Publication Agreement No. 40012905
www.farmpressmedia.com Farmer / Stockman
Thursday July 13, 2017
Volume 50 Number 20 LETHBRIDGE, AB • 1-888-494-6228
See Pages A16 and A17 for the best deals on New or Used Farm Equipment
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See our ad on PAGE A11
You might think having John Deere compare their tractors to ours would make us a little heated. However, with our SCR emissions system, it's hardly an issue. 3005 - 18th Ave. North, Lethbridge, Alberta
Deere says they want to compare tractors. We’ll play along if they can stand the heat. Because while our emissions systems treats the exhaust after it leaves the engine, their system sends the exhaust back in where it builds up heat – heat that can affect the needed size of cooling systems, wear components and the life of the tractor. So if you're looking at a Fendt and a Deere, take a good look at the difference because there’s plenty. And while Deere's latest attempt to compare themselves to Fendt may not have found its mark, they're certainly getting warmer.
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Fendt is a worldwide brand of AGCO Corporation. © 2012 AGCO Corporation • FT12C006JB
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