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FARM Press

Thursday, October 31, 2019 Volume 53 | Number 2 Publication Agreement No. 40012905


Farmer / Stockman

AG-viser FarmLIFE FarmLIFE Farmer / Stockman



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(403) 329-6011

See Pages A8 & A9 for the best deals on New or Used Farm Equipment

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See our ad on Page A15


ALL MAKES OF TRUCKS & TRAILERS!! • Repairs for all makes of trucks & trailers • Parts for all makes of trucks & trailers • Full welding services (Aluminum & Steel) • CVIP inspections • RV Service & repairs We Are Four Miles East of Lethbridge on Hwy. #3

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UCTION MARKET 200 A E T T U B E 1 LTD R U 1962 2019 T C PI “Serving producers for 57 years from the same location” . MIXED LIVESTOCK SALES


EVERY TUESDAY @ 10:30 A.M. Slaughter Cattle, Cows & Bulls

EVERY SATURDAY @ 10:00 A.M.: Pigs, Sheep, Goats, Horses




SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 - 10:00 A.M. to get updated info on all of our sales!

Ph. 403/732-4400 •




EQUIPMENT 610 - 30 Street North Lethbridge, AB T1H5G6


THEN @ 11:30 A.M.: Baby Calves, Bred Cows, Cow/Calf Pairs, Milk Cows, Light Feeder Cattle

Go to


Fax 403/732-4405

Owner/Auctioneer: Erik Dunsbergen Office: Jennifer Schultz • Lic. 307064

A2 Thursday, October 31, 2019

Southern Alberta Adviser

planned PLANNED marketing MARKETING pay$! PAY$! We’re 3 Miles East of Lethbridge on Highway 3 & 1/4 Mile South on the Broxburn Road.

STOCK COW COW AND BRED HEIFER SALES – 1:00 p.m. STOCK TUESDAY,November OCTOBER 29TH AT 1:00 p.m. P.M. Tuesday, 5Th aT

all these females sell




DUA 271Y

DUA 113Z


WESTFIELD FARMS barry musIL 49Top Fancy & Blk Cows, 30 EndRed Solid Blk Angus Angus XHfrs, NVB3yrs to 5yrs Bredtotoeasy Red calving and BlkBlk Bulls. BullsBulls. in June 15th. Out AugApril 1st.8th Bred Angus Breeding starts TRACY & CHRISTY Full Herd Health ProgramROBERTSON – Complete Dispersal 130 Outstanding Cows Consisting of: meheW FarmsAngus & raNChes 80%Outstanding Blk Angus Cows, 3 yrs.&toAngus 8 yrs. Xold. 160 Red Angus Hfrs & 2nd Calvers Consisting of: 20% Angus X Simm 40 RedRBF Hfrs; 40 RBF Hfrs; Cows, 3 yrs. to 8 yrs. old Bred Blk & Red Simmental or Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 15th. Out Aug 1st. 40 BBFtoHfrs LEHR FAMILY Complete Bred to Red Angus–Hfr Bulls. BullsDispersal in May 23rd 139Red Impressive Blkcalvers and Red Angus X Cows, 3 to 6 yrs. old. 40 & RBF 2nd BredtotoNish Eldorado Blk Angus Bulls.Creek Bulls Red in June 21stBulls. Bred Charolais or Yarrow Angus Also inselling BlkExpected Angus Bulls . calving in March. Bulls June69th. to start LAIDLAW RANCHING CurTIs LeIshmaN 82 Excellent Angus & Angus X Hfrs Consisting of: 25 Power House Bred Females Consisting of: 48 Solid Red Hfrs; 15 Solid Blk Angus Hfrs; 5 BBF Hfrs; 5 Red Angus, 2nd calvers 34 Rnk Simm X Hfrs Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 20th. Out July 3rd. Bred to Easy Calving Low birth wt Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in Jul 5th. Out Aug 19th easy ray aNGus Full Herd Health Program in Spring, Ivomec in Fall 50 Remarkable Blk Angus Hfrs. Bred to easy calving Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls inTUESDAY, May 9th. For a 90 day breeding program. 5TH Full HerdAT Health Program. NOVEMBER 1:00 P.M. suNdoWN Farms BARRY MUSIL 54 Select Solid Blk Angus Hfrs, NVB – No Brands 30 Top EndAngus Solid Bulls. Blk Angus NVB14th Bulls. Out July 23rd. Bred to Blk BullsHfrs, in June Bred to easy calving–Blk Angus Bulls. Breeding starts April 8th FraNK CudraK Complete dispersal FullExcellent Herd Health Program 75 Angus X Cows, 4 yrs to 8 yrs old Consisting of: MEHEW FARMS & 25 RANCHES 35 Blk Angus X Cows; Red Angus X Cows; 15 Tan Cows. Bred to Blk Angus Allen 160 Outstanding Red Angus Angus Hfrs &1st. 2ndOut August 30th. Croft & Easy Ray Angus Bulls.&Bulls outXJune CalversFurGesoN Consisting of: douG 40Attractive Red Hfrs;Red 40 RBF Hfrs; 12 Angus Females Consisting of: 5 Solid Red Hfrs; 7 Solid Red Cows, 40 BBF 2nd to 3rdHfrs calvers. Bred to Red Angus. Due to calve Feb 1st. Bred to Red Angus Hfr Bulls. Bulls in May 23rd LaNarK duCe 40 Red & RBF 2nd calvers 20 Impressive Blk Angus & BWF Hfrs. Synchronized AI Bred to low birth wt “Special Bred to Nish Charolais or Yarrow Creek Red Angus Bulls. Focus” Blk Angus Bull on May 18th. Full Herd Health Program. Bulls in June 9th. Expected to start calving in March. aLberT daLToN – Complete dispersal CURTIS LEISHMAN 102 Stunning Hereford X Red Angus Bred Females Consisting of: 25 Power House Bred Females Consisting of: 10 Rdmx 1st calf Hfrs; 92 Red, RWF, RBF Cows (3yrs to mature) 15 Solid Blk Angus Hfrs; 5 BBF Hfrs; 5 Red Angus, 2nd calvers Bred to Hereford and Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 1st Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 20th. Out July 3rd. EASY RAY ANGUS FrIday, November 15Th aT 1:00 p.m. 50 Remarkable Blk Angus Hfrs. Bred to easy calving Blk Angus Bulls. beN Bulls NIsh in May 9th. For a 90 day breeding program. Full Herd Health Program. 85 Choice SolidFARMS Blk Angus Cows, 2nd calvers, very quiet SUNDOWN Bred to Merrill 10th Bulls out Aug 10th 54 Select SolidBlkBlkAngus AngusBulls. Hfrs,Bulls NVBin– June No Brands pINCher CoLoNy Bred to Blk CreeK Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 14th Bulls. Out July 23rd. SHELDON STUBER 250 Impressive Angus Hfrs Consisting of: 50 Fancy RedAngus and RNK 3yrs Hfrs to 8 yrs old 200 Solid Red Hfrs;Cow, 50 RBF BredtotoM4 BlkBeef Angus Bulls. Bulls. Bulls inBulls Junein 20th. Out Out SeptJune 1st. 9th. Bred Booster May 1st. FRANK CUDRAK – Complete Dispersal rCm CaTTLe 75Select Excellent 4 yrs 2nd to 8 Calvers yrs old Consisting of: 42 Blk Angus X& Cows, BBF Cows, 35 Blk X Cows; RedinAngus X Cows; Cows. Bred to Blk Angus Allen Bred to Angus Blk Angus Bulls.25Bulls June 10th. Out15 AugTan 25th. Croft & Easy Ray Angus Bulls. Bulls out June 1st. Out August 30th. m. GraNT DOUG FURGESON 75 Remarkable Blk Angus & BBF Cows, 2nd to 3rd calvers 12 Attractive Red Bulls. AngusBulls Females Consisting 5 Solid Bred to Blk Angus in June 18th. Outof:Aug 10th.Red Hfrs; 7 Solid Red Cows, 2nd to 3rd calvers. Bred to Red Angus. Due to calve Feb 1st. CuLLIGaN raNCh LANARK DUCEAngus & Angus X Cows, 3 yr. to 8 yrs. old Consisting of: 200 Tremendous 20 Impressive Angus & BWF Hfrs. Synchronized AI Bred to low birth wt “Special 150 Blk, BBF, &Blk BWF Cows; 50 Red Angus X Simm Cows Focus” Blk Angus Bull onBulls. May 18th. Herd20th. Health Bred to Belvin Blk Angus Bulls Full in June OutProgram. Aug 25th. ALBERT DALTON – Complete Dispersal WILL sLINGerLaNd 102 Stunning Hereford X Red Angus Bred Females Consisting of: 135 Fantastic Bred females Consisting of: 10 Rdmx 1st calf Hfrs; 92 Red, RWF, RBF Cows (3yrs to mature) 10 Solid Red Hfrs 70 Solid Red, 2nd calvers Bred to Hereford and Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 1st 20 RBF Simm X Hfrs 10 RedFRIDAY, Shorthorn X HfrsNOVEMBER 5 Blk Hfrs 15TH AT 1:00 P.M. 20 Solid Red Simm X Cows, 4 to 6 yrs old BEN NISH Bred to Angus Bulls. Expected to calve in March/April 85 Choice Solid Blk Angus Cows, 2nd calvers, very quiet Bred to Merrill Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 10th16Th Bulls out aT Aug 10th saTurday, November 1:00 p.m. PINCHER CREEK COLONY GK raNChING – Complete dispersal 250 Impressive Angus Hfrs Consisting of: 400 Solid Hfrs; Red Angus 200Outstanding Solid Red Angus 50 RBFCows Hfrs Consisting of: 80 - 2nd calvers; - 3rdBulls. Calvers Bred to M4 Beef 105 Booster 115 to 6th 1009th. Mature Cows Bulls- 4th in May 1st.calvers; Out June Bred Char Bulls. Bulls in May 10th. Out Jul 30th. RCMtoCATTLE plus! 17 Charolais 2-4Cows, yrs. old. 42 Select Blk AngusBulls, & BBF 2nd Calvers Corey Thomas Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 10th. Out Aug 25th. 82 M.Fantastic GRANTRed Angus X 2nd calvers Bred to Char Bulls. in June Out 2nd Aug to5th. 75 Remarkable BlkBulls Angus & BBF5th. Cows, 3rd calvers Juhar raNCh Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 18th. Out Aug 10th. 110 Fancy RedRANCH Angus X Cows. Bred to Char Bulls. Bulls in June 3rd. Out Aug 3rd. CULLIGAN Jd 200Farms Tremendous Angus & Angus X Cows, 3 yr. to 8 yrs. old Consisting of: 40 Red AngusCows; X Cows, 2nd Angus & 3rd calvers 150Fabulous Blk, BBF, & BWF 50 Red X Simm Cows Bred Bulls inBulls. JuneBulls 6th. Out Aug20th. 6th. Out Aug 25th. BredtotoChar BelvinBulls. Blk Angus in June a&s Farms 30 Strong Red & RBF Cows. Bred to Char Bulls. Bulls in May 25th.



Perlich Auction Mart


DUA 147C

DUA 417C

DUA 460Y


Darren & Joanne Unger Cole & Jordyn Box 705 Coaldale, Alberta Darren - (403) 315-3651 Cole - (587) 370-3700 Ph/Fax - (403) 345-2333 catalog will be available online at:


sale contacts

Cheramie Viator (979) 777-9419

Bohrson Marketing Services Ltd. Scott Bohrson (403) 370-3010

Pure Beef Genetics Mike Marlow (405) 880-0108

Garrett Knebel (219) 508-2657

Optimal Bovines Inc Mark Holowaychuck (403) 896-4990

Peterosa Exports Roger Peters (403) 828-9815

u2 raNCh 2 16TH day - CompLeTe red aNGus & bLK aNGus herd dIspersaL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER AT 1:00 P.M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND AT 1:00 P.M. Monday November 11th at 10:00 AM AND Tuesday November 12th 11:00 AM

Historic Event of– Unrivalled Angus Genetics and Breeding Stock on Offer! 1200 head will be selling; Heifer STOKES Calves, Bred Heifers, Bred Cows, Donors, Herd Sires, plus Embryos & Semen. GKA RANCHING Complete Dispersal GERALD Contact; Unger 587-370-3700 400 Outstanding Solid Red Angus Cows Consisting of: Darren or Joanne Unger 403-315-3651 50 Top or EndCole Angus X Bred Hfrs Consisting of: Sale Contacts; Cheramie Viator 979-777-9419, Bohrson Marketing Services (Scott Bohrson) 403-370-3010, Pure Beef Genetics (Mike Marlow) 403-880-0108, Garrett 80 - 2nd calvers; 105 - 3rd Calvers 26 RBF Hfrs; 24 BWF Hfrs Knebel 219-508-2657, Optimal Bovines inc (Mark Hollowaychuck) 403-896-4990, Peterosa Exports (Roger Peters) 403-828-9815 115 - 4th to 6th calvers; 100 Mature Cows Note: Hfrs originated from the Snow Ranch Bred to Char Bulls. Bulls in May 10th. Out Jul 30th. Replacement Hfrs Sale. rhodes Farms Chase heLGesoN Plus! 17 Charolais Bulls, 2-4 yrs. old. Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 15th. Out Aug 1st. 58 Power House Red Angus X Cows. Bred to Char Bulls. Bulls in June 15th. 30 Fancy Red & RBF Hfrs COREY THOMAS CHASE HELGESON suNdoWN Farms Note: Hfrs originated from the Snow Ranch 82 Fantastic Red Angus X 2nd calvers 30 Fancy Red & RBF Hfrs 240 Excellent Solid Red Angus Hfrs. Bred to Low birth wt Red Angus Bulls. Replacement Hfrs Sale. Bred to Char Bulls. Bulls in June 5th. Out Aug 5th. Note: Hfrs originated from the Snow Ranch Bulls in June 1st. Out July 9th. 39 day Breeding program. Bred toReplacement Low Birth WtHfrs RedSale. Angus Bulls. JUHAR RANCH 110 Tuesday, Fancy Red Angus XNovember Cows. Bred to Char Bulls. Bulls inaT June1:00 3rd. Out p.m. Aug 3rd. Bulls Bred in to May Low 1st. Birth Wt Red Angus Bulls. 19Th JD FARMS Out for a 45 day breeding program. BullsJune15th in May 1st. aLvIN WINCh 40 Fabulous Red Angus X Cows, 2nd & 3rd calvers Full Health Out Herd June15th forProgram. a 45 day breeding program. 95 Impressive AngusBulls X Bred Hfrs6th. Consisting Bred to Char Bulls. in June Out Augof:6th. Full Herd Health Program. suNdoWN Farms 80 Red Angus X Simm Hfrs; 15 RBF Hfrs A&S FARMS SUNDOWN FARMS 275 Exceptional Angus & Angus X Hfrs Consisting of: Bred to easy calving Red Angus 30 Strong Red & RBFU2Cows. Bred toBulls. Char Bulls. Bulls in May 25th. 275Blk Exceptional Angus & Angus X Hfrs Consisting 90 Angus Hfrs, 1 iron; 185 BBF & BWF Hfrs of: Bulls in MayFARMS 20th. Out July 20th. RHODES 90 BlktoAngus Hfrs, iron;calving 185 BBF BWF Hfrs Bred low birth wt,1easy Blk&Angus Bulls. ImLer 58 PowerFarms House Red Angus X Cows. Bred to Char Bulls. Bulls in June 15th. Bred to low birth wt, easy calving Blk Angus Bulls. 355 Fancy Angus & Simm X Bred Hfrs Consisting of: Bulls in June 1st. Out July 9th for a 39 day breeding program. SUNDOWN FARMS Bulls in June 1st. Out July 9th for a 39 day breeding program. 130 & RBFSolid Hfrs.Red Bred to lowHfrs. birthBred wt Red Angus bar X raNCh 240Red Excellent Angus to Low birthBulls. wt Red Angus Bulls. BAR X RANCH Bulls 30th39 . day Breeding program. Bullsinin Mar June30th. 1st. Out Out May July 9th. 251 251 Front Front End End Angus Angus && Angus Angus XX Cows, Cows, 2nd 2nd Calvers Calvers Consisting Consisting of: of: 200 Red & RBF Hfrs. Bred to low birth wt Red Angus Bulls. 161 Solid Blk; 90 BBF. Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. 161 Solid Blk; 90 BBF. Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls TUESDAY, in May 15th. Out JulNOVEMBER 25th. 19TH AT 1:00 P.M. Bulls Bulls in in June June 3rd 3rd Out Out Aug Aug 3rd. 3rd. 25 Blk Angus Hfrs. Bred to low birth wt Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 15th. Out Jul 25th ALVIN WINCH morKIN Farms MORKIN FARMS bLaCK GoLd raNChING 95 Impressive Angus X Bred Hfrs Consisting of: 60 Outstanding Blk Angus & Blk Angus X Cows Consisting of: 91 Choice Red Angus Cows, 2nd calvers. Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 24th 80 Red Angus X Simm Hfrs; 15 RBF Hfrs 35 Blk Cows, 2nd calvers WILLy berG Bred to easy calving U2 Red Angus Bulls. 25 BBF, BBF, BWF BWF Cows, Cows, 33 yrs. yrs. to to 88 yrs. yrs. old. old. 25 85 Top End Red, RBF & Tan Cows, 2nd & 3rd Calvers Bulls in May 20th. Out July 20th. Bred to to Blk Blk Angus Angus Bulls Bulls for for 50 50 day day breeding breeding program. program. Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 1st Out Aug 1st Bred IMLER FARMS Bulls in in June June 10th. 10th. Out Out July July 31st 31st Ted WIesT & soN Bulls 355 Fancy Angus & Simm X Bred Hfrs Consisting of: 25 Excellent Red Angus X Simm Cows, 2nd calvers 130 Red & RBF Hfrs. Bred to low birth wt Red Angus Bulls. SATURDAY, November NOVEMBER 23rd 23RD aT AT 1:00 1:00 p.m. P.M. Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 4th. Out Aug 15th saTurday, Bulls in Mar 30th. Out May 30th . TeLseC Farms – Complete dispersal KRUCZKO RANCH Dispersal 200 Red & RBF Hfrs. Bred to low birth wt Red Angus Bulls. KruCZKo raNCh - dispersal 75 Quality Red Angus & Red Angus X Simm Cows, 500 Reputation Solid Blk Angus Cows consisting of: Bulls in May 15th. Out Jul 25th. 500 Reputation Solid Blk Angus Cows consisting of: 325yrs. to mature 75 3rd calvers Blk Angus Hfrs. Bred to low birth wt Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 15th. Out Jul 25th 75 Bred to Red AngusRANCHING Bulls. Bulls in June in June 15th. 1253rd 4thcalvers calvers BLACK GOLD GeorGe dINGervILLe 125 150 4th 5th calvers to 6th calvers 91 Choice Red Angus Cows, 2nd calvers. Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 24th 10 Exceptional 150 5th 6th to 6th 7th calvers WILLY BERGBlk, BBF Cows 2nd to 4th Calvers Bred to blk Bulls.&Expected to 2nd calve& in3rdMarch Bred6th to Blk Angus Bulls. 150 to 7th calvers 85 Top EndAngus Red, RBF Tan Cows, Calvers JohN Bulls to in Blk JuneAngus 8th. Out Aug 20th Bred Bulls. Bred toKress Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 1st Out Aug 1st 10 Strong Solid&Red Angus Hfrs. Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 1st. Full Herd Health Express FP5 in Spring and Ivomec in the Fall TED WIEST SON Bulls in June 8th.Program; Out Aug 20th ThisHerd will be one ofProgram; the top sets of cows anywhere in Canada 25 Excellent Red Angus X Simm Cows, 2nd calvers Full Health Express FP5toinsell Spring and Ivomec in thethis Fallfall. FrIday, November 22Nd aT 1:00 p.m. Be sure to attend! Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 4th. Out Aug 15th This will be one of the top sets of cows to sell anywhere in Canada this fall. GeraLd DIAMOND ZEE RANCH TELSEC sToKes FARMS – Complete Dispersal Be sure to attend! 50 EndRed Angus X Bred HfrsAngus Consisting of: Cows, 100 Exceptional Blk Angus Hfrs, NVB – No Brands 75Top Quality Angus & Red X Simm dIamoNd raNCh 26 RBFtoHfrs; 24 BWF Hfrs Bred to Low Zee birth wt Blk Angus Bulls for a 42-day breeding program. 3 yrs. mature 100 Hfrs, NVB – No Brands Note: from Bulls the Snow Ranch Bred toHfrs Redoriginated Angus Bulls. in June in June 15th. BullsExceptional in June 5th.Blk OutAngus Jul 17th. Bred to Low birth wt Blk Angus Bulls for a 42-day breeding program. Replacement Hfrs Sale. Bulls in June 5th. Out Jul 17th. Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 15th. Out Aug 1st.

Phone: (403) 329-3101 • Toll Free: 1-855-PERLICH • Fax: (403) 327-2288 Phone: (403) 329-3101 • Toll Free: 1-855-Perlich • Fax: (403) 327-2288

Southern Alberta Adviser

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A3

planned marketing pay$! We’re 3 Miles East of Lethbridge on Highway 3 & 1/4 Mile South on the Broxburn Road.

EvEry Thursday: regular Cattle 10:00 a.m. & Yearlings at 1:00 p.m.

november 7th

november 14th

presort Calf sales - 10:00 a.m.

november 21th

ranCher Calf sales - 10:00 a.m. weDnesDaYs

saturdays and monDaYs!

Wednesday November 6th Wednesday November 13th Wednesday November 20th Wednesday November 27th

Saturday, November 2nd - Angus X monday, november 4th - (all Breed) Saturday, November 9th - Angus X Sale Dates Are Filling Up, Contact Us Today!

stoCK Cow & BreD heifer sales tuesDaYs & friDaYs & saturDaYs at 1:00 p.m.

Perlich Bros. has an impressive lineup of Bred females this fall. Be sure to check out our website to view listing & pictures of herd dispersals, heifer programs and young cow consignments. Don’t miss this opportunity to incorporate these females into your herd!

tuesDaY, novemBer 26th at 1:00 p.m. Doug Kast 50 High End Red Angus and Angus X Simm Hfrs (Red & RBF) Bred to easy calving CD Land & Cattle Red Angus Hfr Bulls Bulls in Apr 1st. Out June 5th. Full Herd Health Program; vaccinated & scour guard sKipworth farms 100 Choice Red Angus Hfrs Bred to low birth wt Rodgers Red Angus & Brewin Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 15th. Bulls Out Aug 1st. prairie haven white tail 60 Strong Blk & BBF Angus X Hfrs. Bred to Easy Calving Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 1st. Out Aug 15th. Full Herd Health Program. Bar p laZY a ranCh (martin peterson) 25 Fancy Red Angus Hfrs, Home Raised and 1 iron Bred to Easy Calving Rodgers Red Angus Bulls. Bull in June 15th. Out Aug 15th. sunDown farms 136 Outstanding RBF & Red Blaze Face Hfrs. Bred to Low birth wt Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 1st. Out July 9th for a 39 day breeding program. nanCY DaviDson 31 Excellent Solid Red Angus Home Raised Females Consisitng of: 27 Red Hfrs, NVB 4 Young Red Cows .Bred to Registered Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in April 21st

friDaY, novemBer 29th at 1:00 p.m. amBer aCres 130 Exceptional Red & Blk Angus Home Raised Hfrs Red Hfrs are bred to low birth wt Red Angus Bulls. Blk Hfrs are bred to low birth wt Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 27th. Out Aug 1st. sonnY wierenga 180 Select Red Angus X Hfrs. Bred to low birth wt Red Angus Bulls (CD Land & Cattle and Eldorado Angus). Bulls in Jun 1st. Out July 12th. KlauDt ranChes 120 Outstanding Blk Angus Females Consisting of: 70 Blk Hfrs Angus. Bred to Easy Calving Belvin Angus Bulls. 50 Blk Cows (5 yrs to 8 yrs). Bred to Blk Angus and Blk Hybrid Bulls. Bulls in Jul 1st for a 60 day breeding period. eD & KathY BlaCK – Complete Dispersal 87 Excellent 1 iron Blk Angus Females Consisting of: 77 Blk Angus Cows. Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 6th. Expected to start Calving Mar 18th. 10 Blk Angus Hfrs. Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 4th. Expected to start Calving Mar 16th. Full Herd Health Program; Scourguard, Ivomec.

gm / auCtioneer BoB perliCh (403) 382-7800 Cell.

auCtioneer John perliCh (403) 331-9911 Cell.

terrY olfert – Complete herd Dispersal 35 Impressive Red Angus & Angus X Cows (3yrs to 7yrs old) Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in Jun 1st. Out Aug 1st. Full Herd Health Program

saturDaY, novemBer 30th at 1:00 p.m. murraY & norma mClean – Complete herd Dispersal 300 Reputable Red Angus & Red Angus X Simm Cows Consisting of: 260 Cows bred to Red Max Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 23. Out Sept 6th. 40 Cows bred to Charolais Bulls. Bulls in June 17th. Out Sept 6th. Full Herd Health Program in March; FP5 Cattle Master Gold, plus Scour Guard PLUS! 8 Red Max & Red Angus Bulls 2 to 3 yrs old

tuesDaY, DeCemBer 3rD at 1:00 p.m. u2 ranCh influenCe supreme 4th annual BreeDing stoCK sale at 1:00 p.m. BurKe CreeK ranCh 100 Choice Home Raised, 1 iron Blk Angus Hfrs. Bred to Low birth wt easy calving U2 Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 25th. Out Jul 30th. Expected to Calve April 1st Note: Hfrs are quiet and good temperament. Full Herd Health Program finstaD ranChing 50 Top End Home Raised, 1 iron, Red Angus X Hereford F1; RBF, RNK Hfrs. Bred to Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 18th. Out Aug 18th. Full Herd Health Program. gQ ranChing 437 Powerful Blk & Red Angus Cows Consisting of: 128 Blk, 2nd calvers 10 Red, 2nd calvers 82 Red, 3rd calvers 21 Blk 3rd calvers 87 Blk 4th calvers 38 Blk 5th calvers 65 Blk 6th calvers 6 Red 6th calvers *Red Cows are Bred to U2 Red Angus Bulls. *Blk Cows are Bred to U2 Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 23rd Bulls out Aug 28th. Full Herd Health Program.

friDaY, DeCemBer 6th at 1:00 p.m. hawK eYe ranCh 20 Good Quality Solid Red Gelbvieh X Hfrs (1100lbs to 1200lbs) Bred to Easy Calving, low birth wt Gelbvieh Bulls Bulls in April 14th. Out June 3rd Blue horiZon 50 Excellent Bred Females Consisting of: 35 Red Angus Hfrs. 15 Tan Cows Bred to Low Birth wt Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 15th. Out Aug 10th.

auCtioneer/fielD rep Joe PerLiCh       (403) 635-0310 Justin PerLiCh  (403) 635-5310

lethBriDge Division maChinerY Department phil Boras (403) 382-7710 Cell.

hog Department shelleY vanDerKooi (403) 635-0316

YarD foreman JaKe Daniels Cell. (403) 635-0309

For more information on these consignments go to our website for FULL DETAILS

Don giles – Complete herd Dispersal 125 Top Producing Red Angus X Cows (3yrs to 8yrs old) Consisting of: 45 Tan Cows; 45 Solid Red cows; 35 Red Angus X Simm Cows Bred to Red Max Simmental or Charolais bulls. Bulls in June 1st. Out Aug 1st. Full Herd Health Program. Also selling; 1 - 2 yr. old Simmental Bull and 1 - 3 yr. old Charolais Bulls CeDriC solwaY 30 Blk & Red Angus Cows. Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 20th. Out Sept 1st

saturDaY, DeCemBer 7th at 1:00 p.m.

Consign today!

tuesDaY, DeCemBer 10th at 1:00 p.m. east & west ranChing 200 Remarkable Solid Blk Angus Hfrs, Home Raised Bred to Blk Angus Hamilton Bulls. Bulls in Jul 10th, Out Aug 21st for a 42 day breeding program. Full Herd Health Program; vaccines & Ivomec. o+ ranCh 70 Fantastic Home Raised Blk Angus Hfrs. Bred to low birth wt (61lb-79lbs) Blk Angus Bulls, good Epd’s. Bulls in June 25th. Out Jul 27th. northforK farms 35 Top End Red Angus Home, Raised, 1 Iron Hfrs Bred to Low birth wt, easy calving Red Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 16th. Out Aug 7th. Hfrs were palpated prior to breeding. Full Herd Health Program. Duane hale 100 Outstanding Blk Angus 2nd calvers. Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in Jul 10th. Out Sept 9th. Full Herd Health Program CeDriC solwaY 40 Blk & Red Angus Cows. Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 20th. Out Sept 1st

friDaY, DeCemBer 13th at 1:00 p.m. BoX elDer farming 440 Outstanding Angus Cows Consisting of: 160 Red Angus Cows: 30 Red Angus Cows, 3rd to 4th calvers; 50 Red Angus Cows, 5th calvers; 80 Red Angus Cows, 6th to 7th calvers. 280 Blk Angus Cows: 180 Blk Angus Cows 3rd to 4th calvers; 50 Blk Angus Cows 5th to 6th calvers; 50 Blk Angus Cows 7th to 8th calvers. Bred to Blk Angus Bulls. Bulls in July 20th. Out September 3rd. Expected to start calving April 20th.

tuesDaY, DeCemBer 17th at 1:00 p.m.

Consign now!

fielD reps darCy moorhead  (403) 635-0308 Ken liDBerg (403) 382-8189 Bill perliCh  (403) 540-1884

visit our website: email:  • Lic. 0714651

seven persons Division maChinerY Department Don ZaCharY allan anDroKoviCh (403) 529-7694 (403) 382-0145

Phone: (403) 329-3101 • Toll Free: 1-855-Perlich • Fax: (403) 327-2288

A4 Thursday, October 31, 2019



Southern Alberta Adviser

What Are You Looking For? Performance - Docility - Efficiency - Longevity

Buy Your Herefords in Alberta this Fall November Sales

December Sales

Pahl Livestock Ltd. Production Sale- Friday, November 15 at the Ranch, Medicine Hat, AB Bar Pipe Hereford Ranch Production Sale - Tuesday, November 19, Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB Chittick Family Farms Female Sale - Wednesday, November 20, Mayerthorpe, AB Fenton Hereford Ranch Inc. Production Sale - Thursday, November 21, at the Ranch, Irma, AB Brost Land & Cattle Co. Production Sale- Friday, November 29, at the Ranch, Irvine, AB

Stromsmoe Herefords & Black Angus Production SaleTuesday, December 3, at the Ranch, Etzikom, AB Gemstone Cattle Company Annual Hereford & Angus Bull and Female Sale- Wednesday, December 4 at Bow Slope Shipping Assoc., Brooks, AB LCI Doenz Ranches Hereford & Black Angus Production Sale Thursday, December 5, at the Ranch, Warner, AB Nelson Hirsche Purebreds Hereford Bull & Female Sale Friday, December 6, at the Ranch, Del Bonita, AB The British Connection Bull Sale - Saturday, December 7, Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB First Choice Female Sale- Saturday, December 14, Camrose Regional Exhibition, Camrose, AB

Private Treaty Many Alberta Hereford breeders offer bulls and females by private treaty. Call 780-888-7178 for your copy of the Alberta Hereford Directory to locate a Hereford breeder near you.

Southern Alberta Adviser

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A5

Drive Your Baldie Program Selling 35 Long Yearling Bulls & 60 Bred Heifers 1 p.m. Tuesday, November 19 Balog Auction Market, Lethbridge, AB

For complete performance information, photos and video on all our sale cattle. Jay Cross Stop by the Ranch anytime Ph: 403-978-2767 to view our sale offering Doug Finseth Ph: 403-852-3865

Turn W on Elizabeth ST 5 km W of Okotoks AB

Southern Alberta Adviser

A6 Thursday, October 31, 2019

FRESH WATER ON DEMAND 24 HOURS A DAY Ritchie manufactures a complete line of livestock watering products with the highest specifications in the industry. Designed for rugged situations, extreme weather, and energy efficiency there is sure to be a waterer that will fill your needs.


For more information on the fountain designed to fit your needs, contact:

Menzo Vander Deen Granum, Alberta


All Ritchie Waterers Feature A 10 Year Warranty


OLS TUBS Enhance Digestibility for BETTER Forage Utilization This protein, energy, concentrated vitamin and mineral package is designed for use on growing and mature beef cattle being fed grass hay, dry grass, pasture, or for mature beef cattle on very poor quality roughage. Contains extra AMAFERM, which is proven to be an effective replacement for 3 pounds of pellets or grain. Also includes BIO-MOS to aid in the building of the immune system. BIOMOS has been proven effective on E-coli and Salmonella, where pharmaceuticals have failed.

¶ FCI approved, no restricted use protein products. ¶ Complete well balanced vitamin and mineral program. Formulations to fit all phases of production livestock. ¶ Enhanced roughage utilization through Amaferm. Animals will have a better fill, visibily less fiber is seen in the manure in 10 days to 2 weeks.

Fleming Stock Farms OLS Dealer Granum, AB Cell: 403-625-0427 Phone: 403-687-2288 Toll Free: 1-800-565-5288

Simply the Best!

¶ Substantial roughage savings: 15-30% on hay and up to 50% on corn stalks. ¶ Less time between parturition and first heat, stronger heat signs and faster breed back, higher conception rates and stronger offspring at birth. ¶ Healthier immune system, improved disease resistance, lower costs for supportive vet care. OLS #8 CA Performance Equine ¶ Heavier weaning weights, it puts more pounds on the Performance Horse Tubs with added Bio Mos., D.E. & Oxygen ground for you. OLS #9 CA Bovine Breeder ¶ Guaranteed consumption control to improve your Most Concentrated All-Around Tub overall bottom line. OLS #10 CA Bovine Breeder B SPECIAL ORDER AVAILABLE Most Concentrated with added Bio Mos OLS #14 CA Bovine Breeder D Layne Cook Most Concentrated Tub with added D.E. OLS Dealer OLS #20 CA Performance Bull Special Tub for Backgrounding Young Bulls with Ph: 403-653-3254 added Bio Mos, D.E., Oxygen, & Selplex Cell: 403-331-0561 Email: OLS #22 CA Bovine Breeder BD Most Concentrated Tub with added Bio Mos & D.E.



Simply the Best!

Box 2293 Cardston, AB T0K 0K0

FAMILY BUILT. FAMILY BACKED Serving Western Canada for Over 20 Years!



Shops | Barns | Riding Arenas | Machine storage

Lethbridge (South) 403-380-7831

Vegreville (North) 780-603-5095

Southern Alberta Adviser

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A7

PO Box 1330 • Fort Macleod, AB T0L 0Z0 • 1-888-553-7715 • Fax 403-553-4264



Allan Lively 403.627.7776 Justin Keeley 403.627.6534 Darren Shaw 403.601.5165

Dan McDougall 403.634.0604 Cody Sawley 403.652.0684 Steve Quinton 403.653.7228

Frank Jenkins 403.627.6700 Jay Nelson 403.652.0402

Skyler McBride 403.815.5867 Colin McNiven 403.793.1699

Ryan Konynenbelt 403.892.6534

SK: William Beierbach 306.299.2073

SK: Dan Sawley 306.607.9043

REGULAR CATTLE SALES Tuesdays @ 9am | online at: SUN 27

MON 28

October SUN


November 11



9am Regular Sale Featuring Calves and Yearlings





9am Regular Sale Featuring Calves and Yearlings

9am Regular Sale Featuring Calves and Yearlings






9am Regular Sale Featuring Calves and Yearlings








9am Reg. Sale Feat. Pre-conditioned and Fresh weaned calves




9am Last Regular Sale of 2019
















1pm Bred Sale


10am All-Breed Calf Sale

1pm Bred Sale


12pm Western Canada Lamb, Sheep, & Goat Sale

1pm Bred Sale




5 1pm Bred Sale


FRI 6 1pm Brylor Ranch Bull & Female Sale




1pm 66 Ranch Bull Sale



20 1pm Charmaine Ranching Bull Sale


CORNERVIEW RANCH: 10 Red AngusX Simmental Bred Heifers. Bred To: Low BW Red Angus Bull, turned out March 20/19 and pulled May 14/19. - 53 Fancy Red Angus X Simmental Bred Heifers. Bred To: W Sunrise Angus Easy Calving Red Bulls, turned out May 1/19 and pulled June 30/19 - 6 Black Blaze & Black Baldie Bred Heifers. Bred To: W Sunrise Angus Easy Calving Black Bull, turned out May 1/19 and pulled May 22/19 and then exposed to Cornerview Red Angus Heifer Bull - 20 Red Angus X Simmental Bred Cows. Ranging in age from 2nd calvers to 5th calvers...Absolutely NO Culls! Bred To: Cornerview Ranch Simmental Bulls, turned out March 20/19 and pulled May 14/19. TRAUTMAN CATTLE CO: 15 RBF/RWF Bred Heifers. 5 Solid Red Bred Heifers. Bred To: Low BW Red Angus Bulls, turned out June 3/19 and pulled July 17/19 CHARMAINE RANCHING: 30+/- Red & RBF Young Bred Cows. 3-5 Years Old. Bred To: Charmaine Charolais Bulls for February 15 - April 15 Calving. LIVINGSTONE COLONY: 40+/- Red & RBF SimmentalXAngus Bred Heifers. Bred To: Red Angus Easy Calving Heifer Bulls, turned out May 15/19 and pulled June 28/19 (45 days) SALT RANCH: 60+/- Red AngusX Gelbvieh Bred Heifers. Bred To: Beef Booster M3 Easy Calving Bulls. 75% Red Bulls, 25% Black Bulls. Turned out June 9/19 and pulled August 7/19

MESABI RANCHES: 300+/- Bred Cows from 3rd calvers to mature cows. 60% Black/BBF, 40% Red/RBF. 250+/- Bred To Charolais Bulls. 50+/- Bred To Hereford Bulls. Bulls turned out June 18/19 and pulled August 5/19 (48 days) DUSTIN & MARLA GONNET: 75+/- Impressive Bred Heifers. Black, BBF, Black Baldie. Bred To: Easy Calving Black Angus Bulls, turned June 15/19 and pulled August 1/19 (45 days!) - 50+/- Bred Cows. 70% Black/BBF. 30% Red/RBF. 3rd Calvers to Mature. Bred To: Black Angus Bulls, turned out July 1/19 and pulled September 1/19 CARTER MARR: 30 Solid Black Bred Heifers. Bred To: Easy Calving Black Angus Bulls, turned out June 27/19 and pulled August 15/19


November 13 Bred Sale

November 20 Bred Sale

1pm Bred Sale


1pm 9am Southern Regular Sale Angus Farms Bull Sale








10am All-Breed Calf Sale

9am Regular Sale Featuring Calves and Yearlings








November 27 Bred Sale

C&B CATTLE CO: 135 Fancy Red & RBF Bred Heifers. Bred To: Low BW Red Angus Heifer Bulls, turned out May 10/19 and pulled June 25/19 (45 Days!) BARB MCRAE: 50 Young Red & RBF Bred Cows. 30 - 3rd Calvers. 20 - 4th & 5th Calvers. Bred To: Charolais Bulls, turned out June 10/19 and pulled August 10/19. KYLE THOMSON: 100+/- Young Bred Cows. 3rd to 5th Calvers. 70+/- Red & RBF. 30+/- Black & BBF. Bred To: Charolais Bulls, turned out July 2/19 and pulled September 5/19. SHODEREE RANCH: 11 Solid Red Bred Heifers. Bred To: Easy Calving Red Bulls, turned out July 3/19 and pulled July 29/19 (25 Days!) - 30+/- Middle Aged to Mature Bred Cows. Majority Solid Red, Some RWF/RBF. Bred To: Red Angus Bulls, turned out July 3/19 and pulled August 31/19.

December 4 Bred Sale

MERIDIAN CATTLE CO: 300+/- Bred Cows. Ranging from 2nd Calvers to Mature. 50% Red / RBF. 50% Black / BBF. Bred To: Powerful Charolais Bulls, turned out June 15/19 and pulled August 15/19. Red & Black Angus Bulls were turned out for the second cycle, turned out July 15/19 and pulled August 15/19.

For more detailed information, go to!

Southern Alberta Adviser

A8 Thursday, October 31, 2019

Introducing the world’s largest draft tractor.

FENDT 1000 VARIO FENDT 1000 VARIO Introducing the world’s largest draft tractor.

BIG. STRONG. UNIQUE. The new Fendt® 1000 Vario opens up a brand new power segment, delivering 380-500 HP. The Fendt 1000 Vario delivers outstanding maneuverability, unmatched power, optimal traction and superior operator comfort. BIG. STRONG. UNIQUE. The new Fendt® 1000 Vario opens up a brand new Experience power segment, delivering TheFendt. Fendt 1000 Vario delivers why the best-run 380-500 operations outstanding maneuverability, unmatched power, optimal traction and superior operator comfort.

