Publication Agreement No. 40012905
www.farmpressltd.com Farmer / Stockman
June 20, 2013
Volume 46 Number 18
gratton coulee
See Pages B2 and B3 for the best deals on New or Used Farm Equipment
Agri Parts Ltd.
Your Farm Parts Headquarters 2 1/2 Miles South of Irma, AB on 881, 1 Mile East & 1/2 Mile North
www.gcparts.com Email: sales@gcparts.com
Phone: 587.220.7500 www.FARMREALESTATE.com
Ph: (780) 754-2303
See our listings on Pages B4-B5
(403) 329-8686
See our ads on pages a16 & a17
behlen curvet
meridian bins
riding arenas
SouthweSt Steel
evcon farm equipment ltd. 610 - 30 Street North, Lethbridge, AB.
329-6011 • 1-800-599-8940 • Fax: 328-8787
3755 - 18th Ave. North Lethbridge, AB
(403) 320-5400
1-877-414-4043 www.steelproducts.ab.ca
farm shops
Design & Construction Ltd. building for your success
Medicine Hat, AB 1065 - 30 St. S.W.
403-526-0925 1-800-325-4445
Calgary, AB
101, 4800 - 104th St., S.E.
403-279-3355 1-877-642-2923
A2 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – A3
Perlich Bros.
planned marketing pay$! We’re 3 Miles East of Lethbridge on Highway 3 & 1/4 Mile South on the Broxburn Road.
Auction mArket Ltd.
Visit our website: www.perlich.com email: auction@perlich.com • Lic. 0714651
“In the Hub of Southern Alberta’s Livestock Industry Since 1967”
EvERY THURSdaY: SLAuGHter cAttLe - 10:30 a.m. YeArLinGS - 12:30 p.m. . . . and . . . CoW/CaLf PaiRS! June 27th
July 4th
July 11th
Consign now!
AG Summer eVent
Tuesday, JULY 9th - 10:00 a.m. VIEWING OF SHOW & SALE EQUIPMENT throughout the day, meet & greet customer APPreciAtion dAY
Wednesday, JULY 10th - 11:00 a.m. machinery & equipment Auction – PArtiAL LiSt
1–2006 McCORMICK MC135 power 6, c/w Buhler FEL, FWA, CAHR, 2800 hrs.
1–2009 CASE IH 8120 c/w pick up header, 1226 separator hrs., SN:Y8G205290 1–2008 CASE IH 7010 c/w pick up header, 1042 separator hrs., SN:HAJ203162 1–2003 CASE IH 8010 c/w pick up header, 1799 separator hrs., SN: HAJ200900 1–2003 CASE IH 2388 c/w pick up header, 1920 separator hrs., SN:JJC0274637
HAYinG & HArVeStinG eQuiPment
1–2009 CASE IH WD1203, c/w 30 header, 1339 cutting hours 1–HONEYBEE 30' straight cut, draper platform, 2002 w/pickup reel, NHCX/CR or CIH 7000/8000 series
combine adapter. SN: 0010667 1–2006 JD 567 round baler, mega wide pickup, 1000 PTO, push bar, surface wrap, hyd. pickup, lift, variable core kit. SN: 327252 1–2002 JD 567 round baler, mega wide pickup 1000 PTO, push bar, hyd. pickup lift. SN: 187863 1–JD 535 round baler 1–NEW IDEA #486 round baler 1–KLAUS 12' rotary rake 1–FROSHI 16 wheel v rake 1–FORD 951 3pth rotary mower 1–NH #893 PTO small square baler 1–SOVEMA 3pth mount grooming mower, side discharge, 540 PTO, 60" cut, SN: 105727 1–MACDON 940 multicrop header, 18', 1992, w/pickup reel auger platform, fits
2000/9000 MACDOON windrower. SN: 79746-92 1–MASSEY-FERGUSON 775 SP swather, 6 cylinder gas engine, hydrostatic drive, c/w front mount sprayer, 150 gallon tank, hand wand, foldup booms, NH 21' draper header, bat reel and canvasses, and custom built swather mover, S/N:006817 1–VERSATILE 440 SP swather, gas engine, hydrostatic drive, hay header, pickup reel, steel roll hay conditioner, S/N:5008062 1–JOHN DEERE 580 PT swather, 25 foot, bat reel, canvasses
truckS & trAiLerS
1–2012 BIG TEX 25' gooseneck tandem dual flat deck trailer c/w beaver tail & ramps 1–2008 BIG TEX 45' gooseneck tandem, dual flat deck trailer c/w beaver tail &
ramps 1–1990 REAL INDUSTRIES GN stock trailer, tandem axle, 20 foot, storage area, divider gate, sliding rear door, S/N:2R9G6LC22L102005 1–1968 CHEV 3 ton w/grain box & hoist
25–6 inch band and latch mainline, 12 valves, 13 straights 1–Pipe trailer, single axle 15–Pivot tires/rims w/slats, 9.5-24 34–Pivot tires/rims, 9.5-24 4–Pallets of slats for pivot wheels 1–Split case irrigation pump
LiVeStock eQuiPment
Quantity of horse stall panels
SHoP eQuiPment
2–10', 30 drawer, heavy duty metal work benches w/ handing wall panel
1–30'x65'x15' high ceiling double door storage building, c/w commercial fabric, waterproof, fire resistant doors on two ends 2–20'x40' sided commercial party tents c/w doors, windows, 4 side walls 2–2" gas water pump c/w 5.5HP engine 2–3" gas water pump c/w 6.5HP engine Large quantity of hydraulic valves and fittings
LAWn & GArden
60–70 pallets of landscaping rock, retaining wall brick, and fire place pits Plus: Sprayers, Seeding & Tillage, Augers/Grain Handling Equipment, Vehicles . . . Much Much More! For a complete sale listing and pictures visit www.perlich.com
SeVen PerSonS Ab. nExT machinery & equipment consignment sales Friday, July 19th at 10:00 a.m. . . . . Plan to attend!
1/2 mile East of Seven Persons, AB., south side of Hwy #3 (Junction of Hwy # 3 and Hwy #887) visit www.perlich.com for sale listings OR see the next issue of the AD-VISER Accepting Consignments on: Tractors, Combines, Trucks & Trailers, Haying & Harvesting, Sprayers, Seeding & Tillage, Augers/Grain Handling Equipment, Livestock Equipment, Irrigation Equipment, Shop & Misc, Lawn & Garden, Vehicles, … Much Much More! Contact us today! Area Reps: Darren Lutz - 403-403-937-2223 (Auctioneer) • Don Zachary - 403-529-7694 (Machinery Dept) Gm / Auctioneer bob PerLicH (403) 382-7800 cell.
Auctioneer JoHn PerLicH (403) 331-9911 cell.
Auctioneer/FieLd reP JOe PeRLICh (403) 635-0310 JusTIN PeRLICh (403) 635-5310
DARCY MOORheAD (403) 635-0308 biLL PerLicH (403) 603-8006
LetHbridGe diViSion mAcHinerY dePArtment TONY VIRGINILLO (403) 382-5005 Cell. PHiL borAS (403) 382-7710 Cell.
FieLd rePS ken LidberG (403) 382-8189 DOuG DOMOLeWsKI (403) 223-1840 (Taber & Area)
SeVen PerSonS diViSion HoG dePArtment SHeLLeY bLAck (403) 635-0316
order buYer: HoWArd trAWeek (403) 381-2995
YArd ForemAn JAke dAnieLS Cell. (403) 635-0309
Auctioneer dArren Lutz (403) 937-2223
mAcHinerY dePArtment don zAcHArY (403) 529-7694
Phone (403) 329-3101 • Fax (403) 327-2288
A4 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 - 1:00 PM • WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 - 1:00 PM • WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 - 1:00 PM • WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 - 1:00 PM • WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 - 1:00 PM • WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 - 1:00 PM
DIRECTIONS: From Lethbridge - East on HWY 3 to Medicine Hat To South Boundary Rd, Turn Right Go South On South Boundary RD. 1.5 KM Cross Bridge. From Medicine Hat: West on Hiway 3 to South Boundary Rd, TurnLeft go South on South Boundary Rd 1 1/2 Kms, Cross bridge
TRACTOR & BACKHOE: 1 - Massey Ferguson 1100 Diesel Tractor c/w Leon Bucket Loader, 3 PTH, PTO, 18.4 X R34 Tires 1 - 1982 Case 1490 Tractor w/6’ Bucket Loader 66L 1 - McCormick W-6 Standard Tractor, Gas 7’ Blade, 3 PTH 1 - Backhoe Truck Bantam C-451, Ford Diesel Industrial Gas Motor, 8796 Hrs, Model 424, Runs, S/N 50123
ANTIQUE TRACTORS: 1 - 444 Massey Harris Tractor 1 - International W9 w/Reverse Loader (Parts) 1 - Oliver 60 Tractor 1 - Case VA Tractor, S/N 4928408 1 - Massey Harris 44 Tractor 1 - Case 410 Tractors, S/N 8084232 1 - Massey Harris 44 w/Loader 1 - Cockshutt 1650 (Does Not Run) 1 - Minneapolis Moline Tractor
1 - McCormick W9 Tractor w/Scraper Blade, 3 PTH, Gas LIGHT TRUCKS & CARS: 1 - 1988 Ford F250 Super Duty 4 x 4 Triton V10, w/Workdeck 8 X 8.5’, 204,725 KMS, Auto 1 - 1996 GMC 2500 4 x 4, Standard, 318,000 KMS 1 - 1997 Ford Ranger Extended Cab, 255,800 KMS 1 - 1998 GMC Jimmy, 200,000 KMS
3 PT HITCH MOWERS & RIDE ON MOWERS: 1 - JD STX 38 5 Spd Ride On Mower, 38” Mulcher, Very Good Condition 1 - JD Ride on Mower w/Rototiller, Blade 1 - 5’ 3PT Hitch Mower 1 - Massey 5” 3 PT Hitch Mower 1 - Bush Hog 3 PT Hitch Mower STOCK TRAILERS & CAMPER TRAILERS: 1 - 1985 WY-Lee 15” Stocktrailer 1 - Vanguard Truck Camper
1 - King of the Road 18’ 5th Wheel Stock Trailer 1 - Oilfield 5th Wheel Living Quarter Trailer (Old) 1 - Single Axle Quad/Skidoo Trailer MOBILE HOME TRAILER: 1 - Bendix 14 X 68 Mobile Home, New Roof (2004), A/C, New Furnace, New Washer/Dryer, Dish Washer, Stove, Microwave, Fridge, Deepfreeze, 14 X 14 Addition
FOR FULL LISTING & PICTURES CHECK OUT www. balogauction.com FOR ALL UPCOMING SALES & EVENTS PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE AT www.balogauction.com • E-mail: sold@balogauction.com
“The Complete Auction Service” North America Toll Free 1-877-320-1988
Box 786, Lethbridge, Alberta
WEBSITE: www.balogauction.com
Company Licence 109042
Phone 320-1980
E-MAIL: sold@balogauction.com
Company Licence 109042
d l
o s
Versatile 190
FWA, loader, grapple, loaded.
Versatile SX275 SP Sprayer
275 HP, 1200 gal tank, 100 ft. boom, boom height control, full GPS, loaded cab.
call for more details & pricing
Milliken Farm Supplies (1977) Ltd.
Taber, AB 403-223-4437 Toll Free 1-888-313-9988 Email us at sales@millikenfarm.com
– THE AD-VISER, JUNE 20, 2013 – A5
TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2013 – 1:00 PM DIRECTIONS - FROM TABER – 2 & 3/4Miles East on Red Trail.
Terms Cash
1 – John Deere 9650 STS Combine, 483 Sep Hrs, 713 Engine Hrs, 20.8R-38 Duals on front, 16.9-26 Rear Tires (SN)H09650S686830 c/w JD Pickup header, 20FT auger, chopper, dial a speed for reel or pickup belts, active header control display, header height sensor, Green Star yield monitor, field office seat, Clima Trac temperature control, radio w/ cassette player
1 – John Deere 9100 4WD Tractor, 2082 Hrs, 260 HP, 24 Spd, 3 Hyd. Outlets, 20.8R-42 Duals, John Deere Auto Trac installed in 2005, JD Category 3 Hitch installed in 2009, field office, Auxillary electrical outlets (SN)RW9100H001160 1 – John Deere Starfire ITC receiver & display w/ Auto Trac Card (needs to be re-activated for SF2)
1 – Miskin M7000 Scraper (7 yard) 1 – Allied Harrow Drawbar w/ 13 Diamond 1 – Premiere 2900 Swather, 946 Hrs, 21.5-16 Harrows, Approx. 42FT drive wheels, 16.5 rear c/w 25FT header w/ 3 1 – John Deere 2000 Field Cultivator, 31 1/2FT, swath positions (right, center, left) heat, A/C 6” spacing, tine harrows, rear hitch w/ (SN)98775 – header (SN)96708, Pickup reel w/ hyd. Coupler, electron depth control (SN) plastic teeth N02200X001107 BIG TRUCKS 1 – John Deere 2100 Ripper, 3 PTH, 7 Shanks, 1 – 1980 Chevy Tandem Model CC7D064, 5 & 4 Coulters, Stabilizer wheels, 1.25” shanks, Trans, 427 engine, Approx. 60,000kms, tilt 2.75 Laser rip points, 24” spacing (SN) hood, 18FT x 8.5FT x 56” Grain Box & Hoist, N02100X008286 Tires – front: 10.00x20 radials, rear: 10.00x20 1 – JD 45K Toolbar, 3 PTH, 4” x 7” x 12FT Bar, 7 bias, roll tarp (VIN)C47DEAV15143 Shanks, 1.25” x 4” w/ 2.25” points, up to 16” 1 – 1979 Chevy Tandem Model CC7D064, 5 & 4 depth Trans, 57,535kms, 18FT x 8.5FT x 56” Grain 1 – Brandt QF 1500 Sprayer, 80FT, Combo Jet Box & Hoist, Tires 10.00x20 radials on front nozzles (SN)45803A & like new 11.00x22.5 radials on rear, motor 1 – 700H Meyer Ditcher redone at 43,500kms (now has a 427 block) 1 – JD 602 Spin Spreader, 61.9 Cubic FT, Approx. roll tarp, no governor (VIN)C47DS9V164038 4000lbs (SN)00602001505
1 – John Deere 680 Chisel Plow, 19FT Rigid Fold, MFWD TRACTOR 1250lb trips, 12” spacing, single point depth control (SN)N00680X000234 1 – John Deere 7520 MFWD Tractor, 125 PTO HP, 150 Engine HP, 904 Hrs, 16 Spd, Power Quad 1 – John Deere 963A Farm Wagon (needs new deck) Plus w/ reverser, Green Star Ready, 520/85R38 1 – Home-built 21FT Coil Packer for Chisel Plow, has 3 right hand 7FT coils & 3 left hand 7FT Rear Tires, 420/85R28 Front Tires, factory coils in tandem installed Auto Trac, Category 3N/2 hitch, 1 – John Deere 3600 Plow, 6 furrow, adjustable for 8800lbs lift (SN)RW7520R034087, rear wheel 16”, 18” or 20” cut, Packer hitch & Crowfoot weights, auto cab temp. control c/w JD 741 packer (SN)13086 loader w/ hydraulics, 96” bucket w/ manure 1 – Riteway Coil Packer, 34FT, 1.75” coils tines, 90” heavy duty digging bucket w/ tines (SN)02-30168 CRAWLER TRACTOR 2 – John Deere 9300 Grain Drills, 10FT, 7” 1 – Hesston Fiat Crawler Model 665C, 58 HP w/ spacing, spring trips, rock guards, semi98” Dozer, 14” tracks, 8 forward, 8 reverse pneumatic packer wheels, JD hitch, gen points, speeds, 3 hyd., 3 PTH, 1100 Hrs, PTO (Caution: markers & hyd. Grass boxes engine will start if clutch engaged), 1 hyd. (SN)1376N & 1774N Lever does not work (SN)792111, Engine No. 1 – Eversman Grade Plane 5514, 14FT blade (SN)10105 8045-02-276-178922
Box 786 Lethbridge, Alberta Company Licence 109042
Lunch Available
GRAIN AUGERS, VAC & BINS 1 – Sakundiak 7” x 45FT Grain Auger (SN)15590 Motor will not start 1 – Farm King PTO Swing Auger, 10” x 60FT w/ reverse (SN)9103488 1 – Kongskilde 1000 Grain Vac w/ hose, pipe & extra attachments (SN)1445000 5 – Butler Grain Bins, 1450 bushels, good wooden floors, 14FT diameter 1 – Hydraulic Drill Fill, DF 614 1 – Electric Full Bin Alert
IRRIGATION & MISC. 13 – 6” x 30FT Mainline w/ 4” valves on every pipe *Small Quantity of 4” x 40FT Handmove Pipe *Small Assortment of culverts 1 – 1000 Gal. Fuel Tank w/ stand 1 – 500 Gal. Fuel Tank w/ stand 1 – Honda Model FRC 800 Rototiller, 3 Forward Speed, front drive, like new
“The Complete Auction Service”
North America Toll Free 1-877-320-1988
WEBSITE: www.balogauction.com
E-MAIL: sold@balogauction.com
Check out our website for more info: www.balogauction.com
Phone 320-1980
Company Licence 109042
The description as to condition is merely a guide, neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be responsible for any errors in the description of the items listed. Sale is subject to additions and deletions. Everyone attending the sale does so at their own risk with no liability to the seller or auction company.
A6 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
“Professional Onsite Auction Management”
Annett Auction Centre, Brooks, AB
next monthly consignment auctions SAT., july 20, 2013 10:00 A.M. SHARP
Great Trailers @ Great Prices EBY All Aluminum Livestock • EBY All Aluminum Stock Combo’s EBY All Aluminum Horse trailers • Goosenecks – Bumper Hitch Tandems & Tri-axles • 13’ to 53’ Haulmark Car Haulers • Haulmark Enclosed • Haulmark Quad Sport • Tandems & Single Axle • Bumper hitches 8’ to 27’ Easy Term Fixed rate financing at low Rates OAC. Cash Discounts & WE need Trades – www.tdown.ca for complete listings
SAT., august 17, 2013 10:00 A.M. SHARP To view sale listings go online to www.tdown.ca. Clean consignments welcome.
Phone: 403-362-5252 View Listings at www.tdown.ca Annett Auction Services
Eby Maverick 20' Aluminum Stock Trailer
30' EBY Aluminum Triaxle
Oasis 30' Tandem
One time steel fencing In Stock: 3-4-and 5 wire posts
Alberta Licence # 306642
Box 1952 Brooks, AB T1R 1C7 • www.tdown.ca • Email: ross@tdown.ca Office (403) 362-5252 • Fax (403) 362-5254 • Cellular (403) 793-4715
Did You Know? An AdViser / AgViser Classified Ad costs, on the average, less than 3/100 of a cent for every farm home that it goes to?
Real Value Real Effectiveness Call today to place your Classified Ad.
Valley BaseStation2-SM is the most advanced remote monitoring and control technology the industry has to offer. Spend more time at home and less time and fuel driving to the field to check each pivot. With Valley BaseStation2-SM you can: • monitor AND control one to hundreds of center pivots from the comfort of your home • check a pivot’s status and monitor soil moisture • generate reports for year-to-year comparison
Toll Free
1-877-328-0048 Farmer / Stockman
Division of
• PH. 526-3294 • PH. 328-9999 • PH. 223-1170
• FAX 526-0125 • FAX 329-5296 • FAX 223-1171
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – A7
403-824-3404 • www.nieboerfarmsupplies.com
0% Financing
for 36 Months on Used Lexions
Program ends
June 30 NEW
TRACTORS 2013 Versatile 450 PS trans., Deluxe Cab .......................$279,900 2013 Versatile 550 PS trans., Deluxe Cab, 800 Michelins, Full weights ................ $313,750 2012 McCormick X10.35H w/ FEL ..................................... CALL 2012 McCormick X10.50CH w/ FEL ..................................... CALL TILLAGE 2013 Versatile TD600 35 1/2’ Tandem Disc.......................$64,900 HARVEST 2013 Claas Lexion 760.................... CALL 2013 Claas Lexion 670.................... CALL 2012 Claas MAXFLO 1050 36’ Header .. CALL FEEDING 2013 JayLor 4750 Mounted on 2013 Freightliner ...................SOLD
2012 JayLor 4425 PT Feed Mixer ....$38,900 TELEHANDLERS 2012 Merlo 75.9 Panoramic Telehandler ............DEMO PRICING 2013 Merlo 40.7 Turbo Farmer Telehandler ............................... CALL LAWN & GARDEN 2012 Bad Boy MZ42 Zero Turn Mower ...$4,195 “2013 BAD BOY’S IN NOW” 1- 2013 AOS 72 Cat 35 hp Diesel...............SOLD (MORE TO COME) 8- 2013 Outlaw XP 61’s 28 hp Kawasaki .... CALL 1-2013 CZT 50’s 26 hp Kawasaki ..............SOLD (MORE TO COME) Farm King Y620S 6’ Rotary Mower ..... CALL Farm King Y720S 7’ Rotary Mower ..... CALL Farm King Y755 84” Finishing mower ........................ CALL Farm King C6572 72” Rotary Tiller ..... CALL Farm King C2560 5’ Rotary Tiller ... CALL HLA LLT10 Box scraper with Tilt ..... CALL
TRACTORS Case 7130- 6427 hrs ....................... CALL 2009 John Deere 9530 .................... CALL 2004 Case STX 500 w/ 16’ 4-way dozer ............................ CALL HARVEST
2011 Claas Lexion 770 w/ P516 PU header, 330 sep hrs....$385,000 (1) 2012 Claas Lexion 770 Terra Trac, 770 w/ P516 PU header, 145 sep hrs ......................$440,000 (3) 2012 Claas Lexion 670 w/ P514 PU header, 220 sep hrs.........$279,000 1991 John Deere 9500 w/ 914 PU, 2750 sep hrs .........................$35,000 1997 John Deere 9600 w/ 914 PU, 3300 sep hrs .........................$58,000
2006 Case 2388, 1140 sep hrs ....... CALL 2002 Case 2388, 1570 sep hrs .......SOLD 2002 MacDon 972 30’ Header ....$18,500 FEEDING 2006 JayLor 4650 PT Feed Mixer ......................................SOLD 2011 JayLor 41000 Feed Mixer mounted on 2011 Freightliner .............. CALL Cattlelac 330 Feed Mixer ............$12,500 2005 Supreme 700 Truck Mount ...................COMING IN TELEHANDLERS 2009 New Holland LM5040 1750 hrs ................................. CALL MISC. John Deere Z425 Zero Turn Mower...................................$2,995 Kuhn Flail Mower 60” ........................ CALL 1991 Case 1120 Utility Tractor........ CALL
“AUTHORIZED CUMMINS DEALER” - $99 per hour labor rate
FULL SERVICE SHOP - Ag and Heavy Duty All makes and models
Licensed Commercial Inspection Facility All jobs booked before June 30 receive $92 per hour labor rate
A8 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
friday, august 9, 2013 rimbey, aB.
evcon farm equipment ltd.
