 068964 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $115,000 MASSEY FERGUSON 1105, 1975, MULTI PWR TRANS, 2 HYD REM, R-20.8X38 50%, DRUMHELLER, STK# 029982 . . . . . . . . . . . $8,900


AGCO DT225, 2002, E/ 4334 HRS, 520/85R42 DUALS 75%, 16.9R30 80%, ALO 990 LOADER, HIGH RIVER, STK# 056818 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$69,900


$170,000 TABER

CASE IH 2377, 2005, E/ 1398 HRS, E/ 1236 HRS, 30.5/32 FRONT, 14.9/24 REAR, 70% TIRE CONDITION, STK# 050430

CASE IH MAG225, 2011, E/ 438 HRS, 320/90R54 R1W RR 95%, 320/85R38 R1W FR 95%, 540 & 1000 PTO, STK# 052048

$170,000 TABER CASE IH MG225, 2011, E/ 580 HRS, 320/90R54 R1W 95%, 320/85R38 R1W 95%, 540 & 1000 PTO, STK# 052093

$69,500 OYEN MCCORMICK MTX150, 2005, E/ 6575 HRS, 18.4R-42 60%, ALO QUIKIE 1080, FEL/GRAPPLE/ JOYSTICK, STK# 041747

$242,000 BALZAC

$272,000 BALZAC

CASE IH ST450, 2011, E/ 700 HRS, 710 DLS, PTO, GPS, STK# 053247

CASE IH 8120, 2011, E/ 534 HRS, E/ 371 HRS, HDR, DUALS, GPS, STK# 064657

CASE IH 5240, 1995, E/ 6659 HRS, LOADER/ GRAPPLE, NEEDS TRAN WORK, OYEN, STK# 061069 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$46,000

CASE IH MG290, 2012, E/ 55 HRS, 380/80R38 90%, 380/90R54 90%, 540/1000 PTO, TABER, STK# 065319 . . . . . . . $208,000

CASE IH 7210, 1994, E/ 8290 HRS, MFWD, 18.4R42 DUALS 90%, 16.9R28 50%, TABER, STK# 069855 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27,500

CASE IH MG290, 2011, E/ 325 HRS, 620/70R42 DUAL, 480/70R30, 57GPM PUMP, BALZAC, STK# 065255 . . . . . . . . . . . . $205,000

CASE IH MG225, 2012, E/ 245 HRS, 320/85R38 90%, 320/90R54 90%, LUX CAB, TABER, STK# 065346 . . . . . . . . . . . $171,600

CASE IH MG290, 2011, E/ 663 HRS, 520/85R46 DUALS 90%, 420/R34 DUALS 90%, 540/1000 PTO, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 056630. . $179,900

CASE IH MG225, 2010, E/ 1528 HRS, L780 LDR, KINDERSLEY, STK# 063732 . . . . . $145,000

CASE IH MG305, 2009, E/ 1809 HRS, 420/85R34 50%, 520/85R46 35%, PRO 600, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 053106. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $198,500

CASE IH MG245, 2009, E/ 3184 HRS, 380/90X54 DUAL 70%, 380/80X38 70%, DLX CAB, TABER, STK# 065233 . . . . . . . . . . . $137,000 CASE IH MG245, 2009, E/ 3188 HRS, 380/90X54 DUALS 70%, 380/80X3 70%, DLX CAB, TABER, STK# 065234 . . . . . . . . . . . $137,000 CASE IH MG245, 2008, E/ 3464 HRS, 380/90X54 DUAL 70%, 380/80X38 70%, DLX CAB, TABER, STK# 065236 . . . . . . . . . . . $137,000 CASE IH MG275, 2009, E/ 2127 HRS, 420/85R30 -50%, 20.8X42-20%, PRO 600 AUTOSTEER, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 053107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $169,500 CASE IH MG275, 2009, E/ 2104 HRS, 480/80R46-45%, 380/85R34-25%, PRO 600 AUTO STEER, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 053237 . . $165,500 CASE IH MG275, 2009, E/ 2466 HRS, 600/70R30 -15%, 520/85R46-25%, 10 FRT WGHTS, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 053105 . . . . . . . . . . . $165,000 CASE IH MG275, 2009, E/ 2272 HRS, 420/90R36 20%, 520/85R42 50%, PTO, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 053109 . . . . . . . . . . . $159,500 CASE IH MG290, 2011, E/ 117 HRS, 380/90R54, 380/80R38, 3PTH, TABER, STK# 060565 . . . . $229,000

CASE IH MG305, 2009, E/ 1322 HRS, 520/85R42 55%, 420/85R34 45%, PRO 600, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 053108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $198,500 CASE IH MG305, 2009, E/ 1962 HRS, 90X54 DUAL, 380/85R38 DUAL, DLX CAB, TABER, STK# 066872 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175,000 CASE IH MG305, E/ 2340 HRS, 380/85X38 DUAL, 380/90X54 DUAL, DLX CAB, TABER, STK# 066902 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175,000 CASE IH MG335, 2010, E/ 1643 HRS, 520/85/R46 DUAL 70%R, 380/85/R34 DUAL 70%F, 3PT, TABER, STK# 065242 . . . . $215,000 CASE IH MG335, 2009, E/ 1983 HRS, 600/65R28-20%, 620/70R42-30%, PRO 600 AUTOSTEER, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 053104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $195,000 CASE IH MG340, 2012, E/ 439 HRS, 380/80R38 DUAL 90%, 380/90R54 DUAL 90%, LUX CAB, TABER, STK# 065293 . . . . . . $250,000 CASE IH MG340, 2012, E/ 512 HRS, 380/80R38 DUAL 90%, 380/90R54 DUAL 90%, LUX CAB, TABER, STK# 065295 . . . . . . $250,000


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$345,000 TABER

$70,000 TABER

CASE IH 8230, 2012, E/ 376 HRS, E/ 303 HRS, 3016 PU HEADER, 520/85R42 DUAL, 600/65R28, STK# 065659

BRENT 1282, 2011, 18X38WH 95%, 520/85X38 95%, 20” CORNER AUGER, STK# 059981

$36,500 BALZAC

$75,000 OYEN

BRENT 1084, 2005, 520/85R38, 965 BUSHELS, WALKING BEAM, STK# 040030

CASE IH 9270, 1994, E/ 6150 HRS, STD TRANSMISSION, 20 .8X42 DUALS 30/40%, 5 HYD REMOTES, STK# 056042

$139,800 TABER NEW HOLLAND CX880, 2006, E/ 1906 HRS, E/ 1608 HRS, DLX CAB, 900X32, 600/65X28, STK# 060566

$279,300 TABER

$127,500 HIGH RIVER

NEW HOLLAND CX8090, 2010, E/ 505 HRS, E/ 407 HRS, DLX CAB, 900X32, 600/65R28, STK# 060572

NEW HOLLAND CR960, 2005, E/ 1999 HRS, E/ 1557 HRS, F: 900/60R32 60%, R:600/65R28 60%, 76C 14’, STK# 055560

$334,600 TABER

$100,000 BALZAC

$259,000 BOW ISLAND



CASE IH 8120, 2009, E/ 687 HRS, S/ 554 HRS, 900/60R32 FRT, 540/65R30 RR, 2016 HEADER, STK# 055762

CASE IH MG340, 2012, E/ 757 HRS, 1000 PTO, LUXURY CAB, 360 HID, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 068298 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $209,000

CASE IH ST435Q, 2009, E/ 1744 HRS, 30” TRACKS 80%, DLX CAB, 3 PT HITCH, TABER, STK# 066868 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $286,000

CASE IH ST550Q, 2012, E/ 548 HRS, 36” TRACKS, LUX CAB, 2 HYD PUMPS, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 066669 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $360,000

CASE IH MG340, 2012, E/ 999 HRS, 1000 PTO, LUXURY CAB, 360 HID LIGHTS, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 068299 . . . . . . . $209,000

CASE IH ST485Q, 2008, E/ 2350 HRS, 30” TRACKS, GPS ACCU PRO600, NAV2, KINDERSLEY, STK# 070528 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285,000

CASE IH ST550Q, 2011, E/ 500 HRS, 36” TRACKS 90%, GPS, LUX CAB, BOW ISLAND, STK# 060662 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $359,000

CASE IH MX180, 1999, E/ 6444 HRS, 710/70X42 SGLS, 480/70X34 SGLS, 3 PTH, TABER, STK# 061066 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$62,000

CASE IH ST485Q, 2009, E/ 1553 HRS, 30” 70%, DLX CAB, DIFF LOCKS, TABER, STK# 065246 . . . . . . . . $275,000

CASE IH ST550Q, 2012, E/ 399 HRS, 36” CZMO, LUX CAB, HICAP DRAWBAR, TABER, STK# 065434 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $353,000

CASE IH MX180, 2002, E/ 4459 HRS, 14 .9X46 30%, 11 .0X24 . 60%, ALLIED LDR 2895, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 059658 . . . . . . . .$59,000 CASE IH MX215, 2006, E/ 3266 HRS, 380/85R34 FRONT 60%, 480/80R46 DUALS 65%, PS TRANSMISSION, OYEN, STK# 054567 . . . $115,000 CASE IH PUAM185, 2012, E/ 380 HRS, L775 LOADER, MFW, FULL PWRSHIFT, MEDICINE HAT, STK# 070404 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $159,900 CASE IH PUMA155, 2010, E/ 1656 HRS, L760 LDR, OYEN, STK# 063746 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $115,000 CASE IH PUMA165, 2010, E/ 326 HRS, 620/70R42 REAR 95%, 480/70R30 FRONT 95%, L770 FEL AND GRAPPLE, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 057933 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $139,000 CASE IH PUMA170, 2011, E/ 1030 HRS, L770 LOADER, 650/65R38, 540/65R28, BALZAC, STK# 062097 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $135,000 CASE IH PUMA170, 2011, E/ 1487 HRS, L770 LDR, GRAPPLE, HD FRT AXLE W/BRAKES, BALZAC, STK# 068269 . . . . . . . . $135,000 CASE IH PUMA200, 2011, E/ 431 HRS, LOADER RDY, MFWD, PWR SHIFT, BALZAC, STK# 070023 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $131,000 JOHN DEERE 8100, 1995, E/ 8619 HRS, S/ 232 HRS, 20 .8-42 65%, 19 .9-28 90%, PWR SHIFT TRANS, TABER, STK# 066380 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$62,900 JOHN DEERE 8100, 1996, E/ 8432 HRS, 320/85R34 70%, 329/90R50 DUAL 60%, PWRSHIF TRANS, MEDICINE HAT, STK# 067112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$62,500 JOHN DEERE 8200, 1996, E/ 8027 HRS, NO LOADER, MFD, PWR SHIFT, TABER, STK# 070436 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$69,000

CASE IH ST500Q, 2012, E/ 754 HRS, 30” CAMO 90%, NO PTO, 4 REMOTES, TABER, STK# 065343 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $375,700 CASE IH ST500Q, 2012, E/ 490 HRS, 30” CAMO 90%, NO PTO, 4 REMOTES, TABER, STK# 065341 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $375,000 CASE IH ST500Q, 2012, 30” CAMO 90%, LUX CAB, NO PTO, TABER, STK# 065413 . . . $375,000 CASE IH ST500Q, 2012, E/ 401 HRS, 30” CAMO 85%, LUX CAB, 1000 PTO, TABER, STK# 065440 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $353,000 CASE IH ST500Q, 2011, E/ 726 HRS, 30” 80%, DLX CAB, HID, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 051798 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $329,000 CASE IH ST535Q, 2009, E/ 2150 HRS, 36” TRACKS 85%, LUX CAB, DIFF LOCKS, KINDERSLEY, STK# 067952 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285,000 CASE IH ST535Q, 2008, E/ 2499 HRS, 36” TRACKS 50%, 57GPM HI OUTPUT, DIFF LOCKS, TABER, STK# 068309 . . . . . . . . $266,500 CASE IH ST535Q, 2008, E/ 2560 HRS, 36” TRACKS 50%, 57 GPM HI OUTPUT, DIFF LOCKS, TABER, STK# 068310 . . . . . . . . $266,500 CASE IH ST550, 2011, E/ 800 HRS, 30” CAMO TRACKS, 1000 PTO, LUXURY CAB, TABER, STK# 068300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $369,000 CASE IH ST550Q, 2011, E/ 622 HRS, 36 TRACKS 90%, LUX CAB, 16F/2R SPD POWERSHIF, TABER, STK# 060636 . . . . . . . . $380,000 CASE IH ST550Q, 2012, E/ 332 HRS, 36” CAMO 85%, STD QUADTRAC, LUX CAB, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 055010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $369,000 CASE IH ST550Q, 2011, E/ 800 HRS, 30” CAMO TRACKS, LUX CAB, HI CAP DRWBARW/DIFF, TABER, STK# 068313 . . . . . $367,000


CASE IH ST550Q, 2011, E/ 800 HRS, 30” CAMO TRACKS, LUX CAB, HI CAP DRWBAR, TABER, STK# 068315 . . . . . . . . . . . $367,000

CASE IH ST435Q, 2009, E/ 1505 HRS, 30” TRACKS 80%, DLX CAB, 3 PT HITCH, TABER, STK# 066866 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $287,000

CASE IH ST550Q, 2011, E/ 800 HRS, 30” CAMO, LUX CAB, HI CAP DRWBAR/DIFF, TABER, STK# 068316 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $366,000

CASE IH ST550Q, 2012, E/ 379 HRS, 36” CAMO 85%, LUX CAB, HICAP DRAWBAR, TABER, STK# 065438 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $353,000 CASE IH ST550Q, 2011, E/ 1114 HRS, 30 CAMOPLAST 75%, LUX CAB, HI-CAP PUMP, KINDERSLEY, STK# 056690 . . . . . . . . $305,000 CASE IH ST600Q, 2012, E/ 540 HRS, 36” TRACKS 90%, LOADED, OYEN, STK# 066799 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $460,000 CASE IH ST600Q, 2012, E/ 398 HRS, 36”GY ARMORLUG, HID, LUX CAB, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 066904 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $390,000 CASE IH 4894, 1984, E/ 9041 HRS, 20 .8X38 DUALS 30%, NO GPS, PWR SHIFT, TABER, STK# 070307 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$11,000 CASE IH 9180, 1987, E/ 9600 HRS, 20 .8-42 50%, P/S, 400 HP, OYEN, STK# 069728 . . . . . . .$45,000 CASE IH ST435, 2009, E/ 2400 HRS, 520/85X46 TRIPLES, AUTOPILOT 500, 16 SPD PWR SHIFT, MILK RIVER, STK# 070146 . . . . . $205,000 CASE IH ST450, 2011, E/ 190 HRS, 520/85R42 TRIP 100%, LUX CAB, 4 REMOTES, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 059887 . . . . . . . . . . . $341,000 CASE IH ST450, 2012, E/ 454 HRS, 620/70R42 DUAL 90%, 100 PTO, 6 ELEC REMOTES, TABER, STK# 065330 . . . . . . . . . . $306,800 CASE IH ST450, 2012, E/ 461 HRS, 800//70R38 R1W GY, FULL ACCUGUIDE SYS, 16 SPD P/S TRANS, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 048940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285,000 CASE IH ST450, 2012, E/ 578 HRS, 520/85R46 FI TRPL, 1000 PTO, HI CAP HYDRALICS, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 068305 . . . $278,000 CASE IH ST450, 2012, E/ 1468 HRS, 710/70R42, NO GPS, PWR SHIFT, BALZAC, STK# 069565 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $255,000 CASE IH ST485, 2011, E/ 469 HRS, 800/70RE38 90%, AFS 600, 16 SPD PWR SHIFT, MILK RIVER, STK# 069379 . . . . . . . . . $265,000


A14 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

$165,000 BALZAC

$79,000 HIGH RIVER

$130,000 BALZAC

JOHN DEERE 9760, 2005, E/ 1578 HRS, E/ 1278 HRS, 2009 615P HEADER, GREEN STAR READY, HOPPER TOPPER, STK# 062600



$256,000 TABER

$189,600 BALZAC

CASE IH 7120, 2011, E/ 331 HRS, S/ 263 HRS, 900/60X32 DRIVE TIRE, 540/65X30 RR TIRES, LEATHER SEAT, STK# 053180

CASE IH ST435, 2010, E/ 2437 HRS, 710/70R42 75%, 16FT 6WAY DE BLADE, 57GPM, STK# 065317

$170,000 TABER

$137,000 TABER

CASE IH MX305, 2008, E/ 1986 HRS, TIRES 70%, CREEPER, “GOLD SIGNATURE”, STK# 065240

CASE IH MG245, 2009, E/ 1840 HRS, 380/90X54 DUAL 70%, 380/80X38 70%, DLX CAB, STK# 065231

$46,900 BOW ISLAND FLEXCOIL 5000, 1998, E/ 999 HRS, 57’, SINGLE SHOOT, 3” TIPS, STK# 055469

$23,690 TABER CASE IH 8830, 1991, E/ 2478 HRS, CAB, AIR/ HEAT/RADIO, 21’ HEADER, STK# 053960

$93,000 BOW ISLAND CASE IH 7120, 2011, E/ 515 HRS, W/DH302#YBZB01321, CAB SUSPENSION, WIPER/WASHER, STK# 049616

BOURGAULT 5810, 2009, E/ 2529 HRS, C/W ADX3430 TBH CART, 30 .5X32 70%, MRB, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 055535 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $189,000

CASE IH ST485, 2011, E/ 898 HRS, 800/70R38 DUALS, FACT STEERING AFS600, NAV II/ 262 REC, MILK RIVER, STK# 070079 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $265,000

BOURGAULT 3310, 2011, 6550ST TANK, PARALINK ASSEMBLIES, SER25MRB HYD/CARB, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 067876 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $349,000

CASE IH ST485, 2011, E/ 862 HRS, 710X70R42 85%, FIRESTONE, DLX CAB, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 055191 . . . . . . . . . . . $250,000

BOURGAULT 3310, 2011, 6550ST TBH TANK, 900 SINGLES, 10” SPACING, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 068330 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $348,000

CASE IH ST500, 2011, E/ 324 HRS, 800/70R38 90%, PTO, WAAS, TABER, STK# 060643 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $330,000

BOURGAULT 3310, 2008, 6550ST TANK, MID ROW BANDERS, RUBBER PACKERS, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 065012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $228,000

CASE IH ST500, 2011, E/ 582 HRS, 520/85R46 TRIP 85%, LUX CAB, 1000 PTO, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 057732 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299,000

BOURGAULT 5710, 2009, 63FT, 9 .8”SPACING, 3”BG TIPS, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 033206 . . . . . $204,000

BOURGAULT 8810, 1998, 3195 TANK, TIRES 50%, 8” SPACOMG, KINDERSLEY, STK# 068681 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$18,500

BOURGAULT 5710, 2009, 6550ST TANK, 900/60 X 32 REAR, 540/65 X 24 FRONT, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 064374 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $195,000

CASE IH 3580, 2012, 30 .5X32 95%, 30 .5X32 95%, TBH 580BU TANK, KINDERSLEY, STK# 063407 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130,000

BOURGAULT 5710, 2009, 63FT, 9 .8”SPACING, 3”BG TIPS, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 033210 . . . . . $190,000

CASE IH 3580, 2011, 30 .5 X 32 FRT 80%, 18 .4 X 38 D RR 80%, TBH, HIGH RIVER, STK# 057302 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119,500

CASE IH ST500, 2011, E/ 794 HRS, 520 TRIPLES 75%, 1000 PTO, HI-CAP PUMP, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 060286 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299,000 CASE IH ST500, 2011, E/ 580 HRS, 520/85R45 TRPL 80%, 4 HYD, HID, HIGH RIVER, STK# 068295 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $287,500 CASE IH ST535, 2010, E/ 965 HRS, 800 DUALS-80%, PWR SHIFT, GPS, KINDERSLEY, STK# 053174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $319,000 CASE IH ST535, 2010, E/ 1100 HRS, 520/85X46 TRIPLES, 16 SPD PWR SHIFT, DLX CAB, MILK RIVER, STK# 070147 . . . . . . . $255,000 CASE IH ST535, 2009, E/ 2436 HRS, 8000/70R38 75%, AUTO STEER, PWR SHIFT, DRUMHELLER, STK# 069463 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225,000 CASE IH ST550, 2012, E/ 350 HRS, 520/85R46 TRIPLES 95, NAV II / 262, AFS700 FACT STEERING, MILK RIVER, STK# 070034 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325,000 CASE IH ST550, 2011, E/ 351 HRS, 520/85X46 TRIP 85%, HVY DUTY, LUX CAB, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 057734 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $324,000

CASE IH ST550, 2012, E/ 531 HRS, TRIPLES, LUX CAB, 1000 PTO, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 066627 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $320,000 JOHN DEERE 8760, 1989, E/ 8826 HRS, 20 .8-38 DUAL 50%, 4 REMOTES, CAB/AIR/HEAT/RADIO, TABER, STK# 068690 . .$45,000 JOHN DEERE 9300, 1999, E/ 3088 HRS, 18 .9R46 65%, 3 PT HITCH, GPS, TABER, STK# 065072 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$98,000 NEW HOLLAND 9680, 1994, E/ 5080 HRS, 20 .8X42 70%, 12SPD STD, NO DIFF, HIGH RIVER, STK# 070447 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$59,900

SEEDING BOURGAULT 3310, 2011, 650/75R 34 DUALS, 30 .5 X 32 LUG TIRE, ST6700-40406AS-03, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 062633 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $349,000

BOURGAULT 5710, 2007, E/ 9999 HRS, 70FT, MRB, CARBIDE TIPS, BOW ISLAND, STK# 052303 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $184,600 BOURGAULT 5710, 2006, 900 SINGLE REARS 70%, 6550 TANK 2010, 64’ 9 .8” SPACING, HIGH RIVER, STK# 062911 . . . . . . $169,000 BOURGAULT 5710, 2007, 6550 TBH, 491 MNTR, 10” SPACING, BALZAC, STK# 056582 . . . . . . $155,000 BOURGAULT 5710, 2001, 5440 TANK, 12” SPACING, 3” KNIFE OPENER, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 066681 . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000 BOURGAULT 5710, 2006, 59FT, MRB, 9 .8” SPACING, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 029758 . . . . . . .$89,500 BOURGAULT 5710, 2005, 54 FOOT, MRB, 9 .8” SPACING, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 029759 . . . . . . .$84,500 BOURGAULT 5710, 2001, 5350AS TANK, 21 .5X16 .1, 28LX26 RICE, DRUMHELLER, STK# 065827 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$73,700 BOURGAULT 5710, 2002, 21 .5X16 .1, 28L RICE, 5350 TANK, TABER, STK# 059272 . . . . . .$70,000 BOURGAULT 5710, 2002, 21 .5LX16, 28L RICE, 4350 TANK, TABER, STK# 059280 . . . . . . . . . . .$56,000 BOURGAULT 5710, 1996, 4350 TANK, NEW BEARINGS, NEW TIRES, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 066113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,900 BOURGAULT 5710, 1996, 4350 TANK, NEW BEARINGS, NEW TIRES, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 066116 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$49,900 BOURGAULT 5710, 2001, 4300 TBH TANK, 300BU, 7” SPACING, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 069558 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$49,500

BOURGAULT 8800, 2155 TANK, 36’ 8” SPACING, SINGLE SHOOT, DRUMHELLER, STK# 066024 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,900 BOURGAULT 8810, 1997, 3225 AIR TANK, SINGLE SHOOT, SINGLE FAN, DRUMHELLER, STK# 067594 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$22,250

CASE IH 50-10, 1996, AD3400 TANK, SINGLE SHOOT DRILL, DBL SHOOT TANK, BALZAC, STK# 041953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$30,000 CASE IH ATX700, 2007, 30 .5L-32 RI CART 75%, 12 .5LX15F1 75%, ADX3430 TBT, MILK RIVER, STK# 055730 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $169,000 CASE IH FH700, 2011, 11 X 15 80%, 3430 TBT TANK, 70’ 12” SPACING, HIGH RIVER, STK# 057301 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $142,500 FLEXICOIL 2320, 1994, TIRES 50%, 6 RUN, TOW BEHIND, OYEN, STK# 054142 . . . . . . . . . .$20,000 FLEXICOIL 3450, 2002, TBH TANK, HITCH, HARNESS OVER TOOLBAR, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 066597 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$38,000 FLEXICOIL 5000, 1999, C/W FC3450 TBH CART, S/N 79404, SGL CASTOR 60%, HIGH RIVER, STK# 041801 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$85,000 FLEXICOIL 5000, 1998, 3450 TBH TANK VARI, TANK IS 2001, 57FT, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 056117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$58,000 FLEXICOIL 5000, 1999, 3450 TBT TANK, 51” SNGLE SHT 6 RUN, 9 .5” SPACING, KINDERSLEY, STK# 066463 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$58,000 FLEXICOIL 5000, 1999, 2320 TBH TANK, 23 .1X26 TURF TIRES, 57’ 7” SPACING, BOW ISLAND, STK# 064225 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$39,500 FLEXICOIL 5000, 1994, E/ 999 HRS, 57FT, SINGLE SHOOT, 3” TIPS, BOW ISLAND, STK# 055471 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$34,800 FLEXICOIL 5000, 1998, 1720 TBH TANK, 10” SPACING, 3/4” CARBINE TIPS, BOW ISLAND, STK# 069196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$26,900


– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A15

$134,800 TABER

$215,000 TABER

$319,000 BALZAC

NEW HOLLAND CX880, 2006, E/ 1909 HRS, E/ 1609 HRS, 900X32, 600/65R28, 76C HEADER, STK# 060660

CASE IH MG335, 2010, E/ 1595 HRS, 380/85/R34 DUAL 70%F, 480/80/R46 DUAL 70%R, COLD START, STK# 065241

CASE IH ST550Q, 2011, E/ 910 HRS, 30 TRK, GPS, 57 GPM, STK# 056692


(403) 513 7000

Bow Island

$33,000 TABER

CASE IH PUMA 185, 2011, E/ 589 HRS, 710/70R38 95%, 600/65R28 95%, CAB SUSP, STK# 060631

RENN 1214, 2010, 12 .5L-15 - 90%, LONG DISCHARGE AUGER, 12 FOOT EXTEN ON IT, STK# 052398

JOHN DEERE 610, 40FT, FLOATING HITCH, 10IN SPACING, DRUMHELLER, STK# 057521 . .$35,000 JOHN DEERE 1820, 2002, 1900 TANK, 60FT, 340 BUSHEL TANK, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 063308 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $41,300 JOHN DEERE 1830, 2010, 1910 TBH CART, 520/85R42 RR DUALS, 16 .5X16 .1 FRT CASTOR, MEDICINE HAT, STK# 064598 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $141,750 MISCELLANEOUS 3612, 2010, 65 FT K-HART DRILL, NO TANK, TBH FLEXICOIL HITCH, KINDERSLEY, STK# 070481 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125,000 MISCELLANEOUS 32’ DRIL, 2008, E/ 50 HRS, 32FT, 250BU HARMON TANK, DOUBLE SHOOT, DRUMHELLER, STK# 057203 . . . . . . . .$55,000 MISCELLANEOUS 39AD, 1994, 39’X10” SPACING, 9 .5LX15 DUALS CENT, 11LX15 SGL WINGS, MILK RIVER, STK# 068448 . . . . . .$22,000 MISCELLANEOUS 6010-60, 2008, C/W CIH 3430 AIR, CART TBH, 60FT, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 053087 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $118,000 MISCELLANEOUS 60FT, 2000, 60FT, 3612 OPENS, BG HITCH, OYEN, STK# 056524 . . . $100,000 MORRIS CONTOUR, 2008, TANK, 800/65R32 SINGLE, 12” SPACING, HIGH RIVER, STK# 068339 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $189,500 MORRIS MAXUM40, 1996, 40FT, 7300 300BU TBH TANK, 10” SPACING, MILK RIVER, STK# 070029 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$23,000 NEW HOLLAND 440, 2004, NH380 TANK, 3 METERING, DUAL FAN, HIGH RIVER, STK# 054520 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$99,510 NEW HOLLAND P2060, 2012, 70FT, 3430 TBT, 10” SPACING, HIGH RIVER, STK# 070476 . . . $180,000 NEW HOLLAND P2060, 2009, P1060 TBH TANK, 60’, DBL SHOOT, BALZAC, STK# 064649 . . . . $135,000 NEW HOLLAND P2060, 2009, P1060 TBH TANK, 60’, DBLESHOOT, BALZAC, STK# 064653 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $135,000 NEW HOLLAND SD440, 2004, SD230 TBH TANK, 9” SPACING, 550LD TRIPS, KINDERSLEY, STK# 069033 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75,000 NOBEL 9000, 1995, 37’, 7” SPACING, 392 240BU CART, BALZAC, STK# 068819 . . . . . . . . . . $9,500

SPRAYERS CASE IH 3185, 2005, E/ 1600 HRS, 90FT, 750GAL POLY TANK, OUTBACK AUTOGUIDE, MEDICINE HAT, STK# 070250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110,000

Grande Prairie (780) 567 4900


Medicine Hat

$253,000 TABER CASE IH 7120, 2011, E/ 384 HRS, S/ 296 HRS, LEATHER OP SEAT, STD WEAR INFEED, FINE CUT CHPR , STK# 053181


(403) 528 3838

(403) 223 2333

Milk River


(403) 545 6844

(780) 332 4691

(403) 647 3828

(780) 632 6677

(780) 672 9136

(780) 385 3652

(403) 664 3730

(780) 853 6851

(403) 823 2626

(403) 327 3154

(403) 732 5658

(780) 349 3720


$147,100 TABER

$213,000 OYEN JOHN DEERE 9630, 2008, E/ 4343 HRS, TIRE SIZE 800 /42, NEW TIRES, POWER TRAN, STK# 043436

Drumheller Falher




Picture Butte

Vermilion Westlock

(780) 837 4691

CASE IH 3185, 2003, E/ 3200 HRS, 90FT, 2 SETS OF TIRES, ACTIVE SUSP, KINDERSLEY, STK# 068414 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$80,000 CASE IH 3310, 2006, E/ 1703 HRS, 380/90R46 60%, AIM COMMAND, AUTO STEER, TABER, STK# 067893 . . . . . . . . $175,500 CASE IH 3310, 2007, E/ 1570 HRS, 520/85R38 45%, 320/90R46 55%, 1000 GAL TANK, KINDERSLEY, STK# 068376 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $170,000 CASE IH 3330, 2012, E/ 474 HRS, 320/90R46 90%, 120FT, AUTOSTEER, DRUMHELLER, STK# 066019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $295,000 CASE IH 3330, 2011, E/ 790 HRS, 380/90R46 85%, 650/60R38, VIPER, DRUMHELLER, STK# 066905 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $269,000 CASE IH 4420, 2011, E/ 338 HRS, 120 FT, DELUXE HID LITES, BOOM HEIGHT CONTROL, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 053331 . . . . . . . . . . . $299,000 CASE IH 4420, 2011, E/ 495 HRS, 650/65R38, 120FT, HID, OYEN, STK# 057865 . . . . . . . . . . $295,000 CASE IH 4420, 2011, E/ 654 HRS, 120FT, AIM CMD, 5-WAY BODIES, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 050013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $289,000 CASE IH 4420, 2011, E/ 690 HRS, 380/90X46 80%, LUX CAB, ACTIVE SUSP, TABER, STK# 068343 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285,000