Experience why the best-run operations run Fendt.


Ask us about extended warranty!

Fendt 1038S4 (2017), 380 hp, front axle & cab suspension, 5 remotes, CVT(50kph), 750/75R46 rears & duals, 650 fronts & duals, 60GPM hyd pump, super comfort seat, exhaust brake, Varioguide std, LED worklights, front 3pt, front weight, 1025 hrs, DESIGNLINE BLACK, warranty remaining . . . 395,000 Fendt 1038S4 (2017), 275 hp, front axle & cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), IF650/38 rears & duals, IF650 fronts & duals, hi flow hyd, exhaust brake, Varioguide std, front weight, 1810 hrs, warranty remaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379,000 Fendt 927 (2016), 225 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 5 remotes, CVT (50kph), 520/46 rears, 18 .4 fronts, hi flow hyd, super comfort seat, exhaust brake, Varioguide std, LED worklights, front 3pt & pto, front remotes, 2130 hrs ., warranty remaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285,000 Fendt 933 (2015), 275 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 5 remotes, CVT (50kph), rear duals, hi flow hyd, super comfort seat, exhaust brake, Varioguide std, LED worklights, front pto, rear weights, 2330 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280,000 Fendt 824 (2015), 185 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 5 remotes, CVT(50kph), 710/42 rears, 600 fronts, hi flow hyd, super comfort seat, exhaust brake, Varioguide std, 1850 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255,000 Fendt 936 (2012), 300 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, SOLD 4 remotes, CVT (50kph), 710/42 rears and duals, 620 fronts, 48 GPM hyd, super comfort seat, exhaust brake, Varioguide std, Xenon lights, 4760 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236,000 Fendt 822 (2015), 185 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 710/42 rears, 540 fronts, hi flow hyd, super comfort evolution seat, exhaust brake, Varioguide std, LED worklights, 1910 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230,000 Fendt 930 (2011), 250 pto hp, front axle & suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 18 .4 fronts, 520/46 rears & duals, Michelin, hi flow hyd, super comfort seat, front 3pt, exhaust brake, autosteer, Xenon lights, 2 front remotes, front & rear weights, 4540 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174,000 Fendt 818 (2004), 160 pto hp, 4 remotes, CVT (50kph), 320/54 rears & duals, 320 fronts, 9230 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . 69,000

Fendt 724 (2017), 197 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT (50kph), 650/42 rears, 540 fronts, 10 .4” terminal, super comfort seat, loader, grapple bucket, 1850 hrs ., warranty remaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260,000 Fendt 724 (2014), 197 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 650/42 rears, 540 fronts, hi flow hyd, deluxe seat, Varioguide std, Xenon worklights, 2995 hrs, loader, grapple bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234,000 Fendt 716 (2016), 131 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 580/42 rears, 540 fronts, hi flow hyd, 10 .4" terminal, super comfort seat, Varioguide std, rear weights, 3090 hrs, loader, grapple bucket, warranty remaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219,000 Fendt 714 (2016), 110 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 580/42 rears, 540 fronts, hi flow hyd, 10 .4” terminal, super comfort seat, Varioguide std, 1950 hrs, loader, grapple bucket, warranty remaining . . . 215,000 Fendt 716 (2014), 131 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 580/42 rears, 540 fronts, hi flow hyd, 10 .4” terminal, deluxe seat, rear weights, loader, grapple bucket, 2540 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196,000 Fendt 716 (2014), 131 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 540 fronts, 580/38 rears, hi flow hyd, Varioguide std, deluxe seat, rear weights, loader, grapple bucket, 2760 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186,000

OTHER TRACTORS J.D. 7280R (2012), 232 pto hp, 4 remotes, IVT (40kph), 600 fronts, 650/38 rears, joystick, loader ready, 3pt, JD H480 loader, grapple bucket, 2270 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . 219,000 J.D. 8295R (2010), 242 pto hp, 4 remotes, 380/54 rears and triples,380 fronts and duals, hi flow hyd, front weights, 4115 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183,000 CaseIH Magnum 225 CVT (2013), 195 pto hp, 3 remotes, CVT, 320/54 rears & duals, 16 .9 fronts, GPS, AutoGuide, Trimble AFS 262 RTK receiver, front weights, 3 pt, 1665 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147,000


N.H. TG285 (2004), 240 pto hp, 4 remotes, 710/38 rears, 600 fronts, front & rear weights, 5440 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,000

Fendt 724 (2017), 197 pto hp, front axle & cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT (50kph), 650/42 rears, 540 fronts, hi flow hyd, SOLD 10 .4” terminal, super comfort seat, exhaust brake, Varioguide std, LED worklights, front 3pt & pto, front remotes, 1325 hrs, loader, grapple bucket, warranty remaining . . . . . . . . . . . 295,000

M.F. 1734E (2017), 34 hp, 15x19 .5 rears, 27x8 .5 fronts, 3 pt, joystick, 10 hrs, quick attachSOLD 60” bucket, loader, warranty still available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,900

Ask us about extended warranty!

LARGE SQUARE BALERS M.F. 2290 (2017), cart, blower, luber, 41518 bales . . . 129,000

Challenger LB44 (2009) 4x4, cart, approx . 29000 bales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69,000 Challenger LB44 (2004) cart, blower, granular kit, approx . 25000 bales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,000 CaseIH 8590 (1999) 4x4, 73210 bales . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000

WINDROWERS M.F. WR9870 SP Windrower (2017), 225 hp, bar tires, 22 mph, suspended cab & rear axle, auto climate, autosteer, 9196 disc head, Twinmax conditioner, 16’, 860 hrs . . . . . . 190,000 J.D. R450 SP Windrower (2011), 200 hp, 480 bar tires, rear steering tires, Circle C conditioning rolls with air bags, original steel on steel rolls and hardware, rear weights, JD ATU steering, JD 995 16’ rotary disc header, 1165 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,000

DISC & WINDROWER HEADERS M.F. 5300 Draper Header (2017), 30’, DSA, guage wheels, Schumaker knife and guards, fore/aft, double knife drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,000 M.F. 9126 Auger Header (2016), 18’, steel on steel conditioner rolls, heavy duty reel spider kit, crop dividers, demoed unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,000 M.F. 5200 Draper Header 30’, DSA, guage wheels (8 units available) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17,900 - 28,000 M.F. 5200 Draper Header 25’, DSA, guage wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,000

DISC & MOWER CONDITIONERS J.D. 956 (2017), pull type, rotary disc, Impeller conditioner, drawbar swivel hitch, hyd tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,000 J.D. 946 (2002), pull type, steel rolls, 2pt swivel hitch, 13’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,500

HAY RAKES Fella TS8055 PRO (2018), rakes 2 swaths into 1, 27’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,000

SEEDING & TILLAGE Lemken Rubin 9 (2016), 6M, 24” discs, hyd fold, double tube rollers, drawbar hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,000 Summers MFG DK2610 (2013), 25” discs, 38 .5’ w/w, 10" spacing, floating hitch, SOLD finishing coulter gang, smooth disc, mounted 3 bar harrows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,000 Lemken Rubin 9 (2013), 4M, 24” discs, hyd fold, double tube rollers, drawbar hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,000 Summers MFG Superharrow Plus (2012), manual adjust tines, 5 bar tines, 9/16 tines . . . . . . . . . . . 34,000 J.D 512 Disc Ripper (2005) 7 shanks, 17’ . . . . . . . . 24,000 SOLD

APPLICATION EQUIPMENT Terragator TG8300C (2019), 365 hp, CVT, advanced cab package, camera with 9” monitor, fuel water seperator, LED lights, Raven Viper 4+ controller, Trimble submeter, Raven Slingshot, Fan precleaner, amber beacon, AirMax Precision, Standard Granular, Michelin MegaXbib2 1000/25 tires, 180 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . .480,000 RoGator RG1300B (2017), 120’ booms, 1300 gal SS tank, auto boom leveling and shutoff, rate control, boom strainers, G2 auto boom, end row nozzles, triple body nozzles, 710/38 floatation tires, Raven Viper 4, auto track adjust, leather seat, air ride cab, heated mirrors, HID light pkg, beacon, 700 hrs . . . . . . . . . .400,000 N.H. S1070 (2012), 100’ booms, 1600 gal poly tank, 20” spacing, pull-type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,000

AUGERS & CONVEYORS Rodono Xtend14 (2018), fits Brandt 13" HP auger, retracting swing auger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 Brandt 1370 Auger (2007), hydraulic winch, hydraulic mover, reverser, spout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900 Brandt 1070 Auger (2004), manual lift for swing hopper, 540 pto, spout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,900

MISCELLANEOUS Supreme Intl 1200T Feed Mixer (2015), 10” tub extensions, hydraulic extender, 1000 CV pto, dogleg conveyor, pull-type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78,000 Lucknow 2270 Feed Mixer (2013), 1000 pto, hydraulic fold conveyor, twin screws, tub SOLD extensions, scale kit, consigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,000 Bergen 6000 (2011), full swather transport . . . . . . . . . . 26,900 Phiber VS1202 (2017), stacks 3 3x4 bales or 2 4x4 bales, comes off a MF2270XD baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,900 M.F. AC25 Accumulator fits MF2270, MF2290, MF2270XD, (2 units available) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16,000 / 18,000 MF 2326 Mid-Mount Mower (2017), fits MFGC series sub-compact tractor, drive over model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,200 MF 2340 Front Blade (2018), fits MFGC series sub-compact tractor, quick hitch subframe kit, hydraulic angle, demo unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500


CU FT capacity, • Lethbridge, 3005 18th Ave. North378 Alberta 540 PTO, HD hitch, rubber tub extension, 403-329-8686 • 1-800-461-5356 DG Scale

$28,000 •

Shane 3005 Mann 403-308-0341 ©2019 AGCO Corporation. Fendt is a worldwide brand of AGCO Corporation. AGCO and Fendt are trademarks of AGCO. All rights reserved.

• Lethbridge, Sam 18th Ave.Brendon NorthHanlon Alberta Labonte 403-330-7497 403-715-4332 403-329-8686 • 1-800-461-5356 •

Shane Mann 403-308-0341 ©2019 AGCO Corporation. Fendt is a worldwide brand of AGCO Corporation. AGCO and Fendt are trademarks of AGCO. All rights reserved.

Brendon Hanlon 403-330-7497

Sam Labonte 403-715-4332

Southern Alberta Adviser

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A9

Early order your Morris drill parts and receive:

Call us today about early order incentives!

Southern Alberta Adviser

A10 Thursday, October 31, 2019

UPCOMING BRED COW & HEIFER SALES - 12:00 Noon For complete listings & pictures visit

2019 BRED COW & HEIFER SALES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 LEROY NELSON: 19 Red Cows Bred Char June 8 - Aug. 16 DICK DICK: 180 Hfrs: 120 Blk, 40 Blk X, 20 Red Mix; Bred Blk June 19 - July 31

JAKE HARDER: 55 Blk Hfrs Bred Longhorn June 20 - Aug. 10 COMPLETE DISPERSAL: DON SKRETTING- 60 Blk Cows Bred Fleckvieh Simm May.28-Aug.1

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 COMPLETE DISPERSAL - BUDD MUNNS: 70 Blk Cows Bred Blk July 6 - Sept. 1 COMPLETE DISPERSAL - JORDY BARTMAN: 90 Blk Cows Bred Blk June 29 - Sept.15 COMPLETE DISPERSAL - ODDIE WIGEMYR: 63 Blk Cows Bred Blk June 29 MONTE FREIMARK: 20 Speckle Park Hfrs Bred Speckle Park Calve April 1 COMPLETE DISPERSAL - LYLE BURNS: 70-80 Blk Cows Bred Blk July 3 CHAD SEWALL: 60 Mature Blk Cows Bred Blk July 1 - Sept. 1 DOUBLE DIAMOND RANCH: 65 Hfrs Bred Red June 25 - Sept. 1

BRAD & TAMMY CORBIELL: 60 Hfrs (30 RWF, 30 Red & RBldy) Bred Hereford June 19 LORI GRIFFITH: 117 Red X Hfrs Bred Red (Rebel Creek) June 15 - Sept. 1 ROOKE LAND & CATTLE: 20 Blk Hfrs Bred Blk & Red June 26 - Aug. 23 L-CRAFT FARMS: 20 RWF Hfrs bred Hereford June 10 KRISTINA FLANAGAN: 30 RWF Hfrs bred B/A July 1 for 60 days CHAD FLANAGAN: 20 Blk Hfrs Bred Blk July 1 for 60 days

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 COMPLETE DISPERSAL - SHEILA & ROLF HIRCH: 100 Char X Cows Bred Char June 1 MAJESTIC RANCHES: 450 Head (225 Red 2nd Calvers, 225 Red 1st Calvers Bred Red June 2 - Aug. 10 WINDY HILLS: 200 Blk 2nd & 3rd Calvers Bred Blk June 25 BRAD DESCHAMPS: 35 Blk 2nd Calvers Bred Blk July 1 - Sept.1 OLIVER DESCHAMPS: 20 Bk Cows Bred Blk July 1 - Sept. 1

SAM McKINNON: 60 Red Hfrs Bred Red June 25 - Aug. 19 DOUGLASS BROS.: 80 Hfrs: 60 Red Bred Red June 25 - Aug. 25; 20 Blk Bred Blk June 25 - Aug. 25 JASON HALE: 60 Blk Mix Hfrs Bred Blk June 27 for 60 Days PICKETT RANCHING: 25 Red & Blk X Hfrs Bred Red June 25 - Aug. 1 LEE DESCHAMPS: 25 Blk & Red Hfrs Bred Blk July 7 - Aug. 25 RON WALTON: 40 Red Simm Hfrs Bred Red June 6 - Aug. 6

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 - Gemstone Cattle Bull & Female Sale 1:00 p.m. GEMSTONE CATTLE: 100 Hfrs: 40 Red/Here X, 25 Blk, 35 Blk/Here X SPRUCE TREE CATTLE: 40 BLk Hfrs Bred Blk Gemstone Bulls July 1 (30 days) Bred Blk/Red Carrier Bulls July 1 (35 days) Bovishield Gold Bovishield Gold NOLAN BEAR: 30 Red Hfrs Bred Red June 20 (30 days) Bovishield Gold

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 COMPLETE DISPERSAL - GREG & KATHY DRAKE: 60 Char X Cows Bred Char & Red Bulls July 1 WINDY HILLS: 100 Red 3rd Calvers Bred Char June 25 C&L BEASLEY: 50 Blk 2nd Calvers Bred Blk July 1 - Aug. 25; 50 Blk Hfrs Bred Blk July 1 - Aug. 10 CHOMISTEK RANCH: 110 RBF Hfrs Bred Red June 15

RAINALTA (BILL SWENSON): 80 Red Sim X Hfrs Bred Red June 11 - Aug. 6 COYOTE TREE RANCH: 50 RBF & Rnk Hfrs Bred Red June 11 - Aug. 13 ROEN RANCH: 50 Char Hfrs and 25 Red Hfrs Bred Red June 25 WILL HENRICKSON: 70 Red & RBF Hfrs Bred June 26 - Aug. 26 CACTUS COULEE: 23 Blk Hfrs Bred Blk NOLAN BEAR: 50 RBF & Rbldy Hfrs Bred Red June 20 for 43 days

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 COMPLETE DISPERSAL - COLIN DYCK: 50 Red Sim Bred Char June 5 COMPLETE DISPERSAL - DICK DICK: 500 Head Blk Cows Bred Blk Aug. 3 for 30 days; Hereford clean-up CHIPPING HILL CATTLE CO.: 34 Blk 2nd Calvers & 10 Blk Hfrs Bred Blk July 10 - Sept. 9 WALDBAUER RANCHING: 50 Blk & 50 Red Hfrs Bred Blk June 25 - Aug 14

NEU MUEHL COLONY: 45 Hfrs: 28 Red Sim X Bred Red July 1 - July 30; 17 Blk Sim X Bred Blk July 1 - July 30 ADAM WOLFER: 26 Red Hfrs Bred Red June 20 - Aug. 6 TAMMY STUBER: 20 Red Hfrs Bred Red June 10 DARIN NEUFLED: 25 Red Hfrs Bred Red June 15 (60 days) VERON BEAR- 25 Blk Cows Bred Char Jun.18-Aug.20


Monday, November 4. . . . . . . . . . .(Pre-Book) All Breeds Calf Sale Wednesday, November 6 . . . . . . .(Pre-Book) All Breeds Calf Sale

Monday, November 11 . . . . . . . . .(Pre-Book) All Breeds Calf Sale Wednesday, November 13 . . . . .(Pre-Book) All Breeds Calf Sale

Lachie McKinnon, General Manager.. 403-362-1825 Erik Christensen, Asst. Manager ........ 403-363-9942

Cole Webb, Field Rep ........................ 403-793-5387 Sam McKinnon, Field Rep .................. 403-793-1731

BROOKS, AB • (403) 362-5521 • Fax (403) 362-5541 •

Sales every Thursday at 10 a.m.

Southern Alberta Adviser

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A11

We’re committed to helping you through each and every season. Valley® service teams are trained to prepare your machine for any weather conditions, and know what your irrigation system needs to stay ready.

The difference in quality CALL FOR FALL SPECIALS

Schedule your Valley-certified preventative maintenance check today.


Blade for levelling gopher mounds and mole hills mounted in front of drum. Contact Lorne for details


1081 - 30 ST. SW, MEDICINE HAT, AB


5608 - 64 ST., TABER, AB




A Division of C & H Irrigation Ltd.

Annual Production Sale

December 5, 2019 | 1:00 p.m. | The Ranch, Warner, AB | with Video

41 Black Angus Yearling Bulls | 23 Hereford 2 Year Old Bulls Special Sale Terms

• Half cash sale day, remaining balance due June 1st, 2020 .

• Free wintering on bull calves . • Yearling bulls can be wintered at cost .

• Free fall delivery up to 300 miles to central points . • Complementary beef lunch prior to sale .

He Sells as Lot 42

He Sells as Lot 45

He Sells as Lot 48

He Sells as Lot 43

LCI CATALYZE 212F BW: 89 Adj WW: 746 Adj YW: 1200

LCI 219B PRODIGY 270F BW: 79 Adj WW: 734 Adj YW: 1093

LCI DOMINATE 159F BW: 96 Adj WW: 762 Adj YW: 1227

LCI CATALYZE 15F BW: 77 Adj WW: 784 Adj YW: 1177

Brad & Veronica Doenz Brad’s Cell . . . . . . .403 .642 .7694 Veronica’s Cell . . . .403 .642 .7582 Nelson’s Cell . . . . .403 .642 .7696 doenzb@gmail .com He Sells as Lot 1

LCI ELEMENT 188G BW: 72 Adj WW: 912

He Sells as Lot 4

LCI TORQUE 65G BW: 84 Adj WW: 939

He Sells as Lot 10

LCI REGARD 154G BW: 92 Adj WW: 971

PO Box 128 Warner, AB . T0K 2L0 Directions: 3 .2 KM E of Warner on #504 and 3 .2km N on Rg Rd #170

Visit Us Online @

Southern Alberta Adviser

A12 Thursday, October 31, 2019



2018 Case IH 9240 Lux Cab, HID, Accuguide, Folding Auger, 620 Duals. Stk: 031014 (PA)

2013 John Deere S670 Pickup Hdr, 520 Duals, Long Auger, Autosteer. Stk: 028383 (ES)

2018 Case IH 4440, 120’, Lux Cab, Front Fill, Viper 4, RS1 Autosteer, Autoboom, AIM Flex, LED Lights, 710 Trelleborg’s, 380 Goodyear’s, 537 Hrs, Stk: 030826 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499,000 (SC) 2011 Case IH 3330, 100’, Deluxe Cab, 650’s & 320’s, Viper Monitor, Autoboom, Accuboom, Raven Autosteer, Fenders, Stk: 033310 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $155,000 (ME) 2017 Case IH 4440, 120’, Lux Cab, Active Susp, 380’s & Trelleborg 710’s, Pro 700, AIM FLEX, LED Lights, Accuguide, Fenders, Reversable Fan, Stk: 026963 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $439,000 (SA) 2015 Case IH 4440, 120’, AIM Pro, Lux Cab, Autoboom, Accuboom, Pro 700, Omnistar, Accuguide, 320’s & 650’s, Fenders, Stk: 023117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $335,000 (SA) 2014 Case IH 4430, 120’, Lux Cab, Active Susp, HID Lights, AutoBoom, Accuboom, Viper Pro, AIM Pro, 380’s & 620’s, Power Mirrors, Smartrax Steering, Stk: 023712 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $375,000 (PA) 2014 Case IH 4430, 120’, 380’s & 620’s, AIM Pro, Active Susp, Viper 4, Raven AutoSteer, Autoboom, Accuboom, Lux Cab, 262 Omnistar, Crop Dividers, Stk:027394 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $340,000, (PA) 2013 Case IH 4530 Floater, Lux Cab, 810 Applicator, Power Mirrors, Dlx Light Pkg, Fenders, Aux Light Pkg, Double 6” Auger, Viper Pro, Stk: 025205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $238,000, (NB) 2013 Case IH 4430, 120’, Lux Cab, 380’s, AIM, Pro 700, Accuguide, Accuboom, Autoboom, HID Lights, Stk: 028558 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $248,900, (SC) 2011 Case IH 4420, 120’, AIM, Viper 4, 380 Duals, HID Lights, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, Stk: 028816 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $213,000, (SC) 2013 New Holland SP.365F, 120’ Front Boom, 1600 Gal, 380’s & 650’s, Raven E-Pro,Smartrax, Autoboom, Accuboom, HID Lights, , Stk: 033089 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $249,000, (ME) 2006 Apache AS1010, 90’, 850 Gallon, 380/80-38 front tires, 380/90-46 rear tires, Autoboom, Smart Steer, Tridekon Crop Dividers, Shedded, Stk: 030106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99,000 (PA)


2014 Case IH 9230 3016 PU Head, 620 Duals, Lux Cab, HID Lights, Hyd Hopper. Stk: 031165 (ME)

2017 Case IH Steiger 580 Quadtrac, Lux Cab, LED Lights, Pro 700, Accuguide, 2 Hyd Pumps, 6 Remotes, PTO, 36” Tracks, Tow Cable, Stk: 031839, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $475,000 (SA) 2018 Case IH Steiger 580, IF800 Duals, Twin Flow Hyd, 6 Remotes, Pro 700, Accuguide, Tow Cable, Ballast Pkg, Ext Warranty, Stk: 030999, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $489,000 (ME) 2018 Case IH Steiger 370 CVX, 520 Duals, CVT Trans, Lux Cab, Hi Cap Hyd Pump, LED Lights, Tow Cable, PTO, Stk: 030941, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $385,000 (ME) 2018 Case IH Steiger 620 Quadtrac, 36” Tracks, Lux Cab, PTO, Hi Cap Twin Pumps, 6 Remotes, Accuguide, Pro 700, HID Lights, Tow Cable, Stk: 030991, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $585,000 (SC) 2017 Case IH Steiger 500 Quadtrac, 36” Tracks, Lux Cab, LED Lights, Twin Pumps, PTO, 6 Remotes, Pro 700 Monitor, Accuguide, Stk: 031814, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $489,000,(PA) 2014 Case IH Steiger 620 Quadtrac, Luxury Cab, PTO, Twin Flow Hyd, 36” Tracks, 6 Remotes, Pro 700, Accuguide, HID Lights, Stk: 025032 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $415,000 (ES) 2014 Case IH Steiger 550 Quadtrac, 30” Tracks, Pro 700, Accuguide, 4 Remotes, 57 GPM Hyd, Tow Cable, HID Lights, Deluxe Cab, Stk: 024674, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $320,000 (ME) 2005 Case IH STX450 Quadtrac, 30” Tracks, Powershift, EZ Steer 250 Auto Steer, 6 Remotes, Stk: 031567,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120,000 (SC) 2015 John Deere 9620R, IF800 Duals, Full Weights, 6 Remotes, 115 GPM Hyd Pump, Lux Cab, Premium Light Pkg, Tow Cable, Stk: 032158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $410,000 (SA) 2014 John Deere 9560R, 800 Duals, PTO, AutoSteer, 78 GPM Hyd, HID Lights, Leather Seat, Stk:032267 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $339,900 (SA) 2013 New Holland T9.615, 36” Tracks, Lux Cab, HID Lights, Autoguidance, Twin Hyd, PTO, Radar, ISO, 2700 Hrs, Stk: 025507 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $315,000 (NB) 2011 Versatile 435, 800 Duals, 12 Spd Std, Outback Autosteer, 4 Remotes, 50 GPM Hyd, Stk: 032316 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $179,000 (ME)

COMBINES 2016 Case IH 9240, 620 Duals, Lux Cab, Magnacut Fine Chopper, Hyd Hopper Cover, HID Lights, Folding Auger, Stk: 030244 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $368,900 (ES) 2015 Case IH 9240, 620 Duals, Lux Cab, HID Lights, Long Auger, Magnacut Fine Chopper, Shedded, Stk: 033308 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $345,000 (SC) 2015 Case IH 9240, 620 Duals, Accuguide, Lux Cab w/ Leather, HID Lights, Ext Wear Rotor, Long Auger, Magnacut Fine Chopper, Stk: 029581 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $395,000 (ES) 2016 Case IH 7240, 3016 Pickup, Ext Wear Rotor, Long Auger, Magnacut Fine Chopper, Dual Disc Spreader, 673/477 Hrs, Stk: 027277 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $379,000 (SA) 2015 Case IH 8240, 620 Duals, Accuguide, Ext Wear Rotor, Air Comp, Long Auger, Std Chopper, Lux Cab, HID Lights, Stk: 029071 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $403,000 (SC) 2013 Case IH 7230, 520 Duals, Long Auger /w Pivot Spout, Hyd Fold Hopper, Fine Cut Chopper, Accuguide, HID Lights, Stk: 024148 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200,000 (SC)


2015 New Holland CR8.90 620 Duals, HID Lights, Intellisteer, Folding Auger /w Pivot Spout. Stk: 028638 (SC)

2012 Case IH 9120, 620 Duals, Accuguide, HID Lights, MagnaCut Fine Cut Chopper, Rocktrap, 24’ Unload Auger, Stk: 023485 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $165,000 (PA) 2009 Case IH 7120, 2016 PU Header, 900 Singles, EZ Steer, Pro 600, Lux Cab, HID Lights, Small Tube Rotor, 2100 Hrs, Stk: 025606 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $115,000 (SC) 2013 John Deere S670, 615 PU Header, 520 Duals, Long Auger, Autosteer, 1380/1055 Hrs, Stk: 028383 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285,000 (ES) 2011 John Deere 9870STS, 615 PU Header, 520 Duals, Auto Steer, Premium Cab, Michel Hopper Topper, Stk: 025918 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $185,000 (ME) 2010 Case IH 8120, 900F & 600R, Air Comp, Fine Cut Chopper, HID Lights, Leather, Ext Wear Rotor, Yield & Moisture, Stk: 024410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $135,000 (LL) 2015 New Holland CR8.90, 620 Duals, HID Lights, 26’ Folding Auger, IV4 Monitor, Autosteer, Pivoting Spout, Fine Cut Chopper, Stk: 028637 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $356,250 (SC)


2013 John Deere S690 615 Pickup, 650 Duals, HID Lights, Lux Cab, Power Rear Assist. Stk: 029865 (SA)


2009 Case IH 7120 520 Duals, Pro 600, Halogen Lights, 1536 Sep Hrs. Stk:025262 (SC)

Southern Alberta Adviser

Andy Kent 403-330-4266

Real Estate (Central)

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A13

Al Valin 403-380-0110

1112 ACRES in County of 40 Mile. Native and tame grass. Excellent water. Currently running 100 pairs. Open to Tenders. Contact for bid package. Asking $1,500,000.

Sunrise Panel Manufacturing Ltd.


1267 ACRES MD Pincher Creek. Spectacular foothill ranch. 220 acres cultivated, balance grass. Good water, nice set of outbuildings including 3-bedroom house, hip roof barn and hay shed. Top quality steel corrals. Asking $4,900,000. MLS. LD0174561

Up to 7.5% off for Winter Booking 80 ACRES CLOSE TO TOWN with 4 bedroom 1700 sq/ ft home and outbuildings. Includes 2 steel grain bins, 3 irrigation wheel lines, 6" mainline, NG Chrysler pumping unit, dugout aeration windmill pump.

SUNRISE Line of Custom Equipment 180 ACRES Duchess area. Excellent level land with new corner arm pivot. Asking $2,100,000.

CHICKEN BARNS CLOSE TO LETHBRIDGE 2- broiler barns, 2 -workshops, 2600 sq ft home on 37 acres. 1.6 mil. EXCLUSIVE 70 ACRES SE of Stirling with renovated bungalow, heated shop, mainline & wheelmove. Presently in alfalfa. $1,150,000. MLS

Hopper Bottom

Speed Disc

Truck Decks

Visit Our Website for Complete Details Willingdon Plant (780) 208-3970

Bow Island Plant (403) 393-2513




A14 Thursday, October 31, 2019

Southern Alberta Adviser

NOTICE OF TENDER FOR COUNTY OF FORTY MILE NO. 8 Brock Arthur Dixson, (the “Owner”), is inviting tenders for the purchase of the following lands: REGISTERED OWNER: BROCK ARTHUR DIXSON FIRST - MERIDIAN 4 RANGE 10 TOWNSHIP 3 SECTION 35 QUARTER NORTH EAST. CONTAINING 64.7 HECTARES (160 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. EXCEPTING ROAD WIDENING PLAN NO. 7458GT, 1.05 ACRES MORE OR LESS. EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS SECOND - MERIDIAN R RANGE 10 TOWNSHIP 3 SECTION 35 QUARTER SOUTH EAST EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS. AREA: 64.7 HECTARES (160 ACRES) MORE OR LESS THIRD - MERIDIAN 4 RANGE 10 TOWNSHIP 3 SECTION 36 QUARTER SOUTH WEST EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS. AREA: 64.7 HECTARES (160 ACRES) MORE OR LESS Prospective purchasers are advised to consult land titles for exact size of parcel and registrations on title. The sale shall be for clear title subject to the reservations and conditions in the existing Certificate of Title and excepting any non-financial registrations/ encumbrances currently on title.

CheCk Us OUt At and link to dozens of farm equipment dealers, auction companies and agricultural suppliers. A wealth of information, and ALL of the farm classified ads from Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba.

FOUR DECADES That’s how long our qualified agricultural appraisers have been giving farmers and ranchers the advantage of their knowledge and expertise. Let us give you the same advantage. Give us a call for a no-obligation consultation.


PHONE 394-0608 FAX: 1-866-678-0825


TENDER PROCESS: Offers to Purchase must be delivered in a sealed envelope not later than 12:00 noon on NOVEMBER 18, 2019, (the “Close of Tenders”) to: Penner Law #2, 201 -2 Ave. South LethbrIdge, Alberta, TIJ 0B7 ATTN: Roger G. Penner, Lawyer for the Owner, CONFIDENTIAL TERMS: Any Offer to Purchase to be considered must comply with the following terms: 1. Offers must be accompanied with a deposit by Bank Draft or Solicitor’s Trust Cheque dated NOVEMBER 18, 2019 (not post-dated), payable to “PENNER LAW, IN TRUST” which must be not less than 5% of the offered purchase price. 2. If an Offer is accepted the deposit will be non-refundable as liquidated damages if the sale does not close, but the deposit will otherwise apply against the purchase price. 3. Interest will be payable on the unpaid purchase price from the possession dale until fuIl payment is received by the Owner. The rate of interest must be 2% over the Prime Lending Rate of the Royal Bank of Canada. 4. The Offer must be received in a sealed envelope by the date and time specified above, being November 18, 2019. 5. The Offer must state a firm purchase price; offers which contain any provision that will offer or propose adjustment of the Offer price upward in relation to any other bidder will not be considered, except at the value of the primary tendered price offered without adjustment. 6. All lands may be purchased individually or in blocks. 7. Taxes will be adjusted as of January 1, 2020. 8. All other adjustments will be made as of the Possession Date. 9. Offers must be in writing identifying the purchaser. 10. Offers will not be accepted through a real estate agent. 11. Offers must be irrevocable and open for acceptance until 12:00 noon on November 18, 2019. 12. Possession for the property will be January 15, 2020, (or such date as may be negotiated by the successful bidder, which in any case will not be later than January 31, 2020). 13. Neither the highest nor any offer will necessarily be accepted. 14. Lands are sold “as is” subject to such encumbrances and exceptions as appear on the title as are any buildings or other improvements and the Owner makes no warranty, express or implied, of any kind with respect to the lands, buildings or other improvements. 15. Offerors shall be responsible for the preparation of their own written Offer to Purchase. 16. Offers must contain a fax number or email by which the Offeror may be notified. 17. Offers received will be opened in private following the Close of Tenders. 18. Offers presented are irrevocable. 19. Offers will be destroyed upon satisfactory closing and sale of the lands. Deposits will be returned to the unsuccessful Offerors, uncashed. The Closing Date will be 60 - 90 days from the close of tenders. 20. Acceptance will be deemed conveyed to the successful Offeror by written notice to the email or fax as provided by the Offeror as required by clause 16, or by personal delivery of the Acceptance. 21. The Owner authorizes Penner Law as its agent to execute any offer as instructed by the Owner and to communicate acceptance to the Offeror. 22. Acceptance of any Offer shall be conveyed to the Offeror by Penner Law on behalf of Brock Arthur Dixson. Upon acceptance the deposit shall be cashed and deposited. PLEASE DIRECT ANY INQUIRIES CONCERNING THE LANDS TO BROCK DIXSON, 403-867-2416. PENNER LAW – Agents for the Owner

Farmer / Stockman





NEW: 1100 ACRES M/L: irrigated, some machine levelled, row crop ready for potatoes. North Vauxhall. 109 ACRES of amazing riverfront property. Beautiful area for camping. Oil revenue. 640 AC M/L GRASS: Co-op water. Good grass, lots of water, small lake. 3 1/4’s, deeded. 1 - 1/4 lease. $4,000 m/l of oil revenue. South Foremost. 800 ACRES SOLD CULTIVATED GRASS. 73 ACRES M/L CARDSTON: A perfect site for a country home only an hour from Lethbridge and close to Waterton and Glacier parks and forest reserve. With rolling terrain, a small summer stream, wildflowers. An elevated natural home location exists at the front of the site with horizon to horizon mountain views. 10 ACRES M/L: East of Warner approx.10 miles. Beautiful 3 bdrm home with shop. Amazing well treed yard. Subject to subdivision. EXCL. 960 ACRES M/L: of mixed cultivated dry land and grass. 1 1/4 lease. South Foremost. 800 ACRESSOLD M/L: of grass at Milk River. 50 ACRES M/L: excellent irrigated farm land with amazing home and shop corrals. Taber. 1/2 SECTION of good cultivated dry land north west of Retlaw. 133 ACRES M/L: good irrigated farm land, south east of Taber.



310 ACRES M/L: good cultivated dry land with m/l $30,000/yr oil revenue, south of Taber. PRICE REDUCED. 136.29 ACRES M/L: S.M.R.I.D. water rights of 98 ac m/l, with main pump. low pressure sprinkler system, land would be SOLD great for any row crop. 38.29 ac m/l pasture land, good for possible building site for a home or kept as grass. County of 40 Mile. 160 AMAZING ACRES M/L: mountain view/Beazer Creek front. Amazing view, easy access. RANCH: Gorgeous ranch. Foremost area. Approx. 5500 acres m/l. Home and 2 sets of corrals. Amazing setting with coulees, SOLD small lake and some cultivated dry land. Ready to go. Excl. 1.9 ACRES M/L: Beazer. Easy access. Lee Creek front, amazing view, power and gas. 475 AC: Good cultivated dryland south west of Taber. 131 AC M/L: Cultivated dryland south of purple springs.SOLD 5 ACRES: Serene living! Located near Mountain View, is this 5 acres parcel with views of Chief Mountain! There’s a 2013 Woodland park model home and it’s off the grid! 2513 ACRES M/L of excellent grass with $67,000 of oil revenue. Also approx. 1 1/2 miles of Old Man River frontage. Excellent roads and amazing camping by the river. Approx 1/2 can be developed into dry land, irrigation or cultivated. EXCL.


Southern Alberta Adviser

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A15



Farms, Ranches & Development Opportunities TABLE-TOP QUARTER SECTION


D L O S ID#1101895 GRASSY LAKE, AB 160 Acres, dryland.








ID#1101894 MAYERTHORPE, AB This full quarter of land is good for crops, has trees and is perfect for a private get-a-way in the Summer as well as the Winter. Currently about half of the land is cul vated and was seeded into oats this year. The rest is trees, like large spruce, poplar and tamaracks. Earn extra money with logging poten al. Up ll now the land has been rented out on a yearly base. A full quarter with no acreage out yet! With an abundance of wildlife and privacy all around you, this parcel of land is great for recrea on and/or hun ng as well! Take a drive into the country and see for yourself! About half an hour from Mayerthorpe and Whitecourt.


$485,000 ID#1101892 CEREAL, AB Great 320 Acres cul vated grain land near the town of Crereal in Special Areas 3 near highway 1. Great investment property or add to your exis ng farm opera on. Tenant is willing to rent the land for good return.





ID#1100905 HOLDEN, AB This Land is for sale by Ducks Unlimited Canada and is subject to a “No Break No Drain� Conserva on Easement Agreement. The land loca on is SW-34-47-15-W4. The property is well fenced and has a new fence on 3 sides , the land was seeded to a tame grass mix in June 2018, there is also a dugout for livestock watering.

ID#1100900 RETLAW, AB 4 Quarters of good cul vated dryland close to the BRID canal. This land was half farmed and half chemfallow in 2019. There are two steel bins of 4000 Bu each m/l and $11,445 Annual Surface Lease Revenue.

ID#1100641 STIRLING, AB 4 well-kept homes each have had the roofs replaced in the last 2 years, all houses are on town water, have concrete basements, 100-amp panels, and some updated pvc windows. One dirt floor 50’x155’ Quonset, a concrete floor 40’x58’ Quonset, 3 grain bins, a historic church and numerous other outbuildings in yard. 30 Acres of water rights. Pump, mainline and wheel lines included. MLSŽ






$409,900 ID#1100759 CLARESHOLM, AB If you’re looking for a nice country retreat with amazing views, then look no further! Updated home with 4 beds & 2 bathrooms. This property is fenced and crossed fenced with rota�onal pastures for your livestock, shelters located in 3 pastured areas, barn lean-to area has approx. 7 box stalls, the remainder of barn needs work, replacement or can be removed from lean-to. Approx. 25 Acres produc�ve hay field. Good producing water well, pump house, auto waterers in corral, hydrant in barn. MLSŽ

ID#1100621 MAGRATH, AB 150 Acres m/l of cul vated land with 100 Acres of permanent Water Rights in Magrath Irriga on District. Also includes Reinke Centre Pivot, pressurized underground pipeline, Natural Gas pumping unit & Gen Set. Water rights Rate: $15.00 per Acre. Located northeast of Magrath, turn le† at Wind Farm.

ID#1100818 VAUXHALL, AB Comprised of 94 Acres in total and situated at the banks of the Bow River, this farm has it all. This property has a 1/2 mile of river frontage, and 35 Acres of water rights to irrigate the land, pressurized pipeline at 90psi no need for a pump. The home was custom built in 1997 and is a nice spacious bungalow with a developed basement and a‚ached garage. Various outbuildings include a large Quonset and a coverall building. Currently being run as an alpaca farm and the flock is nego†able along with several pieces of farm equipment. MLSŽ




$3,100,000 ID#1100769 HAYS, AB 252 +/- Acres. All the land drains and is absolutely flat. Property has 2 pivots, one pivot has a new corner system (Reinke corner arm), and 60 HP electric motor and pump. 230 Acres BRID water rights. The house is 964 sq ˆ. Recently built 50 x 80 shop insulated with floor hea‹ng and 28 x 19 door. 2 x 6,800 bushel steel bins and 2 x 2,600 bushel steel bins. Land is seeded to seed Alfalfa.


$759,900 ID#1100801 HUSSAR, AB Hidden gem 31.43-Acre property truly has it all. There are two great homes, a nice 40 x 54 shop, 40 x 80 Quonset, 26 x 64 calving barn, 24 x 64 pole shed, corrals & ca­le handling system, and 1500 head finisher barn. Boasts 1500 head finisher barn, 40 x 54 shop, 40 x 80 Quonset, 2 Storage sheds, a double detached heated garage, set of corrals, 24 x 64 calving barn as well as shelter/pole shed. This property is in pris†ne condi†on!