Selling equipment to all four Western provinces and the Northern USA. Listings are now being accepted for the Pre-Harvest Machinery Consignment Auction.
403-329-6011 • 1-800-599-8940
All items must be listed by Tuesday, July 9, 2013 to be included on our Sales Posters, Newspaper, Radio Advertising, Web Page and extensive mailing lists. For more information or to consign call:
Allen b. olson auction service ltd.
TABER 403.223.6835
Rimbey, ALBERTA (403) 843-2747
www.rcconstructionab.com Serving Alberta’s Livestock Industry Since 1940
We are closed Monday, July 1st for Canada Day REGULAR SALES - JULY 5 & 12 AT 9:00 A.M. Taurus Salt (Range #2) (50 lb. bag or 40 lb. block) – Prevention & control of foot rot
E AUCTION MARKET 2001 T T U B E UR LTD. T - 2013 C I P “Serving producers for1962 51 years from the same location” REGULAR CATTLE SALES EVERY TUESDAY, 10:30 A.M.
Feeder Cattle, then Slaughter Cattle, Cows & Bulls
Baby Calves, Bred Cows, Cow / Calf Pairs, Milk Cows, Light Feeder Cattle
ALSO SELLING SATURDAY, 11:00 A.M. Hogs, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Horses
Silent Herder (50 lb. bag) – Reduction of bloat and larkspur poisoning
Super Mag (250 lb. 200 bio barrel) – High in magnesium with grass, with high levels of potassium. Reduce grass tetany.
SATURDAY, JULY 6 - 11:00 a.m.
REASONS TO CHOOSE BSSA: • We are located across from No. 1 Highway. • Across the road from Alberta’s largest packers
• Located in the heart of cattle country • Top facilities, good feed & water, buyers & sellers
All Cattle must be tagged with CCIA Identification tags
Sales every Thursday at 10 a.m.
Rod MacLean, Order Buyer/ Internet Rep, General Manager, ................. (Bassano) 793-3060
License No. 165690 Web Page Address: allenolsonauction.com E-mail: abolson@telusplanet.net
Lachie McKinnion, Field Rep ....... (Cluny) 362-1825 Lowell Johnston, Field Rep ......... (Hanna) 820-0516 www.bowslope.com • bowslope@eidnet.org
(403) 362-5521 • Fax (403) 362-5541
SATURDAY, JUNE 29 - 10:00 a.m.
We’re your authorized dealer for 2W livestock supplies See us for all your Livestock Needs
If you plan to hold any kind of farm, equipment or consignment sale in 2013, give us a call! Go To picturebutteauction.ca to get updated info on all of our sales!
Ph. 403/732-4400 Fax 403/732-4405
Owner/Auctioneer: Erik Dunsbergen Office: Jennifer Schultz • Lic. 307064
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – A9
d e t a r e p O & d e n w O y il m Fa Factory Trained and Certified Service Technicians
2012 Arctic Cat 450i
E.F.I, Shift on the fly 4X4, Front diff. lock, 2” receiver hitch. New with full factory warranty.
2013 Arctic Cat 450 Core
Liquid cooled 4-stroke E.F.I., Automatic, Full independent susp., Shift on the fly 4x4. Front & rear racks, 2``receiver hitch.
2002 Club Car DS Electric
2009 Club Car Precedent i2
service & mechanical inspection.
6” lift, 22” turf tires on 10” wheels, Fender flairs, . Gas, 10.4hp, Folding windshield, Club cover, Fresh service & mechanical inspection. Ball & club washer, Cooler, Sand bottles, Fresh
3131 1st Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB
403-394-6228 Toll Free 1-888-494-6228
2013 Arctic Cat 550 Core
Shift on the fly 4x4, Locking front diff., E.F.I., Front & rear speed rack, 2” receiver hitch, Independent rear susp.
2012 Arctic Cat Prowler 700 HDX
Power steering, E.F.I., Shift on the fly 4x4, Locking front diff., Bench seat, Tool boxes, Rear air shocks, Convert tilting box, 2” receiver front & rear.
A10 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
Corn Seed Canola Seed
all farmers, truckers and industrial receive
Alfalfa Seed
15% off overhauls on radiators,
Sunflower Seed
with this ad, until JUNE 30, 2013.
Soybean Seed Sila-Bac® Silage Inoculant
“buy direct & save”
Thomas Radiators LTD. 1209 - 2nd Ave. South, Lethbridge, AB. Ph. 403-327-4121 Free Pick-Up & Delivery Within City Limits Specializing in Ag., Auto, Industrial & Performance Cooling Systems Since 1953
We are Your Baler Twine and Netwrap Headquarters Small Square
Large Square
210# Knot Strength 6500 ft./Ball
440# Knot Strength 4000 ft./Ball
Round Bale
Large Square
110# Knot Strength 20,000 ft./Ball
500# Knot Strength 4000 ft./Ball
NetWrap S2S – Side to Side Coverage 64” Wide • 7000 ft./Roll
Large Square 80% More Grip 550# Knot Strength 4000 ft./Ball
Taber Home and Farm Centre Michael Duell (403) 892-5969 Lloyd Van Eeden Petersman (403) 308-9866
sat., july 6, 2013 - 10:00 A.m.
LOCATED: from Vulcan go 0.3 km south on 1st Ave. S. - being 0.3 south of the skating rink at Vulcan (2nd place on the right) - Watch for signs. COLLECTOR CARS: • 1956 Packard Patrician 4 dr., 374 cu. in. 290 hp, auto Chrysler Torque Flite trans, torsion ride, S/N 56824161 • 1957 Chev Mod. 210 4 dr. sedan, 4 dr. hardtop, 235 cu. in. 6 cyl. eng., 3 speed manual trans, S/N 71019663082 • 1947 Mercury 2 dr. coupe Mod. 118, 239 cu. in. V8 flathead engine, 100 hp, 3 spd. std. trans & rear diff., S/N 002H47-108804 • 1947 Chev Mod. 12-19 4 dr. sedan Style Master, inline 6 cyl. eng., 3 spd. std. trans., S/N 7121920480 • 1966 Corvair 110 convertible, 160 cu. in. 110 hp 6 cyl. air cooled eng. with 2 single carbs, 2 spd. auto trans. power glide, S/N 610567005052 - convertible good condtion - interior good condition • 1961 Corvair 4 dr. hardtop, air cooled 147 cu. in. 6 cyl. eng., 2 spd. auto power glide trans., S/N 176906160 • 1961 Corvair station wagon - air cooled 145 cu. in. 6 cyl. eng., 2 spd. auto trans., S/N 173500157 • 1965 Corvair Monza 2 dr. hardtop car, 164 cu. in. 6 cyl. eng., 2 spd. power glide trans., S/N 510537009070 • 1967 Cadillac Sedan Deville 4 dr. car, 429 cu. in. V8 engine, auto trans., pw, pl, power seats, S/N B7186488, 31,682 mi. on clock, shedded - super clean • 1988 Jaguar Vanden Plas V12 4 dr car, leather bucket seats, 5.3L V12 eng., auto trans. w/ sun roof -S/N SAJBN184XJC479004 - original - Bob has been using this car as an everyday driver • 1978 Jaguar Mod. XJL6 4 dr. car, 4.2 L DOHC inline 6 eng. - fuel injection replaced w/ carb, auto trans., PW, PL, controlled mirror, A/C, S/N UJ2T3128 • 1964 Corvair Monza Coupe, 164 cu. in. 6 cyl. intact eng., 2 spd. auto trans. & transaxle assembly, S/N 4927007062 - project car, mechanicals all done, new upholstered seats - needs painted • 1964 Corvair parts car
• 1965 Corvair parts car • 1981 Old Torinado 2 dr. for restoration or parts • Very large collection of toy cars Note: Most all these cars have been used in local parades & shows. CAR & TRUCK: • 1975 3/4 ton F100 Ford truck, supercab • 1997 Ford Taurus station wagon, air, tilt, cruise, S/N 1FALP5769VG101900 ADVERTISING SIGNS: • 2 - New Holland - Central Garage - Vulcan advertising signs • Snap On Driving Force advertising poster • Snap On key chain hanger COLLECTOR TRACTORS: • Massey 33 tractor, 13.6-28 rubber, c/w Big D FEL • Allis Chalmers tractor GUNS: • Winchester Mod. 1912 - 12 gu. pump action shot gun, S/N 49150 • US Springfield US Model 1884 shot gun, S/N 507243 • England F54 NO 4 MK 2 single shot shot gun YARD, GARDEN & ACREAGE EQUIP: • 18' Car hauler - 2 35K axles • Dump rake • JD 110 garden tractor c/w belly mower • JD 110 garden tractor c/w belly mower • JD front mount blade for JD 110 garden tractor • JD roto tiller for JD 110 garden tractor • JD snowblower for JD 110 garden tractor • JD lawn sweep - like new • Sel. of lawn mowers & roto tillers SKI DOO & MOTORBIKE: • Steyr Daimler Puch - Austria made Mod. 810.94061 motorcycle • JD Spitfire snowmobile HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES:
1 /4 cut oak sideboard w/ mirror; oak desk; collection of antique coins; waterfall dresser & chest; metal steamer trunk; Powerlife recliner; maple glider; 42" Panasonic flat screen TV; DVD player; Shaw satelite system; TV stand; chrome table & 6 chairs; file cabinet; computer desk; apart. size freezer; portable dishwasher; microwave; Filter Queen vaccum; large collection of Blue Willow & Chinese Willow china; sel. of household effects MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Williams upright piano; very old mandolin; Emperado banjo in case; Hagstrom 12 string elec. guiter; accoustic & elec. guitar HISTORY BOOKS & BOOKS: Vulcan Wheat Country Vol I & Vol II history book; Lomond history book; Champion history book; large sel of books SHOP TOOLS: Ingersoll T10 upright air compressor; 48" Southbend precision lathe, Mod. B9; Bend Pak 9000# shop hoist; Coates 10-10 tire changer; FMC - brake drum; rotor grinder; B & D Super Service valve refacer; tire balancer; Marquette M-215 analyzer; Permafuse elec brake line baker; NAPA 83-316 mig welder; Lincoln 180 amp welder; Mac Tools tool box; Mac Tools tool box; large sel. of Mac & Snap On tool sets; Sutton table saw; portable air compressor; Shop Built 4500 W generator w/ Continental Straight 6 engine; large sel. of mechanical parts, O rings, spring compressors; large sel. of manuals; sel. of air tools - ratchets, impacts, grinders, drill - plus more; tap & dies; transmission jack; engine stand; 2 hyd bumper jacks; floor press; sandblaster; battery tester; air tank; floor jack; car ramps; grease guns; sel. OF Free-On; bench grinder; Skil saw chainsaw; Pioneer chainsaw; McCullogh chain saw; shop vac; large sel of tires; very very large selection of car motors, old car parts, new car parts plus much much more NOTE: THE ABOVE LISTING IS VERY, VERY PARTIAL & THERE WILL BE MANY OTHER ITEMS.
auctioneer’s note: having received instructions from the Bob Johnston Estate we welcome you to attend this complete dispersal auction sale of collector cars, car memorabilia, shop tools etc. This sale represents a lifetime of collecting. Most all of the cars have been in shows & parades. Bob was a well know mechanic in the community and there is a very large selection of mechanical tools, & car parts, household & more. There will be lots of items not listed. Viewing from 8 a.m. til sale time. Please plan to attend.
Call for Pricing & Availability
Business: 485-2440 Residence: 485-2529 Calgary Direct Line 264-4771 Sale Day Phone 485-8123 www.mcinenly.com
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – A11
A12 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
for JIM BOYD of Bashaw, Alberta for Jim boYD bashaw,–Alberta Saturday, July 13,of2013 10:00 a.m. Saturday, July 13, 2013 – 10:00 a.m.
Located: From Bashaw, go 8 km (5 miles) west on Highway 605, then 3.1 km (2 miles) south on Range Road 22-3, Located: then 0.3 km (1/4 mile) west on Township Road 41-4; or from Mirror, go 2.6 km (1.7 miles) north From Bashaw, go 8 km (5 miles) west on Highway 605, then 3.1 km (2 miles) south on Range Road 22-3, km (1/4 mile) west6.8 on Township 41-4;north or from on Mirror, go 2.6 Road km (1.722-3, miles) north Highway 21, mile) west. on Highwaythen 21,0.3then continue km (4.2Road miles) Range thenon0.3 km (1/4 then continue 6.8 km (4.2 miles) north on Range Road 22-3, then 0.3 km (1/4 mile) west. This is a very This clean line ofline equipment. All major been shedded. is a very clean of equipment. All major pieces pieces have been have shedded.
TRACTORS • 2008 Valtra T191 MFWD c/w 3-pt hitch, 528 hrs at booking, 650/65R42 rear singles, 540/65R30 fronts, 4 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, front weights, rear wheel weights, one owner, exc. cond., S/N U14516 • 2008 Kubota L4400 MFWD c/w Kubota loader and 6’ bucket, diesel, 3-pt. hitch, 226 hrs at booking, 43 hp, 2 hyd., 540 PTO, roll bar, one owner, exc. cond., S/N 81084 GRAIN TRUCK • 2003 Freightliner TA c/w 20’ box and hoist, auto. SmartShift (has clutch), Jake brake, 470 hp Detroit, 639,076 mi. at booking, roll tarp, two rear hoist controls, 11R22.5 tires, very nice truck HARVEST EQUIPMENT • 1997 New Holland TR 98 combine, Westward PU, 1543 sep/2125 eng. hrs, Hopper Topper, Dutch chaff spreader, shedded, vg cond, S/N 561158 • 1999 22’ MF 220 Series II swather c/w UII PU reel, 1559 hrs, sliding table, 21.5L-16.1 tires, shedded, vg cond., S/N H220521 HEAVY HARROWS • 40’ Brandt Commander Contour heavy harrows, 5/8” tines, hyd. angle, limited use, exc. cond. BINS and FANS • Two Wheatland Grainmax 2000 hopper bins, vg cond. • Two Westeel 6-ring x 14’ hopper bins,
skids, ladders, 2200 bu +/–
• Portable creep feeder, 80 bu +/–
• Lg. wrench set, wrenches, punch/chisel
set, air compressor, radial arm saw, hyd. • Cockshutt SA manure spreader • Four Chief Westland 5-ring hopper bins, • 12T hyd. gear puller set • 7”x37’ Sakundiak HD7-37 PTO auger TRACTORS jack, elec. motors, Kear Shear, air impact three have aeration tubes, 2,250 bu +/– • Thirteen gates, 8’-16’ • 2008 Valtra T191 MFWD c/w• Two Chigwell hopper bins, 1,650 bu +/– 3-pt • F.N. Pneumatic 570• grain and chisel, press, HD tow Two pipe frame, metal clad calf shelters, vac • Husqvarna 272K20T gas cutoff sawrope, hitch type grass seeder, De Laval vacuum 13’ and 18’ • Feed/seed hopper bin, 300/400 bu +/– hitch, 528 hrs at booking, 650/65R42 • S lip tank c/wfeed 20cart, GPM pump, pump, 14” 12V chop saw, 3/4” 50-60 • Two portable texas gates • Grainguard aeration fan, Grainguard FIELD EQUIPMENT • Two Lewis oilers, two single bale feeders, socket set, Tap and Die, Forney welder elec. heater rear singles, 540/65R30 fronts, 4• hyd., tank • 25’ IH 5500 DT cult. five 16’ pipe silage bunks, calving chute, c/w NH3 kit, 3-bar gal slip • Rechargeable elec. dehorner, calf Three Caldwell 3 hp aeration fans resuscitator, vet supplies 540/1000 PTO, front weights, rear AUGERSharrows, and GRAINrear VAC hitch quantity of good used posts and wire • Industrial metal band saw • Tailgate drill fill ANTIQUE TRUCK 10”x50’ Brandt hyd. swing auger c/w • Colored antique jars, crocks and crock wheel weights, one owner, exc. • cond., full bin alarm• 16’ Ezee-On TA disc, • 1957 International • T wo estate sprayers (trailer type and notched fronts Stepside pickup, • 7”x33’ Sakundiak HD7-33 c/w 13 hp straight 6-cyl eng., 3-spd stand., runs jugs, canning jars, coal shovel, leg vise, S/N U14516 lantern, Babbitt spoon, ice tongs, blow quad type) eng and bin sweep of work done, showing • 21’ Morris CP 719good, DTlots cult., 3-bar torch, beam scale, antique tools, grease • 8”x41’ Westfield PTO auger 55,436 miles • 2 008 Kubota L4400 MFWD c/w Kubota • Bolt bingun, wood pulleys, etc. (stocked) harrows • 7”x37’ Sakundiak HD7-37 PTO auger TRUCKS, TRIKE, QUAD AUCTIONEER’S NOTE F.N. Pneumatic 570 grain vac loader and 6’ bucket, diesel, 3-pt • hitch, • 1990 GMC 1/2 T, 2WD, reg cab, long • L g. wrench set, wrenches, punch/chisel • 27’ IH Vibra-Chisel, 3-bar harrows Jim has a very nice line of well maintained EQUIPMENT box 226 hrs at booking, 43 hp, 2 hyd.,• 25’ IH 5500 DT cult. c/w NH3 kit, 3-bar 540 FIELD equipment. Very low hrs on the two • 1977 Chev 3/4 T, 2WD, reg cab, long set, air compressor, radial arm saw, • 22’ CCIL 179 field cult., 3-bar harrows tractors. box harrows, rear hitch PTO, roll bar, one owner, exc. • cond., The above listing motors, is a guide only. All Shear, goods jack, elec. Keer air • 1962 +/– International B160 SA hyd. truck are sold on an “as is”, “where is” basis and any 16’ Ezee-On TA disc, notched fronts • 60’ Vicon LS 2410T sprayer, 500 gal S/N 81084 • 21’ Morris CP 719 DT cult., 3-bar c/w 10’x18’ pipe bale deck and also description, verbal or in advertising, of goods is impact and chisel, 20T press, HD tow poly tank sides for box, hoist harrows set out or offered as a guide only. Doug Johnson • 1984 Honda 200M trike • 27’ IH vibrachisel, 3-bar harrows GRAIN TRUCK hitch type grass seeder, DeLaval • 40’ Phoenix rotary harrows and drawbar rope,Auction Service Ltd. accepts no responsibility for errors in description, it being the responsibility of • Panterra A250 Quad, 2WD, racks • 22’ CCIL 179 field cult., 3-bar harrows prospective buyers to inspect the goods before the • 2003 Freightliner TA c/w 20’ box• 60’ andVicon LS • 12410T sprayer, 500 gal MISCELLANEOUS and ANTIQUES vacuum pump, feed cart, 14” chop saw, Morris Seed-Rite drills, Gandi boxes 6’ sale and satisfy themselves as to condition, age, poly tank • 6’ Buhler 3-pt. hitch rototiller, very authenticity, make or model. This list is subject to hoist, auto. SmartShift (has clutch), • 40’ Phoenix rotary harrows and drawbar 3/4” additions and deletions. Doug Johnson Auction socket set, Tap and Die, Forney c/w 16’ coil packers limited use • 16’ Morris Seed-Rite drills, Gandi boxes • 12T hyd. gear puller set Service Ltd. will not be responsible for accidents, Jake brake, 470 hp Detroit, 639,076 welder c/w 16’ coil packers damage or loss. All sales are final. GST will • 50’ PT sprayer c/w 500 gal poly tank • Husqvarna 272K gas cutoff saw 50’ PT sprayer c/w 500 gal poly tank apply on some items. Payment in full on sale mi. at booking, roll tarp, two rear• hoist • Slip tank c/w 20 GPM 12V •pump, R echargeable elec. dehorner, calf day. • Canola roller• Canola roller 50-60 gal slip tank If paying by cheque and unknown to controls, 11R22.5 tires, very nice truck CATTLE EQUIPMENT • Industrial metal band saw resuscitator, vet supplies Auction Company, we require a letter of CATTLE EQUIPMENT • Two estate sprayers (trailer type and reference from your bank. Arrangements • Flexicoil post pounder, trailer type HARVEST EQUIPMENT for • Solar watering system of bashaw, Alberta • Tailgate fill quad type) mustdrill be made 48 hours prior to the sale • Flexi-coil post pounder, trailer