JOHN DEERE 4930, 2009, E/ 1500 HRS, 20” SPACING, 1200GAL SS TANK, STARFIRE GPS, BOW ISLAND, STK# 068928 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $254,000 MISCELLANEOUS 8193-86, 1980, TIRES 60%, HIGH TRAX, 86FT, OYEN, STK# 054317 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$23,000 MISCELLANEOUS NITRO275, 2001, E/ 1957 HRS, 1200GAL TANK, NO GUIDANCE, 2 SETS OF TIRES, KINDERSLEY, STK# 069586 . . . . . . .$98,500 NEW HOLLAND SF.216, 2009, 480/90R38 80%, 120’, AUTOBOOM, HIGH RIVER, STK# 058411 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$45,130 SPRAY AIR 3400, 2003, AUTO RATE, AUTO BOOM HEIGHT, HIGH CLEARANCE, DRUMHELLER, STK# 049492 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$29,000 SPRAY AIR 3300 TRI, 2006, E/ 350 HRS, 90FT BOOMS, RAVEN 440 CNTRL, 750GAL TANK, DRUMHELLER, STK# 031182 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$32,000 WILLMAR WILLMAN, 1998, E/ 4294 HRS, 2 SETS OF TIRES 60%, AUTOSTEER, SUSP CAB, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 067792 . . . . . . . . . . .$48,000

TILLAGE BOURGAULT 7200, 2011, 84FT, 5/8 TINES, 16 .5L X16 .1, DRUMHELLER, STK# 063434 . . . . .$41,000

CASE IH 4420, 2011, E/ 1064 HRS, 650/65R38 80%, 320/90R46, DLX CAB, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 066720 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $276,900

BOURGAULT 9400, 2002, 42’, 3 BAR HARROWS, 450 LB TRIP, TABER, STK# 059274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$45,000

CASE IH 4420, 2009, E/ 1353 HRS, 650/65R38, 100FT 120GAL TANK, AIM COMMAND, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 066359 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $265,000

BOURGAULT 54’CULT, 2005, E/ 9999 HRS, 54’, 3 BAR HARROWS, 450LD TRIP, TABER, STK# 059234 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$60,000

CASE IH 4420, 2011, E/ 1232 HRS, 650/65R38 80%, DLX CAB, VIPER PRO, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 066727 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $259,500

DEGELMAN 7000, 2010, 16 .5L-16 .1SL, 82’ 5/8” TINES, REBUILT 2012, BALZAC, STK# 063345 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$45,000

CASE IH 4430, 2012, E/ 532 HRS, 620/70R38, LUX CAB, AIM COMMAND, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 067949 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $323,000

FLEXICOIL S95, 1992, P-30 PACKERS, 3255 VALMER, FRAME STRAIGHT, DRUMHELLER, STK# 069617 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,900

CASE IH 4430, 2012, E/ 703 HRS, 620/70R38, LUX CAB, AIM COMMAND, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 067950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $318,000


CASE IH 4430, 2012, E/ 758 HRS, 620/70R38, LUX CAB, AIM COMMAND, LETHBRIDGE, STK# 067951 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $318,000 CASE IH 4430, 2012, E/ 726 HRS, 380/90R46 90%, ACTIVE SUSP, 100FT, TABER, STK# 065300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $270,000 CASE IH 3200B, 1999, E/ 2470 HRS, 90’ BOOM, 750G TANK, GPS, BALZAC, STK# 067781 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $105,000

MISCELLANEOUS B300-35’, 35’ 12” SPACING, FELXI MONT HARROW, DRUMHELLER, STK# 065370 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 RITEWAY PHP6046, P30 PACKERS, TINES 7-8”, DRUMHELLER, STK# 067596 . . . . . . $4,900 SUMMERS SUPER, 1997, 48FT, COMES WITH PACKERS, NEEDS TINES, PICTURE BUTTE, STK# 058902 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12,800


a16 – THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Dan Lin Farms Ltd. Unreserved Farm Auction, Tilley AB Plus Guest Consigners

Darren Skanderup & Brent Schroeder The Wester’s have rented out their land and are offering a large line of well maintained, premium equipment, for sale by unreserved auction. Take a look at this one of a kind two day sale! Directions: From Tilley, AB - 4 miles South on 876 & 1 mile West on 535 or from Junction 875 (Rolling Hills Hwy.) & 535 - 4 Miles East. (Watch for signs.)

Owners Phone: Dan Wester (403) 376 2472 or Dale Wester (403) 363 5656

Day #1 April 12, 2013 - 10:00 A.M. Vintage Tractors:

Vehicles & ATV:

•  IHC 624 diesel tractor - dual hyd., 3 PTH, PTO, 16.9 X 30 tires •  Farmall 560 gas tractor - PTO, TA, hyd., 18.4 X 38 tires; (ONE OWNER) •  Farmall M - (1951) tricycle tires, live hyd. •  Farmall M - (1945) tricycle tires, live hyd. •  IHC W6 tractor - (1954)

Vintage Farm Machinery: •  J.D. single axle manure spreader •  J.D. #5 side delivery rake •  2 J.D. & 1 IHC 14' farm wagons with new wood decks •  Massey Harris ground drive manure spreader •  J.D. model N PTO manure spreader •  J.D. model 10 PTO forage harvester •  J.D. 68 PTO grain cart •  J.D. 301 fertilizer spreader •  J.D. NO. 55A-B-H 3 bottom onland plow •  IHC 7' semi-mount sickle mower •  IHC LBA stationary engine

•  2004 GMC 2500 HD truck - 6.6 l diesel, SLT crewcab shortbox, 4X4, 5 speed auto; 198,129 kms. •  1989 Ford F150 truck - XLT Lariat, topper, 182,060 kms •  1985 Chevrolet Silverado 10 - 6.2 l diesel, 4X4 275,295 kms •  1981 Chevrolet Silverado 20 - 4X4, 22,552 kms showing •  1981 Ford Ranger F150 XLT 4X4 •  1977 Chrysler New Yorker - 4 door, 440 engine; loaded •  1976 Lincoln Continental Mark IV - 2 door, 460 engine; 77065 kms showing. •  J.D. Trail Gator 4X2 - 2877 hrs. •  Polaris Ranger 700 XP - (2008) 239 hrs. •  Honda 250 XR dirt bike

Tree Planting & Mower: •  J.D. F935 diesel mower - 72" front mount, 1873 hrs. •  Manufactured tree row planter •  Manufactured tree row mulcher

•  J.D. 390- 3 PTH flail mower •  Ford 3 PTH 5' rotary mower


•  Brandt 3 PTH 20' sprayer with hand wand •  Ford 3 bottom roll over plow •  J.D. 3 PTH angle blade (78") •  Carraro 5' 3PTH PTO roto tiller (3 speed) •  Manufactured 10' Killefer •  J.D. 90 skid steer loader - (gas) •  Ditch Witch 1500 trencher - 12 HP Wisconsin •  Stumpster 3 PTH stump remover •  Manufactured fire trailer (red) - 400 gal. tank with Honda 2" pump & hoses •  Allied FEL with mounts & bucket •  Hyd. bin sweep on B&S engine •  Semi mount swath turner •  3 PTH Vicon spreader •  Cyclone PTO spreader •  80" Estate roller •  Muratori 5' 3 PTH PTO roto-tiller •  E K hyd. bin sweep •  1- 500 gal. split comp. tank on steel stand •  3- 500 gal. tanks on steel stands

•  Lindon 22' drop deck gooseneck trailer c/w electric winch

Shop & Farming Supplies: *Scaffolding * Millermatic DC plasma cutter * 2 Millermatic 200 wire feed welders * Miller Dialarc 250P AC/DC welder * bench grinders * Emerson 7" band saw * 2 HP 220 volt shop grinder on stand * Moto Max cold cut saw * Jet bench model drill press * 2 - 1500 gal. poly fertilizer tanks * large assort. of new & used tractor, truck & implement tires * 2-1250 gal. tanks with 1 hp pump (used for sprayer filling) * assort, of yellow jacket pipe (various sizes) * tower antenna * 2 Little River Pond Mills (need repair)* 1 set 20.8 X 38 clamp on duals* pipe press - hyd., c/w 2" to 10" pipe dies * In addition, there will be more than 100 allotments of good quality Shop & Farming Supplies, Machine Parts etc. to be sold. Please keep checking our web-page for updates.

Day #2 April 13, 2013 - 10:00 A.M. Combines & Tractors:

•  J.D. 9770 STS combine - bullet rotor, 615p pickup header, Crary big top hopper extensions, Cab Cam 3 camera system, 199 sep hrs, 227 engine hrs . *Combine Terms & Conditions: 30% down sale day, balance due Aug. 1, 2013 (Possession of combine

upon full payment.) •  J.D. 7430 premium tractor - 4 hyd., 3 PTH, PTO, 600/65R28 front tires, 620/70R42 rear tires, left hand shuttle; 2,668.7 hrs sells with JD 741 FEL & square bale fork (ONE OWNER) - This tractor used very little as a loader tractor.

•  J.D. 4840 tractor - 8 speed powershift, 3 PTH, triple hyd., suitcase weights, 16.5L16 fronts, 650/65R38 factory duals; 8996 hrs. ONE OWNER (Green Light March 29, 2012) •  J.D. 4640 tractor - 3 PTH dual hyd., PTO, 20.8 X 38 factory duals, quad range suitcase weights 4065 hrs. (Green Light May 9, 2012)

•  J.D. 4640 Tractor - triple hyd., PTO new 20.8 X 38 factory duals, 8 speed powershift, 6657 hrs. (Green Light Dec 30, 2011) •  J.D. 4640 tractor - triple hyd., 3 PTH, PTO suitcase weights, HID lights, new 528-85R38 mitchell agribib radial tires; 8249 hrs.

“Farmers Serving Farmers”

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – a17

- Friday, April 12 & Saturday, April 13, 2013-10:00 A.M. Day #2 April 13, 2013 - 10:00 A.M.

Combines & Tractors: •  J.D. 4250 tractor - quad range, dual hyd, PTO, new 520/85 R38 Michelin agribib tires with 20.8 X 30 duals, 7338 hrs (Green Light June 22, 2012) •  J.D. 4055 tractor - MFWD,15 speed powershift, 3 PTH, PTO, dual hyd., 20.8 X R38 rear tires, 14.9 R26 fronts; 9690 hrs. Sells with JD 280 FEL & grapple square bale fork & pallet forks; (Green Light March 2, 2012) •  N.H. TR 85 SP combine - hydrostatic drive, reverser, Redekop chopper, Victory 7 belt pickup; 2924 hrs. •  IHC 5088 tractor - dual hyd., 3PTH, PTO 18.4 X 38 factory duals •  M.F. 1100 Tractor- PTO, dual hyd., 3 PTH, 18.4 X 34 clamp on duals; (ONE OWNER)

Swather & Haying: •  M.F. 9635 Hesston Series SP discbine 16' razor bar header; double conditioner; 1418 hrs. (ONE OWNER) •  Hesston 2170 XD square baler - auto lube, knotter blower, acid applicator, scale, 7500 bales; (ONE OWNER) (Warranty check up done Dec. 2012) •  Morris auto align bale runner Pro AG16K (hauls 12-3X4 bales) (ONE OWNER) •  Premier 2900 turbo swather - 1995; Macdon 920 16' hay header, 3712 hrs (ONE OWNER) •  MacDon 960 25' draper header - double swath attach., crop lifters. Sells with manufactured header transport (ONE OWNER) •  Vermeer Highline R2800 twin rake •  Vermeer Highline R2800 twin rake •  Kuhn GA 7301 twin rake - adjustable to 24' •  Recon 300 PTO re-conditioner - 10' •  2 Hesston FEL bale forks •  Manufactured FEL single bale retriever

Farm Trucks, Vehicles, Trailer & ATV: •  2007 PeterBilt 379 truck - 550 Cat twin turbo, 18 speed Eaton, 63" sleeper, low air leaf susp., 11 R 24 tires (as new) 202,453 kms/4430 hrs (at time of listing); (ONE OWNER)

•  Manac triple axle drop deck trailer 53', extension racks (ONE OWNER) •  1990 International Eagle 9370 SBA tandem truck - 8 LL Eaton trans., 425 cat, 228,576 kms, 315/80 fronts, 11R24.5 rears 20' Courtney Berg box, Nordic hoist, roll tarp, rear hyd. control (ONE OWNER) •  1981 IHC 1924 tandem truck - gas engine, 5&4 trans., 10.00 R 20 tires 74,699 kms, 20' steel box & hoist, roll tarp; (ONE OWNER) •  1979 IHC 1800 truck - 5&2 trans., 10.00 X 20 tires; 231,760 kms., 8- 4X4' bale retriever with hoist; •  1978 GMC C6500 truck - 10.00 X 20 tires; 5 & 2 with short 4th trans., 71,458 kms; 16' wood box with steel floor, roll tarp, plumbed for drill fill; (ONE OWNER) •  1975 Dodge Custom 700 truck - 5 & 2 trans., 9.00 X 20 tires; 55055 kms; 16' wood box with hoist & roll tarp; (ONE OWNER)

Sprayer, Tillage & Seeding: •  Flexi-Coil 6000 air seeder with 2320 pull behind cart - Barton single chute openers; 7.5" spacing, hyd. markers; •  J.D. 2210 field cultivator - 31.5' (adj. to 33.5') Full Floating Hitch, Acu- Depth, 6" spacing, 4 bar mounted harrows; (ONE OWNER) •  Brandt Contour Commander 5000 heavy harrows - 50' (LIKE NEW) •  Valmar 3225 applicator; (Never Used) •  Degelman 7645 land roller - 45' (LIKE NEW) •  Valmar 5500 PT spreader •  Kello-Bilt 325 disc - 12' •  Spray Air Model 2200 field sprayer - 90'; set up for JD Swath Pro. •  J.D. 1610 chisel plow - 27' with 3 bar mounted harrows •  Manufactured 50' double flex harrows with rolling drawbar •  Manufactured 30' wing type heavy harrow •  Brand-It Prasco air seeder cart - Model FA •  Flexi-Coil 6' swath roller

Grain Loaders & Cleaners: •  Brandt 5000 EX grain vac. - 113 hrs. •  2 Brandt 1035 PTO augers •  Westfield 10" X 61' swing auger •  Brandt 7" X 45' PTO auger •  Gjesdal Model 400 grain cleaner on trailer 40-50 BPH, 240 volt single phase

Irrigation & 3 Point Hitch: •  2 Rainbow 14' X 52' landfloats •  2 J.D. ditchers •  Manufactured all steel border dyker •  Manufactured 3 PTH ditch filler with hyd. adjustment & harrows •  Kirchner pipe trailer


•  J.D. CX15- 15' double wing rotary cutter •  J.D. MX8- 8' rotary cutter

Earth Movers, Scraper & Backhoe: •  Terex TS-14B earth mover - 14 yard, laser equipped •  Hancock Model 12E4 PTO elevator scraper •  Case 580 B backhoe - 17.5L-24 tires, 4158 hrs.

Misc. Equipment:

•  Rockomatic 546 PTO rock picker •  Rockomatic 12' PTO rock rake •  J.D.12' dozer - manual angle (fits 4640 or 4840 tractor)

Guest Consigner Brent Schroeder

* Contact Brent at (403) 633 1000 •  Hesston 4900 square baler & accululator •  Summers 3 PTH field sprayer - 80' with 500 gal. poly tank •  Vermeer R2300 twin rake •  J.D. 945 moco cutter - 12' •  Buhler Inland Hayliner 4000 bale picker

Guest Consigner Darren Skanderup

* Contact Darren at (403) 377 2194 •  J.D. 9600 SP combine - hydrostatic, 914 pickup, 3447 sep. hrs., 4908 eng. hrs.

•  J.D. 8630 tractor - 3 hyd., PTO, 18.4 R38 tires (as new); 6,438 hrs. (One Owner) •  J.D. 4630 tractor - 3 PTH. dual hyd., quad range, suitcase weights, 18.4 R38 factory duals, 8,042 hrs. •  J.D. 9450- 30' hoe drills - back on mover, fertilizer •  J.D. 9350 20' hoe drills - grass, fertilizer, markers, manf. hyd. transport. •  J.D. 30' vibrashank cult. - mounted flex harrows •  Flexi-Coil System 95 harrow packer bar - 60' •  Case IH 8312 12' discbine •  J.D. 566 round baler •  N.H. 166 swath inverter •  1978 White Western Star tandem truck 350 Cummins, 5&4 trans., 20' steel box, roll tarp & hyd., silage end gate •  1980 Mack R600 tandem truck - 300+ diesel, 10 speed, 1800 gal. mounted poly tank; 678,753 kms. •  16' Grain box trainer with hyd. hoist •  In Box grain/fert. divider •  Sakundiak HD8-1200 auger - 8" X 42' with 18 hp B&S engine with electric start •  Farm King 10" X 50' PTO swing auger •  Rainbow 16' X 52' land float •  Rainbow 14' round tube land float •  Wilger field sprayer - 80' with 800 gal. stainless steel tank with pump •  Manufactured 3 PTH ditch filler - hyd. adjustment •  Myers ditcher •  Manufactured 20' wing type heavy harrow •  Kirchner 9' swath fluffer •  Knight double arm tandem bale picker •  Massey Harris 16' double spring chisel plow •  J.D. single axle manure spreader •  Friggstad 40' chisel plow - 3 bar mounted harrows •  Manufactured 7 shank hitch type subsoiler •  J.D. 4200 4 bottom roll-over plow •  Manufactured 50' flex harrows with rolling draw bar •  Manufactured FEL bale spear

Jeff & Sheryl Van Wert

403-362-2972 Cell: 403-793-9988

A18 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

dale emelson - enchant, AB farm machinery & equipment dispersal


monday, march 25, 2013 - 11:00 A.m.



•  40’ JD 9400 hoe drills, 7” spacing, hyd mover, hyd marker, down pressure kit, factory movers, •  1998 JD 9200 4WD tractor, CAHR, 16 spd original boots, shedded - very very low acres with 1 shuttle shift, quad hyds, 20.8r42 - S/N N09400H007753, N09400H007754, tires, 60% rubber, c/w system 3 Outback N09400H007750, N09400H007751 GPS with mapping, 2611 hrs, shedded, S/N RW9200H010209 •  1985 JD 20’ Mod 9400 hoe drills, 7” spacing, dump pressure kit, shedded, very low acres,   •  1985 JD 8450 4WD tractor, CAHR, quad trans, S/N N09400H002483, S/N N09400H002485 triple hyds, 18.4-38 rubber, 2nd owner,   4185 hrs, S/N RW8450H005157 •  1997 29’ JD Mod 680 cultivator c/w 3 bar mtd harrows, S/N N00680X000120 •  2006 Case IH MXM175 tractor, CAHR, 18 spd powershift, reverser, joystick, quad hyds,   •  30’ Versatile 5000 noble blade 20.8-42 rubber, c/w LX770 FEL & grapple,   •  50’ Morris heavy harrow with Valmar 2420,   966 hrs, S/N ACM273786 new harrows, S/N FP50005170 HARVEST •  70’ Flexicoil System 95 harrow packer,   •  2008 JD 9770 STS combine, CAHR, bullet S/N S95A000-F008159 roto, Outback System 3 GPS, 1533 eng hrs, •  30’ Flexicoil System 95 harrow packer 1021 threshing hrs, c/w JD 615P pickup, S/N H09770S726095. Owner financing available: •  40’ Flexicoil System 75 packer 25% non refundable down payment due •  35’ Flexicoil System 75 packer c/w down   sale day. Balance due on or before August pressure kit 1st, 2013 with possession to pass upon full •  30’ Flexicoil System 75 packer c/w down   payment. pressure kit •  2009 30’ JD Mod. 630D draper header,   •  25’ Hutchmaster HD tandem disc S/N H00636D730403 •  30’ Case IH cultivator •  30’ JD 930 header c/w 2-14’ Sunn pickups, •  31’ JD Mod 610 cultivator, S/N M00610X00610 setup for beans on 24” rows •  28’ Friggstad cult c/w Valmar 4400, S/N A-84-124 •  1999 Westward 9200 SP swather, CAHR, Cummins diesel eng, c/w 25’ MacDon 960 •  24’ Noble blade double swath header, canola top auger, 1300 •  20’ Blanchard crowfoot packers hrs, shedded, S/N 130489-99. Owner financing available: 25% Non refundable down payment •  3 PTH Kirchner 12 row cult with rolling shields, disc & knives due sale day. Balance due on or before August 1st, 2013 with possession to pass upon SPRAYING full payment. •  2003 100’ Red Ball Mod 680 high clearance


•  35’ JD 735 air seeder, 12” spacing c/w 4 bar mtd harrows, JD 787 cart, fert & seed boots, new hoses & tips, seed rolls all rebuilt - $7000 work order - tank, S/N H00787X670147

GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT •  2008 10”x60’ brandt PTO grain auger c/w swing away - like new •  Sakundiak HD 8-1200 8”x38’ grain auger   c/w 20 hp Honda engine

•  Oak roll top desk •  Oak office chair •  Oak 4 drawer file cabinet - matches roll top •  Carved glass china cabinet TRUCKS •  Small 1940’s china cabinet •  1991 IH 4900 tandem grain truck, 466 diesel, 13 spd trans, c/w 2 year old 20’ Cancade box & •  Player piano - not working - all pieces hoist with rear controls & hyd sileage endgate & •  Bell upright piano Mitchell rollover tarp, 86,300 kms on meter,   •  Northern elec. wall phone S/N 1HTSHNURXMH365108 •  Singer sewing machine •  1976 Ford Louisville 750 grain truck, 5 spd 2 spd c/w 16’ box & hoist, 47,774 original miles,   •  Swivel chair S/N N76FV63384 - 2nd owner & original farm •  Brass bed truck •  Elkan electric organ COLLECTOR TRUCK & CAR •  Dresser with mirror •  1961 Ford F100 unibody custom cab truck, 6 cyl •  Old painted dresser engine with 3 in the tree, no rust, no body fill, original wheels, shedded, running, 66,201 miles •  Painted kitchen hoosier •  1956 Buick Special 4 dr sedan, 322 V8 auto •  Antique wicker wheel chair shedded •  Barette No. 1 house moving jack


•  2008 38’ Loadmax GN flatdeck trailer, 2-12,000# axles, hyd rear deck, tool box, ratchets, spare tire, king pin hitch, S/N 5L8GP382691017238 •  2000 Featherlite single axle snowmobile trailer, S/N 4FG1010-6-1D040342


•  2006 JD disc ripper - 12’6” c/w 4 bar mtd   harrows, S/N N00512X008186 •  JD 950 15’ mulchi packer •  Rock O Matic 546 high dump rock picker sprayer, dual walking axles, hyd fold, hyd pump, •  24’ Degelman 4 bar mtd harrows (4-6`) •  10’ MTD swath roller c/w cable lift Raven 450 controller, 320-5-38 metric tires, 1350 gal tank with seperate 150 gal rinse tank & •  16’ 2 Compartment grain/fert tank Karsher washer, S/N 03-01543 - shedded •  JD axle extension from JD 9600 or newer •  Kirchner 36 row band sprayer •  Grain probe




SHOP TOOLS •  Karscher 1150 pressure wash with heat •  Onan 4000 watt RV generator •  Lincoln Power Mate 225 amp HD wire feed welder, 60% duty cycle •  Emglo construction air compressor •  Elec rechargeable lawn mower •  JD 150 kerosene heater •  Wood burning heater •  6 Double lockers •  2 Floating slough pumps •  Selec of misc shop tools & equip

Owner: DALE EMELSON (403) 634-3955


Business: 485-2440 Residence: 485-2529 Calgary Direct Line 264-4771 Sale Day Phone 485-8123

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A19



farm machinery & equipment dispersal

tuesday, april 2, 2013 - 11:00 A.m.


TRACTORS •  JD 9400 4WD tractor, CAHR, full weight package, extra HD front axle,   quad range, quad hyds, 3747 hrs.,   S/N RW9400H040468 •  16’ Leon 4 way dozer blade c/w bush screens - fits above •  Versatile 850 Series 2 - 4WD tractor c/w dozer, 8000 hrs, S/N 051351 •  1978 JD 4640 tractor, CAHR, quad range, triple hyds, 20.8-38 duals, shedded, 10,969 hrs, 1 owner, S/N 4640H007040R •  1977 JD 4430 tractor, CAHR, c/w JD 158 FEL, bucket & grapple fork, recent transmission work order - 11,173 hrs,   1 owner, S/N RW4430H074174R

HARVEST •  1999 JD 9610 Maximizer SP combine, CAHR, shedded, 2nd owner, 1992 thresh hrs, 2623 eng hrs, S/N H09610X681865 c/w JD pickup header. Owner financing available: 25% Non refundable down payment due sale day. Balance due on or before August 1st, 2013 with possession to pass upon full payment. •  2001 Premier 2950 SP swather, CAHR, 1695 hrs., S/N 142884 c/w 25’ MacDon 975 twin header with triple delivery, rotoshear, shedded, S/N H09610X681865. Owner financing available: 25% Non refundable down payment due sale day. Balance due on or before August 1st, 2013 with possession to pass upon full payment.

•  JD 930 D 30’ straight cut header with   PU reel & Trailtech trailer,   S/N H00930R676620

SEEDING & TILLAGE •  60’ Flexicoil System 95 harrow packer   c/w Valmar & hyd boom,   S/N S958B000J032737 •  100’ Herman harrow bar c/w 4 bar mtd harrow, S/N 20510 •  42’ Noble blade •  27’ Crazy harrow

SPRAYER •  100’ Case IH SRX160 PT high clearance sprayer, rinse tanks, shedded, 1 owner, S/N Y85005104 •  Truck mount sprayer c/w Honda motor

TRAILERS •  2002 Advance Super B hopper bottom grain trailers, c/w underslung auger, rollover tarps, 1 yr old, S/N 2AEGBPEH82S000173, pup, S/N 2AEGRSEE12S000178 •  Courtney Berg tandem axle dump trailer, 1 owner with sileage racks & rollover tarp, S/N 20912CEA543161229 •  1982 Doepker B train grain trailer,   S/N GBR58182 •  Columbia oil tanker trailer •  1974 54' Willock lowboy equipment trailer c/w tow winch, 20’ booster cables & snatch block, S/N 7445 •  24’ Maverick GN tiltdeck trailer,   S/N 234992



•  27’ Mayrath grain auger c/w B&S engine

•  2001 Peterbilt tandem axle tractor truck, C10 Cat motor, 18 spd trans, wet kit, 532,000 kms & 9810 hrs,   S/N 1X9FDT0X21D566814 - 2nd owner

•  12’ Flax roller •  Oil sprayer trailer c/w B & S motor & pump •  4 - 500 gal F.S.T w/stands

•  Large hyd tank with filter body for truck   •  1997 Int. Eagle tractor truck, N14 Cummins, wet kit 18 spd Fuller trans, wet kit, 930,223 kms,   •  72” Farm King 3PTH mower S/N 2HSFHAER7W051942 •  72” Bushhog rotary mower •  1993 Ford F250 LWB diesel truck, 4WD,   •  8’ Shopbuilt land roller 4 spd, S/N JFTH26K2RCA22433 •  42’ Honeybee dead rod •  1988 Ford F150 LWB truck, auto, 4WD, S/N 2FTEF14N6JCA93004

•  Kear shear

COLLECTOR TRUCK •  1959 Mercury SWB 1/2 ton truck - for restoration, S/N 599100YK51658

TRACKHOE & FORKLIFT •  JD 690B trackhoe, S/N 00264IT •  Hyster Mod. 292? industrial forklift – gas

HOLIDAY TRAILER •  2006 Forest River Wildcat 28’ 5th wheel, fully self contained, 1 slide, rear bunks, front bedroom

GATOR •  JD 4WD Gator

MISC. FARM EQUIPMENT •  Atlas Copco 185 CFM air compressor   w/JD diesel engine,  S/N 4500A0611YH612269 •  8”X51’ Westfield grain auger


•  Haukaus marker

SHOP TOOLS & MISC •  JD chemical pump •  1,000,000 BTU construction heater •  3 Levels of scaffolding with wheels •  Elevator dust blower c/w elec motor •  Heavy wood elevator beams •  Sel of tire chains •  2 Stroke Ski doo engine •  Table saw •  Set of hi boy trailer leg jacks •  Set of KW chrome exhaust stacks (take offs) •  Electric motors •  Plus much more



Business: 485-2440 Residence: 485-2529 Calgary Direct Line 264-4771 Sale Day Phone 485-8123

A20 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Mackenzie Red Angus Bull Sale GUEST CONSIGNOR


Selling 9 Lots of RED FACTOR SIMMENTALS March 23 ~ 1:00 p.m. ~ Fort Macleod Auction HRD 1Z

Sired by mrl red force 12u

HRD 5z

BW 92 lbs.

HRD 12z

Sired by mrl red force 12u

BW 92 lbs.

HRD 18z

Strengthen the impact of your advertising with colour. Colour pumps up your ad’s visibility. That means more people will see your ad first, and research shows they’ll be more likely to remember it. Research also shows that colour gives more POWer to your ad by improving your business’s image in the eyes of potential customers. So, if you’re looking for a way to ZAP the competition, call our advertising

Sired by hrd big time 20x

BW 75 lbs.

HRD 23z

Sired by hrd big time 20x

BW 98 lbs.


department today and find out how you can WOW readers with a colour ad that sells.

Calving Ease • Performance • Temperament Testicle Development • Red or Blaze Face


Sired by hrd big time 20x

BW 100 lbs.

don heggie 403-752-3894 403-315-2238

todd heggie 403-715-6237


– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A21

A22 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Deer River Ranching Black Angus Bull Sale

Saturday, April 27 – 1 p.m. At Bow Slope Shipping Assoc. - Brooks, AB.

Featuring 125 Yearling & 2 Year Old Black Angus Bulls • Low Maintenance • Performing Genetics • Maternal • Longevity • Calving Ease

Bruce Beasley (403) 501-4416 Lane & Jean Lucas (403) 566-2010 (click on sale day)

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A23

42nd Annual

Mackenzie Red Angus Bull Sale



75 Outstanding Yearlings Performance Tested Red Angus Bulls 7 Simm X Angus Yearlings 9 Performance Simmental Bulls from


Sire: Red Badlands Net Worth 23U BW 96 lbs. EPDS: BW+4.7 WW+69 YW+106 Milk+21 TM+56

Lot 136

Sire: Red Mem Packer 229W BW 86 lbs. EPDS: BW+0.7 WW+61 YW+95 Milk+19 TM+49

(Heggie bulls can be viewed at East Raymond Colony.)

