Publication Agreement No. 40012905
Farmer / Stockman
Thursday May 2, 2013
Volume 17 Number 22
gratton coulee Agri Parts Ltd.
Your Farm Parts Headquarters
www. canadafarmandranch. com
2 1/2 Miles South of Irma, AB on 881, 1 Mile East & 1/2 Mile North
www.gcparts.com Email: sales@gcparts.com
Ph: (780) 754-2303
See our ads on pages A10 & A32
SEE US ON PAGE A16 & A17 CALL US AT 1 (855) 763-1427
Get ready for Spring with WATER TANKS
“where farming starts”
Group of Companies
Everald Olsen - Edmonton South (780) 679-8018
Don Evans - Edmonton North (780) 349-1500
ih 5288 1983, 9600 hrs, Leon ldr, duals, 160 pto HP.
nisku -
J.D. 4240 1982, 6700 hrs., JD 148 loader/grapple.
Lawn and Garden
Kubota BX2350V 2007, 170 hrs., ldr/ 60" mower, turf tires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,900 Kubota ZD331LP-72 2007, 31 hp diesel, 985 hrs, 72" pro deck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,500
sold sold
ford tw5 1987, 6720 hrs., loader/grapple. $ 24,900
Dave Sundlie - In House jp blenke - In House
Diamond Shelters / Grain Vacs Swath Inverters / Hay Conditioners offering over 16 years of experience Building shelters
Kubota GF1800 Front Mount 1999, 540 hrs, 54" deck, 2WD, Diesel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,900 Kubota BX1850 2007, 80 hrs, loader. COMING IN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,100
treager Wood pellet grills • Cook with pure, natural 100% wood pellets • Flip a switch and your grill becomes the best smoker there is • Smoke your own jerky, fish, sausage, cheese, nuts, etc. • 12 different models available as well a commercial grills
Skid/Track Loaders
Kubota SVL90-2 2012, 400 hrs, cab/air/heat, Hi-flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,900 John Deere 323D 2010, 1100 hrs, 2 buckets, new engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,900
land pride RCR5515 2009. $ 13,900
grain equipment hay storage hog
• 40 - 160 ft. wide, any length
diamond shelters
Free Standing or Pony Wall Style
chief Westland farm Bins
1.877.679.0051 local:
After Hour Sales: nick zarski Evan Smelquist Cell: 780-678-9127 Cell: 780-781-1911
• Corrugated steel sidewalls • TITAN “W” Stiffeners • Standard G115 galvanize coating • Standard easy access doors
22-38 ft. Wide
SpeciaL Booking priceS for complete chief bin and extension packages.
End walls for Diamond Shelters can be wood or metal clad. Our own polyethylene covered end wall provides a durable and attractive finish to your Diamond Shelter.
farm king grain vacs
diamond shelters
Toll Free:
4620 - 39 Street, Camrose, Alberta
BILL DUFFIELD - In House Jeff Friesen - In House
Cash Price $ 23,900
Kubota M135XDTC 2010, 2000 hrs, loader/grapple, bias. COMING IN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $56,900
Rick Clubb - Red Deer South (403) 227-2711
• 15 to 18 ft. wide, free standing • Various lengths
• RV’s • Trucks • Tractors
StarLine leasing available
• 13’ High discharge boom for B trains • 3300 - 4000 bu./hr. • Dust separation system • 20 ft. steel hose and 14 ft. poly hose standard
Equipment Sales Ltd. 3906 - 84 Avenue, Leduc, AB.
(780) 986-5548 or
Toll Free 1-888-601-6611
we ship anywhere
A2 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
sexsmith used farm parts ltd. book now Your one stop for new, used & rebuilt ag parts
Toll free 1-800-340-1192
www.usedfarmparts.com Email: farmpart@telusplanet.net
Phone: (780) 568-4100 Fax: (780) 568-2000
case 4890
g n i l t n disma Dismantling a large selection of Seedrills monday to friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• we buy farm equipment for dismantling • specializing in later model mfwd tractors • we also offer freight discounts
for guaranteed delivery
A Wide Variety of 2WD & 4WD Tractors in for Dismantling New, Used & Rebuilt Engines Available
Custom bin moving any bin up to 19 ft. diameter
780-986-3000 Ask for Rick
5403 - 50 St., Leduc, Alberta become a member - leduc co-op members receive equity cash back over 10 million paid out
fertilizer uan 28-0-0 now available
water soluble with micronutrients 20-20-20 30-10-10 30-10-20
alfalfa specialty liquid fertilizer 3-21-1 foliar applied
providing a huge increase in protein & rFv value. products for all pulse crops also available.
Special Pricing on all types of fertilizer on immediate orders. Very competitive on all fertilizers.
Visa & MasterCard
Crop Input Financing O.A.C.
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A3
Flaman Flaman Flaman Flaman
FErTilizEr bins
FrOm 90 TO 200 TOns call nOw FOr Early bOOking priCes.
Flaman – trailErs WINTER BOOKING PROGRAM Book now For sprinG dElivEry!
Group of Companies
EvErald OlsEn - Edmonton south (780) 679-8018
dOn Evans - Edmonton north (780) 349-1500
specialists in High clearance, combine & Header Transports
please contact:
lEs bacHinsky 1-800-352-6264 • Cell. 780-975-5229
nisku -
rick clubb - red deer south (403) 227-2711
davE sundliE - in House jp blEnkE - in House
bill duFFiEld - in House jEFF FriEsEn - in House
A4 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
33rd annual Summer MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION friday, JUNE 14, 2013 rimbey, aB. Selling equipment to all four Western provinces and the Northern USA. Listings are now being accepted for the Summer Machinery Consignment Auction.
All items must be listed by Tuesday, May 14, 2013 to be included on our Sales Posters, Newspaper, Radio Advertising, Web Page and extensive mailing lists. For more information or to consign call:
Allen b. olson auction service ltd.
Rimbey, ALBERTA (403) 843-2747
des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des
Commercial quality at an affordable price since 1970
flip up deck
n Did you spend too many hours riding the lawn mower last summer? n Visit lairdmowers.ca to see what a Deines can do for you. n A DEINES zero turn Front Mount mower will cut your mowing time in 1/2 and are built to provide years of dependable service. n DEINES has a history of using standard size belts, bearings, etc. Simple, easy maintenance. n Floatation design deck follows rough, uneven ground with ease. n 11 guage steel, welded construction 50, 60, + 72" sizes. n Kohler 18, 20 & 23 HP OHV engines. n References • Demos • Delivery Available
smuckers foam marker • Thomas air compressor, Shurflo liquid pump and boom end foam long-lasting foam. • Models and sizes to suit everyone’s needs.
dean ebbert sales (403) 347-2797 Red Deer 1-800-886-9429
chambers produce top quality
• des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • de • des • des des • des •• des • des des • des • des • des •
des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des
• des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des • des •
License No. 165690 Web Page Address: allenolsonauction.com E-mail: abolson@telusplanet.net
DLR#10428 ALL vehicLe pAyments ARe cALcuLAteD bi weekLy oveR An 84 month teRm At A 4.39% fixeD RAte (with the exception of 13D132, which is cALcuLAteD bi weekLy oveR An 84 month teRm At A 2.99% fixeD RAte, AnD 12R600, 12co341, AnD 12c562, which ARe cALcuLAteD bi weekLy oveR An 84 month teRm At A 5.99% fixeD RAte). ALL pAyments ARe incLusive of ALL tAxes AnD fees of $519 AnD ARe oAc. ALL vehicLes weRe AvAiLAbLe At time of pRint AnD mAy not be exActLy As shown. see DeALeR foR compLete DetAiLs.*$1500 AfteR tAx RebAte RequiRe cuRRent owneRship of A tRuck. Does not neeD to be tRADeD in. see DeALeR foR compLete DetAiLs. ** $10,000 cAsh bAck is not AvAiLAbLe on ADveRtiseD pRices. onLy on seLect new vehicLe puRchAses. see DeALeR foR compLete DetAiLs.