type • Bolt bin (stocked) • Two plastic water tanks for cell phone and absentee bidding. • 1997 New Holland TR 98 combine, • C olored antique jars, crocks and crock Westward PU, 1543 sep/2125 eng. hrs, • Solar watering system jugs, canning jars, coal shovel, leg vise, • Two plastic water tanks Hopper Topper, Dutch spreader, Located: Fromchaff Bashaw, go 8 km (5 miles) west on Highway 605, then 3.1 km (2 miles) south on Range 22-3, ice tongs, blow lantern, BabbittRoad spoon, • Portable bu +/– then 0.3 (1/4 mile) west on Township Roadcreep 41-4;feeder, or from 80 Mirror, go 2.6 km (1.7 miles) north on Highway 21, shedded, vg cond, S/Nkm561158 torch, then continue 6.8 km (4.2 miles) north on Range Road 22-3, then 0.3 km (1/4 mile)beam west.scale, antique tools, grease • Cockshutt SA manure spreader • 1 999 22’ MF 220 Series II swather This is a c/w very clean line of equipment. All major pieces have been shedded. gun, wood pulleys, etc. UII PU reel, 1559 hrs, sliding table, • Thirteen gates, 8’-16’ AUCTIONEER’S NOTE • Twocontact pipe frame, metal clad calf shelters, For more information, Jim at 403-788-2208 or 403-302-0135 cell. 21.5L-16.1 tires, shedded, vg cond., Jim has a very nice line of well maintained 13’ and 18’ S/N H220521 View full listing and pictures at www.dougjohnsonauctionservice.com equipment. Very low hrs on the two • Two portable Texas Gates HEAVY HARROWS Sale Conducted by tractors. • 40’ Brandt Commander Contour heavy • Two Lewis oilers, two single bale The above listing is a guide only. All goods feeders, five 16’ • pipe silage bunks, • Lg. wrench set, wrenches, punch/chisel Portable creep feeder, 80 bu +/– skids, ladders, 2200 bu +/– harrows, 5/8”TRACTORS tines, hyd. angle, limited on an “as is”, “where is” basis and • Cockshutt SA manure spreader 2008 Valtra T191 MFWD c/w 3-pt • Four Chief Westland 5-ring hopper bins, calving chute,#334038 quantity ofPhone good 780-672-1105 used are soldset, air compressor, radial arm saw, hyd. use,• hitch, exc.528 cond. Camrose, AB • License • jack, elec. motors, Kear Shear, air impact • Thirteen gates, 8’-16’ three have aeration tubes, 2,250 bu +/– hrs at booking, 650/65R42 any description, or HD in tow advertising, of 20T press, rope, • Two pipe frame, metal clad calf shelters, and chisel, verbal posts and wire rear singles, 540/65R30 fronts, 4 hyd., • Two Chigwell hopper bins, 1,650 bu +/– BINS FANSrear • Feed/seed hopper bin, 300/400 bu +/– 13’ and 18’ hitch type grass seeder, De Laval vacuum 540/1000 PTO, and front weights, goods is set out or offered as a guide only. pump, feed cart, 14” chop saw, 3/4” Grainguard • Two portable texas gates TRUCK wheel weights, one owner, exc. cond., • Grainguard aeration fan, ANTIQUE • Two S/N U14516 Wheatland Grain Max 2000 hopper socket set, Tap and Die, Forney welder • Two Lewis oilers, two single bale feeders, elec. heater Doug Johnson Auction Service Ltd. accepts • Rechargeable elec. dehorner, calf • Three Caldwell 3 hp aeration fans • 1957 International five 16’ pipe silage bunks, calving chute, step-side pickup, • 2008 Kubota L4400 MFWD c/w Kubota bins, vg cond. no responsibility for errors in description, it resuscitator, vet supplies quantity of good used posts and wire loader and 6’ bucket, diesel, 3-pt. hitch, AUGERS and GRAIN VAC 6-cyl eng., 3-spdANTIQUE stand.,TRUCK runs • Tailgate drill fill • T wo 226 hrs at booking, 43 hp, 2 hyd., 540 Westeel 6-ring x 14’ hopper• 10”x50’ bins, Brandt straight hyd. swing auger c/w being the responsibility prospective • Colored antique jars, ofcrocks and crock buyers PTO, roll bar, one owner, exc. cond., S/N full bin alarm • 1957 International Stepside pickup, good, lots of work done, showing runs jugs, canning jars, coal shovel, leg vise, skids,81084 ladders, 2200 bu +/– • 7”x33’ Sakundiak HD7-33 c/w 13 hp straight 6-cyl eng., 3-spd stand., to inspect the goods before the sale and satisfy eng and bin sweep good, lots of work done, showing lantern, Babbitt spoon, ice tongs, blow GRAIN TRUCK 55,436 miles • F our• 2003 ChiefFreightliner Westland 5-ring hopper bins, torch, beam scale, antique tools, grease themselves as to condition, age, authenticity, 55,436 miles TA c/w 20’ box and • 8”x41’ Westfield PTO auger gun, wood pulleys, etc. • 7”x37’ Sakundiak HD7-37 PTO auger TRUCKS, TRIKE, QUAD TRUCKS, TRIKE, QUAD make or model. This list is subject to additions threehoist, auto. SmartShift (has clutch), Jake have aeration tubes, 2,250 bu +/– AUCTIONEER’S NOTE brake, 470 hp Detroit, 639,076 mi. • F.N. Pneumatic 570 grain vac • 1990 GMC 1/2 T, 2WD, reg cab, long • 1990 GMC 1/2 T, 2WD, Jim has a very nice line of well maintained booking, roll tarp, two hoist bu +/– FIELD • Two at Chigwell hopper bins,rear 1,650 EQUIPMENT box reg cab, long box and deletions. Doug Johnson Auction Service controls, 11R22.5 tires, very nice truck • 25’ IH 5500 DT cult. c/w NH3 kit, 3-bar • 1977 Chev 3/4 T, 2WD, reg cab, long equipment. Very low hrs on the two • 1977 Chev 3/4 T, 2WD, reg cab, long box Ltd. will tractors. • Feed/seed hopperEQUIPMENT bin, 300/400 bu +/– HARVEST not be responsible for accidents, box harrows, rear hitch The above listing is a guide only. All goods • 1997 New Holland TR 98 combine, • 16’ Ezee-On TA disc, notched fronts • 1962 B160 +/– International B160 SA truck are sold on an “as is”, “where is” basis and any • 1962 +/– International SA truck • G rain Guard aeration fan, Grain • Guard damage or loss. All sales are final. GST will Westward PU, 1543 sep/2125 eng. hrs, also description, verbal or in advertising, of goods is 21’ Morris CP 719 DT cult., 3-bar c/w 10’x18’ pipe bale deck and Topper, Dutch chaff spreader, harrows sides for box, hoist c/w 10’x18’ pipe bale deck and also set out or offered as a guide only. Doug Johnson elec.Hopper heater apply on some items. Payment in full on sale shedded, vg cond, S/N 561158 • 1984 Honda 200M trike • 27’ IH vibrachisel, 3-bar harrows Auction Service Ltd. accepts no responsibility for • 1999 22’ MF 3220 Series II swather sides for box, hoist• Panterra A250 Quad, 2WD, racksday. errors in description, it being the responsibility of • 22’ CCIL 179 field cult., 3-bar harrows • Three Caldwell hp aeration fans prospective buyers to inspect the goods before the c/w UII PU reel, 1559 hrs, sliding table, • 60’ Vicon LS 2410T sprayer, 500 gal MISCELLANEOUS and ANTIQUES sale and satisfy themselves as to condition, age, 21.5L-16.1 tires, shedded, vg cond., S/N AUGERS and GRAIN VACpoly tank • 1984 Honda 200M • trike paying by cheque and unknown to 6’ Buhler 3-pt. hitch rototiller, If very authenticity, make or model. This list is subject to H220521 • 40’ Phoenix rotary harrows and drawbar limited use additions and deletions. Doug Johnson Auction 2WD, racks Auction Company, we require a letter of • 16’ Morris Seed-Rite drills, Gandi boxes • 10”x50’ Brandt swing auger c/w full • Panterra A250 Quad, HEAVYhyd. HARROWS Service Ltd. will not be responsible for accidents, • 12T hyd. gear puller set 40’ Brandt Commander Contour heavy c/w 16’ coil packers damage or loss. All sales are final. GST will • Husqvarna 272K gas cutoff saw MISCELLANEOUS and bin• alarm reference from your bank. Arrangements harrows, 5/8” tines, hyd. angle, limited • 50’ PT sprayer c/w 500 gal poly tank • Slip tank c/w 20 GPM 12V pump, apply on some items. Payment in full on sale day. • Canola roller use, exc. cond. 50-60 gal slip tank must be madeby 48cheque hours to the ANTIQUES • 7 ”x33’ Sakundiak HD7-33 c/w 13 hp eng If paying and prior unknown to sale CATTLE EQUIPMENT • Industrial metal band saw BINS and FANS Company, we require a letter of • Two estate sprayers very (trailer type • Flexicoil post pounder, trailer type forand cellAuction phone andyourabsentee bidding. and• bin sweep Two Wheatland Grainmax 2000 hopper • 6’ Buhler 3-pt. hitch rototiller, reference from bank. Arrangements quad type) • Solar watering system bins, vg cond. must be made 48 hours prior to the sale limited use • 8”x41’ PTO auger • Bolt bin (stocked) • Two Westfield Westeel 6-ring x 14’ hopper bins, • Two plastic water tanks for cell phone and absentee bidding.
Jim boYD Saturday, July 13, 2013 – 10:00 a.m.
For more information, contact Jim at 403-788-2208 or 403-302-0135 cell. For more information, contact Jim at 403-788-2208 or 403-302-0135.
View full listing and pictures at www.dougjohnsonauctionservice.com
View full listing and picturesSale atConducted www.dougjohnsonauctionservice.com by Sale Conducted By
DoUG JoHNSoN AUCTioN SERViCE LTD. Camrose, AB • License #334038 • Phone 780-672-1105
Doug johnson auction service ltd. Camrose, AB • License #334038 • Phone (780) 672-1105
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – A13
outstanding retirement antique tractor & collectible auction for john dutchak St. Michael, AB – sunday, july 7th, 2013 @ 9:30 a.m.
Location: Farm address being 575044 R. Rd. 182 being 4 miles north of St. Michael to Highway 45 and east 2 miles to R. Rd. 182 & 6 miles north or from Lamont @ school, 9 miles north to highway 45 (Skaro Shrine) then 8 miles east to R. Rd. 182 & north 6 miles. Also sale site is approx. (100) km. northeast of Edmonton.
Viewing: Contact John Dutchak @ (780) 896-3800 ANTIQUE John Deere Tractors
(All Shedded & Mint) (Sell @ Approx. 1:30 PM) • J.D. M.C. Gas Crawler w/7' 3 Way Blade, Hyds., Runs good, S/N unknown. Is a 49 or 50 Model • 1949 J.D. M. Gas w/all new rubber, P.T.O. rear pulley, totally restored, S/N #13914 • 1937 Unstyled J.D. D Gas w/Pulley, P.T.O. Hand Start, Rear Rubber, Front Spoke Wheels, S/N #133331. Also extra set of new Fenders, Sold Separate • 1944 J.D. A Gas Row Crop w/All new rubber, P.T.O., Pulley Rockshaft, H. Start S/N# 539052. Fancy Trophy Tractor • 1948 J.D Unstyled AR Gas w/Pulley, P.T.O., Good Rubber, 6 Volt Converted to 12 Volt, Individual Wheel Brakes, Rare S/N# 26945 • 1946 J.D. Unstyled AR Gas w/P.T.O. Pulley, Good Rubber, Converted to 12 Volt, S/N#266939 • 1939 J.D. D Gas 1st Year Styled/Wartime Tractor w/all new rubber, front & rear spoke wheels S/N# 145669
McCormick Tractors
(All Shedded & Mint) (Sell @ Approx. 1:30 PM) • Rare 1951 McCormick Gas Farmal Cub w/Hyds. & complete w/all attachments being 1 Bottomplow, belly Mount, 56" Coil Cult, 4' sickle Mower & Pulley, S/N /122924 • 1951 McCormick Gas Farmall Super A with Hyds., 4' Sickle Mower, 2 Pt. Hitch, converted to 12 volt, Positive Ground, S/N 309952 • 1952 w-4 Standard Gas w/P.T.O. & Pulley, S/N #3166 • Rare 1953 Factory Yellow X Air Force Row Crop Super M w/P.T.O., Military Horn, S/N #SR33797, Trophy & Parade Winner • McCormick Super W6 w/Tork Amp, Live Hyds., Complete, S/N #10908 for parts
ANTIQUE Massey Harris Tractors
(All Shedded & Mint) (Sell @ Approx. 1:30 PM) • 1938 M.H. Gas Twin Power 102 G.S. Junior w/Pulley & V. Belts , S/N #382744 • 1952 M.H. Gas 33 w/P.T.O. & Pulley , S/N #33G1SF1009 (Note: This was #9 on assembly line-rare) • 1950 M.H. Gas 44 w/Hyds & P.T.O., S/N #440S5612 • 3 Pt. Ford Tractor • 1944 Ford 8N w/new rubber, all original, 1 of a kind S/N #8N139582
M. Moline Tractor
• 1955? M. Moline Gas UT100D on Casting, w/P.T.O. & Hand Clutch
Small Tractor Toys
(V. Good & Packaged) *Farmall 400 Die Cast *M.F. 135 Tractor *(2) Model A’s Versatile 1156 *McCormick Deering *Farmall C *M.H. 22 *J.D. McCrawler *M.M.XLT *Etc.
Collectors, Specialty Items
(Sell @ Approx. 1:30 PM) • 1926 Model T w/Original Rubber, 2 Spd. Rocksell Axle, H&L Range, Body Vin F6920 Made in Canada, Good Cond. S/N #SRC78100 • Rare 1925 T.T. 1 Ton Truck w/Fact. Ford Cab, Canadian Made, All original, Rocksell 2 Spd. Axle, Time Clock, H. L Range, Coal Oil Park & Tail Lights, Rare 7 Up-Down Windows, 7' Long Box 64" Wide w/Benches, Spare Tire, Mint Cond. S/N #3516677 (Note: Extremely rare and award winner in parades, etc.
ANTIQUE Motorcyles, Rototiller & Bicycle:
(Sell @ Approx. 1:30 PM) • Rare 1977 Honda 125 Trail Bike, Mint & runs S/N #SRCT1251017604 • Rare 1977 Ossa Explorer 250, 2 cyl., Mint & Runs • Rare Fraser 2 Cycle R. Tine Rototiller & Works Trek Model 700 Alum. Bike, Like New Costs $1200
Model T. Accessories:
(Sell @ 12 Noon) • 1914 Model T. Power Engine Complete; S/N #SR0020667 *Good Model T. Hood *(5) New Model T or A Tires & 3 Tubes 450X475X21” *(3) Model T Lamps, Mint
Other Collectables:
Older J.D. 3 Bottom Plow on Steel w/Twist Golf Cart & Gator Clevises Restored & Matches 1939 D. J.D. (Sell @ End of Sale) *Case Thrashing Machine Complete *Case • Yamaha 2 Cycle Golf Cart Thrashing Wheels *J.D. Thrashing Machine, • J.D. Model TX with Hyd. Dump. S. Steel Not Complete *Cockshutt M. Spreader on Bumper, 593 Hrs., 1 Owner, 4 to 5 yrs. Steel Ground Driven, V.G. old, V.G.
Stationary Engines:
(Sell @ 12 Noon) *10 H.P. Stationary Engine, Seized *Fairbanks Morris 2 ½ H.P. Dual Fuel S/N #97804 *Fairbanks 1 ½ H.P. *McCormick 3 ½ H.P.
3 Pt. Equip. V.
(Sell @ End of Sale) *5 ½' Marton MZ4165 Rototiller, Like New S/N #83876 *6' Sitress Finishing Mower, V. Good *8' Buhler T. Disc w/Notched Blades, Like New *10' Drawbar w/(2) 5' Harrows, V. Good *8' Homemade Blade, Good *McCormick 3X18 Trip Beam Plow *6' I.H.C. Cult *Rare Wire Onroller holds 4 Spools, 3 Pt. & Hyd. Driven, V. Nice
Other Equip.:
(Sell @ End of sale) *7' N.H. 455 Sickle Mower, V.G. *(2) 6' Blades *M.F. 92 combine, Works
C. Cans:
Sell @ 11:30 A.M.) *(2) 40' Cans; (1) 8' High (1) 9' High *7 ½' x 18' Long Enclosed Storage Van Box on Skids; Not Fastened w/Rear Folding Doors
(Sell @ 12 Noon) • Coey Model 600 22 Caliber Repeater S/N #CG15648 • Rare Long Barrell Winchester Model 1874 30-30 W/Belt & Horse Scabbing, Lever Action. S/N #327354 • Winchester Model 70XT922-250 Remington w/Arm sport 3.9X40 Scope, Dials up to 10, w/Case, 1 Owner, Bulls Eye at 500 Yards
*Rare Ferriors Tool Pouch, V. Nice *Rare Trailers & Travel H. Duty Turfer Jack *Various Hub Caps Trailer *(2) V. Nice McClary C&W Stoves *V. Nice (Sell @ 11:30 A.M.) Booker C&W Heater w/New Grates *(2) • 2 003 Cert. Custom T.A. Trailer with 22' 13-88 Tractor Wheels *Rare 2 Burner C&W Long x 6 1/2' Wide Deck, Fender Skirts, Morning Stove & 4 Burner Propane Oven, Ramps, 8000 lb. 12 Volt Winch, 12,000 Works, V. Nice *M.H. 44 (2) Front & (2) Rear lb. Axels, Ball Hitch, Spare Tire, Jockey Wheels Box, ST23580R16 Rubber, 1 Owner, Other Pioneer Equip.: S/N 2P9UH262431057170 (Sell @ 12 Noon) • 2008 Snowbar Ltd. 12' S.A. Trailer *Very Rare 1917 6 H.P. Fairbanks Morris Air with 3' Folding Ramps. B. Hitch, Cooled Engine, Belt Driven Saw Mill w/26" ST185180D13 Rubber, 1 Owner, S/N Blade & Mounted on 4 Wheel Wagon, Rare 2SWUW11A68G388849 find &Mint *12' Rare Dumprake, V.G. *Rare • 20' Travel Aire T. Axle Holiday Trailer, 8' M. Moline Tiller w/Transport Wheel, Hyd. Fully Equipped with Accessories, Model 9215-799, S/N R200T350283 V.G., *Showroom Cond. & Looks 1940 or
School Buses
(Sell @ 10 A.M.) • 1981 G.M.C. 6000 66 Passenger with Double Propane Tanks, V-8, Fully Camperized with Awning, V. Nice with Accessories • 1988 Chev C-60 66 Passenger on Propane with 366 V-8 Runs • 1987 G.M.C. C-60 66 Passenger on Propane, with 366 V-8 Runs • 60’s International School Bus, Should Run
(Sells @ 11:30 A.M.) S/N W04X2XD010315 *Lincoln 200 Amp Gas D.C. Welder on (2) Wheel Trailer with Hand Start & Accessories
Truck, Cars & P. U. Trailers:
(Sell @ 10:00 A.M.) *1995 Ford Reg. Cab F150 1/2 Ton 4X4 with 6 cyl., 4 Spd., 180,000 km. *1981 Chev Caprice 2 Dr. V-8, Runs *1977 Pontiac S. Wagon; Ideal Demolition Car *1986 Chev Station Wagon, Runs *1977 Pontiac 4 Dr., Runs * 1969 GMC V8 ¾ Ton with Canopies*(4) P.U. Util. Trailers with Canopies
Yard Items: (Sell @ 9:30 A.M.) *300 Gal. Poly Water Tank *8`Lawn Roller with Hitch & Holds 100 Gal. Water *(3) New Rolls 4`Wire Fencing *2 Wheel A T.V. Floe Yard Trailer with Hitch *Scrap Iron *Pipe *Jack Stands *(1) Car Truck Canvass Cosco Shed, Complete *Lots of Wheel Weights, Various makes *100 Gal. Propane Tank *(2) Comp. 300 Gal. F. Tank Off Gas Truck *Brand New Regency Air Tight C&W Heater with Attachments) *New Porta Chef Gas Barbeque in Box
Mobile Home:
(Sells at 11:30 A.M.) *1968 Pyramid 2 B. Room 12' x 63' with Axles, Removable Deck, All appliances, New Furnace & Water Tank, Air Tight Stove with Blowers, Average cond.
Plan to attend this outstanding retirement sale with something for everyone. Mr. Dutchak has been an avid collector all his life and most items come with manuals.
Andruchow Auctions ltd. Licensed & Bonded Since 1974
Dennis J. Andruchow: Phone/Fax 1-780-456-1210 • Ed Walker: Phone 1-780-459-3285 View our website - www.andruchowauctions.com - for Upcoming Auctions & Photos
A14 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
Take Hwy. 25 North from Lethbridge to 1/4 mile South of Park Lake Provincial Park.
Count on Alley Scrapers to keep your herd clean & healthy! * The Alley Scrapers can be easily installed in NEW or EXISTING buildings without modifying the concrete floor! Hay Caps pay for themselves with the first rainfall on your stack!
Cover your hay the safe way.TM
Park Lake Equipment Sales
OFFICE: 403-381-4706 • TOLL FREE: 1-800-567-4706 Tony Slingerland
Evert Van Schothorst
Lethbridge, AB cell (403) 382-0457
Red Deer, AB cell (403) 634-4477
H 175 PSI, 15.7 CFM H AUTO ON/OFF SHUTDOWN H 90%+ FUEL EFFICIENT H STEAM COMBINATION – Hi-Pressure Chemical Injection – 120V & 230V Systems
H 210 cc = 85 psi @ 126 gpm H 420 cc = 145 psi @ 140 gpm
great for trailers and Rv’s!