HRD Red Force 1Z Sired by mrl red force 12u - BW 92 lbs.

Sale Day Phone

Lot 121

Sire: Red Jewel Chateau 120T BW 81 lbs. EPDS: BW+0.5 WW+54 YW+87 Milk+14 TM+41

Lot 209

Sire: Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P BW 74 lbs. EPDS: BW-0.9 WW+64 YW+103 Milk+20 TM+52


• Don’s Cell 403-330-7330 • Randy Cell 403-317-5832 • Jade Cell 403-394-5703 •  Don Heggie Cell 403-315-2238 Lot 213

Sire: Red Lazy MC CC Detour 2W BW 78 lbs. EPDS: BW -1.34 WW+49 YW+87 Milk+16 TM+40

Bulls can be viewed at Claresholm Beef Producers, 2 miles south of Claresholm

Lot 225

Sire: Red Lman King Rob 8621 BW 89 lbs. EPDS: BW+1.4 WW+56 YW+89 Milk+20 TM+48

Join us for Beef on a Bun at Noon – Buy Angus – Buy the Best! Auctioneer: Frank Jenkins Phone 403/627-5371 or cell. 403/627-6700

Ringman: Darren Shaw Phone 403/601-5165

Red Angus Bulls are being fed at Claresholm Beef Producers, Claresholm, AB., 2 Miles South of Claresholm. DON HEGGIE PH. 403/752-3894

Ringman: Justin Keeley Phone 403/627-6534

Don & Jade - Phone 403/653-2539 Email: Randy - Phone 403/653-4967 Ed - Phone 403/653-2129 • Email:

Catalogues On Line at

A24 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Serving Southern Alberta & Saskatchewan since 1952

Medicine Hat Feeding Co. Cattle Auction Market & Livestock Supply Store 3381 Gershaw Drive S.W., Medicine Hat, AB T1B 3N2

403-526-3129 • Toll Free 1-800-452-3129 video sales!! call for details

MHFC Livestock Supply 403-526-2707

Manager: Lyle Taylor 403-528-0797 Field Manager: Nolan Herman 403-502-6417 Office Managers: Cindy Dennis / Kristy Munsch

General Manager: Brian Palichuk 403-878-7003

Check out our website at • Find us on Facebook! MHFC Livestock Supply “Your one stop for cattle marketing and livestock supplies”

MHFC 2013 spring Sale Schedule Regular Sales Run Every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.

presort yearling sales for this spring: Sale time - 10:00 a.m.

bull sale dates border butte black angus/ allencroft black angus Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.

March 27, April 5 & April 17

rancher choice

cow calf pairs: Sale time - 1:00 p.m. April 24, May 1, May 8, May 15 & May 22

black angus

Please check the website for up-to-date cattle listings.

Monday, April 22, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.

Red Angus Bulls … Sons sired by these great sires:

*Red TER-Ron Fully Loaded 540R … Mr. Consistency, with unmatched muscle shape and hair. *Red Big Sky R9 … supreme calving ease, exceptional females that produce herd bulls. *Red RMJ Redman 1T … moderate framed cattle with excellent muscle shape and big time scrotal. *Red U2 Wild Thing 346X … very sound footed, excellent performance and high maternal value.

Yearling Bull Sale and Select Commercial Females

Black Angus Bulls

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Game Day …

Bow Slop Shipping Association, Brooks, AB

low birth weight with high performance/ among breeds best for improving udders/ very popular.


Networth …

supreme visual muscle bull/huge popularity/consistently good.

- 45 Red Angus Yearling Bulls - 14 Black Angus Bulls - 5 Hybrid Black Simmy Bulls

NEW! Reed and Gay Crapo Cell: 403-633-4414


Hybrid Black Simmental Bulls

Offspring carry a beautiful Angus profile. Daughters are proving to be Gem, AB. T0J 1M0 mirror images of Double Ups’ mother, crowned Supreme Female at the Regina Agribition!

Sire: Double Up 37W and his Award Winning Dam, Flirtin’ With You!

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A25

Corn Seed Canola Seed Alfalfa Seed Sunflower Seed Soybean Seed Sila-Bac® Silage Inoculant

RURAL & CULTURAL TOURS Ireland – June 2013 World Plowing Match/Cdn Rockies – July/13 Alaska Land/Cruise – August 2013 Italian Splendor/Greek Isle Cruise – Oct/13 Italy – Oct 2013 Mississippi Cruise – Oct 2013 Smoky Mountains/Nashville Tour – Oct/13

Nobleford, AB

Phone 403-824-3404

Branson/Tennessee Tour – Oct 2013

Taber Home and Farm Centre Michael Duell (403) 892-5969 Lloyd Van Eeden Petersman (403) 308-9866

Australia/New Zealand – Jan 2014 Russian River Cruise – Sept 2014 Available soon: South America 2014 *Tours may be Tax Deductible.

Select Holidays 1-800-661-4326





A26 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Bluesky Trailer Mfg. Inc. Daysland, Alberta  • 1-866-311-blue  • before


Refurbished Grain Trailer

Rental Unit Available.



refurbish, repair, sandblast, repaint, rewire any trailer

30’ B/T trailer w/bale deck / 18 bales

30” Beavertail

Self-unloading bale movers, no hydraulics, chains or winches.

Standard Features: Double tubing construction frame, wiring is enclosed double coated - 65C, Dexture torsion axles, rubber mount sealed beam lights, sandblasted, undercoated underneath frame and on top and then 2 coats of topcoat paint. We build small to semi unit trailers. Many other options available. Lease to own plans available.



buy custom built trailers - buy quality once

medicine hat tractor salvage inc. & construction Compressor - Generator Welder Combo

ry filter n d & t e W sio conver o n h t i w ary necess

1500 or 2000 psi electric hot washer

Specializing in new, used & rebuilt agricultural & construction parts

Honda powered hot washer - 3500 psi

NEW BISON LOADERS 80-120 HP, Self Leveling, Fits 20-50 Series JD tractors. Call for Pricing. • Engine Kits • Reman Clutches • Cab Upholstery Kits • Seats • Front End Parts • Reman Starters & Alternators • Reman Water Pumps • Front & Rear Tractor Rims

Industrial Shop Vac

AQUA-FLOW PRESSURE WASHERS 4013 Mayor Magrath Drive S.

403-328-1318 1-800-633-9010

• Compressors • Industrial Shop Vacs • Water Recycle Systems • Space Heaters • Generators • Compressor/Generator Combo

we are on a parts locator system, if we don’t have it, we’ll find it for you! Visa, mastercard or agricard welcome

used equipment

Leon 636 Loader, off 2090 Case........................................................................ $3,000 Redekop 2050 chopper, off 9500 JD................................................................. $2,250 Rake-Up Pickup, nice shape.............................................................................. $2,950 Case 510 Loader, w/grapple (off 5140 Case Tractor).......................................... $5,500 JD 224 Platform, rebuilt...................................................................................... $3,500 1015 PU Header.................................................................................................. $4,500 Victory Super 8 PU............................................................................................ $3,250 IH 724 Tractor, 70 HP, Loader, 3pt. Runs good....................................................$7,500 NEW 7 ft Buckets............................................................................................... $1,000 NEW 6½ ft Buckets HD...................................................................................... $1,150

new arrivals DX7.10 MFWD JD 4250 (MFWD) JD 4630 JD 2130 JD 6400 MFWD INT. 4586

we stock new parts for all models of tractors & combines why pay dealer prices? Call us and start saving today! we buy used tractors, combines & construction equipment

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A27

See your local Agro Dealer for A Great Selection of Pre-Owned Equipment!

Spring is Around the Corner – Don’t miss out on these 4WD’S

4wd tractors


2008 J.D. 9530 1790 hrs., 475 hp, cab w/AC, powershift, 5 SCV’s, 800R38 Goodyear tires, high flow value pkg, Autotrac rdy incl plug & play, delux comfort pkg, power diff lock-F&R, hi-flow hyd sys w/78 GPM flow, 4 CST- 800/70R38 173A8 R1W, 4 lighing, fld vision Xenon HD LR rear, inst seat.



1979 Versatile 500 U130813, 5007 hrs., 180 hp, cab w/AC, 3 SCV’S, 1000 PTO, 18.4R38 duals............................ $16,800 STETTLER 2011 John Deere 9530T U914269, 960 hrs., deluxe comfort cab, wide swing Cat 5 drawbar, 36 in. tracks, 4 hyds., 48 GPM, extremity warning lights, HID front & rear lights, RH electric & manual mirrors, 1000 PTO, radio w/CD, instruct seat, business band antenna, 26 front weights, 12 ider weights, side weight supports, beacon, Cat 5 to 4 kit, hyd return, 2600 & receiver & SF1 Activation.............................. $346,000 calgary

2011 John Deere 9630T U914192, 1093 hrs., 530 hp, cab, complete Deere AMS, powershift, 5 SCV’s, 1000 PTO, 5500 Series tracks, 48 GPM pump, front weights, idler weights, side weights, instructional seat, HID rear, Cat 5 draw bar, RH electric mirror, leather trim............................. $364,000 trochu

2012 John Deere 9460R U002166, 189 hrs., premium powershift package,

U082783 - calgary



645 hrs., 615P pickup, level land feederhouse, autotrac & 2600 display ready, FC/WS spreader (very easy to change from chop to drop), excellent high capacity small grain straw combine - matching 930D header available for this machine.

1986 John Deere 7720 U610980, 5239 hrs., 212 header,

reg cut straw chopper, posi torque, single range cylinder, feeder house reverser - always shedded........................................ $14,900 pincher

2005 John Deere 9760STS U710832, 1821 hrs., 914 header,

900/60R32 drive & 28L-26 steering tires, yield & moisture, WS/FC straw chopper, variable speed feeder house, HHS, Touchset, hi cap unload, HID lights............................................... $137,900 trochu

1994 John Deere 9600 U655769, 4324 hrs., 914 header,

30.5x32 drive & 14.9x24 steering tires, reg cut straw chopper, chaff spreader, dual range, DAS, DAM ........................................ $49,900 stettler

2008 John Deere 9770STS U726482, 620 hrs., MacDon PW7

15 ft. Swathmaster pick up platform, level land feederhouse, hicap lift cyl, deluxe controls, ext wear concave, 800Rx38, 600x28, hi cap feeding, 12 in. axle ext, FC/WS straw chopper................. $240,000 calgary

800/70/R38 Goodyear tires, twin pump high flow hydraulics with 5 valves, HID lights front & rear, leather actives seat & trim package, electric mirrors, 2 way radio prewire, greasable steering pins, cast weight ballasted to 107lbs/hp, wfactory warranty by April 29/14................................................. $335,000 calgary

2005 John Deere 9860STS U715629A, 1776 hrs., 615 header,

2011 John Deere 9530 U023714, 1600 hrs., deluxe cab w/active seat,

John Deere 9760STS U711834C, 1810/1291 hrs., 914 header,

Autotrac ready includes plug & play, leather trim, AM/FM/WB/CD, instructional seat, antenna F/Business band, power diff lock, hi-flow hyd sys w/78 GPM flow, 800/70R38’s, Michelin tires, premier HID lighting package, rotary beacon light, fld vision Xenon HID rear lights, heavy greaseable steer pin, drain kit, (4) 165 lbs. & (12) 450 lb. w/rear wt, includes 2630 screen, SF1 Act & ITC 3000 receiver........................................................ $285,000 ponoka

2011 New Holland T9.505HD U214239, 400 hrs., 385 PTO hp, cab, full intergrated Intellisteer DGPS XP system with Omnistar subscription, powershift, 4 SCV’s, 1000 PTO, Leon 16 ft. 6 way 4000 blade, full weight package, 800/38 duals................................................ $290,000 ponoka

2012 John Deere 9510R 510 hp, deluxe cab w/act seat, 2630 display, SF1 receiver & activation, diff lock, 5 hyds w/78 GPM, 800R38 Michelin tires, HID light pack, radio w/CD, instruct seat, wide rear fenders, electric mirrors, hyd return, buss band antenna, 8974 wgt code, beacon, 3 available.......................... Starting at $355,000 calgary

bale pro’s

2005 Jiffy 920 U050933, left hand discharge, hydraulic gate...$9,900 pincher

2006 Case IH 2388 U295434, 1320 hrs., chaff spreader,

800/70R38 drive & 28l-26 steering tires, complete Deere AMS, WS/FC straw chopper, DAS, DAM, tank ext., 26 ft. auger, observation system, Contour Master, Harvest Smart, premier cab, 12 in. axle spacers, high capacity feed package........................................................... $369,000 trochu

2012 J.D. S680

4 available - calgary

good condition, ready to go................................................................ 9,500 pincher $

1998 Highline 7000 U204650, left hand discharge.............$6,900 stettler starting at



473 hp, premier cab, HID lights, Prodrive trans, lateral tilt feederhouse, 3.15 hi cap lift cyl, 26 ft. auger, hi cap unload, chopper w/ power tailboard chop & drop, 520x42 duals, 750R2626 Firestone tires, adj rear HD axle, blk htr, add grain tank sensor, 12in spacers, hi cap feeding, HD final drive, 615P header.



1997 John Deere CTS 914 header, 14 ft., 30.5R32 drives &

14.9R24 steering tires, WS/FC straw chopper, chaff spreader, dual range, long auger, DAS, DAM, tank extensions, 2 available....................................................................Starting at $37,800 stettler

2010 John Deere T670 615 header, CM feeder house, premium cab, Autotrac ready, 1 ft front axle extensions, 800R32 drive & 480R28 steering tires, WS/FC straw chopper, chaff spreader, dual range, long auger, DAS, DAM, tank extensions, 2 available...................Starting at $273,500 stettler 2010 John Deere 9870STS 615 header, 15 ft., premier cab, HID lights,

elec. mirrors, big top ext., 12 in. axle spacers, Contour Master feeder house, 900x32 drive & 600/65R28 steering tires, Autotrac ready, WS/FC straw chopper, 2 available............................................... $320,000 ponoka

2012 John Deere S670 615P header, variable stream rotor, Contour Master,

fixed speed feederhouse, small wire concave, premium residue package, 22.5 ft. auger power folding grain tank cover, concave cover plates, electric shift 3 speed trans, 900/60R32’s, 600/65R28’s, 12 in. axle spacers, premium cab (service lights, fridge, XM radio, Bluetooth, heated mirrors) HID lights, Autotrac ready with harvest monitor, GS 2630 installed, 2 available.................... $354,900 ponoka

2011 J.D. 9770STS 6 available - clares

starting at



615P header, 20.8x42 drive & 28L-26 steering tires, complete Deere AMS, powercast tailboard, premier cab, Firestone tires, Contour Master.

single hrw, 5 1/2 rbr pkr, tandems on main & wings, Flexi-Coil 3450 TBH 3 comp tank - 10 in. auger, tandems on casters, packer bearings............................................................................... $64,500 ponoka

1995 Flexi-Coil 820 U06848, 3 1/2 in. low draft dutch boots, 4 bar harrows, heavy trips, tank is 1996 - 1720 - DS, 2 tank - also comes with a 30 ft. Morris Ranger 2 harrow packer bar................................... $33,900 stettler 2000 ConservaPak 5112 U112001B, 56 ft., 12 in. spacing, spring trip openers, hi-top mud proof tip, single row seed opener, mud scraper, 400 bu, 4 tank - cart 4400, cameras, 8 ft. auger, tow between, Cat 4 hitch..... $69,800 coro 2006 Flexi-Coil 5000 U003582, air drill, 51 ft., double shoot,

steel packers, dutch openers with Flexi-Coil 2007 4350 TBT air cart, 3 tank, 430 bu ..................................................... $100,000 olds

2005 John Deere 1820 U705218, 45 ft., 10 in. spacing, primary blockage

on both, SP packers (outside on each end are steel), dutch univeral boots, double shoot, TBH, 1910 tank, 340 3 tank, (4 rollers, one of each), variable rate, 8 in. auger ................................................. $109,500 stettler

2006 Bourgault 5710 U38596, 50 ft., 9.8 spacing, mid row banders,

11.5/15 castors, 4 ft. steel packers, 6 run with 6450 tank, 900/60R32, 540/65R24 dual castors, variable rate, rear tow hitch, 10 ft. auger with hyd mover, tow behind, Series II trans, 450 bu tank ................ $152,800 stettler


1998 John Deere 5310 U131455, 3783 hrs.,

with Leon dozer blade....................................................................$15,900 CALGARY

2008 J.D. 7430

U001413B - ponoka

26 ft. auger, WSFC, Prodrive, 208R38 duals, Firestones, adj rear axle, high cap feed...............................................................$299,900 coro

2009 John Deere T670 U084510 , 628 hrs., 615 header,

800x32 drives & 480x46 steering tires, Autotrac ready, WS/FC straw chopper.................................................................. $259,000 pincher


2002 Flexi-Coil 5000 U002402, 57 ft., 10 in. spacing, 4.5 packers, dual fan, single shoot, 550 lb. trip, 3 in. carbide tips, primary blockage comes with 1998 3450 variable rate cart, 3 compartment with flex control monitor, tow behind.......................................................................... $84,900 CLARES 1992 Flexi-Coil 5000 U043841A, 45 ft. single shoot,

steel packers, 2320 tank tow behind, 7.5 spacing ............................... 45,900 olds

1988 John Deere 777 U001227, TBH 160 bu. air tank


w/coarse & fine rollers, double shoot................................................ 6,900 stettler $

1998 John Deere 1900 U675487, 195 TBT cart, double shoot, 6 run on 10 in. spacing, 23.1-26 tires, 8 in. auger, variable rate... $25,000 stettler Bourgault FH 536-42 U53642, 42 ft. airseeder, 8 in. spacing 4 br hrws, S/S BG 2195 TBH tank, 1000 gal TBH liquid system w/sideboot D/S................................................................................ $19,900 ponoka

2004 John Deere 1820 U700414, 50 ft. with 4 in. steel press wheels,

3 in. pair row boots, 1900 cart 430 bus with all updates done, 710 rear rubber, single casters......................................................... $76,500 clares More Models. More Parts. More Knowledgeable Staff.

61 ft., 10 in. spacing, 5.5 in. semi-pneumatic packers, rockguards, PRM blockage, 1 in. gen openers, 1910 air cart, 20.8x42 duals, 12 in. conveyor, variable rate, powered calibration.

1997 Flexi-Coil 5000 U076499, 50 ft., 9 in. spacing, 4 in. D/S Anderson boot,

2011 John Deere 9770STS U743263 , 378 hrs., CM, hi-cap lift,

pick up platform, instructional seat, deluxe cab............................ $135,900 pincher

Jiffy 900 U8660, left hand discharge............................................ $6,500 trochu

mech valve, large tires, twine cutter.............................................. $13,400 stettler

14.9x24 steering tires, reg cut straw chopper, chaff spreader, long auger, 2 available.................................................................... $59,000 pincher

2011 John Deere 9870STS U741229, 334 hrs., 615P header,


2008 Highline 8100 U000198, right hand discharge,

1991 John Deere 9600 914 header, 30.5x32 drives &

extra hi capacity lift cyl, 12 in. axle spacers, 800/70R38 drive & 28L26 steering tires, Autotrac ready, WS/FC straw chopper, dual range, long auger, DAS, DAM............................................. $261,000 calgary

right hand discharge............................................................................ 16,900 coro

Highline 7000 U200541, left hand discharge,

level land feederhouse, high capacity feeding, sidehill shoe package, Autotrac ready, wide spread/fine cut straw chopper, long auger, DAS, DAM, 800/70R38 drives & 600/65R28 steering tires.......... $249,900 ponoka

2009 John Deere 9770STS U731645, 574 hrs., 615 header, premier cab,

& HID lights, 440 hp, Contour Master fixed speed feeder house, 3.15 hi cap lift cyl, 26 ft. auger, hi cap unload, chopper w/power tailboard, 20.8x38 duals, 28L26 Firestone tires, HD rear wheel drive axle, blk htr, 3 concave cover plates, add grain tank sensor, 12 in. axle spacers, hi cap feeding, HD final drive, 615P pick up, steel fingers................................... $359,000 calgary

U735163 - clares

2008 John Deere 9770STS U727265A, 603 hrs., 615 header, premier cab,

800/70R38 drives & 18.4x26 steering tires, yeild & moisture, WS/FC straw chopper, touch set, high capacity feeding, HID lighting, 12 in. axle spacers.................................................... $179,900 trochu

2011 John Deere 9870STS U741151, 355 hrs., premier cab w/CD

2010 J.D. 1835

single speed cylinder, reg cut straw chopper, long auger, 30.5x32 drive tires & 14.9x24 steering tires...................................$56,900 calgary

Autotrac ready, powercast tailboard, dual range, long auger, DAS, DAM, tank extensions, Contour Master, extended wear concave, 800/70R38 drive & 600/65R28 steering tires.............................. $173,800 stettler

Case IH 8610 U096036, with grain tank..................................... $3,900 clares 2009 Highline 8100 U002908, with feed chopper,

1996 John Deere 9600 U666261, 2751 hrs., 914 header,

2008 J.D. T670

U002999 - calgary

Quality Pre-Owned Combines – check out our Website for more details



140 hp, cab w/AC, powershift w/LHR, 3 SCV’s, 540/1000 PTO, MFWD, 3 PTH, 741 self level loader, 16.9/28 fronts & 20.8/38 rears.

2004 John Deere 6320 U403075, 5613 hrs., 80 hp, cab, powerquad, 3 SCV’s, 540/1000 PTO, 2WD, 3PTH, 10.00x16 fronts & 18.4x38 rears....... $38,000 ponoka 2007 John Deere 7630 U006366, 1838 hrs., 140 hp, 40K powerquad, 63CC hyd pump (45 GPM), imp chip, 3 SCV’s, 540/1000 PTO, MFWD, 746 loader, rear fenders, 16.9R30 fronts & 20.8R42 rears............................ $124,000 calgary

2009 John Deere 7830 U012779, 2200 hrs., 165 hp, cab, Autotrac ready,

powerquad, 3 SCV’s, 540/1000 PTO, MFWD, 746 SL loader, 480/70R30 fronts & 520/85R42 rears with clamp on duals........ $146,800 stettler

2006 Case IH MXM130 U277937, 3250 hrs., 105 hp, cab, powershift w/LHR, 4 SCV’s, 540/1000 PTO, MFWD, LX760 mechanical self level loader, front fenders, mirrors, 16.9x28 fronts & 20.8x38 rears - Michelin.... $64,900 pincher

2007 John Deere 7830 U005764, 2200 hrs., 155 hp, cab/AC, Autotrac ready, powerquad, 3 SCV’s, 540/1000 PTO, MFWD, 746SL loader, 420/90R30 fronts & 520/85r42 rears, eh joystick, frt drs, ext lites, int pwr man, ft throttle, instructional seat, 2440 lbs RR wts, beacon, ldr lites, grapple 8 ft. bkt............................................................................. $136,000 ponoka


Target more profit with an AGRI-TREND® Professional Agricultural Coach on your farm – available from your local Agro location.






Pincher Creek













A28 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A29

A30 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Are you tired of dealing with the hassles of irrigating with electrically powered pivot irrigation systems? Microswitches, expensive unexpected repairs, high maintenance costs, safety concerns . . . the list goes on. Only T-L irrigation systems use strong, efficient, smooth running and reliable hydrostatic power that you know and work with every day. Proven technology that works! Let T-L Irrigation Co. and T-L dealers give you lasting value and decades of dependability. T-L pivot irrigation systems are “Easier on You – For a Lifetime.” Call your local T-L dealer or T-L Irrigation Co. at 1-800-330-4264 today!



Brooks, AB 403-501-0123

Bow Island, AB – 403-545-2577 Toll Free 1-877-707-7071

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – A31


New GuardianTM sprayers from New Holland allow you to take full control of your spraying schedule. With the industry’s highest horsepower, largest tank size, smoothest suspension, highest ground clearance and tightest turning radius, Guardian sprayers quickly protect more of your acres per hour for maximum productivity. THREE FRONT BOOM MODELS FROM 240 TO 365 HP TWO REAR BOOM MODELS - 240 AND 275 HP • BOOM WIDTHS UP TO 120 FEET TANK SIZES UP TO 1,600 GALLONS • QUIET, ROOMY, COMFORTABLE CAB

USED COMBINES/HEADERS NH CR9070, 2009, 870 thr hrs, auto guide o/u long auger .................... $225,000 NH CR9070, 2010, auto steer/pickup head/DLX chopper, 730 eng/550 thr hrs ........................................................ $259,000 NH CR9070, 2011, auto steer/pickup/DLX chopper, compressor, 685 eng/592 thr hrs ........................................................ $275,000 NH 94C (Honeybee), 2010, 36’ header, fits CNH, never used ..................$69,000 JD 930 30’ header, with bat reel ............................................................. $5,900 Case IH 2388 2004, 1200 hrs ...........................................................$119,900 NH CX8080 2007, 1050 hrs........................................................ea. $199,000

USED FORAGE/HAYING NH FX30 harvester, 2500 ch hours ....................................................Coming In NH BR780A 2007, net wrap ................................................................$24,500 NH BR780A net & twine.......................................................................$18,500 NH FR9080 2007, 900 CH hrs., processor and corn header .................$298,000 CIH FHX300 PT harvester, 2002, same as NH FP240........................... Coming In RS510T Vicon tedder ............................................................................. $4,000 NH 2115 harvester ...............................................................................$29,000 NH 1431 Haybine 15’, new shock, pro hubs .........................................$24,800 Jiffy 700 Hydump, 2002 ........................................................................ $6,500


Flexi-coil 41’ 800 cultivator, c/w 1720 air cart and S75 packer bar........................................$36,000 Flexi-Coil 300A cultivator, 30' c/w 4 bar harrows & S75 packer bar .......$20,000 Flexi-Coil SD440 air drill, 2007, 57’, c/w SP380 cart, 7.2” spacing, heavy trips ........................................ Coming In Flexi-coil 39’, 5000, 9” spacing, 3” rubber packers, 1720 cart...............$35,000 42’ Agri-tec land roller, 42” rollers, 2 years old ..................................$26,500

USED SWATHERS/SPRAYERS 1992 Prairie Star, (MacDon) c/w 25’ 960 header...................................$18,000 Miller Nitro 4275 2009, 120' boom, 1600 SS tank, 1000 hrs., 650 & 380 tires.....................................$235,000 MacDon 802 TV140 Header Adapter 1999 ....................................... $4,000 CIH WDX1203 30’ .............................................................................$87,500 Flexi-coil S68XL, 130’ wheel boom sprayer c/w wind screens ................$29,900

USED TRACTORS NH T7070 2010, 195 PTO hp, CVT trans., loader, 3 pt.........................$115,000 NH TG210 2006, 4500 hrs. .................................................................$89,500 NH TJ430 P/S 4-way, 16’ dozer 4000 hrs ........................................$189,000 1998 NH TV140, Bi-Di 6800 hrs FEL ....................................................$39,900

MISCELLANEOUS Sweepster-made Skid Steer mounted rotary cutter as new...................... $6,300 Hi Line 6800 bale processor ................................................................... $6,500 Snapper Turf Cruiser side by side ATV................................................... $5,400 NH LM 435 Telehandler ....................................................................$55,000

JOHN BEYER (403) 380-0488

JAKE PETERS (403) 654-3243

A32 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b1


Publication Agreement No. 40012905 Farmer / Stockman


March 14, 2013

B Section


complete professional livestock handling source

Rubber Rock Resources

H Sales & Service Representing 10 Industry Leading Manufacturers of Livestock Equipment

S.I. Feeder’s

One Time Fencing


10th annual GCP 32Z

Charolais Bull Sale March 25, 1:00 p.m.




Balog Cow Palace

(Adj.) 1. Established beyond doubt

Using Charolais Genetics allows cow/calf operations to sell larger drafts of calves. Whether your cows are red, brown, black or mixed, the Charolais cross is the best. Charolais genetics represent the most effective means to achieve consistency in your calves… it’s proven!!!


–  White and Red Factor Charolais Bulls Available. –  No bulls pre-sold. –  All bulls performance & semen tested. –  Sires used were selected for calving ease & powerful performance. –  Once again last fall proved that Char Cross calves brought weight & price premiums.


For more info phone: Dale Jorgensen, 758-6614 or 758-3726 Glen Pittman, 647-3511 0r 642-7050


b2 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

3005 - 18th Ave. North, Lethbridge, Alberta Keith Shirakawa Res: 403-381-0733  •  Cell: 403-308-1928 Shane mann Res: 403-328-1859  •  Cell: 403-308-0341 Brendon hanlon Res: 403-380-3607  •  Cell: 403-330-7497

easy to handle. efficient to run. power to perform. RoGator® takes maneuverability to the next level with our exclusive GatorTrak™ four-wheel steering option. The two-track system makes it easy to handle, reducing soil disturbance and crop damage through headland turns. With the fuel-efficient AGCO Power 8.4-liter diesel engine, there’s plenty of proven power to go around without having to stop to refuel. Save money on fuel, and get the job done sooner, all from the quiet comfort of our revamped cab. No matter what color you’re running now, do yourself a favor, and test drive a RoGator at a dealer near you.