! s u n i o J Visit our booth at


EQUIPMENT EXPO Westerner Park • Red Deer, AB NOV 6-8, 2019



ID#1100898 LUCKY LAKE, SK The farm features one of the largest potato storage buildings in Western Canada, with eight storage bins making a total of +/-32,000 tons storage capacity, half of it refrigerated. 6106.74 total Acres m/l and Approx. 3417 Acres of which two parcels (130 Acres + 87 Acres) need a pivot yet. Remaining non-irrigated acres are mostly cul†vated. The farm includes a brand-new execu†ve style home, living accommoda†on for employees, a very large shop, grain storage etc. The home yard is located right next to a rail spur, adjacent to Lucky Lake. This farm is an ideal base for a large new farming opera†on for new or expanding farmers, colonies, investors, etc.

3.73 ACRES

New Pr $690,000



$845,000 ID#1100740 NEW DAYTON, AB Located on either side of Highway 4, 2 Parcels of Land totalling 425.75 Acres m/l. Consists of mainly Grassland, an older yard site, with a house, corrals, power & New Dayton co-op water. RID ditch adjacent to NW parcel, potenƒal to purchase water rights.



ID#1100880 TABER, AB Here is the acreage with that WOW factor and room enough for the whole family! Close to town with only 1 mile of gravel - 5 bed, 3 1/2 bath, with an extra room used as an office. Large Open floor plan,vaulted ceilings,bright oak kitchen with a pantry and a garden door to the large deck that overlooks the manicured yard. Master bedroom has a gorgeous en suite. Laundry Room is located beside the garage entrance for convenience. Downstairs has 8 foot ceilings, spacious living room and a full wet bar. Double a†ached heated garage Huge fenced landscaped yard and fully treed for privacy. MLSŽ


$16,775,000 ID#1100667 HAYS, AB Prime irrigated land, 1,421 Acres total, on Highway 524 between Hays and Vauxhall. All in one block with 1,360.76 Acres of BRID water rights, 8 pivots (mostly on pressurized pipeline), 3 yards, over 110,000 bu grain storage and over $47K/yr surface lease revenue. The farm currently also has a BRID lease on an addiÂŒonal 229 pivot irrigated Acres. This is some of the best irrigaÂŒon land in Southern Alberta (see their soil samples), ready for potatoes and other high-value crops! MLSÂŽ


$799,000 ID#1100704 TROCHU, AB St. Ann Ranch Country Inn is selling and a Medical Cannabis Produc on Facility is coming to Trochu. The St. Ann Ranch town se ng comes with several historic buildings that recreate the old west back from the 18th century. With this new facility coming there is even more opportunity and the new owners can grow the Saint Ann Ranch into a whole new direc on. Totally up to you!



ID#1100919 PROVOST, AB 160 Acres of nice grassland in the MD of Provost. The property is fenced. There is a dugout for water and there is lots of grass. The gas well revenue is $3,449 per year. Please call for price.

77.83 ACRES IRRIGATED LAND ID#1100592 LETHBRIDGE, AB $1,450,000 Pivot irrigated land 2 Miles from present City of Lethbridge limits on pavement. Soil is suitable for various types of crops, presently in silage corn. 65 Acres of permanent SMRID water applied with 2015 Valley pivot. MLSÂŽ

72.85 ACRES PIVOT IRRIGATION ID#1100591 LETHBRIDGE, AB $1,250,000 Pivot irrigated land close to the city of Lethbridge (2.5 Miles). Soil is suitable for various types of crops, rented for 2018 crop year. 65 Acres of permanent SMRID water applied with 2015 Valley pivot. MLSÂŽ

826.73 ACRES ID#1100626 CRAIGMYLE, AB $3,300,000 Property comes with a beau ful 2,756 sq open beam home with 4 bedrooms. An 84’x168’ indoor riding arena with box stalls, open stalls, roping chute and it’s own water well. A 40’x80’ shop with a 32’x40’ heated area. Contains the pressure system for the house and yard. The 80’ bored well provides endless water. There is an older calving barn & plenty of steel gates, corrals, wood slab wind breaks, etc. There are dugouts & springs and all the 4 wire fencing is good.

13.99 ACRES ID#1100656 TABER, AB $299,000 Come & build your dream home on this spacious piece of choice property 3.5 kilometers South of Walmart on pavement. Property comes with trees planted around the perimeter, complete with TID domesÂ?c water at a yearly rate of $420/ year. There is a buried gas line in the SE corner of the acreage and power runs right along the paved road. This is an ideal locaÂ?on for building. MLSÂŽ

SERVICED INDUSTRIAL LAND LOT ID#1100763 FORT MACLEOD, AB $149,000 Located in a busy area to Highway 2 & Highway 3, this commercial lot has lots of opportunity. This fully serviced lot is beside another slightly larger one that can be also purchased if you need more room for your needs. Priced below the regional average for industrial land, its almost ready for development. Book a showing & discover the endless opportuniÂ?es that are available with this property. MLSÂŽ

PRIME LOCATION ON HWY 3 ID#1100644 COALDALE, AB $7,900,000 Amazing 1/4 of prime irrigated farmland. Traffic counts are an average of more than 18,000 vehicles per day. Ideal for future greenhouse development or commercial. Land includes SMRID water rights, T-L pivot, pumping unit and underground mainline.

GREAT ACREAGE BY ELKWATER ID#1100776 ELKWATER, AB $499,000 Beau ful Acreage, just 1 mile south of the Elkwater golf course. Property features a 2 Bed, 2 Bath 1,796 sq.�. home with a full basement, plus a second house, ideal for renters or hired help. Main home enjoys open plan living with a large kitchen/dining/ living room, large covered deck area & wonderful views of the Sweet Grass Hills. There is also a very well insulated 40’x80’ straight wall shop with a cement floor & a large overhead door, ideal for storing your vehicles, equipment & much more. MLSŽ

Rick Graff Blaine Josh Chris Classens Gordon Davy Heleen Rita Baxter Ria Braaksma John AB & SK AB & SK Gross Groten AB & SK Jacobsen AB & SK AB & SK Bekkering License License AB License AB License License AB Broker License License AB License 403.317.0860 306.821.6112 780.446.3006 403.330.7850 403.894.5588 403.380.8884 306.821.3664 403.331.7312 403.308.0815

Barry Lowe Gord Matt George Mert Ben Frans AB & SK Kozroski Perin Singer Taylor Van Dyk VandeStroet *Fair Realty License SK License AB License AB License SK License AB License AB License 403.593.4282 306.672.7463 403.854.1005 403.331.9662 780.608.6555 306.330.9224 403.393.4040 403.380.7633

Hank Van Hierden Jeroen Jacobsen AB & BC* License AB & BC* License

*Fair Realty 403.308.1737

Southern Alberta Adviser

A16 Thursday, October 31, 2019





“Working for You – Working with You”


**ALLMAND RANCHING** Complete Dispersal

12 - Solid Black Angus Heifers. All coming with 2nd calf. 11 - Straight Bred Hereford Heifers. All coming with 2nd calf. Bred to easy calving Charolais & Black Angus Yearling Bulls. Bulls in June 13th to August 7th. Full health program. All home raised, 1 iron females.

**SILVER SAGE FARMING ETZIKOM** Complete Ranch Cow Dispersal **70 Excellent Angus Ranch Cows** 10 - 1st Calf Heifers. 10 - 2nd Calf Heifers. 10 - 3rd Calvers. 45 - 4 to 6 year old cows Cows are 95% Black & 5% Red Angus. All bred to easy calving Black Angus Bulls. Bulls in May 6 to July 6. Full health program.


SAMTIA ANGUS **LEE & LAYNE GLEIM, Taber, AB** Complete Cow Herd Dispersal

80 Powerhouse Feminine Black Angus Cows. 15 - Coming with 2nd Calf; 15 - Coming with 3rd Calf; 15 - Coming with 4th Calf; 35 - Mature 5 to 8 Year Old Cows. All bred to high performance Black Angus Bulls. To start calving March 1st, 2020 for 55 days. Cows are Home Raised, 1 Iron. Cows are all Purebred selling as Commercial. Purebred papers available for $1000 per cow. Plus: 3 - Purebred Black Angus Breeding Bulls. Final Answer & Double Vision Breeding (2 Year Old - 3 Year Old - 4 Year Old). Full health program. This set of cows is extremely docile & gentle and Layne has done a great deal of work with them. Top set of records - tremendous genetics - great people.

**LAZY SUN RANCHING & ENTERPRISES, Medicine Hat, AB** 45 - Excellent Feminine Solid Black & Black Brockle Angus Cows. Cows are 4 to 8 years old. Bred to high performance Black Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 25 to Sept. 4. Full Health Program. All shots given every spring. Nice set of ranch cows.

**CORY WALKEY, Cranbrook**


Complete Dispersal

Complete Ranch Cow Dispersal

32 - Mature Red Angus Cross - Hereford Cross - Black Angus Cross Bred to high performance Black Angus Bulls Cows to start calving January 15th. Good producing ranch cows

85 - Big, Solid Red & Red Brockle, Red Angus & Red Angus X Simmy Cows. 70 - 3rd to 6th Calvers; 15 - Mature Cows. Cows are bred to high performance Red Angus X Simmy Bulls. Cows will start calving March 1st, 2020 for 70 days! Very productive set of ranch cows!




45 - All Solid Red Angus X Gelbvieh 1st Calf Heifers. Home Raised, 1 Iron. All A.I. synchronized May 17th. Bred to easy calving Red Angus Bull - Red Rock, then cleaned up next cycle with low birth weight Red Angus Bull. Synchronized heifers will be sorted & sold separate. Ultrasound August 16th to confirm service dates. Full health program, preg checked & Ivomec prior to sale.

Complete Ranch Cow Dispersal

150 fancy home raised one iron females 23 - 1st Calf Tan & Red Heifers. Bred to selected LBW Red Angus Bull. Bull in May 18th for 60 days. 22 - Coming with 2nd Calf. 24 - Coming with 3rd Calf. 81 - Mature 4 to 9 year old cows. Cows are bred to high performance charolais & Red Angus Bulls - Bulls in June 20th for 60 days. Cows are 65% Tans & 35% Red & Red Brockle. The Metheral family has spent a lifetime in the cattle business and offer a fantastic set of dispersal cow.


**DOUG HANSEN, Milk River, AB**

180 - Solid Red, Red Baldie, Red Angus, Red Angus X Simmy 1st Calf Heifers. Heifers are A.I. bred to selected low birth weight Red Angus Bull and were A.I.’d from April 30 to June 15th. Heifers will be sold in small packages with very similar specific calving dates. Every heifer has an A.I. breeding date - full health program. Very feminine heifers and Doug does a fantastic job getting a specific tight calving date.

**BRIAN & BRENT NICOL, Coaldale, AB** Complete Ranch Cow Dispersal

**L & D BALOG, Milk River, AB**

20 - Red Shorthorn 1st Calf Heifers. Bred to easy calving Red Angus bull. Bull in June 1st to August 1st. Home Raised, 1 Iron. 55 - Red Angus (Solid Red) 2nd Calvers. All coming with 2nd calf. Bred to high performance Red Angus bulls. Bulls in June 1st to August 1st. 5 - Black 2nd Calvers. Bred Red Angus. Bull in June 1st to August 1st. 15 - 3 to 6 Year Old Black Brockle Cows. Bred Charolais. Bull in June 1st to August 1st. 10 - 3 to 6 Year Old Crossbred Cows. Bred Red Angus. Full health program. Very feminine, productive ranch cows.

**BRETT HIRSCHE, Foremost, AB**

90 - Big, Strong Bred 1st Calf Heifers including: 40 - Straight Bred Hereford Heifers (Horned Genetics); 30 - Soiid Red & Red Baldie Heifers - Red Angus X Hereford; 20 - Solid Red & Red Blaze Simmental X Red Angus Heifers. Heifers are all bred to selected easy calving Hereford bulls. Bulls in June 17th for 60 days. Full health program on all heifers. Very fancy set of feminine females.

30 - Fancy, Feminine Solid Red, Red Brockle & Redneck 2nd calving Angus X Hereford Cows. Bred to easy calving Solid Red Angus Simmental Bulls. Bulls out June 10th. Full health program. Very quiet gentle heifers. Every heifer raised a calf in 2019.

Complete Black Angus Cow Dispersal

17 - Young Black Angus Cows. 3 to 7 years old. Bred to high performance Red Simmental Bull (86 lb. BW), Bulls in March 15th for 60 days.

**SIKSIKA BAND RANCH, Cluny, AB** Complete Ranch Cow Dispersal **230 RANCH COWS**


Company Licence 109042

**KIMBERLY RANCHING, Milk River, AB** 15 - Fancy Straight Bred Hereford 2nd Calvers; 15 - Excellent Black Angus 2nd Calvers. Bred to easy calving Charolais & Black Angus bulls. Bulls in June 15th to August 7th. Every heifer is coming with 2nd calf and has raised a calf this year. Females are all Purebred - selling without papers. Full health program.

**LES & FAYE O’HARA, Milk River, AB** Complete Dispersal

60 - 2nd, 3rd & 4th Calvers; 100 - 5th & 6th Calvers; 70 - Mature Cows. 50% Red & Red Brockle. 50% Black & Black Brockle. All bred to Black Angus Bulls. Bulls in June 25th to September 1st. 30% home raised, 1 iron. Top set of very productive cows.

Box 786, Lethbridge, Alberta Phone 320-1980


45 - Powerhouse Red, Red Brockle & Redneck Cows. Cows are 3 to 7 years old, bred to high performance Red Angus bulls. Bulls in May 1st to June 15th. Full health program.

**HELWIG FARMS, Milk River, AB**

50 - Solid Red 1st Calf Heifers. 1100 to 1200 lbs. Bred to easy calving Red Angus Bull. Bull in May 1st to June 5th. Full health program. Very High Quality Heifers.


55 - Mature Ranch Cows, Featuring - 45 Solid Red & Red Brockle and 10 Tan & Yellow Cows, Cows are 4 to 10 Years old, Bred to Black Angus Bulls, June 21 to August 21, Bovishiled Gold & Ivomec.

“The Complete Auction Service”

Louis Balog - 403-331-0611 • R.C. (Bob) Balog - 403-382-5727

North America Toll Free 1-877-320-1988 WEBSITE: E-MAIL:

Southern Alberta Adviser

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A17





“Working for You – Working with You”




BALOG COW PALACE - LETHBRIDGE British Breeds #2 Rancher Calf Sale




Featuring: Hereford, Angus & British Cross & Charolais Calves


• TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 - 10:30 A.M. Special note - last Tuesday Calf Sale

• FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 - 10:30 A.M. • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 - 10:30 A.M. • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 - 10:30 A.M. • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29 - 10:30 A.M. All Breeds Welcome CALL TO BOOK YOUR CALVES
















**KAY & LAURIE WYNDER, Hillspring, AB** Annual Bred Heifer Sale

70 - Big, Fancy, Feminine Solid Red & a Few Red Striped 1st Calf Red Angus X Simmy Heifers. All synchronized A.I. bred to easy calving Brylor Red Kodiak Red Angus Low Birth Weight Bull to calve January 15, 2020. Cleaned up for 30 days with LBW Red Angus Bull. Synchronized heifers will be sorted separate. Full health program. PLUS: 15 Solid Red 2nd Calving Heifers. A.I. Bred to easy clving Brylor Red Angus Bull to Calve in February. 2 - Coming 2 Year Old Purebred Simmy Red Breeding Bulls


30 - Big Powerful Red Angus X Simmy Solid Red 1st Calf Heifers. All synchronized A.I. bred to easy calving Brylor Red Kodiak Red Angus low birth weight bull to calve February 15, 2020. Full health program.

Box 786, Lethbridge, Alberta Phone 320-1980 Company Licence 109042


35 - Home Raised, 1 Iron Red X Simmy Heifers. Bred to easy calving Leeuwenburgh Red Angus bulls. To start calving January 15th for 45 days. Phizer Gold, Bovashield program, Scour Boss 9. Full shots prior to sale. From verified beef program.

**JAIME LUTZ, Warner, AB**

45 - 1st Calf Red, Red Brockle & Red Baldie 1st Calf Heifers. Home Raised, 1 Iron, 1250 lbs. plus. Bred to polled, easy calving bull to start calving Feb. 25th for 50 days. 50 - Straight Red coming with their 2nd calf. Bred to easy calving polled Hereford bulls. To start calving Feb. 25th for 50 days. Bulls out May 23 for 50 days.


60 - Big, Fancy, Feminine. Red Angus X Simmy 1st Calf Heifers. Bred to Low Birth Weight, Easy Calving Hereford bulls. Bulls in June 19 to August 19. Very Good Volume Feminine Heifers.

“The Complete Auction Service”

Louis Balog - 403-331-0611 • R.C. (Bob) Balog - 403-382-5727

North America Toll Free 1-877-320-1988 WEBSITE: E-MAIL:

Southern Alberta Adviser

A18 Thursday, October 31, 2019




PEARSON PRIME CHUTES You’ll notice quiet operation, rump ratchet bar, bottom access doors, customizable with any headgate and tailgate option, and Pearson exclusive hydraulic locking head control.


180 - Fancy - Feminine Bred Heifers 53 - A.I. bred April 30 to May 6 38 - A.I. bred May 7 to May 13 34 - A.I. bred May 14 to May 20 30 - A.I. bred May 20 to May 31 25 - A.I. bred June 1 to June 15 Heifers are Solid Red - Red Neck & Red Brockle Heifers are 1050 to 1150 lbs & very feminine! Heifers are bred to selected low birth weight 4 Star Red Angus Bulls!


Heifers will be sold in small packages with specific calving dates. Full health program! Every heifer has an A.I. breeding date!

For more info call Doug Hansen: 403-647-2470 or 403-642-7873




Vulcan, Alberta

1-888-684-3691 “Professional Onsite Auction Management”

November opeN CoNsigNmeNt AuCtioN

sAturdAy, November 16, 2019 - 10:00 a.m. Brooks, Alberta • Annett Auction Center

(# 1 Joanne Trucking Road, West of UFA Farm Center or 1km south of Highway # 1 and Lakeside Packers)

• Ring #1 - Antiques and Collectables / Household / Furniture /Firearms / Saddles / Coins / Art work @ 10:00 a.m. • Ring #2 - Shop tools and Supply / Appliances / Vehicles / Quads / Farm Equipment / Livestock Supplies and Panels @ 11:00 a.m. Vehicles & Trailers * Vehicles will sell out of Ring 2 after it has finished * • 1994 Chev Blazer * Alberta Registered, 220,060 km, 4.3 Lt Vortec, Command Start, Automatic, Some Rust, Good Mechanical Condition - 2nd Owner & has owned it 14 yrs, Uncoated, Very Few Gravel Miles • 18’ American Enclosed Trailer * Tandem Axle shop • New Magnum 4000 psi Hot Water Pressure Washer • 1966 Ford 352 Rebuilt Motor on Stand • Jack Stands • Table Saw • Cement Saw anTique & collecTibles • Coins, Bills & Tokens • Chinese Tiles • Community History Books • RCMP - 1960’s Red Serge & Brown Serge • WWII Canadian Great Coat • Canadian Artillery Officers Battle Tunic & Trousers FurniTure & household • Cuisinart Bread Maker • Rival Electric Roaster • DVD’s, VHS, CD’s, Cassettes • Jars • Christmas Decorations • Tables • Couch • Chairs This is a partial listing only and items are being consigned daily. Check web page for updates.

Box 1952 Brooks, AB T1r 1C7 • • EmAil: offiCE (403) 362-5252 • fAx (403) 362-5254 • CEllulAr (403) 793-4715

Southern Alberta Adviser

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A19

Southern Alberta Adviser

A20 Thursday, October 31, 2019


SERVICE that makes it EASY. EXPERIENCE that gets RESULTS! Trust Foothills Auctioneers!

H Stavely, Alberta H


ALL BREEDS CALF SALE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 - 10 A.M. Over 1500 HD Booked. Call 403-549-2120 to participate in any of our sales!

Syn-core Directional Ltd. has a Bron Plow fitted with GPS to install weeping tile on grade for your field drainage needs. Syn-core designs & installs your drainage system. Over 10 years of experience









CALF SALE All Breeds 10:00 a.m. 20







Calves & Yearlings, Cows & Bulls to follow




Calves & Yearlings, Cows & Bulls to follow


BRED SALE 1:00 p.m.


Calves & Yearlings, Cows & Bulls to follow



Fax: 403-320-5322



Ph: 403-381-3533


BRED SALE 1:00 p.m.

CALF SALE All Breeds 10:00 a.m.

Coalhurst, AB


BRED SALE 1:00 p.m. 19


Call early so you do not miss getting a spot for this fall’s installation line up.

Calves & Yearlings, Cows & Bulls to follow

Calves & Yearlings, Cows & Bulls to follow

CALF SALE All Breeds 10:00 a.m.

Syn-core Directional can also help with utility plow ins & Fibre Installation Visit our website or call us today for more information


CALF SALE All Breeds 10:00 a.m. 11


FOR SALE: 24 ft. Free Standing Panels, with or without gates. Call for more details.


DIRECTIONAL DRILLING • Delivers maximum efficiency and reduces restoration costs • Eliminates traffic disruption • More efficient than traditional trench digging • Suitable for a variety of soil conditions and jobs HYDROVAC • Tri axel trucks available • Uses high pressure water to unearth buried utility lines • Efficient replacement for hand digging when approved • Debris is safely removed from site in the tank







Serving the producer – first and foremost! GET OUR TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS WORKING FOR YOU Visit for complete listing details. President Rob Bergevin 403-625-7171

W. Country Rep. Kim Cochlan 403-625-1035

N. Country Rep. Lorne Depaoli 403-652-0344

Field Rep. Ken Stadlwiser 403-888-5092

B.C. Rep./Auctioneer Rep./Auctioneer Rod Burnett Jordie Waters 250-308-8185 403-601-1377

P: 403-549-2120 • F: 403-549-2253 • Toll Free: 1-877-549-2121 •

Southern Alberta Adviser


53x10 deck, winch with remote, 3 hydraulic lift rollers, disc brakes, 255/70R22.5 on all alum wheels, 4 pull out wide load lights, 2 alum tool boxes, Tiremaxx Pro inflation.

Price on Request





11R22.5 on alum wheels, disc brakes, Tiremaxx Pro Inflation System, black 166 minimizer fenders, dual chute cranks, low lube 5th wheel, grey tarps.

Cummins ISX, 550hp, 2050 torque, jake brake, 18-speed transmission, 12+46 axles, double lockers, 72" hi pro sleeper, 11r24.5 on all alum wheels, 850,000 km.







11R22.5 on alum wheels, S/S fenders, Tiremaxx inflation system, white and black in color.

11R24.5 on steel wheels, flat alum fenders, 08/20 Safety.




Thursday, October 31, 2019 A21



Cummins ISX, 550hp, jake brake, 18 speed trans, 14+46 axles with 2 lockers, white in color, 900,00 km.

32x28 ft. deck, 11R24.5 on alum wheels, lift axles, 4 tool boxes, container locks.






N13, jake brake, Allison 6 speed trans, air ride, 16 ft. gravel box, electric tarp, pintel hitch, 385/80R22.5 & 11R24.5 on alum and steel wheels, white with silver box, 131,000 km.

18 Speed trans, white in color, low bunk, 11R24.5 on alum wheels, 602,200 km.

11R22.5 on alum & steel wheels, silver in color, electric flip mesh tarp, alum half fenders, air ride.






2015 MACK CH613




255 70R22.5 ST230 on alum & steel wheels, load lights, 7 wire plug at rear, dock bumpers, 2 strobe lights, tow hooks at rear, ABS, 24x16x43 tool box, dark grey metallic. D2510

Price on Request




11R22.5 Michelin XTE on alum wheels, light package, 166 S/S fenders, cambered axles, Tiremaxx Pro Inflation System, low lub 5th wheel.

X15 Engine, 565 hp, 18 speed ultra shift transmission, 14+46 axles, 3.73 ratio, 240" wheelbase, 73" hi sleeper.



Price on Request


Price on Request

B6.7 Engine, 300HP, 2500 RDS trans, 12+21 axles, 5.57 ratio, 254" wheel base. NT2352


Price on Request

26' CUBE VAN WITH POWER LIFTGATE $140 a day / $695 a week. Plus Insurance & $0.22 KMs


Visit Our Website






4310 - 9th Ave. N. Lethbridge, Alta.

Toll Free 1-800-949-0808

Southern Alberta Adviser

A22 Thursday, October 31, 2019


Visit your local KUHN dealer today!

Brooks Farm Equipment Brooks, AB

Tri-Ag Implements

Consort, AB St. Paul, AB Wainwright, AB

GMS Mechanical & Equipment

Wheel Rakes (Shown: SR 300 Speedrake ) ®

Fort Macleod, AB

Roszko Farm Equipment

Harvesting high-quality hay and forage is the focus of KUHN's hay tool innovation. Our commitment is to help you gain a maximum return on investment by providing products known for performance, reliability, and longevity.

Mayerthorpe, AB

Central Alberta Hay Centre Red Deer, AB


(Shown: GMD 280 Mounted)

Mower Conditioners

(Shown: FC 3160 TLR)


(Shown: MM700 MergeMaxx ) ®


(Shown: GF 5202 THA)

Rotary Rakes

(Shown: GA 4220 TH)


Northline Equipment, Ltd.

Dawson Creek, BC

From sun up to sun down, we are part of your operation. When you need support, AFSC is here with four unique farm loan programs to help start, expand and develop your operation. Find a loan based on your operation and your goals that offers flexible fixed-rate terms with competitive interest rates and no prepayment penalties. With up to 15 million dollars in available financing, we can ensure you will have what you need to succeed. To get started, contact an AFSC Lending Specialist today. • 1.877.899.AFSC (2372) •



Southern Alberta Adviser


Thursday, October 31, 2019 A23

“ I look here FIRST for all my FARM & RANCH needs ”

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Advertising in color could be the perfect way to radically increase attention toward what you’re selling. It’s even been proven that color advertising creates more exposure and more sales. After all, you stopped to look at this ad right now! Try it today and see the beauty of color.



Canadian Made RENN Jiffy


Jiffy Bale Processor • • • • • • • •

Unique rocking cradle design handles all types and shapes of bales. Aggressive Tread Floatation Tires standard on all models. No belts. No chains. Outer and inner hay is shredded together delivering even quality. Process 1 large square bale or 2 round bales at once (model 978). Hydraulic Bale Clamp Arms (978). Available in Left or Right hand discharge models (927, 928). Optional 44 bushel Grain Tank (927, 928).

RENN Mill Center Inc. has a corporate policy of continuous improvement and development; therefore models and specifications are subject to change without any advance notice.

RENN Mill Center Inc., RR#4 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Call the factory to find your local dealer.


403-784-3518 |

Southern Alberta Adviser

A24 Thursday, October 31, 2019


Farmer / Stockman


Southern Alberta Adviser




Diamond Shelters / Grain Vacs / Chief Grain Bins Swath Inverters / Traeger PRO Grills PRONOVOST SNOW BLOWERS

CHIEF WESTLAND FARM BINS • Corrugated steel sidewalls • TITAN “W” Stiffeners • Standard G115 galvanize coating • Standard easy access doors

• • • • •

Adjustable skid shoes. Reinforced 4 bladed rotor. Balanced auger protected by shear bolt. Roller bearing encased in ductile cast iron. Main heavy duty PTO shaft protected by shear bolt. • Chute base on antifriction ring. • Manual chute rotation with an hydraulic option. • Hydraulic motor chute rotation kit with motor MLH-125 included on Puma Inverted models.



THOMAS RADIATORS LTD. 1209 - 2nd Ave. South, Lethbridge, AB. Ph. 403-327-4121

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A25

SPECIAL BOOKING PRICES for complete Chief bin and extension packages.

Offering Over 24 Years of Experience Building Shelters

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• Faster, more even feedout with 4-auger discharge • Stronger auger to driveshaft connections provide more power transfer and longer life • Low horsepower requirement resulting from raised lower auger and offset upper auger 550, 630, 720 and 900 cu. ft. mixing capacities truck & trailer models



Central Alberta Hay Centre Red Deer

Southern Alberta Adviser

A26 Thursday, October 31, 2019

3131 - 1st Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB

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2017 Yamaha TT-R125LE

2,599 + freight & PDI

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Where generations have gone for their farm & ranch needs including equipment, supplies, livestock & everything in between.


Southern Alberta Adviser

David Vandervalk: 403-315-9600 Tony Slingerland

Nieboer Farm Supplies

Jesse Wipf

233016 Hwy 519,

403-894-9390 587-220-3440 Patrick Inglot (Sales Manager) 403-331-7414 Terry McLellen Nic Barker (Precision AG Specialist)

Nobleford, AB


(Jaylor/Merlo Specialist)

403-331-7414 403-894-9049 Jesse Wipf: 587-220-3440

Courtney Hansen 403-894-9049

Nobleford, AB

Visit us on Facebook !

Family Owned & Operated Since 1948 • 403-824-3404 • www.

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A27

Nieboer Farm Supplies

David Vandervalk: 403-315-9600 Tony Slingerland

Jesse Wipf

(Precision AG Specialist)

(Jaylor/Merlo Specialist)

233016 Hwy 519,

403-894-9390 587-220-3440 Patrick Inglot (Sales Manager) Terry McLellen Nic Barker 403-331-7414

Nobleford, AB


403-331-7414 403-894-9049 Jesse Wipf: 587-220-3440

Courtney Hansen 403-894-9049

Nobleford, AB

Visit us on Facebook !

Family Owned & Operated Since 1948 • 403-824-3404 • www.

Take Advantage of our new

The Versatile DeltaTrack is a fully integrated purpose-built four track system from Versatile. Available from 450 to 550 horsepower, the DeltaTrack exceeds the performance and durability of existing trackissystems. The DeltaTrack is built four usingtrack the most advanced track The Versatile DeltaTrack a fully integrated purpose-built system from Versatile. design in from the agriculture and features proven Cummins engine technology, Available 450 to 550industry horsepower, the DeltaTrack exceeds the performance andrugged ® powershift transmissions, andThe legendary Versatile andmost serviceability. CAT durability of existing track systems. DeltaTrack is builtreliability using the advanced track WWW.VERSATILE-AG.COM design in the agriculture industry and features proven Cummins engine technology, rugged and legendary Versatile reliability and serviceability. CAT® powershift transmissions, WWW.VERSATILE-AG.COM ©2017 BUHLER VERSATILE INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | INFO@VERSATILE-AG.COM

feature ad of the week


2016 Pricing


Swathmaster P/U, CONTOUR Cutterbar control, CRUISE PILOT, GRAINMETER, 4XL HD Unloading Auger, SPECIAL CUT II Pro Chop w/ Power Spreader incl. Chaff Blower, CEBIS terminal, QUANTIMETER, Xenon Lights, Central Greasing System, 620/70R42 F Duals, 28LR26 R Tires Stk# C000879A .....................................................$389,000 2009 Case 9120, w/ PU Header Has 1844 eng hrs, 1370 sep hrs, 9belt, deluxe cab, AFS antenna, rock trap, straw chopper/spreader, 900/60R32 singles. NO LATERAL TILT Stk# C002612........$179,000 2011 New Holland CR 9070, 1763 eng hours, 1322 sep hrs, HID Lighting, electric mirrors, Concave universal, frt tires 900/60R32, RR tires 600/65R28, grain tank capacity 350Bu, Chaff spreader/ Chopper w/14’ Pickup Header Stk#C002674 ....................$169,000 2007 LEXION 570R, 1876 eng hrs, 1243 sep hrs P514 P/U, CONTOUR Cutterbar control, Straw Chopper, Chaff Spreader, Xenon Lights, Yield Mapping, QUANTIMETER Stk# C000559A......$135,000 2009 John Deere 9770, 2361 eng hrs, 1559 sep hrs, comes with MacDon PW7 swathmaster header. Stk#C002740 ............$169,900 2015 Mahindra Max 4WD HST, IND tires 20x8.0-10/27x12.5-15, 19.5 HP, 3 cylinders, lift capacity 1400lbs(636kg), 3pt hitch, 23 L UsEd INVENTORY fuel tank, operating weight 1693lb (768kg) demo unit, 2013 Claas Lexion 670, 624 engine hrs, 411 separator hrs, C001745A ...........................................................................$18,000 autopilot 2WD axle, HP feeder house, dust fan for HP, Grain meter analysis, 28.2’ unloading auger, radio w/Bluetooth, communication 1996 Honey Bee SP-42 Header, 42’ “Grain Belt” Draper Header module C000516A ............................................................$285,000 C002105 .........................................................................$15,000 2011 Case 2142 Draper Header, This is a 30’ header with pick up 2012 Claas Lexion 670, 946 engine hrs, 675 sep hrs, P516 pickup reel and transport package, there is no pea auger header C000006A ........................................... REDUCED $255,000 C002614 .........................................................................$41,712 2011 CLAAS LEXION 770, 854 eng. hrs, 581 sep. hrs, 16’ 2011 New Holland Honey Bee Header, 36 Header, Feed assist Swathmaster P/U, Chaff Blower, 3XL HD Unloading Auger, SPECIAL cross auger, Add end strut gauge wheels. Excellent condition CUT II Straw Chopper w/Power Spreader, Xenon Lights, CEBIS C002676 ........................................................................$39,143 terminal, Yield Mapping, QUANTIMETER, Central Greasing System, 2009 John Deere 635D Header, 635 Hydra float draper header. 620/70R42 F Duals, 28LR26 R Tires Pick up real. 35ft for 70 and S series combine C002223 .$34,936 Stk# C000282A .................................................................$324,000

2016 Versatile 500, 2.34hrs, Del cab w/leather seats, 800/70R38, rev fan, 110GPM w/6 Electro Hydr remotes, low pressure coupler set, HD lights mounted, HD drawbar support pkg, tow cable, HD BT radio, Frt tool box, steer ready C002648 & C002649 (2 in stock) .................................................................Call for price 2016 Versatile 550DT, Del Cab, Steer ready, PTO, Frt/RR Diff lock, rev fan, 110 GPM w/elec remotes, ¾ couple set w/LP return, 4 HID lights, 6500 series tracks, HD drawbar support, tow cable & radio C002647 ....................................................................Call for Price 2015 McCORMICK X7.670 (NEW), 174HP, ‘Pro Drive’ Trans w/ creeper gears, Cat. III 3PT hitch, 4 spd PTO, 4 remote valves, 4WD, Locking Diffs, L468 Self-Levelling Loader w/grapple bucket C001951 ....................................................................Call for Price 2017 McCormick X6.470 (NEW), 3-pt linkage, category 2/3 w/ quick attach hooks, 6 rear wheel weights, loader has hyd package, mount kit, 95” tine maxi grapple kit, back screen, live 3rd function valve kit, live 3rd hose kit C002776/C002777 ............Call for price

feature ad of the week

The Versatile DeltaTrack is a fully integrated The Versatile DeltaTrack is a fully integrated purpose-built purpose-built four track system from Versatile. four track system The Vfrom ersatile Versatile. DeltaTrack is a fully integ Available from 450 to 550 horsepower Available from , 450 the to 550 horsepower, DeltaTrack the DeltaTrack exceeds the performance exceeds and the performance Available from and 450 to 550 horsepowe durability of existing track systems. The durability of existing DeltaTrack trackissystems. The DeltaTrack is built four usingtrack is the most built advanced track using the most durability advanced of existing track track systems. Th The Versatile DeltaTrack a fully integrated purpose-built system from Versatile. design in the agriculture industry and design infeatures the agriculture and features proven proven Cummins engine technology, Cummins enginedesign technology in the , rugged agriculture industry and Available from 450 to 550industry horsepower, the DeltaTrack exceeds the performance andrugged ® ® legendary powershift transmissions, andThe legendary V Versatile andmost serviceability. reliability and serviceability powershift . transmissions, and le CAT® powershift transmissions, andCAT CA T durability of existing track systems. DeltaTrack isersatile builtreliability using the advanced track WWW.VERSATILE-AG.COM WWW.VERS design in the agriculture industry and features proven Cummins engine technology, rugged andBUHLER legendary Versatile reliability andINC. serviceability. CAT® powershift transmissions, WWW.VERSATILE-AG.COM ©2017 BUHLER ©2017 VERSA VERSATILE TILE INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | INFO@VERSATILE-AG.COM | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | INFO@VERSATILE-AG.COM ©2017 BU

2012 Claas 1050 35FT 537-135 Maxflo Draper Header, With pickup real, auto contour, gauge wheels and crop saver seal kit C000122A ......................................................................$39,835 2012 Claas 1050 Maxflo Header, 35 Small grain, auto contour draper, grain lifter, crop saver/rear wall, short crop divider C000121A ......................................................................$39,000 2008 Claas Vario V535 Header With side sheirs, with spare parts C002892 ................................................................$32,000 2012 Claas Lexion 670, 1005 eng hrs, 745 sep hrs, auto contour cutterbar control HP feeder house, dust extraction, sieve system w/3D-cleaning system, grain meter, 3XL unload auger, Cat C9/400hp, 1150lt fuel tank, special cut mav straw chopper, printer for CEBIS, air suspended seat, Xenon work lights etc C000452B ....................................................................$248,888 1994 New Holland 8670 Genesis, 7191 hours, supersteer axle, 4 hyd remotes, weight pkg, 520/85R38 rears, 16.9R28 fronts C002846A ......................................................................$68,932 2014 Supreme 900T Pull-Type Feed Mixer Comes with 640XL Scale, Right side discharge, slide conveyor, single axle, tandem 19.5 truck tires C002805 ................................................$64,900 2016 Jaylor A50 Trailer, C002619A .................................$9,500 2012 Massey Ferguson 8650, 391 hrs, PFA cab tier 4, 4 valve, 520/85R46R/W, On Consignment ..................................$149,000 Ezee-On7550 Drill On consignment, ............................$22,500 2015 Badboy 72” Mower with Cat Diesel, 25 hrs ........$19,200 2014 Claas Lexion 670 w/P514, Auto contour, feeder house extraction fan, 3D grain cleaning system, TM6 sieves, moisture & yield measuring system, 3XL unloading auger, 900 SS front tire, 30km road speed, caterpillar C9.3/400HP engine, refrigerator in cab, MP3 radio, information printer in cab, leather seat, Exnon hi work lights, electric power adjust mirrors, special CutMAV II straw & chaff spreader, class 8 combine, this unit come with a P514 swathmaster pickup header. This unit is in excellent condition with low hours C002916/C002917 ................$329.835 Please call for more details and pricing on new equipment

Winter door rate is only available on orders completed by February 28, 2020.