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A5
aLL vehicLeS muSt Go – GettiNG readY For New arrivaLS! 1999 SuNvaLLeY 53’ car carrier
2006 FLeetwood americaN traditioN 4 Slide, 42 ft, tag axle
2006 FreiGhtLiNer
w/060 hiab piCker
1998 New hoLLaNd 9882 tractor
2006 aLFa GoLd See Ya 40 ft, loaded
425 hp, 3400 hrS
1997 Newmar mouNtaiN aire
2004 JohN deere 710G backhoe
2005 PeterbiLt wiNch tractor
turboCharged 325 hp CuMMinS C8.3 dieSel engine
jd 6068t turbo Charged dieSel engine
30 ton winCh
1978 FruehauF 51’ hi-boY traiLer
w/rear live roll
2006 keNworth t300 w/ 155 effer piCker and 15 ton hydrauliC winCh
1994 timberJack 450c
2008 Ford F550 Service truck
grapple Skidder, reCent work done.
Max 14ft Marilift Crane vMaC, ServiCe deCk
2010 JohN deere 326 d Skid Steer
2006 Gmc c5500
2005 cat d5G
only 50 kM
70 hp, only 439 hrS
6-way blade, winCh
40 PickerS aS weLL aS 20 mechaNic truckS to chooSe From 2005 FreiGhtLiNer coroNado C15 Cat, 18 Spd, 40 rearS’
2007 Gmc c5500
2001 JohN deere 330 Lc excavator 36” digging buCket.
2006 keNworth t800
4x4 C/C, heila hl-70, 45 piCker, only 43k kM.
Mii 350 CuMMinS dieSel engine, 20,000 lb winCh w/ reMote, 36” integral Sleeper L-6718
2001 FreiGhtLiNer FL120
2007 Ford F550
r/C, auto
winCh traCtor, Standard, 474220 kM, white.
2002 aSPeN traiLer
2006 bwS traiLer
2006 chevroLet c5500
7’ neCk, ext. Cab, 4x4, 25’x9’ deCk, Short 4’ 6”box, blaCk beavertail
double drop trideM trailer w/ hydrauliC reMoval neCk
6.6 l engine, dieSel, regular Cab, autoMatiC, 4wd, 225961 kM
1993 PeterbiLt GraveL truck
Cat Motor, 13 Spd.
2008 reitouNer droPmiSer
2008 Ford F550 xLt
4x4, v10.
a/r SuSp., 40’x8’ 6” deCk
L-6836 L-6602
2006 Gmc c5500 crew cab 4x4
2004 Ford F550
1992 JohN deere 770 bh Grader
w/heila piCker & deCk, low kMS.
buCket truCk
14,000 hrS
A6 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
PHILLIP and LOUISE LeCLERCQ (780-786-4725)
saturday, MAY 11 AT 1 PM
LOCATED: From Mayerthorpe - Go south on Hwy 22 and immediately turn W on TWP 574 for 7 miles to 9504 TWP RD 574 TRACTORS / 3 POINT / PLUS: * MF165 Tractor w/ Ezee-On 60 Loader * 3 Point (FK Rototiller) (Allied Snow Blower) (Allied Rear Blade) * JD 3020 Tractor * JD 5020 Tractor requiring pull to start * MF 1085 Tractor runs but trans locked up TILLAGE / DIRT EQUIP: * Alteen 16’ notched tandem Disc * Alteen 20’ tandem field Disk * 10’ MF 52 tandem Disk * 6x16 IHC 70 tb Plow * JD 3 Btm Plow * 12’ Robin dt Cult * 16’ CS 244 dt Cult * 24’ IHC 645 VS Cult * 50’ of 5’ D Harrows * Hay Buster Rock Eze H106 Rock Picker w/10’ Windrower * MF 26 dd Wheel Drill * Steel Wheel 20 dd Drill HAY and HARVEST EQUIP: * NH 846 Rnd Baler * 9’ NH 488 Hay bine * MF 124 sq Baler * Inland 10 bale Stooker * IHC sd Rake * 7’ Scycle trail mower * JD 95 Combine w/Sq End * 35x8 Allied pto auger * VG 27x6 SAS Auger w/motor * 5 Ring WF Bin * 5 Ring Twister LIVESTOCK EQUIP: * High-Line 6000 + Bale Master Processor * 6” Roller Mill * 12x4 eltc auger * Filson Cattle Squeeze * Nose Pump Waterer * Portable Loading Chute * Rnd Bale Feeders * Metal Panels (2 @ 8) (7 @ 10) (1 @ 10 w/gate) * Pile of 2x6x Aspen Lumber * Home Made trail hyd post pounder * 2 Belt Drive Grain Grinders * 50 Barley/Oat Sq Bales * Sundance 16’ GN Stock Trailer, solid but some rust RECREATION / SHOP / YARD: * 1991 Isuzu Rodeo 4x4 Vehicle * Nice 16’ Vanguard FG Boat w/open bow, full stand up canopy, 120 hp Johnson, fish finder, rod holders * 295 Welder * Cast Table Saw * Lots of Tools and Misc * 300 and 500 Fuel Tanks * Antique and Pioneer Collectables
LOCATED: From Mayerthorpe - Go 9 miles W on Hwy 43, turn S onto TWP 584, Go 1/2 W to RR 95 turn N to 58405 - RR 95 INDUSTRIAL EQUIP for FARM and PERSONAL USE * Caterpillar 46A w/dozer * Beales brush rake w/7 tips w/side arms and trunnion pins * JD 555 Trac Loader w/5 1/2 ft bucket * 7.5 ft Cat Break Disc w/no transport * Hitachi Crawler Hyd Hoe w/3 buckets * 1989 JLG 60 ft Man Lift * 12’x8’ hyd tilt trailer * Items for Champion Motor Grader (Dozer) (Ten ft Sandvic Blades w/ bits for Dozer) (New & Used Grader Blades) (Eliminator) (Parts and shop Manuals for Champion 600 and 700 Graders) (Filters) * 2 of 23 ft x 2ft Culvers * 4 of 1400 R245 Tires * 5 Unopened 5 gl Pails of Oil * Fuel Tanks (2 @ 500 and 2 @ 300 w/Stands) (500 on trailer) (50 and 100 Tidy Tanks) TRACTORS and FIELD EQUIP: * Versatile 145 Tractor w/4 WD, Cummins engine * Case 830 Tractor w/dual wheels, FE Loader, bucket, forks * 31’ JD 331 Disc w/tine harrows * 25’ Will rich Field Cult * 24’ Chisel Plow Cult * 14’ Richardson Disk w/serrated front discs * 40’ D Harrows Bar * Case 6x16 tb Plow * IHC 510 Seed w/Drill w/gr, ft * 14’ Land Roller * Tote Fertilizer Spreader * Gandy granular Spreader * Allied D Harrow Bar * 10’ and 12’ D Harrow Bars * Rock-o-matic HD 58 Rock Picker * Side Winder Rock Rake * Assortment of Cult Shanks * Asst of chemicals * Fanning Mill HARVEST EQUIP and GRANARIES: * Bruin Chev Tag Axle Gravel Truck w/hoist, grain box, cover * Grain/Fert Tanks w/hyd auger for Bruin Truck * Cockshutt 542 Combine w/st header, PU Reels * 14’ Vers 400 Swather w/cab, P/U Reels * Swather Mover * Sakundiak pto grain auger * 2 Yard Augers * 4” Auger w/Elt Motor * Mooridge 275 Grain Dryer * Westeel Granaries (6 Ring Hopper) (2 of 6 Ring w/Air) (2 of 6 Ring) (2 of 5 Ring) (Air Fans) YARD TRACTORS / 3 POINT EQUIP / LIVESTOCK EQUIP: * MF 165 Tractor w/3 pt * MF 65 Tractor w/3 pt * 3 Point Equip (6’ FK 620 Mower) (6’ FK Snow Blower) (6’ Cult) (Tram 13’ Flex Harrow) * Post Pounder, 8 bales new barb wire, New & Used fence posts, Grass Seed, Solar Fencer, 2 Solar Dug Out Pumps * Water Tanks (2000 metal on trailer) (1500 gl) (1000 FG) (1200 Rnd) VEHICLE / 3 WHEELER / WATER TANKS / SHOP/ MATERIAL: * 1998 Ford Explorer w/4 doors, slight damage * New Mens Bicycle * 81 Honda 110 ATV Three Wheeler * Small Seed Spreader and Weed Sprayer for Quad * Cement Mixer * 2 Truck 5th Wheels * Lots of (Tools) (Nuts, Bolts, Hyd Fittings, Farm Misc) (Quantity of Lumber) (Wood Blocking) (Plywood) * 32’ Power Pole * Transit * Gas Air Compressor * Old Grainaries for their weathered wood * 2 Shot guns and 22 rifle PLUS SECOND ESTATE SALE OF VERY NICE EQUIP: * Like New Tonutti RSC8 w/ trail Rake * Very Clean NH 660 Auto Wrap Baler * NH 357 Mix Mill * Nice 14’ Vers 400 Swather w/Ford Gas * Very Good MF 550 Combine w/Perkins diesel * Kongskilde 500 Cushion Air Vac w/540 PTO, Hoses * 12’ Vers Field Cult * 11’ MF dt Cult