Challenger MT 965C (2012), 525 hp, 5 remotes, 59 gpm hydraulics, pto, 800/38 duals, Topcon system 150 autosteer,deluxe cab, deluxe seat, nightbreaker lights, ballasted to 54000 lbs., 170 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319,000 M.F. 8670 (2010), 225 pto hp, 1990 hrs, 3pt, DynaVt transmission (50kph), 3pt, front axle suspension, new michelin 800 tires, fenders, 6 remotes, Cab suspension, nightblaze lights, 22 wts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187,900 M.F. 8660 (2009), 225 pto hp, 1400 hrs, 3pt, DynaVt transmission (50kph), 3pt, front axle suspension, new 480/50 rears and duals, 6 remotes, pivoting fenders, steer ready, opti ride cab suspension, ISO display. . . . . 180,000 Fendt 930PF (2009), 250 pto hp, front suspension, cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 3pt, Topcon Autosteer system, 3560 hrs, exhaust brake, radar, 520/46 rears and duals, front duals, hyd trailer brakes, xenon light package, air trailer brakes, 1000 pto . . . . . 179,000 Challenger MT 755 (2002), 4640 hrs, std guage, 4 remotes, 235 pto hp, front weights, brand new 24” tracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,900 N.H. TG305 (2006), 255 pto hp, 3pt, 4 hyd, 380/54 rears and duals, front duals, 3390 hrs., front weights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,000 N.H. TG305 (2006), 255 pto hp, 3pt, 5 hyd, supersteer, 380/54 rears and duals, front duals, 3170 hrs., front weights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,000 N.H. TG305 (2006), 255 pto hp, 3pt, 5 hyd, supersteer, 900/42 rears, 600 fronts, 3545 hrs., performance monitor, front weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,000 J.D. 7630 (2007), 140 pto hp, fwa, 3pt, 3 remotes, fenders, Autoquad with LH reverser, 520/38 rears, 2 sets rear weights, deluxe cab, 746 MSL loader, grapple bucket, 5700 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105,000 Case IH MX285 (2003), fwa, 3pt, 5 remotes, 4500 hrs, hi-flow hyd pump, heavy duty front axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99,900 Fendt 712 (2008), 110 pto hp, front axle suspension, cab suspension, Vario CVT, 3pt, 3390 hrs, fenders, Fendt 755 MSL loader, 95" grapple bucket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98,900 M.F. 7495 (2006), 155 pto hp, suspended cab, deluxe seat, visi-roof cab, rear wiper, mirrors, 650/42 rears, 600 fronts, 3pt, michelin tires, 150 amp alternator, Dynashift trans c/w creeper, Alo Q75 MSL loader, grapple bucket, 5200 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,900 M.F. 6485 (2006), 125 pto hp, fwa, fenders, 32 spd trans with dynashuttle, 3 remotes, 3pt, 3600 hrs, visi roof cab, Alo Q75 MSL loader, grapple bucket, silage screen, rebuilt engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,500 N.H. TM155 (2007), 1900 hrs, fwa, 4 remotes, cab suspension, front pto and 3pt, 650/38 michelin rears, 320/54’s also available for this unit. . . . 79,000 Buhler Genesis II 2145 (2006), fwa, 145 hp, 3pt, 3 remotes, 20.8-42 rears, fenders, 3355 hrs, 3895 loader, grapple bucket. . . . . . . . . . . 73,000 M.F. 5455 (2009), fwa, 3pt, 2 remotes, MF 945 loader, bucket, visi roof cab, LH reverser, 16 spd semi-powershift, air seat, 220 hrs. . . . . . 69,990 J.D. 4555 (1991), fwa, powershift, 7691 hrs, 1 3/4 pto, fenders, 20.8-42 rears and duals, 3 remotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57,900 CaseIH MXM190 (2003), 4630 hrs, fwa, 3pt, 4hyd, 380/90R54 rears and duals, 380 fronts, fenders, front 3 pt and pto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,900 M.F. 481 (2005), 67 pto hp, fwa, cab, 2 remotes, Alo Q45, loader, grapple bucket, 980 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,900 N.H. TL100 (1999), 82 pto hp, fwa, fenders, 3pt, 2 remotes, Alo Q960 loader, bucket, joystick, 3830 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,900 J.D. 4755 (1989), 157 pto hp, fwa, 5 hrs, 280 loader, grapple bucket, duals, 11,000 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,900



u sed equip men t WINDROWERS sold M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper

Case IH 7110 (1989), fwa, 3 remotes, 7170 hrs, 130 pto hp, new 18.4-38 rear tires, 710 loader, grapple bucket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,900 M.F. 596 (2008), 85 pto hp, fwa, cab with a/c, 3pt with extendable lower links, 18.4-34 rears, 14.9-24 fronts, 3 remotes, 1210 hrs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,500 M.F. 596 (2008), 85 pto hp, fwa, cab with a/c, 3pt with extendable lower links, 18.4-34 rears, 14.9-24 fronts, 2 remotes, 1175 hrs.. . . . . . . . . . 35,500 J.D. 4640 (1981), 2wd, 156 hp, singles, 2 hyd’s , 10550 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,900

SQUARE BALERS (Large & Small)


M.F. 2170 (2011), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube, preservative applicator kit. . . . . . . . . 115,000 M.F. 2170 (2010), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 M.F. 2170 (2011), 3 x 4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube, preservative applicator kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114,000 M.F. 2170 (2011), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,000 M.F. 2170 (2009), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,900 M.F. 2190 (2008), 4 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,900 M.F. 2170 (2008), 3 x 4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,900 Hesston 4910 (2006), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68,900 M.F. 2170 (2007), 3 x 4 baler, accumulator, knotter blower, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,900 Hesston 4790 (2006), 3 x 4 baler, bale chute, autolube, knotter blower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,900 Hesston 4910 (2005), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,900 Hesston 4910 (2002), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate, reconditioned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,000 N.H. BB960 (2002), 3 x 4 baler, accumulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming In Case IH 8590 (1999), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,900 M.F. 1841 (2007), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000 Phiber AC4104 Accumulator (2010), Krone mount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,900 Hesston 4925 Accumulator (2001), fits Hesston or MF 3 x 4 or 4 x 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900

round BALERS

M.F. 2756A (2009) 5 x 6 baler, autocycle, kicker, mesh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 J.D. 567 (2002) round baler, 5 x 6, mesh, mega wide, hyd p/u lift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,900 J.D. 567 (2002) round baler, 5 x 6, mega tooth, hyd p/u lift . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000

seeding & tillage

Horsch-Anderson Joker (2012), 30’, drawbar pull, s pring packers, nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,000 Salford RTS (2011), 24' vertical tillage unit, weight kit, 3 bar harrows, low acres, 14" rolling baskets. Call Brendon for more information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49,900 CaseIH 4500 (1992), field cultivator, 36', vibrashank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400

kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, Topcon System 150 autosteer, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 25’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 335 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, Trimble Ezee-steer , MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1250 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . 139,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 25’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 905 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 132,000 M.F. 9635 (2010), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 5200 DSA draper, header, 30', UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, electric fore/aft . . . . . . 121,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1130 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . 112,000 M.F. 9635 (2007), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1350 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . 109,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9196 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, 554 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . Coming In M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1130 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 M.F. 9635 (2008), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, 1205 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85,000 N.H. HW 320 (2001), SP sickle mower, 14' header, rubber rolls, 1300 hrs, premium condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,900 Hesston 8500 (1997), Sp windrower, 15'3" disc header, steel rolls, hyd tilt and floatation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,900 CaseIH 425 (1999), draper header, 21’, DSA, guage wheels, less than 1000 acres total, fits 8250, 8450, 8550 Hesston, 8860-70-80 CaseIH. . . . . . . . 17,900 Hesston 9020 (2005), 18' auger header, reel spider kit, crop dividers. . . . . . 16,990 N.H. 2300 (2000), auger header, 14' fits TV140-145. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,900

DISC & MOWER conditioners

M.F. 1375 (2011) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . 35,900 M.F. 1375 (2009) 15’, steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . . 30,000 M.F. 1375 (2008) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . 25,900 Hesston 1365 (2006) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,900 J.D. 946 (2002) 13' discmower, urethane rolls, hyd tilt, 3 pt. swivel. . . . . . . 14,900 Hesston 1265 (2003) sickle mower, 14', rubber on steel rolls . . . . . . . . . . 13,900 N.H. 499 (1992) 12' sickle mower, rubber rolls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000

grain handling equipment

Farmking 13 x 70 Auger (2009), mechanical swing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,900 Brandt 10 x 70XL Auger (2005), mechanical swing hopper. . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500

Highline 1600 Series Transfer Conveyor (2004), hydraulic drive. . . . . 2,500


Fendt 712 (2001), tractor, 6700 hrs, fwa, 3pt, front axle & cab suspension, Vario CVT, Alo 980 loader, grapple bucket, 4 rear remotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,000 Agco Allis 9455 (1997), tractor, 155 pto hp, fwa, 3pt hitch, 3 remotes, 14.9- 46 rears and duals, 32 spd trans (4 spd powershift), 7400 hrs . . . . . . 30,000 Phillips 4305A (2007), rotary harrow, 43' WW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 Allis 7000 (1977), tractor, 107 hp, 8750 hrs, 3 hyd., Allied 795 loader. . . 13,000 Riteway 7500 Harrow Packer (2002), 5 bar harrows, 1 3/4 coils, 40’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,500 GMC C3500 SL (2001), One ton service truck, 271,000 km, 8.1L gas engine, std trans., 300 gal. on board fuel tank, air compressor, onboard engine oil & hydraulic oil tanks (air operated with retractable reels), tool boxes, new clutch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 Allis 7030 (1974), tractor, 130 hp, 6360 hrs, 2 hyd. loader mtg for Allied 795. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,500 Degelman Snow Push (200?), 14' width, rubber cutting edge. . . . . . . . . 5,290

application equipment

Rogator 1396 Sprayer (2009), 1200 gallon, 120', 950 hrs . . . . . . . . . 299,000 Rogator 1184 Sprayer (2010), 1000 gallon, 100'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255,000 Case IH SPX 3150 (2004), 90’ booms, 800 gallon tank, autosteer. . . . 105,000 N.H. S1070 Suspended Boom Sprayer (2010), 100’, windscreens, 3 boom valves, inductor tank, autorate control, end row nozzles. . . . . . . . . 38,900 F.C. System 67XL (2002), 100', 2 boom vavles, microtrak 9000, autorate control, 850 gallon tank, mix n fill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900

hay rakes

Fella TS 1603 (2010), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,900 Fella TS 880 (2009), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming In Fella TS 1602 (2003), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,900 Fella TS 880 (2006), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900 Fella TS 350 (2007), single rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,990


Sterling Acturra feed truck (2002), 245 hp cummins engine, 5 spd. automatic trans, single axle, 142,114 km, 1299hrs, Knight 4063 feed mixer, LH discharge, 4 auger box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,900 Muratori MT22-170 (2011), Flail mower, excellent shape . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,290

lawn & garden

M.F. 1532L tractor, (2012), hydrostatic, 32 hp, industrial tires, 3pt, rear pto, loader, joystick ,skid steer q/a, 60" bucket, 10 hrs. . . . . . . . . 16,900 M.F. GC2400L tractor, (2012), hydrostatic, 24 hp, 3pt, mid and rear pto, loader, joystick, bucket, 22 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,900 M.F. ZT29 zero turn mower, (2012), 29 hp, hydrostatic, 72" HD mower deck, 92 hrs, used to mow ball diamonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,990 M.F. GC2400 (2011), hydrostatic, 24 hp, 3pt, mid and rear pto, industrial tires, 66 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,490

new rogators available for spring.

1100 & 1300 Gallon - call.

phone: (403) 329-8686

daytime & after hours: call toll free 1-800-461-5356 email:    

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b3

3005 - 18th Ave. North, Lethbridge, Alberta Keith Shirakawa Res: 403-381-0733  •  Cell: 403-308-1928 Shane mann Res: 403-328-1859  •  Cell: 403-308-0341 Brendon hanlon Res: 403-380-3607  •  Cell: 403-330-7497

The GrainVac 7500 HP is up to any challenge. When it’s time to move huge volumes of grain, nothing out-hustles the GrainVac 7500 HP. Brandt’s breakthrough technology delivers high capacity and high efficiency – with lower horsepower requirements and low-cost, easy maintenance. So if you’ve got a need for speed, see the GrainVac 7500 HP at your local Brandt dealer.

That’s Powerful Value. Delivered.

Our disc blades start with a superior design that is thoroughly field tested. This provides you with a consistently high quality boron alloy steel that can resist wear and keeps the elasticity needed to withstand direct impacts. Keep your tillage implements running with the original superior quality they started with. See your AGCO Parts dealer for a complete line of tillage and seeding parts.

phone: (403) 329-8686

daytime & after hours: call toll free 1-800-461-5356 email:    

b4 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

d e t a r e p O & d e n w O Family

Factory Trained and Certified Service Technicians


$12,999 2012 Arctic cat Prowler 700XTX

2012 Arctic Cat 550i GT

Power steering, Shift on the fly 4x4, Front diff. lock, E.F.I, Front & rear speed racks, 2” rear receiver hitch,1230 Km’s, Fresh service & mechanical inspection.

2012 Arctic Cat 550 I GT TRV (2-up) Power steering, E.F.I, Shift on the fly 4X4, Front diff. lock, 2” receiver hitch. New with full factory warranty.




700EFI, Shift on the fly 4x4, Locking front diff., Automatic trans. w/ engine brake, Tilt, Rear view mirror, Center console, Dump box.

2012 Arctic Cat 350 4x4 New, Never used, Sold with full factory warranty.


used golf carts 2012 Club Car XRT950 4x4

480 cc V-2 gas engine, Full independent susp., Front diff. lock, Tilting cargo bead, Alu. wheels, Hard top, Hour meter.


2012 Club Car XRT850

11.5hp gas engine, Cargo box with tail gate, 22” tires on 10” alu. wheels, HD front push block & brush guard, Head lights, Skid plates.

2010 Club Car Precedent

in stock

Electric. Sand box. Fresh service and mechanical inspection.



3131 1st Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB

403-394-6228 Toll Free 1-888-494-6228

Horsch anderson Farming with passion

the joker Corn, wheat, bean or cover crop, the Horsch Anderson Joker is versatile enough to handle any type of crop residue in wet, dry, rocky or extremely saturated soils. No other tillage system gives you the speed, durability, moisture conservation and finishing capabilities of the Horsch Anderson Joker. With the Joker, you don’t have to sacrifice speed to finely chop and incorporate residue back into your field. It is specifically designed to perform at higher speeds in order to give you the most efficient, time-saving tillage experience. From the frame to the tires, the discs to the finishing system, the team at Horsch Anderson analyzed every aspect of the design to find ways to improve performance and increase your productivity. The result is the fastest, most efficient minimum tillage system on the market. The Joker can till fields in half the time or faster. Just a few miles per hour faster increases the productivity per acre. In our field tests, the Joker was able to perform at speeds up to 12 mph. That’s more than twice as fast as traditional tiller systems. Think about how much more you could accomplish with the fast, efficient and flexible Joker. The Joker compact disc may not look like every other tiller system, but then again, no other minimum tillage system handles quite like the Joker. Whether it’s the MT, RT or PT series, the Joker has the versatility to become an integral part or your farming operations.

Milliken Farm Supplies (1977) Ltd.


Horsch anderson dealer for alberta

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– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b5

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– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b7

See us for your Highline Bale Processor to carry you through the winter!

USED haying/forage NH BR7090 1000 PTO, auto wrap, extra sweep PU, nice shape ��������������� $25,900 NH 664 rnd baler, 540 PTO, bale command ����������������������������������� $11,900 Case IH 8465A auto tie, gathering whls, kicker, 540 PTO ������� $10,900 Hesston 956 rnd baler, 1000 PTO, wide PU, kicker, auto cycle, 4100 bales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,900 Hesston 560A 5x6 bale, auto, gathering wheels, 540 PTO ����������������� $5,995 Hesston 560A 5x6, fully auto, gathering wheels, 540 PTO ����������������� $5,995 Foster Round Bale Mover . . . . . . . . . . Offers Morris 881 Hayhiker 8 bale capacity � $12,900

USED WINDROWERS Versatile 4400 c/w 22’ DSA, batt reel, cab ����������������������������������������� $4,995

USED COMBINES & HEADERS All Used Combines Interest Free for 30 months NH CX840 2003, c/w 1931 eng. hrs., 1555 thresher hrs., long auger, deluxe cab, chopper, chaff blower, Y & M, 900 tires, 14’ Swathmaster P/U. . . . $119,000 NH TR96, 1986, 3200 eng. hrs., Melroe p/u, Reddekop chopper. . . . . $19,900 NH TR96, ’92, 1750 sep hrs, long auger, Redekopp chopper, Victory Super 8 p/u ��������������������������� $39,900 NH TR99, ’99, 1750 sep. hrs, long auger, electronic stone trap, chopper, chaff spreader, Swath Master PU ������� $69,000 NH 94C 39' draper header, PU reel, fore/aft, pea auger, gauge wheels, transport kit, CR/CX adapter. . . . . . . $42,900 HoneyBee SP36 draper header, batt reel, pea auger, gauge wheels, transport kit, CR adapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,900 New 28Lx26 tires and rims to fit combine ������������������������������������������� Call MF 9024 24’ header, batt reel . . . . . . . . $6,995

NH 970 30’ header, batt reel. . . . . . . . . . $7,995 MF 24’ straight cut header, 1859 series. . . Call MF 20’ straight cut header. . . . . . . . . . . . . Call

used SEEDING/TILLAGE Flexi-Coil 5000 45’, 9” spacing, 3 1/2” steel packers, 3” tips, c/w FC 2320 tow behind, single shoot, mechanical drive auger ������������������������������������������������� $42,900 Ezee-On 3800 tandem disc, 35 1/2’, 10 1/2” spacing, Stoneflex hangers, 215 bearings, 16.5 x 16.1 tires ����������� $31,900 CIH ATX 400 air drill, 52’, 10” spacing, 4 1/2” steel packers, 4” points, dual caster wheels, single shoot c/w CIH ADX 3430 430 bushel tow between tank, dual fan, air seeder hopper, mechanical drive ����������������������������� $109,000 NH SD 440 Air Drill, 51’ 9” spacing, 3 1/2” steel. single shoot, tow between air pack. . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,900 Flexi-Coil 5000 51’, 12” spacing, 4 1/2” steel, stealth boots, w/CIH 3380 tow between, 380 bushels, single shoot, variable rate, 10” auger ��������������������� $89,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 - 39’, 14” spacing, 7” splitter, 2 1/4” packers, knock-ons, 2 bar harrows, 2320 tow behind, single shoot, auger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,900 Morris MH 310 40 ft., 7 1/2” spacing, fert. factory trans.. . . . . . . . . . $5,995 Riteway 2150 packer bar, wing up 58’, 1 3/4” packers, spring pressure . . . . . $15,900

miscellaneous Bale King 3110 Bale Pro, right hand discharge, 1000 PTO, 16.5L x 16.1 tires, 40 bu. grain tank, electric 3rd valve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming In Flexi-Coil 67 pull type sprayer 830 gal, 114’ boom, Dual nozzle, hyd pump ������������������������������������ Coming in Sakundiak HD10 x 1800 grain auger (60’), c/w swing-away & reverser. . . . . . . . . $5,195 Flexi-Coil 55 pull type sprayer, 550 gal, 70’ boom, dual nozzle, wind screen, hyd pump ���������������� Coming in

0% financing available


(403) 647-3737

DARREN OSTENBERG: (403) 647-2198 fax (403) 647-2069

Call our toll-free line:


000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000  000  000  000  000  000  000  000

Highline bale processor

2003 Int’l 9400i Daycab

000 000 000 000 000 000 000

000 000 000 000 000 000 000

000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000  000  000  000  000  000  000  000

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Cummins N14 460hp, 15 spd trans; 14 + 46 axles, 3-way lockers, air ride susp, jake brake, safety.

$26,900 + gst 2004 Int’l 9900i 51” Sleeper

Cat C12 455hp, 18 spd trans, 12 + 40 axles, 3-way lockers, air ride susp, jake brake, safety.

$24,900 + gst

1999 Int’l 9900i Daycab

Cat 3406E 455hp, 18 spd trans, 14 + 46 axles, 3-way lockers, air ride susp, jake brake, wet kit.

$24,900 + gst

2008 FLT M2-106 Cab & Chassis Cummins ISC 330hp, Allison Automatic, 14.6 + 40 axles, 4-way lockers, air ride susp, jake brake.

$59,900 + gst 2005 Sterling LT9513 Daycab Detroit 60 series 515hp, 18 spd trans, 16 + 46 axles, 4-way lockers, air ride susp, jake brake, safety.

$42,900 + gst 1991 FLT Tandem Grain Truck

Cat 3406B 425hp, 8LL spd trans, 20 + 46 axles, 3-way lockers, air ride susp, jake brake, 20’x86”x58” Grain Box, roll tarp.

$37,900 + gst

South Country Sales

Coaldale, AB •


Financing Available OAC

b8 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Foothills Livestock Auction – Stavely, ab θ














Regular Cattle Sales every friday at 9:00 a.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 15 - 700 YEARLINGS BOOKED Blades Angus & Rack Red Angus Bull Sale Tues., March 19 - 1:30 p.m.

On Offer: 85 Top Quality Red & Blk. Angus Yearling Bulls


Ranchland Horse Sale

Saturday, March 23 - 10:00 a.m.

Saddle, Ranch Horses, Prospects & Mares Starts at 10:00 a.m. Excellent selection of Tack Horses to follow.

Friday, March 29 - No sale Good Friday – Happy Easter Ranchland Equipment/Machinery Consignment Sale Saturday, April 13, 2013

Huge Close-Out Tack Auction Saturday, April 20, 2013

Heritage Inn, Cranbrook, BC - Please visit our website for more info.

For all your auction needs: Farm, Ranch, Acreage, Equipment, Land or Livestock Sales Please contact us to book your sale and take advantage of our extensive marketing campaign with nation-wide exposure. •  Confidential appraisals & professional sales consultation  •  Computerized off-site sales  •  Extensive mail list  •  Over 50 years auction experience  •  Portable auction units  •  Sales can be conducted at our Auction Facility located on Hwy. #2 or at your own location! Visit us online at for complete listings on these upcoming sales. Call our sales office at 403-549-2120 to participate in any of these sales. Offering the same great service as our parent company in ponoka. over 50 years of livestock marketing experience to serve you.

Box 10, Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 • Sales Barn (403) 549-2120 Fax (403) 549-2253  •  email:  • or Manager Rob Bergevin - 403-625-7171

W. Country Field Rep. Kim Cochlan - 403-625-1035


Every week tens of thousands of our farm and ranch readers turn to their AD-Viser and AG-Viser for the information they need to effectively run their operations. It’s trusted and respected by the hundreds of advertisers who know that when they advertise with us, their message goes straight to the customers they want to reach, every time. To find out more, give us a call:

Toll Free 1-877-328-0048

N. Country Rep. Lorne Depaoli - 403-652-0344


skidsteers Bobcat 742 1982, 34 hp Ford gas,

3600 hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,900

Bobcat S130 2010, 49 hp Kubota diesel, 181 hours, H71 option package, cab enclosure/heater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Bobcat S250 2006, 75 hp Kubota diesel, 1000 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, Hi-Flow hydraulics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 hp Kubota diesel, 1600 hrs., cab encl/heater/air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bobcat Whisker 72” bucket, push broom, fits up to 74” buckets. New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 CASH

“Your Short Line Headquarters”

bobcat T750 track loader, 2011, 85 hp Kubota diesel,

Bobcat 52” Hydraulic Tiller

287 hours, ACS-hand and foot controls, A91 option package, cab encl/heater/air, high flow hydraulics, two-speed and roller suspension.

1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,200 Bobcat 5A Chipper 2007, up to 3” diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,600



excavators 29,900 Bobcat 322G 2004,

16 hp Kubota diesel, 1450 hrs.. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bobcat T300 track loader, 2005,


Bobcat S750 2012, 85hp Kubota diesel,

265 hours, ACS hand/foot controls, A51 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, high flow hyd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,900

Bobcat T750 track loader, 2011, 85 hp Kubota

diesel, 287 hours, ACS-hand and foot controls, A91 option package, cab encl/heater/air, high flow hydraulics, two-speed and roller suspension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,900

attachments Top & Rear Window Kit



versahandler attachments Single Tooth Bale Handler

new ������������������������������������������������������������������� 2,000

tractors J.D. 2155 1992, 55 hp diesel,

8100 hrs. ������������������������������������������������������������� 9,300


Stiga Park 16 Front Mower 1995, 16 hp B & S, Vanguard, hydrostatic, articulates, 44” side discharge mower (flip-up). . . . . . . . . . . . 2,900

White GT2550KH new, 25 hp Kohler Courage V-Twin OHV, 54” mower, hydrostatic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Woods RM48 3 pt., 48” finishing mower. . . 1,100 Kubota RCK48-15BX 48” mower for BX1500D tractor. New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Kubota RCK72R-F36

3,900 cash

72” rear discharge finishing mower, 2006, fits newer F series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,400

Westfield TF100-41 10” X 41’

Haybuster 256 Plus II

Gravely Pro Master 300 zero-turn front mower, 1999, 27hp Kohler, 659 hours, 60” side discharge mower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,400

Highline BP7000 2000,

Kubota GF1800E front mower, 2005,

Haybuster 2800 Bale Buster, 2009. . . . 15,900

18hp Kubota diesel, 228 hours, 60” side discharge mower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,900

Farm King 10’ steel swather roller w/2 hand cranks for adjustment, 1” pillow block bearings on center shaft, swivel hitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000

bale processors 2 chain table, 1995 ��������������������������������������������� 5,600 tail light kit and electric chute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,900

for G series cabs. New ���������������������������������������������200

lawn & garden

610 - 30 Street North, Lethbridge, AB.

(403) 329-6011

auger, 2006, top feed, EMD drive. . . . . . . . . . . . 4,999

farm king

Darren: (403) 380-0083 - Cell. jeff: (403) 380-0645 - Cell.

1-800-599-8940 • Fax: (403) 328-8787 Website:

photos on web

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b9


Black & White, old style stripe, 11rx22.5 on alum wheels, centerfuse drums, duralite hubs, wheel guards, inner/outer load lights, rear lights, side lights, 166° s/s fenders, roll tarp w/quick release.

Price on Request




ISX Cummins, 450hp, jake, 13 speed, 12+40 axles w/lockers, day cab, 11rx22.5 on alum wheels, 244” wheel base, 150 gal fuel tanks, fresh safety.

ISX Cummins, 500hp, jake, 18 speed, 12+40 axles, 3 way lockers, 73” hi prosleeper, 11rx24.5 on alum wheels, 966,000 kms, fresh safety.








Maxxforce 9-300hp, Allison 3500 automatic, 11rx22.5 on steel wheels, 14+26 axles, 207” wheel base.

Price on Request




ISX Cummins, 550hp, jake, 18 speed, 12+40 axles, 4 way lockers, 73” hi prosleeper, 11rx22.5 on alum wheels, fresh safety.




ISX Cummins, 535 hp, jake, 13 speed, 12+40 axles, 51" low prosleeper, 11rx24.5 on alum wheels, roo bumper, engine webasto, 08/13 safety

Open end, white slopes, Silver & White, flat alum fenders, dual chute cranks, quick release roll tarp, 11rx24.5 on steel wheels, 11/13 safety

ISX Cummins, 525 hp, 1850 lb. ft. torque, jake, 13 speed, 12+46 axles, 4 way lockers, day cab 11rx22.5 on alum wheels, fresh safety.

51.5" wall, tub style box, sealed end gate, quick adjust box, Hardox 450, lift axles, electric tarp, flat alum fenders, fresh safety.







Maxxforce 10-350hp, Allison 3000 automatic, alum & steel wheels, Renn 15’ gravel box & hoist, 14+40 axles, air ride.

Price on Request



Maxxforce 13-475hp, jake, Allison 4500 automatic, 16+69 axles, cab & chassis, air ride, 260” wheel base, alum wheels. NT11999

Price on Request





2004 MACK CH613

14' gravel box & hoist, spring ride, 11rx24.5 on spokes, flip tarp, White.

C-15 Cat, 550hp, jake, 18 speed, 12+40 axles w/lockers, 72” hi prosleeper, 11rx22.5 on alum wheels, webasto, Red & Purple, fresh safety.

460 Mack, jake, 18 speed, 12+46 axles, 3 way lockers, 11rx24.5 on alum wheels, roo bumper, 60" flat top sleeper, air ride, 02/14 safety.










Maxxeforce 13-500hp, jake, 18 speed, 14+46 axles, locking diffs, air ride, 11rx24.5 on alum wheels, 217” wheel base.

Maxxforce 13-470hp, jake, Allison 4500 automatic, 16+40 axles, control traction diffs, 203” wheel base, alum wheels.

ISX Cummins, 550hp, jake, 18 speed, 72" hi prosleeper, 12+40 axles, 3 way lockers, 11rx24.5 on alum wheels, beacons, fresh safety.




Price on Request

Rentals – Book Your Unit Today! Ask for Jake or Rod. 40 Ton Scissorneck Triaxle 45’ Grain Trailer International 4300 – 24’ Straight Truck International TerraStar – 16’ Straight Truck Doepker Super B Bulkers Doepker Super B Flat Decks Triaxle Gravel Pups – Pintel Hitch


Price on Request


More than 90 units available!


Triaxle End Dumps – Wet Kit Required – New Low Rates! Triaxle Belly Dumps – Cross Hopper, Close under load 53’ Triaxle Drop Decks – Hay Racks or Ramps Tandem & Triaxle Dry vans – 53’ International Hi-Way Tractors – 51” & 72” Sleepers



Visit Our Website ANDY QUIRING





4310 - 9th Ave. N. Lethbridge, Alta.

Toll Free 1-800-949-0808

b10 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –


Koss Farms Ltd.

Mundare, AB | Thursday, April 4, 2013 · 11am


2001 JOHN DEERE 9300

AUCTION LOCATION: From MUNDARE, AB, go 6.4 km (4 miles) West on HWY 16 to Rge Rd 173, then 4.4 km (2.75 miles) South. Yard on West side of road. A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2007 New Holland CR9070 Combine · 2008 New Holland 94C 30 Ft Draper Header · 2001 John Deere 9300 4WD · 2003 Case IH SPX3185 90 FT Sprayer · 2007 Massey Ferguson 9435 30 FT Swather · Morris Maxim 39 FT w/7300 Air Drill · 1991 Peterbilt 377 Truck Tractor · 1994 International 2554 T/A Grain Truck · 2003 Lode

King Prestige 36 FT Grain Trailer · Wil-Rich Vibrashank 45 Ft Field Cultivator · Hutchmaster 7600 30 Ft Tandem Disc · Flexi-Coil 85 60 Ft Heavy Harrows · Chief Westland 3500± Bushel 16 Ft x 5 Ring Grain Bin · Sakundiak HD10-2000 10 In. x 70 Ft Mechanical Swing Grain Auger · (2) Grain Guard GG914100 100000 BTU Aeration Heater...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: Lyle Koss: 780.764.2397 (h), 780.603.8472 (c) Ritchie Bros. Territory Manger – Cody Rude: 780.722.9777 800.491.4494

the aD-viser toll free: 1-877-328-0048

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b11

b12 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Did You Know? An AdViser / AgViser Classified Ad costs, on the average, less than 3/100 of a cent for every farm home that it goes to?

Real Value Real Effectiveness Call today to place your Classified Ad.

Toll Free

1-877-328-0048 Farmer / Stockman

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b13

Easter Bunny Breads Recipe

Ingredients: •  2 packages (1/4 ounce each)   active dry yeast •  1 cup warm water (110° to 115°) •  1 cup warm 2% milk (110° to 115°) •  2 tablespoons sugar •  2 tablespoons canola oil •  1 egg •  1 teaspoon salt •  5-1/2 to 6-1/2 cups all-purpose flour •  16 small milk chocolate eggs

Icing: •  1 tablespoon confectioners’ sugar •  1/4 teaspoon water •  1 drop red food coloring

That’s how long our qualified agricultural appraisers have been giving farmers and ranchers the advantage of their knowledge and expertise. Let us give you the same advantage.