2016 Pricing


2012 Claas 1050 35FT 537-135 Maxflo Draper Header, With pickup real, auto contour, gauge wheels and crop saver seal kit Swathmaster P/U, CONTOUR Cutterbar control, CRUISE PILOT, GRAINMETER, 4XL HD Unloading Auger, SPECIAL CUT II Pro Chop w/ C000122A ......................................................................$39,835 Power Spreader incl. Chaff Blower, CEBIS terminal, QUANTIMETER, 2012 Claas 1050 Maxflo Header, 35 Small grain, auto contour Xenon Lights, Central Greasing System, 620/70R42 F Duals, 28LR26 draper, grain lifter, crop saver/rear wall, short crop divider R Tires Stk# C000879A .....................................................$389,000 C000121A ......................................................................$39,000 2008 Claas Vario V535 Header With side sheirs, with spare 2009 Case 9120, w/ PU Header Has 1844 eng hrs, 1370 sep hrs, parts C002892 ................................................................$32,000 9belt, deluxe cab, AFS antenna, rock trap, straw chopper/spreader, 2012 Claas Lexion 670, 1005 eng hrs, 745 sep hrs, auto contour 900/60R32 singles. NO LATERAL TILT Stk# C002612........$179,000 cutterbar control HP feeder house, dust extraction, sieve system 2011 New Holland CR 9070, 1763 eng hours, 1322 sep hrs, HID w/3D-cleaning system, grain meter, 3XL unload auger, Cat Lighting, electric mirrors, Concave universal, frt tires 900/60R32, C9/400hp, 1150lt fuel tank, special cut mav straw chopper, printer RR tires 600/65R28, grain tank capacity 350Bu, Chaff spreader/ for CEBIS, air suspended seat, Xenon work lights etc Chopper w/14’ Pickup Header Stk#C002674 ....................$169,000 C000452B ....................................................................$248,888 1994 New Holland 8670 Genesis, 7191 hours, supersteer axle, 2007 LEXION 570R, 1876 eng hrs, 1243 sep hrs P514 P/U, CONTOUR Cutterbar control, Straw Chopper, Chaff Spreader, Xenon 4 hyd remotes, weight pkg, 520/85R38 rears, 16.9R28 fronts Lights, Yield Mapping, QUANTIMETER Stk# C000559A......$135,000 C002846A ......................................................................$68,932 2009 John Deere 9770, 2361 eng hrs, 1559 sep hrs, comes with 2014 Supreme 900T Pull-Type Feed Mixer Comes with 640XL MacDon PW7 swathmaster header. Stk#C002740 ............$169,900 Scale, Right side discharge, slide conveyor, single axle, tandem 2015 Mahindra Max 4WD HST, IND tires 20x8.0-10/27x12.5-15, 19.5 truck tires C002805 ................................................$64,900 2016 Jaylor A50 Trailer, C002619A .................................$9,500 19.5 HP, 3 cylinders, lift capacity 1400lbs(636kg), 3pt hitch, 23 L UsEd INVENTORY 2012 Massey Ferguson 8650, 391 hrs, PFA cab tier 4, 4 valve, fuel tank, operating weight 1693lb (768kg) demo unit, 2013 Claas Lexion 670, 624 engine hrs, 411 separator hrs, 520/85R46R/W, On Consignment ..................................$149,000 C001745A ...........................................................................$18,000 Ezee-On7550 Drill On consignment, ............................$22,500 autopilot 2WD axle, HP feeder house, dust fan for HP, Grain meter analysis, 28.2’ unloading auger, radio w/Bluetooth, communication 1996 Honey Bee SP-42 Header, 42’ “Grain Belt” Draper Header 2015 Badboy 72” Mower with Cat Diesel, 25 hrs ........$19,200 module C000516A ............................................................$285,000 C002105 .........................................................................$15,000 2014 Claas Lexion 670 w/P514, Auto contour, feeder house 2011 Case 2142 Draper Header, This is a 30’ header with pick up extraction fan, 3D grain cleaning system, TM6 sieves, moisture 2012 Claas Lexion 670, 946 engine hrs, 675 sep hrs, P516 pickup & yield measuring system, 3XL unloading auger, 900 SS front reel and transport package, there is no pea auger header C000006A ........................................... REDUCED $255,000 C002614 .........................................................................$41,712 tire, 30km road speed, caterpillar C9.3/400HP engine, refrigerator 2011 CLAAS LEXION 770, 854 eng. hrs, 581 sep. hrs, 16’ in cab, MP3 radio, information printer in cab, leather seat, Exnon 2011 New Holland Honey Bee Header, 36 Header, Feed assist Swathmaster P/U, Chaff Blower, 3XL HD Unloading Auger, SPECIAL hi work lights, electric power adjust mirrors, special CutMAV II ©2018 BUHLER cross VERSATILE INC. ALLgauge RIGHTS RESERVED | INFO@VERSATILE-AG.COM auger, Add end |strut wheels. Excellent condition CUT II Straw Chopper w/Power Spreader, Xenon Lights, CEBIS C002676 ........................................................................$39,143 straw & chaff spreader, class 8 combine, this unit come terminal, Yield Mapping, QUANTIMETER, Central Greasing System, 2009 John Deere 635D Header, 635 Hydra float draper header. with a P514 swathmaster pickup header. This unit is in excellent condition with low hours C002916/C002917 ................$329.835 620/70R42 F Duals, 28LR26 R Tires Pick up real. 35ft for 70 and S series combine C002223 .$34,936 Please call for more details and pricing on new equipment Stk# C000282A .................................................................$324,000

2016 Versatile 500, 2.34hrs, Del cab w/leather seats, 800/70R38, rev fan, 110GPM w/6 Electro Hydr remotes, low pressure coupler set, HD lights mounted, HD drawbar support pkg, tow cable, HD BT radio, Frt tool box, steer ready C002648 & C002649 (2 in stock) .................................................................Call for price 2016 Versatile 550DT, Del Cab, Steer ready, PTO, Frt/RR Diff lock, rev fan, 110 GPM w/elec remotes, ¾ couple set w/LP return, 4 HID lights, 6500 series tracks, HD drawbar support, tow cable & radio C002647 ....................................................................Call for Price 2015 McCORMICK X7.670 (NEW), 174HP, ‘Pro Drive’ Trans w/ creeper gears, Cat. III 3PT hitch, 4 spd PTO, 4 remote valves, 4WD, Locking Diffs, L468 Self-Levelling Loader w/grapple bucket C001951 ....................................................................Call for Price 2017 McCormick X6.470 (NEW), 3-pt linkage, category 2/3 w/ quick attach hooks, 6 rear wheel weights, loader has hyd package, mount kit, 95” tine maxi grapple kit, back screen, live 3rd function valve kit, live 3rd hose kit C002776/C002777 ............Call for price

The Versatile DeltaTrack is a fully integrated purpose-built four track system from Versatile. Available from 520 to 610 horsepower, the DeltaTrack exceeds the performance and durability of existing track systems. Bringing together Versatile’s double-axes bogie system and the new suspended cab gives the DeltaTrack a The Versatile DeltaTrack is a fully integrated purpose-built track system superior system to any track based agricultural tractor on four the market. from Versatile. Available from 520 to 610 horsepower, the DeltaTrack exceeds the performance and durability of existing track systems. Bringing together Versatile’s double-axes bogie system and the new suspended cab gives the DeltaTrack a superior system to any track based agricultural tractor on the market.




Authorized Dealer

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a com

SouthernFarmers A berta Adv ser Thu sday MayFirst 3 2018 A19 To Buy Where and Ranchers Look

D-Viser Classified Ads rs and Ranchers Look First To Buy D-Viser Classified Ads armers and Ranchers Look First To Buy r Classified Ads armers and Ranchers Look First To Buy r Classified Ads ser ser Classified Classified Ads Ads

A28 Ranchers Thursday, October 31, 2019 rs and Look First To Buy Southern Alberta Adviser

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Southern A berta Adv ser

(1700) Seed


Thu sday May 3 2018 A19

(1700) Seed

1700 Seed



(1700) Seed

1700 Seed

(1700) Seed

1700 Seed

(1700) Seed

1700 Seed

1700 Seed

Published Every Other Thursday READ THE (1700) Seed EvePublished (1700) Seed (1700) Seed (1700) Seed Pub shedOffice yHours: O he Thu sday READ THE Every Other Thursday READ THE 1700 SeedO fice 1700 Seed 1700 Seed 1700 NORTH, Seed 1320 - 36 STREET LETHBRIDGE, PAPERS MILK RIVER, AB | MIKE 403.642.7448 | PHIL 403.647.2281 ALBERTA T1H 5H8 shed Eve yHours: O he Thu sday s Office READ THE 1320 - E-Mail: 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, T1H 5H8 PAPERS MondayPub toHou Thursday Published M LK R VER AB | M KE 403 642 7448 | PH L 403 647 2281 ALBERTA PAPERS OPub fice Hou s ONLINE AT Monday o Thu sday shed E-Mail: PAPERS Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. E-Mail: ONLINE AT Every Other Thursday Monday o Thu sday ONLINE 20 18Phone PEDIGREED SEED 7 30 a m o 47:30 00 p m her E-Mail: Every O Thursday a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Visa or Mastercard Mastercard Orders Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 1-877-328-0048 ONLINE AT AT 2018 PED GREEDOrders SEED VARIETIES VAR ET ES Friday 12:30 7 a m p.m. 00 p m V sa or Phone To Free F day 7:30 7 30 a.m. a Friday m to o 30 12 30 p om4 Visa or Mastercard Phone Orders Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Seed (1700) Seed (1700) Seed (1700) Seed (1700) Seed V sa or Mastercard Phone Orders To Free 1-877-328-0048 F day 7 30 a m o 12 30 p m Seed 1700 Seed 1700 Seed 1700 Seed 1700 Seed d and and Jan King d an K ng HRSW BRANDON HRSW BRANDON MILK AB M LK RIVER, R VERCertified AB | | MIKE M KE 403.642.7448 403 642Seed 7448 | | PHIL PH L 403.647.2281 403 647 2281 Fax 403 443 443 7992 7992 a 403 403 443 0005 ell (403) 443-0005 CLASS ED INDEX NDEX CLASSIFIED EL E ELIE RR#2 Three h H 0M 2A0 Hills, AB T0M CLASS F EDFINDEX NDEX CLASSIFIED and o W bb For Sale 2018 PED GREED SEED VAR ET ES and Lori Webb FOR SALE 2018 PEDIGREED SEED VARIETIES LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ma ng d a m@gma LIVESTOCK om FOR LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK REDBERRY GRAIN, FEED Email: FOR SALE SALE LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK REDBERRY GRAIN, FEED 403 443 3333 Announcemen s 90 BOATS & RV’S Announ emen 90 ell (403) 443-3333 Announcements...................................... 90 BOATS & RV’S Announcements...................................... 90 HRSW BRANDON & & SUPPLIES & An ques & HAY 200 An que 200 a 403 443 7992 M LK R VER AB | M KE 403 7448 | PH L 403 647 2281 HRSW BRANDON & SUPPLIES SUPPLIES & SUPPLIES SUPPLIES & 642 SUPPLIES & SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Certified Seed & Antiques................................................ 200 & HAY Antiques................................................ 200 ax 403 443 7992 201 DURUM SP TF RE Look ng o buy a 1980 P us Sky a k 201 Co n Co ns MILK | PHIL 403.647.2281 EL E RIVER, AB | MIKE 403.642.7448 h H AB 0M 2A0 .................................................... 201 Coins DURUM SPITFIRE .................................................... 201 Coins Auc ons 300 Au on 300 For Sale ELIE hree Hills, AB T0M 2A0om PREC S ON Looking to buy 1980 Plus Skylark 2018 GREED SEED VAR ET ES g d a m@gma Con u ................................................ onuc Equ pmen 400 14 Tandem T aa e REDBERRY Auctions ................................................ 300 Auctions 300 Cons on Equ pmen 400 * CDC GO PED HRS WHEAT A PRECISION 14ft. 20REDBERRY 18 -PEDIGREED SEED VARIETIES Da & Supp e 500 Da y & Equipment Supp es ....................... 500 Construction 400 Tandem Construction Equipment ....................... 400 ** CDC GO HRS WHEATBRANDON 403 346 2181Trailer. 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Certified Seed For Sale

Certified Seed For Sale ALBERTA





AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified AD-Viser Classified Ads

Wheat Straw Wheat Straw Grass Straw

CeDURUM 403 308 your 4765SPITFIRE Certified FEED BARLEY Whether BuyingWe or M Selling, Feeders, Fats, Cows, us for livestock a conven en Cull cus om weBcall gh ac y and uck washmarketing needs AUSTENSON an 403 403-345-4144 308 2362 Phone Doran: W &a so o *eCDC m m W nter Wheat Seed PRECISION & G – high yield, malt acceptance * CDC GO HRS WHEAT eland C m % m & w * KWS ALDERON GP WHEAT including Internet. We specialize in marketing, cattle contracting, and custom feeding. BOOK YOUR A C Tempest ema empdqdq@gma 2 ROW FEED BARLEY Cell: 403-308-4765 com m m e Phone Do an 403 345 4144 403-732-5644 e, high yield potential up 4 to 117% of check, We also offer convenient custom weigh truck wash. *scald CDC AUSTENSON Brant: 403-308-2362 - very high yield, excellent disease packageWeighing rating to* greatly KWS ALDERON WHEAT 403 308 4765 P ease ca B uce &MR treating available farm. improved Winter Wheat Seed CORN, CANOLA & FORAGE SEED V s usincluding onCeou webs e aatwww a beGPlodging ap mebee comfacility e maand apbc5644@gma com & Glenn

d,ly semi-dwarf, yield and excellent standability 2 ROW maturity andhigh a comprehensive 117%

BOOK YOUR 403-732-5644 FOR THE 2018 SEASON BOOK YOUR Please call Bruce CORN, Visit us on our website: • e-mail CORN, CANOLA & FORAGE SEED CANOLA & FORAGE SEED

Ma hM ne 610 scePa aneous 609 & Mower/Conditioners .......... 606 Tractors 608 Fa mSwathers Bu ................................................ d ng 700 Mach ne y Pa s 610 701 G ana B ....................................... n Miscellaneous 609 Tractors ................................................ 608 Faem&Bu d ngs 700 G a n Feed & Ha 800 Machinery Parts.................................... 610 Miscellaneous 609 701 G ana es & B ....................................... ns ga Buildings...................................... on 900 Farm 700 G a n Feed & Hay 800 Machinery Parts.................................... 610 1000 Hog & Supp e ..................................1100 701 Granaries &Buildings...................................... Bins ga on 900 Farm 700 Ho e & Supp e Grain, &Supp Haye ................................ 800 1000 es L e Hogs oFeed && Supp 1200 .................................. 701 Granaries & Bins & Supp es 1100www Irrigation................................................ 900 Pou Ho&ses Supp e 1300 Grain, Feed & Hay ................................ 800 L&ves ock e& Supp es 1200 Sheep &Supplies Supp 1400 ................................. 1000 Hogs Irrigation................................................ 900 Spe Pou a &L 1500 ye& o Supp es 1300 Horses Supplies .............................. 1100 Pe & Supp e 1600 ................................. 1000 Hogs Supplies Sheep & Supp .......................... es 1400 Livestock && Supplies 1200 SeedSpec a y L ves ock 1700 1500 Horses Supplies 1100 www a Supplies mp&essmed a.............................. com Poultry & .............................. 1300 Spe Pe a sSeed 1701 & Supp es 1600 & ............................... Supplies .......................... 1200 Sheep Supplies 1400 GeneLivestock a&M e aneou 1750

Grass Straw Call Pat Pittman 403-327-9389 403-642-7316 Southern Alberta Adviser www.f Classifieds Sell FOR403-331-8672 THEWhere 2018 SEASON FOR THE 2018 SEASON BOOK Call Pat Pittman Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy READ THE 1-866-865-4460 Cell: 403-360-1206 1320 -YOUR 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 ema empdqdq@gma com BOOK YOUR to meet all your livestock Our drivers are licensed, well-experienced professionals. Phone Doran: 403-345-4144 • W needs. M ANKER 403 892 0728 CELL Ca 403 556 2609 O e Hou Warner, AB PAPERS Book Your Ad Today Book Your We Ad pick-up Today CREEKSIDEHARVESTING.COM CANOLA & FORAGE Cell:Monda 403-308-4765 o ex 403 994 2609 and deliver 4 provinces and 11STOUTJESDYK U.S. states. oCORN, Thu inda CORN, CANOLA &SEED FORAGE SEED G DEON

resistance over Xena you’ll love % plumps & test weight B Canmore), an 403 highest 308W22362 m (if you like w m Xena, ROW 403 327 9389 &FEED m email: offers a high yield, early w maturity and Ou a aacomprehensive ed company PR MEBARLEY TRANSPORT LTD o e s ax e Sell ves ock aA20 es& quad a eMay s 3 2018 Phone Doran:ALBERTA 403-345-4144 Thu sday Classifieds % mm & ema empdqdq@gma com B high yielding feed oat, 4 days earlier than Ce 403 360 1206 ry Jordan o mee a 403-308-4765 you ves ock ALDERON needs OuGP dWHEAT ve s a e censed we expe enced p o ess ona s Phone Do an 403 345 4144 * KWS Cell: h yield, large seed size w Book Your Ad Today Ceup and 403 de 308ve 4765 We p ck n 4 p ov nces and 11 U S s a es G DEON STOUTJESDYK Brant: ng topea, scald greatly owhigh high yieldimproved and earlylodging maturity, larger seed size 403-308-2362 e, yield Ce fied P n a W n e Whea Weighing & treating available at farm. LTD., offers tri-axle livestock trailers Our affiliated company, ALBERTA PRIME TRANSPORT quad trailers B an 403 308 2362 A20 & Thursday, May 3, 2018 % plumps & test weight he standard forMmost areas because of itsm yield and other characteristics t highest standability email: ANDY HOUWEL NGgreat 403 308 8700 •sday BRETT HOUWEL NG 403 382 7827 CELL Thu 2018 Southern Adv Classifieds Sell Ve yA haberta dy Awn essser Pub hed E A20 e CELL O he Thu da May 3

Southern A berta Adv ser

AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ad AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified A C