PARSONS AUCTIONS LTD. 780-674-3929 www.parsonsauctions.com Charles 780-674-7704 Jeff 780-305-4328
farm AUCTIONs George Brough - Newbrook, AB
Saturday, May 11th, 2013 @ 10:30 a.m. Location: Newbrook Turnoff on Highway 63, 2 Miles North on Highway 63 to TWP Rd 622 & 2 Miles East. Viewing: Sale day only. Major Items Sell @ 1:30 P.M. Highway Tractor & Belly Dump Trailer: *1987 G.M.C. General Highway Tractor w/ 425 Cat Engine, 13 Spd. Trans, 38 Rear Ends, All new Michelin Rubber, Looks Good. * 1989 Diaz Tripple Belly Dump, Was Certified in 2010, However Never Used Since, Sharp Unit. Note: Only Above 2 Items Sell Subject to Owners Approval. 3 pt. Tractors & 3 pt. Equip: * D.B. 1212 Diesel w/ 3 pt. F.E.L. & 5’ Bucket * I.H.C. 414 Gas 3 pt. Hitch, with Engine Overhaul * 5’ Bushhog Brush Cut Mower * Post Hole Auger. Haying & Equipment: *J.D. 510 Rd. Baler; All New Bolts, Shedded,V.G. * 12’ N.H. 499 Hydro Swing Haybine,Shedded, V.G. * N.H. 851 Rd. Baler, Shedded,Good Condition. * N.H. 850 Rd. Baler, has newChain, for Parts * 5 Wheel Side Del. Rake * 30’ Allied Auger w/ Motor * Older Trailer Type Hyd. Post Pounder. Backhoe: *J.D. 510 Diesel Backhoe w/ F.E.L. & 5’ Bucket, Shedded. Collectables: *Gillarco Gas Pump & Matching 500 Gal Tank, Working Order * 4 Wheel Buggy w/ 2 Seats, Shedded, Needs some TLC * HondaBaya 196 CC. Motor Cycle * 2 C&W Heaters * Cast Horse Mower * 1952 Fargo 1 1/2 Ton on Duals w/ Flathead 6, 4 spd., Hoist,8’X15’ Pipe Deck, Hauls 8 Rd. Bales * High Wheel Wagon. Horse Related: *(5) Sets Heavy Harness * Assorted Collars * Bridles * Lines * 2 New Pack Saddles * Etc. Yard: * Oval Tank w/ Pump, Shedded *Rockwell Beaver Table Saw * 3 New Spools Barbe Wire * Rockwell Wood Lathe * 10”Radial Arm Saw * Various Shop Tools * (65) 3/8” Plywood Sheets * (65) Sheets Tin 17’X32”, Shedded *() 18.4X38 Tractor Tires & Rims * Heavy Rockwell Drill Press * 30 Ton Hyd. Floor Jack * Ram 30 Ton Air Press * 8” Treadmaster Bench Grinder * 3 Ton Ram Portable Engine Hoist on Rollers * Older Comet Arc Welder * 8 Boxes of New Baler Twine * 26”X12” 4 Drawer Tool Chest * I.H.C. 39” High Tool Chest on Rollers * Professional Cutoff Saw * M.T.D. 5 H.P. Rototiller * Homelite Chain Saw * Diesel & Propane Herman Nelson Heaters * Fielding King 12 V. Yard Sprayer * Various Bolts * Hand Tools * 4’X7’ Util Trailer w/ Ramps; No VIN # * Various Truck Tires * Plus Numerous Other Items * Etc. Auctioneers’ Note: Plan to attend this sale as Mr. Brough has sold his land due to health reasons.
estate sale for the Late Richard & Leonard Medynski St Michael, AB
Saturday, May 25th, 2013 @ 10:00 a.m. Location: 572070 R.Rd. 190 or St. Michael Corner on Highway 45 – 2 Miles West to Peno hall R.Rd. 190 & North 3 Miles or 9 Miles North of Lamont on Sec. 831 to Skaro Shrine – Highway 45 then 4 Miles East to Peno Hall R.Rd. 190 & North 3 Miles. Viewing: Sale day only. Major Items Sell @ 1:30 P.M. Tractors: *Case 1170 Yellow AgriKing w/Cab, Hyds., Air Not Working 20.8X38 Rubber & approx.. 1000 Hrs. on rebuilt Motor w/F.E.L. , Rd. Fork, Bale Fork, Pallet Fork *Oliver 88 Gas w/Hyd. & Pulley *Oliver 88 Gas Complete, for parts *Oliver 88 Gas Parts; No Rubber *Oliver 88 Gas Standard; Parts. Haying & Livestock Equip.: *12’ N.H. #495 Haybine *N.H. #851 Rd. Baler *J.D. 530 Rd. Baler *V. Lily 5 Wheel Rake *I.H.C. #24 Rd. Baler *Artsway 425 Grinder Mixer w/P.T.O. Drive *8’X32’ Trailer on Duals w/Steel Deck *U.F.A. Cattle Squeeze w/H. Gate *Approx. 20 Panels (5’X10’) * (5) Rd. Bale Feeders *(2) Plywood 11’ Cattle Feeders *9’X16’ Calf Shelter w/Metal Roof *Quant. Fence Posts *Approx.( 340) 11’ LongX4 ½” to 7” Buffalo Park Posts *Hyd. Post Pounder w/Hitch on Rubber & 4’X5’ Box *7’ J.D.S. Mount Mower *3 Pt. Hyd. Bale Unroller. Other Equip.: *18’ H. Duty Big G T. Disc *15’ M.F. 520 T. Disc *15 Sect. F. King Hyd. Drawbar & Harrows *22’ C. Plow w/8’ Wing & T. Harrows, Older Style *36’X7” Hyd. Auger *24’X6’ Auger w/8 H.P. *13’ M.F.# 63 Drill on Rubber w/F. Attach, Hyd. *4 ½’ Shulte Rock Picker, Hyd. *14’ J.D. 780 S.P. Swather & 1 for Parts *12’ J.D. Surflex *50’ Sprayer w/Tank *8’ Rock Picker on Rubber, Older Style *J.D. 3 Bottom Plow on Steel *9’ M.H. Tiller on Rubber *Older 9’ M-6 Matthew Co. T. P. Land Leveller on Rubber *8’ Dozer Blade. Truck & Other Vehicles: *1979 1 Ton Sierra 35 w/Box & Hoist, V-8, 4 Spd. *93 Maxima Nissan 4 Dr. Loaded, 500,000 km. runs *91 Maxima Nissan, Fully Loaded w/600,000 kms., 1 Owner, Runs *G.M.C. 6500 Series on Duals w/Hoist, Parts *70’s Chev C-50 S. Axle on Duals w/2 Spd., 15’X6’ Steel Box w/28” Side. Collectable Part Vehicles & Antiques: *51 4 Dr. Hudson *63 Pontiac 4 Dr. Laurentian *53 Belair 4 Dr. *51 Ford Stepside ½ Ton *2 Dr. Datsun *(2) Volkswagen Beatles *Early 50’s 2 Ton Ford Cab & Chassis *80’s Taurus G.L. *70’s Custom 10 ½ Ton *Dump Rake * Horse Mower *Old License Plates *4 Wheel Wood Wagon *Coutts Crusher *Etc. Skid Steer, Trailer & Recreation Items: *Bobcat 843 Model Diesel w/Bucket, Pallet & Grapple Forks *16 ½’X5 ½’ Trailer, Older Unit *6 Wheel Argo Prairie Bobcat 399 Series, Parts *Yellow Skidoo; Parts *14’ Alum. R.C.M.P. Boat w/50 H.P. Evenrude Motor *8’X12’ Boat Trailer; Fair Cond. *Yamaha 2 WD Quad *Honda Trail 70 Motorcycle. Grain Bins: *(2) W.R. 3 Ring *(1) Butler w/3 Ring *Rd. Plywood Bin; Approx. 1000 Bushel *(10’X12’) & (12’X16’) Wooden Bins. Yard & Households: *Dynamark 12.5 H.P. R/Mower w/43” cut *Quant. of 45 Gal. Blue Drums *Grass Whip *Ladders *Brower WI-340 W. Type Mower w/6’Cut, 3’Rollers, Wisconsin Motor *Hyd. Bin Sweep *500 Gal. Fuel Tank w/Stand *300 Gal. Tank *Oval Tank * Idalarce 250 Welder w/Cables *M. Craft Drill Press *4 ½’Metal Durex Band Saw *Vises *Quant. Power & Hand Tools * Chain Boomers *100 Gal. T. Tank *Manual Tire Changer *Etc. *(35) Brand New Boxes of Oak T&G Flooring w/Underlay; 3.336 Sq. M. Per Box, Never opened *Barbeque w/Tank *F. Glass Shower w/Surround *Etc. Older Equip. & Scrap Iron: * Quant. of Older Equip. for Parts & Lots of Scrap Iron. Auctioneer’s Note: Plan to attend this sale. All items must be removed off of premises by Saturday, June 22/2013- No exceptions. It should also be noted that the above equipment has not been used for sometime.