Directions: •  In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Add the milk, sugar, oil, egg, salt and 4 cups flour. Beat on medium speed for 3 minutes; beat until smooth. Stir in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough (dough will be sticky). •  Turn onto a floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-8 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour. •  Punch dough down. For each bunny, shape a 3-in. ball for the body; press a chocolate egg into each ball. Shape dough around egg so it is completely   covered. For each head, shape a 2-in. ball; press a chocolate egg into each. Shape dough around egg so it is completely covered. Add a 1-in. ball for the tail and two 2-in. x 3/4-in. pieces for the ears. •  Place bunnies 2 in. apart on greased baking sheets. Bake at 400° for 12-15   minutes or until golden brown. Carefully remove from pans to wire racks to cool. •  For icing, in a small bowl, combine confectioners’ sugar and water; tint pink with red food coloring. With a small new paintbrush, paint a nose and whiskers on 8 Servings  Prep: 25 min. + rising  Bake: 15 min. + cooling each bunny. Yield: 8 servings. 8 Servings Prep: 25 min. + rising Bake: 15 min. + cooling

Ingredients: • • • • • • • • •

Give us a call for a no-obligation consultation.

handley appraisals ltd. #2, 1713 - 2nd Ave. S., Lethbridge, AB T1J 0e8

PHONE 394-0608 FAX: 1-866-678-0825


2 packages (1/4 ounce each) active dry yeast 1 cup warm water (110° to 115°) 1 cup warm 2% milk (110° to 115°) 1989-2013 2 tablespoons sugar 24 Years 2 tablespoons canola oil th 1 egg th 1 teaspoon salt 5-1/2 to 6-1/2 cups all-purpose flour At Perlich 16 small milk chocolate eggs Bros. Auction Market Ltd. Lethbridge, AB

“4 Annual Cow Booster Bull Sale” March 26 , 2013 at 1:00p.m.

Icing: • • •

four decades


1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar 1/4 teaspoon water 1 drop red28 foodSalers coloring


Yearling Bulls

• In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Add the milk, sugar, oil, egg, salt and 4 cups flour. Beat on medium 2 Salers speed for 3 minutes; beat until smooth. Stir in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough (dough will be sticky). Two Year Old Bulls • Turn onto a floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-8 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour. 4 Horned Hereford • Punch dough down. For each bunny, shape a 3-in. ball for the body; press a chocolate egg into each ball. Shape Twoegg YrsoOld Bulls covered. For each head, shape a 2-in. ball; press a chocolate dough around it is completely egg into He Sells 56Zeach. Shape dough around egg so it is completely covered. Add a 1-in. ball for the tail and two 2-in. x 3/4-in. pieces for the ears.10 Salers Purebred 5914 - 153 Avenue • Place bunnies 2 in. apart on greased Hfrs. baking sheets. Bake at 400° for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. Carefully Replacement Edmonton, AB  T5Y 2W1 remove from pans to wire racks to cool. • For icing, in a small bowl, combine confectioners' sugar and water; tint pink with red food coloring. With a small AGRICULTURAL/rural LISTINGS new paintbrush, paint a nose and whiskers on each bunny. Yield: 8 servings. •  In Wetaskiwin County, 4 miles West of Winfield on paved Hwy. #13, pasture/recreational quarter. Oil rev., good fences, nice Brian Jones building site. Only $238,000.


Guest Consignor:

7 Salers Two Year Old Bulls

“Give Your Cow’s a Boost-Use Quality Salers Bulls”

He Sells


•  In Athabasca County, near Boyle - very nice acreage (11 ac.) with executive 2-storey 2810 sq. ft. home with fully finished walkout basement and 54’ x 90’ shop. Top notch home & shop. Only $595,000. •  In Mountainview County, near Olds - 154 acres with home, large shop, Q.S. hayshed & corrals. Currently leased - $3,000/m. •  In Barrhead County - Mystery Lake - Tiger Lily District - section of land with 1648 sq. ft. home, shop & corrals. Great mixed or beef operation. Only $1,150,000.


thinking of buying or selling – call me, in 2013

John Nikkel

Zen R. Littke P.Ag.

Box 1202 Coaldale, AB T1M 1N1

403-345-4963 403-382-7455 Cell He Sells


Email: Cell: 1-587-989-SOLD (7653) Toll Free: 1-877-461-FARM (3276) Specializing in Acreage, Farm & Rural Properties

b14 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b15

b16 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Alberta Farms & Ranches For Sale RIMBEY: 471 ac Beef Farm c/w renovated 1318 sq ft walkout bungalow with a very well maintained yard. 24x40 heated shop, 76x128 open barn or arena, 18x44 heated kennel, older dairy barn with heated vet room and large loafing area. $975,000. KIKINO GRAZING LEASE: 4050 ac c/w 1100 ac range improvement plan, 967 AUM’s, fenced into 4 pastures, rolling land with plateau. $9,950 SLI. $460,000. VILNA GRAZING LEASE: 2315 ac located on pavement c/w 612 AUM’s or grazing capacity for 250 pairs for 4 months. Lots of grass and water. $425,000. VETERAN 771 ac: 500 hay and 270 ac native pasture, fenced and cross fenced c/w 7 dugouts and $4,500 annual surface lease revenue. Older house. $649,000. DRAYTON VALLEY: 97 acre hobby farm c/w renovated 1560 sq ft home with 64’ of new veranda & windows. Outbuildings are 50x100 quonset, 30x40 barn, corrals and approx $6300 annual SLR. Very picturesque and well maintained property would make ideal farm for the hobby farmer or horse person. $575,000. CAROLINE TAY RIVERFRONT: 133 acres located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains with a trout stream meandering through middle of property, excellent mountain view. SLI of $7,026. Excellent hunting, fishing & trail riding. Appraisal on file. $549,900. ECKVILLE: Scenic 155 ac located 5 miles NW of Eckville with approx 100 ac of open pasture land. Perimeter fenced for buffalo c/w a set of catch pens, water well and power. Surface lease access payment of $20,230 to be paid to owner, annual SLI of $883, plus possible post-construction payment Asking $299,900. BLUFFTON: 10 ac c/w a brand new 1627 sq ft log home custom built by Norwegian craftsman. Thinking of a log home the quality in this home is superb, covered veranda around complete house, balconies off the MBR and loft. Walkout basement has large windows with south view. $489,000. See these properties on website

Greg Cripps – Re/Max central AB Res: (403) 347-7103  •  Bus: (403) 343-3020 Cell: (403) 391-2648  •  Email:

Find Acres of Happiness. We’ll help you find the farm of your dreams. Check out our real estate listings to find the farm you’ve been looking for.

consider the land

s o l d

… when you list it in the Farmer / Stockman


Raymond Irrigation

•  160 acres, modern bungalow, shop, grain storage, newer pivot.

Shop / Office on 17.22 Acres Near Lethbridge •  13,200 sq. ft. shop, 6 large truck service bays, drive through wash bay, 3000 sq. ft. office, fully developed basement. Built in 2005, located on Highway #4, 5 minutes south of Lethbridge. Call Bernie for all the details.



•  240 acres, 2 newer pivots, quonset - 40 x 60 heated, grain storage, res. built in 1988 - 1276 sq. ft., south of Lethbridge.

Irrigated Land - Taber

•  36 acres, 22 acre irrigation, wheel moves, pumping unit. Close to town.

Warner - Commerical

•  2 3/4 acres fully serviced. Close to Highway 4 in the County. •  Large shop in town, 2 overhead doors, 2 hoists, office, storage. Good opportunity for mechanic.

• 7 7 acres m/l mix grass, cultivated, dug out. Close East of Warner to town. •  800 acres - 640 lease, 160 deeded.

Have buyers – listings wanted Call the Schmid Team for more details on the above properties.



Bernie Schmid

real estate - lethbridge Outstanding Agents Outstanding Results

Associate Broker

Real Estate Section

Irrigated Farm - Raymond

• 1.75 acres Highway #4 frontage.


ALLAN FOX Broker, lethbridge (403) 327-2221 Cell. (403) 393-2211

farm hands

IT HAS IT ALL! Real nice 5 year old 1800 sq. ft. beautiful walk-out bungalow fully developed, attached garage with a great view west of the mountains. Also a very well kept 30x60 heated shop. All of this on 160 acres of land in hay and grass. 50 acres of pumping rights from creek which runs through the property. Located just 2 miles south of Magrath or 20 minutes from Lethbridge. CONSIDER THIS 80 ACRES: Located only 1 mile West of Magrath. 70 acres of water rights. Small shop. 1500 sq. ft. 2+2 bedroom house with attached garage. One owner! Call Allan on this “EXCLUSIVE” listing. AFFORDABLE ACREAGE! Located approx. 9 miles North of Picture Butte. 1600 sq. ft. house on .18 of an acre. Live in the country. Owner Moving. Asking under $200,000.00. MLS. WHERE ELSE? Can you live close to the city with a beautiful view of the city and be very secluded with a private road, river frontage, all on 74 acres of rolling grassland! Custom built 1665 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, full walk-out basement, double garage. Treed yard. Peace and Tranquillity is here! Call Allan. MLS. EAST OF LETHBRIDGE ONLY 3 MILES! here is your next acreage! 9.1 acres with beautiful mature trees. 2280 sq. ft. brick bungalow, double attached garage. Heated shop 20x40 - Vacant! 3+1 bedrooms, fully developed. Now MLS, Allan. BARE IRRIGATED LAND: Between Lethbridge - Coaldale, no buildings. Gas well revenue. 97 acres. MLS, Allan. Permanent water rights cultivated. STIRLING COUNTRY! Just listed this 36 acres with a 2200 sq. ft. 1.5 storey, 3 bedrooms only 6 years old log home. Domestic water rights. MLS. MAKE US AN OFFER! Located 3 miles east of the city. Two parcels - take your pick - 9.19 acres with a custom built 2200 sq. ft. brick bungalow fully developed, double attached garage plus 20x40 heated shop, city water, treed OR 97 acres of cultivated irrigated land with permanent water rights. Call Allan. “EXCLUSIVE”. I have purchasers looking for: 1. Cultivated Dryland - in Champion, Vulcan, County of 40 Mile areas. 2. Grassland south of Spring Coulee. 3. Quarter section irrigated with a pivot - Raymond area. 4. Dryland 30 mile radis of the city with opportunity to rent back.

517-6 St. S Lethbridge

lethbridge – 403-327-2221 picture butte – 403-732-4567 • taber – 403-223-3344



derral lastuka Associate, lethbridge (403) 327-2221 Cell. (403) 634-8007

Call Allan and allow his 35 years of selling and listing real estate in Alberta work for you!! List now and let’s get ready for spring!! 403-393-2211(cell) or 403-327-2221 (office).

NOBLEFORD GRASS - NEW LISTING. 160 acres of pasture. Highway frontage. Just North of town 2.5 miles on Highway #23. Services available. Call Derral. 460 ACRES JUST SOUTH OF WRENTHAM: mostly grass, good home, shop, corrals, creek through property, on pavement, oil revenue. Exclusive. Call Derral. Executive acreage south of Fort Macleod: 5 acres with 3275 sq. ft. like new home. Shop, nicely landscaped, mountain views! MLS. REDUCED! Now only $469,000. Call Derral. Coaldale town limits: 20 acres irrigation with 1800 sq. ft. 4 bedroom home. Older shop. Just north of town on Highway 845. MLS. Priced at $579,000.. Beaver Mines AreA: 160 acres with extreme mountain views. Nicely treed. Good water and only 1 mile from paved road. $535,000. EXCLUSIVE. Call Derral. beautiful lakeview acreages: We have 9 2-acre parcels on Chin Lake overlooking the lake and campground, just off Highway 36. Enjoy the lake, coulees and nature. Build your home or cabin and bring your boat! Priced from $70,000 to $125,000. Only 15 min. from Taber or 30 min. from Lethbridge. EXCL. Call Derral. Picture Butte: 145 acres Irrigation - 3 miles north, on pavement 2040 sq. ft. 7 bedroom bungalow, heated 32x70 shop, city water, excellent corrals for 500 head, 3 phase power, includes all irrigation equipment. EXCL. Call Derral. Have buyers for dryland and irrigated farms. If you are thinking of selling let’s talk. Call Derral Lastuka 403-634-8007.


real estate lethbridge

Candice Schmid




– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b17

6 acres bare land just off Highway 2 north of Stavely. Commuter’s acreage at a great price! $110,000.

60 acres of irrigated land with pressurized system and buried mainline between lethbridge and Raymond near HWY 845. Great building possibilities close to the city and able to produce like a Raised bungalow on 150 acres NW of Stavely near much larger farm! $849,000 Twin Valley reservoir with nice yard, seasonal creek on 33 acres of grassland with stunning mountain HWY 529. $575,000. views on the road to Police Lake provincial Park south of Mountain View near Waterton Park. Small creek 10 acres near Waterton Lakes national park. winds through the property with numerous building Your own piece of heaven with spectacular mountain sites and plenty of room for horses etc. Very rare size views and great building sites with Fish Creek winding and affordable. $209,000. through the property. $198,000. We have numerous inquiries for cultivated farmland 177 AUM forestry allotment in North Fork as well as grassland in the Claresholm -StavelyLivestock Association in the “Gap” area of the MD of Granum area and I would welcome your listings if you Ranchlands. $98,000. are considering selling.


There are constantly new mls listings coming on the market in the Claresholm-Stavely-Granum areas as well as further afield so whether you are hunting for that special property or just wanting an update feel free to give me a call.

John Hart Willow Creek Realty Claresholm, Alberta

Willow Creek Realty 403-625-4141 • 403-625-0012 Check out our listings online

Let me list your farm, ranch or acreage on the Calgary Real Estate Board System

FARM, RANCH, RESIDENTIAL real estate ltd.

(403) 329-0770 REDUCED BY $200,000

This fully leased 7 condo/bay units with 10000 sq. ft. m/l fully leased. Condominiumized: new (not activated). High profile location close to 18th Ave. North. Great investment opportunity, highly stable long term income. Consists of 3-2000 sq. ft. m/l and 4-1000 sq. ft. m/l units. Double units have 2 bay doors & 2 man doors. Single units have 1 bay door & 1 man door. New roof 2 years ago. MLS LD0009049

13 ACRES M/L near raymond

This impressive newly built equine facility located adjacent to town limits of Raymond. Numerous pens, corrals, heated barn with 5 stalls & automatic waterers plus tack room. Indoor riding arena - heated, insulated, only 4 years old. Hayshed with lean-to, 60 ft. round pen and 2 stall shelter. Domestic right and town water. 1342 sq. ft. bungalow with 5 bdrms & 3.5 baths. MLS LD0006660


Upgraded home with new shingles, laminate flooring, paint, light fixtures, plumbing, window coverings, bathroom & kitchen. New furnace just installed. Town water & sewer. Convenience store & post office right across street. Adjacent 1.39 acre parcel could be purchased or Seller may consider leasing to an appreciative Buyer who needs space for Horses? Dogs? Etc also room to park a truck & trailer or motor home MLS LD0007708

connecting north and south alberta • connecting north and south alberta • connecting north and south alberta

4.99 acres with older two storey home and outbuildings on Hwy. 520 west of Claresholm. Great setup for a commuter with a couple of horses in the beautiful baseland near the Porcupine Hills. Only 3 miles out of town this is a brand new subdivision with a new well. $275,000.

view at • view at • view at wanted: 1280 to 1600 acres quality grain farm, good home, shop and grain storage in central alberta. call albert or don.

NEW LISTING CALGARY NORTH: Just 45 min. to airport, ideal qtr. section set up for purebred cattle, includes executive style home, (40 x 226 ft.) barn and riding arena, (36 x 64 ft.) shop with office and living quarters.

v i e w

NEW LISTING DRUMHELLER EAST: Two distinct parcels, one with 9 qtrs., and one with 10 qtrs., capacity for over 500 cows, can be bought together or separately, superb fencing and incredible water supply, wells, creeks, dams, etc.

a t

CENTRAL AB HOG FARM: 7 qtrs. in a block, state of the art 800 sow farrow to finish hog farm, 2 home sites, plentiful water, priced far below replacement. CENTRAL AB HATCHING EGG FARM: 25,861 hens, includes quota, beautiful modern home, 75 min. to Calgary airport. IRRIGATION: Over 1500 acres of Irrigation as a part of a 5800 acre block of land. Property includes 4000 head feedlot, cow inventory and all machinery. Very productive land, good buildings. CAMROSE EAST: 6 qtrs, 800 acres cultivated, beautiful 2000 sq. ft. home, good shop, excellent grain storage, surface lease.

Property includes a 40 x 80 shop, plus 1200 sq. ft. living This 2.58 acre industrial property is located in the quarters & an additional 24 x 30 storage building built in County(Rave Ind. Park) just 2 blocks East of 9 Ave. & 43 2007. MLS LD0008617 St. North. Property has chain link fence except for the .83 ACRES SE LETHBRIDGE East side. Also, included an older 14 x 68 mobile with Great location is this very nice 4125 sq. ft. commercial power, cistern, septic field, high-speed internet. County building with large yard with well on property. Included is a 14 x 50 ft. older mobile with 16 x 32 attached porch. pays for retention pond usage currently on property MLS LD0008127 MLS LD0004724



3 - 5 ACRE PARCELS - REDUCED $85,000


Property includes large 40 x 60 shop with 3 overhead 12 x Nice flat land, currently seeded to hay but could be 14 doors on 0.8 acres M/L. Services include water, sewer, cultivated easily. Only 6 miles NW of Carmangay. gas & power also has a 2 piece bath. Exclusive Exclusive Very nice parcels. Paved to gate. Power, gas, telephone & water all nearby. Wonderful country side view and close Great investment opportunity. Prime Highway #3 location next to Coaldale Motor Inn. High traffic area with highway to town of Magrath and only 20 minutes to Lethbridge. MLS LD0008216 frontage. MLS LD20122983

Real Estate Central Alberta - Three Hills



COWS - COWS - COWS Ranch Operations

w w w . a l b e r t a f a r m s a l e s . c o m

•  central peace - 4100 acres, good house, shop, capacity 400-450 cow/calf pairs. •  Chetwynd, BC - 7495 5500 acres m/l, hay & pasture, good oil lease revenue, 1 block could handle 800-1000 cow/calf pairs. •  Grimshaw West - 480 - 420 acres, cultivated or pasture, 1200 sq. ft. home, 40' x 60' Zipperlock, 32' x 50' barn, on pavement. •  Dawson Creek SW 3500 acres m/l, 1 block, good fence, lots water, handles 500 cow/calf pairs.




Don MacDonald

Casey Realty Peace River, AB.

view at • view at • view at

Total of 4.49 acres m/l. Close to the City. New construction, fully landscaped and ready to move in. One of a kind “SHOW HOME”. Owner may consider trades in the Coaldale area. This home boasts bamboo hardwood, Montana stone fireplaces up and down, marble ensuite flooring and private driveway, main floor laundry and mud room, covered deck are a few of the many features which must be seen to be truly appreciated. MANY EXTRAS, contact Lister for full details. NOTE: Balance of NW 31-8-19 W4 160 ACRES M/L may be available but only if purchased along with this 4.49 acres. MLS LD0000458


Albert Dallaire

Good Ranching Opportunity South of Medicine Hat

d l

•  18 quarters deeded & 1 quarter lease with lots of good native grass & over 1650 acres of tame hay •  Beautiful yard site with a very well kept bungalow •  2 car garage, 3 car garage, 40' x 60' Behlen quonset, 40' x 100' Behlen quonset •  Also includes grain storage, large fenced feed yard, wooden corrals & windbreak, new Tuff chute, tub & alley system, 30 ft. portable panels & corral panels


$2,350,000 (Exclusive)

451 Acres Along Hwy. #1

•  40 acres m/l native grass, balance tame grass •  1200 sq. ft. bungalow with single attached garage •  24’ x 30’ metal sided barn •  Located 16 km west of #1 - #21 Junction (Maple Creek) on Hwy. #1 OR 24 km east of AB-SK border on Hwy. #1

$585,000 (Exclusive) 160 Acres Southwest of Fox Valley •  1 quarter deeded farmland •  Cultivated, farmed 50/50 •  Surface lease revenue with potential for future oil exploration in the area •  SW 17-17-26-3, R.M. of Fox Valley

$157,500  (MLS 453541) John Perlich (403) 331-9911

Arnold Shumaker (403) 382-1929

Al Valin (403) 380-0110

Terry Makus (403) 317-9516

call us or go to where country & city meet

Joe Perlich (403) 635-0310

connecting north and south alberta • connecting north and south alberta • connecting north and south alberta

Specializing in Farm, Ranch & Acreage Properties in Southwestern Alberta

b18 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –


CASE 2294 (84), 2wd, CAH, Ldr, 7500 hrs, clean unit ..$24,900 JD4110 Dsl, HST, 4wd, 3pt, factory cab, 550 hrs ..$16,995 WFE 2-180 2wd, CAH, 9000 hrs w/ 12 ft Leon blade $12,900 Kubota M108XDTC (09) 4wd, pwr shift, CAH, Ldr w/ grapple (1600 Hrs) ......................................$55,900 Kubota M9540 (2010) CAH, 4wd, 3pt, loader, 1400 hrs ...................................................................$49,900


DEGELMAN 7000 H Harrow, 70’, man angle (very clean).....................................................$31,900 DEGELMAN LR7645 - 45’ landroller ..................$29,995 Degelman 7000 H Harrow, 70 ft, hyd angle (2011) like new ............................................. $41,900 PEACELANDER 16’ aerator ..................................$4,995 Melroe 9 bottom, trail type plow (new shears) ....$5,995 Wishek (2011) 842HD 26ft tandem disc............$69,995 HA RT300 Joker (demo) w/ elec depth control..$77,000 AC 26 ft med duty disc (very good condition) . $19,995


NEW LANDPRIDE 10’ trail type box blades! ........$3,995 Dyna Fab SP swather transport (new style - mechanical) .................................$8,900 HESSTON 1200 25’ auto fold PT swather ............$2,995 RTV500 gas utility vehicle (94 hrs), wsheild, winch ...$7,995 Degelman 6000 hyd drive rocker picker (2007), clean unit ...........................................$16,995 Leon 425 hydra push spreader, twin beaters, very clean ..................................$22,900 Terex PT100G track loader (2011) CAH, 2 spd, bkt, 1380 hrs .......................................$64,900


NEW Bergen 14 bale wagon ................................$4,900


BOBCAT 430 ZHS excavator, cab, heat, bucket, 600 hrs...............................................$39,995 BOBCAT 863 Dsl, cab, heat, bucket, 2500 hrs ............$15,900 BOBCAT model 6B landscape bucket rake, 72” ....$5,500 BOBCAT MT52 WB excavator w/ bkt, Dsl, (935 hrs)..$12,995 BOBCAT 325(04) excavator, ROPS, Dsl, bkt, 1550 hrs .........................................................$22,900 BOBCAT S300 (05) CAH, pwr Btach, Hflow, 2 spd, ACS, bkt, 4600 hrs ..............................$23,995 BOBCAT S300 cab, heat, 2 sp, pwr Btach, Hflow, 4000 hrs, very clean ................................$26,900 BOBCAT HB880 hydraulic breaker ........................$6,500 CAT 277B track loader (07), cab, heat, bucket, 1200 hrs .........................................................$44,900 LANDPRIDE (HARLEY) skid steer power rake, 72”$5,995 JLG G6-42A Zoom Boom with cab, 3600 hrs ....$43,900 BOBCAT S185G (03) cab, air, heat, ACS, hyd Btach, bucket, 4200 hrs...........................................................................$19,995 Bobcat 773F (97) cab, heat, bucket (2500 hours) .$19,400 Bobcat T190 track loader, cab, air, heat, bucket, 3200 hrs ..................................................$26,995 JCB 520 Telehandler (04), 4wd, cab, heat, forks (2580 hrs) ..........................................$37,900 Terex PT60 track loader, cab, heat bkt, 500 hrs (rental unit) .......................................$35,900


BEHLEN 170 bu nat gas auto batch dryer w/ canola screens .............................................$4,995 GT580, LPG, pto drive, canola screens................$5,995

Box 1654, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5T2 email:

Toll Free 1-888-708-3739

export hay wanted Olds, AB Now Buying: ­– Timothy - 1st & 2nd cut – Alfalfa - all cuts –  Alfalfa Mixes - 1st & 2nd cut 4 x 4, 3 x 4, small squares Delivering to Arrowwood or Olds Plants. Some Direct Delivery Available.

Contact Dan: 403-586-7447 Office: 403-507-8660  •

need a water cistern? 2013 BOURGAULT 6000 – 90’ mid harrow c/w 16.5L x 16.1 tire package. 2008 BOURGAULT 3310 – 55’ on 10” spacing c/w MRB II’s, 4.5” semi pneumatic packers, d/s air kit, d/s single run blockage, 3” carbide tips, Raven cold flo Nh3 and 2013 BOURGAULT 6550 tank c/w 4 tank metering, X20, rear duals, d/s air kit with one HO fan and metering auger, seed bag lift, and RTH. SOLD 2008 BOURGAULT 3310 – 48’ on 10” spacing c/w MRB II’s, 4.5” semi pneumatic packers, d/s air kit, d/s single run blockage, 3/4” carbide tips and 2013 BOURGAULT 6550 tank c/w 4 tank metering, X20, rear duals, d/s air kit with one HO fan and metering auger, seed bag lift, and RTH. 2006 BOURGAULT 5710 – 40’ on 9.8” spacing c/w MRB II’s, 450 lb trips, d/s air kit, square seed boots and ¾ carbide tips and 2006 BOURGAULT 6350 tank c/w 491moniter, CRA, CTM, rice tires, d/s air kit, easy hitch, and RTH 2006 JOHN DEERE 1895 – 42’ on 10” spacing disc drill with single run blockage and 2006 JOHN DEERE 1910 3 compartment 430 bu air seeder with conveyor, electric actuators, and single wheel traction lug. BOURGAULT FH 528 – 28’ on 12 inch spacing, mid row shanks for NH3, air kit for broadcasting with BOURGAULT 3165 3 compartment tank. Quick detach packers and harrows and 30 foot BOURGAULT wing up packer.

Precast Concrete Water Cisterns •  All cisterns have a NSF approved coating. •  All cisterns have pvc access riser with fiberglass lid for a positive seal. •  Brass fittings poured in to accommodate submersible or jet pumps. • Ideal for Rural Water installations. •  Delivered and set in your hole with our boom trucks. •  Sizes range from 1100 US gal. to 3700 US gal. CSA Approved Precast Concrete septic tanks •  Sizes range from 500 US gal. to 2000 US gal. •  Pump chamber tanks available. •  Concrete or PVC risers. • Delivered and set with our boom truck. Precast Concrete Cattle Guard Footings •  Widths from 12’ to 24’ wide.

Custom orders always available.

Glacier Precast Concrete, Inc. Tom A. Anderson / David Holst (406) 752-7163 fax (406) 752-7167 email: website:

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b19


Make Wilson




trailers your “LIFETIME TRAILER” •  No rust •   Long-lasting durability •  Low operating cost

Most options including air ride, 24.5 rubber, debris shields, Shur-Lok or Michel’s roll tarp, mud flap package and much more! Wilson’s new design gives more room between trailers for opening tarps.

Air ride susp., 11R24.5 tires, 84” side walls, Shur-Lok or Michel’s roll tarp, back clean out doors.

Price on Request

Price on Request

Call for details!

2014 Wilson Groundload

2001 Wabash Triaxle TK Reefer

53’ air ride susp, 22.5 tires on alumn budds, 5 compartments, clean out doors, full swing back door with roll up, LED lights.

53’, air ride 24.5’s, alum wheels, stainless front & backs.


Price on Request

2013 Wilson DWH-550 Tandem

Storage Vans - Starting at $4,500

37’, air ride susp, 11R24.5 tires, alumn wheels on outside, 2 Hopper, dual hopper openers, Michel’s roll tarps, mud flap package, debris shield, back clean out door, air gauge & dump valve in box.

Price on Request

2010 Forest Utility Cargo

New 2014 Wilson 24’ Gooseneck L/S Trailer

8’x20’ trailer, lined inside, d-rings in floor, 15” tires, dropdown rear door, curb side door.

All aluminum trailer, 24’ long x7’ wide inside, 6’8” height, 2-7,000 # Torflex axles, 10 ply tires, side door, alum. floor, full swing outside slide rear door.


Price on Request 2014 Wilson PSDCL-402 Quad

2000 Advance Super B Grain Trailer

53’ quad-axle, air ride, doghouse, nose decking, deep back end, 22.5 low-pro tires on alumn rims, liftable, steerable axle.

Air ride,22.5 on alumn wheels, Michel’s roll tarp fresh safety.


