Publication Agreement No. 40012905
www.farmpressltd.com Farmer / Stockman
Dec. 19, 2013
Volume 47 Number 5
gratton coulee
See Pages B2 and B3 for the best deals on New or Used Farm Equipment
Agri Parts Ltd.
Your Farm Parts Headquarters 2 1/2 Miles South of Irma, AB on 881, 1 Mile East & 1/2 Mile North
www.gcparts.com Email: sales@gcparts.com
Ph: (780) 754-2303
See our ads on Pages B8-B9
(403) 329-8686
See our ads on pages b10 & b11
LAZY S RANCH BULL POWER SALE 2014 Saturday, January 25 at the Ranch, Mayerthorpe, AB
200 + Red & Black Simmental, Red & Black Angus & Red & Black Beefmaker (SimAngus) black simmental
red simmental
Ph. 780-785-3136
black angus
Text 780-674-1048
Sons of top North American carcass sires sell, such as Upward 307R, Bismark 5682, Designer 36W, Just a Dream 106s, Sweat Meat - just to name a few. Bull Video online in January www.lazysranch.ca
SAVE BIG on Bobcat equipment in 2013!
AS L OW AS 0 %
for up to 48* months
OR rebates up to $5,500* on a new Bobcat® compact excavator. PLUS rebates up to $2,500* on select models.
OR rebates up to $3,900* on a new Bobcat compact track loader. PLUS rebates up to $1,000* on select models.
0% 0%
for up to 42* months
OR rebates up to $2,700* on a new Bobcat skid-steer loader. PLUS rebates up to $2,500* on select models.
for up to 48* months
OR rebates up to $1,100* on a new Bobcat utility vehicle. PLUS rebates up to $600* on select models.
Season Greetings… Best Wishes for 2014! Our Christmas gift to you is here!!
The GreaTesT DiscounTs on Bins & QuonseTs of The Year!
for up to 24* months
Design & Construction Ltd.
OR rebates up to $1,300* on a new Toolcat™ utility work machine.
Hurry in by December 31, 2013 or check Bobcat.com/myoffers for all models, terms and conditions. *Limited time offer. Available at eligible and participating dealers only. Some restrictions apply. Please see participating dealer for details. Financing subject to credit approval of qualified buyers by authorized Bobcat finance providers. Bobcat Company reserves the right to discontinue this program at any time without prior notice. Bobcat® and the Bobcat logo are trademarks of Bobcat�Company.
General Contractors
building for your success
Lethbridge, AB 3755 - 18th Ave. North
(403) 320-5400
Medicine Hat, AB 1065 - 30 St. S.W.
(403) 526-0925
Calgary, AB
101, 4800 - 104th St., S.E.
(403) 279-3355
1-877-414-4043 1-800-325-4445 1-877-642-2923 Authorized Bobcat Dealer
Evcon Farm Equipment Ltd,Lethbridge,AB | 610 30TH STREET NORTH
403.329.6011 www.evconequipment.com Parts. Service. Sales. Rental.