UPCOMING AUCTIONS • Sun., May 26, Household Auction for Leroy & Emily Hanes, Smoky Lake, AB. • Sat., June 1, O utstanding Acreage Auction for Larry & Louise Nelson, RR1, Morinville, AB. • Sat., June 8, Farm Auction for Steve & Rosemarie Duma, RR1 Boyle, AB. • Sun., June 9, Farm Auction for Bruce & Julie MacArthur, Chipman, AB. • Sat., June 15, Lac La Biche County, AB. • Date Change **Sat., June 22, Inventory Reduction Sale for Brent Oleksiw, Carvel, AB. • Sun., June 23, E state Farm Auction for the Late Mike & Josie Olinek, Willingdon, AB. • Sun., July 7, O utstanding Retirement Antique Tractor & Collectable Auction for John Dutchak, St. Michael, AB. • Wed., August 14, E state Farm Auction for the Late Richard Boyarchuk, Smoky Lake, AB. • Sun., May 25, 2014 R eal Estate, Collector Vehicles, Antiques & Households, TBA, Warspite, AB.
Terms of Sales:
- Full settlement day of sale by cash or cheque with bank reference - NO debit or credit cards. - Neither the owner or the auction firm are responsible for any errors in description or condition on any merchandise. - No warranties or guarantees are implied at any time. - Please inspect all items prior to bidding. - All items sells on an as is where is basis without any warranty or guarantee. All sales are final. - Once an item is sold it becomes the sole responsibility of the purchaser. - Listings are subject to additions and/or deletions. - Neither the owner nor the auction firm are responsible for accidents on or off of the property.
Andruchow Auctions ltd. Licensed & Bonded Since 1974 Dennis J. Andruchow: Phone/Fax 1-780-456-1210 • Ed Walker: Phone 1-780-459-3285
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A7
Take the wheel. Take care of business.
for Ken and Russ Roper of Hay Lakes, Alberta
Saturday, June 8, 2013 – 10:00 a.m. Directions: From Hay Lakes go 5 km (3 mi) west on Highway 21, then go (continue) 0.7 km (0.5 mi) west on Township Road 490, then 3.1 km (2 mi) south on Range Road 223, then 0.7 km (0.5 mi) west on Township Road 484. or from Highway 616 go 2 miles north on Range Road 223, then 0.5 mile west on Township Road 484 (This is only a seasonal road.)
AFSC’s Revolving Loan Program Take the driver’s seat with flexibility and control. • Quick access to financing that meets short and medium term needs
TRACTORS • Case 2090 2WD, 20.8x38 singles, 3580 hrs at booking, P.S., 540/1000 PTO, 2 hyd., front weights, shedded, exc. cond., S/N 8844665 • Case 1370 2WD, 24.5x32 singles (vg), 5032 hrs at booking, P.S., 2 hyd., AC, heater not working, shedded, good cond. • AC WD 45 (1952 +/-), 2-pt hitch, orig. family tractor, runs good • AC attachments - 3 bottom plow, 8' disc, 10' cult., Carry-All, scraper, snowblade (some of these attach. will sell with above tractor.) • AC B, not running
HAYING and HARVEST • 1997 Case IH 8850 self propelled haybine c/w 15' disc header, 1874 hrs, shedded, vg cond., S/N CFH0099192 • 2003 New Holland BR 780 rd baler, net wrap, Xtra Sweep P.U., 480/45-17 tires, 12,000 +/bales, vg cond., S/N 26371 • New Holland 660 rd baler, shedded, one owner • NH TR 70 SP combine, 2188 eng. Hrs, Melroe 378 P.U., cat eng., shedded, low hrs, good cond. • 14 1/2' IH 4000 SP swather c/w crimper, PU reel, open station, shedded, one owner, good cond. • Tonutti 12-wheel V rake, trailer type • Deutz Allis rotary rake, 540 PTO • NH 5 bar rake, Farmhand 5-wheel rake, 7' IH sickle mower • Westfield 7" auger, 14hp Kohler • Allied 7" auger, PTO
TRUCKS • 1977 Ford 600 c/w 15' box and hoist, 69,870 km, 5 & 2 trans., 9.00x20 rubber, hyd., plumbed, good cond. • 1975 Ford 350 1 Ton c/w 12' box and hoist, 39,000 miles, 4 spd trans., good cond. • 1952 +/- Ford F4 1 Ton, 12' flat deck and hoist, V8 flathead • 1976 Toyota SR5 pickup, long box
FIELD EQUIPMENT • 18' Ezee-on 1490 medium duty disc, 24" smooth blades, single wing fold, vg cond., S/N 10530 • 18' White field disc, one owner
• Two 14' Case IH 7200 hoedrills, one c/w factory transport, one c/w grass seed attach., good cond. • 12' IH DD end wheel drill, grass seed attach., good cond. • Eversman 25 D hyd. scraper • Gravity grain cart, 150 bu +/• Fertilizer spreader, trailer type, smaller • 19' Morris CP 719 DT cult, 4 bar harrows, vg cond. • 21' Morris field cult., 3 bar harrows • 18' IH vibrachisel, 4 bar harrows • 12' IH DT cult., 4 bar harrows • 10' HD land roller • 45' Melroe diamond harrows and drawbar • 60' Inland sprayer, 500 gal • 18' +/- packers and drawbar
LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT • 14 T +/- Horst 25 ADJ farm wagon, 24' pipe deck • Two 10 T +/- Unverferth farm wagons, 16' pipe decks • 10 T +/- NH wagon with deck • NH 519 manure spreader, shedded • NH 352 mixermill, shedded • Two hay racks
CONTAINERS • Two 20' containers, both with shelves, one wired, skids • 20' damaged container
QUADS, BOAT, ETC. • 2004 Suzuki 500 Vinson quad, 4x4, 7,395 km at booking, racks, rear box, winch, one owner, good cond. • Honda Big Red trike, good cond. • Suzuki 230 2WD quad, reverse • 14' Harber Mfg. aluminum fishing boat, 9.9 hp Evinrude, trailer • 8' SA utility trailer, 4' wide, 2' sides
LAWN TRACTORS • JD 316 c/w 50" mower • Noma All wheel steer c/w 46" mower, 20hp Kohler, auto. trans. • Craftsman 24 hp c/w 50" mower, auto trans.