Price on Request

NEED FINANCING? 1-866-909-2607 BOUGHT FROM US OR NOT CALL US! We finance ALL light and heavy trucks, trailers & heavy equipment. Super B’s

Livestock Trailers


Storage Vans

Gravel Belly Dumps



Trailer Sales Sales & & Rentals Rentals Trailer We Are FourMiles MilesEast EastofofLethbridge Lethbridgeon onHwy. Hwy.#3 #3 We Are Four



For For sales sales information, information, contact: contact: Vic Smailes, Lethbridge Vic Smailes, Lethbridge JordanRon Biddlecombe, Lethbridge Pritchard, Nisku Ron Pritchard, Nisku Jordan Biddlecombe, Lethbridge

Lethbridge: Lethbridge: Toll Free 1-888-834-8592

Toll Free 1-888-834-8592

403/328-8434 403/328-8434

Nisku: Nisku: TollFree Free1-888-955-3636 1-888-955-3636 Toll

780/955-3636 780/955-3636

2009 nH Cr9080 Combine c/w 818 Hrs, yield & moisture, leather, Compressor, deluxe Chopper w/ Psd, 16’ rake up P/u, long Auger, 900 singles & intelli iv, lateral tilt nH tX66 Combine c/w 1424 Hrs, Chopper, 971 12’ Header & lateral tilt nH tX36 Combine c/w 2509 Hrs, 971 P/u Header, new Feeder Chain, Chopper, very Clean, victory super 8 P/u, mechanical stone trap & lateral tilt 2002 nH tr99 Combine c/w 2002 Hrs, 2 speed rotors, AHHC & terrain tracer, electronic stone trap, 75C Hdr, redekopp Chopper, victory super 8 P/u & $20,000 reconditioning work order nH tr99 Combine c/w 1393 Hrs, redekopp Chopper, Hopper topper, electronic stone trap, lateral tilt, P/u & $28,000 reconditioning work order nH tr99 Combine c/w 1830 Hrs, Hopper topper, Chaff spreader, swather master P/u, moisture, electronic stone trap & lateral tilt nH tr98 Combine c/w 1766 Hrs, Chaff spreader, electronic stone trap, long unloading Auger, Cat engine & 14’ rakeup P/u nH tr98 Combine c/w 2500 Hrs, 971 Header, Hopper topper & shedded, swath master P/u, Cat diesel engine & electronic stone trap nH tr98 Combine c/w 2605 Hrs, 1925 thr Hrs, Chaff spreader, 971 super 8 Header, electronic stone trap & victory super 8 P/u nH tr96 Combine c/w 2087 Hrs, 971 Header, victory super 8 P/u, new redekopp maverick Chopper, Ford diesel, Hydro & electronic stone trap nH tr96 Combine c/w 2566 Hrs, 1 year old redekopp maverick Chopper, Fully serviced, Ford diesel, Hydro & electronic stone trap nH tr96 Combine c/w 3800 Hrs, 971 Header, victory P/u, new redekopp maverick Chopper, Ford diesel engine, Hydro & electronic

new hollanD Combines

2012 Jd s680 Combine c/w only 138 thr Hrs & 168 engine Hrs, rotary type, 520/85r42 duals, Premium Cab, Jd electric Hopper Cover, Auto steer, Jd belt P/u & warranty: basic - sept 2, 2013, engine - sept 2, 2014 extended Powertrain - sept 2, 2015 2005 Jd 9660 Combine c/w 1023 thr Hrs & 1417 Hrs, dual tires, 9140 Hdr, greenstar display, Auto steer, no receiver & Conventional type

John Deere Combines

Jd 6810 sp Forage Harvester c/w 3320 Hrs, 3 meter (118”) Hd Hay P/u, Jd 645 Header & rock stopper 2003 nH FP240 Forage Harvester c/w Knife sharpener, metal Alert detector, wagon Hitch & vertical extension nH 900 Forage Harvester c/w t/A, 15” spout extension & metal Alert 2002 Case iH FHX300 Forage Harvester c/w t/A, 15” vertical extension, big P/u, HdX20P Header & $8000 reconditioning work order

Forage harvesters

Case iH 8460 baler c/w 5x6 Hard Core bales & 540 Pto 2006 Hesston 956A baler c/w 6173 bales, very nice, self-Contained Hyd. system, twine only & 1000 Pto 2005 Hesston 956 baler c/w 5000 bales, net wrap & Auto Cycle 2002 Hesston 4790 sq baler c/w s/A, Auto lube, Hd bale roller Chute, Knotter Fan Kit, 3’x4’ bale & 1000 Pto

2010 nH t6050 FwA tractor c/w only 1032 Hrs, nH 850tl Fel, Cold misCellaneous weather Package, dynamic Fenders, 3 Hyd, 38” tires, 50 KPH trans, 2012 Jd Adapter - Fits Jd 635d Header Full 18 spd Ps, High visibility roof, Cab suspension & Front suspension 2008 tride 9’ grain extractor 2007 nH t6030 FwA tractor c/w 3296 Hrs, nH 840tl Fel, grapple,


2009 miller 4240 sprayer c/w 1042 Hrs, tridekon Crop savers, 1200 us gal tank, raven rate Controllers, 2 sets of tires, 520/85r38, Cattle FeeDing equipment 320/90r50, electric Flush & rinse, raven gPs, Fence row nozzles, 2003 Hi-line 7000 Hd bale Processor c/w 1000 Pto & lH discharge 100’ booms in 5 sections & Cummins engine Hyd. Chute traCtors 2002 supreme 900t s/A mixer wagon c/w dual side Conveyor, re-Cutter, scale, new Kicker Plate, 11r 225 truck tires, twin screw, 2012 Case iH ste400 4wd tractor c/w only 277 Hrs, 450 HP, 1000 Pto & 10” steel Plus 10” rubber extensions 710/70r42 tires, 262 gPs, weight Package, deluxe Cab, 4 Hyd., Full 18 spd Ps, Hid lighting, tier 4 engine, duals & Hd draw bar supreme 600 mixer wagon c/w 4 wheel, scale, rH discharge & single screw 2011 Case iH Puma 125 FwA tractor c/w only 450 Hrs, Case l760 self-leveling Fel, grapple, A/C, Cab, 3 pth, 20.8x38 tires, supreme 600 mixer wagon c/w Flat rH discharge, single screw, High visibility roof & Full 18 spd Ps 4 wheel, scale & 1000 Pto 2008 Case iH Puma 180 FwA tractor c/w 3216 Hrs, 180 Hp, 710/70r38 ConstruCtion equipment tires, deluxe Cab, 18 spd Ps, 3 pth, new Fel & grapple, 2007 nH l185 skid steer c/w 2 spd, open station, Foot Controls 50 KPH trans, leather, Frt suspension & Cab suspension & smooth bucket Case iH 7210 FwA magnum tractor c/w 6000 Hrs, Fel, 4 Hyd. & 2007 JCb 190t robot skid steer c/w low Hrs, smooth bucket, Full Power shift Cab enclosure, tracks, AC & Heater 2009 nH t7030 FwA tractor c/w 1670 Hrs, 860tl Fel, 102” grapple Jd 555 Crawler c/w backhoe Attachment, loader, newer tracks & bucket, Power Command trans, 4 Hyd., 3 pth, 42” tires & runs good High visibility roof


2004 nH 94C Combine Header c/w 42’ transport, Cr Adaptor, Fore & Aft reel 2004 nH 94C Combine Header c/w Pea Auger, 42’ transport, Cr Adaptor, Fore & Aft reel nH 971-25 25’ Auger Header c/w P/u reel, Plastic teeth & Fits tr series 2002 macdon 972 30’ draper Header c/w 6 bat split reel, integral transport, dual Knife & tr99 Adapter 2002 macdon 972 30’ draper Header c/w Fits Case 2388 & split reel macdon 962 30’ Combine Header c/w Jd Adapter, Factory transport, Fits 60, 70 & 80 series Jd Case 1010 Combine Header c/w 30’ bat reel, transport & Comes off a 2388

Absentee bidder or PHone bidders must be Pre-APProved by APril 2nd. we Are selling very little misCellAneous, so PleAse Come eArly.

FCC is AvAilAble, However Pre-APProvAl is reCommended. some PieCes mAy QuAliFy For low rAte FinAnCing From CAse.

4723 - 39th ave., WetaskiWin, aLBerta

friday, aPriL 5, 2013 – 9:30 a.M.

Hi-Line FaRm eqUipment Ltd.

Unreserved Stock Reduction Sale for

b20 – THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Case Combines

2008 nH br7090 baler c/w Flotation tires, bale Command, edge wrap, Hyd. P/u lift & 1000 Pto 2007 nH br7090 baler c/w bale Command, big P/u, 1000 Pto & twine 2004 nH br780 baler c/w 7000 bales, Xtra sweep P/u, Auto wrap, & twine nH 688 baler c/w 7000 bales, Auto wrap, 540 Pto & shedded nH 664 baler c/w nice machine, bale Command, net wrap & 1000 Pto Case iH rs561 baler c/w 740 bales, Xtra sweep P/u, Hyd. P/u lift, bale Kicker, bale ejection ramp & 540 Pto


2007 macdon r80 13’ Hydroswing mower Conditioner c/w swivel Hitch & 1000 Pto nH 1441 15.5’ discbine c/w rubber rollers, Field ready, Hyd tongue, 1000 Pto & stnd draw bar Hitch nH 499 12’ mower Conditioner c/w double Knife, 540 Pto & Hydroswing


bourgault 8800 Air seeder c/w 40’ toolbar, new Harrows, single shoot, 3195 tbH Cart & 12” spacing bourgault 8800 Air seeder c/w 36’, 3165 tbH tank, bourgault 4000 Packer bar, P30 Packers & 9.8” spacing Flexicoil 5000 Air drill c/w 39’, single shoot, 7.5” spacing, dutch openers, shedded & 2 Comp 2320 tbH Cart Case 5600 32’ Air seeder c/w single shoot, Jd 777 2 Comp tbH Cart w/ broadcast Kit, sweeps, Harrows & 12” spacing morris maxim 4900 Air drill c/w 50’, 5 Fold, single shoot, steel Packers, 9.8” spacing, new Carbide tips, 2 Comp 7300 tbH tank & mechanical rate Control morris l10 20’ disc drills c/w steel Packers, Fert & Factory transport Case 7200 28’ Hoe drills c/w Factory transport, rubber Packers, grass & Fert.


20.8x38 tires, 3 pth, 16x16 electro shift & High visibility roof 2010 nH ls J2020H FwA tractor c/w only 12 Hrs, warranty until may 2014, Fel, bucket & 2 spd Hydrostatic drive 1993 Jd 7700 FwA tractor c/w 7165 Hrs, 40 KPH trans, shiftable Pto, trailer Air brakes, 620r38 rears, 3 pth & 3 Hyd.

60 - Concord style Packer tires - never been used A variety of Fel mtds & Harrows Assortment of other misc. items


2005 Honda rubicon 350 4x4 Quad 2004 Honda trX650 4x4 Quad 2008 Kawasaki teryx 750 side/side 4x4 Quad 2003 Polaris sportsman 500 4x4 Quad 2010 Polaris razor 800 side/side 4x4 Quad 2008 Polaris ranger 700 side/side 6x6 Quad 2011 Polaris sportsman 850 4x4 Quad

reCreational vehiCles

demo 2009 Cub Cadet recon 60 60” Commercial mower c/w Zero turn, 25 Hp Kohler motor & Hydrostatic demo 2009 Cub Cadet tank m60 60” Commercial mower c/w Zero turn, 31 Hp Kawasaki motor & Hydrostatic unused 2009 Cub Cadet lt1042 lawn mower c/w 42” Cut, 19 Hp Kohler engine & Hydrostatic unused 2009 Cub Cadet i1046 lawn tractor c/w 20 Hp Kohler, 46” Cut, Hydrostatic & Zero turn unused 2009 Cub Cadet ltX1142 lawn tractor c/w 20 Hp Kohler, 42” Cut & Hydrostatic 3 - unused 2009 Cub Cadet ltX1146 lawn tractor c/w 23 Hp Kohler, 46” Cut & Hydrostatic Cub Cadet FmZ50 lawn mower c/w Front mtd, 22 Hp Kohler engine, Zero turn & 50” Cut

lawn mowers

2008 Akron e180t grain extractor 2005 new idea 3743 manure spreader c/w double beaters & Floatation tires 2002 buhler 1370 13” swing Auger c/w single intake Hopper nH 1049 sP bale wagon c/w 386 Hrs, gas engine & 160 bale Capacity leon C9080 blade c/w 3 pth, Hyd Angle & manual tilt Flexicoil 600 50’ Chisel Plow c/w 12” spacing, 3 bar mtd Harrows & new box of bourgault Knock-ons sweeps

LICENSE NO. 165690



Rimbey, AB • (403) 843-2747 Sale Site

aLLen B. oLson auction service Ltd.

saLe conducted By:

More Pictures Available on Our Website • Listings are Subject to Additions & Deletions • lunch will be Available

terms & Conditions: Cash, Cheque or debit Card, g.s.t. will Apply on some items, All items must be Paid For on sale day.

For more inFormation ContaCt hi-line Farm equipment ltD. at 1-888-644-5463.

During the Auction, Hi-Line Farm Equipment Ltd. will be conducting a Parts Special including sales on Pro Set Tools, Jacks, Creepers, Log Splitters, Portable Kerosene Heaters, Air Compressors, Coolant, Oil, Clothing & Riding Toys.

2010 Honey bee 36g 36’ Header c/w Cross Auger, slow speed integral transport & Fits nH/Case Combine 2004 Honeybee sP30 30’ draper Header c/w transport, uii reel, split reel & Fits tr Combines Honeybee sP25 25’ draper Header c/w Fits tr Combines 2010 nH 88C Combine Header c/w 36’ Flex Header w/ transport, Pea Auger, AHHC, Fore & Aft reel, Hyd top link & All options 2010 nH 88C 36’ Combine Header c/w transport, Auto Header Height, Fore & Aft reel, Hyd top link, All options & split reel 2010 nH 88C 36’ Combine Header c/w 1500 Acres, transport, AHHC, Hyd top link, split reel, Fore & Aft reel


Premier 2930 25’ swather c/w 3320 Hrs, macdon 960 Header, turbo, 2 spd, big rubber, dual draper drive & double swath iHC 5000 swather c/w diesel, 18’ P/u reel & runs good


mF 860 Combine c/w 3500 Hrs, Always shedded, P/u Header, v8 & Hydro mF 850 Combine c/w 1700 Hrs, one owner machine, grain loss monitor, 6 Cyl Hydro & immaculate

massey Ferguson Combines

Case 2388 Combine c/w 2165 Hrs, 1659 thr Hrs, rock trap, victory super 8 P/u & internal Chopper Case 2388 Combine c/w 2250 Hrs, gPs, rock trap, yield & moisture, Hopper topper, 1015 Header, Case P/u, shedded & internal Chopper Case 2388 Combine c/w 2521 Hrs, Hopper topper, yield loss, victory super 8 P/u, stone trap & internal Chopper Case 1680 Combine c/w 1900 Hrs & rock trap Case 1680 Combine c/w 2321 Hrs, 1015 Header, Case P/u, short sieve & internal Chopper Case 1680 Combine c/w 3186 Hrs, 1015 Header, short sieve, internal Chopper & victory super 8 P/u Case 1660 Combine c/w 2230 Hrs, rock trap, P/u Header w/ westward belt P/u, internal Chopper & mint Condition

stone trap

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b21

b22 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

farm tires cheap

loaders, buckets, grapples & mounts

rear tractor

23.1-26 - Taishan 16 PR TL. . . . . . $1,196 18.4-30 - Treadura 10 PR TT. . . . . . $593 23.1-30 - Taishan 12 PR Tt. . . . . . $1,645 24.5-32 - harvest 16 PR TL . . . . . $1,749 30.5-32 - harvest 16 PR TL . . . . . $2,195 900/60-32 - harvest 20 PR TL . . . $3,660 18.4-34 - Treadura 10 PR TT. . . . . . $687 18.4-38 - multistar 12 PR TT . . . . . $898 18.4-38 - Treadura 12 PR TT. . . . . . $783 20.8-38 - multistar 12 PR TT . . . . . $998 20.8-38 - Treadura 12 PR TT. . . . . . $866 20.8-42 - harvest 16 PR TL . . . . . $1,699


9.5L-15 - multistar 8 PR Tl. . . . . . . . $99 11L-15 - multistar 8 PR Tl. . . . . . . $129

truck 11R-24.5 - superhawk 16 p grip. . $345

front tractor 7.50-16 - Treadura 8 PR TT. . . . . . . . $84 10.00-16 - Treadura 10 PR TT. . . . . $129 11.00-16 - Treadura 12 PR TT. . . . . $199 7.50-18 - Treadura 8 PR TT. . . . . . . . $89 11.2-24 - Treadura 8 PR TT. . . . . . . $229 12.4-24 - Treadura 8 PR TT. . . . . . . $266 13.6-24 - Treadura 8 PR TT. . . . . . . $279 14.9-24 - Treadura 10 PR TT. . . . . . $356 16.9-26 - harvest 10 PR TL . . . . . . . $995 13.6-28 - multistar 8 PR TT . . . . . . $459 14.9-28 - multistar 10 PR TT . . . . . $518 16.9-28 - multistar 12 PR TT . . . . . $649

Loaders 1185QA 7 ft. w/grapple, fits 100 White, may fit others w/modifications, S/N 35315 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 K160 6 ft. w/o grapple, very decent, bale spear included if wanted, fits 700 White, S/N 13-13210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 Allied 594 7 ft. w/grapple, should fit 1390-1494 Case, w/modification should adapt to fit 1594-1690-1694 Case. . . $2,750 Allied 984 SL 8 ft. w/grapple, fits 9755-9785 Allis, 8510-8610 White, 8245-8260 MF, DT 160 - DT 255 Agco, S/N 00272728. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,950 Allied 2596 5 ft. w/o grapple, quick attach, fit 6200-6420 JD, S/N 0225960022. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,750 Allied 2895S 8.5 ft. bucket w/grapple, loader excellent, some fire, fits 2145, 2160, 2180, 2210 Buhler, 86-8970 NH Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,500 Alo 980 7.5 ft. w/o grapple, quick attach, fit 8310/8410 White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Boss 6 ft. w/o grapple, fit 970, 1070, 1175 Case. . . . . . . . $2,750 Case 74L 6 ft. w/o grapple, should fit 1390-1494 Case, w/modification should adapt to fit 1594-1690-1694 Case. . . $2,500 Ezee-On 120 7 ft. w/grapple, fit 2090-3594 Case . . . . . . . $2,500 JD 148 5 ft. w/grapple, very nice overall, fit 4010-4455 JD, S/N 009627W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,950 JD 148 6 ft. w/grapple, very nice overall, S/N E0148036114W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,500 (2) JD 741 8 ft. w/grapple (from a 7520) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,450 JD 741 w/o bucket, s/n W00741C008937, non burnt, twisted but very repairable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,750



10-16.5 - Treadura 12 pr g2/l2. . . $179 12-16.5 - Treadura 12 pr g2/l2. . . $219

steiger/vers. axles & vers. steel tubes


JD 741 loader only - no bucket/fork, S/N W00741L009902 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 Leon 707 loader only - no bucket/fork, came off 2294 Case, S/N 5319-808. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 Leon 790 7 ft. w/grapple, exceptional loader & mnts, fit 5120-5250 CIH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Leon 808 7 ft. w/grapple, fit 2090-3594. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 NH 2360 selection of loaders w/8 ft. buckets w/ or w/o grapples, fit 256-9030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call NH 7413 loader only - no bucket; fit 8730,8830, TW25, TW35, S/N WL89714. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 buckets 2360 Bucket 8 ft. w/4-tine grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 640 JD Bucket 7 ft. w/grapple, quite nice. . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 741 JD Bucket 7 ft. w/short teeth for dirt, cutting edge recent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 746 JD Bucket 8 ft. w/grapple, quick attach, heavy duty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 grapples 146/148/156 Grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 (2) 2360 Grapple 4-tine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,750 Loader Extras Various JD loader mounts, hoods/grille guards, & Ezee-On loader mounts, joysticks - Call & speak with staff for your application! Good Used 3-Point Hitches, New Aftermarket 3-Point Hitches Also Available. Call for Applications & Pricing


@gcparts s le a s : il a m m•E

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Degelman 12' 2-way w/removable grille guard, comes off an 835 Vers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 Degelman 10' 2-way, fits 700-950 Vers.. . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 Grouser 11' industrial paralift, extreme HD, fits many Steigers (off CM325), S/N SB4811. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 Leon 14' 4-way, fits CH65/75/85 & possibly others, 47" frame mnt, Model A6500-CAT, S/N 23198701. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 Leon 13' 4-way, fits PT & PTA Steigers, some CIH, very little use, 39" frame mnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,500



Leon 12' 2-way, very decent, 32" frame mnt., fits 4100, 4166, 4186 IH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,750 Leon 11' 2-Way, w/snow & ice cutting edge; mnts. fit 118-145 Vers., easily adapted to fit others. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 Leon 10' 2-way, fits most 2WD w/minor modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,750

combine dual sets 18.4x38DS - FOR CTS - 9610 JD 18.4x38DS - FOR 1680 - 2388 CIH 20.8x38DS - FOR 9650 - 9870 JD 20.8x38DS - FOR 1680 - 2388 CIHD 20.8x42DS - FOR 7010 - 8120 CIH 20.8x42DS - FOR 580 - 590 CAT 20.8x42DS - FOR 9650 - 9870 JD PRICES STARTING @ $9,500.00 CALL FOR OPTIONS NOT LISTED

256-9030 versatile heavy duty c-frames available seats

Wide assortment of seats available – Call staff for various applications & pricing

7414 $ 3,250 2360 $ 2,950

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b23




Call Sarah Still

to place your classified ad for total Western Canada coverage

E-mail: • Fax: (403) 328-5443 • 1320 – 36 Street N, Lethbridge, AB T1H 5H8 CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM n Place My Ad Under the Following Category n  90 Announcements


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608 Tractors

1800 Acreages 1900 Commercial Property 2000 Equipment 2100 Farms & Ranches 2200 Houses 2300 Land 2400 Storage

609 Miscellaneous 610 Machinery Parts 700 Farm Buildings 701 Granaries & Bins 800 Grain, Feed & Hay 900 Irrigation 1000 Hogs & Supplies 1100 Horses & Supplies 1200 Livestock & Supplies 1300 Poultry & Supplies 1400 Sheep & Supplies 1500 Specialty Livestock 1600 Pets & Supplies 1700 Seeds 1701 Specialty Seeds

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DEADLINE IS THURSDAY AT 12:00 NOON – before next publication Display Classified Ads: Call Sarah for prices and details. 1x28 (half business card) $85 for all 4 papers.

b24 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b25

aLL vehicLeS muSt Go – GettiNG readY For New arrivaLS! 1999 SuNvaLLeY 53’ car carrier

2006 FLeetwood americaN traditioN 4 Slide, 42 ft, tag axle

2006 FreiGhtLiNer

w/060 hiab piCker


1998 New hoLLaNd 9882 tractor

2006 aLFa GoLd See Ya 40 ft, loaded

425 hp, 3400 hrS





1997 Newmar mouNtaiN aire

2004 JohN deere 710G backhoe


2005 PeterbiLt wiNch tractor

turboCharged 325 hp CuMMinS C8.3 dieSel engine

jd 6068t turbo Charged dieSel engine

30 ton winCh




1978 FruehauF 51’ hi-boY traiLer

w/rear live roll

2006 keNworth t300 w/ 155 effer piCker and 15 ton hydrauliC winCh




1994 timberJack 450c

2008 Ford F550 Service truck

grapple Skidder, reCent work done.

Max 14ft Marilift Crane vMaC, ServiCe deCk



2010 JohN deere 326 d Skid Steer

2006 Gmc c5500


2005 cat d5G

only 50 kM

70 hp, only 439 hrS

6-way blade, winCh




40 PickerS aS weLL aS 20 mechaNic truckS to chooSe From 2005 FreiGhtLiNer coroNado C15 Cat, 18 Spd, 40 rearS’


2007 Gmc c5500

2001 JohN deere 330 Lc excavator 36” digging buCket.




2006 keNworth t800

4x4 C/C, heila hl-70, 45 piCker, only 43k kM.


Mii 350 CuMMinS dieSel engine, 20,000 lb winCh w/ reMote, 36” integral Sleeper L-6718

2001 FreiGhtLiNer FL120

2007 Ford F550

r/C, auto

winCh traCtor, Standard, 474220 kM, white.

2002 aSPeN traiLer

2006 bwS traiLer

2006 chevroLet c5500

7’ neCk, ext. Cab, 4x4, 25’x9’ deCk, Short 4’ 6”box, blaCk beavertail

double drop trideM trailer w/ hydrauliC reMoval neCk

6.6 l engine, dieSel, regular Cab, autoMatiC, 4wd, 225961 kM




1993 PeterbiLt GraveL truck

Cat Motor, 13 Spd.

2008 reitouNer droPmiSer

2008 Ford F550 xLt

4x4, v10.

a/r SuSp., 40’x8’ 6” deCk

L-6836 L-6602


2006 Gmc c5500 crew cab 4x4

2004 Ford F550

1992 JohN deere 770 bh Grader

w/heila piCker & deCk, low kMS.

buCket truCk



14,000 hrS






b26 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Henk’s Deal of the Month

Van Herk Sales Vehicles, Equipment, Recreational, Household, Miscellaneous


2011 Sports Coach

• Cross Country 405FK • 340 cummins   • 4 Slides loaded up with only 4200 miles




Henk Indenbosch

Next Auction Saturday, April 6 at 11:00 a.m.

Early Consignments Include:

•  2005 BMW 325i, 4-door, Black - 94,000 km •  2002 Saturn L/series, 4-door, Blue -166,400 km •  2002 Ford Focus ZTS, 4-door, Silver -132,330 km •  1997 Chevrolet Cavalier, 2-Door, Blue - 205,060 km •  1996 Pontiac Sunfire, 2-door, Blue - 210,462 km •  2004 Chrysler Sebring LTD, 2-door convertible, Grey - 201,420 km •  1994 Pontiac Grand-Am, 2-door, Green -179,021 km

Nobleford, AB

Phone 403-824-3404


•  1998 Ford Expedition, 4-door, 4x4, Red - 133,610 mi •  1996 GMC Yukon, 4-door, 4x4, Blue - 323,951 km •  1999 Chevrolet Tahoe, 4-door, 4x4, Blue - 203,155 km •  1996 Chevrolet Blazer, 4-door, 4x4, Grey - 312,965 km •  1998 Ford Explorer, 2-door, 4x4, Green - 186,465 km


•  2006 GMC 2500 E/Cab, 4x4, White -169,350 km •  2001 Chevrolet 1500 E/Cab, 4x4, Orange -223,692 km •  2000 GMC 1500 Z71 E/Cab, 4x4, Grey -204,430 km •  2001 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab, 4x4, White -184,375 km •  1998 Ford F-150 Super Cab, 4x4, Red -145,855 km


•  2000 Travelaire TT-250, 25 ft., White •  2006 Forest River Rockwood Roo, 23 ft. with 1 slide


•  2007 Yamaha 250F Dirt Bike, White


•  California Solid Oak Table c/w 4 high back chairs • Good People • Great Service • Exceptional Products

711 - 2A Ave North, Lethbridge (From HWY #3, take the   Stafford Drive North off ramp)



•  Black Truck Topper fits 2001 Chevrolet

Consignments Welcome

For full listing go to

403-553-BIDD (2433)




2 4 - 2012 Lexion 770TT Claas 2011 Lexion 770 1997 John Deere 9600 750TT SOLD 2 3 - CIH 2388 760 Coming In 1 - CAT 570R SOLD JD 9500 1991 Coming In 3 - 670 2012 Coming In

75078 Hwy. 2 South Fort Macleod, AB 12 kms South of Fort Macleod on Hwy. 2 at the corner of Township Road 80

Having trouble finding the tires you need? We have 5 Acres of Inventory and 75 Years Experience.

Try us! 1-866-235-4061 since 1937 . . . the safe ride professionals Industrial / Oil Agricultural Forestry

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b27

44th Annual Spring Machinery Consignment Auction Saturday, April 27, 2013 Camrose, AB. Selling for Banks, Finance Companies, Private Consignments & Farm Dispersals To be held at Lindstrand Auctions Ltd. sale site being 2 miles North of Camrose on Hwy 833

These Rings Will Start Sharp! RING 1 – Starts at 9:00 a.m. – Shop Equipment & Miscellaneous RING 2 – Starts at 9:30 a.m. Cars, Trucks, Lawn and Garden & Recreational Equipment RING 3 – 10:00 a.m. – MAJOR FARM EQUIPMENT Come Early To Register to Avoid Lineups! Pre-Register All Day Friday! Subject to additions & deletions.. Call ahead to prelist your equipment and take advantage of our complementary advertising campaign! Lunch Available! Much more to come! Check website for full listings - Sale listings updated weekly. Phone now to list your equipment! Alberta’s largest one day machinery sale!

call the auction professionals today . . . jody lindstrand Res: (780) 679-2607 Cell: (780) 608-0826

laurie lindstrand Res: (780) 672-6216 Cell: (780) 679-7363

Camrose  •  (780) 672-8478

Fax (780) 672-2474 “Your leaders in on-site farm auctions”

Alberta License No. 312728

Check our website at: or email us at

DA Builds AGRICULTURE We design, engineer & manufacture your building in our Lethbridge plant to exceed your needs. D.A. Building manufactures buildings locally for many reasons. By having the advantage of manufacturing in Lethbridge we can offer you: • The Flexibility to build to your exact dimensions without having to fit the “standard sized” buildings offered by an out-of-town manufacturer’s head office. •T he ability to deal directly with the manufacturer in Authorized

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b28 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

Diamond Shelters / Grain Vacs Swath Inverters / Hay Conditioners Offering Over 16 Years of Experience Building Shelters

TReaGER WOOD PeLLET GRILLS • Cook with pure, natural 100% wood pellets •  Flip a switch and your grill becomes the best smoker there is • Smoke your own jerky, fish, sausage, cheese, nuts, etc. • 12 different models available as well a commercial grills

grain equipment hay storage hog

• 40 - 160 ft. wide, any length


Free Standing or Pony Wall Style

chief westland farm bins •  Corrugated steel sidewalls •  TITAN “W” Stiffeners •  Standard G115 galvanize coating •  Standard easy access doors

22-38 ft. Wide

SpeciaL Booking Prices for complete Chief bin and extension packages.

End walls for Diamond Shelters can be wood or metal clad. Our own polyethylene covered end wall provides a durable and attractive finish to your Diamond Shelter.

farm king grain vacs

diamond shelters

• 15 to 18 ft. wide, free standing • Various lengths

• RV’s • Trucks • Tractors

StarLine leasing available

• 13’ High discharge boom for B trains • 3300 - 4000 bu./hr. • Dust separation system • 20 ft. steel hose and 14 ft. poly hose standard

Equipment Sales Ltd. 3906 - 84 Avenue, Leduc, AB.

(780) 986-5548 or

Toll Free 1-888-601-6611

we ship anywhere

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b29

1305 - 41 St. North Lethbridge, AB T1H 6G3 Bus. 403-329-4880 Fax 403-329-1665 GRAVEL BOXES






NEW zBoost® SOHO YX560L/YX560P Cellular Signal Boosters for the Home, Office & Cabin Wi-Ex, the leader in consumer cellular booster kits, now offers the YX560L/YX560P to provide increased in-building voice and data coverage for superior reach into rural environments. The YX560L/YX560P support multiple users and all devices operating on (CEL) 800MHz and (PCS) 1900MHz. • Supports multiple voice & data users simultaneously • Compatible with all mobile phones and 3G data cards and devices operating on (CEL) 800MHz and (PCS) 1900MHz • iPhone, Samsung, Blackberry, Android, Etc.



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Phone: (403) 380-6602 or 1-800-763-4721 E-mail: • Email:

RECENT ARRIVALS FOR PARTS OR COMPLETE - CALL TO INQUIRE… 1688’s (x4), 2188’s (x2), 2388’s (x4)

w o n ing t r pa

835-10 4689 hrs., 1980 w/12' 2-way Degelman 2188-5 1997, 3244 sep. hrs., 1015 hdr. w/Super 8 pu 9500-4 1999, 2888 sep. hrs., 2 spd. cyl., JD chaff spreader (2) 7230’s. FWA, 1 with 12', 4-way Leon blade dozens of 5.9L & 8.3L cummins – CALL FOR pricing

b30 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

sexsmith used farm parts ltd. Your one stop for new, used & rebuilt ag parts

Toll free 1-800-340-1192  Email:

Phone: (780) 568-4100  Fax: (780) 568-2000 8850 j.d. Engine problems

20.8R x 38 Duals


in l t n a m dis

New Arrivals for Dismantling



3155 JD (FWA) 8850 JD 4320 JD 4894 Case ST250 Steiger

Dismantling A wide Selection of 2WD & 4WD Tractors.