“We are your pressure washer supply centre”
(403) 328-0504 2801 - 2 Ave. North, Lethbridge, Alberta
i t t e d t o Qu
al i
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – A15
Open end, alum slopes, 11rx24.5 on alum & steel whees, 166° black poly fenders, inner/ outer load lights, roll tarp w/quick release. d1493 not exactly as shown
Price on Request
Open end, flat alum fenders, 11rx24.5 on alum wheels, load lights, dual chute cranks, fresh safety. UT3652
M7-300hp, Allison automatic, 8+13.5 axles, call for more specs and price.
DT466, 225 hp, 5 speed 2500 series Allison, 12+21 axles, 24' van body w/power lift tailgate, air ride rear suspension & drivers seat, 11rx22.5 on steel wheels, fresh safety.
not exactly as shown
Price on Request
M13-475hp, Allison automatic, 16+69 axles, air ride, 260" WB, alum wheels.
Price on Request
ISX Cummins, 535hp, jake, 13 speed, 12+40 axles, lockers, 51” high prosleeper, roo bumper, engine webasto, 11rx24.5 on alum wheels, 08/13 safety.
M13-500 hp, jake, 18 speed, 14+46 axles, lockers, air ride, 217” WB, day cab, 11rx24.5 on alum wheels.
M10-350 hp, Allison 3000 automatic, 14+40 axles, 160" CA, 228" WB, alum & steel wheels.
17’ gravel box & hoist, air ride, 11rx24.5 on steel wheels, 12 gauge high tensile, side boards, flat front, flip mesh tarp.
Price on Request
14’ gravel box & hoist, spring ride, 11rx24.5 on alum & steel wheels, flat front, electric mesh tarp.
M7-300hp, Allison automatic, 7+13.5 axles, 84” CA, crew cab, alum wheels.
Price on Request
Fixed beaver tail & ramps, 4 pull out wide load lights, stake pockets on 24’ centers, 24-3 bar winches, 255/70rx22.5 on alum & steel wheels. D1486
Price on Request
Price on Request
Price on Request
M15-500 hp, jake, 18 speed, 13.5+46 axles, lockers, 224" WB, 56" low prosleeper, 11rx24.5 on alum wheels.
M7-300 hp, Allison automatic, 7+13.5 axles, extended cab, 209" WB, 225/70rx19.5 on alum wheels.
Price on Request
Price on Request
2013 VANGUARD VIP 4000
51.5” wall, Hardox 450, sealed end gate, HT300 air ride, electric sliding tarp, 11rx22.5 on alum wheels, tub style box.
53’, sliding suspension, air ride, oak floor, logistic posts, plastic lining, scuff boards, translucent roof, pintel hitch.
ISX Cummins, 500hp, jake, 13 speed, 12+40 axles, 72” high prosleeper, 11rx22.5 on alum wheels, 02/14 safety.
VAN 32
Price on Request
Rentals – Book Your Unit Today! Ask for Jake or Rod. 40 Ton Scissorneck Triaxle 45’ Grain Trailer International 4300 – 24’ Straight Truck International TerraStar – 16’ Straight Truck Doepker Super B Bulkers Doepker Super B Flat Decks Triaxle Gravel Pups – Pintel Hitch
Price on Request
Price on Request
Price on Request
More than 90 units available!
RENTAL super b bulker
Triaxle End Dumps – Wet Kit Required – New Low Rates! Triaxle Belly Dumps – Cross Hopper, Close under load 53’ Triaxle Drop Decks – Hay Racks or Ramps Tandem & Triaxle Dry vans – 53’ International Hi-Way Tractors – 51” & 72” Sleepers
Visit Our Website www.southlandit.com ANDY QUIRING
george kirkham owner
4310 - 9th Ave. N. Lethbridge, Alta.
Toll Free 1-800-949-0808
A16 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
www.gcparts.com • Email: sales@gcparts.com
RECENT ARRIVALS FOR PARTS OR COMPLETE - CALL TO INQUIRE… 2012 Buhler Vers. 190 FWA 70 hrs., w/3895 ldr.
(8' w/grapple) 3 pt. hitch, dual speed PTO - all works well. . $124,900
Sakundiak Grain Auger
HD10-1800SD (10" x 60'), 540 PTO hyd. swing auger. . . . . . . . $2,450
(2) 2388 Combines 1999 (3645/2756 hrs.) &
1999 (3671/2793 hrs.), AFX rotor, 1015 w/14' Rake Up, factory chaff/straw spreader, 3rd lift cylinder, clean units,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choice for $54,900
Containers for Sale
(40'L x 9'6"H x 8'W high cubes). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting at $3,900
1 Set 78 x 45 x 32 10 bolt will fit 8430-9530 JD,
TJ Ford & STX CIH (will sell in pairs for combines) (Trades Welcome). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
dozens of 5.9L & 8.3L cummins . . . . . . Starting at $1,000
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – A17
farm tires cheap
loaders, buckets, grapples & mounts
rear tractor
10.00-16 - treadura 4 rib. . . . . . . . . . . . $199
620/70R42 - Harvest 2 * radial. . . . . $2,895
10.00-16 - treadura 3 rib. . . . . . . . . . . . $129
20.8-42 - harvest 16 ply. . . . . . . . . . . $1,699
implement rib
20.8-38 - multistar 12 Ply . . . . . . . . . . . $998
11L-14 - treadura 8 ply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79 9.5L-14 - treadura 8 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79 11L-15 - multistar 10 ply. . . . . . . . . . . . $129 9.5L-15 - multistar 10 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . $99 7.60-15 - treadura 8 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59 12.5-15 - multistar 10 ply. . . . . . . . . . . $139 11L-16 - treadura 8 ply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99 16.5-16.1 - multistar 10 ply . . . . . . . . . $429
20.8-38 - Treadura 12 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . $866 16.9-38 - Treadura 12 ply . . . . . . . . . . . $695 18.4-38 - Treadura 12 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . $783 18.4-34 - Treadura 10 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . $687 900/60-32 - harvest 20 Ply. . . . . . . . . $3,660 30.5-32 - harvest 16 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . $2,195 24.5-32 - harvest 16 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . $1,749 23.1-30 - Taishan 12 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,645 18.4-30 - Treadura 10 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . $593 23.1-26 - Taishan 16 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,196
front tractor 16.9-28 - Treadura 12 ply. . . . . . . . . . . . $558 14.9-28 - Treadura 8 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . . $499 16.9-26 - harvest 10 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . . $995 14.9-24 - Treadura 10 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . $356 13.6-24 - Treadura 8 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . . $279
1185QA 7 ft. w/grapple, fits 100 White, may fit others w/modifications, S/N 35315 . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 K160 6 ft. w/o grapple, very decent, bale spear included if wanted, fits 700 White, S/N 13-13210. . . . . . $2,500 Allied 895 7 ft. w/o grapple, quick attach (from an 8630), no S/N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Allis 984 SL 8 ft. w/grapple, fits 9755-9785 Allis, 8510-8610 White, 8245-8260 MF, DT 160 - DT 255 Agco, S/N 00272728. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,950 Allied 2596 5 ft. w/o grapple, quick attach, fit 6200-6420 JD, S/N 0225960022. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,750 Alo 980 7.5 ft. w/o grapple, quick attach, fit 8310/8410 White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Boss 6 ft. w/o grapple, fit 970, 1070, 1175 Case. . . . . $2,750 Case 74L 6 ft. w/o grapple, should fit 1390-1494 Case, w/modification should adapt to fit 1594-1690-1694 Case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 Case 520 7 ft. w/4T grapple, self-levelling (from a 5250), no S/N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,250 Ezee-On 120 7 ft. w/grapple, fit 2090-3594 Case . . . . $2,500 Ezee-On 2100 7 ft. w/o grapple, loader, bucket & mnts, came off a 4640 JD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 JD 158 6 ft. w/o grapple, S/N E0158004185W. . . . . . . $5,250 JD 260 6 ft. w/grapple, S/N W00260X008677. . . . . . . . $4,500 JD 265 loader only, no S/N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,750 JD 280 8 ft. w/grapple, S/N W00280X002511. . . . . . . $10,500 JD 640 7 ft. w/grapple, S/N W00640C010995 . . . . . . . $6,500
10-16.5 - Treadura 12 ply. . . . . . . . . . . . $179 Sizes highlighted in bold are recent additions to inventory. For more information on sizes not listed here, please call.
steiger/vers. axles & vers. steel tubes
12.4-24 - Treadura 8 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . . $266 11.2-24 - Treadura 8 Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . . $229 7.50-18 - Treadura 3 rib. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89 14L-16.1 - fieldmate 10 ply. . . . . . . . . . $325 11.00-16 - treadura 4 rib. . . . . . . . . . . . $299
(3) JD 740 w/grapples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting at $6,000 (5) JD 741. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting at $3,000 Leon 707 loader only - no bucket/fork, came off 2294 Case, S/N 5319-808. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 Leon 790 7 ft. w/grapple, exceptional loader & mnts, fit 5120-5250 CIH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Leon 808 7 ft. w/grapple, fit 2090-3594. . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 (7) NH 2360 w/8 ft. buckets w/ or w/o grapples, fit 256-9030. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting at $3,000 NH 7413 loader only - no bucket; fit 8730,8830, TW25, TW35, S/N WL89714. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500
buckets & Grapples
2360 Bucket 8 ft. w/4-tine grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 2360 Bucket 8 ft. w/grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750 (2) 2360 4 Tine Grapples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ea. $1,750 7614 5 Tine Grapple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,750 JD 265 Bucket 6 ft. w/grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 (3) JD 740 Buckets fits 640, 740, 741 & 746 loaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting at $1,750 Pallet Forks 48" x 5" Kirchner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $995
Loader Extras
Various JD loader mounts, hoods/grille guards, & Ezee-On loader mounts, joysticks - Call & speak with staff for your application! Good Used 3-Point Hitches Also Available. Call for Applications & Pricing
11.00-16 - Treadura 3 rib. . . . . . . . . . . . $199
@gcparts s le a s : il a m m•E
.co www.gcparts
Degelman 12' 2-way w/removable grille guard, comes off an 835 Vers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 Degelman 12' 2-way (off 8450 JD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 Grouser 11' industrial paralift, extreme HD, fits many Steigers (off CA325) S/N SB4811. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 Leon 14' 4-way, fits CH65/75/85 & possibly others, 47" frame mnt, Model A6500-CAT, S/N 23198701 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 Leon 13' 4-way, fits PT & PTA Steigers, some CIH, very little use, 39" frame mnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,500
Leon 12’ 4-way, 60% cutting edge, fits 7110-8950 IH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500
Leon 12' 2-way, very decent, 32" frame mnt., fits 4100, 4166, 4186 IH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,750 Leon 11' 2-Way, w/snow & ice cutting edge; mnts. fit 118-145 Vers., easily adapted to fit others. . . $4,500 Leon 10' 2-way, fits most 2WD w/minor modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,750
combine dual sets 18.4x38DS - FOR CTS - 9610 JD 18.4x38DS - FOR 1680 - 2388 CIH 20.8x38DS - FOR 9650 - 9870 JD 20.8x38DS - FOR 1680 - 2388 CIH 20.8x42DS - FOR 7010 - 8120 CIH 20.8x42DS - FOR 580 - 590 CAT 20.8x42DS - FOR 9650 - 9870 JD PRICES STARTING @ $9,500.00 CALL FOR OPTIONS NOT LISTED
d l o
Wide assortment of seats available – Call staff for various applications & pricing
Update your FWA, JD, Ford, CIH, Agco 540/65 x 30 Pirelli radials 580/70 x 42 Pirelli radials Std. 10 bolt 13.25" front & rear - $8,250
1 Pair of New 620/70 x 42 GY Opti Trac DT812’s Mounted on 10 bolt rims to fit JD, Agco, CIH, Tractors, Sprayers, Air Tanks, etc. - $11,000
A18 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
3000 psi @ 5 gpm Hot Water Electric Washer
Compressor Generator Combo
Natural Gas Pressure Washer
AQUA-FLOW PRESSURE WASHERS 4013 Mayor Magrath Drive S.
• Compressors
403-328-1318 • 1-800-633-9010
• Industrial Shop Vacs
• Water Recycle Systems • Space Heaters • Generators • Compressor/Generator Combo
You’ll find everything you need right here Call toll free: 1-877-328-0048
HAY RAKES BOBCATS: ‘06 Bobcat S220 skidsteer . . . . . $24,500 ‘07 5600 Toolcat w/600 hrs . & HiFlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 ‘10 Bobcat T630 track ldr . . . . . . $49,500 ‘02 Bobcat 763 w/ 2000 hrs . . $22,500 ‘00 Bobcat 773T skid steer loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,500 TRACTORS: ‘85 Versatile 856 w/ps, 3 pt ., PTO & rebuilt engine . . . . . . . . . . . $39,900 ‘80 Case 2390 w/ duals . . . . . . OFFERS CIH 235 diesel tractor . . . . . . . . . OFFERS ‘12 Versatile 575 P/S Hiflow rental . . . . . . . . . . . Call Details SEEDING & TILLAGE: Kongskilde TripleK SBC 23ft w/ Rota Harrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS
GA 7932 Twin-Rotor, Side-Delivery Rake
GA 7501 Twin-Rotor, Center-Delivery Rake
Kuhn is your strongest partner to help you produce premium hay. Long, flexible tines touch the crop just once, lifting and depositing it neatly into the windrow. This gentle raking action ensures that the leaves remain intact. The fluffy, well-rouformed windrows promote faster drying, enabling producers to harvest crops at their peak nutritional value with less reliance on the weather.
Rental Kuhn Knight 2044 Manure Spreaders Call for Pricing
‘10 Salford 570 30’ RTS Vertill . . $69,000 Salford 570 RTS 24 ft . . . . . . . . $70,000 ’02 JD 1820 air drill 52ft w/1900 tank . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000 JD 780 Hydrapush spreader . . . . . .$6,500 HAYING / SWATHING: JD 2360 swather w/ 960 25ft MacDon hdr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Offers 2010 Morris 881 8 bale carrier . . $13,500 MF 200 swather w/ 25ft . . . . . $25,000 New 3 pt . 93 in . sickle mower . . . $5,900 CIH 8580 big baler . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 ‘02 Hesston 1365 Disc M/C . . . . $22,000 CIH 3640 round baler . . . . . . . . . $2,900
Phone (403) 362-8222 or 1-800-262-5170 Visit our Website: http://bfc.eidnet.ca
‘11 Kuhn TL180 3 pt . grass flailmower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS FEEDING EQUIPMENT: Haybuster 2620 balebuster . . . . . . .$6,400 ‘94 Haybuster 256+ 11 bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,500 ‘99 Highline 6800 bale processor . . . . $6,000 Haybuster 2650 balebuster . . . . . $15,000 CONSIGNMENTS: Jiffy 912 12 whl SOLD rake . . . . . . . . . .$9,900 2010 JD 946 13ft MoCo . . . . . . $27,500 Case 2290 w/ 3 pt . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS ‘98 CIH 8825 swather 850 hrs . w/25 ft . pu reel . . . . . . . . . . $31,000 Hesston 4790 3x4 baler w/ acc . . OFFERS Hesston 4800 big square baler . . . OFFERS Highline/Peecon 24M vert mixer . . OFFERS CIH 4000 swather w/14 ft . draper h/c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS
CIH 6500 Conser Till 16ft . . . . . Coming In Morris 881 8 baleSOLD movers . . . . . . .$9,500 IHC 7200 hoe drills 28ft w/fac trsp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS JD 466 square baler . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS JD 43’ 1895 drill w/ 1910 cart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $148,500 JD 535 rd baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6,500 Flexicoil 30 fold packer bar . . . . . OFFERS Hesston 4650 sq baler . . . . . . . . .$6,500 Versatile 4400 18ft . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,900 OTHER:
FK 6640 rental grain vac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS SOLD ‘11 Bush Hog 2715 15 ft trail mower . . . . . . . . . OFFERS ‘08 Cub Cadet UTV 4x4, gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,400 SOLD ‘09 Cub Cadet UTV 4x4, w/cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,500 NH 166 swath inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,900
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – A19
A20 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
Goebel 4900 bushel hopper bin with skid
spring specials
2 /
$ 35 bu.
• pilots extra • set-up extra • based on quantities of 3 or more
for all your grain storage needs
Goebel Canadian Owned
Call grainbindirect
306-373-4919 www.grainbindirect.com Diamond Shelters / Grain Vacs Swath Inverters / Hay Conditioners Offering Over 16 Years of Experience Building Shelters
grain equipment hay storage hog
• 40 - 160 ft. wide, any length
• Reduce drying time up to 50% • Improve hay quality and color • No bunching, skipping or rope of windrow
Free Standing or Pony Wall Style
chief westland farm bins • Corrugated steel sidewalls • TITAN “W” Stiffeners • Standard G115 galvanize coating • Standard easy access doors
22-38 ft. Wide
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– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – A21
2008 DODGE C5500 C/W MAXI LIFT COBRA 5105 PICKER, 4X4, DIESEL 159,175 KM
103,144 KM
1978 MCI MC8 BUS
2006 KENWORTH T800
2005 CAT D5G
A/R SUSP., 40’X8’ 6” DECK
70 HP, ONLY 439 HRS
2006 GMC C5500 CREW CAB 4X4
2004 FORD F550
14,000 HRS
A22 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
Horsch anderson Farming with passion
the joker Corn, wheat, bean or cover crop, the Horsch Anderson Joker is versatile enough to handle any type of crop residue in wet, dry, rocky or extremely saturated soils. No other tillage system gives you the speed, durability, moisture conservation and finishing capabilities of the Horsch Anderson Joker. With the Joker, you don’t have to sacrifice speed to finely chop and incorporate residue back into your field. It is specifically designed to perform at higher speeds in order to give you the most efficient, time-saving tillage experience. From the frame to the tires, the discs to the finishing system, the team at Horsch Anderson analyzed every aspect of the design to find ways to improve performance and increase your productivity. The result is the fastest, most efficient minimum tillage system on the market. The Joker can till fields in half the time or faster. Just a few miles per hour faster increases the productivity per acre. In our field tests, the Joker was able to perform at speeds up to 12 mph. That’s more than twice as fast as traditional tiller systems. Think about how much more you could accomplish with the fast, efficient and flexible Joker. The Joker compact disc may not look like every other tiller system, but then again, no other minimum tillage system handles quite like the Joker. Whether it’s the MT, RT or PT series, the Joker has the versatility to become an integral part or your farming operations.
Milliken Farm Supplies (1977) Ltd.
Taber, AB
Toll Free 1-888-313-9988
Horsch anderson dealer for alberta
Email us at sales@millikenfarm.com
Pressure Washers www. HotsyAB.com
Increase your productivity by decreasing your cleaning time! Model 795SS 3.5 GPM @ 2000 PSI 5HP, 230V/1PH
Model 555SS 2.2 GPM @ 1300 PSI 2HP 115V/1PH
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• Rugged Equipment • Mobile Service • Parts in Stock LETHBRIDGE Bay 1, 4002 - 9 Ave N Call: 877-303-3394
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ESTEVAN, SK 1112 - 5 Street Call: 855-634-8727
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BISMARCK, ND USA 3625 Saratoga Ave Call: 800-279-0172
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – A23
A24 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – b1
The NEW T9000 Series four-wheel drive tractors from New Holland deliver in a big way. Giant horsepower, huge hydraulic power, automatic shifting and precision steering combine to boost your bottom line. Factory-ready for the IntelliSteer TM auto steering system, T9000 tractors boost your precision and your productivity with the touch of a button. The big power of the T9000 4WD tractor leads to big profits! BIODIESEL- APPROVED, FUEL-EFFICIENT TIER III ENGINES MORE HORSEPOWER UNDER EVERY HOOD EXCLUSIVE TURBO COMPOUNDING ON THE T9050 FOR MORE POWER WITH THE SAME FUEL LARGEST CAB IN THE INDUSTRY WITH UNEQUALLED VISIBILITY
Learn more at: www.newholland.com/na
• NH CR9060 – 2010, 800 rubber, 812 engine hrs.,
• NH CR9070 – 2009, 20.8 x 42 duals, 821 engine hrs,
651 separator hrs., 16' Swathmaster PU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $245,000 • NH CR9065 – 2010, 900 rubber, 458 engine hrs., 344 separator hrs., 16' Swathmaster PU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $219,000 • NH CR9065 – 2010, 900 rubber, 482 engine hrs., 452 separator hrs., 16' Swathmaster PU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$219,000 • NH CR9060 – 2008, 20.8 x 42 duals, 1106 engine hrs., 859 separator hrs., 14' Swathmaster PU • NH CR9060 – 2009, 900 rubber, 896 engine hrs., 692 separator hrs., 14' Swathmaster PU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $195,000
591 separator hrs., 16' Swathmaster PU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $199,000 • NH TR98 – 1997, 30.5 x 32, 4160 engine hrs., 3077 separator hrs., 13' Swathmaster PU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,000
USED TILLAGE • CIH 330 Vertical Tillage – 34' w/rolling baskets, like new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,000
• NH P2070 - 60’ precision drill, 10” spacing, w/ P1060 tow-bewteen cart • NH P2060 - 2009, 70', single shoot, 4" steel packers, 10" spacing w/ P1060 tow-between 430 bushel cart, variable rate . . . $149,000
• CIH MXM 140 – MFD, 3300 hrs., FEL, grapple, joystick, 3 pt.