FARM MISC. • 5' 3-pth bush mower • 7’ Allied 3-pth snowblower
• 7' 3-pth rear blade • 4000 gal +/- fuel tank on skids, 6"x6"x18", c/w pump • 48' TA highboy trailer, older • Two slough pumps (floatation) • Five hyd/elec. drill fills • 1000 gal overhead fuel tank, two 300 gal fuel tanks/stands, slip tank • Westeel 4 ring granary • Ten poly water totes, 1000 L +/-, (steel frame) • 500 gal fiberglass water tank • Twenty-three 24' unused trusses, 25 railroad ties, large quantity of new and used fence posts • 7 rolls of JD net wrap, #9000 x 67" wide, Tama Cover Edge
SHOP TOOLS and EQUIPMENT • Lg quantity of good quality hand tools • Quantity of tool cabinets • Welding table c/w vises, rolling cabinet c/w bench grinders, Forney 230 welder, Acetylene outfit c/w bottles, lg floor jack, chop saw, chain hoist, 12V grease gun, chains, bench grinder, 20' step ladder, ladders, shovels, bolt bins, quantity bolts, cords, shovels, Mercury Vapor light fixtures • Anvil, two antique wood frame platform scales • Quantity of bale tarps • Craftsman router table and router, Beaver table saw, belt/disc sander, bench grinder, chop saw and stand, angle grinder, drill press
• Competitive base rates with fixed term options of 1, 2 or 3 years • Option to renew at expiry
www.AFSC.ca 1-877-899-AFSC (2372)
Now available in newsprint and on our website www.farmpressltd.com
Farmer / Stockman
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE The Ropers have retired from farming. They have a nice line of haying/farming equipment. The above listing is a guide only. All goods are sold on an “as is”, “where is” basis and any description, verbal or in advertising, of goods is set out or offered as a guide only. Doug Johnson Auction Service Ltd. accepts no responsibility for errors in description, it being the responsibility of prospective buyers to inspect the goods before the sale and satisfy themselves as to condition, age, authenticity, make or model. This list is subject to additions and deletions. Doug Johnson Auction Service Ltd. will not be responsible for accidents, damage or loss. All sales are final. GST will apply on some items. Payment in full on sale day. If paying by cheque and unknown to Auction Company, we require a reference letter from your bank. Arrangements must be made 48 hours prior to the sale for cell phone and absentee bidding.
For more information, contact Ken at 780-672-3799 or Russ at 780-878-3790. View full listing and pictures at www.dougjohnsonauctionservice.com Sale Conducted By
Doug johnson auction service ltD. Camrose, AB • License #334038 • Phone (780) 672-1105
Another way to reach your target audience without any extra cost to you!
A8 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
complete professional livestock handling source
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S.I. Feeder’s
One Time Fencing
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A9
attention mobile concession operators Lindstrand Auctions is currently looking for mobile concession operators to serve lunch at our Camrose Machinery Consignment Auctions held 4 times annually.
Butcher Cattle - 9:00 a.m. followed by Yearling & Feeders - Bred Cows – Cow / Calf Pairs
Ty’s Exotic’s – Saturday, May 4 at 10 AM
Alternative Livestock, Exotic Birds and Small Animal Consignment Auction www.innisfailexoticauctions.com - CASH OR INTERAC ONLY. There will be a huge range of Exotic animals ranging from African Hoofstock and Marsupials to Aviary Birds, Waterfowl and Chickens. There will be 800 lots in this sale.
Horse Sales:
Friday, May 10 - Saddle Horse Sale Tack sells at 5 PM, Horses sell at 7 PM Saturday, May 11 Tack at 10 AM, Horses at 12 Noon monday, May 13 - Please Call To Book Your Calves * Please check our website to see all of the upcoming sales
call the auction professionals today . . . laurie lindstrand Res: (780) 672-6216 Cell: (780) 679-7363
Contact the Auction Market to buy tickets for the Innisfail Professional Rodeo June 13-16, 2013. See the professional world and Canadian Champion Cowboys.
For more information on all sales call
(403) 227-3166 or 1-800-710-3166
Camrose • (780) 672-8478
Fax (780) 672-2474 “Your leaders in on-site farm auctions”
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Call Jody Lindstrand 780-608-0826 (cell.) jody lindstrand Res: (780) 679-2607 Cell: (780) 608-0826
innisfail auction market
Alberta License No. 312728
Check our website at: www.lindstrandauctions.com or email us at info@lindstrandauctions.com
Jack Daines (403) 227-5113 • Danny Daines (403) 391-0580 Mark Daines (403) 350-0200 • Duane Daines (403) 358-4971 www.innisfailauctionmarket.com
d l
o s
Versatile 190
FWA, loader, grapple, loaded.
Versatile SX275 SP Sprayer
275 HP, 1200 gal tank, 100 ft. boom, boom height control, full GPS, loaded cab.
call for more details & pricing
Milliken Farm Supplies (1977) Ltd.
Taber, AB 403-223-4437 Toll Free 1-888-313-9988 Email us at sales@millikenfarm.com
A10 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
spring specials
2 /
$ 35 bu.