Email: or

•  we buy farm equipment for dismantling  •  specializing in later model mfwd tractors •  we also offer freight discounts

Call Your Local Dealer

or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888







Get you r Far m & Ra nch Acc ount Boo ks at 1320 - 36 St. Nor th Leth brid ge, AB


CHABOT IMPLEMENTS Elie, MB 204-353-2392 Neepawa, MB 204-476-3333 Steinbach, MB 204-326-6417 F.V. PIERLOT & SONS Nipawin, SK 306-862-4732 GREENFIELD AGRO SERVICE Rosetown, SK 306-882-2600 KROEKER MACHINERY Winkler, MB 204-325-4311 MARKUSSON NEW HOLLAND Emerald Park, SK 1-800-819-2583 MARTODAM MOTORS Spiritwood, SK 306-883-2045 MOODY’S EQUIPMENT LTD. Saskatoon, SK 306-934-4686 Perdue, SK 306-237-4272 Unity SK 306-228-2686 Lloydminster, SK 306-825-6141 Kindersley, SK 306-463-2335 Olds, AB 403-556-3939 High River, AB 403-652-1410 Balzac, AB 403-295-7824 NYKOLAISHEN FARM EQUIPMENT Kamsack, SK 306-542-2814 Swan River, MB 204-734-3466

HI LINE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. NEERLANDIA CO-OP Wetaskiwin, AB 780-352-9244, 780-674-3020 1-888-644-5463 PARKLAND FARM EQUIPMENT North Battleford, SK 306-445-2427 HOULDER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. Falher, AB, 780-837-4691, 1-866-837-4691 REDVERS AGR. & SUPPLY LTD. Grimshaw, AB 780-332-4691, 306-452-3444 1-800-746-4691 ROBERTSON IMPLEMENTS (1988) LTD. KASH FARM SUPPLIES LTD. Shaunavon, SK, 306-297-4131 Eckville, AB 403-746-2211, 1-800-567-4394 Swift Current, SK 306-773-4948 E. BOURASSA & SONS: SCHROEDER BROS. Assinniboia 1-877-474-2456 Chamberlain, SK 306-638-6305 Estevan 1-877-474-2495 WHITE AG SALES & SERVICE Pangman 1-877-474-2471 Whitewood, SK 306-735-2300 Radville 1-877-474-2450 AR-MAN EQUIPMENT Weyburn 1-877-474-2491 Vulcan, AB 403-485-6968, 1-866-485-6968 RAYMORE NEW HOLLAND BILL’S FARM SUPPLIES INC. Raymore, SK 306-746-2911 Stettler, AB 403-742-8327 WATROUS NEW HOLLAND CAOUETTE & SONS IMPLEMENTS Watrous, SK 306-946-3301 St. Paul, AB 780-645-4422 YORKTON NEW HOLLAND FOSTER’S AGRI-WORLD Yorkton, SK 306-782-8511 Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-3622, 1-888-354-3620 HAT AGRI-SERVICE Medicine Hat, AB 403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702 Dunmore, AB,403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702

Email: or

Call Your Local Dealer

or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b31


KAMSACK, SK (306) 542-2814 4WD TRACTORS 2012 John Deere 9560R, PTO, 78 GPM Pump, 5.20x46 Triples, CAST Weights, 650 Hrs............................................................... $369,000 2012 John Deere 9560R, PTO, 78 GPM Pump, 5.20x46 Triples, CAST Weights, 631 Hrs............................................................... $369,000 2012 John Deere 9560R, 78 GPM Pump, 5.20x46 Triples, CAST Weights, 645 Hrs ......................................................................... $359,000 2012 John Deere 9560R, 78 GPM Pump, 5.20x46 Triples, CAST Weights, 646 Hrs ......................................................................... $359,000 2012 John Deere 9560R, 78 GPM Pump, 5.20x46 Triples, CAST Weights + Fluid, 512 Hrs ............................................................. $359,000 2012 John Deere 9510R, PTO, 78 GPM Pump, 5.20x46 Triples, CAST Weights, 600 Hrs............................................................... $345,000 2012 John Deere 9510, PTO, 78 GPM Pump, 5.20x46 Triples, CAST Weights, 606 Hrs, 5 Y ....................................................... $345,000 2012 John Deere 9460R, PTO, 78 GPM Pump, 8.00x38 Duals, CAST Weights, 450 Hrs............................................................... $319,000 2012 John Deere 9460R, PTO, 78 GPM Pump, 8.00x38 Duals, CAST Weights, 650 Hrs............................................................... $309,000 2012 John Deere 9460R, 78 GPM Pump, 8.00x38 Duals, CAST Weights, 510 Hrs ......................................................................... $310,000 2011 John Deere 9530T, PTO, 36” Tracks, 1212 Hrs.................. $299,000 2010 John Deere 9630, 78 GPM Pump, 5x20x46 Triples, CAST Weights.............................................................................. $369,000 2010 John Deere 9630, 78 GPM Pump, 5x20x46 Triples, CAST Weights.................................................................. SOLD! $299,000 2010 John Deere 9630, 78 GPM Pump, 5x20x46 Triples, CAST Weights, 1163 Hrs................................................. SOLD! $289,000 2011 John Deere 9530, 78 GPM Pump, 8.00x38 Duals, CAST Weights, 841 Hrs ......................................................................... $299,000 2009 John Deere 9430, 48 GPM Pump, 7.10x42 Duals, Powershift, CAST Weights, 1450 Hrs............................................................. $238,000 2003 John Deere 9520 48 GPM Pump, 7.10x42 Duals, Powershift, CAST Weights, 4704 Hrs............................................................. $165,000 2006 John Deere 9220, PTO, Powershift, 48 GPM Pump, 7.10x42 Duals, CAST Weights ........................................ SOLD! $145,000 1991 John Deere 8960, 24 Speed Transmission, 20.8x42 Triples, 6891 Hrs ...................................................................... REDUCED $75,000 1992 John Deere 8960, 24 Speed Transmission, 20.8x42 Duals, 6869 Hrs ............................................................................ SOLD! $68,000 1993 John Deere 8770, 24 Speed Transmission, 20.8x42 Duals ............................................................. REDUCED $59,000 1990 John Deere 8760, 12 Speed Transmission, 6.50x38 Duals ................................................................... SOLD! $49,000 2007 Case STX530, Powershift, 5.20x46 Triples, GPS, Loaded with Options, Only 2160 Hrs....................................................... $239,000 1995 New Holland 9680, Duals, 5600 Hrs ..................................... $84,000 1994 New Holland 9480, Duals, 7102 Hrs ..................................... $59,000 1989 John Deere 8560 ,12 speed, 5141 Hrs, ............................... $58,000

MFWD TRACTORS 2011 John Deere 7930, c/w JD 746 Loader, IVT, 7.10x42 Rear Wheels, 1300 Hrs ........................................................................ $198,000 2011 John Deere 7830, c/w JD 746 Loader, 3 pt Hitch, 8.00x38 Rear Wheels, Auto Quad, 425 Hrs ............................................. $195,000 2008 John Deere 7730, c/w JD 746 Loader, IVT, 2200 Hrs ........ $139,000 2010 John Deere 7530 Premium, c/w JD 741 Loader, 3 pt Hitch, 2300 Hrs ....................................................................................... $129,000 2003 John Deere 7320, c/w JD 741 Loader, IVT, 3 pt Hitch......... $89,000 2010 John Deere 7130, Auto Quad, 1539 Hrs............................... $89,000 1997 John Deere 8300, 540/1000 PTO, Powershift, Duals ..................................................................................... REDUCED $59,000 1990 John Deere 4955, PTO, Duals, Powershift ....... REDUCED $49,000 1990 John Deere 4755, PTO, Powershift ...................................... $45,000 2003 New Holland TG210 c/w Loader, Powershift, 3861 Hrs....SOLD! $98,500 1984 John Deere 4650 Complete w/ Allied 895 Loader ............. JUST IN

2WD TRACTORS 1995 John Deere 7800, c/w JD 725 Loader, 9438 Hrs ................. $39,000 1995 John Deere 7600, c/w JD 725 Loader, Grapple Fork .......... $39,000 John Deere 4010, c/w JD 158 Loader, Cab, 4020 Engine, Excellent Condition....................................................................... $13,500 John Deere 4020, Cab, Very Good Condition................................. $9,800

SPRAYERS 2012 John Deere 4940, 120 Gallon SS Tank, 120’ Boom, 20” Spacing, AutoTrac, Swath Control Pro, 2 Sets of Wheels, 340 Hrs....SOLD! $367,000 2012 John Deere 4940, 120’ Boom, 20” Spacing, AutoTrac, Swath Control Pro, 2 Sets of Wheels, 341 Hrs ......................... SOLD! $367,000 2012 John Deere 4940, 120’ Boom, 20” Spacing, AutoTrac, Swath Control Pro, 2 Sets of Wheels, 350 Hrs ......................... SOLD! $367,000 2012 John Deere 4940, 120’ Boom, 20” Spacing, AutoTrac, Swath Control Pro, 3.80-105R50 Tires, 370 Hrs ....................... SOLD! $354,000 2012 John Deere 4940, 120’ Boom, 20” Spacing, AutoTrac, Swath Control Pro, 3.80-105R50 Tires, 420 Hrs ....................... SOLD! $349,000 2012 John Deere 4940, 120’ Boom, 20” Spacing, AutoTrac, Swath Control Pro, 3.80-105R50 Tires, 505 Hrs, (Complete w/ 1600 gal Tank add $8,000) .................................. $341,000 2008 John Deere 4930, 120’ Boom, 20” Spacing, AutoTrac, Swath Control Pro, 2 Sets of Wheels, 1900 Hrs ....................... SOLD! $230,000 2009 John Deere 4730, 100’, SS Tank, 2 Sets of Wheels, Swath Control, 900 Hrs .............................................................. SOLD! $219,000 2005 John Deere 4720, 100’, Poly Tank, 2 Sets of Wheels, Swath Control, 3350 Hrs ........................................................................ $154,000 2000 John Deere 4700, 90’, SS Tank, 2 Sets of Tires, 2932 Hrs $115,000 2012 John Deere 4830, 350 Hrs, Stainless Steel Tank, 2 sets of Wheels, Height Control, AutoTrac, Swath Control.................... JUST IN 2009 John Deere 4830, 850 Hrs, Stainless Steel Tank, 2 sets of Wheels, Height Control, AutoTrac, Swath Control.................... JUST IN 2006 John Deere 4720, Stainless Steel Tank, 2 sets of Wheels, Height Control, AutoTrac, Swath Control, 1800 Hrs, .............. JUST IN

SEEDING 2010 Bourgault 5810 62’, c/w Bougault 6550, 10” Spacing, MRB 3, 5 ½ Pneum. Packers, Double Shoot ............................. SOLD! $258,000 2010 Bourgault 5810 62’, 10” Spacing, MRB 3, 5 ½ Packers, Double Shoot............................................................................... $169,000 2010 Bourgault 5710 74’, 10” Spacing, 5 ½ Packers, MRB 2, Double Shoot............................................................................... $169,000

SWAN RIVER, MB (204) 734-3466

2007 Bourgault 5710 74’, 12” Spacing, MR Shocks, 5 ½ Packers, Double Shoot............................................................................... $115,000 2006 Bourgault 5710 54’, 10” Spacing, MRB 2, NH3 Kit, Double Shoot, 5 ½ Packers........................................................... SOLD! $85,000 2005 Bourgualt 5710 54’, 10” Spacing, 3” Rubber Press Wheels ................................................................................. $75,000 2005 Bourgault 5710 54’ c/w 5350, 10” Spacing, MRB, NH3 Kit, 3” Rubber Press Wheels............................................................. $118,000 1997 Bourgault 5710 54’ c/w 4300, 10” Spacing, MRBs, Double Shoot, 4” Rubber Press ................................................................ $99,000 2001 Bourgault 5710 64’ c/w 5440, 10” Spacing, 3” Rubber Press, Double Shoot................................................................................. $99,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 45’ c/w 2320, 9” Spacing, Steel Press ................ $48,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 45’ c/w 2320 Tow Between, 12” Spacing, Steel Press..................................................................................... $48,000 1996 Flexi-Coil 820 41’ c/w 2320, 12” Spacing, 4 Bar Harrows .. $39,000 1998 John Deere 1820 52’ c/w JD 1900, 10” Spacing, 3” Semi-Pneum Press, 350 Bushel Tank ..................................... $79,000 1999 John Deere 1820 61’ c/w JD 1900, 12” Spacing, 5 ½ Pneum Press, 430 Bushel Tank ............................................ $79,000 2003 John Deere 1820 61’ c/w JD 1900, 10” Spacing, 3” Semi-Pneum Press, 430 Bushel Cart ..................................... $79,000 1998 John Deere 1820 61’ c/w JD 1900, 7½” Spacing, 3” Semi-Pneum Press, 430 Bushel Cart ..................................... $59,000 Morris L23 Challenger 2 37’ c/w Bourgualt 2155 Cart ................ $18,000 Flexi-Coil 2320 Air Seeder ............................................................. $18,000 Flexi-Coil 1720 Air Seeder ............................................................. $12,000 Flexi-Coil 1610 Air Seeder ............................................................... $3,500 Bourgault 3225 Air Seeder ............................................................. $15,500 Bourgault 3195 Air Seeder ............................................................. $14,500 Bourgault 2195 Air Seeder ............................................................. $11,500 Bourgault 2155 Air Seeder ............................................................... $3,500 John Deere 777 Air Seeder .............................................................. $3,500 52’ Bourgault 8810 10” spacing, mounted packers, granular kit, ...................................................................... SOLD! $52,500 ,


2012 John Deere S690, 4WD, Contour Master, 650 Duals, 615 PU, 250 Hrs.. SOLD! $439,500 2012 John Deere S690, Contour Master, 650 Duals, 615 PU, 210 Hrs............. SOLD! $425,000 2012 John Deere S690, Contour Master, 650 Duals, 615 PU, 220 Hrs............. $425,000 2012 John Deere S690, Contour Master, 650 Duals, 615 PU, 225 Hrs............. $425,000 2012 John Deere S690, Contour Master, 650 Duals, 615 PU, 230 Hrs............. $425,000 2012 John Deere S690, Contour Master, 650 Duals, 615 PU, 250 Hrs............. $415,000 2012 John Deere S690, Contour Master, 650 Duals, 615 PU, 257 Hrs............. $415,000 2012 John Deere S680, Duals, 615 PU, 123 Hrs ......................... $397,500 2012 John Deere S680, Duals, 615 PU, 146 Hrs ......................... $395,000 2012 John Deere S680, Duals, 615 PU, 169 Hrs ......................... $392,000 2012 John Deere S680, Duals, 615 PU, 194 Hrs ......................... $390,000 2012 John Deere S680, Duals, 615 PU, 200 Hrs ......................... $390,000 2012 John Deere S680, Duals, 615 PU, 205 Hrs ......................... $390,000 2012 John Deere S680, Duals, 615 PU, 221 Hrs ......................... $387,500 2012 John Deere S670, Duals, 615 PU, 203 Hrs ......................... $350,000 2012 John Deere S670, Duals, 615 PU, 215 Hrs ......................... $350,000 2011 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU, 146 Hrs ......................... $333,000 2011 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU, 153 Hrs ......................... $333,000 2011 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU, 399 Hrs ......................... $322,000 2011 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU, 439 Hrs ......................... $319,000 2011 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU, 451 Hrs ......................... $319,000 2011 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU, 477 Hrs ......................... $319,000 2009 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU, 443 Hrs ......................... $288,000 2009 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU, 499 Hrs ......................... $285,000 2009 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU, 539 Hrs ......................... $279,000 2009 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU ........................................ $269,000 2009 John Deere 9870, Duals, 615 PU, 758 Hrs ......................... $259,000 2009 John Deere 9870, Duals, Precision PU, 1010 Hrs ............. $239,500 2007 John Deere 9860 Premium, Duals, 615 PU, 1071 Hrs ....... $199,000 2007 John Deere 9860, Duals, 615 PU, 1129 Hrs ....................... $189,000 2006 John Deere 9860, 615 PU, 1067 Hrs ................................... $169,000 2005 John Deere 9860, 615 PU, 1078 Hrs ................................... $165,000 2005 John Deere 9860, 615 PU, 1242 Hrs ................................... $155,000 2011 John Deere 9770, Duals, 615 PU, 267 Hrs ......................... $315,000 2011 John Deere 9770, Duals, 615 PU, 277 Hrs ......................... $310,000 2011 John Deere 9770, Duals, 615 PU, 415 Hrs ......................... $305,000 2010 John Deere 9770, 615 PU, 427 ........................................... $295,000 2008 John Deere 9770, Duals, 615 PU, 563 Hrs ......................... $265,000 2008 John Deere 9770, 615 PU, 490 Hrs ..................................... $259,000 2004 John Deere 9760, 615 PU, 1304 Hrs ................................... $165,000 2003 John Deere 9750, 914 PU, 1585 Hrs ................................... $119,000 2003 John Deere 9750, 914 PU, 1780 Hrs ................................... $105,000 2003 John Deere 9750, 914 PU, 1897 Hrs ................................... $105,000 2003 John Deere 9750, 914 PU, Precision PU, 2436 Hrs ........... $105,000 2001 John Deere 9750, 914 PU, 1611 Hrs ................................... $119,000 2001 John Deere 9750, 914 PU, 1689 Hrs ................................... $109,000 2007 John Deere 9660 STS, 615 PU ............................................ $205,000 2001 John Deere 9650 STS, 914 PU, 1711 Hrs ........................... $114,000 2001 John Deere 9650 STS, 914 PU, 2481 Hrs ............................. $99,000 2000 John Deere 9650 Walker, 914 PU, 3353 Hrs ........................ $88,000 1999 John Deere 9610, 914 PU, 2635 Hrs ..................................... $79,000 1998 John Deere 9610, 914 PU, 2827 Hrs, Mint Condition.......... $99,000 1998 John Deere 9610, 914 PU, 2780 Hrs ..................................... $79,000 1997 John Deere 9600, 914 PU, 2966 Hrs ..................................... $62,500 John Deere 9600, 914 PU, 2270 Hrs .............................................. $69,000 John Deere 9600, 914 PU, 2955 Hrs .............................................. $49,500 John Deere 9600, 914 PU, 4645 Hrs .............................................. $39,000 1995 John Deere 9600, 914 PU, 2168 Hrs ..................................... $69,000 1995 John Deere 9600, 914 PU, 2698 Hrs ..................................... $59,000 1995 John Deere 9600, 914 PU, 2965 Hrs ..................................... $59,000 1995 John Deere 9600, 914 PU, 2822 Hrs ..................................... $52,500 1993 John Deere 9600, 212 PU, 3482 Hrs ..................................... $29,000 1991 John Deere 9600, 914 PU, 2916 Hrs ..................................... $45,000 1991 John Deere 9600, 914 PU, 3150 Hrs ..................................... $39,000 1982 John Deere 8820 .................................................................... $16,500 1982 John Deere 7720 ...................................................................... $9,500 1998 John Deere CTS 2, 914 PU, 1824 Hrs................................... $89,000 1998 John Deere CTS 2, 914 PU, 2782 Hrs................................... $72,500 1998 John Deere CTS 2, 914 PU, 3119 Hrs................................... $69,000 1997 John Deere CTS, 2232 Hrs .................................................... $61,500 1997 John Deere CTS, 2423 Hrs .................................................... $49,000

COMPETITIVE COMBINES 2-2010 Case 8120, AFS Rotor, Swathmaster, PU, 369 & 353 Hrs .............................................................................. $269,000 2-2012 Case 8230’s duals magna cut pu headers only 23 and 25 sep hrs .............................................................. $354,500 1996 Case 2188, Specialty Rotor, Customer Care Pkg,


2737 Hrs ......................................................................................... $69,000 1987 Case 1680, 3846 Hrs .............................................................. $25,000 1987 Case 1660, 2450 Hrs .............................................................. $19,500 1982 Case 1440, 3007 Hrs ................................................................ $8,500 2007 New Holland CX8080, CTL, PU, 1535 Hrs.......................... $175,000 New Holland TX66, 971 c/w Victory Super 8, PU, 2170 Hrs ........ $35,000

COMBINE HEADERS 2012 John Deere 635FD, Flex Draper, 500 Acres ......................... $89,500 2012 John Deere 635D, 35’ Draper Header, 600 to 1500 Acres, 12 in Stock .................................................................. $73,500 to $79,500 2011 John Deere 635D, Low Acres ................................... SOLD! $65,000 2010 John Deere 635D ................................................................... $58,000 2010 John Deere 630D, 30’ Draper Header .................................. $55,000 2004 John Deere 630R, 30’ Rigid Header ..................................... $23,500 John Deere 930’s ........................................................... $9,500 to $18,500 1996 John Deere 930 F, 30’ Flex Header ....................................... $22,000 2004 John Deere 936D, 36’ Draper Header ............... $32,000 to $35,000 2008 John Deere 930D, 30’ Draper Header .................................. $39,000 2007 New Holland 94C 30’, HoneyBee Draper Header ............... $39,000 2009 Case 2042 30’, Draper Header.............................................. $39,000 2000 Case 1052 36’, Draper Header.............................................. $29,500 2001 Case 1052 30’, Draper Header.............................................. $29,500 2000 MacDon 972 25’, Draper Header .......................................... $27,500 2003 MacDon 962 30’, Draper Header .......................................... $27,500 MacDon 960 36’, Draper Header ................................................... $24,500 2009 Case 4010 30’, 30’ Auger Header (Like New), PU Reel ...... $32,500 Case 1020 22’ Flex Header .............................................................. $3,500 1993 New Holland 971 24’ ................................................................ $6,500 John Deere 615 Pickup Header..................................................... $20,000 John Deere 914 Pickup Header..................................................... $10,000 Precision 1300 Pickup Header ...................................................... $10,000

PULL TYPE SWATHERS Prairie Star 25’ c/w P.U. Reel ........................................................... $5,500 Case 8220 30’ .................................................................................... $4,500 John Deere 590 30’ ........................................................................... $3,500

MOWER CONDITIONERS John Deere 956 Impellor Conditioner ........................................... $19,900 2006 New Holland 1431, Rotary Mower Conditioner .................. $19,900 2002 New Holland 1431, Rotary Mower Conditioner .................. $15,900 2000 John Deere 945, Impellor Conditioner ................................. $15,000 1999 John Deere 945, Impellor Conditioner ................................. $15,000 2006 John Deere 896, 16’ Hay Header .......................................... $18,500 2003 John Deere 895, 16’ Hay Header .......................................... $12,500 IHC 14’ Hay Header, Fits IHC 4000 .................................................. $2,500

ROUND BALERS 2005 John Deere 567, Mega Wide PU, Push Bar ......................... $19,000 2004 John Deere 567, Mega Wide PU, Push Bar ......................... $18,000 2002 John Deere 567, Mega Wide PU, Push Bar ......................... $16,000 2001 John Deere 567, Mega Wide PU, Push Bar ......................... $15,000 1999 John Deere 566 ...................................................................... $13,500 1998 John Deere 566 ...................................................................... $13,500 1997 John Deere 556, Only 7000 Bales......................................... $12,500 2009 New Holland BR7090, Hyd PU, Push Bar ............................ $21,000 2007 New Holland BR780A ............................................................ $15,000 2006 New Holland BR780A, Auto Wrap ........................................ $15,850

MISC HAY EQUIPMENT Bale King Wheel Rake (DEMO)..........................................................CALL Jiffy 714 Wheel Rake ........................................................................ $6,500 New Holland 1010 Bale Wagon, 60 Bale Capacity............................ $900

TILLAGE 63’ John Deere 2410 Chisel Plow (2012) c/w JD Harrows, Used 1 Season .............................................................................. $99,000 61’ Bourgault 9400 Chisel Plow (2009) c/w Heavy Harrows ..... $92,0000 61’ Bourgault 9400 Chisel Plow (2009) c/w Heavy Harrows ....... $86,000 56’ Bourgault 9400 Chisel Plow (2007) c/w Harrows................... $82,500 46’ Bourgault 6220 Coulter Bander (2000) c/w Liquid Kit ............. $9,800 41’ JD 610 7.5” Spacing, c/w Coulters (Less Coulters $24,500). $29,000 41’ Flexi-Coil 820 c/w Harrows...................................................... $27,000 14’ Kelo 210 Disc .............................................................................. $8,500 60’ Salford RTS HD (2012), Used 1 Month .................................. $150,000 50’ Salford RTS (2011) .................................................................... $99,000 41’ Salford RTS (2011) .................................................................... $69,000 90’ Bourgault 6000 Mid Harrow c/w 2055 Valmar........................ $45,500 70’ Delmar 55000 Mid Harrow ....................................................... $18,500 70’ Degelman 7000 Strawmaster c/w Valmar .............................. $24,000 70’ Degelman 7000 Strawmaster .................................................. $16,500 80’ Flexi-Coil S-82 Harrow ............................................................... $4,500 70’ Flexi-Coil S-92 Harrow Packer .................................................. $8,500 37’ Harman 2400 Packer, Valmar (Demo) ....................................... $3,500 2055 Valmar Applicator, Fits 70’ Harrow......................................... $7,500

MISC Cat 70 Scraper .................................................................... SOLD! $26,000 Eagle 4A Ditcher ............................................................................. $25,000 Farm King Demo Grain Vac ........................................................... $18,900 16’ 7200 Degelman Dozer .............................................................. $19,500 10’ Leon Dozer .................................................................................. $3,500 14’ Degelman Dozer 6 Way ............................................................ $17,500 John Deere Front End Loader ......................................................... $4,500 Degelman 7200 Rockpicker........................................................... $22,000 Schulte 2500 Rockpicker (2012), Used 1 Season ........................ $19,500 JD Gator XUV550 (2012) ................................................................... $9,900 JD 2305 Compact Utility c/w 200 Loader & Mower..................... $16,500 JD 2210 4WD 62” Mower ................................................................. $9,500 Kubota ZD331 LP-72 (2009) Zero Turn Mower............................. $16,800 Schulte SDX 960 Snowthrower ....................................................... $6,700 Schulte 1100 Snowthrower .............................................................. $6,900 84” Sovema Tiller.............................................................................. $2,800

Toll Free 1-855-542-2814

B32 – THE AD-VISER, MARCH 14, 2013 –

AdViser Classified Ads 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Phone (403) 328-5114 • Fax (403) 328-5443 E-Mail:

Published Every Other Thursday Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

(600) Farm Machinery MUSEUM PROJECT ABANDONED - Downsizing Farm & Ranch Equipment Accumulation, Including Collectables (some keepers). Various snow blades, tractor & truck mnts, 4-16’ width, $325 to $2250. 1-12’ V Snow blade - $1875 . 12’ hopper btm sand or fertilizer (?) spreader, hyd floor chain & flipper, $1225. Bucket/mt grapple for Lrg/bales w/cyls, $675. Bale spear w/grapple - fits Ezee-On ldr. 9’ snow blower HD 3 cyl GM diesel motor driven - $7200 (motor value). IHC tandem farm trucks gravel boxes - $1250 to $2750. Hesston lrg bale attach w/grapple $675. Multiples of rare collectables - sell or trade for Model “T” & Model “A” Ford running engines (what have you?) Inquiries welcome - If you need it, I might have it. Phone: 403-732-4979 (600) AD 10-13 SK 4-7 AG 18-21 MB 6-9

Visa or Mastercard Phone Orders Toll Free 1-877-328-0048

(600) Farm Machinery USED GRAIN CARTS: 450 1050 bushel, Large Selection PTO & Hydraulic Drive. Gravity Wagons: 250 - 750 bushel. Fertilizer Spreaders: 4 - 8 ton. Hi-Dump Silage Wagons. www., 204857-8403.

(608) Tractors

(600) AD 11-12

NEW NOBLE 9000 SEED-OVATOR 42’, 9” spacing, double shoot - $16,500; Victory SeedO-Vator 7.5” spacing - $15,500; Case IH 45’ 8500 - $15,000; 4568 IHC 300 hp - $15,000. Phone: 403-553-2007 (600) AG 18-21 AD 11-14

Retired From Farming


(604) AD 10-13

2011 JOHN DEERE 9630T, 420 hrs, 4 hydraulics, 36” tracks, HID 1990 HESSTON 1160 14’ Haylights, front weights, powerguard bine - $3,700 OBO. Phone: warranty available – Asking 403-627-2360 or 403-627-8493, $318,000. Phone: 403-545-2182 Pincher Creek. or 403-952-2174, Bow Island, AB.

CASE IH 4900 40’ Cultivator w/ 4-bar harrows, new shovels, great shape; Case IH 8825 HP Self-Propelled Swather, 21’ w/ UII p/u reel, great shape, always (600) AD 6 TFN AG 14 TFN stored inside; JD 3600 6 bottom plow. Open to offers on all equipATOM-JET OPENERS – 45, 1” ment. Phone: 403-738-4381 openers with liquid phos applica(600) AD 9-11 tion. Used for 3000 acres. Asking $65 each (1/2 price of new) Call: JD 7000 CORN PLANTER, 403-330-9451, Fort Macleod. 6-row, 30”, finger PU w/new pre(600) AD 11 cision fingers, pneumatic down pressure, trash managers, dry fertilizer, ready to seed. Phone • Baby calf branding cart; Tony: 403-633-1302

Phone: 403-628-3782 Cell: 403-627-8062

JOHN DEERE 1870 AIR DRILL (56FT) with 1910 Cart (430 Bushel Tow-Behind), 8” Auger, 710 x 38 Dual front Casters. $156,000. Call: 204-825-8121.

(600) AD 6-11 SK 26-5 AG 14-19 MB 2-7

ACREAGE EQUIPMENT discs, plows, cultivators, harrows, front and rear blades, hay equipment, post pounders, etc. 1-780-8923092 Wabamun, AB

calf sleighs; calving pullers; calving supplies – pails, etc. • New Roll of Swather canvas • Bale moisture tester • Power hay bale core sampler • Acreage Disc • Heavy Duty 3pt hitch link arm • Case IH Combine slug wrench

(604) Seeding & Tillage

(600) AG 15-22 AD 8-15

JD 568 ROUND BALER, done 12,000 bales, excellent condition - $22,000. Call Doug: 403-6344588

(600) AD 10-11

(602) Combines & Headers 2 X 1998 JOHN DEERE 9610 COMBINES, Fine Cut, Variable Speed, Adjustable Axles, DAS, shedded. $64,000. Call: 204825-8121. (602) AD 10-13


(608) AD 10-11

(609) Miscellaneous


(700) Farm Buildings

(800) Grain, Feed & Hay

ASSORTED STEEL BLDGS: STRAW FOR SALE: 4x4 big Disc. Available - Some seconds squares. Phone Tony: 403-633used. Can erect, Will deliver. 1302 (800) AD 11-15 Source#18X. Phone: 1-800-9648335 STRAW FOR SALE, 4x4. Phone: (700) AD 10-11 SK 4-5 AG 18-19 MB 6-7 403-345-4979, no Sunday calls please. NEW BUILDING – All steel, (800) AD 11-12 40x100, powder coated metal. SMALL SQUARE BARLEY For more info call 403-635-0853 STRAW BALES – Hesston baled. Phone: 403-328-1710 or (700) AG 17-18 AD 10-11 403-393-4674 (800) AD 11-12

(800) Grain, Feed & Hay

BARLEY & WINTER WHEAT FOR SALE: Approx 325 Big STRAW FOR SALE: Hard core Square Flax Straw Bales. You round bales, excellent quality haul, I can load. Phone: 403-654- long straw, delivered 38 bales / 2619 or Cell: 403-654-7015 load. Call Doug: 403-223-8008 or (800) AD 10-13 403-634-4588. (800) AD 11-12

HEATED PEAS/FLAX. Buying damaged pulses & oilseeds. “On BUYING BARLEY/OATS for Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & feed. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain: 1-877-250-5252. Grain: 1-877-250-5252 (800) AG 13-19 MB 14-7 AD 6-12 SK 26-6


(800) AG 13-19 AD 6-12 SK 26-6

FOR SALE: 1st & 2nd cut Alfalfa FOR SALE: Wheat Straw, big in 3x4 square bales. Trucking can square bales, 3x4x8. Phone: 403be arranged. Phone: 403-362- 833-2033 (800) AD 8-12 6682 or 403-501-4115, Brooks, AB.