• NH66 - 1999,
• FlexiCoil 51' air drill 9 inch spacing single shoot complete with a
2312 sep hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . .$56,000
2320 cart tow behind
CIH 2388
2002 model
Red Ball Sprayer 120’ boom,
1200 gal., self-propelled, 1000 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . .$155,000
For All Your Equipment Needs Call Doug Flaws - 330-7696
CIH 375 Quad
2003, 4200 hrs., Degelman blade
CIH 485
2010, 900 hrs., 710 / 70 / 42 duals
b2 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
3005 - 18th Ave. North, Lethbridge, Alberta Keith Shirakawa Res: 403-381-0733 • Cell: 403-308-1928 Shane mann Res: 403-328-1859 • Cell: 403-308-0341 Brendon hanlon Res: 403-380-3607 • Cell: 403-330-7497
It replaces our former Fendt 800 Series and pretty much every other tractor out there.
The Fendt 800 Series has always been a real workhorse and now the 800s work even harder in a redesigned, reengineered series. With a precise blend of power, technology, speed and comfort, the new 800 Series is designed to do even more with less than any other tractor in the field. When it comes to taking your operation to the next level, there’s no replacement for a Fendt 800 Series.
Model 822/220hp1 • Model 824/240hp Model 826/260hp • Model 828/280hp
the best run operations run
Challenger MT 965C (2012), 525 hp, 5 remotes, 59 gpm hydraulics, pto, 800/38 duals, Topcon system 150 autosteer,deluxe cab, deluxe seat, nightbreaker lights, ballasted to 54000 lbs., 170 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319,000 Fendt 930PF (2011), 250 pto hp, front suspension, cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 3pt, Topcon Autosteer system, 2200 hrs, exhaust brake, radar, 520/46 rears and duals, front duals, hyd trailer brakes, xenon light package, air trailer brakes, 1000 pto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223,000 Fendt 822V (2012), 185 pto hp, front suspension, cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 3pt, Varioguide Precision Autosteer system, exhaust brake, radar, 650/42 rears, 540 fronts, 51 gpm hyd pump, front 3pt, super comfort seat, 370 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195,000 M.F. 8670 (2010), 225 pto hp, 1990 hrs, 3pt, DynaVt transmission (50kph), 3pt, front axle suspension, new michelin 800 tires, fenders, 6 remotes, Cab suspension, nightblaze lights, 22 wts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187,900 Fendt 822V (2012), 185 pto hp, front suspension, cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 3pt, Varioguide Precision Autosteer system, exhaust brake, radar, 650/42 rears and duals, 540 fronts, 51 gpm hyd pump, front 3pt, super comfort seat, 815 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186,000 M.F. 8660 (2009), 225 pto hp, 1400 hrs, 3pt, DynaVt transmission (50kph), 3pt, front axle suspension, new 480/50 rears and duals, 6 remotes, pivoting fenders, steer ready, opti ride cab suspension, ISO display. . . . . 180,000 Fendt 930PF (2009), 250 pto hp, front suspension, cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 3pt, Topcon Autosteer system, 3560 hrs, exhaust brake, radar, 520/46 rears and duals, front duals, hyd trailer brakes, xenon light package, air trailer brakes, 1000 pto . . . . . 179,000 Fendt 712V (2011), 105 pto hp, front axle and cab suspension, Vario CVT(50kph), 4 rear remotes, 3pt, fwa, powerbar, radio, Fendt 755 MSL loader, grapple bucket, 1390 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129,000 N.H. TG305 (2006), 255 pto hp, 3pt, 5 hyd, supersteer, 380/54 rears and duals, front duals, 3170 hrs., front weights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,000 Fendt 714V (2010), 125 pto hp, front axle and cab suspension, Vario CVT (50kph), 4 rear remotes, 3pt, fwa, powerbar, radio, Fendt 755 MSL loader, grapple bucket, 3260 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 Case IH MX285 (2003), fwa, 3pt, 5 remotes, 4500 hrs, hi-flow hyd pump, heavy duty front axle , row crop tires and duals. . . . . . . . 99,900 M.F. 7495 (2006), 155 pto hp, suspended cab, deluxe seat, visi-roof cab, rear wiper, mirrors, 650/42 rears, 600 fronts, 3pt, michelin tires, 150 amp alternator, Dynashift trans c/w creeper, Alo Q75 MSL loader, grapple bucket, 5200 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,900 J.D. 7520 (2006), 125 hp, IVT, triple link suspension, 3 remotes, air seat, 12 front wts, greenstar ready, 320/54 rears & duals, 3900 hrs. . . . 88,000 M.F. 6485 (2006), 125 pto hp, fwa, fenders, 32 spd trans with dynashuttle, 3 remotes, 3pt, 3600 hrs, visi roof cab, Alo Q75 MSL loader, grapple bucket, silage screen, rebuilt engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,500 N.H. TM155 (2007), 1900 hrs, fwa, 4 remotes, cab suspension, front pto and 3pt, 650/38 michelin rears, 320/54’s also available for this unit. . . . 79,000 Fendt 714 (2001), 125 pto hp, front axle and cab suspension, Vario CVT (50kph), 4 rear remotes, 3pt, fwa, powerbar, radio, Alo 880 MSL loader, grapple bucket, 6775 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72,900 Agco RT145 (2002), 145 pto hp, fwa, 5 remotes, 3pt, 14.9-46 rears and duals, 3350 hrs, 32 spd dynashift transmission with LH reverser . . . . . 59,900
- Engine HP, Max. output per ECE R24 • Fendt is a worldwide brand of AGCO Corporation. © 2012 AGCO Corporation • FT12N0014JB
u sed equip men t M.F. 2680HD (2011), 85 pto hp, 395 hrs, 3pt, loader, grapple bucket, joystick, 2 remotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,900 CaseIH MXM190 (2003), 4630 hrs, fwa, 3pt, 4hyd, 380/90R54 rears and duals, 380 fronts, fenders, front 3 pt and pto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,900 Versatile 976 (1988), 4wd, cummins 855 engine, 12 x4 transmission, 24.5-32 tires(nice), 6570 hrs, lots of recent work orders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,900 M.F. 481 (2005), 67 pto hp, fwa, cab, 2 remotes, Alo Q45, loader, grapple bucket, 980 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,900 N.H. TL100 (1999), 82 pto hp, fwa, fenders, 3pt, 2 remotes, Alo Q960 loader, bucket, joystick, 3830 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,900 N.H. 8770 (1993), 160pto hp, fwa, 4 remotes, 22 front weights, super steer, 8460 hrs, 380-46 rears and duals, 3pt, front duals. . . . . . . . . . 39,900 J.D. 4755 (1989), 157 pto hp, 2wd, 5 hrs, 280 loader, grapple bucket, duals, 11,000 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,900
SQUARE BALERS (Large & Small)
M.F. 2170 (2012), 3 x4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube, preservative applicator kit, bale dye kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128,900 M.F. 2170 (2012), 3 x4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube, preservative applicator kit, bale dye kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127,000 M.F. 2170 (2010), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 M.F. 2170 (2011), 3 x 4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube, preservative applicator kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114,000 M.F. 2170 (2011), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,000 M.F. 2170 (2009), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,900 M.F. 2190 (2008), 4 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,900 M.F. 2170 (2008), 3 x 4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,900 Hesston 4910 (2006), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68,900 M.F. 2170 (2007), 3 x 4 baler, accumulator, knotter blower, knotter lube. . 59,900 Hesston 4790 (2006), 3 x 4 baler, bale chute, autolube, knotter blower. 54,900 Hesston 4910 (2005), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,900 Hesston 4910 (2002), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate, reconditioned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,000 N.H. BB960 (2002), 3 x 4 baler, accumulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 M.F. 1841 (2007), 14" x 18" baler, accumulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000
round BALERS
M.F. 2756A (2009) 5 x 6 baler, autocycle, kicker, mesh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000
seeding & tillage
Horsch-Anderson Joker (2012), 30’, drawbar pull, spring packers, nice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,000 J.D. 512 Ripper Disc (2008), 12’, 5 shank, low acres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,900 Phillips 4305A Rotary Harrow (2007), 43' WW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 CaseIH 4500 (1992), field cultivator, 36', vibrashank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400
M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, Topcon System 150 autosteer, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 25’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 335 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, Trimble Ezee-steer , MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1250 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9196 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, 780 hrs., 30' DSA draper header, guage wheels, pickup reel, electric fore/aft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 25’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 905 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 132,000 M.F. 9635 (2010), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 5200 DSA draper, header, 30', UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, electric fore/aft . . . . . . 121,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9196 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, 650 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1195 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . 112,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9196 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, 750 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1130 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 CaseIH 425 (1999), draper header, 21’, DSA, guage wheels, less than 1000 acres total, fits 8250, 8450, 8550 Hesston, 8860-70-80 CaseIH. . . . . . . . 17,900 Hesston 9020 (2005), 18' auger header, reel spider kit, crop dividers. . . . . . 16,990
DISC & MOWER conditioners
M.F. 1375 (2012) 15’, steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . . 37,300 M.F. 1375 (2011) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . 35,900 J.D. 956 (2010) 15' discmower, urethane rolls, hyd tilt, 3 pt. swivel. . . . . . . 31,900 M.F. 1375 (2008) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . 25,900 Case IH DCX 131 (2003) disc mower, swivel hitch, steel rolls, 13' . . . . . . 15,900 Hesston 1265 (2003) sickle mower, 14', rubber on steel rolls . . . . . . . . . . 13,900
grain handling equipment
Brandt 10 x 80XL Auger (2011), hydraulic winch and hopper mover. . . 11,400 Brandt 8 x 45 Auger (2008), 30 hp Kohler, hydraulic mover & winch.Coming In Sakundiak 10-2200 Auger (2002), 10", 70', mechanical swing, reverser. . 4,900 Brandt 8 x 52 Supercharged Auger (2012), no motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,500 Farmking 8 x 40 Auger (2000), Kohler 18 hp engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,650
Rogator 1064 (2004), sprayer, 1000 gallon, 100’, triple bodies, Cat engine, 320/50 tires, fenders, atuoboom height control, Outback autosteer. . . . . . 135,000 M.F. 2680HD (2012), tractor, 85 pto hp, under 100 hrs, 3pt, loader, grapple bucket, joystick, 2 remotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,000 Allis 7030 (1974), tractor, 130 hp, 6360 hrs, 2 hyd. loader mtg for Allied 795. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,500 Degelman Snow Push (200?), 14' width, rubber cutting edge. . . . . . . . . 5,290
application equipment
Rogator 1396 Sprayer (2010), 1200 gallon, 120', 24.5-32 float tires, 14.9-46 narrow tires, mapping, autosteer, Viper Pro, accuboom, front reload, air boom cleanout, 5 way nozzles, approx 900 hrs., 311 hp Cat engine, 6 speed hydrostatic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299,000 Rogator 1184 Sprayer (2010), 1000 gallon, 100', 24.5-32 float tires, 14.9-46 narrow tires, mapping, autosteer, Viper Pro, accuboom, front reload, air boom cleanout, 5 way nozzles, approx 880 hrs., 290 hp Cat engine, 4 speed hydrostatic, end nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248,000 Flexicoil System 67XL (2006), suspended boom sprayer, 90', 1350 gallon tank, 4 sections, inductor tank, rinse wand, freshwater tank, Norac auto boom height control, autorate control, dual nozzles. . . . . . . Coming In
hay rakes
Fella TS 1603 (2010), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,900 Claas 880 Liner (2003), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,900 Fella TS 1602 (2007), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,900 Fella TS 1602 (2004), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,900 Fella TS 1602 (2003), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,900 Fella TS 880 (2006), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900 Fella TS 425T (2009), single rotary rake, pull-type, aged inventory. . . . . . 7,900 Fella TS 425T (2009), single rotary rake, 3 pt. mount, aged inventory . . . 7,900 Fella TS 350 (2007), single rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,990
Muratori MT22-170 (2011), Flail mower, excellent shape . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,290
lawn & garden
M.F. 1635L Tractor (2012), 35 hp, rear pto, hydrostatic, 3pt, joystick, DL120 loader, bucket, skidsteer style bucket quick attach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,900 Muratori MR180 Rear Discharge Finishing Mower (2013), 6' cutting width. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 Muratori MZ 2-125 Tiller (2011), 50” with shear pin pto **SPECIAL**. 1,800 Braber 72" Rough Cut Rotary Mower (2013). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800 Braber 60” Rough Cut Rotary Mower (2013). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400 Category 1 Quick Hitch for 3pt Hitch (2013). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
1 only - Muratori MT22-185 Flail mower for seed canola mowing - 73" w/w - $3,800
phone: (403) 329-8686
daytime & after hours: call toll free 1-800-461-5356 email: hanloneq@telus.net www.hanlonag.com
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – b3
3005 - 18th ave. north, lethbridge, alberta Keith shiraKawa Res: 403-381-0733 • Cell: 403-308-1928 shane mann Res: 403-328-1859 • Cell: 403-308-0341 Brendon hanlon Res: 403-380-3607 • Cell: 403-330-7497
A breakthrough in Baler Twine technology that raises baling efficiency as much as 38%. With AGCO Advanced Giant Spools of Baler Twine, you spend more time baling. And less time preparing. The hay is dry, windrowed and ready. The weather is perfect, and the field stretches out before you. At a time like this, you don’t want to be limited by your twine. That’s why AGCO Parts has introduced Giant Spools, a new series of Advanced Baler Twines. Partnered with our new generation of Massey Ferguson and Challenger balers you have the winning combination that delivers a competitive edge. AGCO Advanced Giant Spools. Because the industry’s top balers deserve a twine that’s just as productive.
phone: (403) 329-8686
daytime & after hours: call toll free 1-800-461-5356 email: hanloneq@telus.net
b4 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – b5
b6 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
Use our 40 Years of experience Agricultural appraisals require experience, knowledge and expertise. Let our qualified appraisers put their expertise to work for you! Give us a call for a no-obligation consultation.
handley appraisals ltd. #2, 1713 - 2nd Ave. S., Lethbridge, AB T1J 0e8
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If you need land, look no further. You’ll find what you need in our real estate section.
Come see this and other homes for yourself at our Brooks location!
This 1520 sq ft home is LOADED with all appliances even washer, dryer and freezer
worth of free options!
ALLAN FOX Broker, lethbridge (403) 327-2221 Cell. (403) 393-2211
progressive 5914 - 153 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5Y 2W1
AGRICULTURAL/rural LISTINGS • In Wetaskiwin County, 4 miles West of Winfield on paved Hwy. #13, recreational quarter on pavement. Oil rev., good fences, nice building site. Only $238,000. • Near Boyle - in Athabasca County (11 ac.) with executive 2-storey 2810 sq. ft. home with finished walkout basement and 54’ x 90’ shop. Check this out on MLS E3338525. Only $595,000. • In Barrhead County - Four quarters of farmland with 1648 sq. ft. home, shop & corrals. Nice mixed farming operation. MLS E3333111. Only $1,150,000.
thinking of buying or selling – call me, in 2013
farm hands
MILK RIVER FRONTAGE - GRASS - Just listed 298 acres of land of which 30 acres in hay the rest in grass. Cross fenced. Older 2 bedroom home, corrals, 3 wells plus river. Small shop. Located Northwest of Del Bonita. “EXCLUSIVE”. Allan HALF AN HOUR NORTHWEST OF CITY - New to You! Grandma’s farmhouse. Well kept 4 bedroom 1.5 storey home. 2 shops - 1 heated, large doors, Trees around buildings. Close to Highway 2. Great place to live in the country! 21.4 acres Paved road. Priced to sell! Just Listed! Call Allan today. JUST LISTED! “EXCLUSIVE”! Spring Point Road. West of Fort Macleod or North East of Pincher Creek. 160 acres - 73 cultivated, rest grass. Spring fed year round well. 3 bedroom home, small shop 40x32, with suite, main shop/barn 38x108. Beautiful shop. Corrals, pens, out buildings. Call Allan “EXCLUSIVE”. WATERTON LAKES: This is it get away! Enjoy Waterton. 1240 sq. ft. 4 bedroom bungalow. 42 year land lease. Close to Bertha Trail. Everything included. MLS. COUNTY OF WARNER: Only 16 miles from the city or 1 3/4 mile North of Raymond. 10 acres of flat hayland, fenced, with a 36x40 metal shop with a 18'x14' overhead door. Concrete floor. Great for hobby farm. Build your new house for growing family or business. MLS! MAGRATH AFFORDABLE: Need an acreage to build your dreams? Consider this 3.3 acres south west of Magrath. Gas, power on road allowance. Make us an offer! MLS. just reduced! WE COULD ASK FOR MORE! But the owner wants to sell this 74 acre parcel with a very well taken care of 1665 custom built 4 bedroom bungalow, full walkout basement and double attached garage. Beautiful view of the city plus river frontage. Approx 5 miles from the city. MLS. STIRLING COUNTRY! Consider this 2200 sqft 1.5 storey home with log style exterior siding. 3 bedrooms, home only 6 years old. Domestic water rights. Quick possession. MLS. REDUCED. Call Allan and allow his 35 years of selling and listing real estate in Alberta work for you!! List now and let’s get ready for spring!! 403-393-2211(cell) or 403-327-2221 (office).
Zen R. Littke P.Ag. Email: littkez@realtyexecutives.com Cell: 1-587-989-SOLD (7653) Toll Free: 1-877-461-FARM (3276) Specializing in Acreage, Farm & Rural Properties
517-6 St. S Lethbridge
lethbridge – 403-327-2221 picture butte – 403-732-4567 • taber – 403-223-3344
derral lastuka Associate, lethbridge (403) 327-2221 Cell. (403) 634-8007
320 ACRES of exceptionally scenic grass South west of Pincher Creek. Trees, stream, beaver ponds,hills mountain views plus a log cabin. MLS MAGRATH 10 ACRES - like new 2256 sqft home, guest house, 32x48 heated 6 stall barn, 60x100 indoor riding arena. Exceptional property. MLS ORTON - 25 minutes from Lethbridge, 5 acres, large bungalow with natural fieldstone exterior. Beautiful yard & garden area. MLS CEDAR LOG HOME - with heated 28x32 shop. Very private yard and only 20 minutes from Little Bow Park. Great weekender in the quaint village of Carmangay. Bring your boat!!! MLS 6 YEAR OLD - 3 bedroom + den, double garage bungalow on large lot in Milk River. Perfect for retiring snowbirds. Priced right at $220,000.00 MLS LETHBRIDGE - 80 acres top quality irrigation less than 10 minutes from Lethbridge, with a very nice 5 bdrm home, shop, corrals and includes a greenhouse business. Just off pavement. EXCLUSIVE. Call Derral 403-634-8007 . NOBLEFORD GRASS - NEW LISTING. 160 acres of pasture. Highway frontage. Just North of town 2.5 miles on Highway #23. Services available. Call Derral. Executive acreage south of Fort Macleod: 5 acres with 3275 sq. ft. like new home. Shop, nicely landscaped, mountain views! REDUCED! Now only $459,900. MLS# LD0010261, Coaldale town limits: 20 acres irrigation with 1800 sq. ft. 4 bedroom home. Older shop. Just north of town on Highway 845. MLS. Priced at $579,000.. Beaver Mines AreA: 160 acres with extreme mountain views. Nicely treed. Good water and only 1 mile from paved road. $535,000. MLS # LD0008890. beautiful lakeview acreages: We have 9 2-acre parcels on Chin Lake overlooking the lake and campground, just off Highway 36. Enjoy the lake, coulees and nature. Build your home or cabin and bring your boat! Priced from $70,000 to $125,000. Only 15 min. from Taber or 30 min. from Lethbridge. EXCL. Call Derral. Picture Butte: 145 acres Irrigation - 3 miles north, on pavement 2040 sq. ft. 7 bedroom bungalow, heated 32x70 shop, city water, excellent corrals for 500 head, 3 phase power, includes all irrigation equipment. EXCL. Call Derral. Have buyers for dryland and irrigated farms. If you are thinking of selling let’s talk. Call Derral Lastuka 403-634-8007.
real estate lethbridge
1-800-423-9972 (403) 362-2774 Brooks, AB janine@trendsetterhomesales.com www.trendsetter-homes.com
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – b7
real estate ltd.