Goebel 4900 bushel hopper bin with skid • pilots extra • set-up extra • based on quantities of 3 or more
for all your grain storage needs
We Build Hopper Bottoms for All Makes & Size of Bins Including:
Twister Chief Westland
Bin Crew Ready to erect
in Stock
• 12 - 4900 bushel bins/hoppers (18 ft. diameter) available. • 1 - 4700 bushel Westeel Standard-corr 19-6 Bin Harvest Hopper/Combo • Grain Guard 7000 - 6 ft. Rockets In Stock • 6 - 3365 Sakundiak/Harvest Hoppers with Aeration Bins • 14 - 2800 Sakundiak/Harvest Hopper Bins
Canadian Owned
Call grainbindirect
306-373-4919 www.grainbindirect.com
780-955-2455 3075 - 4 St, Nisku, AB
1-877-955-6500 *Saf-t-fil *grain guard *op-1 leasing & financing available
www.gcparts.com • Email: sales@gcparts.com
RECENT ARRIVALS FOR PARTS OR COMPLETE - CALL TO INQUIRE… 2000 lb. Front Weight Kit to fit 7110-8950, MX150-MX170 sold
d l o
20.8 x 42 10 Bolt Dual Kit to fit 7110-8950 - nice Firestone radials Containers for Sale (40'L x 9'6"H x 8'W high cubes) Starting at $3,900 2188-5 1997, 3244 sep. hrs., 1015 hdr. w/Super 8 pu 1 Set 78 x 45 x 32 10 bolt, will fit 8430-9530 JD, TJ Ford & STX CIH (Trades Welcome) $25,000 7230 FWA, with 12', 4-way Leon blade dozens of 5.9L & 8.3L cummins – Starting at $1,000
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A11
The NEW T9000 Series four-wheel drive tractors from New Holland deliver in a big way. Giant horsepower, huge hydraulic power, automatic shifting and precision steering combine to boost your bottom line. Factory-ready for the IntelliSteer TM auto steering system, T9000 tractors boost your precision and your productivity with the touch of a button. The big power of the T9000 4WD tractor leads to big profits! BIODIESEL- APPROVED, FUEL-EFFICIENT TIER III ENGINES MORE HORSEPOWER UNDER EVERY HOOD EXCLUSIVE TURBO COMPOUNDING ON THE T9050 FOR MORE POWER WITH THE SAME FUEL LARGEST CAB IN THE INDUSTRY WITH UNEQUALLED VISIBILITY
Learn more at: www.newholland.com/na
• NH CR9070 – 2009, 20.8 x 42 duals, 821 engine hrs,
• FlexiCoil 51' air drill 9 inch spacing single shoot complete with a
•N H CR9065 – 2010, 900 rubber, 458 engine hrs.,
• FlexiCoil 5000 - 2002, 57', single shoot, 4" rubber packers,
651 separator hrs., 16' Swathmaster PU.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $245,000 344 separator hrs., 16' Swathmaster PU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $219,000
•N H CR9065 – 2010, 900 rubber, 482 engine hrs.,
452 separator hrs., 16' Swathmaster PU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$219,000
•N H CR9060 – 2008, 20.8 x 42 duals, 1106 engine hrs., 859 separator hrs., 14' Swathmaster PU
• NH CR9060 – 2009, 900 rubber, 896 engine hrs.,
692 separator hrs., 14' Swathmaster PU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $195,000
•N H CR9060 – 2010, 800 rubber, 812 engine hrs.,
591 separator hrs., 16' Swathmaster PU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175,000
•N H TR98 – 1997, 30.5 x 32, 4160 engine hrs., 3077 separator hrs.,
13' Swathmaster PU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,000 • cih 2388 2002 model • NH TX66 – 1997, 2425 engine hrs, 2005 separator hrs.
• CIH 330 Vertical Tillage – 34' w/rolling baskets, like new. . . . . . . . . . $49,000
position filled We thank all those who applied.
2320 cart tow behind
9" spacing w/ 3450 tow-behind cart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,000 •N H P2060 - 2009, 70', single shoot, 4" steel packers, 10" spacing w/ P1060 tow-behind 430 bushel cart, variable rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $149,000 •N H P2060 – 2010, 70', single shoot, 4" steel packers, 10" spacing w/ P1060 tow-behind 430 bushel cart, variable rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $149,000
• FlexiCoil 67XLT – 1999, 120' boom, 1200 gal. . . . . . . . . . Blowout Price $8,500 •R ed Ball Sprayer – 120' boom, 1200 gal., 1000 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $155,000
• NH T7040 – 2010, MFWD, CVT trans., 800 hrs., nice condition. . . . . . $115,000 •C IH MXM 140 – MFD, 3300 hrs., FEL, grapple, joystick, 3 pt. • CIH MXM 130 – MFD, 4000 hrs., FEL, 3 pt. • CIH DX60 – cab, 277 hrs., MFD, FEL For All Your Equipment Needs Call Doug Flaws
Scan this code with your smart phone to go Directly to our website! www.millikenfarm.com
A12 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
sell it fast in the ag-viser real estate section progressive 5914 - 153 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5Y 2W1
AGRICULTURAL/rural LISTINGS • In Wetaskiwin County, 4 miles West of Winfield on paved Hwy. #13, pasture/recreational quarter. Oil rev., good fences, nice building site. Only $238,000. • In Athabasca County, near Boyle - very nice acreage (11 ac.) with executive 2-storey 2810 sq. ft. home with fully finished walkout basement and 54’ x 90’ shop. Top notch home & shop. Only $595,000.
• In Mountainview County, near Olds - 154 acres with home, large shop, Q.S. hayshed & corrals. Currently leased - $3,000/m. • NEW In Barrhead County - Four quarters with 1648 sq. ft. home, shop & corrals. Only $1,150,000.
thinking of buying or selling – call me, in 2013
Zen R. Littke P.Ag.
s o l d … when you list it in the
Farmer / Stockman
See these properties on website www.canadiancattleranches.com
Greg Cripps – Re/Max central AB Res: (403) 347-7103 • Bus: (403) 343-3020 Cell: (403) 391-2648 • Email: gcripps@telus.net
Real Estate Section
sold sold
John Eden - Sunnyside Realty Ltd. Res. (780) 785-2561 Cell. (780) 674-7925 e-mail: johnedenproperties@telus.net
view at albertafarmsales.com • view at albertafarmsales.com • view at albertafarmsales.com wanted: 1280 to 1600 acres quality grain farm, good home, shop and grain storage in central alberta. call albert or don.
connecting north and south alberta • connecting north and south alberta • connecting north and south alberta
consider the land
sold c/s
CALGARY NORTH: Just 45 min. to airport, ideal qtr. section set up for purebred cattle, includes executive style home, (40 x 226 ft.) barn and riding arena, (36 x 64 ft.) shop with office and living quarters. price reduced
v i e w
NEW LISTING DRUMHELLER EAST: Two distinct parcels, one with 9 qtrs., and one with 10 qtrs., capacity for over 500 cows, can be bought together or separately, superb fencing and incredible water supply, wells, creeks, dams, etc.
a t
CENTRAL AB HOG FARM: 7 qtrs. in a block, state of the art 800 sow farrow to finish hog farm, 2 home sites, plentiful water, priced far below replacement. CENTRAL AB HATCHING EGG FARM: 25,861 hens, includes quota, beautiful modern home, 75 min. to Calgary airport. IRRIGATION: Over 1500 acres of Irrigation as a part of a 5800 acre block of land. Property includes 4000 head feedlot, cow inventory and all machinery. Very productive land, good buildings. CAMROSE EAST: Just 15 min to Camrose 11 qtrs, 1676 acres, beautiful 2000 sq. ft. home, good shop, excellent grain storage, surface lease. www.AlbertaFarmSales.com
Don MacDonald Real Estate Central Alberta - Three Hills
w w w . a l b e r t a f a r m s a l e s . c o m
Albert Dallaire
Casey Realty Peace River, AB.