403-642-7316 First To Buy Ad Warner, AB

Seed 1700 yield, large seed size, shorter straw Specialty Livestock ............................. 1500 Poultry & Supplies .............................. 1300 RENT Spec a y FOR Seeds 1701 E-Mail: GIDEON STOUTJESDYK nstituted, high yielding, large seed size Pets & Supplies .................................. 1600 A eage o & 1800 Sheep Supplies ............................... 1400 ONL NE AT Certified Pintail Winter Wheat Gene aRen M sce aneous 1750 7 30 a m o 4 00 p m Brant: 403-308-2362 kage including MR rating to scald greatly improved lodging Comme a P ope o Ren 1900 SeedSpecialty ................................................... 1700 Livestock ............................. 1500 Pub hed E e O he Thu da ANDY HOUWELING 403-308-8700 (CELL) • BRETT HOUWELING 403-382-7827 (CELL) GRAIN, FEED A20 May 2018 Alberta Adviser READ THE A20 3, Thu sday May 3 2018 Southern A berta Adv ser www farmpressmed www mp essmed a com Classifieds Sell VCUSTOM sa or Mas ALBERTA ercard Phone Orders To Very Free 1-866-865-4460 FORaRENT hardy, Awnless reat characteristics F da 7 30 a mOther oThursday, 12Thursday 30 p m WORK 1320 -email: 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, T1HSouthern 5H8 Equ pmenSeeds o Ren 2000 Published Every READ THE a com Specialty .................................. 1701 , you’ll love Canmore), highest % plumps & test WORK weight CUSTOM CUSTOM WORK Pets & Supplies .................................. 1600 4100 T403-556-2609 a e s eages 1800 O e Hou Fa mAc & Miscellaneous Ran he o oRen Ren AAC B •ndon HRSW 2900 Fa ms & & HAY P(403)S 892-0728 W A m General ....................... 2100 1750 PAPERS WIM ANKER (CELL) Call: OfficeAd Hours: Seed 1700 Hou Comme e o ................................................... Ren c a P ope y o Ren 2200 1900 Book Your Today PAPERS Book YourCDCAd Today E-Mail: er than Jordan Monda o Thu da Au n on B w w FOR RENT G DEON STOUTJESDYK Ranches Fo Sa e 2300 Land o Ren 110 M SC SEM TRA LERS or text: 403-994-2609 ONL NE AT Equ pmen o Ren 2000 Specialty Seeds .................................. 1701 do your part CLASS F ED WORK NDEX Monday to Thursday MISCELLANEOUS GIDEON STOUTJESDYK CUSTOM WORK 7 30 a m o 4 00 p m S o age 2400 Acreages for Rent............................... 1800 LAND FOR SALE CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM w CDC G F ONLINE AT 2100 Fa ms & Miscellaneous Ranches o Ren 80 4500 F www a Decks S epWo Decks General ....................... 1750 4500 Cus om Wo k Cus om k 4500 Cus om Wo k 4500 Cus om k 4500 Cus om Wo k 4 V 1320 sa ercard Phone Orders To Free 1-866-865-4460 FOR SA E Wo 7:30or a.m.Mas to 4:00 p.m. farmpressmed a com F da 12 30 hed p m E e O he Thu da , larger seed size 7 30 a m o Pub READ THE Commercial Property for Rent ............ 1900 REAL ESTATE FOR SALEMay BY OWNER Houses o Ren 2200 www - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, T1H 5H8 Roundup R d A20 3 ALBERTA 2018 Southern A berta Adv AAC D gh B d Published Other 4100 T aThu e ssday Heavy Toll Low Beds End Dumps READ THE Thursday, May 3, 2018 Southern Alberta Adviser m ser ndon Visa orFARM Mastercard Phone Orders Free 1-866-865-4460 2900 FaA20 ms & FOR RENT 2000 P Thursday SO e Hou W A mFriday A eage e 2600 ofAC its B yield and HRSW otherEvery great characteristics 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Equipment Rent............................. 2300 Land ofor oSa Ren 300 ac es m bo de s own Be y Dumps & Tanke s Phone PAPERS nd D mb o n 3 OFESCEN C AGR Land S o& Sa e 2700 SpQUARTERS ng T (4100) Trailers Acreages for Rent............................... 1800 ................. 2100 Farms Ranches for Rent Pub hed e ORanches he ThuRoundup da Fo X Sa o age 2400 DC Au n on B Office Hours: READ THE w AAC w Brandon HRSW* (2900) Farms & Monda o Thu da e Prograin Soybeans: We are Alberta’s most E-Mail: 1320 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 110 M SC SEM TRA LERS o Bengough SK G a n and 306 222 2413 www PAPERS Comme P ope o Sa e 2800 CLASS F ONL ED WORK NDEX GRASSLAND a Hou ge Today C Con nWORK on P p odu on NE AT UN Houses foraRent.................................. a eCUSTOM guy ca Commercial Property for Rent 2200 ............ 1900 Oh e Book Ad Sp ng Your T hw REAL AND SALE MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK a m o 4 00 p mSun DC G F FOR Monday to Thursday7 30w PAPERS Fa m 4950 & Ran he o Sa e ESTATE 2900 80 F aourDecks S epWo DecksFor ou Austenson ee unn ng Barley* ough u experienced CDC 4500 Cus om Wo k 4500 Cus 4500 WoSEMI k 4500 Cus om 4500 Cus om Wo k grower/dealers with T ofor ave cu om va ed 275 es aSale mos newCus GIDEON STOUTJESDYK FOR SA E Wo k Ranches ...................................... 2300 LandAc for eages Rent 110om MISC TRAILERS: TH A eTO BE WORK NG W AT Equipment Rent............................. 2000 Sa e 2600 o Thu Vdasa orsoybean Mas Phone Orders TokacFree 1-866-865-4460 Saska oon SK your E-Mail: www farmpressmed Hou e o Sa 3000 FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER da 7 30 a m p mSouF h oT Monda Bob Coanecom u Be g 403 308 33 AT 2 m ne Good Roundup R od12 30 A20 Thu sday May 360ercard 2018 Southern A ONLINE berta Adv www ado mpe essmed apart com C CUSTOM AC D gh B7:30 d a.m. to 4:00Fp.m. NE Heavyyield! Low Beds End m ser CUSTOM WORK ONL shed 48 Dumps x4100 60 WORK wT16 doo s 80 CUSTOM Storage 2400 LAND FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM WORK WORK Land Sa 2700 clients now breaking bu acre average a e s 7 30 a$890 m o 4 00 p m ndu Farms a............................................... o o& Sa e e 3100 CDC Glas Flax* ................. 2100 Ranches for Rent AAC B ndon HRSW 2900 Fa ms & Flat Decks, Step Decks, wa e and en e 000 P S W A m 300 ac es ATT m bo s own (4500) Custom Work (4500) Custom Work (4500) Custom Workfarmpressmed (4500) Custom (4 D (4500) Custom Thund Co7n or Orders TollorFree 1-866-865-4460 Roundup nd DThursday mb o SVisa nd AG MB AD SK FOR SALE Work Friday 7:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Published EveryXOther 3 OF SCEN C AGR &y eo Sa eWork V sa Mas ercard Phone To Free 1-866-865-4460 SpQUARTERS ng T Be y Dumps &20 Tanke s To Phone 3200 Manu a CULTURAL u edREAL Home o Sa Comme c aRent.................................. PESTATE ope 2800 ONde CATT PRODUC RS www da 30 RR aMastercard mVTo P12 30 p m NT Phone Lean 9000 bushe S Orders ee Pub hed ECDC e Au Oto he READ THE READ THE FOR SALE BY OWNER: Houses for 2200 WaFne S hen 36 STREET ALBERTA T1H 5H8 • Roundup A20 Thursday, May 3, 2018 Alberta Adviser a com nThu onCon Bda n on 1320 mM w oe O Bengough w NORTH, AAlberta’s AC-Delight Beardless SK Ready GRanches a n LETHBRIDGE, and 306 (4100) Trailers Fo 222 Sa e FARM GRASSLAND a Hou ge Prograin ReaUN o L ng 3300 Heavy Low Beds, End C Dumps, Fa ms & Ranches o Sa e 2900 www SCage SEM TRA LERS Announcements...................................... 90 p odu on Con on QUE TOURS AC Brandon Soybeans: WeP are most CLASSSouthern F ED WORK NDEX 2413 www a nM e Ga guy ca R RR Cn mm Rg n(2900) Acreages for ............................... 2600 Oh e un Sp ngHRSW* T w Office Hours: W Farms & m B ns110 Ba House needs ...................................... 2300 Land forSale Rent K PAPERS H m 300 borders town PAPERS ou ee unn ng h LAND ough u F FOR 4500 Cus om Wo k k SALE MISCELLANEOUS WORK CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM w Houses 3000 AGR TRANSPORTAT ON T ave CDCoGThu cu va ed 275 ac esCUSTOM a4500 mos new • Roundup Xtend (Dicamba tolerant) Antiques................................................ 200 80acres F a m/l, Decks S epWo Decks 3 QUARTERS OF SCENIC AWo N ...................................... wo Sa e Land for Sale 2700 Cus om Wo k 4500 Cus om k 4500 Cus om Wo 4500 Cus om Wo k 4500 Cus om k Spring Triticale* Belly Dumps & Tankers. Phone: 4950 403 548 4565 da Saska oon SK FOR SA E E-Mail: Published Every Other Thursday Storage ............................................... 2400 DC Austenson Barley* ob Sou F h oT Monda READ THE enova on on ng paved Hwy Co ne u Be g 403 308 33 2 experienced soybean grower/dealers with our C m H ED NDEX ne Good NG CLASS ACRESFFOR THE 2018 Monday to ThursdayRoundup Au omob e SEASON 3400 ndus a o Sa e Ranches Sale C FARM FOR SALE BYMISC OWNER ONL NE AT SEMI TRAILERS: R d withshed of Bengough, SK. Grain land A20 Thu sday May 3 2018 Southern Am ONLINE berta Adv ser NOW BOOK Coins www a............ mp essmed a3100 com UN 48 •xConventional 60 For w 16 doo s 110 Commercial Property for Sale 2800 AAC ghpBmC d GRASSLAND large .................................................... 201e A 7 30 a$890 mom oD 4Cove 00 Low Beds Endsome Dumps m AT (IP production) ow Peas op B ends Pa & REAL Se e ESTATE m wa and en eCus 000 306-222-2413,, N 3200 Manu ac u ed Homes o Sa e3500 Office Hours: Sunray Spring Triticale* FOR SA E Au omo 34 Heavy Ask ng $415 000CUSTOM D CUSTOM hund SF d Co n RR VT P AG MB AD SK AND FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK WORK WORK 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. clients now breaking 60 bu acre average yield! 300 ac es m bo de s own DC eGlas Flax* PAPERS V sa or Mas ercard Phone Orders To Free 1-866-865-4460 ATT NT ON CATT PRODUC RS Farms & Ranches forAGR Sale ................. 2900 & a com daS 7 30 3 a m ngoT 12 30 hed pOF m ESCEN QUARTERS C Flat Decks, Step Decks,& Tanke X nd through. DOF 20 mb SCEN o nToCustom coulee Just Lean 9000 bushe S ee 80 (4500) Boa & R V 3600 Auctions ................................................ 300 Work Custom (4500) Custom Work (4500) Custom Work G R A www N Work B Nfarmpressmed E R (4500) EmCMT O NCustom CULTURAL (4950) Sp ne hen e QUARTERS Be y Work Dumps s new Phone cultivated 275 Rea o m LTravel s ngs 3300 m FOR READ SALE e eO C ThuRoundup da running m Mastercard THE Cornelius e Su Wa ab Seed ea ng ab Acreages Sale ............................... 2600 • Austr nanc ng ava acres, ab e almost needed Monday to Thursday Visa or Phone Orders Toll Free 1-866-865-4460 *Denotes Nutrient DensifiedSK Seed Production 1320 -(4500) 36 NORTH, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Saskatoon, GRASSLAND w ConeBeardless on T OR g nPub Houses for .................................. 3000 FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER: Friday 7:30 a.m. tohe12:30 p.m. Hea u Sale for 3700 Triticale* o Bengough G a n LETHBRIDGE, and Berg 403-308-3372 RACRR Cn mm GRASSLAND w aReady ge C South Irvine. Good •Ava Roundup W mBobcat A20 Thursday, May 3, 2018 Southern Alberta Con nFall onof PS p odu on B ns Ba n STREET Ga age House needs R EP A R S SK. AN D Announcements...................................... V NG UN QUE TOURS m KT Construction Equipment ....................... 400 Delight ONLINE AT 306 222 www adoors, e403 guy ca Heavy Low Beds, End Dumps, HM O Adviser m Oh e Hou Sun ngng T TRANSPORTAT ON 90 shed 48ft x 2413 w/16ft 4500 Cus Wo kPhone for Sale ...................................... 2700 • Peru/B 3800 L gh Land T u for PAPERS Trailers 7:30 to 4:00 p.m.m/l, cu Industrial Sale................................ 3100 Fo om mo e n(4100) o60ft Lee ou Brandon ee unn2019 h ough u Prograin AAC HRSW* a 403 548 Ava ab e Spo Farms & or 4565 C va (2900) ed town 275 ac es a mos new water and fences. $890,000. Soybeans: We area.m. Alberta’s most w & Supplies M w................................... C 300 acres borders Conc eAG e 19-22 andBOOK Bobca se vSK ces enova on ATTENTION on ng paved Hwy H Dairy 500 A Sale NSale w omob es 3400 W C mCo Hu Be under Seed Corn: • RR VT2P CLASS F ED NDEX G Th w tolerant) NOW NG ACRES FOR THE 2018 SEASON Monda oXtend Thu (Dicamba da • Roundup (4100) MB 7-10 AD 12-15 4-9 Saska oon SK Mo o Au e & Homes Quad 3900 E-Mail: Antiques................................................ 200 3 QUARTERS OF SCENIC AGRICULTURAL & m m Bob F T Visa Mastercard Phone Orders Toll Free 1-866-865-4460 ne g 403 308 33 2 Spring Triticale* Belly Dumps & Tankers. Phone: ............ 3200 Manufactured for Commercial Property for ............ 2800 CATTLE PRODUCERS! Sou h o ne Good Friday 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 4500 Cus om Wo k 4500 Cus om Wo k 4500 Cus om Wo k 4500 Cus om Wo k 4500 Cus om Wo k Lean-To, 9000 bushel Steel Con ac G a n and C Pub hed ECDC eW Austenson Odfi he eThu da 901 1161 ONL NE ATm READ • Costa Rica Wayne Schenker Wm S R of Pwith Au omo ve Pa s & Se v 3500 shed 48 some x 60 For w 16 doo 20ft s Sa .................................................... es THE &m Snowmob e 4000 o GRASSLAND n AAC W n ea$890 Whea N w 30 m o000 4 00 p A ce................. Barley* Farm Machinery.................................... 600 experienced soybean grower/dealers our $415 FOR SA E 34 Ask ng 000 Bengough, SK. Grain land Ranches Sale with large Realtor Listings ................................... 3300 wa and e 201 C m m Farms &R Ranches for Sale 2900 110 MISC SEMI TRAILERS: •7Co Conventional •m RRNT • Conventional • Organic UNIQUE TOURS D SFCen d n30 RR VTo(IP P12production) QUARTERS OF SCEN AG MBHouse AD SK Se v ces Duane HoegCoins C30mm R M 306-222-2413,, Royal Lepage Community Realty Boa s & V s 3600 G R A N B N E R E C T O N T a e 4100 OThund e eHou unray Spring Triticale* V sa or Mas ercard Phone Orders To Free 1-866-865-4460 ATT ON CATT PRODUC RS We specialize in custom-blending your www farmpressmed a com Bins, Barn, Garage, needs Manage da 7 a m p •K m Lean To 9000WORK bushe S ee AD mSALE G Sale .................................. m PAPERS Haying Equipment ................................ 601TRANSPORTATION WaFlax* ne S hen e D nanc ng yield! ava acres, ab 20 e CUSTOM needed coulee running through. Just AAC BRR andon HRSW (4500) Custom Work LAND FOR MISCELLANEOUS WORK CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK ASSLAND w Auctions ................................................ 300 now breaking 60 bu acre average Houses 3000 mM CDC Glas cultivated 275 almost new Van 4200 AG M Heavy Tfor ucks 3700 80 CUSTOM Flat Step Decks, on*Denotes ORgNutrient nclients RE P A Work R Sneeds AND M O fronting VDecks, NCustom G paved m • Australia/New Zealand 2019 (4500) Custom (4500) Work (4500) Custom Work (4500) Custom Work (4500) Custom Work (4950) Travel 403-548-4565 403 329 1755 Le hb 403-308-3372 dge AB Monda ThuCon daCn mm R o Densified Seed Production m Fo mo e ncover Saskatoon, SK.renovation, mM FOR SALE W O crops and grazing blends to your B ns Ba n Ga age House NW K S Good obcat Fall of Triticale* Hwy Cornelius Berg Combines & Headers ........................... 602 CLASSIFIED INDEX South Irvine. H m o Phone Lee 403 Automobiles ........................................ 3400 Industrial for Sale................................ 3100 3800 L gh T ucks Construction ....................... 400 m 4500 Cus om Wo k FOR SALE BYeOWNER: SERV CES ONL NEMEquipment AT U C Sou hwes o Mcg a h48ft x 60ft FARM AAC Sp fi e Du um w w Alberta C Conc e and Bobca se v ces • Roundup Ready A20 Thursday, May 3, 2018 Southern Adviser shed w/16ft doors, H m A AC Delight Beardless 403 548 4565 w 7 30 a m o 4 00 p m 4500 Cus om Wo k Heavy Low Beds, End Dumps, • Peru/Brazil/Argentina/Chile 2019 Announcements...................................... 90 m&& m m Land o Sa 901 ow Peas - Custom Cover Crop Blends enova onfor onong paved Hwy Land Ren C m455 H CLASS EDG4500 NDEX Automotive Parts Service A oun ng & Boo eep ng ................ 4300 Fertilizer water and fences. $890,000. Mo o cyc es Quads NOW NG ACRES FOR THE SEASON specificationcall us quote. Free 4500 Cus 2300 om Wo k am/l, 4500 Cus om Woes k 4-9 4500 Wo k Cus om Wo k FAB Cus omEquipment.............................. Wo k SALE Bo abe 2C9 2018 No Ca W P ea e603 4950 T ave •A Ne G m ............ 3900 3200 Manufactured Homes for Sale3500 1161 AD NBOOK FOR 34. Asking $415,000 (someCus om Dairy4500 & Supplies ................................... eMas hunder Seed • RR C HSunda (4100) AG 19-22 7-10 AD 12-15 SK P12 30ATTENTION Con acTo Gtown aMB n and Sa & 300 acres borders m A.................................... & m V sa(Dicamba or ercard Phone Free 1-866-865-4460 CATTLE a com 500 F daCorn: 7•R30 a QUARTERS mVT2P p m Every C opSWayne B ends 3 QUARTERS OF SCENIC Compu eR.V.’s e o eN w 4400 • PRODUCERS! Roundup tolerant) Lean-To, 9000 bushel Steel m Snowmob es Antiques................................................ 200 Announcements...................................... Boats &604 3600 w 3 OF SCENIC • Costa Rica/Panama Canal Cruise 2019 G R A I www N B I Nfarmpressmed E RC T I O N m READ m AGRICULTURAL &4000 Spring Schenker Belly Dumps & Tankers. Phone: FOR SA E G H 34 ngOrders $415 000 some Seeding & Tillage day o Ce #oTriticale* 403Available! 892 7048 Realtor ................................... 3300 90 & Listings m ................................. mm Rbook ME CMachinery.................................... Published Other Thursday 40 ac es oXtend ga ed20ft pas ue on-farm storageAsk ofAD your seed until you are Duane • THE Farm 600 Se ov ces Hoeg Manage es Suitable Seed Treating financing available if E needed). QUARTERS OF SCEN C Cu om Wo 4500 Ms WANTED Pas u e up o G R A N B N R E C T O N GRASSLAND with large coulee run• RR • Conventional • Organic Go Ea y HRS Whea T a e 4100 D Heavy Trucks...................................... 3700 of Bengough, SK. Grain land m Royal Lepage Community Realty GRASSLAND with large m Coins .................................................... 201 G We specialize in custom-blending your has • Conventional (IP production) va ab e Bins, Barn, Garage, House REPAIRS AND Haying AGR CULTURAL & Antiques................................................ 200 UNIQUE TOURS MMOVING ngneeds ava ab needed Spraying Equipment ............................. 605 •oKenya/Tanzania 2019 m and a ph aofpha GRASSLAND w Triticale* 306-222-2413,, Feed C ean 4600 601 Office Hours: Sunray Spring 329 Le hb dge itnanc in ca spring. Licensed toeng treat Seed m MEquipment ................................ (4500) Work 4200 ninga through. Just South Irvine. ready OVans mngTRANSPORTATION R EP Ainfo, RAB S Phone A N DLee:M403OV NG m ........................................ 3800 50for cow pa s w403 o 1755 payCustom Light Trucks PAPERS For more m H coulee running through. Justgrazing NW Auctions ................................................ 300 Coins ta 2019: m Ve ytoHa dy Wav n erenovation, Whea S crops and .................................................... 201 g ass new gfences. y flow Land Mapp 4700 20193400 UN TOURS cultivated new Sou 403-548-4565 hwes Available o Mcg a hfor Swathers & Mower/Conditioners .......... 606 Fo paved mo e 275 n o acres, Phonealmost Lee 403 Concrete and BobcatH services. cover blends your NQUE •ng Ireland m fronting Hwy •......................... Australia/New Automobiles ........................................ 019 Combines & Headers ........................... 602 Cw CLASSIFIED INDEX Good water and $975,000. 4500 Cus Wo k Monday to Thursday M w C *Denotes Nutrient Densified Seed Production Saskatoon, SK. Motorcycles & Quads 3900 M w C Conc e AD e and Bobca se v ces SERV CESZealand •Western ( Hw(4500) 2300 Land o Ren protectants, humates, and micronutrients on Bobcat Fall of Triticale* Cornelius Berg 403-308-3372 o om good pas u e e e ences G w Pa &300 Repa 4800 Bo 455 abe AB G 2C9 No Sunda Ca P ea e South Irvine. Good G (4500) Custom Work (4500) Custom Work (4500) Custom Work Custom Work (4500) Custom Work N W m Auctions ................................................ p essu e ne and 2 1 4 m m Construction Equipment ....................... 400 901-1161 Land o Sa e ONLINE AT m H A w & Wodoors, k om Sa Woesk Contact 4500 Cus C om Wo 4500 603 Cus NOW om Wo k Tractors 4500 Cus om Wo 4950 T ave ................................................ 608 k N 901 4500 1161 Wayne Schlenker, Royal Automotive Parts & Service 3500 Calgary shed 48ft xCus 60ft om w/16ft Grainland Sales &Hk Fertilizer Equipment.............................. Accoun ng 4300 Snowmobiles ...................................... 4000 specificationfor amquote. Free orn - AAC Wildfire Winter Wheat •a Newfoundland/Labrador 7:30 to call 4:00 W water Sand fences. Ra.m. P usp.m. •Bookkeep Peru/Brazil/Argentina/Chile Con 4500 ac G Cus a n and & Ren BOOK NG ACRES FOR THE 2018 SEASON FOR SALE 34. Askingyour $415,000 m ng ................ &4900 m 2019 w Whea ga G $890,000. e Ca 403 317 0629 AC Jun pe AC Mo LePage gan e whee move Ca o ACREAGES ACREAGES ....................... 400 m seedab at time of(some pickup. 0nQUARTERS ace es ed pas uR e C mACREAGES m Dairy & Supplies ................................... 500 Construction Th under Seed Corn: • RR M OF SCENIC (4100) AGTDuane 19-22 7-10 AD 12-15 SK 4-9 Community Realty: 403-548-4565 MiscellaneousEquipment ....................................... 609 C mm Compu s & Accesso es 4400 mAeR.V.’s M Boats & .................................... 3600 T a e 4950 GRA I N ADSteel BOrders I N SeE R E Toll C I O Free NMB Hoeg WANTED Pas u euntilo up o PRODUCERS! Trailers ................................................ 4100 Visa ava or Mastercard 1-866-865-4460 ATTENTION CATTLE GooEa has y HRS Whea Seeding & Tillage ................................. 604 Manager: Friday 7:30 a.m.VT2P toof12:30 p.m. v ces Manage 90 May 3 2018 20ft bushel M •Ad Ro (2900) AD 14-15 Services. Duane Hoeg,Announcements...................................... on-farm storage your seed are 393 • 500 Iceland/Greenland • Costa Rica/Panama Canal Cruise A 2019 deMu a you s 403 6584 1 8N Wayne Schenker & Supplies ................................... aRSW m and a ph a pha if Lean-To, needed).9000Phone A20D sday Southern berta M AAC Brandon ASSLAND with-Accu large run- HRSW Farm Machinery.................................... 600 Dairy FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Wo 4500 & Definancing by Oa available m k AGR CULTURAL & M Thu VansCus ................................................... 4200 AD AG Machinery Parts.................................... 610 om EMPLOYMENT Heavy Trucks...................................... 3700 50 cow ca pa We sAC w ng ang o custom-blending pay Ve acoulee e &Lepage Fa • RR • Conventional • Organic REPAIRS AND MOVING Antiques................................................ 200 403 329 1755 Le hb dge AB 403-329-1755, Spraying Equipment ............................. 605 m H mM Lethbridge, AB O m Royal Community Realty Ve y Ha dy W n e Whea m Farm Machinery.................................... 600 g ass new g av y flow specialize in your FARM • Onta Bins, Barn, Garage, House needs • Yukon/NWT www s ready for it in spring. Licensed to treat Seed •UN Kenya/Tanzania 2019 4600 o Oppo C ean ng e through. Just SouthSou of Irvine. Emp Feed o 700 men un 5000 m Equipment Haying ................................ 601 Farm Buildings...................................... QUE TOURS For more info, Phone 4500 Lee: 403K Trucks hwes o oMcg a h pas u Southwest We have RGN and o he um ........................................ 3800 Light w M w C (4500) Custom Work N SERVICES D g Dugou H m U H Coins .................................................... 201 of Mcgrath good e e e ences AAC Spitfire Durum Load ng & T ea ng Fac e Swathers & Mower/Conditioners .......... 606 Cus om Wo k G Concrete Bobcat services. p nefences. and 2 $975,000. 1 403-548-4565 4 MACHINERY Haying Equipment ................................ ng 4700 2300 Land oBa Emp Land o 601 menMapp Wan ed 5100 d essu water eand (4500) Custom Work Bo 455 abe NG AB G 2C9Custom No Ca(4500) P ea eCustom G o Bu by Seebe Sund e(4500) ey Custom Ze n eSunda ng AD Custom N cover crops and grazing blends toRen your •Western Canada Farm Tour Including • Ireland protectants, micronutrients on 2700 Land o Rent Sa e and Land o Sa e humates, and renovation, fronting paved Hwy (2300) Land for Combines &Taber, Headers 602 Granaries flaWork bed a es o hau C mTHE H CLASSIFIED INDEX A N w 5200 Accounting & Bookkeeping................. 4300 Motorcycles Quads ......................... 3900 Work (4500) Custom Work (4500) Work Work NOW BOOK FOR 2018 SEASON Box 4557, AB........................... T1G 2C9 No Sunday Calls Please (4950) Travel EQUIPMENT Auctions ................................................ 300 & Bins 701 G H .................................. 901-1161 (4500) ADACRES 7 TFN C(4500) n Dugou Bu ne Oppo un& e Land for Sale. ava ab e Ca 403 317 0629 AC Jun pe Mo gan Tractors ................................................ 608 Pa s & Repa s Show 4800 W• Re a AC & Who e a e m e Schlenker, whee move Ca o Combines & Headers ........................... 602 Aus ne Royal LePage Contact Grainland Sales & G H • Fra Calgary Stampede & Farm M 892 7048 mo 3 5 m e C n pump up 40 ac es o ga ed pas u eof pickup. Crop Blends Computers Accessories .................. 4400 ag cu u a and N800 w & Fertilizer Equipment.............................. 603 Fertilizer Snowmobiles ...................................... 4000 specificationcall usPas for apasture/ quote. Free • Newfoundland/Labrador Equipment ....................... 400 T a ng 5300 seed at time mA FOR SALE Grain, Feed & Hay ................................ 34. Asking $415,000 (some WANTED u ePea o up 3o QUARTERS Ren s 4900 60 ndus Long Thu Ra hsday Ex vMay o Go Ea has yyour HRS Whea deMu a s ang 403 393 1•nAdv 800 661 4326 Equipment.............................. 603 aser mmunity Realty: Miscellaneous ....................................... 609 40 acres irrigated 3 2018 Construction Southern A berta OF SCEN C Cu 403-548-4565 om M yof Ea Ye ow • Peru/ AC & by Oaon Services. Hoeg, a6584 mna and a ph aSCENIC pha LOOK 3 DePo QUARTERS OF H AD yHRS Cu o Custom Work ...................................... of o ng& Tillage g 500 o................................. 604 Rocky Mountaineer Rail • Iceland/Greenland (2900) AD 14-15 C WANTED: Pasture for up Duane to equ comb nes G Rpmen AManager: I N such B I NpasA20 EREC TION G •Ve Go Early Trailers 4100 Portion m 4500 Dairy ................................... Seeding T ave 4950 Announcements...................................... 90 Seeding NG TO Aalpha USED Irrigation................................................ 900 on-farm storage ofBUY your seed you o arepay 50 cow ca pa sWheat, wuntil ng m & Supplies & Tillage ................................. 604 FARM Wo k m H www se ec ................................................ hoWANTED days com vailable! GRASSLAND w h 403-329-1755, a geifcou ee Lethbridge, ABS AGRICULTURAL & Machinery Parts.................................... 610 financing available needed). farmland. ItG has alph H G M Lea Cu e &GRASSLAND Hone Bee Veass y Ha dy gW n eycoulee Whea with large rung new av flow Feedlot Cleaning ................................ 4600 Equ pmen 5400 We have RGN andwo he For • these Costaand GPS M pp ng 4 whee d ve ac o s swa he s Ho gh d ng S uage Pea H T Ye Dpairs, g Dugou Farm Machinery.................................... 600 OR Vans ................................................... 4200 NW • Ontario Farm Tour Including K• Yukon/NWT REPAIRS AND MOVING Antiques................................................ 200 Spraying Equipment 605 Spraying G EMPLOYMENT 50 cow/calf willing to pay T n ng w5300 M w aC............................. MACHINERY Equipment ............................. 605 Hogs & Supplies ................................. 1000 H w M good pas e e e ences unn ng h ough Jus Sou h o D n g D h Pe ona 5600 ready for it in spring. Licensed to treat Seed Bu by Seebe Sund e Ba ey Farm Buildings...................................... 700 Ze o n e ng Very Hardy Winter Wheat ning through. Just South of Irvine. p essu e ne and 2 1 4 grass, new gravity flow Land Mapping ..................................... 4700 UNIQUE TOURS 2700 Land oP Sa e Southwest of Mcgrath FOR RENT W Emp fla bed a For e s more o hau info, Phone Lee: 403- e Niagara Falls c We a e se Bobcat v ng wes e n EQUIPMENT G H Haying Equipment ................................ 601 019: oymen Oppo un es 5000 C n Dugou Coins .................................................... 201 m • F G T w (4500) Custom Work Swathers & Mower/Conditioners .......... 606 NOW BOOK NG ACRES FOR THE 2018 SEASON Swathers & Mower/Conditioners .......... 606 Concrete and services. SERVICES Horses & Supplies .............................. 1100 forab Rent ne Good wa e and ences good pasture, references and fences. $975,000. ava eline, Ca 403 AC Jun pe AC(2300) Mo gan PartsEmp & Repairs 4800 m water e whee move Ca o Land Box 4557, Taber, T1G 2C9 Custom No Sunday Please B m n TFN Granaries & .................................. 701 pump up o AB 3 5(4500) m e R (4500) AD 7 •Western Canada Farm Tour Including pressure 2micronutrients -a317 1/4 ag0629 cu u av and ndus protectants, humates, and onfor m .................................. &Wan m 2019 w Po hand Cano Land for Good Sale. O ........................... LCalls FAuctions L D................................................ NSPECT O R 300 ME oymen ed 5100 G Canada & no hwes eC nn USA Combines & Bins Headers 602 •• Australia/New Zealand (4500) Work (4500) Custom Work Work (4500) Custom Work (4500) Custom Work Travel 901-1161 France Land/River Cruise N(4950) w 661 60 LongWayne RaCustom h Ex v enke o 608 Tractors ................................................ 608 Tractors Accounting & Bookkeeping................. 3Royal QUARTERS SCEN C Wayne Schlenker, VeWheat yTO Ea y Ye ow Contact Livestock & Supplies .......................... 1200 Rentals ............................................... $975 000 SOK dePea a s ang 403 Cu 393 6584 1un 800 4326 Calgary Stampede &4900 Farm Show4300 mm ................................................ R Southern H May 3 &2018 A Oppo berta Adv o LePage was B ng g & o A20 Thu sdayFertilizer Grain, Feed HayCOURSES ................................ 800 ce ....................... M PVC L nGrainland n RANCH!” onoSales Bus ness es ser 5200 equ such comb nes Sch available. Call: 403-317-0629 •hCOF AC Juniper, ACCall Morgan, M mile wheel move. forpmen – Ge fied now 400 C AC & De by Oa Equipment.............................. 603 0inter acres irrigated pasture/ “WE DELIVER TO & AD NG of BUY A Mu USED Construction Equipment your seed at time ofee pickup. • Peru/Brazil/Argentina/Chile 2019 G 4950 ....................................... S p Wo k Commun y Rea y FARM Community Realty: 403-548-4565 Computers Accessories .................. 4400 GRASSLAND w a for ge cou Portion of609 may be & Taxwww Deductible Miscellaneous .......................................S 609 Miscellaneous Travel.................................................. WANTED: up to H w Pasture G M Roya R g.............................. mndus y •N Poultry & Supplies Go HRS &mB I Con ac cs FARM T aTours n ng 5300 Services. Hoeg, se ec ho daysRail com sManager: cs@vandenbe ghay ca ca Sp ng T a4 ewhee d ve TRAILERS GPS M@ ppvandenberghay ng ac LePage o sWe swa he RGN s H•WHEAT gh eItGd ng S Wheat, age Pea Irrigation................................................ 900 T YEarly • Rocky Mountaineer (2900) ADhe 14-15 Ro d Con MDuane n ac n og n ogs ha he s com ng back O1300 m Seeding & Tillage ................................. 604 GP LENT L details. 403-393-6584 Dairy & Supplies ................................... 500 have and o armland. has alph alpha 5300 T a n ng Louise A20 Thursday, May 3, 2018 Southern Alberta Ad RSW D g Dugou Machinery Parts.................................... 610 w M NW For and other departures, contact unn nge Ba h ough Jus Sou hpay o Derby Oats D 403 Custom Work ...................................... 4500 G nse g 548 Dng4565 hwes e n (2300) AD 14-15 AC Mustang & • these Costa Rica/Panama Canal Cruise 2019 m &R R AGRICULTURAL & Machinery Parts.................................... 610892 MACHINERY EMPLOYMENT P• Very Accurate N great Joe n o o ee 11 877 824 3010 o oA e e403 795 1872 Nob eeo dd AB WANTED FOR RENT Sheep Supplies ............................... 1400 Ad ee 877 824 3010 403 795 3010 Nob o AB 50 cow/calf pairs, willing to Bu by Seebe Sund ey & Fast ohn 403 55 3 Be 403 308 4644 Ze o n e ng e c We a e v 403-329-1755, Lethbridge, AB Spraying Equipment ............................. 605 Hogs & Supplies ................................. 1000 AP Ce fica on P pe ne Ves D v s on o 2700 Land o Sa e Farm Machinery.................................... 600 fla bed a e s o hau G waT e and w ences • Ontario Farm Tour5000 KWS d ongravity CDC mpu F v ne Good Very AHardy Winter Wheat Farm Buildings...................................... 700pmen EQUIPMENT grass, new flow G H FARM www.s C n Dugou We have RGN O W mIncluding 4600 H R Lawrence Feedlot Cleaning ................................ AD Equ 5400 Employment Opportunities ................. B m n Farm Buildings...................................... 700 R UNIQUE TOURS • Kenya/Tanzania 2019 Southwest of Mcgrath Po h Cano a and other Specialty Livestock ............................. 1500 L F E L D N S P E C T O R rum hwes e ncu USA EDMONTON SHEDDED EQU P M SC references SEM G TRA LERS Canada & no Swathers &eMower/Conditioners .......... 606 C n pump up o 35m Niagara se s Haying Tanks P1100 p ng V s www 601 Granaries • Dig Dugouts Equipment ................................ Horses & Supplies .............................. ag u a and ndus a h Ex v o m Falls & m 4700 w for good pasture, Loading line, & Treating (4500) Custom Work & Bins .................................. 701 G M CDC m R pressure and 2Facilities - 1/4 MACHINERY Pe sona 5600 $975 000 Wayne Sch enke Land Mapping ..................................... (2300) Land for Rent 60 Long R Employment Wanted .......................... 5100 BARLEY C mm R 4500caNo Cus om Wo k 602 Cus om Wo1600 k •m 4500 Cuson omZealand Wo k 450 Box Taber, AB T1G 2C9 b .......................... Sunday Calls Please 3 DQUARTERS OFBarley SCEN w Pea B S w N onLand A D for Sale S O D H PVC L nC N n Granaries & Bins .................................. 701 Pets &4500 •FBusby, Seebe, Sundre Product • Zero Injecting (4500) AD 7–TFN Ve yTO Eafor y Ye ow COURSES now Supplies .................................. Tractors ................................................ 608780 (2700) Land Sale. Hca Till Ireland trailers haul as 842 6264 Cu o C Combines & 1200 Headers ........................... • Australia/New o 4557, ng g equ s pmen such as comb nes Livestock M France Land/River Cruise2019 Grain, Feed & Hay ................................ 800Opportunities....................... M ca ltflatbed s EarthMov ngDugouts ltdGe ce fied 18 •toClean BUY USED FOR RENT Business HEMP 5200 available. Call:Commun 403-317-0629 • AC Juniper, AC Morgan, RoyaALePage y Rea T k ghay w EQUIPMENT B E w yDwm h a ge B R g I H Parts & Repairs • .................................. 4800 •Wester & Call Wholesale mile wheel S oMiscellaneous &mB& Supplies Con ac og @ ca Svandenberghay pA Wo CDC Au nmove. GRASSLAND cou ee ogwsNcs Sp• Retail ngonTLOOK aHNG efor TRAILERS Grain, Feed &609 Hay 800 Irrigation................................................ G gh M Ro d Con MV n ac n4 nwhee he ndus y s com ng M back ....................................... Seed ................................................... 1700 Fertilizer Equipment.............................. 603 •nw Can pump up to................................ 3.5 miles Wa AB ofeGirrigated pasture/ GPS pp ng dcs@vandenbe vewe w ac oV795 s mswa he s de d ng S Wheat, age H 40 acres T Y agricultural andha industrial R Calga 900 •Rentals Newfoundland/Labrador Poultry & Supplies .............................. 1300 Oof Tours maymbe Tax • Peru/Brazil/Argentina/Chile 2019 S + NH & T P Bu Ad be Training............................................... 5300 m ng R 5300 T 892 a n Portion Deductible REA ESTATE 403 548 Pea 4565D m WANTED: Pasture for ............................................... 4900 www K•gh n Early w M Joe o oh T ee 824 3010 1872 Nob eeood AB Long Reach Excavator Go HRS details. Ad n up 1877 877 824 3010 403h 795 3010 Nob AB a • 60’ unn ng h ough Sou oee1QUARTERS Dao eo nse ge403 A20 3, 2018 Southern Alberta Adviser CDC Bow ohn 403 55R3Parts.................................... Be 403 308 &4644 3to OF SCENIC •403-393-6584 Custom Pollination Machinery 610 AP Ce on PMay pe ne Ves Irrigation................................................ 900 C P N FOR RENT SK • Very Yellow Pea, Seeding Tillage ................................. 604 D Thursday, g fica Dugou mm R w www SJus AC Mustang & Derby Oats Specialty Seeds .................................. 1701 e -c 806 We25ft vD ng wes e n farmland. It has alph alpha “WE DELIVER TO FARM & RANCH!” Hogs & Supplies ................................. 1000 (2300)Early AD 14-15 Cultivator Coop cultivator AG MB AD • Floating agitator Andrew Sheep & Supplies ............................... 1400 H R Ce 403 382 7895 Phone 403 833 3766 Fax 403 833 3706 equipment such as combines, F G T w AD WANTED For these and other great departures, contact •R • Iceland/Greenland • Costa Rica/Panama Canal Cruise 2019 Travel.................................................. 4950 LOOKING TO BUY A willing USEDences F no Po hEDMONTON v ne Good wa e and SHEDDED EQU Ppairs, MAm SC SEM TRA&LERS 50 cow/calf to pay & with SK Farm Buildings...................................... 7001 B m n m &Miscellaneous R R se s Tanks P p ng V s www FARM • Scraper Work Spraying Equipment ............................. 605 Hogs & Supplies ................................. 1000 GRASSLAND with large coulee Cano a Pa ce A s 724 + o ac es w h wa e we on he eas s de o Se u Lake The e s an O L F E L D N S P E C T O R C n Dugou Horses Supplies .............................. 1100 deep tillage harrolds. 16 ft deep G General ....................... 1750 Canada & no hwes e n USA (Leaf Cutter Honey Bee’s) G M 1750 Gene a M sc Very Hardy Winter Wheat RLivestock flow Equipment 5400 We have RGN and other Specialty ............................. 1500 4500 Cus om Wo 4500 Cus om Wo k Cusmom 4500 •.......................................... Cus om Wo k 4500 • GPS Mapping drive tractors, swathers High Silage Pea H-1000 Tub in excellent Berac N w N A D $975 S Grinder OWayne F D S D grass, H new gravity Dig Dugouts w & •PVC • On R Wo k R Yukon/NWT 000 Sch enke •Louise Kenya/Tanzania 2019 Cus om C mm R 4500 & Bins .................................. 701 EMPLOYMENT (5300) Training b as caR ca 780 6264 Swathers & Mower/Conditioners ..........1100 606 C wYielding B “60 Where Farmers &k–Ranchers Llnspikes. n South on of - 4-wheel MACHINERY Horses & Supplies .............................. m C nt deLeeuw 403-634-9426 tillage cultivator with Massey COURSES Ge Granaries ce& Supplies fied now Livestock &RSupplies .......................... 1200 M lt s EarthMov ng td for good pasture, references running through. Just Long h Ex v on o842 o mmMe 1 800 661 4326 FOR RENT HYBR D Seebe, FALL RYE • Drainage Ditches Personal ............................................. 5600 Busby, Sundre Barley A D v s • Zero Till Injecting A Such McDona d wLand N A T B E D m B line, Vand(2700) pressure 2 1/4 w w condition. Please call: 780-841-9756 Pets .................................. 1600 for Sale H FOR RENT flatbed trailers to haul LePage Commun y mB R g ounds We are ghay serving western abundance wa as................................ and su he1200 ake The pngope yan s no h and eas o Hussa EQUIPMENT Grain, Feed 800 She & I Con ac og s s cs @ etc. vandenberghay ca Product on Employment Opportunities ................. 5000 Tractors ................................................ 608 nw AB • 88 Clean Dugouts D SRoya C P LBu YW Oy ORea D beFerguson Canada Farm TourLawrence Including Con ac og cs@vandenbe ca Sp move. ngTTACCall aS efor + orNH TRAILERS Gas Tractor easy Ro dm M nand nwith nfences. RHay Poultry Supplies .............................. 1300 ha he ndus y so com nge&back CUSTOM Livestock & Supplies .......................... mAd&R wO w U NVT Call: m WORK m Gu & no T P de A a wGood m Ad e ng Con u an e Con u •Western S pWa Wo k gh REA www se ec ho days com • Ireland Irvine. water 780-928-2765 Look F rsmiles o Buy ”mm................................................... Owne available. 403-317-0629 • AC Juniper, mile wheel •403 Basements Seed •eCan pump to 3.5 1800 Da e W Morgan, douck R 1700 RP E C T O R 609 AcreagesRfor Rent............................... 403 4565 •F and industrial Calgary Farm Irrigation................................................ •SCENIC Polish Canola O ESTATE I L 892 I Em5300 L55 D S JoeDnTReach ee 1 824 3010 oBuye e We 795 1872 ooAG d ....................................... go1977 Dugou Employment .......................... 5100 have RGN and he o 1877 877 824 3010 e 403 795 3010Nob Nob eo dAB AB up on7895 100 loader. 6500 & northwestern USA. w 4x8 www S GMC mee G TGrain ohn 403 3 900 Be 403 308 4644 403 317 9692 330 5437 Sheep & Supplies ............................... 1400Stampede &Wanted TI N a n ng fica on C Pand pe ne Ves MB AP ADCe SK Doug as548 Fu 4x9agricultural 4x10 •Show Newfoundland/Labrador Poultry &403 Supplies .............................. 1300 H • 60’Ad Long Excavator Production Ce 403 382 Phone 403 833 3766 Fax oCanada 403 833 3706 3 QUARTERS OF AB Coun y FRHMiscellaneous D g Co D ne us Be g 403 308 33n 2Whea D• nVery o Early Yellow Pea, R1000 $975,000. Schlenker, Ze n e naInstallation ng AD truck details. Specialty Seeds 1701 Property for RentSouthern ............Business & Oats m R.................................. Hogs &s Supplies ................................. A20 Thursday, May 3,www 2018 Alberta Adviser & Wayne w - 806GRA 25ftEDMONTON cultivator with hoist rubber. Best of- FARM Floating agitator Machinery–Parts.................................... 610 Commercial •ofla PVC Line bed e RANCH!” s o•hhau Opportunities....................... 5200 Portion equipment as combines, C n900 Dugou •1900 Rocky Mountaineer Rail COURSES Get............................... certified now1400 AC & Derby SHEDDED EQU Psuch SEM TRACultivator LERS Specialty Livestock 1500 1750TOGene MMustang sc 403-393-6584 se s Tanks P p ng V “WE TO & (2300) AD 14-15 NCoop & BDELIVER N hERECT ON RE OKING BUY aM ASC USED REA ............................. ESTATE Sheep & Supplies s anda d o w smoo h ove ay • Iceland/Greenland G M R Dave S nger and 403-359-0508 w & • Scraper Work B m n + m R R GRASSLAND with large coulee C ag n pump upa oand 3 logistics 5m e Horses &Miscellaneous Supplies .............................. harrolds. 16 ftN deep 4500 Cus om Wo kthat 4500 Wo k Equipment 4500 Cus om Wo kFarm 4500 Cus NOW om Wo k ForNG General ....................... 1750Cus 780-919-9985 Royal LePage Community Realty: for H Rent............................. 2000 O L F Eindustry L D 1100 N S Pom E Cback. T OR Farm Buildings...................................... 700 N• w A CD 4-wheel S drive Ofers F excellent D S deep D tillage HwithPA YELLOW PEA AB Sales & Booking Contact @ M m Inquiries FARM cu u ndus a Training............................................... 5300 theseA a RS AND MOV NG Pets & Supplies .................................. 1600 Contact Spring Triticale TRAILERS 60 Long R h Ex v o • GPS Mapping C mm tractors, swathers High Pea 000 TubYielding Grinder Silage in b as ca ca 780 842 6264 BOOK • Road Maintenance the is coming • Ontario Including w w GP WHEAT LENTIL Sw C DSA A Weshave RGN and• other M lt EarthMov ng Dugouts ltdo PVC Specialty Livestock ............................. 1500 H R (5300) Training 1Andrew 800 661 4326 Louise FOR RENT Dig 3 8 Vspikes. o 1 MACHINERY 1South 2 nch 1 1 2A and w of Nh ck G T 403-548-4565 wL YBW O@w D m Massey L n n as•comb on • Yukon/NWT Livestock .......................... ngtoll gfree o1-877-824-3010 C Toll 1-877-328-0048 running through. COURSES Ge ce fied now Granaries – & 1200 Bins .................................. 701 Farms S C OPlease T call:WORK P OE D tillage • Drainage R & Ranches for Rent ................. 2100 equ pmen such nes mcultivator mB mBwith AAC LU Nomb Seed ................................................... 1700 Niagara Falls WANTED CUSTOM mAB. R& Supplies dition. w Barley m TJust Joe: or or cell 403-795-1872 •of: Nobleford FOR RENT w western Adrian: toll free 1-877-824-3010 403-795-3010 Nobleford, AB Wa gh AB Brad deLeeuw Sm pDitches Wo kmA R •mBusby, Seebe, John 403-892-5513 •Lake Bert 403-308-4644 •nw Zero TillB Injecting etc. We areFree serving R .................................. API Certification, Pipeline, VesS NH w m D 780-841-9756 & TImpulse PSundre Acell Division Bu de a & to haul - 403-382-7362 Pets Supplies 1600 (2700) Land for S D H Sale flatbed Ferguson 88 Gas with ESTATE ec ho com • KWS •EQUIPMENT CDC Poultry &+ Supplies .............................. 1300 C mm Ro dM n o n s swa5300 ce s 456 o ac es &ndus on he wes s de oHouses SeforSeeds u ncONuded wLand/River hLawrence hwww s pase ce s days aTour Including Grain, Feed &REA Hay ................................ 800 We have RGN o hebe ha he y s com ngT1H back M pp ng 1 Tractor 3 4and ne p+ ywood upw oV 60 GMC T m& G pS Teasy Clean Dugouts G andD S trailers B •AD M •Western Canada Farm Rent.................................. 2200 4 GPS whee d ve n ac he s T aPa H Irvine. water fences. 80-928-2765 Specialty .................................. 1701 TRANSPORTAT (2700) 12-17 n ng oug asAlderon 4x9 Equipment .......................................... 5400 • Basements D g Dugou C mm R Acreages for Rent............................... 1800 Box 1236 P cture Butte AB w www 4x10 S Good 1320 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA 5H8 • France Cruise M D n g D h Co ne us Be g 403 308 33 2 • Fu Polish4x8 Canola AG MB AD SK O I L F I E L D I N S P E C T O R Berac Ze o n e ng on 100 loader. 1977 6500 Grain Canada & northwestern USA. EDMONTON SHEDDED EQUIP: Ce 403 382 7895 Phone 403 833 3766 Fax 403 833 3706 110 MISC SEMI TRAILERS: Seed ................................................... m R • Can up toSheep 3.5 miles Buye seExcavator Tanks, Visit & Suppliessels, ............................... 1400 & w agricultural and industrial Calgary Stampede & Farm Show Irrigation................................................ 900 Land bedASa e s o hau AP Ce fica Piping. on P pe ne www. Ves1700 &pump Ranchers mfor Miscellaneous c We “ a eWhere se v ng wesFarmers e n General ....................... 1750 • CDC Imax & 306 278 3138fla No SK m R Such ...................................... 2300 A N & N hERECT ON REay Phone REAya ESTATE Personal $975,000. Schlenker, • 60’ Long BARLEY C nReach Dugou Commercial Property ford Rent ............ 1900 anda d oB w smoo h ove (4500) Custom Work Custom Work (4500) Custom Work 5600 (450 A Me McDona d 1750 Gene awith scWayne 3wAB QUARTERS OF SCENIC truck hoist 900Flat rubber. Best of- 25ft ‘93 New Noble 30’ Seed-O80 Decks, Decks, Heavy •B PVC Line Installation na o +M beau u m wh ch has wo houses 2Rent shops 2 wa e s............................................. new ba nMountaineer wSEASON h Production w Early Yellow Pea, Portion ofwe Tours may be TaxTHE Deductible C ag n pump up 3 5equipment m e AiraDrill, COURSES certified now Specialtya Livestock ............................. 1500 Specialty Seeds 1701 H (4500) O L Ll D– Get N S ECT O R eed Supplies ................................. 1000 &-Step, 780-842-6264, Cultivator 806 Coop cultivator M H m cum u and ndus m & call: R se s Hogs Tanks P p.................................. ng R V s www •P Floating agitator m ............................................... Production RS AND MOV NG C • VeryTO such as combines, &arthMoving no hwes e Fn E USA Rail NOW NG ACRES FOR 2018 ilt’s . rst Storage 2400 LOOKING ALePage FOR RENT Sw C DSA Aease Adve s ng Consu an and Adve sBOOK ng Consu an HEMP t USED vestock .com Office: 403-732-5206 Sunday Ca std@gma P fers 780-919-9985 Royal Community Vator 9000 w/Noble 291 Air Long Tank R M Low Beds, End Dumps, Belly Equipment for Rent............................. 2000 60 hCanada Ex v E o C mm & The Farmer Swockman AD-V ser a d v nes s@ o FarmPress Med athat and s td d r ce bu ed every her week o arm ranch n Sou hern A ber a• Rocky Sales Booking Inquiries Contact •on Scraper Work 8 oTRAILERS 1• 1Spring 2 nch h ck and BUY For these and other great departures, contact Look to Buy.” wRealty: • CDC Austenson PVC L n on GRASSLAND with large Pets&&o Supplies .................................. 1600 Contact o•16 ng g onslogistics C Triticale G1 1 2 summ H Revery COURSES –Fs Ge fied now Horses Supplies .............................. 1100 tillage with ftcoulee deep General Miscellaneous ....................... 1750 R Road Maintenance Rhe H ou the industry back. equ pmen such as comb b as ca ca 780 842 6264 SEED NG & Tharrolds. LLAGE Wainwright, AB. m w & M m 317 NH D SHigh CO UYielding NGrinder T Pin L Yexcellent W O Om D deep M lt sAlberta E arthMov ng l td is coming • GPS Mapping 4-wheel drive tractors, swathers Silage Pea H-1000 Tub co a s and ca e hand ng sys em some b ns and o bu d ngs Acreages for Rent............................... 1800 403 9692 403 330 5437 • Ontario Farm Tour Including CUSTOM WORK Triple Shoot + NH3 w-w/o Valmar Dumps & Tankers. Phone: 306-222m R Burdett, w m m Farms & Ranches for Rent ................. 2100 & S D H (5300) Training S pDitches Wo k REAL ESTATE www R& Supplies S B gVesI403-892-5513 403-548-4565 Seed ................................................... 1700 • Katani C mm Con sCertification, @ vandenberghay cultivator spikes. Massey Joe: toll free or or cell 403-795-1872 • Nobleford AB. Ro dtoll M n1-877-824-3010 n o n sWe Livestock .......................... 1200 H ha he ndus y &s com ng back GPS M pp ng Adrian: free 1-877-824-3010 cell 403-795-3010 Nobleford, ABac 4 Bow p ne p ywood upPlease o 60call: Con ac og og s cs cs@vandenbe ghay ca ca running through. Just South of AGB MB Twith AD4 SK a• CDC e3 W douck G D 2413, Stillage M • Drainage S C H PU whee d ve ac swa he s EQU PMENT Wa nw gh AB John • Bert 403-308-4644 R TRANSPORTAT ON API Pipeline, condition. 780-841-9756 have RGN and o he Niagara Falls FOR RENT • Dig Dugouts GMC m G T Bu de A be a Commercial Property for Rent ............ 1900 1655 proven direct seeding unit w/7”, Saskatoon, H AG 17-22 MB 5300 a n ng Doug as have Fu “WE 4x8 etc. We are serving western DELIVER TO & RANCH!” you e o4x10 se oca y oGaswater oTractor expo we have a ke oCell: ypes o21 1877 ca e (5300) 5-10 AD 10-15 SK 4-91300 Acreages for Sale ............................... 2600 R Andrew Houses for Rent.................................. 2200 (403) 382-7895 • 824 Phone: (403) 833-3766 •Be Fax: (403) 833-3706 Ferguson 88 easy Specialty Seeds .................................. 1701 D g ma DFARM (2700)Good AD us Be ga 403 308 33 ASca 4x9 Joe ee 3010 o o 892 eon 1872 Nob e AB Poultry & Supplies .............................. Ad n oo ee 877 824 3010 e403 403 795 3010 NobT eo odm d AP Ce fica P795 pe ne Ves Ze o ewna ng ohn 403 55 3 403 308 4644 m AB cwith We ampo e se v ng wes enlive n & 12-17 w eand •NFinola ON Irvine. fences. or 780-928-2765 Phone 306 GRA 278 3138 AB SEMI TRAILERS: fla bed eCo s Ane ohhau EDMONTON SHEDDED AG MB AD SK 1800 EquipmentTRANSPORTAT spacing & •factory rod, edge on USA. SK. Basements for Rent............................. 2000 Acreages for2300 Rent............................... Tanks, www. •MISC Amisk Ce 403 382 7895sels, 403Piping. 833 3766 833 3706 H • France Land/River Cruise & B No N hERECT REFOR Canola REA ESTATE w W S BTU O I LVisit F IWork EEFax L DD 403I Land NN SS P EE CCT...................................... OCustom RR ....................... •Phone Clean Dugouts ATTN1977 ORGAN onSALE 100+ EQUIP: loader. 6500 CGrain Canada &up northwestern s anda d •oPolish w smoo ON h ove ay (1750) General 1750 M Q General Misc. for Rent SheepWork & Supplies ............................... 1400 Landmfor Sale ...................................... 2700 Custom m nfor se s (4500) Tanks P p ng www m C& neB pump oand 35m ew ze Canada && no hwes ncu USA Custom (4500) (4500) Custom Work (4500) Work (4500) Custom O LVFs L P Miscellaneous TO Berac ‘93ac Newng Noble Air Drill, 30’ Seed-OFlat Decks, Step Decks, Heavy AB sweeps 8 16”ideal direct seedM H m ag u a ndus a Fo dMOV con & hedg ng on S augh e Ca e Feede Ca e o max m p ofi s & m n m ze sk Farms & Ranches for Rent ................. 2100 PA RS wa AND NG C $975,000. Wayne Schlenker, M HF R M Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 • unday Ca s P ease FARMERS N w N S O Commercial Property for Rent ............ 1900 NOW BOOK NG ACRES FOR THE 2018 SEA, call: 780-842-6264, truck Sw with hoist C900 M rubber.DSA • PVC Line Installation A Th842 s of: s6264 a ––oGet aMStorage oce 1180 mo e o ess deeded ac es o wm saforeRent.................................. Wouford p............ e e2200 asmay one Portion ofy Tours be Tax Deductible COURSES certified now m Specialty Livestock ............................. 1500 Commercial ’Best s& E EofarthMoving td . as orcomb R ............................................... 2400 • 60’ Reach Excavator Property Sale 2800o se p ope b Long as ca 780 38 o 1 Belly 1 2 nch h ck9000 and FOR HYBRID FALL n EED NG T LLAGE A ca Division o PVC ng L gl on Al Such McDonald B CVator G1 1 2 w/Noble 291 Air wTank Beds, End Dumps, m RENT NHmCommunity COURSES Ge fied H now ingmw/lower herbicide usage re- g M ilt lt s arthMov ng l td R m mon V equ pmen such nes HousesMel m m&RYE mO &O 780-919-9985 Royal Realty: Equipment for Rent............................. 2000 S & B I R Sales && Booking InquiriesT1H Contact logistics Production For these and other great departures, contact Con ac cs @ vandenberghay Wainwright, D I Sfers C ULePage NValmar TD & PwL Y O D :Con Pets Supplies .................................. 1600 Farms Contact Spring Triticale TRAILERS ac og og ghay ca ca MB Phone: SK S1 AD3 306-222& D S Shoot H •s Road Maintenance EQU PMENT Acreages for back. Rent............................... 1800 Wa nw gh AB. AB that R the industry CUSTOM WORK &5H8 Ranches forConsultant Sale ................. 2900 Triple + 60 NH3 w-w/o mps &AG Tankers. 1320 -Wde 36 STREET LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA C mm Burdett, Alberta mgmt. for organic; Advertising Consultant Ro dcs@vandenbe M n o n ha he ndus y isH s coming com ng back GPS Ms pp ng 4 •pS ne Dale p ywood upH Co • Scraper Work Bu a P 4weed G PU S B A M besistant LandAdvertising for Rent ...................................... 2300 REAL ESTATE whee d veorn ac sNORTH, swa heNob • Guttino TRANSPORTAT ON ng pa ce o and Wou d ce a n y cons de se pa ce A and B nd v dua y H Witdouck Farms & Ranches for Rent ................. 2100 M w A 403-548-4565 Joe o ee 1 877 824 3010 o e 403 795 1872 e o d AB Seed ................................................... 1700 Ad s nand o 76ee 1 ess 877 824 3010 o 892 e1-877-824-3010 403 795 3010 Nob o d AB 403 308 4644 Ranch d 306 ec Ca Pdirect og am ounit educe cos s by on a1-877-824-3010 m p3wes c•Be ng w he403-795-3010 no su p•Co ses Joe: toll free cell 403-795-1872 Nobleford AB. Dig Dugouts mON R 1900 We have RGN and other Adrian: toll free or cell AB MB Commercial Property for Rent ............ 1655 proven seeding w/7” 3,, Saskatoon, GMC 6500 Tandem Grain Truck, TRANSPORTAT AS John 403-892-5513 • Bert 403-308-4644 Storage Houses ............................................... for403-317-9692 Sale .................................. 2400 3000 AP CeSunda fica P peease ne Ves (5300) Training API Certification, Pipeline, VesAG MB5-10 AD SK4-9 on (5300) AG 17-22 AD 10-15 Douglas Fur 4x8, Ce 4x9, 4x10 455 Tabe TNobleford, G 2C9 No Ca Acreages sP m 403-330-5437 c•ohn We a e se v 55 ng e or n403 403 382 7895 Phone 403 833 3766 Fax 403 833 3706ABCornelius Production Cell: (403) 382-7895 •e Phone: (403) 833-3766 Fax: (403) 833-3706 for Sale 2600 Phone 278 3138 No AB ne us Be g 403-308-3372 403 308 33 2SK W S& factory BTU w • Drainage Ditches Berg R•eDaniello SALE ATTN ORGAN C OBO V (2700) M m Q ............................... SERV CES Houses Rent.................................. •Bo Zero Till Injecting H SpecialtyforSeeds .................................. 2200 1701 M AD 12-17 w rod, spacing live edge onSHEDDED Rent............................. 403-635-0099 steel box & ChoistDugouts tarp, e427 flatbed trailers to s haul Q se s Tanks, Tanks P p Equipment ngother V Sale s forwww. www Industrialranch for Sale................................ 3100 mto 2000 • nClean EQUIP: 110 MISC SEMI M HFH R EDMONTON M ERECTION U vd s GCanada no hwes n USA Med (1750) NGeneral Misc. RMERS w The NSunday SFarmer/Stockman sels, Piping. Visit D & AD-V ws HD GRAIN BIN RELand for ...................................... 2700 ser overlay, a d of& w/roll FarmPress and d str buted every week every farm2300 and n Southern A berta. REAL ESTATE wm standard or with smooth CaOsTRAILERS: P ease m General Miscellaneous for Rent2100 ...................................... sweeps 8 AB &Heavy 16”ideal for New direct seed• Basements eng., 5+4on tans., rubber; ‘84 dieFarms & Work Ranches for IRent ................. wm (4500) •td Can pump a up to 3.5 miles (4500) (4500) Work Custom (4500) Custom Work ( m m m S s exc PTO & H R w & Step O L Sale FLand LD I N S....................... PECT O R1750 C ANoble OBO ‘93 AirConcrete Drill, 30’ Seed-OFlat Decks, Decks, b as ca call: caCustom 780 842 6264 YELLOW PEA 80 Iron Springs, Manufactured Homes for Sale ............Work 3200 SEED NG & T LLAGE agricultural and industrial PAIRS AND MOVING and MI E H Custom m NH M lt E arthMov ng l Acreages for Sale ............................... 2600 • 60’ Long Reach Excavator Commercial Property for ............ 2800 R m, 780-842-6264, ing w/lower herbicide or re- thick. Fo u he de a forsRent....................... p easeHRStorage con............................................... ac Cocertified by B shop a for403 321 0359 o3300Lo ne B shop a 403 sel D Swather C1742 20’DSA. Milt ECon l .• & S B gInstallation I ca ca P G ’s WarthMoving P3/8 Vator C FOR RENT Con ac @ vandenberghay ac og ogsAll s cs cs@vandenbe ghay tousage 1S1/2 inch 1AB 1/2Air and 9000 w/Noble 291 Tank Belly AG MB AD SK Bobcat PVC Line C H PU EQU Wa nw gh AB Houses •td Floating agitator Contact Grainland – Get now2400 C I•SAAC C OLacombe U N T &Low P L YBeds, W O O End DPMENT : Dumps, Realtor ................................... 2700 Land Sale ...................................... m Listings W equipment such as combines, Bu AS be a & used in CUSTOM WORK Farms & R Ranches COURSES for SaleAcreages ................. F de mgmt. Triple or services. forShoot organic; are well maintained Wainwright, AB. H •items Scraper Work for2900 Rent............................... 1800 w A Tabe Joe oBe ee 11 877 824 3010 o o 892 e Ca 795 1872 Nob AB + NH3 w-w/o Valmar Dumps V& Tankers. sistant Phone: weed 306-222Ad n o G 877 824 3010 e403 403 795 3010403 Nobe eood d AB Burdett, Alberta ohn 55 Be 308 4644 Bo 455 Tand G No Sunda s3766 P3 ease Sales &Grain Services. Duane Hoeg, REAL ESTATEON TRANSPORTAT C TRANSPORTATION Co ne us gee 403 33 2403 Commercial Property for Sale ............ 2800 321 0448 H DAB m W2C9 C308 AG MB Houses AD for Sale SK • Road Maintenance OBO4x8, We have RGN other that the industry is coming back. • GPS Mapping Ce 403 382 7895 Phone 403 833 Fax 403swathers 833 3706 Training 1 3/4 pine plywood up to 60 SERV CES 76 GMC 6500 Tandem Truck, 2017.Grain Dryer Super B Model 4-wheel drive tractors, SERV CES .................................. 3000 (5300) W S BTU w ouglas Fur 4x9, 4x10 FOR SALE ATTN ORGAN C • Dig Dugouts M Q Commercial Property for Rent ............ 1900 1655 proven direct seeding unit w/7” 2413,, M AD 10-15 SK Q 4-9 Manager: 403-329-1755, Lethm Drainage Ditches Cornelius D g Dugou (5300) AG 17-22 MB 5-10 U d Saskatoon, G n Kw www m D w HD • Zero Till• M Injecting Cell: 382-7895 • Phone: (403) 833-3766 • Fax: (403) 833-3706 Acreages for3100 Sale ............................... 2600 FarmsM& Ranches for Sale ................. 2900 box & Choist tarp, 427 M HF R AS400, 2100 hrs.Berg auto403-308-3372 batch dryer FARMERS w steel N SS O MISCELLANEOUS trailers toK(403) haul Certification, Pipeline, Ves-2000 Industrial wm Automobiles ........................................ 3400 etc. We are serving western wm for Sale................................ spacing & factory live rod, flatbed edge on SK. Equipment for Rent............................. m PTO AIN & or BIN RE-N m ft. w/roll Phone: No bridge, AB REAAPI ESTATE A withERECTION OBO Clean Dugouts R andard smooth overlay, Al SuchC n Dugou McDonald m & H m Can m up (1750) General Misc. m Houses forMel Sale .................................. 3000 V Land............ for R Sale ...................................... 2700 C • Basements eng., tans.,& exc rubber; ‘84&306-278-3138. diem w/6”auto fill m auger, 8x50 auto •unload pump toand 3.5 miles OILFIE LD INSPECTOR C Dw5+4 G Wsweeps 8 16”ideal •for direct seedAB and Manufactured Homes for Sale 3200 agricultural industrial Farms & Ranches for Rent ................. 2100 Automotive sels, Tanks, Piping. Visit www. & Service ................ 3500 Production RS AND MOVINGCConcrete Canada & northwestern USA. PCalls R & C m Advertising Wfor DSunday SCOUNT PLYWOOD D Industrial Sale................................ 3100 sel Swather C1742 20’DSA. All C mW 60 Long R 2800 h no Ex v oeParts Advertising Consultant Consultant auger on trans., 500 gal propane Please. • 60’ Long Reach Excavator Commercial Property for Sale ............ F S The Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser is a division of FarmPress Media and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Southern H 8catto services. 1 1/2 inch thick. 1 1/2 and ing w/lower herbicide usage or re• PVC Line Installation Tende s n w ng w be accep ed by awye han 4 00p m onAlberta. F day Decembe •equipment Floating agitator Contact Grainland Houses for Rent.................................. 2200 COURSES – Get certified now Realtor Listings ................................... 3300780-842-6264, Boats &aC R.V.’s .................................... 3600 such as combines,, call: F w SEEDING & TILLAGE items are well maintained & used in C Manufactured Homes for Sale ............ 3200 tank, lots of recent upgrades; 98 NH D I S C O U N T P L Y W O O D : H D m W G C M ilt ’ s E arthMoving l td . Bo 455 Tabe AB T G 2C9 No Sunda Ca s P ease S p Wo k 403-317-9692 403-330-5437 CUSTOM SERV CES Farmsfor & Rent Ranches for Sale ................. 2300 2900 Co ne us Be g 403 308 33 2 logistics sistant weed mgmt. •orGPS for organic; OBO WORK es & pine Services. Duane Hoeg, • Scraper Work Land ...................................... SERV CES MTrucks...................................... 3700 Sales & Booking Inquiries m (1750) C mmM TRANSPORTATION Contact @ D g Dugou • Road Maintenance SEEDS Heavy that the industry is coming back. Mapping Kw V K Dryer www m MISCELLANEOUS 3/4 plywood up to 60 Contact AG 21-2 MB 9-16 AD 14-21 SK 8-15 ale Witdouck 2017.Grain Super B Model 971 Straight Cut Header, 20’PU reel, 4-wheel drive tractors, swathers EQUIPMENT EMP OYMENT Wainwright, AB. 5300 ng M Q Realtor “B Listings ................................... 3300 U ava d G ab n CeTandem 13 C 2019 nc uded w h he sea ed ma ked shop Tende ”3800 a 10% depos nT aonm We have RGN and other Burdett, Alberta HDouglas D HD s76 GMC 6500 Truck, DSale n.................................. g ende D h w R Houses for 3000 ager: 403-329-1755, LethThe app onPTOGrain (5300) Training Fur 4x8, Storage 2400 m 4x9,w m 4x10 mAB. wm ............................................... • Drainage Ditches Cornelius 403-308-3372 hrs. auto dryer RR ........................................ n•403-308-4644 Dugou Light Trucks ........................................ topserving condition, very few acres; Ardent Berg Adrian: m TRANSPORTATION O Joe: toll or or cell 403-795-1872 Nobleford &tarp, H C m tollfree free1-877-824-3010 1-877-824-3010 cell 403-795-3010 Nobleford, AB APIJohn Certification, Pipeline, Ves• Zero Till Injecting 403-892-5513 • Bert ANo AS400, 2100 OBO Automobiles etc. We are western 403-635-0099 steelbatch boxP S & hoist w/roll 427 Rm Phone: 306-278-3138. ge, AB flatbed trailers haul Cell: C m B 17-22 m3400 n payab (5300) AG MB 5-10ESTATE AD 10-15 SK 4-9 Industrial for Sale................................ 3100 (403) 382-7895 • Phone: (403) 833-3766 • Fax: (403) H833-3706 O L F En LD NThe SPECTOR GRAIN BIN REDauto W ORGANIC REAL w/6”auto fill auger, 8x50 R C mW Wood Stove, 65,000 BTU to down m m WQuadsGough P C AB FOR SALE -G o bank d a o ce fied cheque e o Schumache & Company T us COUNT PLYWOOD D& or standard withERECTION smooth overlay, N S C unload PATTN: Motorcycles & ......................... 3900 60 Long R h Ex v o • Basements eng., 5+4 tans., exc rubber; ‘84 diesels, Tanks, Piping. Visit www. Parts Service ................ ........................................ 3400 • Can pump uplittle to 3.5 C m W L3500 Canada & northwestern USA. OILFIELD IAutomotive N S PCE C T O&R ron Springs, F New Noble S PVC nHomes n for Saleon Manufactured ............ 2600 3200 Automobiles agricultural and industrial PED GREED SEED FOR SALE PAIRS ANDwMOVING Concrete and COURSES – Ge ce fied now auger on trans., 500 draft, Model HF65R, use.miles More O ...................................... 4000 Acreages for Sale ............................... unday CallsABPlease. FARMERS -propane Seed-OSnowmobiles selDgal Swather 20’DSA. p Wo k EMP& Service OYMENT Parts 3500 C 3600 & R.V.’schase m m98 W NHC1742 G ilt C EAll call: S780-842-6264, 3/8 to services. 1 1/2 inch thick. 1 of1/2 and C AC M•-PVC Blsuch CDC Line Installation EEDING TILLAGE F SH9000’s, C CN TM mm •equipment Floating SERV ba ance –oGetBoats he p RoMfor ce s...................................... by2700 F Automotive day y ................ 24 2020 Tende shou beng back Contact Grainland M H.................................... tank, lots recent upgrades; COURSES now dM nequ n CES n ed 5300 arthMoving td .CH& Realtor Listings ................................... 3300 farm equip too agitator numerous to combines, menha he sndus y sdcom SEEDS Vator lots newwww shovels &ne Land Sale as Bo 455 Tabe AB, G 2C9 scertified PMpu easeD Bobcat A soM ava ab e on a www ca e ca EMP OYMENT T a&................................................ nJanua ng m mR.V.’s O .................................... 4100 items are well maintained &’s used in gmDugou Kw K of m MISCELLANEOUS Trailers Booking Inquiries Boats 3600 DNohSunday CaHeavy C B se Sales C R w& m Contact logistics @ Trucks...................................... 3700 Contact (1750) AG 21-2 MB 9-16 14-21 SK 8-15 Sales & w Services. 971Duane Straight Cut Header, 20’PU reel, EQUIPMENT Wainwright, D AB.n g tion. Phone Rmcoming rebuilt trips shanks, your AP Ce fica on P pe ne Ves Commercial Property for Sale ............ 2800 m •780-973-5688 Road Maintenance m W WANTED mC Oback. that the industry is •C GPS Mapping 1 AD3/4 pine plywood upHoeg, to parts, 60 m m Burdett, Alberta 2017.Grain Dryer Super B Model 4-wheel drive tractors, B CDC GO H Rswathers TRANSPORTATION P m & m R n Dugou R Heavy Trucks...................................... 3700 C m Vans N ................................................... 4200 de ve ed o he office o Schumache Gough & Company A en on M Ha y Gough 196 3 B m n Manager: 403-329-1755, LethLight Trucks ........................................ 3800 top condition, very few acres; Ardent Joe: toll free 1-877-824-3010 or cell 403-795-1872 • Nobleford AB. O L F E L D S P E C T O R choice: 28ft 192 triple tank or 35ft Adrian: toll free 1-877-824-3010 or cell 403-795-3010 Nobleford, AB John 403-892-5513 • Bert 403-308-4644 O m Farms & Ranches for Sale ................. 2900 se s Tanks P p ng V s www m m W S W H G m & TRANSPORTAT ON AS400, 2100 hrs. auto batch dryer S C P P P B (403) 382-7895 •etc. API Certification, Pipeline, Ves17-22403-308-3372 10-15 R Box 4557, Taber, ABCornelius T1G(5300) 2C9AG Sunday Please C m Wo ........................................ 3400 Light Trucks ........................................ 3800 Automobiles We are serving western Cell: Phone: (403) 833-3766 • Fax: (403) 833-3706 D SCOUNT PLYWOOD D 60 Long R ......................... h Ex v ft. Phone: 306-278-3138. No D bridge, AB Berg WoodGREED Stove, 65,000 BTU fill down PVC L MB n 5-10 n ADNo on SK 4-9Calls R SALE - ATTN: ORGANIC drill -w/6”auto $3250 OBO; 2200 PED SEED FOR SALE Motorcycles 3900 V % F m P COURSES –2424 Ge ce fied now SERVICES O & Quads Houses for .................................. 3000 b as ca ca 780 842 6264 auger, 8x50Versatile auto unload mVisit C Ave D umhe AB Phone# 403 823 M0Y0 lt s ESale arthMov ng l td F w EMP OYMENT Motorcycles & Quads ......................... 3900 Piping. www. Automotive Parts & Service 3500 draft, AC Model little C use. More Used Carts: 450 - 1050 CbuC M HF65R, CDC Canada & northwestern USA. Media S Snowmobiles pe Wo k T0J B ABGrain M RMERS Noble WANTED HoeB auger Drill, spent $8000 500 onBonew HD S C -mNew The CN T Seed-Omm Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser is a division of FarmPress and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch Alberta. Ro d M n sels, n n Tanks, ha................ he ndus y s com ng backin Southern Industrial for Sale................................ 3100 ...................................... 4000 Accounting & Bookkeeping................. 4300 on trans., gal propane 455 Tabe T G 2C9 No Sunday Ca s P ease M Wa nw gh AB m Sunday Calls Please. m m m O SEEDS Bu de A be a Snowmobiles ...................................... 4000 CTILLAGE C P -H to EMP OYMENT 5300 T a n ng M lots of w SEEDING m OBO Hmenequip Bw - too numerous sel, Large Selection PTO & HydraulBoats & RR.V.’s .................................... 3600 or 9000’s, newm shovels & &farm packers $2500 OBO., call: D n 780-842-6264, gm D ................................................ AP P pe& ne Ves .................. 4400 Manufactured Homes for SaleCe ............fica 3200 on lotsAsking of upgrades; 98 NH Milt ’s EWagons: arthMoving l . & Booking Inquiries mR h W WANTED Trailers 4100 Computers Accessories B C 780-973-5688 CDC tank, GO H Rrecent AG MB AD SK mP m403-344-4356, w m 403 m 382 O 7895 Phone 403 Ce Heavy 833 3766 Fax 403 833 3706 Trailers ................................................ 4100 Sales Phone ic Drive. VER Gravity 250-750 s, mrebuilt trips && shanks, Coutts, AB Contact @td Trucks...................................... 3700 R Contact DEL TO logistics FARM & RANCH!”Wainwright, (1750) AGyour 21-2 MB tion. 9-16 AD 14-21 SK Phone: 8-15 971 Cut 20’PU reel, m O EQUIPMENT AB.n H B m Realtor Listings ................................... 3300P se s Tanks p ng www S W H G Straight m & Header,“WE P 28ft 192 P Vans ................................................... O LVFs...................................... EL D N S P4200 ECTOR Custom Work 4500 Burdett, Alberta m m 4200 Vans ................................................... bushel. Fertilizer Spreaders:4-8 ton. N S ce: triple tank Bor C35ft P V Depos sLl ontdunsuccess u Light ende sWw be ecau 3800 ned The on yLou cheque o be cashed w be he Trucks ........................................ top P condition, very few acres; Ardent % F m Joe: toll free 1-877-824-3010 or or cell 403-795-1872 •403-308-4644 Nobleford AB. D Adrian: toll free 1-877-824-3010 cell 403-795-3010 Nobleford, AB John 403-892-5513 • Bert b as ca 780 842 6264 Box 4557, Taber, AB T1G 2C9 No Sunday Calls Please PVC n on se PED GREED SEED FOR SALE COURSES – Ge ce fied now TRANSPORTATION M lt s E arthMov ng O Feedlot Cleaning ................................ 4600 Cornelius Berg 403-308-3372 Hi-Dump Grain Cleaners (5300) AG 17-22 MB 5-10 AD 10-15 SK 4-9 - $3250 OBO; FOR 2200 SALE Versatile- ATTN: Cell:Wagons. (403) 382-7895 • Phone: (403) 833-3766 • Fax: (403) 833-3706 SERVICES B M C EMP OYMENT WANTED SERVICES Wood ACStove, 65,000 BTU down ORGANIC Motorcycles & Quads ......................... 3900 C M B C CDC Wa nw gh AB “WE DEL VER TO FARM & RANCH!” F S C m CN T mm M Q A Da vone s on o Ro d M he n nsuccess n ........................................ 3400 Dugouts habe he y s com ng back Used Grain Carts: 450 1050BbuA be and Kwik www.zettlerfarmeMISCELLANEOUS Bo Kleens. 455 Tabe AB T G 2C9 No SundayBu Ca de s P ease om u Automobiles ende he• Dig o he s Accounting w Mapping endus u ned uncashed The h ghes o on new HD Land ..................................... 4700 m m Oand m O Drill, P spentH $8000 Accounting & Bookkeeping................. 4300 & Bookkeeping................. 4300 Lawrence draft,- Model HF65R,C little H use. More C FARMERS Noble M - Newwsel, m Seed-OSnowmobiles ...................................... 4000 MB wm3766 Fax 403 Automotive Parts & ServiceClean ................ Large Selection PTO Hydraulon P pe 4400 ne Ves Lou se 204-857-8403 AGDugouts ADCe SK WANTED kers - Asking Vator $2500 OBO. m w m m 833 m 3706 W Ce 403 382 7895 Phone 403 Computers 833 Parts AP & Repairs .................................. 4800 B C - too CDC GO H FARM R, us Be3500 g 403 308 2fica farm & equip numerous to men& new shovels m & TO Computers &33 Accessories .................. 9000’s, lots of & Accessoriesy .................. 4400 “WE DEL VER & RANCH!” ende no necessa accep ed Co•ne Trailers 4100 A D vany s on o Wagons: 250-750 Boats &................................................ R.V.’s .................................... 3600 O P oduc onV4500 m ne: 403-344-4356,parts, Coutts, AB Ptrips ic& Drive. se............................................... s Tanks P p ng s www S W H G m & P rebuilt BGravity tion. Phone 780-973-5688 Rentals 4900 Lawrence shanks, your Custom Work ...................................... DISCOUNT PLYWOOD: Douglas Custom Work ...................................... 4500 • 60’ Long Reach Excavator bushel. Fertilizer Spreaders:4-8 Lou se V % ton. F m P Heavy Trucks...................................... 4200 3700 Vans ................................................... D 28ft 192 triple b Cleaning as ca ................................ ca 780 842 M lt s EarthMov ng ltd choice: tank VER or 35ft Feedlot Travel.................................................. 4950 6264 Fur TO 4x8, 4x9, 4x10 standard or with B M C Feedlot Cleaning ................................ WANTED P on 4600 “WE DEL FARM & RANCH!” Hi-Dump Wagons. Grain Cleaners Box 4557, Taber,AAB No Sunday Calls Please DT1G v s2C9 on o Light Trucks 4600 ........................................ 3800 • SERVICES Scraper Work SERV CES nw..................................... gh oduc AB drill $3250 OBO; 2200 Bu de A Dugouts be a Lawrence Land Wa Mapping 4700 smooth overlay, 3/8 to 1 1/2 inch m OBO - P H • Dig SEEDS Cornelius Berg 403-308-3372 and KwikVersatile Kleens. www.zettlerfarmeMISCELLANEOUS Land Mapping ..................................... 4700 EMPLOYMENT (5300) Training Motorcycles & Quads ......................... 3900 se Andrew 450plywood - 1050 buHoe Drill, spent $8000 • Drainage Co ne403 us Be 403 308 33 2 Lou MB AD 4800 SK thick. Used 1 1/2Grain and 1Carts: 3/4 pine Parts & RepairsAG .................................. m won new HD Ce 382g7895 Phone 403 Accounting 833 3766 Fax Ditches 403 833 3706 & Bookkeeping................. 4300, 204-857-8403 DEL TO FARM A D& v sRANCH!” on o Snowmobiles ...................................... 4000 Employment Opportunities ................. 5000 oduc on 4800 Parts .................................. • Clean Dugouts sel, Selection PTO & HydraulC m & Repairs P packers - Asking $2500 “WE OBO. up to 60Large ft. VER Phone: 306-278-3138. Lawrence 4900 Andrew Berac Computers &4900 Accessories .................. 4100 4400 Rentals ............................................... • Basements O I L F I ELD INSPECTOR Trailers ................................................ ic Drive. Rentals C m ............................................... W Employment Wanted .......................... 5100 Phone: 403-344-4356, Coutts, AB No Sunday Lou se COUNT PLYWOOD: Douglas CallsGravity Please. Wagons: 250-750 • 60’ Long Reach Excavator 4950 A Such Me McDona d Custom Work ...................................... 4500 Travel.................................................. oduc on Beracon 5200 Vans ................................................... 4200 bushel. Fertilizer ton. • PVC Line Installation P oduc PEDIGREED FARM SEED FOR&SALE: “WE DEL VER Spreaders:4-8 TO RANCH!” COURSES – Get certified now Travel.................................................. 4950 4x8, 4x9, 4x10 standard or with A D v s on o Opportunities....................... Whe e Fa me s Work & Ranche s C APAndrew C A Me McDona C 4600 Business • Scraper EMPLOYMENT A Such d Lawrence Feedlot Cleaning ................................ Hi-Dump Wagons. Grain Cleaners Cert. AC Metcalfe Barley, Cert. CDC M oth overlay, 3/8 to 1 1/2 inch For Sale: Complete CN TelecommuSERVICES P oduc on • Road Maintenance Training............................................... 5300 Lou se that the industry is coming back. SEEDS Box 4557, Taber, AB T1G 2C9 No Sunday Calls Please EMPLOYMENT (5300) Training Co Rne• Dig us g 403 308 33..................................... 2 A Be C Mapping A Opportunities ................. 5000 Dugouts and Manual Kwik Kleens. www.zettlerfarmeLook F sDitches o Buy Land 4700 Employment • Drainage Copeland Barley, Cert. Harrington k. 1 1/2 and 1 3/4MISCELLANEOUS pine plywood nications w/ complete serAccounting & Bookkeeping................. A D v s on o P oduc onC 4300 Andrew Berac API Certification, Pipeline, VesWANTED Employment Opportunities ................. 5000 Lawrence Barley, Cert. CDC GO Hard Red to 60 ft. Phone: 306-278-3138. vice,, maintenance &204-857-8403 repair informaParts & Repairs .................................. 4800 Employment Wanted .......................... 5100 • Clean Dugouts R Computers & Accessories .................. 4400 • Basements A Such Me McDona d O I L F I E L D I N S P E C T O R Business Opportunities....................... 5200 Equipment .......................................... 5400 sels, Tanks, Piping. Visit www. Employment Wanted .......................... 5100 Spring Wheat. Highe Germination Berac Sunday Calls Please. tion; Pallet of Parts for 4 cyl Bedford P oduc P oduc on 4500 Rentalson ............................................... 4900 Custom Work ...................................... Whe Fa me s&& Ranche s DISCOUNT PLYWOOD: Douglas Reach Excavator A C A Me McDona C • PVC Line Installation 5300 A Such d• 60’ Long PEDIGREED SEED FORengine, SALE:crankshaft head, Personal ............................................. 5600 Vigor - 0% Fusarium. Please call, COURSES – Training............................................... Get certified now Business Opportunities....................... 200 Diesel, call: 780-842-6264, Feedlot Cleaning ................................ 4600 P OYMENT oduc Travel.................................................. 4950 Milt ’son E5200 arthMoving l td. Fur 4x8, 4x9, 4x10 Cert. standard or with Andrew EMP Toll Free 1-866-865-4460 • A C A C • Scraper AC Metcalfe Barley,other Cert. engine CDC Work Bruce Murray: 403-327-9389 or Cell: WANTED Sale: Complete CN Telecommuvarious parts. $500 Look F s o Buy • Road Maintenance Training............................................... 5300 that the industry is coming back. Box 4557, Taber, AB T1G 2C9 No Sunday Calls Please Bo Land 455 Tabe AB T G 2C9 No Sunda Ca s P ease Mapping ..................................... 4700 Wainwright, AB. smooth overlay, 3/8Copeland to 1 1/2Barley, inch Cert. Harrington m m O SEEDS Burdett, Alberta EMPLOYMENT 403-360-1206. (5300) Training tions Manual w/thick. complete .......................................... 5400 OBO. Phone Herb: 780-957-2610, Andrew Berac • Drainage Ditches 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 1 1/2 serand 1 Barley, 3/4 pine Cert. plywood Parts & Repairs .................................. 4800 Equipment API Certification, Pipeline, VesWANTED m m CDC Hardif no Red (5300) AG 17-22 MB 5-10 AD 10-15 SK 4-9 , maintenance & up repair informaleave GO message answer. Employment Opportunities .................(403) 5000 Personal ............................................. 5600 A Such Me W McDona d (403) Cell: 382-7895 • Phone: 833-3766 • Fax: (403) 833-3706 to 60 ft. Phone: 306-278-3138. Rentals ............................................... 4900Piping. Berac O.......................................... 5400 P oduc on 5100 • BasementsEquipment sels, Tanks, Visit www. Spring Wheat. High Germination & Whe e Fa me s & Ranche s Pallet of Parts for 4 cyl Bedford O I L F I E L D I N S P E C T O R A C A C Employment Wanted .......................... No Sunday Calls Please. A ed Such Me McDona d y Travel.................................................. The Fa me me S S ockman ockman AD AD •V V se s sa ad dv vs s on on o o Fa Fa mP mP ess ess Med Med a a and and s sd ds s bu bu ed eve Line yo o Installation he week week o eve eve y a am m and anchonn n4950 Sou he he nA A be be a a Personal ............................................. 5600 Vigor - 0% Fusarium. PleaseThe call,SEED Fa se eve y he o and anch Sou n Toll Free 1-866-865-4460 Diesel engine, crankshaft head, P oduc, call: 780-842-6264, •2C9 PVC PEDIGREED FOR SALE: COURSES – Get certified now M ilt ’ s E arthMoving l td . A AB T GC A C Business Opportunities....................... 5200 Bo 455 Tabe No Sunda Ca s P ease Look F s o Buy Bruce Murray: 403-327-9389 or Cell: EMPLOYMENT WANTED ous other engine $500 Metcalfe Barley, Cert. CDC Wainwright, AB. that the industry is coming back. “WE DELIVER TOAB T1G 2C9 FARM & Burdett, RANCH!” For parts. Sale: Complete CN Telecommu• Road Maintenance Training............................................... 1320 -Cert. 36ACSTREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Alberta Box 4557, Taber, No Sunday Calls Please 403-360-1206. Employment Opportunities ................. 5300 5000 m O. Phone Herb: nications 780-957-2610, Copeland Barley, Cert. Harrington Manual w/ complete serAPI Pipeline, Ves(5300) AGBerg 17-22 MB 5-10 ADCertification, 10-15 SK 4-9 WANTED e message if no answer. Employment Wanted .......................... 5100403-308-3372 Cell: (403) 382-7895 • Phone: (403) 833-3766 • Fax: (403) 833-3706 Barley, Cert. CDC GO Hard Red Cornelius maintenance & repair AD informaThevice, Fa me S ockman V se s a d v s on o Fa mP ess Med a and s d s bu ed eve y o he week o eve y a m and anch n Sou he n A be a A Division of: Business Opportunities....................... 5200 Equipment .......................................... 5400 The Fa me S ockman AD V se s a d v s on o Fa mP ess Med a and s d s bu ed eve y o he week o eve y a m and anch n Sou he n A be a sels, Tanks, Piping. Visit www. Spring Wheat. HighFree Germination & tion; Pallet of Parts for 4 cyl Bedford Toll 1-866-865-4460 • Training............................................... 5300 Bo 455 Tabe AB T G 2C9 No Sunda Ca ssP ease PersonalMa ............................................. 5600 Vigor - 0% Fusarium. Please call, y Kemm A Such Me McDona d 200 Diesel engine, crankshaft head,, call: 780-842-6264, Milt’s E arthMoving - 36 FARM STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 ltd. Bruce 1320 Murray: 403-327-9389 or Cell: WANTED Production DEL VER & RANCH!” various “WE other engine parts. $500 TO Pub she Adve ng AB. Con u an Adve ng Con u an Wainwright, Burdett, Alberta ockman AD V ser s a d v s on o B ack Press Med a and s 403-360-1206. Equipment .......................................... 5400 OBO.The PhoneFarmer/S Herb: 780-957-2610, 403 506 1768 403 330 5437 403 317 9692 Cornelius 403-308-3372 (5300) AG 17-22 MB 5-10 AD 10-15 SK 4-9 Fa me S So ockman AD V V se seo s s ad dv vs s on on o Fa Fa mP ranch essAMed Med a and sd dhern s bu bu A edber eve a yo o he he week week o oCell: eve(403) y a aBerg m and and anch n(403) Sou he ............................................. n A• be be leave message ifThe no answer. Personal 5600 382-7895 • anch Phone:n 833-3766 Fax: a (403) 833-3706 me ockman AD a o mP ess and s ed eve y eve y m Sou he Dva snon o s d s r buThe edFa every her week every arm and Sou m n A mm @ a @ m m m m m @ m m m