$165,500 $595,000
(403) 329-0770
call us or go to
NESTLED IN A COULEE On 33.76 acres m/l is this unique property which borders a private dam & enjoys a creek meandering below. Lots of room for Work, Play, Tools & Toys. Just 6 minutes North of Taber and paved to gate. Home is 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, main floor laundry, indoor heated pool with spiral staircase allowing access to pool & hot tub from 2 levels. Attached double garage & 2 shop buildings. Automatic sprinklers & contoured landscaping enhance a beautifully treed yard. MLS LD0013429 picture butte Affordable and very well kept clean bungalow in quiet area. Total of 1045 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home. Detached super single garage. MLS LD0012797
6.52 ACRES Nice little acreage. Just a short distance from Picture Butte on main Hwy #519. Surrounded by lots of trees and has a great spot for a garden. MLS LD0013655
owner motivated - 6 ACRES Don’t miss this beautiful acreage. River Valley Area. Total of 5 bedrooms, 4 bath family home with attached & detached double garages. Over 2700 sq. ft. bi-level includes large custom stone fireplace and billiard room with wet bar. Surrounded by mature trees, decorative outdoor waterfall and pond with gorgeous landscaped yard. Road is paved to gateway. Room to build a large shop building. LISTED $106,000 BELOW APPRAISED VALUE. MLS LD0011586 40 ACRES – STIRLING
Acreage/SmallFarm located along Hwy#52. SIX BEDROOM HOME plus a mobile home (being rented $750 per month). Several lean-to buildings and corrals with water. Town water. RID domestic agreement may also be available. Easy paved commute to Stirling/Raymond/Lethbridge. Approx. 10 acres pasture, balance currently cultivated. MLSLD0012213
13 ACRES M/L near raymond
This impressive newly built equine facility located adjacent to town limits of Raymond. Numerous pens, corrals, heated barn with 5 stalls & automatic waterers plus tack room. Indoor riding arena - heated, insulated, only 4 years old. Hayshed with lean-to, 60 ft. round pen and 2 stall shelter. Domestic right and town water. 1342 sq. ft. bungalow with 5 bdrms & 3.5 baths. MLS LD0006660
This fully leased 7 condo/bay units with 10000 sq. ft. m/l fully leased. Condominiumized: new (not activated). High profile location close to 18th Ave. North. Great investment opportunity, highly stable long term income. Consists of 3-2000 sq. ft. m/l and 4-1000 sq. ft. m/l units. Double units have 2 bay doors & 2 man doors. Single units have 1 bay door & 1 man door. New roof 2 years ago. MLS LD0009049
Alberta Farms & Ranches For Sale
BRETON: 477 acre Ranch on a Private Lake - Approx. 80 ac. fresh water lake lying on deeded land, fish and privacy surrounded by lush meadows, hayland and clumps of evergreens. A 1520 sq. ft .modular along with a renovated older home provide housing. Annual surface lease income of $16,954. $1,494,000. PINE LAKE: 118 ac. of rolling native pasture. Natural open meadows, numerous sloughs, and tree bluffs. Very scenic and private, ideal for hunting or a cabin to enjoy nature. $265,000. Rocky Mnt House: Very clean farm comes with a excellent mountain view from the 1531 sq. ft. bungalow. New shop 40x46 c/w 3 pc. bath attached 40x105 attached open face machine storage. New barn 35x53. Fenced for buffalo. $895,000. Rocky Mnt House: 5400 sq. ft. home c/w 52’x30’ attached garage and a mountain view on 139 acres, 24’ x 50’ motorhome bay c/w in-floor heat, 26’ x 50’ machine shed, 18’ x 16’ garden shed, 40’ x 48’ shop c/w radiant heat and RV dump all in new condition. $1,999,500. RED DEER: 96 ac. 2 mi. from city c/w 3000 sq. ft. renovated bungalow, 2nd home, 35x50 heated shop, 35x40 heated barn, 2 open face sheds, immaculate well developed yard. City long term plan is for industrial development. $1,399,000. RED DEER: 75 ac. Equestrian centre/hobby farm/investment 2 mi. west of Red Deer on Hwy. 11 c/w 3479 sq. ft. home, tennis court, 40x40 heated barn with 2 pc. bath, wash rack, metal box stalls, tack room, sky lights, 30x72 open face shed, pipe & cable corrals and outdoor riding arena, located within future Red Deer City future growth area. $2,950,000. RIMBEY: 471 ac. Beef Farm c/w renovated 1318 sq. ft. walkout bungalow with a very well maintained yard. 24x40 heated shop, 76x128 open barn or arena, 18x44 heated kennel, older dairy barn with heated vet room and large loafing area. $975,000. VILNA GRAZING LEASE: 2315 ac. located on pavement c/w 612 AUM’s or grazing capacity for 250 pairs for 4 months. Lots of grass and water. $425,000. VETERAN: 771 ac. – 500 ac. hay and 270 ac. native pasture, fenced and cross fenced c/w 7 dugouts and $2,700 annual surface lease revenue. Older house. $649,000. DRAYTON VALLEY: 97 acre hobby farm c/w renovated 1560 sq. ft. home with 64’ of new veranda & windows. Outbuildings are 50x100 quonset, 30x40 barn, corrals and approx $6300 annual SLR. Very picturesque and well maintained property would make ideal farm for the hobby farmer or horse person. $610,000.
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consider the land
s o l d
… when you list it in the
See these properties on website www.canadiancattleranches.com
Farmer / Stockman
Greg Cripps – Re/Max central AB Res: (403) 347-7103 • Bus: (403) 343-3020 Cell: (403) 391-2648 • Email: gcripps@telus.net
Real Estate Section
Upgraded home with new shingles, laminate flooring, paint, light fixtures, plumbing, window coverings, bathroom & kitchen. New furnace just installed. Town water & sewer. Convenience store & post office right across street. Adjacent 1.39 acre parcel could be purchased. MLS LD0007708
ALMOST READY TO GO. Close to Lethbridge & paved to Close to Lethbrdige & paved to gate. SERVICES at propgate. SERVICES at property line. Absolutely awesome spot erty line. Absolutely awesome spot to build or place a nice to build or place a nice home. Newer metal Quonset with home. Only $87,000. MLS LD0013835 concrete floor & power. Gas roughed in. Only $120,000. MLS LD0013806 VACANT LAND - 26 ACRES M/L Very flat 26 acres close to Picture Butte & just south 1.12 ACRES PICTURE BUTTE Property includes a 40 x 60 shop, plus 1200 sq. ft. living of Golf Course with great view overlooking coulees. quarters & an additional 24 x 26 storage building built in Pressurized LID water line. Vacant land – Subject to 2007. $375,000. MLS LD0008617 sub-division. $395,000.
reduced - .83 ACRES
Very nice acreage with good building site(s). Located 20 SE LETHBRIDGE minutes SE of Lethbridge. Paved road, plus 1 mile gravel Great location is this very nice 4125 sq. ft. commercial to property. Serviced with natural gas & power close by. Very good potential for further future sub-division(s). building with large yard with well on property. Included $249,000. MLS LD0011795 is a 14 x 50 ft. older mobile with 16 x 32 attached porch. $299,000. MLS LD0004724
Property includes large 40 x 60 shop with 3 overhead 12 x 3.53 ACRES, LETHBRIDGE 14 doors on 0.8 acres M/L. Services include water, sewer, Chinook Business Park. Prime commercial corner lot. gas & power also has a 2 piece bath. High visibility off 43 Street South with good access. $195,000. MLS LD0011074 $1,690,000. MLS LD0011434
just listed
Productive Ranch Near Manyberries
• 15 quarters deeded & 4 quarters lease located in the high country near Manyberries • 1800 acres m/l native, 1230 acres m/l improved • 1000 sq.ft. bungalow • 40' x 80' steel Quonset, 4 – 2600 bu Butler bins, 1200 bu. Hopper bottom bin, 1300 bu. steel grain bin
$2,400,000 (Exclusive)
6524 Hwy 523, Cypress County • 1072 sq.ft. home on 83 acres just minutes west of Medicine Hat • 3 bedrooms, 1+1 baths, single attached garage • Bunkhouse, Quonset, barn, sheds & livestock shelter • 57 acres m/l irrigated, 16 acres m/l improved pasture
$795,000 (Exclusive)
Waterfront Property, Forty Mile Park
Great investment opportunity. Prime Highway #3 location GREAT INVESTMENT & LOCATION next to Coaldale Motor Inn. High traffic area with highway This 2.58 acre industrial property is located in the County frontage. $214,900. MLS LD20122983 (Rave Ind. Park) just 2 blocks East of 9 Ave. & 43 St. 3 - 5 ACRE PARCELS - REDUCED $85,000 North. Property has chain link fence except for the East Very nice parcels. Paved to gate. Power, gas, telephone side. Also, included an older 14 x 68 mobile with power, & water all nearby. Wonderful country side view and close cistern, septic field, high-speed internet. County pays for retention pond usage currently on property. to town of Magrath and only 20 minutes to Lethbridge. MLS LD0008216 $360,000. MLS LD0008127
John Perlich (403) 331-9911
Arnold Shumaker (403) 382-1929
Al Valin (403) 380-0110
Terry Makus (403) 317-9516
where country & city meet
Joe Perlich (403) 635-0310
• 1460 sq.ft. home on the shore of 40 Mile Reservoir • 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, beautiful wood finishing throughout & a wood burning fireplace. • Main floor master bedroom, dining & living area with amazing view of the lake • Large deck, stone patio with firepit & 8x16 dock
$365,000 (MLS MH0016461)
b8 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
Specializing in Farm, Ranch & Acreage Properties in Southwestern Alberta 40 acre acreage just outside claresholm just made for the horseman with beautiful 1900 ft bungalow with detached double garage and mature yard and 40x30 shop. Also includes 40x20 horse barn with box stalls and tie stalls. Turnkey acreage with a great well, one of the nicest you will find! $895,000. 5 acres on road into PaYne Lake just 15 minutes east of Waterton. Great building piece or just get together with some friends and never have to worry about a camping spot at the lake! $129,000. 10 Waldron Grazing Cooperative shares for sale 137 acres with immaculate yard and buildings just off Highway 507 southeast of Pincher Creek. Productive hayland with seasonal runoff and ponds this place has extensive shops and barns to house many different types of enterprises in an area with a majestic view of the SW Alberta mountain ranges. $635,000. Raised bungalow on 150 acres NW of Stavely near Twin Valley reservoir with nice yard, seasonal creek on HWY 529. $575,000. 10 acres near Waterton Lakes national park. Your own piece of heaven with spectacular mountain views and great building sites with Fish Creek winding through the property. $198,000.
4.99 acres with older two storey home and outbuildings on Hwy. 520 west of Claresholm. Great setup for a commuter with a couple of horses in the beautiful baseland near the Porcupine Hills. Only 3 miles out of town this is a brand new subdivision with a new well. $269,000. 60 acres of irrigated land with pressurized system and buried mainline between lethbridge and Raymond near HWY 845. Great building possibilities close to the city and able to produce like a much larger farm! $849,000 33 acres of grassland with stunning mountain views on the road to Police Lake provincial Park south of Mountain View near Waterton Park. Small creek winds through the property with numerous building sites and plenty of room for horses etc. Very rare size and affordable. $209,000. 150 acres of tame pasture/hayland west of Stavely near Pine Coulee reservoir only 1/2 mile off pavement. $375,000. We have numerous inquiries for cultivated farmland as well as grassland in the Claresholm -Stavely- Granum area and I would welcome your listings if you are considering selling.
need a water cistern? Precast Concrete Water Cisterns • All cisterns have a NSF approved coating. • All cisterns have pvc access riser with fiberglass lid for a positive seal. • Brass fittings poured in to accommodate submersible or jet pumps. • Ideal for Rural Water installations. • Delivered and set in your hole with our boom trucks. • Sizes range from 1100 US gal. to 3700 US gal. CSA Approved Precast Concrete septic tanks • Sizes range from 500 US gal. to 2000 US gal. • Pump chamber tanks available. • Concrete or PVC risers. • Delivered and set with our boom truck. Precast Concrete Cattle Guard Footings • Widths from 12’ to 24’ wide.
Custom orders always available.
Glacier Precast Concrete, Inc.
There are constantly new mls listings coming on the market in the Claresholm-Stavely-Granum areas as well as further afield so whether you are hunting for that special property or just wanting an update feel free to give me a call.
Tom A. Anderson / David Holst (406) 752-7163 fax (406) 752-7167
John Hart Willow Creek Realty Claresholm, Alberta
john.hart@creb.com Willow Creek Check out our listings online Realty www.willowcreekrealty.ca 403-625-4141 • 403-625-0012
email: toma@glacierprecast.com website: glacierprecast.com
Let me list your farm, ranch or acreage on the Calgary Real Estate Board System
“Your Short Line Headquarters”
Bobcat 742 1982, 34 hp Ford gas, 3600 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,900 Bobcat S130 2011, 49hp Kubota diesel,
152 hrs., H51 option package, cab enclosure and heater, power bob-tach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,400
Bobcat S250 2006, 75 hp Kubota diesel,
1000 hrs.,ACS-hand/foot controls, Hi-Flow hydraulics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,900
Bobcat 430
Top & Rear Window Kit
for G series cabs. New �������������������������������������������������������� 200
2007, 43 hp Kubota diesel, 994 hours, cab/heater/air, long arm, hyd clamp, hyd x-change.
Bobcat Whisker 72” bucket, push broom, fits up to 74” buckets. New. . . . . . . . . . . . 999 CASH Bobcat 52" Hydraulic Tiller 1994. . . . . . . . 3,200 Bobcat 5A Chipper 2007,
up to 3” diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,600
Woods RM48 3 pt., 48” finishing mower . . . . . . . . 1,100 Farm King 7' 3 pt. disc w/20" notched. . . . . . . . . . . 1,599 Bobcat 322G 2004, Bobcat T300 track loader, 2006, 81 hp Kubota diesel, 2455 hours, cab enclosure & heater, rear aux 16 hp Kubota diesel, 1450 hrs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,500 Haybuster 2800 Bale Buster, 2009 . . . . . . . . 15,900 Kubota RCK48-15BX hydraulics, ride control, power bob-tach . . . . . . . . . . . 31,900 48" mower for BX1500D tractor. New . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,750 Bobcat 430 2007, 43hp Kubota diesel, 994 hours, lawn & garden cab/heater/air, long arm, hyd clamp, Bobcat S650, 2012, 74 hp Kubota diesel, 96 hours, Carraro L524 52" tiller, 3-speed, hyd x-change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,900 Stiga Park 16 Front Mower 1995, A51 option package, cab enclosure/heater/air, slip clutch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,799 16 hp B & S, Vanguard, hydrostatic, articulates, two-speed, power bob-tach, radio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,500 Kubota RCK72R-F36 2,900 44” side discharge mower (flip-up). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . versahandler attachments Bobcat S650 2012, 74 hp Kubota diesel, 196 hours, 72" rear discharge finishing mower, White GT2550KH new, 25 hp Kohler Single Tooth Bale Handler ACS hand/foot controls, A71 option pkg, cab enclosure/heater/ 2006, fits newer F series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,400 Courage V-Twin OHV, 54” mower, 2,000 new ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ air, deluxe instrumentation, radio, 3,900 cash hydrostatic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westfield TF100-41 10" X 41' power bob-tach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,500 tractors auger, 2006, top feed, EMD drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,999 miscellaneous Bobcat T300 track loader, 2004, J.D. 2155 1992, 55 hp diesel, 8100 hrs. ���������������� 9,300 farm king 81 hp Kubota diesel, 2067 hrs., joystick, Farm King Y510 5' rotary mower, cab encl/heater/air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,900 Farm King 10' steel swather roller w/2 hand cranks for bale processors shearbolt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 adjustment, 1" pillow block bearings on Bobcat T300 track loader, 2005, 81 hp Kubota Farm King Y550R Haybuster 256 Plus II diesel, 1600 hrs., cab encl/heater/air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,900 2 chain table, 1995 �������������������������������������������������������� 5,600 60” rear discharge finishing mower, 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,599 center shaft, swivel hitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 610 - 30 Street North, Lethbridge, AB.
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Highline BP7000 2000,
tail light kit and electric chute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,900
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photos on web
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – b9
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b10 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – b11
b12 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
2011 CIH Magnum 290 Duals, weight pkg, full guidance..$204,500
2012 CIH Puma 130 CVT MFD, 3 hyds, L765 loader..$145,000
2008 SH60-12 Drill
JD1910 TBT Tank , 2000 Gal TBH liquid...$185,000
2WD Tractors
2010 CIH Magnum 215 (SA) w/LC780 loader, luxury cab, PTO, hitch ready, 262 WAAS receiver............................................................$185,000 2013 CIH Puma 130 CVT (SC) MFD, cap suspension, L765 loader, 95” bucket & grapple..................................................................$159,000 2009 CIH Magnum 180 (SA) 3 remotes, L780 loader, S2 outback autosteer, 3 point hitch.............................................................$155,000 2009 Massey Ferguson 7480 (SC) massey 960 FEL loader w/ grapple, 3 point hitch, CVT transmission.................................$94,500 2002 CIH MX240 (ES) 3 point hitch, rear duals, powershift, degelman 12ft 4 way blade............................................................................$90,000 2004 McCormick 135 (SA) PTO 540/1000, FEL with grapple....................$59,000 1988 CIH 7120 (ES) MFD, 20.8 duals....................................... $48,900 1997 NH 8260 (SC) loader & grapple, MFD, shedded................$44,900 1983 CIH 5288 (SC) 2WD, PTO...................................................$12,900 1981 CIH 2390 (SC) 20.8x38 inside tires good, wheel seal....$11,000
4WD Tractors
2012 CIH STX600 (SC) quadtrac, luxury cab, PTO, diff lock, 36” tracs, 6 remotes, tow cable...........................................................................$420,000 2011 CIH STX550 (ES) PTO, 36” tracks, auto guidance, cab suspension, 6 remotes.............................................................................................$405,000 2010 CIH STX535 (SA) std quadtrac, luxury cab, 1000rpm IND PTO, hi cap hydr pump........................................................................................$357,000 2011 CIH STX450 (SC) 111hrs, full autoguidance, 800 duals, front weight frame................................................................................................$315,900 2009 JD 9430 (SC) full cast weights front & rear, standard transmission, diff lock, 710 duals........................................................................................$224,500 2006 CIH STX480 (SC) luxury cab, guidance ready, 16 speed p/s trans, PTO, diff lock...................................................................................................$195,500 2005 New Holland TJ450 (LL) 710 duals, weights, deluxe cab, EZ guide autosteer, 4 remotes................................................................................$179,900 1989 CIH 9130 (LL) 18.4/38 duals, PTO, powershift..............................$39,000
SWATHERS 2012 CIH WD1903 (SA) c/w DH362 header, cab suspension, chaff wiper kit...................................................................................................$140,000 2010 CIH WDX2303 (SA) upgrade cab, cold start, UII one piece p/u reel, double knife, DHX362 header............................................$135,000 2012 CIH WD1203 (SC) c/w DH362, cab&rear suspension, stnd cab, cold start pkg...........................................................................$135,000 2009 MacDon M200 (SC) 1000hrs, windrower, no header.......$98,000 2009 CIH WD1203 (SC) 500hrs, c/w DHX302 hdr, cab & rear axle suspension..$92,500 2003 MacDon 2952 (ES) 1300hrs, c/w 30ft 962 header, pu reels.....$65,000 2000 Massey Ferguson 220 (SA) 30ft triple delivery................$38,700 1996 MacDon 4930 (SC) 2000 25ft 972 header, pu reel, 1994 14FT conditioner...$35,000
P2060 TBT Tank, S/S...SOLD
2011 Bourgault 3310 (SC) 75ft, 10” spacing, no MRB’s, 4.5 round semi-auto packers, duals, 591 monitor.......................................$305,000 2010 CIH ATX700 (SC) 60ft, 10” spacing, ADX3430 tank, double shoot, sideband................................................................................................$188,000 2003 Seed Hawk 42-10 (SA) single shoot dry, JD 1900 tank, BG2000T stnd mount liquid............................................................$109,900 2003 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 54ft, 9.8” spacing, single shoot, 3 1/2” steel packers, 5350 tank, double shoot............................................................................$107,500 2004 Bourgault 5710 (SA) 63ft, 10” spacing, 491 monitor, midrow banders, 3/4” opener........................................................................................................... $99,500 2005 Bourgault 5710 (SA) 64ft, 9.8” spacing, mrb, 3 1/2” steel packers, double shoot, 5440 tank, 591 mon..........................................................................$90,000 1998 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 54ft, 9.8” spacing, 2 1/4” steel packers, 2002-5440 tank, 3 tank metering...................................................................................$89,900 2010 CIH ADX3430 (SC) 430 bushels, duals, double shoot, TBH.............$85,000 1999 Bourgault (ES) 54ft, 12” spacing, 4350 cart, MRB’s, 3.5 steel packers...$85,000 2004 Morris Maxium II (SA) 49ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, 7240 TBT tank.................................................................................................$55,000 2000 Flexicoil 7500 (SC) 60ft, 10” spacing, rubber packers, single shoot, TBH 3450 tank.....................................................................................................$45,900 1997 Flexicoil 5000 (SC) 51ft, 3 1/2” steel packers recapped, 2320 tank, 10” spacing, blockage.........................................................................................$44,900 1997 Bourgault 3225 (SC) new metering auger.......................$10,500
HEADERS 2011 CIH 2162 (SC) 40ft, double knife, 5 bat, upper cross auger........$74,900 2012 CIH 2152 (SC) 40ft, single knife, slow speed transport, AHHC, AFX adapter............................................................................................... $62,900 2004 CIH 2042 (LL) 36ft, AFX adapter, slow speed transport.......$60,400 2010 CIH 2152 (SC) 40ft, slow speed transport, pu reel, hyd f&a..$59,900 2007 HoneyBee SP40 (SC) 40ft, p/u, hyd f&a, cross auger, AFX adapter, transport........................................................................................... $49,900 2010 HoneyBee SP36 (SC) 36ft, pu reel, transport, hyd f&a..............$47,900 2008 JD 930 (SC) 30ft, with air reel......................................................$47,900 2010 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, 6 batt w/plastic, air reel .....................$44,000 2009 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, p/u reel, fore & aft, auto header..........$39,000 2003 Macdon 972 (LL) 36ft, pu reel, pea auger..................................$39,000 2007 HoneyBee (SC) 36ft, UII pu reel, transport, 2588 adapter..........$35,900 2012 CIH 3016 (SC) AUX front wind guard, 15ft, PTO drive, castor gauge wheels...............................................................................................$29,900 2002 CIH 1042 (ES) 30ft, pick up reel, 2388 adapter..................$28,500 2005 Honeybee SP30 (SC) 30ft, UII pick up reel, upper cross auger...$25,800 2009 NH 18HS (SC) 18ft hay conditioner header............................$19,900 2004 CIH 1010 (SC) 30ft, pick up reel, full finger auger...............$19,000 2005 CIH 1020 (SC) 30ft, pick up reel.................................................$18,900 1997 Macdon 960 (LL) 36FT, p/u, pea auger, 2388 adapter.........$17,900 2006 Macdon S30 Header (SC) 30ft swather pick up reels.......$17,000 2001 CIH 2015 (SC) rake up pick up............................................$12,000 1986 CIH 1015 (SC) melroe pick up................................................$7,500
Saskatoon (306) 934-3555 800-667-9761
2008 NH P1060 Drill
Swift Current (306) 773-2951 800-219-8867
2012 CIH 9230 (SA) lateral tilt, fine cut chopper, stnd spreader...........$350,000 2011 CIH 9120 (ES) adj steering axle, lat tilt, hopper cover..................$315,000 2011 CIH 9120 (SA) lateral tilt, powerplus cvt feeder, c/w 3016 pick up header............................................................................................$300,000 2012 CIH 8120 (SC) 671hrs, lat tilt, hyd fold topper..................$275,000 2009 CIH 8120 (SA) 910hrs, hopper extension, lat tilt, 900 tires.......$272,000 2010 JD 9770 (LL) 766 engine hours, 520 duals, no topper, contour master, pick up hdr...........................................................................................$245,000 2007 CIH 8010 (LL) deluxe cab, lateral tilt, 24ft unload auger......$229,000 2010 CIH 7120 (SC) duals, auto guidance, HID, fine cut chopper...$220,000 2009 CIH 7120 (SC) duals, lat tilt, long auger, stf chopper, accuguide ready, 957 rotor hours.....................................................................$200,000 2009 CIH 6088 (LL) AFX rotor, straw chopper, yield logging........$199,000 2006 CIH 8010 (SA) hopper topper, 900 tires, shedded..............$195,000 2009 CIH 7088 (SA) lat tilt, AFX rotor, 800 tires, straw chopper........$180,000 2008 CIH 2588 (LL) AFX rotor, chopper, c/w 2015 swathmaster.........$179,000 2008 CIH 2588 (SC) 1250hrs, AFX rotor, chopper, 50.5 singles, hopper topper...$169,000 2007 CIH 7010 (SC) lateral tilt, singlers............................................$145,000 2004 CIH 2388 (SC) 2110 rotor hrs, topper, long auger, chopper, c/w 2015 swathmaster.....................................................................................$115,900 2003 CIH 2388 (SA) new sieves, new hammers, new bubble up auger, c/e 2015 pick up header................................................................................$89,000 2004 CIH 2366 (SC) with 810 pick up, 25’ honey bee..........................$85,900 1998 CIH 2388 (SC) new tires, 1015 pu header..............................$59,000 1996 CIH 2188 (SC) AFX rotor, chopper, field tracher...........................$49,000 1997 NH TX66 (LL) 2994hrs, 800 tires, 9710 pu rake up..............$39,000 1989 CIH 1680 (SC) specialty rotor, no header.............................$30,000
SPRAYERS 2012 CIH 4430 (SC) 600hrs, 120ft, aim command, autoboom, lux cab, PRO700..............................................................................................$310,000 2008 CIH 4420 (SC) 1749hrs, 120ft, ag leader insight controler..........$300,000 2010 CIH 4420 (SC) 1000hrs, 80 duals, pro 600, autoboom..........$290,000 2009 CIH 4420 (SC) 120ft, full guidance, 650 floaters, aim, luxury cab..$260,000 2009 CIH 4420 (SC) 120ft, aim command, pro 600, autoguidance, omnistar, 380 tires, autoboom...........................................................................$259,500 2010 JD 4830 (SC) 100ft, 1000 gal tank, full auto guidance.........$245,000 2011 CIH 3330 (SA) 100ft, pro 600, aim command, deluxe HID lighting, accuboom, 262 receiver......................................................................$239,900 2005 JD 4720 (SA) 90ft, 800 gal tank, 2 sets of tires, autosteer, fence row nozzles................................................................................................$175,000 2008 Terragator 8204 (SA) 3 way tips, 85ft, 10” spacing, 1800 gal...$155,000 2005 CIH 3185 (SA) 90ft, aim command, 270 tires..............................$105,000 2000 CIH 4260 (SC) 90ft, 380 tires, chem inductor, autoboom, accuboom...$89,000 2001 Apache AS790 (SA) 90ft, trimble 250, raven controller, 3 ways with 2 nozzles.........................................................................................................$80,000 2001 CIH 3200 (SC) 5200hrs, 90ft, aim command, 800 gal s/s tank, norac autoboom, 5 way nozzle...........................................................$78,500 2006 New Holland SF115 (SC) 1200 gal, 90ft, norac autoboom..............34,500
Lloydminster (306) 825-3434 800-535-0520
Estevan (306) 634-4788 866-659-5866
w w w . r e d h e a d e q u i p m e n t . c a
– THE AD-VISER, JUNE 20, 2013 – B13
AdViser Classified Ads 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Phone (403) 328-5114 • Fax (403) 328-5443 E-Mail: adsales@farmpressltd.com
Published Every Other Thursday Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday
Visa or Mastercard Phone Orders Toll Free 1-877-328-0048
(600) Farm Machinery
(600) Farm Machinery
THRESHING MACHINES - Binders. 9’ Farm King Snow Blower w/dsl motor, potential w/piping modifications to blow grain into high bins. Dozer Blades 4’-HD, 16’ moldboards (build your own), Truck/Skid St Sizes $325-$1575. Push Pole 9’. Lrg Bale Bucket Mt Grapple $575. Hammer Mills & Hay Processors for small operators. 1 - Commercial Mill. 1 - Kirchner Bale Stacker $850. 1 - Row Digger $775. Variety - Antiques/Collectables (lots). LOOKING FOR: Running Ford T & Ford A engines. If you need it, I might have it. Reducing Inventory. Just A Call Away: 403-732-4979.