COWS - COWS - COWS Ranch Operations • central peace - 4100 acres, good house, shop, capacity 400-450 cow/calf pairs. • Chetwynd, BC - 7495 5500 acres m/l, hay & pasture, good oil lease revenue, 1 block could handle 800-1000 cow/calf pairs. • Grimshaw West - 480 - 420 acres, cultivated or pasture, 1200 sq. ft. home, 40' x 60' Zipperlock, 32' x 50' barn, on pavement. • Dawson Creek SW 3500 acres m/l, 1 block, good fence, lots water, handles 500 cow/calf pairs.
connecting north and south alberta • connecting north and south alberta • connecting north and south alberta
Rocky Mnt House: Very clean farm comes with an excellent mountain view from the 1531 sq. ft. bungalow. New shop 40x46 c/w 3 pc. bath attached, 40x105 attached open face machine storage. New barn 35x53. Fenced for buffalo. $895,000. Rocky Mnt House: 5400 sq. ft. home c/w 52’x30’ attached garage and a mountain view on 139 acres, 24’ x 50’ motorhome bay c/w in-floor heat, 26’ x 50’ machine shed, 18’ x 16’ garden shed, 40’ x 48’ shop c/w radiant heat and RV dump all in new condition. $1,999,500. RED DEER: 96 ac. 2 mi. from city c/w 3000 sq. ft. renovated bungalow, 2nd home, 35x50 heated shop, 35x40 heated barn, 2 open face sheds, immaculate well developed yard. City long term plan is for industrial development. $1,399,000. RIMBEY: 471 ac. Beef Farm c/w renovated 1318 sq. ft. walkout bungalow with a very well maintained yard. 24x40 heated shop, 76x128 open barn or arena, 18x44 heated kennel, older dairy barn with heated vet room and large loafing area. $975,000. VILNA GRAZING LEASE: 2315 ac. located on pavement c/w 612 AUM’s or grazing capacity for 250 pairs for 4 months. Lots of grass and water. $425,000. VILNA GRAZING LEASE: 4075 ac. located on pavement, load out corrals, cross fenced. VETERAN 771 ac.: 500 ac. hay and 270 ac. native pasture, fenced and cross fenced c/w 7 dugouts and $2,700 annual surface lease revenue. Older house. $649,000. DRAYTON VALLEY: 97 acre hobby farm c/w renovated 1560 sq. ft. home with 64' of new veranda & windows. Outbuildings are 50x100 quonset, 30x40 barn, corrals and approx $6300 annual SLR. Very picturesque and well maintained property would make ideal farm for the hobby farmer or horse person. $575,000. ECKVILLE: Scenic 155 ac. located 5 miles NW of Eckville with approx 100 ac. of open pasture land. Perimeter fenced for buffalo c/w a set of catch pens and water well. Annual SLI of $883 Asking $281,500.
S. OF BOYLE: 5 - 1/4’s w/bungalow, 2 barns, hay shed, corals, auto waterers, 2 water wells, fenced & x-fenced. Hay, grain & pasture land. $750,000. s. of mayerthorpe: 5 1/2 - 1/4’s of land, bungalow, barn, garage, open front sheds, fenced & x-fenced. new listing - n.e. of mayerthorpe: 1/4 section w/2009 - 20' x 75' modular w/400 sq. ft. addition, small barn, fenced & x-fenced. $440,000. f-491 - west of barrhead: Lake on north side of property - 145 acres w/89 open, 1947 - 1637 sq. ft. 2-storey home w/unfinished partial basement (1973). 32' x 40' shop w/10' x 14' & 10' x 10' doors, insulated, lined, concrete floor & heat. 37'x 53' hip roof barn w/12' x 20' addition, 2 wells, 3 auto waterers, corrals (plank & steel) fenced & x-fenced, seeded to hay & pasture mix. $351,000. mystery lake & tiger lily area: 322 acres w/250 open seeded to hay mix. $420,000. F-479 - n. of sangudo: 164 acres w/30 open - private area w/1340 sq. ft. mobile w/addition & covered deck, 60' x 30' metal covered storage shed. S.L.R. $1,250. $225,000. F-481 - S. of Cherhill: 314 acres w/189 open - 1975 - 1710 sq. ft. bungalow w/partial finished basement & attached garage, 30’ x 20’ shop (heated), 40 x 80’ metal clad open front shed, calving barn, 3 dugouts, 5 watering bowls, S.L.R. $2,300/yr. $699,000 rare find! F-483- N.W. of Onoway: Recreation type 1/4 on deadend road, 10 acres cleared & the balance bush. Ideal for hunting or quiet, private area to build on. $185,000. N.E. OF MAYERTHORPE: 159 acres w/148 open, bungalow, shop & other buildings. Subdivision in progress. Land sold.
Properties on sunnyside-realty.ab.ca
Email: littkez@realtyexecutives.com Cell: 1-587-989-SOLD (7653) Toll Free: 1-877-461-FARM (3276) Specializing in Acreage, Farm & Rural Properties
Alberta Farms & Ranches For Sale
farm & ranch properties for sale
view at albertafarmsales.com • view at albertafarmsales.com • view at albertafarmsales.com
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A13
BOBCAT MT52 WB excavator w/ bkt, Dsl, (935 hrs)..$12,995
CASE 2294 (84), 2wd, CAH, Ldr, 7500 hrs, clean unit ..$24,900 JD4110 Dsl, HST, 4wd, 3pt, factory cab, 550 hrs ..$16,995 WFE 2-180 2wd, CAH, 9000 hrs w/ 12 ft Leon blade $12,900 Kubota M108XDTC (09) 4wd, pwr shift, CAH, Ldr w/ grapple (1600 Hrs) ......................................$55,900 Kubota M9540 (2010) CAH, 4wd, 3pt, loader, 1400 hrs ...................................................................$49,900
BOBCAT 325(04) excavator, ROPS, Dsl, bkt, 1550 hrs .........................................................$22,900 BOBCAT S300 (05) CAH, pwr Btach, Hflow, 2 spd, ACS, bkt, 4600 hrs ..............................$23,995 BOBCAT S300 cab, heat, 2 sp, pwr Btach, Hflow, 4000 hrs, very clean ................................$26,900 BOBCAT HB880 hydraulic breaker ........................$6,500 CAT 277B track loader (07), cab, heat, bucket,
DEGELMAN 7000 H Harrow, 70’, man angle (very clean).....................................................$31,900 Degelman 7000 H Harrow, 70 ft, hyd angle (2011) like new ............................................. $41,900 PEACELANDER 16’ aerator ..................................$4,995 Melroe 9 bottom, trail type plow (new shears) ....$5,995 Wishek (2011) 842HD 26ft tandem disc............$69,995 AC 26 ft med duty disc (very good condition) . $19,995
1200 hrs .........................................................$44,900 LANDPRIDE (HARLEY) skid steer power rake, 72”$5,995
export hay wanted
JLG G6-42A Zoom Boom with cab, 3600 hrs ....$43,900 BOBCAT S185G (03) cab, air, heat, ACS, hyd Btach, bucket, 4200 hrs...........................................................................$19,995 Bobcat 773F (97) cab, heat, bucket (2500 hours) .$19,400 Bobcat T190 track loader, cab, air, heat, bucket, 3200 hrs ..................................................$26,995 JCB 520 Telehandler (04), 4wd, cab,
NEW LANDPRIDE 10’ trail type box blades! ........$3,995 Dyna Fab SP swather transport (new style - mechanical) .................................$8,900 HESSTON 1200 25’ auto fold PT swather ............$2,995 RTV500 gas utility vehicle (94 hrs), wsheild, winch ...$7,995 Leon 425 hydra push spreader, twin beaters, very clean ..................................$23,900
NEW Bergen 14 bale wagon ................................$4,900
BOBCAT 430 ZHS excavator, cab, heat, bucket, 600 hrs...............................................$39,995 BOBCAT 863 Dsl, cab, heat, bucket, 2500 hrs ............$15,900 BOBCAT model 6B landscape bucket rake, 72” ....$5,500
heat, forks (2580 hrs) ..........................................$37,900 Terex PT60 track loader, cab, heat bkt, 500 hrs (rental unit) .......................................$35,900 Terex PT80 (2011) track loader, cab, heat, bucket, 1200 hrs .........................................................$54,900 Terex PT100G track loader (2011) CAH, 2 spd, bkt, 1380 hrs .......................................$64,900 NH LS170 (04) cab, heat, bkt, 1450 hrs, hand controls..................................................$19,900
USED GRAIN DRYERS BEHLEN 170 bu nat gas auto batch dryer w/ canola screens .............................................$4,995 GT580, LPG, pto drive, canola screens................$5,995
Box 1654, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5T2 email: glenmor@sasktel.net
Toll Free 1-888-708-3739
Olds, AB Now Buying: – Timothy - 1st & 2nd cut – Alfalfa - all cuts – Alfalfa Mixes - 1st & 2nd cut 4 x 4, 3 x 4, small squares Delivering to Arrowwood or Olds Plants. Some Direct Delivery Available.