SEED FOR 2018 Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy Classifieds Sell AVAILABLE 403-331-8672 1-866-865-4460 FOR THE 2018 FOR THE 2018 SEASON Where Farmers Ranchers Look 403-331-8672 1-866-865-4460 1320 - 36SEASON STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA and T1H 5H8


SEED AVAILABLE FOR 2018 Where Farmers and FEED Ranchers Look To First To Buy 1-866-865-4460 RECYCLE SEED AVAILABLE FORWhere 2018 Farmers Ranchers Look First Buy GRAIN, Sell 403-331-8672 1-866-865-4460 FOR403-331-8672 THE 2018 SEASON 1320 -Classifieds 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORKand CREEKSIDEHARVESTING.COM & HAY YOUR CREEKSIDEHARVESTING.COM SUNRISE TUB GRINDING E-Mail: SEED AVAILABLE FOR 2018 CLASSIFIED INDEX Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First PAPER! SEED AVAILABLE FOR 2018 Where Farmers Ranchers Look First To Buy 403-331-8672 1-866-865-4460 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA and T1H 5H8 RECYCLE SUNRISE TUB GRINDING CREEKSIDEHARVESTING.COM NOW BOOKING ACRES FOR THE 2019 E-Mail: 1320 - 36SEASON! STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTALook T1H 5H8First To Buy Where Farmers and Ranchers

AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads AD-Viser Classified A CLASSIFIEDSUNRISE INDEX TUB GRINDING E-Mail: SUNRISE TUB GRINDING


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Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy Ltd. Services Dragline Can... AD-Viser Classified Ads Lagoon Bert’s We VANDENBERG HAY FARMS LTD. Dragline Services Ltd. Can... Where Farmers and Ranch AD-Viser Classified Ads Bert’s Lagoon We LAND FORBert’s SALE BY TENDER VANDENBERG HAY FARMS LTD.HAY FARMS Lagoon We VANDENBERG LTD.

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AD-Viser Real Clas Va Look F Real Effecti AD-Viser Classified Real Value Lagoon Bert’s Can... We EQUIPMENT HAULING: 1-866-865-4460 VANDENBERG HAY FARMS LTD. Where Farmers and Ranch LIVESTOCK MARKETING Advertise EVERY Bert’s Lagoon Services Ltd. We LAND FOR SALE TENDER Real Effectiveness VANDENBERG HAYDragline FARMS LTD. CALL TOLL FREEBY Can... With Us! Lagoon Bert’s SUNRISE TUB GRINDING AD-Viser Classifi Real Value Ltd. Services Dragline VANDENBERG HAY FARMS LTD. We 1-866-865-4460 Can... Where Farmers and Ranchers CALL TOLL FREE Look First T EQUIPMENT HAULING: EVERY Ltd. WE CAN Services Wirada Ranch- Alarms Micsellaneaous 403-381-4817


The following property offered for sale bySALE tender FOR SALE briefly describes FOR SALE FOR 1-866-865-4460 Lagoon Bert’s CALL TOLL FREE of Bishop Land Where and Ranchers NOW BOOKING ACRES FOR Description THE 2018Farmers SEASON! Ltd. Services Dragline





AD-Viser Real Clas Va Real V Real Effecti & AD-Viser Real Classified Value Real Value WE CAN Services Dragline FARM &Ltd. Real Effectiveness CALL TOLL FREE Can... With Us! the Classi CALL TOLL Real FREE Effectiveness Call Lagoon Bert’s YOUR SUNRISE TUB AD-Viser Classifi Real Value SUNRISE TUB GRINDING GRINDING Real Value VANDENBERG FARMS LTD. RANCH We HAY AdvertiseHELP! 1-866-865-4460 1-866-865-4460 WE CAN Services Ltd. FARM& We Dragline theCALL Classifieds Real Effectiveness Real Can... With Us! Call V TOLL Effectiveness FREE Can... SUNRISE TUB GRINDING SUNRISE TUBBert’s GRINDING YOUR RANCH Lagoon YOUR Real We VANDENBERG HAY FARMS LTD. HELP! Advertise

1-800-661-4326 Dragline Real Effectiveness Can... With Us! 403-556-2609 EQU PMENT HAUL NG The following briefly describes property offered for sale by tender. CALL TOLL FREE SUNRISE TUBBert’s We FARMS LTD. 1-866-865-4460 Lagoon YOUR VANDENBERG HAY HELP!GRINDING Advertise 1-866-865-4460 WE CAN CALL TOLL FREE Description of Bishop Land: Dragline Services Where Farmers and Ranchers F Can... Ltd. 403-556-2609 1-8 FARM CALL TOLL FREE With Us! EQU PMENT HAUL NG GRINDING Real Look Effect Lagoon Bert’s SUNRISE TUB YOUR We EVERY 1-866-865-4460 HELP! VANDENBERG HAY FARMS LTD. LIVESTOCK MARKETING Advertise RANCH 1-866-865-4460

Parcel A- is 724 + or- acres with 1 water well, on the east side of Seiu Lake. There is an Louise “ HAULING: Where Farmers & Ranchers SALE SPEC AL ST Clint deLeeuw - EQUIPMENT 403-634-9426 1-800-661-4326 abundance of water as the land surrounds the lake. The property is north and east of Hussar Lawrence Look First to Buy.” Owner/Buyer 1-866-865-4460 AB in Wheatland County. S aughter Catt e Da ry Catt e Backgrounders Ca ves Cu cows Dave Ranch Slingerland - 403-359-0508 SALE SPEC AL ST NOW BOOKING A 403-556-2609 EQUIPMENT HAULING: 1-800-661-4326 Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 •1-866-865-4460 Andrew Brad deLeeuw - 403-382-7362 Parcel Bis 456 + oracres, on the west side of Seiu Lake. Included with this parcel is a Check out our new smart phone app that g ves catt e producers the ab ty Box 1236, Picture Butte,1320 AB - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Berac Buyers “ Where Farmers & Ranchers SALE SPEC ST yard; which has two houses, 2NOW to st mon tor mod fy buy andDragline se vestock Ltd. beautiful treedAL farm shops, 2 water wells, new barn with Services Can... BOOKING ACRES FOR THE 2018 SEASON! SUNRISE TUB GRINDING | Office: 403-732-5206 With Us! YOUR Look First to Buy.” EQUIPMENT HAULING: 1-866-865-4460 corrals SUNRISE TUB GRINDING Weand cattle handling system, some bins and other out buildings. If you have cattle to sell locally or for export/import we have a market for all types of cattle. SALE SPEC AL ST Can... Forward contracting & hedging on Slaughter Cattle & Feeder Cattle to maximize profits & minimize risk! YOUR Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 • NOW ACRES FOR THE 2018 CA SEA This is a total of 1180 more or less deeded acres for sale. Would prefer to BOOKING sell property as one 1-866-865-4460 SALE SPECIALIST 1 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 SUNRISE TUB GRINDING parcel of land. Would certainly consider selling parcel A and B individually. Ranch direct Calf Program to reduce costs and stress by on farm pricing with no surprises!! 1-866-865-4460 SALE SPEC AL ST CALL TOLL FREE We CALL TO 1-866-865-4460 Slaughter Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Backgrounders, Ranch Calves, Cull cows SALE SPECIALIST ADVERTISE For further details pleaseCan... contact Colby Bishop at (403) 321-0359 or1-866-865-4460 Lorne Bishop at (403) SUNRISE TUB EVERY GRINDING SALE SPEC AL ST 1-866-865-4460 CALL TOLL FREE CALL TO 321-0448 Check out our new smart phone app that gives cattle producers the ability We 1-866-865-4460 SUNRISE TUB GRINDING EVERY ADVERTISE CALL US TO BOOK A 1-866-865-4460 SALE SPECIALIST to list, monitor, modify, buy and sell livestock. EVERY YOUR COMPANY Can...Tenders Dno SPLAY AD ALLOW NG SUNRISE TUB GRINDING in writing will be accepted by lawyer later than 4:00p.m on Friday December Jason Slomp 403-635-1473 CALL TO 1-866-865-4460 EVERY SUNRISE TUBCALL GRINDING CUSTOMERS TO EASa LY SITE COULD US TO BOOK A tender marked, 13,We 2019. Included with the sealed “Bishop Tender” 10% YOUR deposit in form The app is available on EVERYADVERTISE YOUR COMPANY ACCESS YOUR D SPLAY ADSALE ALLOW NG Whe e Fa me sbank & Ranche SPECIALIST ofCan... draft sor certified cheque payable to Schumacher Gough & Company In Trust. The TE W TH THE TUB GRINDING “WE DELIVER EVERY TO FARM SITE & RANCH!” TO EAS LYTOYOUR COULD Look F balance sSUNRISE o Buyof CUSTOMERS CALL BOOK A WEBS 1-866-865-4460 the purchase price isUS required by Friday, January 24, 2020. Tenders should be Also available online at CL CK OF A BUTTON ACCESSDYOUR YOUR COMPANY SPLAY AD ALLOW NG Whe e Fa me s & Ranche s delivered to the office of: Schumacher Gough & Company Attention: Mr. Harry Gough 196 3 SALE SPECIALIST SALE SPEC AL ST WEBS TE W TH THE F s1-866-865-4460 o Buy CALL TO • Toll Look Free TO EAS LY YOUR SITE COULD Ave. Drumheller, AB. T0JCUSTOMERS 0Y0 Phone# (403) 823-2424 CALL US TO BOOK A 1-866-865-4460 1-866-865-4460 CL CK OF A BUTTON 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 ACCESS YOUR Whe e FaADVERTISE me s & Ranche s YOUR COMPANY D SPLAY AD ALLOW NG SALE SPEC AL ST “WE DELIVER TO EVERY FARM & RANCH!” SALE SPECIALIST WEBS will TE W TH THE Toll Free 1-866-865-4460 • Look F s o Buy Deposits of unsuccessful tenders returned. The onlyLouise cheque to be CUSTOMERS TO EAS LYcashed will be the COULD CALL USSITE TO BOOK A be1-866-865-4460 CALL TO 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, T1H 5H8 CL CK OF Athe BUTTON 1-866-865-4460 EVERY ALBERTA A Division of: the TUBwill GRINDING one from successful tender, others beUS returned uncashed. The highest or YOUR COMPANY ACCESS YOUR Lawrence D SPLAY ADSUNRISE ALLOWand NG ADVERTISE CALL TO BOOK A SALELouise SPEC AL ST “WE DELIVER TO EVERY FARM & RANCH!” • Toll Free 1-866-865-4460 any tender not necessarily accepted. Production WEBS TE W TH THE CUSTOMERS TO EAS LYTO BOOKDISPLAY SITE COULD YOUR COMPANY Lawrence CALL US A 1-866-865-4460 AD, ALLOWING Louise 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Jason Slomp 403-635-1473 CALL CL CK OF A BUTTON ACCESSDYOUR EVERY ATO Division of: YOUR COMPANY SUNRISE TUBCALL GRINDING SPLAY NG Lawrence TO EASILY SITE COULD US TOWBOOK AAD ALLOWCUSTOMERS ADVERTISE Lou se Andrew WEBS TE TH THE CUSTOMERS TO EAS LY SITE COULD “WE DELIVER TO EVERY FARM & RANCH!” Production YOUR COMPANY Lawrence ACCESS YOUR Andrew Berac DISPLAY AD,AALLOWING “ Where Farmers & Ranchers CL CK OF BUTTON Louise ACCESS YOUR Al Such Mel McDonald P oduc on Berac Production “WE DELIVER TO EVERY FARM & RANCH!” A Division of: “ Where Farmers & Ranchers WEBSITE WITH THE TUB GRINDING “WE DELIVER TO FARM SITE & RANCH!” TO EASILY Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant COULD Al Such Mel McDonald Lawrence Look FirstSUNRISE to Buy.” CUSTOMERS CALL US TO BOOK A Andrew WEBS TE W TH THE Production Louise 403-317-3231 403-317-3232 Cornelius Berg 403-308-3372 Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant Look First to Buy.” A Division of: Production ACCESS YOUR Andrew Berac YOUR COMPANY 403-317-3231 CLICK OF A BUTTON! 403-317-3232 CL CK OF AALLOWING BUTTON Lawrence DISPLAY AD, “ Where Farmers & Ranchers Al Such Mel McDonald Berac Production Production SALE SPECIALIST Whe Look e Fa First me1-866-865-4460 sto& Buy.” Ranche s WEBSITE WITH THE Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant A• Such Me McDona d Toll Free CUSTOMERS TO EASILY SITE COULD P oduc on Andrew Toll Look Free 1-866-865-4460 • A 403-317-3232 A 403-317-3231 C CALL US TO BOOK A 1-866-865-4460 F s o Buy BoxBUTTON! 4557, Taber, AB T1G 2C9 No Sunday Calls Please CLICK OF A CAL 1320 NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 ACCESS YOUR Andrew Berac 1320 -- 36 36 STREET STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 “ Where Farmers & Ranchers DISPLAY AD, ALLOWING Al Such Mel YOUR McDonald COMPANY YOUR COMPANY SALE SPECIALIST D SPL Berac Production “ Where Farmers Ranchers is distributed WEBSITE WITH THE Toll Free The 1-866-865-4460 •• Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant Al Such Mel McDonald Look First to& Buy.” Farmer/Stockman is FarmPress Media every week to every farm and in Alberta. Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser AD-Viser is a a division division of of FarmPress Media and and is distributed every other other week to every farm and ranch in Southern Southern Alberta. TOCALL Toll Free The 1-866-865-4460 Production CUSTOMERS EASILY SITE COULD CALL US TO BOOK A ranch CUST 1-866-865-4460 COULD 403-317-3231 403-317-3232 USSITE TO BOOK A Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant Box 4557, Taber, AB T1G 2C9 No Sunday Calls Please Look First to Buy.” 1320 -- 36 36 STREET STREET NORTH, NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA ALBERTA T1H T1H403-317-3232 5H8 A BUTTON! 403-317-3231 CLICK OF 1320 5H8 YOUR COMPANY YOUR COMPANY A D SPLAY AD ALLOW NG ACCESS YOUR DISPLAY AD, ALLOWING SALE SPECIALIST Toll Free 1-866-865-4460 • CUSTOMERS TO EAS LYTO BOOK A WE The Fa Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser ad division of FarmPress Media and iss d distributed everyy o other week to everyy farm and ranch in Southern Alberta. SITE COULD WEBSITE WITH THE The me S ockman AD V se is sa v s on o Fa mP ess Med a and s bu ed eve he week o eve a m and anch n Sou he n A be a CALL US CUSTOMERS TO EASILY SITE COULD Toll Free 1-866-865-4460 • CALL TOCalls BOOK 1-866-865-4460 Box 4557, Taber, AB T1G 2C9 NoUS Sunday PleaseA CL C Mary Kemmis AlCOMPANY Mel McDonald ACCESS 1320 T1H YOUR DYOUR SPLAY AD ALLOW NG CLICK OFSuch A BUTTON! 1320 -- 36 36 STREET STREET NORTH, NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA ALBERTA T1H 5H8 5H8 ACCESSDISPLAY YOUR Publisher YOUR COMPANY Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant AD, ALLOWING The Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser is a division of Black Press Media and is WEBS TE W TH THE CUSTOMERS TO EAS LY SITE COULD 403-506-1768 403-330-5437 403-317-9692 WITH THE The AD-Viser a of Media is every every and ranch Alberta. The Farmer/Stockman Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser isevery a division division of FarmPress FarmPress Media and is distributed distributed every other other week week to to every farm farm andWEBSITE ranch in in Southern Southern Alberta. TO CUSTOMERS SITE COULD CL CK OF A BUTTON distributed every other week to is farm and ranch inand Southern Alberta. ACCESS YOUR CLICK OF A BUTTON! ACCESS YOUR WEBS TE W TH THE CL CK OF A BUTTON WEBSITE WITH THE



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Call Call Re CALL 1-866-865-44 1-866-865-4460CALL 1-866-865-44601-866-865-4460 Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 BE HERE! us TODAY! Book your AD with 1-866-865-4460 YOUR CALL 1-866-865-4460 BE HERE! FARM & Book your AD with us TODA EVERY BE HERE! YOUR BE HERE! RANCH CALL 1-866-865-44 Book your AD with us TODAY! FARM & CALL 1BE HERE! YOUR RANCH CALL 1-866-865-4460 BookBook your your AD with us TODAY! AD with us TODA CALL 1-866-865 FARM & the BE HERE! RANCH CALL 1-866-8 CALL 1-866-865-4460 Book your AD with us TODAY!