Randy: 403-556-1285

(800) AD 11-13 AG 19-21

(609) Miscellaneous

Life After Mutual Funds Need Help To Rescue Your Savings? Learn about Private Placement investment opportunities including fixed Rate Corporate bonds paying 10% annually. 6-60 month terms, paid monthly or up to 15% compounded. Solid performance without the volatility of the stock market. Tax saving and equity offering options also available. RRSP & TFSA elegibility. Contact Brian Sokalski Private Market Specialist For more information or a personal appointment Ph. 780-632-9619



Green &/or Heated Canola / Flax Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, Etc.

1-877-641-2798 Bow Valley Trading Ltd (900) Irrigation FOR SALE: 2 - 1/4 mile 5x5 wheellines, 2 - 1/4 mile 5x7 wheellines (Thunderbird conversion), 2 - 1/4 mile 5x7 Thunderbirds, 10” ring lock mainline, 7” & 6” mainline. Phone: 403-3454979, no Sunday calls please. (900) AD 11


Announcements....................................... 90 Antiques................................................. 200 Coins..................................................... 201 Auctions................................................. 300 Construction Equipment........................ 400 Dairy & Supplies.................................... 500 Farm Machinery..................................... 600 Haying Equipment................................. 601 Combines & Headers............................ 602 Fertilizer Equipment............................... 603 Seeding & Tillage.................................. 604 Spraying Equipment.............................. 605 Swathers & Mower/Conditioners........... 606 Tractors................................................. 608 Miscellaneous........................................ 609 Machinery Parts..................................... 610 Farm Buildings....................................... 700 Granaries & Bins................................... 701 Grain, Feed & Hay................................. 800 Irrigation................................................. 900 Hogs & Supplies.................................. 1000 Horses & Supplies............................... 1100 Livestock & Supplies........................... 1200 Poultry & Supplies............................... 1300 Sheep & Supplies................................ 1400 Specialty Livestock.............................. 1500 Pets & Supplies................................... 1600 Seed.................................................... 1700 Specialty Seeds................................... 1701 General Miscellaneous........................ 1750


Acreages............................................. 1800 Commercial Property........................... 1900 Equipment........................................... 2000 Farms & Ranches................................ 2100 Houses................................................ 2200 Land.................................................... 2300 Storage................................................ 2400


Acreages............................................. 2600 Auctions............................................... 2700 Commercial Property........................... 2800 Farms & Ranches................................ 2900 Houses................................................ 3000 Industrial.............................................. 3100 Manufactured Homes.......................... 3200 Realtor Listings.................................... 3300


Automobiles......................................... 3400 Automotive Parts & Service................. 3500 Boats & R.V.’s..................................... 3600 Heavy Trucks....................................... 3700 Light Trucks......................................... 3800 Motorcycles & Quads.......................... 3900 Snowmobiles....................................... 4000 Trailers................................................. 4100 Vans.................................................... 4200


Accounting & Bookkeeping.................. 4300 Computers & Accessories................... 4400 Custom Work....................................... 4500 Feedlot Cleaning................................. 4600 Land Mapping...................................... 4700 Parts & Repairs................................... 4800 Rentals................................................ 4900 Travel................................................... 4950


Employment Opportunities.................. 5000 Employment Wanted........................... 5100 Business Opportunities........................ 5200 Training................................................ 5300


Equipment........................................... 5400 Personal.............................................. 5600


Louise Lawrence Production

A Division of:

“ Where Farmers & Ranchers Look First to Buy.”

Jeff Sarich

General Manager 403-317-3233

Al Such

Advertising Consultant 403-317-3232

Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 • Phone 403-328-5114 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8

Mel McDonald

Advertising Consultant 403-317-3231

Sarah Still Ad Assistant 403-317-3229

Whitney Alvarez


• Fax 403-328-5443

The Farmer/Stockman AdViser is a division of FarmPress Ltd. and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Southern Alberta.

– THE AD-VISER, MARCH 14, 2013 – B33

Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy

AdViser Classified Ads (800) Grain, Feed & Hay

• • • • •

(800) Grain, Feed & Hay


Home: (403) 687-2432 Cell: (403) 330-3871 Fax: (403) 687-2434




RG HAY FARM E B N S LT DE Nobleford, AB We Sell and Truck All Sizes and Types of

(800) Grain, Feed & Hay


Also buying damaged or off grade barley, wheat, etc. “30 Years!” Lacombe AB.




Quality Hay and Straw Office: 403-824-3010 • 1-877-824-3010 Harry: 403-382-1082 • Steve: 403-795-1347

(800) Grain, Feed & Hay



(900) Irrigation

WATER LICENSE WANTED AGROPUR Cheese plant in Diamond City is interested in obtaining a water license(s) of 200 acre feet that is suitable to be transferred to the Oldman River at Lethbridge. Water license holders within the Oldman River Basin that may be interested in transferring their license please contact: Dragan Sudar, Plant Manager AGROPUR Lethbridge Box 93, Hwy 25 • Diamond City, AB • T0K 0T0 Tel. 403-381-4024 ext. 6426

C.E.P. AUTOMOTIVE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT See Us For 5 1/2 to 13 HP Wheeline Motors

PORTABLE GENERATORS! • 1000 w • 3000 w • 5500 w



(No Sunday calls, please)


Nobleford, AB LT D ND A . is looking for Alfalfa Hay V

& Timothy Grass standing or Baled for 2013 season. If you have any to sell please call Steve: 403-795-1347

(No Sunday calls, please)


Tub Grinder

Fast, Friendly Service Where & When YOU Need It!

(900) Irrigation

(1100) Horses

FORD PUMPING UNIT / GEN& Supplies ERATOR: 300 cubic inches, BOMBPROOF 16 HAND RED Berkeley pump, Lima Mac genROAM MARE, great for kids or erator, ready to go. Phone Tony: anyone, used for ranch work and 403-633-1302 (900) AD 8-18 in mountains - $3,000. Phone: 403-223-8463

(1100) Horses & Supplies

Large or Small Jobs.

Locally Owned & Operated.

WAYNE • (H) 553-4526 • (C) 382-8808

SILAGE BUNK 40 in. W 24 in. H 30 ft. L

full 2 in. lumber bolted to flat bars

ROUND BALES Barley Straw Grass Straw All Conventional Combined

Pat Pittman Warner 403-642-7316


Silver Sage Community Corral Brooks, AB

All classes of Riding Horses: Ranch, Performance, Pleasure, Youth

Added Attraction Trade Show Opens at 10 AM Preview of Horses 10 a.m.

Broadcast live on

Sale starts 1:30 p.m.

online catalog at For further information contact Darren Hubka 403.363.2723  •  Gordon Musgrove 403.363.1729 Darren Rebalkin 403.633.9997  •  email:

Call Ivan 780-621-0863 or 388-3817

B&H Contracting



• 549 • 454 GMC Berkeley/ B6 on trailer • 549 w/paco • 262 AC

(1100) AD 10-11

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Alder Flats, AB

(900) Irrigation

2” & 3” Water Pumps Available Also - 3700W Generators

on a skid • 350 Chev on trailer


“Reliable Horsepower Since 1966” 316 - 34 Street South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4H8

Phone (403) 328-8181

Toll Free: 1-800-661-8006 Website: or E-mail:

(1200) Livestock & Supplies

(1200) Livestock & Supplies

BAR-RZ Polled Herefords Bulls for Sale

Semen tested, guaranteed, free delivery, quiet disposition, excellent hair coats, performance data available. For More Info Contact: Stuart & Sherri Zoeteman 403-553-2687 • Cell: 403-330-6490 Email: Robert & Fern Zoeteman 403-553-2162

B34 – THE AD-VISER, MARCH 14, 2013 –

Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy

AdViser Classified Ads (1200) Livestock & Supplies

(1200) Livestock & Supplies

nance Cattle fi m. r g pro a ers at y Bev ll Ca Ro 82-5702 ) 3 (40 3

(1200) Livestock & Supplies

(1200) Livestock & Supplies

Your Beef is our Business!

Bonded & Insured Cattle Brokers • Custom Order Buying • U.S. Cattle Exporting Buy and Sell Bred Cows & Calves • Replacement Heifers • Slaughter Cattle • All Classes of Feeders

(1700) Seed


c for usto We f m h Ph eedl ers ave on ot loo e S spa kin tev ce g e. .

• Spring Wheat:

John Brown (403) 328-3485 Res. (403) 380-0965 Mobile

Swift Current, Sask. Office Ph. (306) 778-2533 Fax (306) 778-9192 Committed to Serving You for All Your Livestock Needs Box 2117,  Swift Current, SK S9H 4M7 PHONE (403) 381-3700 • FAX (403) 381-3720 Dale Swartzenberger Ralph Siemens, Manager Web Site: (403) 327-9667 Res. (306) 773-4913 Res. Box 1685, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4K3 (403) 382-0756 Mobile (306) 741-1458 Mobile

Box 419 Picture Butte, AB T0K 1V0

Order Buyers

Located in the Heart of Alberta’s Cattle Feeding Industry. Whether Buying or Selling, Feeders, Fats, Cull Cows, call us for your livestock marketing needs including Internet. We specialize in marketing, cattle contracting, and custom feeding. We also offer a convenient custom weigh facility and truck wash.


Visit us on our website: • e-mail Our affiliated company, M.S. MACLEAN TRANSPORT LTD., offers tri-axle livestock trailers & quad trailers to meet all your livestock needs. Our drivers are licensed, well-experienced professionals. We pick-up and deliver in 4 provinces and 11 U.S. states. Andy Houweling 403-308-8700 (cell) Mac MacLean 403-732-5644 (office) James Christie Clint deLeeuw 403-634-4630 (cell) Brad deLeeuw 403-382-7362 (cell) 403-892-0728 (cell)

Your Success is Our Future

** Rising Two Year Old Bulls For Sale **

Ranch Raised on a high forage diet. 100% Guaranteed & semen tested. Dedicated to earning your business. Competitively Priced! Repeat Customers,

Neal & Sheila Lust Medicine Hat, AB Ph. 403-527-0545

New Herd Sire Red Six Mile Infinity

B.C., ALBERTA, SASK. “Farmers Helping Farmers”


16 Years Old and Still Going Strong!!



Bred cow program! Toll Free

KEVIN PH: 403-308-1428 LONNY PH: 403-330-5596


Feeder Program!


No Restrictions • Purchase & Marketing Your Choice


CLARENCE CYR - 1-403-627-2382 Rocky Mountain House, Alberta

FOR SALE Top Quality 2 Year Old Bulls Red & Black Angus Red & Black Simmental

U2 RANCH (403) 345-2333

• Barley:


Cell: 587-220-1991 Email:

Site 41 Comp 3 RR 8 Stn Main, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4P4

Corns Brothers Farm Ltd. Box 729 Grassy Lake, Alberta T0K 0Z0

OATS - Morgan - Mustang TRITICALE SPRING FALL - Pronghorn - Bobcat - Tyndal - Luoma - Ultima - MLTZGER

FLAX - Sorrel SPRING WHEAT - AC Lillian - Carberry WINTER WHEAT - Emerson - CDC Buteo - A.C. Radiant FALL RYE - Remington

SORGHUM SUDAN GRASS Seed treating & blending available. Bryan Gary Fax (403) 655-2464 (403) 655-2339 (403) 655-2543 E-MAIL:


Speciality Seeds Ltd. WHEAT



AC® Carberry – NEW – best FHB tolerance and straw strength AC® Stettler – very good yield & quality Glenn – excellent quality & very good yeild


CDC Verona – improved lodging and FHB resistance

CDC Centenntial – yellow, larger seed = better yield CDC Meadow – early yellow, very good yield

All types, for yards, pasture and hay


All types, for all crops

SEED TREATING AND ON-FARM SCALE See our web site for photos and more info about each variety!

24 ft. long & turn legs to transport flat


Call Ivan 780-621-0863 or 388-3817

403-545-6018 • 1-866-545-6018

BOX 490, BOW ISLAND, AB T0K 0G0 Email: Web site: Twitter: @SpecialtySeeds

Alder Flats, AB

B&H Contracting

RED ANGUS BULLS FOR (1200) Livestock SALE. Private treaty sales for Alder Flats, AB & Supplies over 35 years. Yearlings & 2 year olds. Phone: 403-832-3774 or 4-TON ART CATTLE MOOVER: for Tandem, Ground Load & TriYEARLING & 2 YEAR OLD 403-504-6503 axle Trailer. Phone: 403-634CHAROLAIS BULLS, sired by (1200) AD 11-17 4806, Lethbridge area. Sanchez, Polled Son of Hank, (1200) AD 4-5/13 Western Spur, Kaboom & FOR SALE: Yearling Charolais Preacher. Allen McLeod: 403- Bulls, most polled. Phone, Snake 2 YEAR OLD LIMOUSIN 625-2047 or Cell: 403-625-6118, Trail Charolais: 403-628-2108 or BULLS, Red & Black, Polled. Contact - Southbridge Limousin, Claresholm, AB. cell: 403-627-0125 Mark: 403-308-6171 (1200) AD 10-18 AG 18-26

CDC Meredith

CORN SEED available


CDC Sorrel

Forage and Corn Seed Sales


B&H Contracting Call Ivan 780-621-0863 or 388-3817

CDC Verona Enterprise

Corny Van Dasselaar


30 ft. long & turn legs to transport flat

20 ft. L 7 ft. H 7 ft. W

• Flax:


Brad Chambers • Lomond, AB 403-792-2147 • Cell: 403-308-3085 for 6 large round bales

CDC Centennial

Andante Yellow Vulcan Oriental

403-327-9736 or 403-308-2297

Limousin Breeder Purebred Red & Black Yearling & 2 Year Old Limousin Bulls Raised Ranch Style

s Charola berBulls amSelling Since 1987 i


Moats • Lethbridge, Alberta

KevLon Land & Cattle

Two year old & yearling bulls. Will be semen tested & have papers.

75% of our bulls sell to repeat buyers.

Give us a call:


• Mustard

• Durum:

Steve Primrose (403) 382-9998 Mobile

Alberta Prime Beef Corp

• Winter Wheat:

Carberry CWRS Snowstar CWHW Whitehawk CWHW

• Yellow Peas:

Government Inspected Scale on Premises. Fall Calf Purchasing. Weighed Off the Truck. Cattleliner Service – Canada and U.S.A.

Buyers: Joe O’Donnell (403) 328-2362 Res. (403) 382-9447 Mobile

(1700) Seed

(1200) AD 10-12

(1200) AD 11-16




– THE AD-VISER, MARCH 14, 2013 – B35

Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy

AdViser Classified Ads (1700) Seed

(1700) Seed

(1700) Seed

(1700) Seed

ELIASON FARMS LTD. Pedigreed Seeds

(4500) Custom Work

(4500) Custom Work

a Custom Bale Processing Service to Southern Alberta

Wrentham, Alberta



• Prairie Sapphire NEW

• CDC Austenson 2 Row • Vivar 6 Row • AC Harper 6 Row • Chigwell 6 Row • Muskwa 6 Row NEW


~Gemini ~Cruiser Maxx Vibrance ~Vibrance XL ~Ensure CONTACT DALE: Office: 403.738.4395 Cell: 403.635.0099 Iron Springs, AB

TRITICALE • Pronghorn


• Carberry • Stettler • CDC Go • Sadash Soft Wheat

Grain Cleaning by Color Sorting

Mobile Unit. Improve your profits on cereal grains & pulses. Removing ergot, off-color & dirt.

Certified Seed For Sale

Phone for rates: cell: 403-793-9456 res: 403-652-5643


SEED GRAINS: Barley & Oats – grown from several different certified varieties, excellent germinations. Phone: 403-627-2056 or cell: 403-627-0029, ask for Patrick or leave a message.

BARLEY – AC Metcalfe, CDC Copeland, CDC Meredith SPRING WHEAT – AC Carberry, AC Unity/ Waskada VB Will search out varieties you may require. Will store until spring. Treating available.

Full papers online:


per 60 Bales cr eens Up to8” 5/ to 8” S

Troy or Sabrina 403-222-2258 (2300) Land WANTED TO RENT: Dry Land or Irrigated Land – 20 mile radius of Monarch. Phone: 403-634-0275 (2300) AD 7-14

WANTED: Looking for pivot irrigated land suitable for growing forages. Phone Jordan: 403-7159094 (2300) AD 11

(3700) Heavy Trucks

TANDEM GRAIN TRUCK – 1981 Chev 70, 427 engine, 5-speed Weighing & treating transmission, 58,000 km, steel available at farm. box with Michel’s rollup tarp, exPhone Doran: 403-345-4144 cellent running condition. $20,500 (1700) AD 10-18 AG 18-26 Cell: 403-308-4765 OBO. Call: 403-330-9451, Fort CERTIFIED SEED: Barley – Brant: 403-308-2362 Macleod. CDC Copeland, AC Metcalfe, (3700) AD 11 MILLET (PROSO) FOR SALE, CDC Kindersley, CDC Austengrowing since 1995. Tony son. Call: 403-337-2469 (4500) Custom Work (1700) AD 10-12 Brummelhuis: 403-633-1302 GRAIN BIN Erection Repairs (1700) AD 6 TFN (2300) Land and Moving. Concrete and BobYELLOW MUSTARD, good germination. Taking orders. Phone: WANTED TO RENT FARM cat services. Contact Grain403-328-1710 LAND in Fort Macleod and Gra- land Sales & Services. Duane (1700) AD 11 num area. Foothill Farms: 403- Hoeg, Manager: 403-329-1755, FOR SALE: #1 Certified Fleet 553-4290 or Henk 403-315-3969. Lethbridge, AB Meadow Brome Grass Seed (4500) AD 6 TFN (2300) AD 7-12 $1.40 / per lb. #1 Certified Sorrel Flax Seed $20 / per bus. Phone: 403-345-4963 or 403-382-7455 (1700) AD 10-16

Call Ken Wiersma 403-894-6411

(3300) Realtor Listings “Life is time, let me help you be there!”


1 to 10 1/4’s anywhere. For spring possession. Sangudo - Ultimate rec or hunting quarter, small private lake. Conor Creek SW corner. 24x32 cabin. No services. $329,900. MLS #E330433 Flatbush - 159 acres. 60 acres in hay, balance trees. Services at gate. $160,000. - SOLD Westlock - Upgraded 2 bdrm bungalow. immaculate, chain link fenced yard, 16x24 garage. $89,999.

MLS #E3303724



(3700) Heavy Trucks

(3700) Heavy Trucks

FOR SALE 2001 Int 9200i 6x4 manure truck and 3-axle pup c/w silage ext

Specs: C12, 46k rear, 4-way lockers, 18sp, 414k

$68,500 OBO Phone Foothill Farms: 403-553-4290 Henk: 403-315-3969 or Case: 403-330-2588

All pics on

1-877-956-SOLD (7653)

(4500) Custom Work FARM DRAINAGE: Repair your low spots. Design & Install drainage of alkali and wet areas in fields. Results!: Increase production in better looking fields. Phone: 403-553-2055 (4500) AD 9-14

The Great Qualities Of A Classified Ad

(5000) Employment Opportunities PASTURE RIDER REQUIRED Deseret Ranches (Raymond, AB) is seeking an experienced rider / ranch hand for the 2013 grazing season (April/May – Fall). Call 403-634-6451 for more info or email resume to (5000) AD 10-11 SK 4-5 AG 18-19

Getting Your Information To All The Other Farmers Out There

Toll Free: 1-877-328-0048

The AD-Viser has what you need at your fingertips!

b36 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –


Quality that comes with over 20 years of experience...

all farmers, truckers and industrial receive

15% off overhauls on radiators,

Sales/Inquiries call: 306-745-2711

Bolt together Hopper Cones & Grain Storage Solutions

with this ad, until march 31, 2013.

“buy direct & save”

Thomas Radiators LTD. 1209 - 2nd Ave. South, Lethbridge, AB. Ph. 403-327-4121 Free Pick-Up & Delivery Within City Limits Specializing in Ag., Auto, Industrial & Performance Cooling Systems Since 1953

27' Diamater 12,418 Bushel Capacity -Can be reached with 70' auger -Superior air flow with Jet Stream Air option

27' Hopper w/Optional Stair Case & Jet Stream Air For all sizes and options available, contact us!!!

Borderline FaBrication !!!New for 2013!!! BR800 Bale Carrier Bale King BR800

PH: Mike (204) 822-5293 Hay Trailer /w converter for no-sway towing. Comes with tubeless 11-22.5 or 11-24.5 truck tires. Deck sizes from 24’ - 55’ l x 9.75’ W. Available with full light package, custom colours, deck styles, brakes & rear hitch for towing 2nd trailer. Ideal for hauling round or large square bales. 38’ model - Starts at $7,400 Delivered

Contact your Alberta Bale King Dealer Today!!! Medicine Hat 403-528-3838 Balzac 403-513-7000 Milk River 403-647-3828 Bow Island 403-545-6844 Picture Butte 403-732-5658 High River 403-652-7944 Taber 403-223-2333 Lethbridge 403-327-3154 For more info and to see the Bale King in action visit us online:

versatile classic 2375 * 375 hp

1 only!

call for details ­­ bobcats: ‘08 Bobcat S220 w/ 4400 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 ‘07 5600 Toolcat w/600 hrs. & HiFlow �������� $35,000 Bobcat 337D excavator �������������������������������� $29,900 ‘08 Bobcat T320 track ldr ����������������������������� $54,000 ‘10 Bobcat T630 track ldr ����������������������������� $49,500 ‘02 Bobcat 873 skid steer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,000 sold Bobcat CT225 compact tractor w/ ldr. . . . . . . . $15,900

TRACTORS: ‘93 AgcoWhite 6125 mfd w/ ldr & grapple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40,000 2012 Versatile 2375 Classic rental . . Call for Details

‘85 Versatile 856 w/ps, 3 pt., PTO & rebuilt engine �������������������������������������� $39,900 ‘80 Case 2390 w/ duals ����������������������� OFFERS CIH 235 diesel tractor ����������������������������� OFFERS ‘78 Case 4490 w/ rebuilt eng & ps . . . . Coming In

SEEDING & TILLAGE: ‘10 Salford 570 30’ RTS Vertill. . . . . . . . $69,000 Salford 570 RTS 24 ft ��������������������������� $70,000 Blanchard 33’ packer bar ���������������������� Coming In

Rental Kuhn Knight 2044 Manure Spreaders Call for Pricing

’02 JD 1820 air drill 52ft w/1900 tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000


‘03 Kuhn GA4120 rotary rake, 13.5' ��������� $6,400 New 3 pt. 93 in. sickle mower ����������������� $5,900 CIH 8580 big baler ������������������������������� $25,000 ‘02 Hesston 1365 Disc M/C ������������������ $22,000 CIH 3640 round baler ����������������������������� $2,900 ‘11 Kuhn TL180 3 pt. grass flailmower ������� Offers


Haybuster 2620 balebuster. . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,400 ‘94 Haybuster 256+ 11 bale processor . . . . $5,500 ‘99 Highline 6800 bale processor ������������� $6,000 2 Haybuster 2650 balebuster ���������from $15,000

Phone (403) 362-8222 or 1-800-262-5170 Visit our Website:

consignments: Renn trailing post pounder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,150 ‘98 CIH 8825 swather 850 hrs. w/25 ft. pu reel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,000 CIH/Hesston 8581 sq. bale accumulator �����������Offers Hesston 4790 3x4 baler w/ acc ��������������� OFFERS Hesston 4800 big square baler ����������������� Offers 4 & 5 wheel hay rakes ���������������������������� Offers ‘97 CIH 8465A auto round baler ������������� $11,500 Highline/Peecon 24M vert mixer ��������������� Offers IH 4000 w/ CAH 16 1/2 ft., VGd ������������ Offers CIH 4000 swather w/16 ft. draper h/c ����� $9,900 CIH 6500 Conser Till 16ft. ������������������� Coming In JD R & AR tractors ����������������������������������� Offers

2 - Morris 881 bale movers �����������������from $9,500 ‘04 Bobcat 72in sweeper bucket. . . . . . . . . $4,600 Westfield 7-51 pto grain auger . . . . . . . . . OFFERS ‘02 Bourg 8810 40’ MRB’s & packer wls w/ no tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS IHC 7200 hoe drills 28ft w/fac trsp. . . . . . . . OFFERS

Other: ‘11 Bush Hog 2715 15 ft trail mower ������������� Offers Brandt 10X60 swing auger ���������������������������� Offers ‘08 Cub Cadet UTV 4x4, gas ������������������������ $9,400 ‘09 Cub Cadet UTV 4x4, w/cab �����������������$10,500 ‘00 Sak MD10x 52ft/1600 swg ������������������� Offers

– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b37

Nobleford, AB

Phone 403-824-3404 Power Brush Starting at



•  Available with a 28” or 36” wide brush

evcon farm equipment ltd. 403-329-6011  •  1-800-599-8940



Versatile 305 Front Wheel Assist 450 4WD Power Shift 500 4WD Power Shift 190 W/Loader


1980 - Versatile 935 SOLD 1975 - David Brown 995 with Loader SOLD



Industrial Buildings 1.800.665.0470

Insulated shops

Vermilion Office – Ryan Maxwell – 780-581-5822 Airdrie Office - Jamie Wiebe – 403-470-4570

b38 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –


Your Herd Bull Destination


tuesday, MARCH 26, 2013 20 Hybrid Heifers and 200 “Cream of

On Offer:

lot 6

lot 61

lot 88

lot 134

lot 96

BW – 98   WW – 882   YW – 1461


BW – 82   WW – 776   YW – 1327

lot 64

BW – 80   WW – 859   YW – 1397

black angus

BW – 91   WW – 948   YW – 1601

lot 10

BW – 93   WW – 969   YW – 1599

red angus

BW – 92   WW – 903   YW – 1508

150 Bulls

80 Red Angus, 40 Black Angus, 30 Performax Hybrids & Simmentals

red angus

BW – 78   WW – 847   YW – 1431

Sight unseen purchase program

Our Sight Unseen Purchase Program is getting more and more popular every year and satisfaction is guaranteed! We will gladly vist with you to discuss your bull requirements and together choose bulls that meet those needs. If you are not satisfied upon delivery, you don’t own the bull.

1:00 p.m. – Highwood Auction, High River, AB

the Crop” No Iron Red Angus Commercial Replacement Heifers.

Backed by the Best Guarantee in the Business!

lot 125

BW – 90   WW – 867   YW – 1496

lot 18

BW – 84   WW – 939   YW – 1490

lot 67

lot 103

lot 152

P.O. Box 705, Coaldale, AB T1M 1M6

403/345-2333 (beef) Darren Cell. 315-3651

Ask About Our U2 Bull Warranty Program

lot 117

BW – 64   WW – 823   YW – 1354


BW – 103   WW – 834   YW – 1269

lot 69

BW – 66   WW – 858   YW – 1376

black angus

BW – 70   WW – 872   YW – 1482

lot 43

BW – 80   WW – 886   YW – 1476

red angus

BW – 79   WW – 868   YW – 1405

RANCH LTD. Darren & Joanne Unger & Family

red angus

lot 150

BW – 95   WW – 827   YW – 1267

Please call for a Catalog or view the catalog / video with updated information and carcass data online at


– THE AD-VISER, march 14, 2013 – b39

b40 – THE Ad-VISER, march 14, 2013 –

The NEW T9000 Series four-wheel drive tractors from New Holland deliver in a big way. Giant horsepower, huge hydraulic power, automatic shifting and precision steering combine to boost your bottom line. Factory-ready for the IntelliSteer TM auto steering system, T9000 tractors boost your precision and your productivity with the touch of a button. The big power of the T9000 4WD tractor leads to big profits! BIODIESEL- APPROVED, FUEL-EFFICIENT TIER III ENGINES MORE HORSEPOWER UNDER EVERY HOOD EXCLUSIVE TURBO COMPOUNDING ON THE T9050 FOR MORE POWER WITH THE SAME FUEL LARGEST CAB IN THE INDUSTRY WITH UNEQUALLED VISIBILITY

Learn more at:




• NH CR9070 – 2009, 20.8 x 42 Duals, 821 Engine hrs, 651 Separator hrs, 16 ‘ Swathmaster PU • NH CR9065 – 2010, 900 Rubber, 458 Engine hrs,344 Separator hrs, 16’ Swathmaster PU • NH CR9065 – 2010, 900 Rubber, 482 Engine hrs, 452 Separator hrs, 16’ Swathmaster PU • NH CR9060 – 2008, 20.8 x 42 Duals, 1106 Engine hrs, 859 Separator hrs, 14’ Swathmaster PU • NH CR9060 – 2009, 900 Rubber, 896 Engine hrs, 692 Separator hrs, 14’ Swathmaster PU • NH CR9060 – 2010, 800 Rubber, 812 Engine hrs, 591 Separator hrs, 16’ Swathmaster PU • NH TR98 – 1997, 30.5 x 32, 4160 Engine hrs, 3077 Separator hrs, 13’ Swathmaster PU • NH TX66 – 1997, 2425 Engine hrs, 2005 Separator hrs


We need another full time sales representative. Ag experience necessary. Please contact Doug Flaws 403.223.4437.


• FlexiCoil 5000 - 2006, 57’, Double Shoot, 4” Steel Packers, 9” Spacing w/ 3450 Tow-Between Cart • FlexiCoil 5000 - 2002, 57’, Single Shoot, 4” Rubber Packers, 9” Spacing w/ 3450 Tow-Behind Cart • FlexiCoil 5000 – 57’, 7.2” Spacing w/ 1610 Tow-Behind Cart • FlexiCoil 2340 Tow-Behind Cart • NH P2060 - 2009, 70’, Single Shoot, 4” Steel Packers, 10” Spacing w/ P10 Tow-Behind 430 bushel Cart • NH P2060 – 2010, 70’, Single Shoot, 4” Steel Packers, 10” Spacing w/ P10 Tow-Behind 430 bushel Cart • Bourgault 5710 Series II, 52’, 9.8” Spacing, MidRow Banders, w/ 5350 Tow-Behind Cart


• FlexiCoil 67XLT, 1999, 120’ Boom, 1200 Gal.

For All Your Equipment Needs

Call Doug Flaws


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