ACREAGE EQUIPMENT discs, plows, cultivators, harrows, front and rear blades, hay equipment, post pounders, etc. 1-780-8923092 Wabamun, AB
(600) AD 18-21 SK 12-15 AG 26-3 MB 14-17
(600) Farm Machinery
(600) AD 6 TFN AG 14 TFN
FOR SALE: 2 – 1700 bu Bins $1,400/ea; 1200 bu Bin $1,200; 2500 bu Bin $1,500; Deutz 65 hp Tractor w/3pt $6,000; 18’ IHC PT Swather $1,500; NI Baler $5,000; 1974 Ford F500, steel box & hoist $4,000; 14’ IHC Cultivator $1,500; Duiker $500; Ford 391 pumping unit $6,000; 14’ IHC How Drill $1,500; 3pt Auger $500; Rock Picker $2,500; 9-10 ltr. jugs of Valley Pivot gear oil $40/ea; 8’ Cultivator $250. Phone: 403-3453481 (600) AD 18-21
FOR SALE: Westfield 10x51 Mechanical Swing Auger. Phone: 403-654-2619 (600) AD 15-18
New Equipment • Summers Harrow Packer Bars 40’, 50’, 60’, 70’ & 80’ • Summers Heavy Harrows 36’ up to 84’ • Summers Diamond Disks 18.5 up to 47’
Used Equipment
• Case IH 8480 soft core baler, 1998, did only 8000 bales, like new • Case IH 8820 Swather, 1500 hrs, 18’ PU reel, very good • New 10’ Swath Rollers • 47’ Cultivator w/4-bar harrows, like new
• Summers 6’ mounted harrow 3/8 x 18.5 tine, used - $500 • Riteway 6’ mounted harrow 9/16 x 26” tine, new, c/w 2 mounting arms - $1,400 • Kernel Cracker fits Claas 850, like new • Kemper Corn Header 4, 6, 8 & 10 row
(600) Farm Machinery
(600) Farm Machinery
USED GRAIN CARTS: 450 1050 bushel, Large Selection PTO & Hydraulic Drive. Gravity Wagons: 250 - 750 bushel. Fertilizer Spreaders: 4 - 8 ton. Hi-Dump Silage Wagons. www. zettlerfarmequipment.com, 204857-8403.
Red & Blk. Yrling Bulls Special consideration to volume buyers (2000-3000) 1/3 down, 2/3 at pickup Vet Tested • Delivery Available 15 Angus Pairs 12 Angus Yrling Hfr Calves
• 07 Cummins dsl 4x4 Quad Cab, 1-ton auto., c/w deck for tool boxes, 125k, exc. shape, white..$31,000 OBO • 95 Cummins 12val. 5spd 4x4, 3/4 ton w/Deweze deck, works very well, complete service & check over......................$9,800 OBO • JD 530 Rnd Baler...................$4,500 • Morris Hay Hiker....................$9,500 • New Idea Discbine...............$11,500 • ‘07 Buick Terraza, loaded, 132k, ext. warranty, exc. shape....$11,000 OBO • New Mirage 31’ Flatbed Trailer (212,000 lb dual axels)...$12,300 OBO 403-378-4545 • 403-363-8035
(600) AD 12-20 SK 6-14 AG 20-2 MB 8-16
(601) Haying Equipment 2006 HESSTON 956A ROUND BALER, mesh wrap, bale kicker, hyd PU, endless belts replaced w/ new lace belts, 8000 bales, excellent condition, very clean $17,900. Phone: 403-628-2346 or 403-627-8945 (601) AD 18-19
2005 JD 946 DISCBINE, hydraswing & impeller conditioner - $20,000 OBO; 2011 JD 568 Baler, mega wide PU w/twine & net wrap - $33,000 OBO. Phone: 587-876-6270
(606) Swathers & Mower/Conditioners MASSEY FERGUSON 2008 9635, 16’ disc header & 25’ draper header, 600 hrs. Phone: 403-501-4891 (606) AD 18-21
MASSEY FERGUSON 2008 9435, 25’ draper header, 800 hrs - $67,000. Phone: 403-501-4891 (606) AD 18
(608) Tractors MF 165, 3 pt, ldr, gas, 3600 orig. hrs, very clean; 3 - Grain Trucks, low mileage, clean; Ford Golden Jubilee, very clean; small Ferguson TEA, 3pt, $1900; IHC 656, 3pt & ldr; Ford AN, HP (high & low), clean. Phone 403-528-4655 (608) AD 12 - TFN
(609) Miscellaneous
FOR SALE: New Holland 1030 Bale Wagon; MF 124 Baler, excellent; Farm King 18” Grain Roller, new rolls; 10’ Degelman Dozer Blade. Phone: 403-6272263
(600) AD 12-TFN
(602) AD 17-24
(601) AD 17-18
(602) Combines & Headers CASE IH 2188 COMBINE, ‘97, stored inside, Victory Super 8 PU, ready to go – Asking $55,000 OBO. Phone: 403-633-1302
(609) Miscellaneous
(609) Miscellaneous
(609) Miscellaneous
Farm Equipment Lethbridge/Enchant
Acreages............................................. 2600 Auctions............................................... 2700 Commercial Property........................... 2800 Farms & Ranches................................ 2900 Houses................................................ 3000 Industrial.............................................. 3100 Manufactured Homes.......................... 3200 Realtor Listings.................................... 3300
Automobiles......................................... 3400 Automotive Parts & Service................. 3500 Boats & R.V.’s..................................... 3600 Heavy Trucks....................................... 3700 Light Trucks......................................... 3800 Motorcycles & Quads.......................... 3900 Snowmobiles....................................... 4000 Trailers................................................. 4100 Vans.................................................... 4200
Harry Vissers
Harry (403) 327-0349 cell: (403) 330-9345 Peter (403) 739-2122 cell: (403) 382-8637 www.harryvissersfarmequipment.com
Announcements....................................... 90 Antiques................................................. 200 Coins..................................................... 201 Auctions................................................. 300 Construction Equipment........................ 400 Dairy & Supplies.................................... 500 Farm Machinery..................................... 600 Haying Equipment................................. 601 Combines & Headers............................ 602 Fertilizer Equipment............................... 603 Seeding & Tillage.................................. 604 Spraying Equipment.............................. 605 Swathers & Mower/Conditioners........... 606 Tractors................................................. 608 Miscellaneous........................................ 609 Machinery Parts..................................... 610 Farm Buildings....................................... 700 Granaries & Bins................................... 701 Grain, Feed & Hay................................. 800 Irrigation................................................. 900 Hogs & Supplies.................................. 1000 Horses & Supplies............................... 1100 Livestock & Supplies........................... 1200 Poultry & Supplies............................... 1300 Sheep & Supplies................................ 1400 Specialty Livestock.............................. 1500 Pets & Supplies................................... 1600 Seed.................................................... 1700 Specialty Seeds................................... 1701 General Miscellaneous........................ 1750 Acreages............................................. 1800 Commercial Property........................... 1900 Equipment........................................... 2000 Farms & Ranches................................ 2100 Houses................................................ 2200 Land.................................................... 2300 Storage................................................ 2400
(601) AD 18-19 AG 26-1
2 - MANURE SPREADERS, good condition; 2 – Dirt Movers; 1 – Front Loader $1200; Flexicoil System Model 70, 48’, p30 packer, good cond., $3,000; JD 8’ 3pt scraper; Tandem axle pipe trailer, $600; Versatile 4400 swather, cab, air, UII PU reel, $3,500; JD 535 baler, clean, $6,000; Knight 510 manure spreader, 500 bu, good cond.; 2 5’ rotary mowers; New Idea 5114 14’ haybine, good cond.; Case 30’ offset disc, clean; 6’ HD rototiller, brand new $1,750. Phone: 403528-4655
Accounting & Bookkeeping.................. 4300 Computers & Accessories................... 4400 Custom Work....................................... 4500 Feedlot Cleaning................................. 4600 Land Mapping...................................... 4700 Parts & Repairs................................... 4800 Rentals................................................ 4900 Travel................................................... 4950
NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $1,095. 1-800-6674515. www.combineworld.com
COMBINE WORLD located 20 min. E of Saskatoon, SK on Hwy. #16. 1 year warranty on all new, used, and rebuilt parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. 1-800-667-4515 www.combineworld.com
New 30.5L-32 16 ply, $2,195; 20.8-38 12 ply $866; 18.4-38 12 ply; $898; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1,749; 14.924 12 ply, $486; 18.4-34 12 ply $770, 18.4-26 10 ply, $890. Factory direct. More sizes available new and used. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com
Employment Opportunities.................. 5000 Employment Wanted........................... 5100 Business Opportunities........................ 5200 Training................................................ 5300
Equipment........................................... 5400 Personal.............................................. 5600
Louise Lawrence Production
A Division of:
“ Where Farmers & Ranchers Look First to Buy.”
Jeff Sarich
General Manager 403-317-3233
Al Such
Advertising Consultant 403-317-3232
Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 • Phone 403-328-5114 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8
Mel McDonald
Advertising Consultant 403-317-3231
Sarah Still Ad Assistant 403-317-3229
Whitney Alvarez
• Fax 403-328-5443 adsales@farmpressltd.com
The Farmer/Stockman AdViser is a division of FarmPress Ltd. and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Southern Alberta.
B14 – THE AD-VISER, JUNE 20, 2013 –
Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy
AdViser Classified Ads (609) Miscellaneous
(609) Miscellaneous
(700) Farm Buildings
(800) Grain, Feed & Hay
ASSORTED STEEL BUILDINGS - Value discounts as much as 30% - Erection info available. Source#18X. Phone: 1-800-9648335
(700) AD 18-19 SK 12-13 AG 26-1 MB 14-15
(800) Grain, Feed & Hay BUYING BARLEY/OATS for feed. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain: 1-877-250-5252. (800) AG 20-26 AD 13-19 SK 7-13
ROUND STRAW BALES - $20 / per bale. Phone: 403-345-4963 or Cell: 403-382-7455 (800) AD 16-TFN
Green &/or Heated Canola / Flax Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, Etc.
1-877-641-2798 Bow Valley Trading Ltd
(900) Irrigation
Sebo Pump & Irrigation Ltd.
YOUR #1 CHOICE FOR TURBINE PUMP REPAIRS • Quality Rebuilt Irrigation Pumps • Sales and Repairs • Domestic Pumps • Engine Drive Discs • Dynamic Balancing • Crane Truck Service Dealer for Paco, Berkeley, Goulds & Western Land Roller Pumps
Easy installation. Identify four d ifferent zones (4 doorbell tones with volume control). 12-V output. No electric wires.
Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
New Crop Alfalfa & Alfalfa-Timothy Hay Round Bales Only
• Last 8000 hrs - output 3,500 lumens • 85W bulb equal to 350W incandescent Available Bulbs Equivalent Incandescent 11w = 40w 13/15 = 60w 23/25 = 100w 85w = 350w 105w = 400w
3000’ Range
y Energ SaveCosts
Contact: Tyler (403) 380-0484 Lethbridge, AB
Wireless Driveway Alarms
(800) Grain, Feed & Hay
(800) Grain, Feed & Hay
• • • • •
Lacombe AB.
RG HAY FARM E B N S LT Nobleford, AB DE We Sell and Truck All Sizes and Types of
Email: jmsvos@hotmail.com
G HAY FARM BERNobleford, N E S LT AB NDis looking for Alfalfa D. A Hay V
NOW ALL GRADES BUYING Competitive Rates Prompt Payments OATS!
Quality Hay and Straw
Office: 403-824-3010 • 1-877-824-3010 Harry: 403-382-1082 • Steve: 403-795-1347 (No Sunday calls, please)
(No Sunday calls, please)
(900) Irrigation QUARTER MILE WHEEL MOVE, 5 ft wheels - $500 OBO. Phone: 403-832-2193 or Cell: 403-548-8857 (900) AD 18
• 250 bu models • winch lift swing up creep panels • full length catwalk • wide, full length lid
Call Ivan 780-621-0863 or 388-3817
B&H Contracting Alder Flats, AB www.bh-contracting.com
(1100) AG 24-25 MB 12-13 AD 17-18 SK 11-12
4-TON ART CATTLE MOOVER: for Tandem, Ground Load & Triaxle Trailer. Phone: 403-6344806, Lethbridge area.
RESTORED BUGGIES, 2 seat democrat & cutters. 2 – 22” scotch top collars. Phone: 204857-4932, Portage la Prairie, MB.
Home: (403) 687-2432 Cell: (403) 330-3871 Fax: (403) 687-2434
PO Box 445, GRANUM, AB T0L 1A0
Steve: 403-795-1347
“30 Years!”
(1100) Horses & Supplies
YEARLING & 2 YEAR OLD CHAROLAIS BULLS, sired by Sanchez, Polled Son of Hank, Western Spur, Kaboom & Preacher. Allen McLeod: 403625-2047 or Cell: 403-625-6118, Claresholm, AB.
Also buying barley, wheat, etc.
Bus. (403) 329-1422 Res. (403) 329-1615
& Timothy Grass standing or Baled for 2013 season. If you have any to sell please call
1225 - 31 Street N. Lethbridge, AB. T1H 5G8
MAKE $$$
(1200) Livestock & Supplies
P.O. Box 882, Coalhurst, AB T0L 0V0 Phone (403) 381-4817 Fax (403) 381-4817 Email: wirada@telusplanet.net
Parts • Service • Repair “SERVICE: Our Promise”
(1200) Livestock & Supplies
FOR SALE: 1981 Zimmatic LP Pivot, 1320 ft, c/w end gun, 5 9/16” pipe - $15,000 OBO. Phone: 403-652-1896
(1200) AD 10-18 AG 18-26
(1200) AD 4-5/13
PUREBRED CHAROLAIS BULLS FOR SALE, yearlings. White & Red Factor, polled & horned, semen tested, guaranteed. Reasonable prices, quiet disposition, good selection. Phone: Curtis Turnbull, Pincher Creek, AB: 403-627-4535 or cell: 403-627-6951 (1200) AD 18-19
EXCELLENT QUALITY 2 YEAR OLD Purebred Horned Hereford Bulls, semen tested, low birth weight - $2,750. Phone: 403-3454963 or Cell: 403-382-7455 (1200) AD 16-TFN
Now Selling Private Treaty on the farm, yearling Red + Black and long yearling blk bulls.
KUBOTA GENSET 18 KVA LIMA-MAC GENERATOR w/ 150 gal fuel tank - $9,500. Phone: 403-223-3500
(800) AG 20-26 MB 8-14 AD 13-19 SK 7-13
(900) AD 18-19
(900) AD 17-18
(900) AD 18
FOR SALE by Private Treaty • Semen Tested • All Records Available • Reasonably priced • Delivery can be arranged Call Jim or Sharon Ross Cardston, AB
403-653-2874 Email: twinlakes77@gmail.com MAINE ANJOU BULLS FOR SALE: Yearling & 2 yr old Solid Reds & Blacks. Semen tested, guaranteed. Rocky Lane Farms: 403-368-2114 or Cell: 403-7429835, Rumsey, AB. (1200) AG 24-25 AD 17-18
FOR SALE: Yearling Charolais Bulls, most polled. Phone, Snake Trail Charolais: 403-628-2108 or cell: 403-627-0125 (1200) AD 16-18
KevLon Land & Cattle Purebred Red & Black Yearling & 2 Year Old Limousin Bulls Raised Ranch Style
(900) Irrigation
BERKELEY PUMP B4EY & 125 HP electric motor pump, just reWATER RIGHTS FOR SALE: 89 built; Valley Pivot 1/4 mile, 18,043 acre feet on Oldman River. For hrs; 125 acre water rights RID. more info phone: 403-628-2346 Phone: 403-733-2142
3 Year Old Purebred Black Angus Bull & Purebred Black Angus Yearling Bulls
Limousin Breeder
(900) AD 18-20
HEATED PEAS/FLAX... Buying damaged pulses & oilseeds. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain: 1-877-250-5252
Call Michael Munton Today 403-394-4903
www.benchmarkangus.com munton@rocketmail.com
KEVIN PH: 403-308-1428 LONNY PH: 403-330-5596
– THE AD-VISER, JUNE 20, 2013 – B15
Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy
AdViser Classified Ads (1200) Livestock & Supplies
(1200) Livestock & Supplies
nance Cattle fi m. a r g o r p rs at y Beve 2 o R ll a 0 C 7 -5 2 8 (403) 3
(1200) Livestock & Supplies
(1200) Livestock & Supplies
Your Beef is our Business!