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Book your AD withCLICKus TODAY! OF A BUTTON!

buying: ook First To Buy rmersheated and Ranchers Look First To Buy CanOLa AD-Viser Classified Ads ified Ads AD-Viser Classified Ads ser Classified Ads heated CanOLa er Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy Where Farmers and Ranchers Look Fi AD-Viser Classified Ads •  Competitive priCes Ads •  Green • toUGH ified Wrap AD-Viser Classified Ads ser• AD-Viser Classified Ads prompt movement •  sprinG tHrAsHeD Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy Where Farmers and Ranchers Look Fi Classified Ads AD-Viser Classifie

ook First Buy rmers andTo Ranchers LookAntiques................................................ To200 Coins First .................................................... 201 Buy

Auctions ................................................ 300 Construction Equipment ....................... 400 Dairy & Supplies ................................... 500 Auctions ................................................ 300 Farm Machinery.................................... 600 Alberta Adviser A18 Thursday, May 3, 2018 Southern Construction Equipment ....................... 400 Haying ................................ 601 A18 Equipment Thursday, May 3, 2018 Southern Alberta Adviser Dairy & Supplies ................................... 500 Combines & Headers ........................... 602 Alberta Adviser Southern Thursday, October 31, 2019 A29 Fertilizer Equipment.............................. 600 603 Farm Machinery.................................... Seeding & Tillage ................................. 604 Haying Equipment ................................ 601 Published Every Other Thursday Spraying Equipment ............................. 605 READ THE Combines Headers ........................... Published Office Hours: Every Other Thursday READ THE 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 PAPERS Swathers &&Mower/Conditioners .......... 602 606 Office Hours: Monday to Thursday Published E-Mail: PAPERS ONLINE AT d (1700) Seed (1700) Seed (1700) Seed 603 (1700) Seed Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. E-Mail: Fertilizer Equipment.............................. Every Other Thursday Tractors ................................................ 608 ONLINE AT 7:30 a.m.p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Visa or Mastercard Phone Orders Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 Friday 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 Visa orMiscellaneous Mastercard Phone Friday 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ....................................... 609 Orders Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 Seeding & Tillage ................................. 604 CLASSIFIED INDEX Machinery Parts.................................... 610 CLASSIFIED INDEX Published Every Other Thursday Spraying Equipment ............................. 605 READ THE FOR SALE FOR SALE ClintOther deLeeuw Dave Slingerland Farm Buildings...................................... 700 GRAIN, GRAIN, FEED GRAIN, FEED Announcements...................................... 90 Published Every ThursdayGRAIN, Office Hours:FEED READ THE Announcements...................................... 90 1320 FEED - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 PAPERS Swathers & Mower/Conditioners .......... 606 Antiques................................................ 200 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS MISCELLANEOUS Antiques................................................ 200 Office Hours: Granaries & Bins& .................................. 701 Monday& to Thursday Published HAY HAY & HAYE-Mail: & HAY .................................................... 201 Coins .................................................... 201 Coins Owner/Buyer Buyer ONLINE AT Monday to Thursday Auctions ................................................ 300 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Auctions ................................................ 300 E-Mail: Every Other Thursday Tractors ................................................ 608 Grain, MILK Feed & Hay ................................ 800 ONLINE AT Construction Equipment ....................... 400 Construction Equipment ....................... 400 RIVER, AB | MIKEOrders 403.642.7448 | PHIL 403.647.2281 7:30 a.m.p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Visa or Mastercard Phone Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 Friday 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 DairyDairy & Supplies ................................... 500 & Supplies ................................... 500 403-634-9426 403-359-0508 Visa Mastercard Phone Free & 1-877-328-0048 Irrigation................................................ 900 Orders Friday 7:30 to 12:30 p.m. (1200) Livestock &calls, Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200)Toll Livestock Supplies (1200) Livestock & (1200) Livestock &a.m. Supplies Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies FarmFarm Machinery.................................... 600 ....................................... 609 (No Sunday please) orMiscellaneous Machinery.................................... 600 ................................ 601 Haying Equipment (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Haying Equipment ................................ 601 Hogs & Supplies ................................. 1000 Combines & Headers ........................... 602 Office: 403-732-5206 Combines & Headers ........................... 602 CLASSIFIED INDEX Machinery 610 VARIETIES 2018Parts.................................... PEDIGREED SEED Fertilizer Equipment.............................. 603 CLASSIFIED INDEX Fertilizer Equipment.............................. 603 Horses & Supplies .............................. 1100 ................................. 604 Seeding & Tillage FOR SALE ................................. 604 Seeding & Tillage FOR SALE Spraying Equipment ............................. 605 Farm Buildings...................................... 700 Announcements...................................... 90 Livestock & Supplies .......................... 1200 Spraying Equipment ............................. 605 Swathers & Mower/Conditioners .......... 606 Announcements...................................... 90 Swathers & Mower/Conditioners .......... 606 Tractors ................................................ 608 HRSW BRANDON Antiques................................................ 200 Antiques................................................ 200 Poultry & Supplies .............................. 1300 Fax 403 443 7992 Granaries & Bins .................................. 701 Miscellaneous ....................................... 609 Tractors ................................................ 608 Nobleford, AB Clint deLeeuw Dave Slingerland .................................................... 201 Coins .................................................... 201 Coins Machinery Parts.................................... 610 Box 419 Picture Butte, AB T0K 1V0 Miscellaneous ....................................... 609 Sheep Feed & Supplies 1400 ................................................ 300 Auctions ................................................ 300 FarmAuctions Buildings...................................... 700 Machinery Parts.................................... 610 ELIE We2A0 buy, sell and truck allforsizes, RR#2or Three Hills, AB T0M Grain, & Hay............................... ................................ 800 Box 419 Picture Butte, AB T0K 1V0 .................................. 701 Granaries Bins Equipment ....................... 400 Construction Equipment ....................... 400 Farm&Buildings...................................... 700 Owner/Buyer Construction Buyer sell locally for export/import we have a market all types of cattle. Specialty Livestock ............................. 1500 Grain, Feed & Hay ................................ 800 Order Buyers .................................. 701 Granaries & Bins................................... Dairy & Supplies ................................... 500 Dairy & Supplies 500 types and quantities of quality hay and(Nostraw, Irrigation................................................ 900 Irrigation................................................ 900 Email: Order Buyers REDBERRY Grain, Feed & Hay ................................ 800 Farm Machinery.................................... 600 Sunday calls, please) ................................. 1000 Hogs & Supplies Pets & Supplies .................................. 1600 Farm Machinery.................................... 600 Located inmaximize the HeartProfits of Alberta’s Cattle Feeding Industry. 403-634-9426 Horses 403-359-0508 hedging on SlaughterWe Cattle FeederBalpaq Cattle to & minimize risk! Irrigation................................................ 900 1420# - 65" Diameter Hesston Baler & Supplies .............................. 1100 ................................ 601 Haying Equipment are&selling Baler twine and Netwrap, Located in -the Heart of 956A Alberta’s Cattle Feeding Industry. ................................ 601 Haying 1000 Hogs & Equipment Supplies ................................. Hogs & Supplies ................................. 1000 Livestock Seed ................................................... 1700 Combines&&Supplies Headers.......................... ...........................1200 602 Whether Buying or Selling, Feeders, Fats, Cull Cows, call us for your livestock marketing needs inHorses & Supplies .............................. 1100 Combines & .............................. Headers ........................... 602 Poultry & Supplies 1300 Office: 403-732-5206 Fertilizer Equipment.............................. 603 as well as Hay Solution and Mushroom Compost. Whether Buying or Selling, Feeders, Fats, Cull Cows, call us for your livestock marketing needs inLivestock & Supplies .......................... 1200 Sheep & Supplies ............................... 1400 Specialty Seeds .................................. 1701 Fertilizer Equipment.............................. 603 Horsesand & Supplies .............................. 1100 DURUM SPITFIRE ................................. 604 Seeding &Livestock Tillage Specialty ............................. 1500 cluding Internet. We specialize in marketing, cattle contracting, custom feeding. Poultry & Supplies .............................. 1300 ................................. 604 Tillage Pets Seeding & Supplies .................................. 1600 Spraying Equipment ............................. 605 Sheep && Supplies ............................... 1400 General ....................... cluding Internet.1750 We specialize in marketing, cattle contracting, and custom feeding. today for our product ogram to reduce costsCall andJonathan stress by on farm pricing withsales! no surprises!! Seed ................................................... 1700 LivestockMiscellaneous & Supplies .......................... 1200

er Wrap


A18•  Competitive priCes Thursday, May 3, 2018 •  prompt movement

(1200) Livestock & Supplies

•  Green • toUGH •  sprinG tHrAsHeD

(1200) Livestock & Supplies

Southern Alberta Adviser A18 Thursday, May 3, 2018 Southern Alberta Adviser


upplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies d (1700) Seed (1700) Seed


(1700) Seed


Clint deLeeuw Dave Slingerland GRAIN, FEED FEED GRAIN, FEED ousPicture Butte, Alberta Prime Beef CorpGRAIN, ve. &AB HAY & HAY & HAYSeed Certified


(1700) Seed



MISCELLANEOUS Alberta Prime & HAYBeef Corp

Owner/Buyer Buyer MILK RIVER, AB | MIKE 403.642.7448 | PHIL 403.647.2281 For Sale & Supplies (1200) 403-634-9426 403-359-0508 Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock

(1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies 2018 PEDIGREED SEED VARIETIES NO RAKING – NO RAIN

A H Y G FAPrime HAY FOR SALE R E ous R B Alberta Beef Corp M ve. Picture Butte, ABEN Alberta Prime Beef Corp CertifiedS Seed D L T LOOKING N FOR HAY & STRAW! LARGE ROUND BALES

veway larms


Office: 403-732-5206



Spraying Equipment ............................. 605 Swathers & Mower/Conditioners .......... 606 We also offer a convenient custom weigh facility and truck wash.Alfalfa,PRECISION 323 Highway Ave.facility Picture Butte, AB Swathers & Mower/Conditioners .......... 606 Butt Pubescent, Intermediate, Tractors ................................................ 608 also offer a convenient custom weigh and truck wash. 500’ HRSW BRANDON *AB CDC GO - HRS WHEAT FOR RENT We 323 Highway Ave. Picture 403-795-2095 • • PROMPT MOVEMENT • SPRING THRASHED Poultry & Supplies .............................. 1300 Fax 403 443 7992 e, Dairy Cattle, Backgrounders, Ranch Calves, Cull cows Miscellaneous ....................................... 609 Tractors ................................................ 608 Nobleford, Clint deLeeuw Dave Slingerland 403-732-5644 Acreages for Rent............................... 1800Grass, Brome, Timothy ange Machinery Parts.................................... 610 Box*419 Picture Butte, AB T0K 1V0 Miscellaneous ....................................... 609 Crested Wheat 403-732-5644 gh yield potential up to 117% of check, If youPicture have cattle toAB sellT0K locally or for export/import we have a market for allParts.................................... types oftocattle. Sheep & Supplies ............................... 1400 Box 419 FarmMachinery Buildings...................................... 700 CDC AUSTENSON 610 ELIE Commercial Property for Rent ............ 1900 Butte, 1V0 We buy, sell and truck all sizes, RR#2 Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0 If you have cattle sell locally or for e Visit us on our website: • e-mail .................................. 701 Granaries & Bins enn Farm Buildings...................................... 700 Owner/Buyer Buyer Visit us on our website: • e-mail sell locally or for export/import we have a market forTRANSPORT all types of cattle. Equipment Specialty Livestock ............................. 1500 Grain, Feed & Hay ................................ 800 Order Buyers for Rent............................. 2000 Forward Contracting & hedging on Slaughter Cattle & Feeder Cattle to maximize Profits & minimize risk! YTIME 2 ROW FEED BARLEY .................................. 701 Granaries & “ON Bins (Cell.) FARM PICK UP” Our affiliated company, ALBERTA PRIME LTD., offers tri-axle livestock trailers &(403) quad trailers627-8945 reless a highEmail: yield, early maturity and aand comprehensive Forward Contracting & hedging types quantities of quality and straw, Irrigation................................................ 900 on Slaughte Office: 403-824-3010 • 1-877-824-3010 - hay Order Buyers Our affiliated company, ALBERTA PRIME TRANSPORT LTD., offers tri-axle livestock trailers & quad trailers REDBERRY Grain, Feed & Hay ................................ 800 Farms Ranches for Rent ................. 2100 ................................. 1000 & Supplies PetsIndustry. & &Supplies .................................. 1600 inmaximize the Heart ofdrivers Alberta’s Cattle Feeding 403-634-9426 Hogs 403-359-0508 to meet allLocated your livestock needs. Our are licensed, well-experienced professionals. hedging on SlaughterWe Cattle Feeder Cattle Profits & minimize risk! Irrigation................................................ 900 -to65" Hesston 956A OR Harry: 403-382-1082 -to Horses & Supplies .............................. 1100 h meetDiameter all628-2346 your needs. Ourofdrivers areBaler licensed, professionals. Houses for 1420# Rent.................................. 2200livestock *twine KWS ALDERON GP WHEAT are&selling Balpaq Baler and Netwrap, Located in -the Heart Alberta’s Cattle well-experienced Feeding Industry. (403) (Home) ................................. 1000 Hogs Supplies veway Livestock && Supplies .......................... 1200 877-250-5252 We pick-up and deliver in 4 provinces and 11 U.S. states. Seed ................................................... 1700 ve seed size Whether d, alarge sPLACE! Buying or Selling, Feeders, Fats, Cull Cows, call us for your livestock marketing needs inRanch direct Calf Program to reduce costs and stress by on farm pricing with no surprises!! We pick-up and deliver in 4 provinces and 11 U.S. states. Horses & Supplies .............................. Duane: 403-795-1347 Land for Rent ...................................... 2300 Poultry & Supplies .............................. 1300 to 1100 Office: 403-732-5206 lo Ranch direct Calf Program reduce c


For Sale


BAR-RZ BAR-RZ Polled Herefords Polled Herefords

Specialty Livestock ............................. 1500

Specialty .................................. 1701 PetsSeeds & Supplies .................................. 1600 General Miscellaneous ....................... 1750

Seed ................................................... 1700 RENT Specialty FOR Seeds .................................. 1701 1750

Acreages for Rent............................... 1800 General Miscellaneous ....................... Commercial Property for Rent ............ 1900 FOR RENT 2000 Equipment for Rent............................. Acreages forfor Rent............................... Farms & Ranches Rent ................. 2100 Houses for Rent.................................. Commercial Property for Rent 2200 ............ 2300 Land Equipment for Rent ...................................... for Rent............................. Storage ............................................... 2400 Farms & Ranches for Rent .................

1800 1900 2000 2100 ESTATE HousesREAL for Rent.................................. 2200 Acreages Sale ............................... 2600 ...................................... 2300 Landfor for Rent Land Storage for Sale ...................................... 2700 ............................................... 2400

as well as Hay Solution and Mushroom Compost. Whether Buying orRAKING Selling, Fats,RAIN Cull Cows, call us for your livestock marketing needs inSpecialty Seeds .................................. 1701 Feeders, Weighing & treating available farm. ............................................... 2400 NO NO DURUM SPITFIRE larms cluding Internet. We marketing, cattleatcontracting, and custom 403-308-8700 feeding. Slaughter Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Backgrounders, Ranch Slaughter Calves, Cull cowsDairy Cattle, Andy Houweling 403-308-8700 (cell)specialize Brad in deLeeuw 403-892-0728 (cell) Storage Brett Houweling 403-382-7827 (cell) –Brad Cattle, Andy Houweling (cell) deLeeuw 403-892-0728 (cell) Brett 403-382-7827 (cell) General Miscellaneous ....................... 1750 cluding Internet. We specialize in marketing, cattle contracting, andHouweling custom feeding. LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK Call fora convenient our product sales! ogram andJonathan stress bytoday on farm pricing with no403-345-4144 surprises!! REAL ESTATE HAYING HAYING ve ce. to reduce costs Phone Doran: We also offer custom weigh facility and truck wash. 323 Highway Ave. Picture Butte, AB PRECISION & SUPPLIES & SUPPLIES & SUPPLIES & SUPPLIES .Control Acreages for Sale ............................... 2600 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT Alfalfa, Intermediate, also offer a convenient custom weigh facility and truck wash. 500’ * CDC GO -403-308-4765 HRS WHEAT FOR RENT WePubescent, 323 Highway Ave. Picture Butt me 403-795-2095 • Cell: e, Dairy Cattle, Backgrounders, Ranch Calves, Cull cows cu W Land for Sale ...................................... 2700 cu W 403-732-5644 Acreages for Rent............................... 1800 ange for stomtoesell Brant: 403-308-2362 MR rating improved lodging Commercial Property for Sale ............ 2800Grass, Brome, nncluding Crested Wheat Timothy 403-732-5644 gh yield potential uptotoscald 117%greatly of check, eh h for stoof If you have cattle locally or for export/import we have a market for all types a mecattle. * CDC AUSTENSON e • CUSTOM HAY HAULING f Commercial Property for Rent ............ 1900 v av locally or for e & Ranches for Sale ................. 2900 ll love Canmore),LOOKING highest % plumps test weight If you have cattle FOR HAY STRAW! Visit us website: • e-mailFarms ceour fee to email:& BOOK YOUR rssell n&anon Ph eedl rs lo •e e-mail ceour enn fi e n Office a le Visit us on website: n P tt fi d a lorisk! Houses for Sale .................................. 3000 o C le o h o Equipment for Rent............................. 2000 tt Forward Contracting & hedging on Slaughter Cattle & Feeder Cattle to maximize Profits & minimize l • STORAGE TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT a . t YTIME o C n o k 2 ROW FEED BARLEY o m (403) 627-8945 (Cell.) Ourpand affiliated company, ALBERTA PRIME TRANSPORT LTD., offers tri-axleIndustrial livestock &gquad .trailers 3100 33 e S soffers ne & thedging a high yield, early maturity comprehensive an Jordan Forward Contracting ogara amcompany, rtested, PRISES Office: 403-824-3010 • 1-877-824-3010 pa intri-axle rCANOLA fortrailers Sale................................ Semen guaranteed, free delivery, sp king on Slaughte t o g a r Our affiliated ALBERTA PRIME TRANSPORT LTD., livestock trailers & quad trailers p s r CORN, & FORAGE SEED t Farms & Ranches for Rent ................. 2100 t S e a v allguaranteed, ev ce. rs •Semen GRAVEL SUPPLIED/HAULED tev ace Btoemeet Semen guaranteed, delivery, ve............ Our drivers are licensed, well-experienced professionals. ytested, Your Beef is our Business! free delivery, Manufactured Homes 3200 e.Beef L92 yforBtoeSale Your is our Business! ll Rotested, OR 2 your livestock 403-382-1082 - Ro(403) h0V0 e. . CaHarry: meet your livestock needs.(Home) Our drivers are licensed, well-experienced professionals. er 2628-2346 Houses forCRent.................................. 2200 all................................... *Classifieds KWS ALDERON GP WHEAT 0all ent, SK size aseed 82-570 HAY Realtor Listings 3300 -57Cattle 3SELLING 2 ) • BUYING & & STRAW We pick-up and deliver in 4 provinces and 11 U.S. states. 8 381-4817 3 v quiet disposition, excellent hair coats, 3 0 d, large seed size Sell Bonded & Insured Cattle Brokers • Custom Order Buying • U.S. Exporting ) FOR THE 2018 SEASON (4 3 ield eand other great characteristics quiet disposition, excellent hair coats, 0 Bonded & Insured Cattle Brokers • Custom Order Buying • U.S. Cattle Exporting sPLACE! Ranch direct Calf Program to reduce costs and stress by on farm pricing with no surprises!! (4 We pick-up and deliver in 4 provinces and 11 U.S. states. Duane: 403-795-1347 Land for Rent ...................................... 2300 quiet disposition, excellentCows hair coats, Ranch direct Calf Program to reduce c oo Buy and Sell Bred & Calves • Replacement Heifers TRANSPORTATION • Slaughter Cattle •Buy All Classes Feeders • ALL OF BALES homlyield and SellofBred Cows & Calves • Replacement Heifers • Slaughter Cattle • All Classes of Feeders •  TYPES Silage Plastic • Oxygen Barrier Weighing &Your treating available at farm. Storage ............................................... 2400 Automobiles ........................................ 3400 performance data available. Book Ad onToday sp king performance data available. JIM & MARIANNE VOS Slaughter Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Backgrounders, Ranch Calves, Cull cowsDairy Cattle, Andy Houweling 403-308-8700 (cell) Brad deLeeuw 403-892-0728 (cell) Brett Houweling 403-382-7827 (cell) Manager dability Swift Current, Sask. Office Government Inspected Scale Premises. Fall Calf Purchasing. Weighed Off the Truck. Cattle, Automotive Parts & Service ................ 3500 performance data available. Andy LIVESTOCK Houweling 403-308-8700 (cell) Brad LIVESTOCK deLeeuw (cell) Fall Brett Houweling 403-382-7827 Swift Current, Sask. Office GIDEON STOUTJESDYK Government Inspected403-892-0728 Scale on Premises. Calf Purchasing. Weighed Off (cell) the Truck. Slaughter ngeace LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK REAL ESTATE • Grain Bags • Baler Twine • Net Wrap HAYING HAYING PO Box 445, GRANUM, AB T0L 1A0 3v Res. Ph. (306)Cattleliner 778-2533 Service – Canada & R.V.’s .................................... 3600 Cattleliner Service –Boats Canada and U.S.A. Ph. (306)delivery, 778-2533 Phone Doran: 403-345-4144 Semen tested, guaranteed, free . and U.S.A. e Sem upplies & SUPPLIES & SUPPLIES & SUPPLIES SUPPLIES .Control Acreages for Sale ............................... 2600 Fax (306) 778-9192 Semen tested,guaranteed, guaranteed,& free Heavy Trucks...................................... 3700 403-331-8672 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT 1-866-865-4460 Faxdelivery, (306) 778-9192 Semen tested, free delivery, Home: (403) 687-2432 S For MoreInfo InfoContact: Contact: Sem meMobile to Serving You for All Your Livestock Needs Committed to Serving You for All Your Livestock Needs For More Cell:Committed 403-308-4765 Box 2117, Swift Current, SK Light Trucks ........................................ 3800 Box 2117, Swift Current, SK cu W Land for Sale ...................................... 2700 quiet disposition, excellent hair coats, Cell: (403) 330-3871 BULLS: 2 qu c quiet disposition, excellent hair coats, s u S9H 4M7 PHONE 381-3700 • FAX (403) 381-3720 Motorcycles & Quads ......................... 3900 W “WE DELIVER TO (403) EVERY FARM & RANCH!” CREEKSIDEHARVESTING.COM 4M7 PHONE (403) 381-3720 disposition, excellent hairS9H coats, e 381-3700 • FAXquiet for tom(403) qu Brant: 403-308-2362 ncluding MR rating to scald greatly improved Commercial Property for Sale ............ 2800 Stuart &lodging SherriZoeteman Zoeteman npplies Stuart & Sherri Louise for stom e h Fax: (403) 687-2434 aranteed. Snowmobiles ...................................... 4000 Web Site: A Division of: Web ers CUSTOM HAY HAULING fee Site: Lawrence performance data available. v a performance data available. Farms & Ranches for Sale ................. 2900 ll love Canmore),•Buyers: highest % plumps & test weight e gideon StoutjeSdyk e c f e n Trailers ................................................ 4100 email: John Brown Ralph Siemens, Manager Dale Swartzenberger v a BOOK YOUR Buyers: John Brown Dale Swartzenberger Ralph Siemens, Email: n AVAILABLE Ph Box performance data available. SEED FOR 2018 Production sl e Office rds, Barloo Lethbridge, AB T1J 4K3 403-553-2687 Cell: 403-330-6490 Box 1685, Lethbridge, AB T1J .................................. 4K3finance (403) 403-553-2687 •• Cell: 403-330-6490 Ph eedl rManager attle fiTRAILERS Houses forJoe Sale 3000327-9667 Vans ................................................... 4200 on dlo1685, JoeCO’Donnell (403) 328-3485 Res.RENT (306) 773-4913 oo (403) 328-3485Res. Res. (4100) (403) 327-9667 Res. (306) 773-4913 • STORAGE FOR SALE OR attle & t sRes. CO’Donnell on ot Res. kin m. DELIVER Trailers a 403-331-8672 r . “WE TO EVERY FARM RANCH!” 33orJordan e AAC Brandon HRSW* Andrew k (2900) Farms & g Cell: m Prograin Soybeans: We are Alberta’s most an o (403) 382-9447 Mobile (403) 380-0965 Mobile Steve Primrose (403) 382-9998 Mobile (403) 382-0756 Mobile (306) 741-1458 Mobile a r PRISES p r SteveS Primrose (403) 382-9998 MobileFor More (403)for382-9447 Mobile (403) 380-0965 Mobile (403) 382-0756 Mobile (306) 741-1458 Mobile Industrial Sale................................ 3100 e p Email: s SERVICES g t o g Info Contact: a r p a Louise Email: Berac p s CORN, CANOLA & FORAGE SEED t 4300 A Division tev ce Ste ac ing For More Info Contact:Production Farmers & Ranchers aWhere ver guaranteed, s“Sale of: e r 92 • GRAVEL SUPPLIED/HAULED CDC Austenson Barley* B Semen tested, guaranteed, free delivery, experienced soybean grower/dealers with our e Accounting & Bookkeeping................. v Lawrence Ranches For y Your Beef is our Business! Semen tested, free delivery, Manufactured Homes for Sale ............ 3200 e 110 MISC SEMI TRAILERS: o . B R (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies L 0V0 ve e. Look First to Buy.” Youre.Beef is our Business! 2 clients Roy .................. CallFlax* llSheep er seed size CDC Glas Production 0) AD . 02 4400 ent, SK14-19 C&aAccessories Stuart & Sherri Zoeteman now breaking 60 bu acre average yield! Computers Robert Fern Zoeteman 7Supplies 82-570 & Realtor Listings ................................... 3300 5 Stuart & Sherri Zoeteman 80 Flat Decks, Step Decks, Robert & Fern Zoeteman (1400) & (1400) Sheep & Supplies 3 (1400) Sheep & Supplies (1400) Sheep & Supplies CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK 2 ) • BUYING & SELLING HAY & STRAW 8 381-4817 3 3 Custom Work ...................................... 4500 0 Classifieds Sell Bonded &Ready Insured Cattle Brokers • Custom OrderFOR Buying • U.S.BY Cattle Exporting )FOR THE 2018 SEASON (4 Beardless 3SALE ield and other great characteristics quiet disposition, excellent hair coats, 0................................ FARM OWNER: Bonded & Insured CattleEnd Brokers • Custom Order Buying • U.S. Cattle Exporting YEARLY RED ANGUS BULLS 4 ( Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 • • Roundup A AC Delight Andrew Heavy Low Beds, Dumps, quiet disposition, excellent hair coats, Feedlot Cleaning 4600 TRANSPORTATION REGISTERED RED ANGUS om 403-553-2162 403-553-2687 Cell:403-330-6490 403-330-6490 40 403-553-2687 •• Cell: 4 1320 - Treaty 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Buy and• Sell Bred Cows & Calves •tolerant) Replacement Heifers • Slaughter •Buy All Classes ofBred Feeders Berac 300Mapping acres m/l, Cattle town •Spring ALL TYPES OF BALES 403-553-2162 FOR SALE. Private Sales Land “borders Where Farmers & Ranchers and SellBelly Cows &&Calves • Replacement Roundup Xtend (Dicamba PETS & PETS & ..................................... 4700 • SUPPLIES Silage Plastic • Oxygen Barrier Triticale* Dumps Tankers. Phone: Heifers • Slaughter Cattle • All Classes of Feeders ou Bulls. BULLS: Automobiles ........................................ 3400 Production quiet, easy calving, lowdataJIM performance available. (1700) Seed (1700) Seed Book Your Ad The Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser is aToday division of FarmPress Media and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Southern Alberta. Look First to Buy.” & MARIANNE VOS of Bengough, SK. Grain land Parts & Repairs .................................. 4800 SUPPLIES Buying all Weighed Buying allEmail: for over Inspected 40(IPyears. Phone: 403- Fall • Conventional production) Lagoon Bert’s Manager Swift Current, Sask. Office Government Scale on Premises. Calf Purchasing. 306-222-2413,, Sunray Spring Triticale* Automotive Parts & Service ................Off 3500the Truck.

h yield o sp king dability a nge

Commercial Property for Sale ............ 2800 REAL ESTATE Farms & for Sale ................. 2900 Livestock & ............................... Supplies .......................... Sheep & Ranches Supplies 1400 Acreages Sale ............................... Houses for Sale for .................................. 3000 Specialty Livestock ............................. 1500 Poultry &Sale Supplies .............................. Land for ...................................... Industrial for Sale................................ 3100 Pets & Supplies .................................. Sheep &Homes Supplies ............ 3200 Manufactured for ............................... Sale Commercial Property for Sale 1600 ............ Seed ................................................... 1700 Realtor Listings ................................... 3300 Farms & Ranches for Sale ................. Specialty Livestock .............................

Specialty .................................. 1701 Houses for Sale .................................. .................................. TRANSPORTATION PetsSeeds & Supplies

Bulls for Sale

BAR-RZ BAR-RZ Polled Herefords Polled Herefords

Automobiles ........................................ Industrial for Sale................................ General Miscellaneous ....................... 3400 1750 Seed ................................................... Automotive Parts & Service ................ ............ Manufactured Homes for Sale3500 FOR RENT Boats & R.V.’s .................................... 3600 Specialty Seeds .................................. Realtor Listings ................................... Heavy Trucks...................................... Acreages for Rent............................... 3700 1800 General Miscellaneous ....................... TRANSPORTATION 3800 Light Trucks ........................................ Commercial Property for Rent ............ 1900 Automobiles ........................................ Motorcycles & Quads ......................... 3900 FOR RENT Equipment for...................................... Rent............................. 2000 Automotive Parts & Service ................ Snowmobiles 4000 Acreages forfor Rent............................... 2100 Farms & Ranches Rent ................. 4100 Boats & R.V.’s .................................... Trailers ................................................ VansCommercial ................................................... Heavy Trucks...................................... Houses for Rent.................................. 2200 Property for Rent 4200 ............

Bulls for for Sale Bulls Sale

BAR-RZ BAR-RZ Polled Herefords Polled Herefords

........................................ Light Trucks SERVICES ...................................... 2300 LandEquipment for Rent for Rent............................. Accounting & Bookkeeping................. 4300 Motorcycles & Quads ......................... Storage ............................................... 2400 Farms & Ranches for Rent .................


2600 1300 2700 1400 2800 2900 1500 3000 1600 3100 1700 3200 1701 3300


3400 3500 1800 3600 3700 1900 3800 2000 3900 2100 4000 2200 4100 4200 2300

Po P

Computers & Accessories .................. 4400 Snowmobiles ...................................... ESTATE Custom WorkREAL ...................................... 4500 Houses for Rent.................................. Trailers ................................................ Feedlot Cleaning ................................ 4600 Acreages for ............................... 2600 Vans ................................................... ...................................... Land forSale Rent Land Mapping ..................................... 4700 Land for Sale ...................................... 2700 SERVICES 4800 ............................................... 2400 PartsStorage & Repairs .................................. Commercial Property for Sale ............ 4900 2800 Accounting & Bookkeeping................. 4300 Rentals ............................................... REAL ESTATE Computers Accessories .................. 4400 Travel.................................................. 4950 Farms & Ranches& for Sale ................. 2900

Bulls for Sale

Bulls for for Sale Bulls Sale

Custom Work ...................................... 4500 Acreages for Sale ............................... 2600 EMPLOYMENT Houses for Sale .................................. 3000

Feedlot Cleaning ................................ Employment Opportunities ................. 5000 Landfor for Sale ...................................... Industrial Sale................................ 3100 Land Mapping Employment Wanted ..................................... .......................... 5100 ............ 3200 Manufactured Homes for Sale Commercial Property for Sale 5200 ............ Business Opportunities....................... Parts & Repairs .................................. Realtor Listings ................................... 3300 Training............................................... 5300 Farms &............................................... Ranches for Sale ................. Rentals

4600 2700 4700 2800 4800 2900 4900 WANTED Travel.................................................. Houses for Sale .................................. 4950 3000 TRANSPORTATION

Bulls forSale Sale Bulls for

BAR-RZ BAR-RZ Polled Herefords Polled Herefords

Equipment .......................................... 5400

Automobiles ........................................ 3400 Industrial for EMPLOYMENT Sale................................ Personal ............................................. 5600 Employment ................. Automotive Parts & Opportunities Service ................ 3500 ............ Manufactured Homes for Sale Wanted .......................... BoatsEmployment & R.V.’sListings .................................... 3600 Realtor ................................... Business Opportunities....................... Heavy Trucks...................................... 3700 Training............................................... TRANSPORTATION 3800 Light Trucks ........................................ WANTED Automobiles ........................................ Motorcycles & Quads ......................... 3900 Equipment .......................................... Automotive Parts & Service ................ Snowmobiles ...................................... 4000 Personal ............................................. Boats & R.V.’s .................................... Trailers ................................................ 4100 VansHeavy ................................................... 4200 Trucks......................................

Bulls for Sale Semen tested, guaranteed, free delivery,

........................................ Light Trucks SERVICES Accounting & Bookkeeping................. 4300 Motorcycles & Quads ......................... Mel McDonald Computers & Accessories .................. 4400 Snowmobiles ......................................


5000 3200 5100 3300 5200 5300

3400 5400 3500 5600 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200


P quiet disposition, excellent hair coats, Bulls forSale Sale FOR SALE FOR SALE performance data available. Bulls for Swift Current, Sask. Office GIDEON STOUTJESDYK Government Inspected Scale on Premises. Fall Calf Purchasing. Bulls Weighed Off the Truck. Sale for ar olds, to moderate performance birth weights, gooddata available. cultivated 275 acres, almost new Saskatoon,Ph. • Grain Bags • Baler Twine • Net Wrap or 403-504-6503 PO Box 832-3774 445, GRANUM, AB T0L 1A0 3 Res. (306)Cattleliner 778-2533 Service – Canada SK. classes of & R.V.’s classes of60ft w/16ft 3600 BobcatEPD’s, Fall Triticale* Cattleliner Service –Boats Canada and.................................... U.S.A. Ph. (306)delivery, 778-2533 Semen tested, guaranteed, free guaranteed breedRobert & Fern Zoeteman andDragline U.S.A. calving, growth, SemS Robert & Fern Zoeteman upplies shed 48ft x doors, Ltd. Services RED & BLACK ANGUS RED & BLACK ANGUS Fax (306) 778-9192 Mobile Semen tested, guaranteed, free delivery, Heavy Trucks...................................... 3700 403-331-8672 1-866-865-4460 Fax (306) 778-9192 Th under Seed Corn: • RR VT2P Semen tested, guaranteed, free delivery, Home: (403) 687-2432 ers (vet checked & semen tested). For More Info Contact: Sem ATTENTION CATTLE PRODUCERS! C orns Brothers Farm 2016 Ltd. entle disCommitted to Serving You for20ft Allsheep, Your Livestock Lean-To, 9000Needs bushel Steel Committed to Serving You for All Your Livestock Needs For More Info Contact: 403-553-2162 sheep, Box 2117, Swift Current, SK Light Trucks ........................................ 3800 403-553-2162 Box 2117, Swift Current, SK • RR •Herd Conventional • Organic 4803 41st Taber, Alberta T1G 1C9 From 10 Sires. Selling qualquiet disposition, excellent hair coats, Cell: (403) 330-3871 BULLS: 2 Bins, Barn, Garage, House needs qu Farms, quiet disposition, excellent(1700) hair coats, on (1700) Seed Seed (4500) Custom Work S9H 4M7(403) PHONE (403) 381-3700Motorcycles • lambs, FAXCREEKSIDEHARVESTING.COM (403) 381-3720 & Quads ......................... 3900 EVERY S9H 4M7 PHONE 381-3700 • lambs, FAX (403) 381-3720 quiet disposition, excellent hair coats, & qu & ity bulls for heifers & cows since Stuart & Sherri Zoeteman renovation, fronting paved Hwy • Zero Till Injecting Stuart Sherri Zoeteman AND HYBRID pplies AND HYBRID -2114 or Fax: (403) 687-2434 aranteed. Snowmobiles ...................................... 4000 Web Site: Web Site: Blends 1992, Cleveleygideon Cattle Co.: 780• Can pump up to 3.5 miles performance data available. 34. Asking $415,000 (some performance data available. goats. goats. A20 Thursday, May 3, 2018 Southern Alberta Adviser (403) 633-9999 Trailers ................................................ 4100 Buyers: Brown Ralph Manager Dale Swartzenberger GRAIN BINSiemens, ERECTION Buyers: John Brown Ralph Siemens, Manager Swartzenberger Email: performance data available. SEED AVAILABLE FOR 2018 rds, • AB Floating agitator able!Bar- 689-2754 403-553-2687 •John Cell: 403-330-6490 financing available if needed). Box 1685, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4K3 403-553-2687 •StoutjeSdyk Cell: C Box MOVING 1685, T1J 4K3 C orns Brothers Farm 2016 Ltd. Res. 34 Same Day Trade Vans ................................................... 4200327-9667 Joe O’Donnell (403) 328-3485403-330-6490 Res. (306) 773-4913 Res.Lethbridge, (403) Res. REPAIRS AND Same Day Trade Joe O’Donnell (403) 328-3485 Res. (306) 773-4913 (403) 327-9667 Res. • GPS Mapping For more info, Phone Lee: 403(4100) Trailers 4803 41st Taber, Alberta T1G 1C9 YEARLING & 403-331-8672 Brandon HRSW* YEARLING (2900) Farms & or Cell: AAC Prograin Soybeans: areEVERY Alberta’s most (403) 382-9998 Concrete and Bobcat services. Fort Macleod Auction (403) 382-9447 Mobile (403) 380-0965 Mobile We & Steve Primrose Mobile (403) 382-0756 Mobile (306) 741-1458 Mobile Payment. (403) 382-9447 MobileFort (403) 380-0965 Mobile Steve Primrose (403) 382-9998 MobileFor More (403) 382-0756 (306) 741-1458 Mobile Macleod Auction Payment. SERVICES InfoMobile Contact: Louise 901-1161 More Info Contact: “ Where Farmers & Ranchers Contact Grainland Sales & r Wheat CDC AustensonEmail: Farm Pickup. For Barley* experienced soybean grower/dealers with our Accounting &Pickup. Bookkeeping................. 4300 Farm Lawrence Ranches For Sale 110 MISC SEMI TRAILERS: Darren Shaw 403-601-5165 Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy (1200) Livestock & Supplies (1200) Livestock & Supplies Darren Shaw 403-601-5165 Look First to Buy.” Services. Duane Hoeg, Manager: RANCH!” W 2 YEAR & Accessories .................. 4400OLD BULLS Competitive 0) AD 14-19 YEAR OLD BULLS OW, Competitive Stuart &Ryan Sherri Zoeteman clients nowZoeteman breaking 60 bu acre average yield! Computers & Fern CDC Glas2 Flax* 403-329-1755, Lethbridge, AB Stuart Sherri Zoeteman Sales & Booking Inquiries 80(1400) Flat Sheep Decks, Decks, Robert & Fern Zoeteman (1400) Sheep & Supplies &Step Supplies (1400) Sheep &WORK Supplies (1400) Sheep &WORK Supplies CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM CUSTOM Konynenbelt 403-892-6534 Ryan Konynenbelt 403-892-6534 Custom Work ...................................... 4500 Louise Pricing. m Pricing. FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER: (4500) Custom Work YEARLY RED ANGUS BULLS Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 • • Roundup Ready John 403-892-5513 • Bert 403-308-4644 (2300) Land for Rent ACERTIFIED AC Delightof:Beardless Andrew R! SEED AREGISTERED Division Heavy Low Beds, End Dumps, Feedlot CleaningLawrence ................................ 4600 RED 403-553-2162 ANGUS 403-553-2687 Cell:403-330-6490 403-330-6490 40 403-553-2687 ••Cell: 4 1320 - Treaty 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Berac 300 acres m/l, “borders town 403-553-2162 2-7048 FOR SALE. Private Where Farmers & Ranchers • Roundup Xtend (Dicamba PETS &calving, PETS &tolerant) 4700 Spring Triticale* Belly Dumps & Tankers. Phone: WANTED: Pasture for Sales up to Land Mapping ..................................... • Go Early HRS Wheat, ou Bulls. BULLS: quiet, easy low Production (1700) Seed (1700) Seed Look First to Buy.” of Buying Bengough, SK. Grain4800land & Repairs .................................. SUPPLIES SUPPLIES all Buying all GET WHAT YOU NEED NOW, for50over 40(IPyears. Phone: 403cow/calf pairs, willing to pay Parts • Conventional production) Lagoon d Bert’s Email: GET WHAT YOU NEED NOW, 306-222-2413,, Very Hardy Winter Wheat Spring Triticale* TWO VERTICAL MANURE ar olds, to Sunray moderate birth weights, good for good pasture, references Rentals VANDENBERG ............................................... 4900newHAY FARMS LTD. cultivated 275 acres, almost 832-3774 or 403-504-6503 HERE IN&THE AD-VISER! SK. (403) (403) 315-3651 HERE IN THE•Saskatoon, AD-VISER! classes ofRobert classes of60ft345-2333 Bobcat Fall Triticale* Travel.................................................. 4950 (403) 345-2333 •available. (403) 315-3651 Free 1-877-328-0048 • EPD’s, guaranteed breed- Toll Fern Zoeteman Call: 403-317-0629 • AC Juniper, AC Morgan, calving, growth, Robert & Fern Zoeteman shed 48ft Custom xAndrew w/16ft doors, (4500)ANGUS (4500) Custom Work (4500) Custom Work (4500) Work Custom Work (4500) Custom Work SPREADERS FOR RENT (4950) Travel CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK Ltd. Services Dragline RED & BLACK RED & BLACK ANGUS (1200) AD 12-17 1320 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 EMPLOYMENT EQUIPMENT HAULING: under Seed Corn: • RR VT2P Berac AC Mustang Derby Oats ATTENTION ersTh(vet checked &&semen tested). CATTLE PRODUCERS! Brothers Farm 2016 Ltd. Where & orns Ranchers entle dis- Farmers 20ft Lean-To, 9000 bushel Steel CONTACT: CARL HUVENAARS (1700) Seed& 403-553-2162 Al Such Mel McDonald Employment ................. 5000 sheep, (1700) Seed sheep, AGRICULTURAL WeOpportunities have RGN and other 403-553-2162 Production • RR •Supplies Organic 4803TAURUS 41st Taber, Alberta T1G 1C9 Seed (1400) Sheep &House Supplies (1700) Seed (1700) Seed 10 •Herd Sires. qualAG We specialize in(1700) custom-blending your Bins, Barn, Garage, needs (1400) Sheep &-Selling (1700) Seed •First Busby, Seebe, Sundre Barley toConventional Buy.” Employment Wanted .......................... 5100 UNIQUE TOURS (2700) Land for Sale Phone: 403-654-5094 flatbed trailers to haul onFarms,LookFrom (1700) Seed (1700) Seed (4500) Custom Work Mostly Moo Food lambs, & lambs, & bulls for heifers & cowsEmail: since Business Opportunities....................... 5200Hwy CUSTOM Breaking and Trash cover crops andManagement grazing blends to your agricultural andthe industrial renovation, fronting paved • Zero Till Injecting PLAN TO ATTEND 12th AnAND HYBRID AND HYBRID -2114 or ityPLAN 3 QUARTERS OF SCENIC TO ATTEND the Pea, 12th An• Very Early Yellow OATS FLAX FALL RYE equipment suchRam as combines, 5300 112 Blends 1992, nual Pound Maker Sale. specificationus forwith a quote. Free coulee Training............................................... Cleveley Cattle Co.: 780• goats. Can pump up toLtd. 3.5 miles 34. Asking $415,000 (some large nualHigh Pound Maker Ram Sale. 112 CONTACT: CARL HUVENAARS Box 114 •GRASSLAND Hays, call Alberta T0K1B0 Specialty Seeds goats. - Morgan - Glas 4-wheel driveand tractors, swathers Yielding Silage Pea A20 Thursday, May 3, 2018 Southern Alberta Adviser (403) 633-9999 yearling rams 100 premium Specialty Seeds Ltd. WANTED GRAIN BIN ERECTION • running yearling rams and 100 premiumon-farm storagethrough. of your seedJust until South you are of Al Such

Advertising Consultant 403-330-5437

Advertising Consultant Custom Work................................................ ...................................... 4500 Trailers 403-317-9692

Al Such

Advertising Consultant 403-330-5437

Feedlot Cleaning ................................ 4600 Vans ................................................... Land Mapping ..................................... 4700 SERVICES 4800 Parts & Repairs .................................. Accounting & Bookkeeping................. 4300 Rentals ............................................... 4900 Computers & Accessories .................. 4400 Travel.................................................. 4950

Mel McDonald CustomEMPLOYMENT Work ...................................... 4500

Advertising Consultant FeedlotOpportunities Cleaning ................................ 4600 Employment ................. 5000 403-317-9692

Land Mapping 4700 Employment Wanted..................................... .......................... 5100 Rentals ............................................... 4900 Business Opportunities....................... 5200 Parts & Repairs .................................. 4800 *Denotes Nutrient Densified Seed Production Travel.................................................. 4950 Training............................................... 5300 Rentals ............................................... 4900 Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 • WANTED Travel.................................................. 4950 (1200) AD 12-17 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Equipment .......................................... 5400 EMPLOYMENT (4100) AG 19-22 MB 7-10 AD 12-15 SK 4-9 EMPLOYMENT Personal ............................................. 5600 Employment Opportunities ................. 5000 Employment Opportunities ................. 5000 The Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser is a division of FarmPress Media and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Southern Alberta. Employment Wanted .......................... 5100 We specialize in custom-blending your Employment Wanted .......................... 5100 Business Opportunities....................... 5200 “WE DELIVER TO FARM & RANCH!” Mostly Moo Food Business Opportunities....................... 5200 Training............................................... 5300 cover crops and grazing blends to your Louise WANTED OATS FLAX FALL RYE Training............................................... 5300 A Division of: specification- call us for a quote. Free Lawrence

17 AG 21-25

- Morgan - Glas storage ofSORGHUM your seed until you are TRITICALE WINTERon-farm WHEAT SUDAN ready for it in spring. Licensed to treat Seed (1200) AD 10-17 “WE DELIVER TO - Grazing - Radiant Spring Fall AG 17-24 protectants, humates, and micronutrients on Emerson Silage - Pronghorn - Bobcat your seed at time of pickup. BARLEY RED MILLET - Tyndal - Metzger - Austenson - Taza - Luoma

Equipment .......................................... 5400 Personal ............................................. 5600 Production


Equipment .......................................... 5400 Personal ............................................. 5600 FARM & RANCH!”

Andrew Mostly Moo Food Berac OATS FLAX FALL RYE Production Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant (2900) AD 14-15 403-317-9692 403-330-5437 - Morgan - Glas Production TRITICALE WINTER WHEAT SORGHUM SUDAN Seed treating & blending available. - Radiant Spring Fall (4500) AD 7 TFN - Grazing BRYAN GARY FAX - Emerson - Silage Pronghorn Bobcat Al Such Mel McDonald (403) 380-9586 (403) 308-6997 (403) 655-2543 Production Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant BARLEY RED MILLET The Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser is a division of FarmPress Media and is distributed every other week to- every farm and ranch in Southern Alberta. Tyndal - Metzger E-MAIL: 403-317-9692 403-330-5437 - Austenson - Taza - Luoma

A Division of:

Al Such

Mel McDonald


*Denotes Nutrient Densified Seed Production

Seed treating & blending available. GARY FAX (403) 308-6997 (403) 655-2543 (4100) AG 19-22 MB 7-10 AD 12-15 SK 4-9 (2300) AD 14-15 E-MAIL: The Farmer/Stockman AD-Viser is a division of FarmPress Media and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Southern Alberta. Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant 403-317-3231 403-317-3232 • Australia/New Zealand 2019 • Peru/Brazil/Argentina/Chile 2019 • Costa Rica/Panama Canal Cruise 2019 Serving • Floating agitator 689-2754 financing if needed). etc........................................... Weavailable areewe serving western TRITICALEewe lambs WINTER WHEAT SORGHUM SUDAN commercial lambs • Kenya/Tanzania 2019 South Equipment 5400con- REPAIRS Irvine. Good water and fences. commercial conAND MOVING • Polish Canola Canada & northwestern USA. ready for it in spring.Wayne LicensedWestern toSchlenker, treat Seed Personal signed by info, our ram buyers sell by • GPS Mapping 17 AG 21-25 • Ireland For more Phone Lee: 403............................................. 5600 (1200) AG 17-24 AD 10-17 $975,000. Email: signed by - Radiant Spring by ourFallram buyers sell - Grazing Bobcat services. • AAC ELIE •and AAC BRANDON Alberta • CDC PRECISION • AAC SPITFIRE auction Thursday,• AAC May 17, 2018 Concrete • Newfoundland/Labrador • AAC LePage ELIE • AACCommunity BRANDON protectants, humates, and micronutrients on 901-1161 • CDC PRECISION SPITFIRE Mostly Moo Food Royal Realty: auction•Thursday, May 17, -2018 Contact logistics @ Contact Spring Triticale Box 114 • Hays, Alberta T0K1B0 Emerson - Silage at Fort Alberta. Macleod, AB. Suffolk, Contact Grainland Sales & - Pronghorn - Bobcat • Iceland/Greenland and is distributed every other week your to403-548-4565 every farm and ranch in Southern at Fort Macleod, AB. Suffolk, Joe: toll or or cell 403-795-1872 • Nobleford AB. Adrian: tollfree free1-877-824-3010 1-877-824-3010 cell 403-795-3010 Nobleford, AB seed at time of pickup. OATS FLAX FALL RYE Dorset, Hampshire, Charollais, Peas • Yukon/NWT BARLEYPAAC Lacombe Duane Hoeg, Manager: (2700) AD 12-17 RED MILLET - Tyndal Hampshire, - Metzger Charollais, (2900) AD 14-15 Services. Dorset, • KATANI • PICOLO - Morgan - Glas Ile de France, Rambouillet, North • AAC LACOMBE • CDC AMARILLO •Western Canada Farm Tour Including • AAC LACOMBE • CDC AMARILLO • KATANI • PICOLO PCDC Glas Flax Ile de France,- Luoma Rambouillet, -North AB Austenson - Taza Country Cheviot and Coloured. 403-329-1755, Lethbridge, Calgary Stampede & FarmSUDAN Show TRITICALE WINTER WHEAT SORGHUM Country Cheviot and Coloured. PCDC Austenson For details call Warren Moore: • Rocky Mountaineer Rail Wishek Heavy Breaking Disk M BARLEY Seed treating & blending available. Radiant Spring Fall ForALT details call Warren Moore: (4500) AD 7 TFN Grazing 403-625-6519 or check our web- • KWS DANIELLO • GUTTINO • AAC GATEWAY PAAC Lacombe Peas • Ontario Farm Tour Including K-Line Speedtiller (High Disk) PAAC Raymore • KWSSpeed DANIELLO • GUTTINO BRYAN GARY FAX 403-625-6519 or check our webAAC GATEWAY PCDC Bow - Emerson Niagara Falls - Silage site• (1750) General Misc. Pronghorn Bobcat PCDC Glas Flax WANTED: Pasture for up to 380-9586 (403)or 308-6997 (403) 655-2543 Call: Bart 403-394-4819 LeGrande 403-653-7202 PAAC Brandon Catalogue on the website after Rsite ED(403) LENTILS BARLEY • France Land/River Cruise BRYAN (403) 380-9586

T Spring

- Prong - Tynda - Taza

B (403


C YEARLING & YEARLING & Fort Macleod Auction Fort Macleod Auction rgreed Wheat Seed Where PEAS Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy RANCH!” W 2 YEAR OLD BULLS 2 YEAR OLD BULLS OW, Varieties403-556-2609 Available m Pedigreed S FALL (2300) Land for RYE Rent R! CERTIFIED SEED HYBRID Pedigreed Seed A Division of: Advertise Lawrence W 2-7048 NE Seed Varieties Ava Services Dragline NEW Ltd. Seed Varieties INOCULANTS Available • Go Early HRS Wheat, FORAGE SEEDS Production With Us! FORAGE SEEDS INOCULANTS WHAT YOU NEED NOW, MALT PCDC Austenson E-MAIL: cow/calf d PCDC Go pairs, willing to pay GET WHAT YOU NEED NOW, DURUM MGET ALT BARLEY Very Hardy Winter Wheat 50 PCDC Impulse Witdouck TWO VERTICAL MANURE PAAC DURUM All types, for yards, pasture and hay PCD For all crops VANDENBERG HAY FARMS LTD. B Raymore for goodPenhold pasture, references PAAC PAAC Congress PCDC Bow SCALE We HERE IN THE AD-VISER! SEED TREATING & ON-FARM PAAC Congress WE CAN (403) 345-2333 • (403) 315-3651 HERE IN THE AD-VISER! R ED L PAAC Brandon (403) 345-2333 • (403) 315-3651 Concrete SEED TREATING ON-FARM SCALE available. Call: 403-317-0629 • AC Juniper, Morgan, HFOR RSW •& Pipelines • Andrew Field drainage • Demolition(4500) • BuildingCustom pads Dugout cleaning PAAC EDmore LENTILS NowAC selling (4500) Custom Work (4500)Redwater Custom Work (4500) Custom Work Work (4500) Custom Work SPREADERS RENT (4950) Travel PCDC CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM WORK See •our web site for photos R and info about each variety! H RSW PCD (1700) Seed Go ŽŶĐƌĞƚĞ DŽďŝůĞ See our web site for photos and more info about each variety!Concrete Sales and Installation” Can... PAAC Camron VB “Roller Compacted EQUIPMENT HAULING: PCDC Impulse 1-800-661-4326 Berac Pride cornOats AC Mustang & Seed Derby Mobile PAAC Camron VB Where Farmers &(1700) Ranchers HELP! CONTACT: CARL HUVENAARS PAAC Penhold (1700) Seed C PSW Al Such Mel McDonald (1700) Seed seed! We have RGN and other CPSW Production AGRICULTURAL &


-635-0099 prings, AB

Phone: 403-654-5094 orns Brothers Farm 2016 Ltd. Same Day Trade Same Day Trade NOW BOOKING WHEAT DURUM DURUM ACRES FOR THE 2018 SEASON! 4803 41st Taber, Alberta T1G 1C9 Payment. Payment. Phone: 403-332-0314 Farm Pickup. 403-332-1329 PEAS HEMP Farm Pickup. Darren Shawor403-601-5165 HEMP Darren Shaw 403-601-5165 Competitive Competitive Sales & Booking Inquiries Ryan Konynenbelt 403-892-6534 Ryan Konynenbelt 403-892-6534 Louise Pricing. WHEAT HYBRID FALL RYE WINTER Pricing.Custom (4500) Work Lagoon Bert’s WINTER WHEAT John 403-892-5513 • Bert 403-308-4644

U2 RANCH U2 RANCH AD-Viser Classified Ads RED MILLET

- Tyndal - Metzger For all crops - Luoma - Taza

T Spring

- Prong - Tynda - Taza

after DCatalogue I S C O U Non T thePwebsite LYWOO D: Portion of Tours may be Tax Deductible May 1st. All types, for yards, pasture and hay May 1st. Fur 4x8, 4x9, 4x10 - Austenson For these and other great departures, contact Douglas AD 13-15 SK 7-9 AG 21-23 •(1400) ZeroMB Till8-10 Injecting (1400) MBor 8-10 AD 13-15 SK 7-9 AG 21-23 standard with smooth overlay, Seed treating & blending available. • Can pump up to 3.5 miles B BRYAN GARY FAX 3/8 to 1 1/2 inch thick. 1 1/2 and • Floating agitator (403 (403) 380-9586 (403) 308-6997 (403) 655-2543 WILL AND JEAN VAN ROESSEL (2300) AD 14-15 • GPS Mapping 1 3/4 pine plywood up to 60 BOX 490, BOW ISLAND, AB T0K 0G0 WILL AND JEAN VAN ROESSEL E-MAIL: PEDIGREED SEED FOR SALE: BOX 490, BOW ISLAND, AB T0K 0G0 ft. Phone: 306-278-3138. No • Dig Dugouts office. 403-545-6018 • cell. 403-952-0913 PEDIGREED SEED FOR SALE: (1400) Sheep & Supplies (1700) Seed (1700) Seed PAAC Redwater Cert. AC Metcalfe Barley, Cert. Advertising Consultant Advertising Consultant N ow selling PAAC Foray (1400) Sheep & Supplies (1700) Seed (1700) Seed office. 403-545-6018 • cell. 403-952-0913 Email: UNIQUE TOURS (2700) Land Email: for Sale • Clean Dugouts flatbed trailers haulHarSunday Calls Please.Barley, Cert. AC Metcalfe Cert. PAAC ForayWeb site: CDC Copeland Barley,toCert. 403-317-3231 403-317-3232 Pride corn S WSW • 60’ Long Reach Excavator CDC Copeland Barley, Cert. HarSales & Booking Inquiries agricultural and industrial We will crush • Australia/New Zealand 2019 rington Barley, Cert. CDC GO SWSW Web site: (1750) AG 21-2 MB 9-16 AD 14-21 SK 8-15 PLAN TO ATTEND the 12th AnTwitter: @SpecialtySeeds PAAC Indus SCENIC PLAN ATTEND the 12th AnringtonTO Barley, Cert. CDC GO 3 QUARTERS OFTwitter: • Scraper Work seed! @SpecialtySeeds Hard Red Spring Wheat. JohnHigh 403-892-5513 • Bert 403-308-4644 tĞ ǁŝůů ĐƌƵƐŚ LJŽƵƌ ƵŶǁĂŶƚĞĚ ĐŽŶĐƌĞƚĞ equipment such as combines, • Peru/Brazil/Argentina/Chile 2019 your unwanted nual Pound Maker Ram Sale. 112 (5300) Training PAAC Indus HardPound Red Spring Wheat. • Drainage nual Maker Ditches Ram Sale.High 112 GRASSLAND with large coulee Germination & Vigor - 0% Fusar4-wheel drive tractors, swathers • 1 ½" crush • ¾" screened ƐůĂďƐ ŝŶƚŽ Ă ƵƐĞĂďůĞ ďĂƐĞ ŵĂƚĞƌŝĂů͘ • Costa Rica/Panama Canal Cruise 2019 concrete slabs yearling rams and 100 premium Gravel Sales: Germination & Vigor 0% Fusar • Basements Serving South of Oium. yearling rams and 100 premium running through. Just I L F IPlease E L D call, I NBruce S P E CMurray: TOR etc. Wecrush are serving western ium.• PVC Please call, Bruce Murray: • 3" crush • 1 ½" screened pit run commercial ewe lambs con• Kenya/Tanzania 2019 into a useable 403-327-9389 or Cell: 403-360• ¾" road South Line Installation COURSES – Get certified now commercial ewe lambs con- Irvine. Good water and fences. 1206. 403-327-9389 or Cell: 403-360Canada & northwestern USA. on Hwy 845 Western • Road Maintenance signed byavailable our ram buyers back. sell by the industry is coming • Ireland base material. Delivery Pit located north Schlenker, that Email: signed 1206. by our ram buyers sell by $975,000. Wayne Alberta • AAC ELIE • AAC BRANDON (1700) AD 11-19 API Certification, Pipeline, Ves• CDC PRECISION • AAC SPITFIRE auction Thursday, May 17, 2018 • Newfoundland/Labrador • AAC ELIE • AAC BRANDON • CDC PRECISION • AAC SPITFIRE (1700) 11-19 Royal LePage Community Realty: sels, Tanks, auction Thursday, May 17,AD2018 Contact logistics Piping.Sikkens Visit www. Contact Box 114 • Hays, Alberta T0K1B0 Henric • cell:@403-308-1212 • office: 403-738-4033 WŚŽŶĞ͗ ϰϬϯͲϯϬϴͲϭϮϭϮ ŵĂŝů͗ ƚƌĞĂĚƐƚŽŶĞŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƌLJΛLJĂŚŽŽ͘ĐŽŵ at Contact: Fort Macleod, AB. Suffolk, • Iceland/Greenland, call: 780-842-6264, atilt Fort Macleod, AB. Suffolk, Joe: toll free 1-877-824-3010 or or cellcell 403-795-1872 • Nobleford AB. M ’s E arthMoving ltd.403-548-4565 Adrian: toll free 1-877-824-3010 403-795-3010 Nobleford, AB Dorset, fax: Hampshire, Charollais, 866-887-3057 • e-mail: AB. • Yukon/NWT (2700) AD 12-17 Wainwright, Burdett, Dorset, Alberta Hampshire, Charollais,

AG Busby,toSeebe, Sundre Barley Look •First Buy.”TAURUS Phone: 403-654-5094

CUSTOM Breaking Trash Management Email: • Very Early Yellow Pea, ADVERTISE WITH T0K1B0 High Yielding SilageBox Pea 114 • Hays, Alberta • US TODAY! • Polish Canola WHEAT THIS COULDDURUM H, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8

Crushing ƌƵƐŚŝŶŐ


Specialty Seeds Ltd.

BE YOUR AD! • Spring Triticale greed Seed and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Southern Alberta. PEASLacombe Peas HEMP PAAC • AAC LACOMBE CDC AMARILLO Glas •Flax de France, Rambouillet, North PCDC VarietiesIle403-556-2609 Available Country Cheviot and Coloured. PCDC Austenson Wishek DiskFALL RYE HYBRID M BARLEY ForALT details call WarrenHeavy Moore:Breaking SUNRISE TUB GRINDING K-Line Speedtiller (High Disk) PAACSpeed Raymore

Cell: (403) 382-7895 • Phone: (403) 833-3766 • Fax: (403) 833-3706


• KWS DANIELLO • GUTTINO Cornelius 403-625-6519 our Berg web-403-308-3372 PCDC Bowor check

Real Value


• AAC LACOMBE • CDC AMARILLO Ile de France, Rambouillet, North (5300) AG MB 5-10 AD 10-15 4-9 PO17-22 Box 120 Turin, AB SK T0K 2H0 • • KATANI • PICOLO Country Cheviot and Coloured. For details call Warren Moore: 403-625-6519 or check our web- • KWS DANIELLO • GUTTINO AAC GATEWAY site•

US TODAY! Real Effectiveness Phone: 403-332-1329 or 403-332-0314 HEMP Phone: 403-308-1212

• KATANI • PICOLO Email: •Western Canada Farm Tour Including


Pedigreed S

Calgary Stampede & Farm Show • Rocky Mountaineer Rail PAAC Lacombe Peas • Ontario Farm Tour Including Niagara Falls


Southern Alberta Adviser








John Deere Model 530-535 3 ply Diamond top laced with alligator lacing – Complete Set - $2,999 • New Holland Model 660-664-668 3 ply mini rough top laced with alligator lacing – Complete Set - $2,240 Case IH/Hesston model 8460/8560/560/565 3 ply Chevron w/alligator lacing – Complete Set - $3,120 Complete sets for most makes...Call for pricing • Bulk Belting Most Sizes • Endless Belts Too


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RENN Jiffy

2002 Case 60XT 3,110 hrs., hydraulic Q/C, auxiliary hydraulics, full cab w/heat, H pattern hand controls, 72" smooth bucket. $18,900

EXCAVATORS 2010 Komatsu PC200LC-8 9,120 hrs., AM/FM radio, heat & A/C, wedge Q/C, control pattern changer, good U/C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,900

FBU 1014

RENN Bag Unloader 9’ 10’ 12’

Discharge Auger

Unload Capacity bu/hr

Minimum HP

FBU 1014

14” lift, 12” folding



RGU 1218 CD

18” lift auger, left or right discharge




• The RENN Onboard Recycle-Ready bag recovery system uses RENN’s unique hydraulic ratchet system to wind the spent bag onto spools keeping the plastic clean and out of the way. The plastic is rewound into a recycle-ready package after unloading has been completed. RENN Mill Center Inc. has a corporate policy of continuous improvement and development; therefore models and specifications are subject to change without any advance notice.


For up-to-date information on livestock and farm auctions in your area, pick up the Farmer / Stockman

2008 Caterpillar 730 12,500 hrs., 30t capacity, 750/65R25 tires, heat & A/C. $99,900 OBO


2013 Skytrak 8042 5,800 hrs., full cab, Cummins engine, block heater, 4x4x4, foam filled tires, auxiliary hydraulics, tilt carriage, new engine. . . . . . . . . $69,900 Traverse Lift TL6035 6,485 hrs., OROPS, John Deere engine, block heater, traverse boom, 4x4x4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,900

2007 Deere 200D LC 10,000 hrs., aux hyd, hyd thumb, hyd Q/C, dig bucket, radio, control pattern changer, heat & A/C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,900 SKID STEERS 2011 Bobcat T750 2,250 hrs., full cab w/heat & A/C, WHEEL LOADER manual quick change, foot controls, 1994 Deere 444H 85 hp engine, 17" tracks, 84" bkt . . $47,900 23,000 hrs., hydraulic Q/C, 2014 Bobcat S510 17.5x25 tires, full cab w/heat, 925 hrs., semi-pneumatic tires, hydraulic 2.5 yard gp bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,900 Q/C, auxiliary hydraulics, full cab w/heat, foot controls, 67" smooth bucket, 1,785 lbs. lift GRADERS capacity, 49hp engine. . . . . . . . . . . $26,900 2007 Volvo G940 2014 Bobcat S510 7,660 hrs., 14 ft. MB, push block, ripper, 1,225 hrs., semi-pneumatic tires, hydraulic 14.00r24 tires, AM/FM radio, heat & a/c, Q/C, auxiliary hydraulics, full cab w/heat, foot block heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,900 controls, 67" smooth bucket, 1,785 lbs. lift capacity, 49hp engine. . . . . . . . . . . $26,900 DOZERS Stout Brush Grapple 2006 Caterpillar D6N LGP to fit skid steer, 66" wide, 10,600 hrs., 6-way blade, M/S ripper, comes with hoses . .BLOW OUT!! $2,160 limp risers, AM/FM radio, heat & A/C, HLA Forks to fit skid steer . . . . . . . . $999 MISCELLANEOUS 34" wide track pads, 12.5 ft. wide blade . . . . . . . . . . . . $109,900 2010 Dodge 5500 Flat Deck Pickup 145,363 kms, flat deck, 4x4, dually, 2008 Komatsu D65EX Cummins engine, auto trans . . . . . $26,900 8,160 hrs., good U/C, semi-U blade w/tilt, Scona Tandem Jeep ripper, 205hp Komatsu engine, 12R22.5 tires, live roll, leaf spring radio, heat & A/C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,900 suspension, fresh paint . . . . . . . . . $10,900

Canadian Made

RENN Mill Center Inc., RR#4 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Call the factory to find your local dealer.


Check us out at

For the purpose of preserving the sanctity of the Lord’s Day (Ex.20:8-11)

403-784-3518 |

2012 Deere 310SJ 1,279 hrs., 4x4, Extendahoe, front Q/C, 24" dig bucket, forks, pilot ctrls, shuttle shift, front & rear aux hyd. $99,900

2015 JCB 437HT 2,495 hrs., hydraulic quick change, 3rd valve, 20.5x25 Michelin tires, Espar engine heater, 3 yard WBM bucket. $119,900

Daily - Weekly - Monthly Rentals Available on Most Inventory 15 Broxburn Way, Broxburn Business Park, Lethbridge County, AB


A30 Thursday, October 31, 2019

and link to dozens of farm equipment dealers, auction companies and agricultural suppliers.

A wealth of information, and ALL of the farm classified ads from Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba.

Southern Alberta Adviser

Thursday, October 31, 2019 A31

2660 balebuster

h-1000 tub grinder

( two bale processor )

( tub grinder )

Haybuster 2660

The Haybuster Model H-1000 tub grinder is the most economical grinder available.

• Taller Shredder Frame with Optional Containment Kit • Heavier Conveyor Table Chains & Drive Shafts • Wider Conveyor Table • Repositioned Loader for Easy Bale Loading • Heavier Rotor Shafts • Optional Heavy-Duty Knobby Tires

• Three sizes of grinders plus the option of an electric motor. • No tub tilt and a lighter-duty hammermill. • This hammermill only requires an 80 hp PTO tractor and ideally a 125 hp tractor for its maximum efficiency.

TRACTORS: ‘19 Versatile 520 pto duals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call ‘19 Versatile 610 Delta Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call ‘11 Bobcat CT450 Cab tractor w/ ldr . . . . . . . $39,000 ‘15 Kioti CK 35 mfd w/ loader . . . . . . . . . . . . $23,900 SEEDING & TILLAGE: Kuhn 3pt HRB182 6’ EL162 8’ & EL92 6’ . . . . . . . Call ‘15 Valmar 1655 applicator box . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,900 ‘95 Bourgault 40’ 8800 w/ 3225 tank . . . . . . . . Offers Rental Salford 9807 7 shank disc ripper . . . . . . . . . . Call ‘18 Mandako 40’ & 50’ landroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call Loftness 3pt 60” shredder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,900 ‘16 Kuhn Optimer 24’ compact disc . . . . . . . . . . . Offers ‘14 FK 6650 32’ disk rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers ‘10 Bourgault 5710, 70’, VG s/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers

HAYING / SWATHING: Kuhn SR112 12 & SR614 14 wheel rakes . . . . . . . . Call CIH 8830 21’ swather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers Hesston 820 15’ draper hdr for 8200 . . . . . . . . . . . Call ‘18 Kuhn GA6501 21’ rotary twin rake . . . . . . . . . . Call Kuhn 2054 & 2044 Rental spreaders . . . . . . . . . . . . Call sold Morris 881 Rd Bale hauler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 sold NH 1030 bale wagon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Kuhn LSB1290D 3x4 baler - Special Rebates . . . . . . Call FEEDING: ‘19 Rotogrind 760 & 1090 Tub Grinders . . . . . . . . . Call ‘12 Haybuster 2800 Sq & Rd BP . . . . . . . . . . $28,000 Kuhn GF7802THA Rotary Tedder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call ‘19 Haybuster 2660 Rd bale processor . . . . . . . . . . Call

Brooks Farm Equipment Inc.

‘02 Highline 7000 Rd BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500 Arts Way 864 Top Spread Rd BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call Reimer Ezee Feeder 45 & 70, 1 of each . . . . . . .In Stock ‘07 Haybuster 2650 Rd BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,000 ‘14 Jiffy 928 round bale processor . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 ‘17 Highline CFR960 big square bale processor . . . Offers ‘18 Haybuster H1000 tub grinder . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers ‘12 Haybuster 2655 short cut BP . . . . . . . . . . $18,500 ‘03 Haybuster 2640 BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers CONSIGNmENTS: 2 Meyers trailing ditchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers Highline 7000 Rd bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers ‘06 Haybuster 2650 Rd bale processor . . . . . . . $14,500 ‘14 Bobcat 3650 w/ front UTV mower . . . . . . . . Offers

‘05 Kubota R520 wheel loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers ‘03 NH BR780 Rd Baler w/mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers Rotogrind 760 Tub grinder, 1000 pto . . . . . . . . . Offers Hesston 1375 15’ drawbar d/m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call CIH 810 w/ 22’ Sund p/u on trailer . . . . . . . . . . Offers ‘16 Loftness 22’ trail shredder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers CCIL 32’ CP w/ Valmar & inj . knives . . . . . . . . . . Offers ‘16 FK 1410 R/C 1000 gal app . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offers bObCAT / OTHER: New FK Y1385 & 16104 Grain Augers . . . . . . . . . . Call ‘09 S630 Bobcat A91 skid steer . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 Bobcat S850 skid steer & E50 excavator . . . . . . . . . Call ‘15 Bobcat T450 track loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,000 ‘07 Sky Trak Telehandler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48,500 Bobcat 3400 & 3600 UTV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call

Phone (403) 362-8222 or 1-800-262-5170 Visit our Website:

SKIDSTEERS Bobcat S570, 2014, 61hp Bobcat diesel, 600 hours, A71 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39,900

Bobcat S650, 2018, 74hp Bobcat diesel, 528 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, A71 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, hyd bucket position, ride control, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . . . . . . . .61,900

J.D. 323D, 2010, 69hp John deere diesel, 1814 hours, joystick, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, suspension seat, radio, quick-tach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33,900

Bobcat S550, 2017, 61hp Bobcat diesel, 191 hours, A71 option package, cab encl/heater/air, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, hyd bucket position, power bob-tach . . . . . . . 44,800

Bobcat T750, 2015, 85hp Kubota diesel, 1600 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, A91 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, high flow, roller suspension, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, hyd bucket position, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68,900

Bobcat S570, 2018, 61hp Bobcat diesel, 511 hours, A71 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47,900

2015, feed chopper, right hand discharge, 3rd remote, large tires, public roadway lights, top deflectors.


Bobcat S570, 2016, 61hp Bobcat diesel, 760 hours, A71 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . . . . .42,900

Bobcat S570, 2016, 61hp Bobcat diesel, 311 hours, H51 option package, cab encl/heater, two-speed, hyd bucket position, power bob-tach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44,900


Bobcat T750, 2015, 85hp Kubota diesel, 735 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, A91 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, high flow, roller suspension, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, hyd bucket position, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . .73,900

Bobcat S650, 2015, 74hp Bobcat diesel, 1100 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, A71 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, hyd bucket position, ride control, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49,900

Bobcat T750, 2017, 85hp Bobcat diesel, 325 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, A91 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, high flow, roller suspension, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, hyd bucket position, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83,800

Bobcat S650, 2017, 74hp Bobcat diesel, 439 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, A71 option package, cab encl/heater/air, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, hyd bucket position, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52,900

Bobcat T750, 2018, 85hp Bobcat diesel, 326 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, A91 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, high flow, roller suspension, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, hyd bucket position, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . . . . .83,900

Bobcat S650, 2015, 74hp Bobcat diesel, 606 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, A71 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, hyd bucket position, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52,900

Bobcat T750, 2018, 85hp Bobcat diesel, 345 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, A91 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, high flow, roller suspension, sound reduction, deluxe instrumentation, hyd bucket position, air ride seat, radio, power bob-tach . . . . .83,900

610 - 30 Street North, Lethbridge, AB .

(403) 329-6011

NEW EXCAVATORS Bobcat 324, 2013, 14hp Kubota diesel, 725 hours, cab, heater . . . 28,999 Bobcat E50, 2017, 50hp Bobcat diesel, 400 hours, long arm, A91 option package, cab/heater/air, hyd angle blade, hyd x-change,hyd clamp, deluxe panel, keyless start, radio . . . . . .78,900


New Bradco 72" Lo Pro Bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 BOBCAT 62” LO PRO bucket w/teeth, 2009, AS NEW . . $1399 BOBCAT 66” snow bucket w/reversible bolt-on cutting edge, 2009, as new! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,899 Bobcat 80" 6-Way Dozer Blade, 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,800

EXCAVATOR & VERSAHANDLER ATTACHMENTS Single Tooth Bale Handler NEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000

LAWN & GARDEN Kubota ZD331LP Zero-Turn Mower, 2015, 31hp Kubota diesel, 86 hours, 72” side discharge mower w/mulch . . . . . . . . . . . . .13,900 Grasshopper 325D Zero-Turn, 2018, 25hp Kubota diesel, 27 hours, 61" side discharge w/hopper/blower system . . . . . .18,400 Walker MDD-GHSA Front Mount Zero-Turn, 2013,


21hp Kubota diesel, 348 hours, 52” mower, power dump, deck height adjuster, mechanical deck lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18,900

MISCELLANEOUS Woods RM48, 3 pt ., 48" finishing mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 Grasshopper 3452PF, 52" side discharge mower w/power fold, 2015, new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 SOUTHLAND LBE18T-07 18’ tandem axle trailer, 2008, 5” angle frame, 3500lb spring axles, slide-in ramps, 2 5/16 ball, like new! 3,700

FARM KING Y80DH - 80" drag harrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300 Y1003DH - 120" drag harrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 Y430 - 48" rear discharge finishing mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,900 Y530 - 60" rear discharge finishing mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100 Y510S - 5' rotary mower w/shear bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 Y505TD - 5' disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,300 Y620S - 6' rotary mower w/slip clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 Y630 - 72" rear discharge finishing mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 Farm King 10' steel swath roller w/2 hand cranks for adjustment, 1" pillow block bearings on center shaft, swivel hitch . . . . . . . . 2,800 Y705TD - 7' disc w/20" notched pans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,800 Y805TD - 8' disc w/20" notched pans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,100 C6572 - 72" tiller w/slip clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,200

JEFF: (403) 380-0645 - Cell . RUSTY: (403) 849-7257 Cell . DARREN: (403) 380-0083 - Cell .

1-800-599-8940 • Fax: (403) 328-8787 Website: evconequipment .com PHOTOS ON WEB

Southern Alberta Adviser

A32 Thursday, October 31, 2019

Save the Date - Dec. 7 Horned Here for s u d g n A



Saturday, D ecemBer 7, 2019 1:00 Pm

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The British Connection

Balog auction lethBridge, alBerta

orned H e r - H efo rd

Featuring Bulls from: BJ Cattle Co.

McKenzie Herefords/

Newton Herefords

J Bar B Polled

BJ & Jody Scheirlinck (403) 758-3339 (403) 929-2494

Wild Bear Herefords

Jim & Terry Newton (403) 758-6220 (403) 308-4123


Jon & Gillian McKenzie (403) 642-7256 Jim Wildeman (403) 861-0719

John & Brenda Lutz (403) 642-2363 (403) 715-1347

Lot 11

Lot 12

Lot 15

Lot 6

Lot 42

Lot 57

Lot 9

Lot 53

Lot 59

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