Bonded & Insured Cattle Brokers • Custom Order Buying • U.S. Cattle Exporting Buy and Sell Bred Cows & Calves • Replacement Heifers • Slaughter Cattle • All Classes of Feeders
c for usto W f m e Ph eedl ers have on ot loo e S spa kin tev ce g e. .
(4500) Custom Work
(4500) Custom Work Call Brian Stoutjesdyk 403-331-7019 Jim Maljaars 403-394-4111
• Alfalfa • Barley • Corn • Earlage
Government Inspected Scale on Premises. Fall Calf Purchasing. Weighed Off the Truck. Cattleliner Service – Canada and U.S.A.
Buyers: Joe O’Donnell (403) 328-2362 Res. (403) 382-9447 Mobile
John Brown (403) 328-3485 Res. (403) 380-0965 Mobile
Swift Current, Sask. Office Ph. (306) 778-2533 Fax (306) 778-9192 Committed to Serving You for All Your Livestock Needs Box 2117, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M7 PHONE (403) 381-3700 • FAX (403) 381-3720 Dale Swartzenberger Ralph Siemens, Manager Web Site: www.primroselivestock.com (403) 327-9667 Res. (306) 773-4913 Res. Box 1685, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4K3 (403) 382-0756 Mobile (306) 741-1458 Mobile
Steve Primrose (403) 382-9998 Mobile
Alberta Prime Beef Corp
(2800) Commercial Property
Order Buyers
1 ACRE INDUSTRIAL LAND FOR SALE: in Rural Lethbridge. Fenced, 6 ft. HD chain link. Based & gravelled, well drained. Corner lot, 2 approaches. Ready storage yard. Offers. Phone: 403308-0968 (2800) AD 17-18
Box 419 Picture Butte, AB T0K 1V0
Located in the Heart of Alberta’s Cattle Feeding Industry. Whether Buying or Selling, Feeders, Fats, Cull Cows, call us for your livestock marketing needs including Internet. We specialize in marketing, cattle contracting, and custom feeding. We also offer a convenient custom weigh facility and truck wash.
Visit us on our website: www.albertaprimebeef.com • e-mail info@albertaprimebeef.com Our affiliated company, M.S. MACLEAN TRANSPORT LTD., offers tri-axle livestock trailers & quad trailers to meet all your livestock needs. Our drivers are licensed, well-experienced professionals. We pick-up and deliver in 4 provinces and 11 U.S. states. Andy Houweling 403-308-8700 (cell) Mac MacLean 403-732-5644 (office) James Christie Clint deLeeuw 403-634-4630 (cell) Brad deLeeuw 403-382-7362 (cell) 403-892-0728 (cell)
(3200) Manufactured Homes
(3200) Manufactured Homes
“Farmers Helping Farmers”
16 Years Old and Still Going Strong!!
Bred cow program! Toll Free
Feeder Program!
No Restrictions • Purchase & Marketing Your Choice
16’x72’ Mobile Home w/18’x55’ additions: new siding, new skirting, new eaves troughs, new shingles, new deck, new windows, central air conditioning, gas fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, pool table, oak cabinets.
Must be moved! Call Kevin: 403-654-8113
www.foothillslivestock.ca Southern Fieldperson:
CLARENCE CYR - 1-403-627-2382 Rocky Mountain House, Alberta (1700) Seed
(1700) Seed
Corns Brothers Farm Ltd. Box 729 Grassy Lake, Alberta T0K 0Z0
OATS - Morgan - Mustang TRITICALE SPRING FALL - Pronghorn - Bobcat - Tyndal - Luoma - Ultima - MLTZGER
FLAX - Sorrel SPRING WHEAT - AC Lillian - Carberry WINTER WHEAT - Emerson - CDC Buteo - A.C. Radiant FALL RYE - Remington
(4500) Custom Work
• Pipelines • Field drainage • Demolition • Building pads • Dugout cleaning
Gravel Sales:
• 1 ½” crush • ¾” screened • 3” crush • 1 ½” screened pit run • ¾” road crush Delivery available Pit located north on Hwy 845 Contact: Henric Sikkens • cell: 403-308-1212 • office: 403-738-4033 fax: 866-887-3057 • e-mail: sikkenshh@aol.com PO Box 120 Turin, AB T0K 2H0 • www.dutchiedirtmoving.com (3300) Realtor Listings
(4500) Custom Work
LAND TRADER ADVERTISING means worldwide exposure for your property. Sell it yourself. One-time fee of $199. Visit www. landtrader.ca or Shelley toll free 1-877-729-4841 for free information brochure.
GRAIN BIN Erection Repairs and Moving. Concrete and Bobcat services. Contact Grainland Sales & Services. Duane Hoeg, Manager: 403-329-1755, Lethbridge, AB
(3300) AD 6 TFN SK 26 TFN AG 14 TFN MB 2 TFN
(4100) Trailers
(4500) Custom Work
60 FLAT DECKS, Step Decks, Gravel Trailers, Heavy Low Beds - $2,000 to $50,000 – Pictures & Prices at www.trailerguy.ca, Phone: 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/ Saskatoon, SK. (4100) AD 17-20 SK 11-14 AG 25-2 MB 13-16
(4500) AD 6 TFN
EQUIPMENT HAULING – Now offering winch tilt deck, swather transport & RGN trailers. We can haul combines, four wheel drive tractors, air drills, etc. Serving western Canada & northwest USA. Vandenberg Hay Farms Ltd., Nobleford AB. Contact logistics@vandenberghay.ca, Harvey: toll free 1-877-824-3010 or cell 403-795-1872. (4500) AD 18-20
• Foundations • Floors • Bin Pads • Feedbunk • Slabs BOX 365 NOBLEFORD AB T0L 1S0 EMAIL:
SORGHUM SUDAN GRASS Seed treating & blending available. Bryan Gary Fax (403) 655-2464 (403) 655-2339 (403) 655-2543 E-MAIL: bryan@cornsbrothers.ca
MILLET (PROSO) FOR SALE, growing since 1995. Tony Brummelhuis: 403-633-1302 (1700) AD 6 TFN
SEED GRAINS: Barley & Oats – grown from several different certified varieties, excellent germinations. Phone: 403-627-2056 or cell: 403-627-0029, ask for Patrick or leave a message. (1700) AD 10-18 AG 18-26
(1750) General Miscellaneous DISCOUNT PLYWOOD Douglas Fur 4x8, 4x9, 4x10 standard or with smooth overlay 3/8 to 1 1/2 inch thick. 1 1/2 and 1 3/4 pine plywood up to 60 ft. 306-2783138. (1750) AG 24-25 MB 12-13 AD 17-18 SK 11-12
• Tandem Trucks • Tri-axle Trucks • Cat track loader • Excavator • Long box trailers Contact: Henric Sikkens cell: 403-308-1212 • office: 403-738-4033 PO Box 120 Turin, AB T0K 2H0 • www.dutchiedirtmoving.com
B16 – THE AD-VISER, JUNE 20, 2013 –
Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy
AdViser Classified Ads (4500) Custom Work
(4500) Custom Work
(5000) Employment Opportunities FULL TIME CLASS 1 DRIVER to haul oil & NGL, pulling Super B’s, minimum 5 yr experience. Drug & alcohol test. Fax resume & clean drivers abstract to 403-883-2797 or email bltrucking831@hotmail. com or call Brian: 403-883-2799
Farmer / Stockman
READ ONLINE Farmer / Stockman
(5000) AD 14-18 SK 8-11 AG 22-25 MB 10-13
20 Miles North of Coaldale on Hwy 845
a Custom Bale Processing Service to Southern Alberta
Call Ken Wiersma 403-894-6411
60 Bal creens Up to8” 5/ to 8” S
The AD-Viser has what you need at your fingertips!
Rubber Rock Resources
H Sales & Service Representing 10 Industry Leading Manufacturers of Livestock Equipment
S.I. Feeder’s
One Time Fencing
– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – b17
Exhibition Park Youth Council Ex-Fest “Battle Of The Bands” (SCHOOL’S OUT BASH!) Announcement of Performing Bands
Lethbridge, Alberta – Exhibition Park’s newly formed Youth Council announced today the Bands that have been chosen to perform at the Battle of the Bands on Friday night – June 28 at Pioneer Park on the Gas King Stage from 5 to 11 pm. They are: Cosmic Charley, Fox Eyes, Penitentz, The Ruby Plumes, Juarez, Open 24/7, Shocked Standards, Sophomore Jakes, Death Pledge, and Lock N Load. The Headliner Closing Band
will be TRAIN WRECK. The event is alcohol free and admission is $5 advance and $10 at the gate. Tickets are available from the Youth Council members or by calling Exhibition Park at 403 – 328 – 4491. Battle of the Bands Prize money is 1st: $1000; 2nd: $500 and third place $250. For more information: Doug Kryzanowski, Manager Marketing, Exhibition Park, Cell. 403894-0525.
Canadian Lord’s Day Association For the purpose of preserving the sanctity of the Lord’s Day (Ex.20:8-11)
Come. Let us join with one accord In hymns around the throne: This is the day our rising Lord Hath made and called His own. This is the day that God has blessed, The brightest of the sev’n Type of that everlasting rest The saints enjoy in heav’n. By: Charles Wesley, 1763
Box 1369, Picture Butte, AB. T0K 1Vo
CASE 2294 (84), 2wd, CAH, Ldr, 7500 hrs, clean unit ..$24,900 JD4110 Dsl, HST, 4wd, 3pt, factory cab, 550 hrs ..$16,995 JD3130 Dsl, 2wd, 148 ldr, bkt, 6000 hrs, good shape...............................................................$12,900 Kubota M7950DT Dsl, 4wd, loader, 3500 hrs ........ $19,900 Kubota M108XDTC (09) 4wd, pwr shift, CAH, Ldr w/ grapple (1600 Hrs) ......................................$55,900
Kubota SVL75 (2011) cab, air, heat, hyd QA, bkt, 535 hrs...........................................................$46,900 BOBCAT 430 ZHS excavator, cab, heat, bucket, 600 hrs...............................................$39,995 BOBCAT model 6B landscape bucket rake, 72” ....$5,500 BOBCAT MT52 WB excavator w/ bkt, Dsl, (935 hrs)..$12,995 BOBCAT 325(04) excavator, ROPS, Dsl, bkt,
TILLAGE & SEEDING Ezee On 14 ft heavy duty breaking disc (like new)........................................................$20,900 Brandt 5000 50 ft H Harrow, hyd angle, 23” tines (very good).....................................................$24,900 DEGELMAN 7000 H Harrow, 70’, man angle (very clean).....................................................$31,900 Degelman 7000 H Harrow, 70 ft, hyd angle (2011) like new ............................................. $41,900 PEACELANDER 16’ aerator ..................................$4,995 AC 26 ft med duty disc (very good condition) ...$18,995
1550 hrs .........................................................$22,900 BOBCAT S300 (05) CAH, pwr Btach, Hflow, 2 spd, ACS, bkt, 4600 hrs ..............................$23,995 CAT 277B track loader (07), cab, heat, bucket, 1200 hrs .........................................................$37,995 LANDPRIDE (HARLEY) skid steer power rake, 72”$5,995 JLG G6-42A Zoom Boom with cab, 3600 hrs ....$43,900 BOBCAT S185G (03) cab, air, heat, ACS, hyd Btach, bucket, 4200 hrs...........................................................................$19,995 Bobcat T190 track loader, cab, air, heat, bucket, 3200 hrs ..................................................$26,995
MISCELLANEOUS NEW LANDPRIDE 10’ trail type box blades! ........$3,995
JCB 520 Telehandler (04), 4wd, cab, heat, forks (2580 hrs) ..........................................$37,900
Dyna Fab SP swather transport (new style - mechanical) .................................$7,995 HESSTON 1200 25’ auto fold PT swather ............$2,995 Leon 425 hydra push spreader,
export hay wanted
Olds, AB Now Buying: – Timothy - 1st & 2nd cut – Alfalfa - all cuts – Alfalfa Mixes - 1st & 2nd cut 4 x 4, 3 x 4, small squares
BEHLEN 170 bu nat gas auto batch dryer
twin beaters, very clean ..................................$23,900
w/ canola screens .............................................$4,995
Degelman R570 hyd drive rock picker (good) .....$3,995
GT580, LPG, pto drive, canola screens................$5,995
Box 1654, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5T2 email: glenmor@sasktel.net
Toll Free 1-888-708-3739 www.glenmor.cc
Delivering to Arrowwood or Olds Plants. Some Direct Delivery Available.
Contact Dan: 403-586-7447 Office: 403-507-8660 • djackson@barr-ag.com
b18 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
Classroom Garden Program Plants Seeds in New Communities Through its commitment to enhancing agriculture education and awareness efforts in the province of Alberta, Agriculture for Life funds the expansion of Sustainable Food Edmonton’s delivery of the Little Green Thumbs program into St Albert, Leduc, Beaumont and Strathcona County elementary schools. The Sustainable Food Edmonton - Little Green Thumbs program helps young people understand where food comes from and the impact fresh food has on their health, the environment and their community through active participation in classroom gardening. Indoor gardens are living classrooms that make learning concepts such as nutrition, sustainable food systems and agriculture literacy exciting and relevant. Program applications are now being accepted for the 2013/2014 school year. Teachers
can learn more and register their class here. Sustainable Food Edmonton’s Executive Director, Areni Kelleppan comments, “With Ag for Life’s support of the Little Green Thumbs Program, we can ensure that our capacity to deliver this program to thousands of school children every year continues and is sustainable for the long term.” “The Little Green Thumbs program is one of the key initiatives of Sustainable Food Edmonton’s efforts to strengthen communities through education. We are very grateful to Ag for Life for their significant support and ongoing commitment to the Little Green Thumbs Program. Together we are able to expand the program and continue to provide the opportunity for the children and youth of Alberta to learn about the food cycle and the envi-
ronment that sustains us in a handson, fun and engaging way,” adds Board President Chelsey L. Bailey. Through collaboration, Ag for Life brings diverse industry and
stakeholder groups together to support agricultural education programs that can be expanded across Alberta. “Ag for Life provides committed funding and support that
enables the delivery of great programs, removing financial pressure and allowing full concentration on delivery and successful outcomes,” comments Ag for Life CEO David
Sprague. “Together we can increase the reach of these programs across the province and enhance their long term sustainability.”
Fables of Fido’s Food:
Chicken vs. Chicken Meal Choosing a type of dog food can be challenging, especially when trying to interpret pet food lingo. Questions arise such as, what’s the difference between chicken and chicken meal? Consumers often think that raw chicken is a better source of protein than chicken meal. However, as you will find out, chicken meal provides a higher concentration of protein than raw chicken. The American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) created standards which pet food companies can follow when developing pet food. AAFCO’s definition of chicken is, “the clean combination of flesh and skin with or without bone, derived from the parts or whole carcasses of chicken, without feathers, heads, feet or guts.” AAFCO’s definition of chicken meal is defined as, “the dry rendered product from a combination of clean flesh and skin with or without bone, derived from the parts of whole carcasses of chicken, without feathers, heads, feet or guts.” So, what is the major difference? Chicken is the un-rendered meat taken from the processing plant which contains a high amount of water, fat and accidental bone. It contains approximately 65 to 70 per cent moisture, 12 to 15 per cent protein, and 10 per cent fat, and it has not undergone any heat processing. Chicken meal is the rendered meat that has been ground up and gone through a cooking process, which dries a processed chicken and separates the fat, leaving behind a highprotein chicken meal. Chicken meal contains 10 per cent moisture and 65 per cent protein. Due to the cooking process the protein content becomes much more concentrated. When developing pet food, ingredients are listed according to their weight prior to cooking. Chicken weighs a lot due to high water content, so it becomes the first ingredient listed. However, after cooking the moisture levels are reduced, therefore chicken based on weight is no longer the first ingredient. By using chicken meal, where water is already removed, the weight before and after cooking remains the same, thus chicken meal remains the first ingredient. So at first glance, you may think chicken is the first ingredient, but after taking into account the water content, it may become the third,
fourth, or even fifth ingredient! Some studies have shown that chicken, because it still contains fat and only goes through one cooking process, is a higher quality protein and may have higher preference by dogs than chicken meal. Chicken meal undergoes two cooking processes, which results in slightly decreased protein quality compared to chicken due to the breakdown of amino acids. However, a study by Dozier et al., (2003) has shown that different chicken meals have little variation in protein quality. So now the decision may come down to Fido’s’ preference for taste or your assurance of the protein content. Do you want chicken, which may no longer be the first ingredient, but preferred by dogs because of taste, texture and smell - or chicken meal, which maintains animal protein as the first ingredient, but may have lower preference by dogs? This is the sixth article in a series of articles by students in the Capstone program, a program offered in the Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Alberta. Capstone is a course that students take at the end of their degree program. Every student in the Faculty must take a capstone course, and several courses have been “customized” to fit the degree major. The students take all that they have learned and integrate it into a substantive project that provides a further learning experience. Year two of the Capstone Programs partnering with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development had over 40 students in both the fall and winter terms. The students’ projects involve undergraduate research, business case studies and business planning for example. The goal is to work on real life business challenges. For information on the Capstone program, contact Margurite Thiessen, value chain development specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, at 780-968-3513. For more information about Alberta’s thriving pet food industry, visit the pet food industry page on Alberta Agriculture’s website, or contact Leona Reynolds-Zayak, business development specialist – pet foods, with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development at 780853-8103.
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– THE AD-VISER, june 20, 2013 – b19
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w/ LX156 loader w/ bucket & grapple Cab Damage Genesis Engine Dual PTO
Dismantling a Variety of Haying Equipment
g n i l t n disma Degelman 6-way, 14 ft. Blade
New Arrivals in for Dismantling • MXU125 Case/IH • KR1280 Steiger w/ 14 ft. Degelman, 6 way blade • ST250 Steiger • 8850 JD • 722 CCIL • 7000 Westward
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b20 – THE Ad-VISER, june 20, 2013 –
VULCAN (403) 485-2231 • 1-800-264-2259 HIGH RIVER (403) 652-7797 • 1-877-652-7878 4WD TRACTORS
JD STS COMBINES JD 9870 STS 2009, 308 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr . . . . $305,000 JD 9870 STS 2008,
890 hrs., MD PW7 PU hdr . . $275,000 rubber roll cond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000
JD 9770 STS 2011,
NH 1475 2001, sickle,
420 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr . . . . $305,000 rubber roll cond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000
JD 9770 STS 2009, 500 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr . . . . $265,000
JD 9330 2010, 920 hrs., PS, 710 x 42 duals, Hi-Flo Hyds . . . . . . .
JD 9770 STS 2009,
750 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr . . . . $250,000
$240,000 JD 9770 STS 2009,
JD 896 14', hay header
off of JD 400A or JD 4895 windrower, CIH 8750 PT . . . . . . . . . . . .$12,000 rubber roll cond. . . . . . . $25,000
820 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr . . . . $245,000 NH 900 PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,000
JD 9760 STS 2005, 1040 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . $175,000 JD 9750 STS 2000,
CIH Puma 180 MFWD, 2008, 1100 hours, PS, no 3 pt, CIH L770 loader, grapple . . . . . . . . . . .$119,000
2175 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . $118,000 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$48,000 JD 9750 STS 2000, (4) JD 936D 2777 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . .$79,000 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From $42,000 JD 9660 STS 2004, 2255 hrs., JD 914 hdr . . . . . . $115,000 JD 936D 2000 . . . . . . . . . . .$19,000
JD 9660 STS 2004, JD 635F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25,000 2305 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . .$95,000 JD 630F 2008. . . . . . . . . . . .$32,000 JD 9650 STS 2000, 2363 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . .$99,000 JD 630D 2009 . . . . . . . . . . .$58,000
JD 830 disc, flail conditioner . . . . . . .$19,000
JD 9650 STS 2000, (5) JD 930D 2459 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . .$99,000 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From $22,000 JD 9650 STS 2000, 2307 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . .$99,000 (8) JD 930 . . . . . . . . . . From $4,000 JD 9650 STS 2000, 2366 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . .$99,000
JD 4895 2008,
Honey Bee 25' header, triple delivery, transport . . . . . . ..Just
D L O S Westward 9000
25' MacDon 972 header, triple delivery. . . . . . . . Just
JD 568 2008, 6200 bales, mega wide plus, mesh wrap, big tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$34,000
1330 hrs., JD 914 hdr . . . . . . $130,000 JD 568 2007, 6800 bales, mega wide plus, twine only JD 9650W 2001, 1855 hrs., JD 914 hdr . . . . . . $110,000 big tires, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$27,000
CIH 625 16' hay header off of
CIH 8860 windrower, rubber roller cond . . . . . $15,000
JD 9650W 2000, JD 567 2004, 1630 hrs., JD 914 hdr . . . . . . $120,000 17,000 bales, mega wide, JD 9600 1994, mesh wrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$18,000 2330 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . .$65,000 NH 688 2002, JD 9600 1991, 3758 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . .$35,000 7000 bales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000 JD CTS 1997, 1873 hrs., NH 688, 1999, 16,000 JD 914 PU hdr . . . . . . . . . . . . .$69,000 bales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000 JD CTS 1996, 1525 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . . . . . . . . . .$74,000 Hesston 856A 2002, 18,000 bales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,000 JD CTS 1996, 2066 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . . . . . . . . . .$35,000 Hesston 560 1991 . . . . . . $6,000
NH 1475
2004, sickle, rubber roll cond . . . . . . $19,000