Contact Dan: 403-586-7447 Office: 403-507-8660 • djackson@barr-ag.com
“Your Short Line Headquarters”
Bobcat 742 1982, 34 hp Ford gas,
3600 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,900
Bobcat S130 2011, 49hp Kubota diesel,
152 hrs., H51 option package, cab enclosure and heater, power bob-tach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,400
Bobcat S185, 2012, 61hp Kubota diesel, 165 hrs., A71 option pkg, cab enclosure/heater/air, power bob-tach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,900 Bobcat S250 2006, 75 hp Kubota diesel,
1000 hrs.,ACS-hand/foot controls, Hi-Flow hydraulics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,900
Bobcat T300 track loader, 2006, 81hp Kubota diesel, 2455 hours, cab enclosure & heater, rear aux hydraulics, ride control, power bob-tach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,900 Bobcat T300 track loader, 2004, 81 hp Kubota diesel, 2067 hrs., joystick, cab encl/heater/air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,900 Bobcat T300 track loader, 2005, 81 hp Kubota diesel, 1600 hrs., cab encl/heater/air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,900 Bobcat S750 2012, 85hp Kubota diesel, 265 hrs., ACS hand/foot controls, A51 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, high flow hyd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,900
bobcat S750
Top & Rear Window Kit
for G series cabs. New ��������������������������������������������� 200 Bobcat Whisker 72” bucket, push broom, fits up to 74” buckets. New. . . . . . . . 999 CASH Bobcat 52" Hydraulic Tiller 1994 . . . . . . 3,200 Bobcat 5A Chipper 2007, up to 3” diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,600
2012, 85 hp Kubota diesel, 265 hours, ACS hand/foot controls, A51 option package, cab encl/heater/air, two-speed, high flow hyd.
Woods RM48 3 pt., 48" finishing mower. . . . . 1,100 Farm King Y550R 16 hp Kubota diesel, 1450 hrs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,500 Stiga Park 16 Front Mower 1995, 60” rear discharge finishing mower, 2008. . . . . . . 1,599 versahandler attachments 16 hp B & S, Vanguard, hydrostatic, articulates, Farm King 7' 3 pt. disc w/20" notched. . . . . . . 1,599 44” side discharge mower (flip-up). . . . . . . . . . . . 2,900 Kubota RCK48-15BX Single Tooth Bale Handler new ���������� 2,000 White GT2550KH new, 25 hp Kohler 48" mower for BX1500D tractor. New . . . . . . . . 1,750 Courage V-Twin OHV, 54” mower, tractors Carraro L524 52" tiller, 3-speed, slip clutch. . 1,799 hydrostatic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,900 cash Case International 485 1986, 53 hp diesel, Kubota RCK72R-F36 Gravely Pro Master 300 zero-turn 2350 hrs., Case 2200 loader w/60” bucket . . . . . . 8,900 72" rear discharge finishing mower, front mower, 1999, 27 hp Kohler, 659 hrs., J.D. 2155 1992, 55 hp diesel, 8100 hrs. �������� 9,300 60” side discharge mower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,400 2006, fits newer F series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,400 Westfield TF100-41 10" X 41' Kubota GF1800E front mower, 2005, bale processors auger, 2006, top feed, EMD drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,999 18hp Kubota diesel, 228 hrs., Haybuster 256 Plus II 60” side discharge mower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,900 farm king 2 chain table, 1995 ���������������������������������������������� 5,600 miscellaneous Highline BP7000 2000, Farm King 10' steel swather roller w/2 hand cranks tail light kit and electric chute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,900 Farm King Y510 5' rotary mower, for adjustment, 1" pillow block bearings on Haybuster 2800 Bale Buster, 2009 . . . . . 15,900 shearbolt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 center shaft, swivel hitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Bobcat 322G 2004,
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A14 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
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Red Deer • Edmonton • Calgary • Leduc • GrandE Prairie • Brandon • Langley
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A15
See your local Cervus Equipment John Deere dealership for a great selection of pre-owned equipment - previously your Agro Dealer. combines
2006 case ih 2388
1994 J.D. cts
U671032 - sTETTlER
U735163 - ClAREs
2154 hrs., 914 header, 30.5/32 drive & 14.9R24 steering tires, WS/FC straw chopper, chaff spreader, dual range, long auger, DAS, DAM, tank extensions, big top hopper topper.
61 ft., 10 in. spacing, 5.5 in. semipneumatic packers, rockguards, prm blockage, 1 in. gen openers, 1910 air cart, 20.8x42 duals, 12 in. conveyor, variable rate, powered calibration.
2011 J.D. 9870sts
2008 J.D. 9770sts
2002 flexi-coil 5000
355 hrs., premier cab, 440 hp, Contour Master, 26 ft. auger, hi cap unload, chopper, 20.8x38 duals 28L26 Firestone tires, 12" axle spacers, hi cap feeding, 615P pick up.
1073 hrs., 615 header, 800/70R38 drive & 600/65R28 steering tires, Autotrac ready, WS/FC straw chopper, premier cab, extra HD lift cyl.
57 ft., 10 in. spacing, 4.5 packers, dual fan, single shoot, 550 lb. trip, 3 in. carbide tips, primary blockage comes with 1998 3450 variable rate cart, 3 compartment with flex control monitor, tow behind.
U741151 - CAlGARY
2010 J.D. 1835
U295434 - PINChER
1320 hrs., chaff spreader, pick up platform, istructional seat, deluxe cab.
U725542 - CAlGARY
2011 J.D. 9870sts
2006 J.D. 9760sts
368 hrs., 615P header, high cap lift, sm wire concave, Pro Drive, 900/60R32 drives, 600/60R28 rears, high cap feeding package, 12 in. extensions, wide spread chopper.
1596 hrs., 914 header, 14 ft, 800/70R38 drives & 18.4R26 steering tires, 4’ axle spacers, Greenstar ready, WS/FC straw chopper, Touchset, 22.5 ft unload auger.
U741358 - PINChER
U741417 - PoNokA
382 hrs., 615P header, high cap lift, Pro Drive, 900/60R32 drives, 600/60R28 rears, high cap feeding package, 3 concave covers, 12 in. extensions, wide spread chopper.
615 header, 800C32 drive & 480X26 steering, Autotrac ready, WS/FC straw chopper. sTARTING AT
bourgault 8800
U821277A - sTETTlER
Positive displacement auger, FC stealth 3, 1/2 single shoot carbide tip, 4 bar harrows, 36 ft., 8 in. spacing, 3195 tank, 21.5l-16.1, dual front & single rear, 7 in. auger, hyd fan.
1988 J.D. 777
U001227 - sTETTlER TBH 160 bu. air tank w/coarse & fine rollers, double shoot.
1995 J.D. 787
1991 J.D. 9600
U631689 - CoRo
3 AvAIlAblE - PINChER 914 header, 30.5x32 drives & 14.9x24 steering tires, reg cut straw chopper, chaff spreader, long auger.
4782 hrs., 914 header, WS/FC, dual range.
2012 J.D. s680
1996 J.D. cts
U000963 - PoNokA 130 bushel two tank machine, tow behind, single tire front, auger, double shoot, 4 run machine comes with harness & monitor, new rear meeting roll housing, rebuilt front meeting roll housing comes with 3 rollers, canola, barley & fert, mechanically sound, comes with hoses from the connection back, also the hookup hitch to the drill.
2004 J.D. 1820
U665477 - TRoChU 2045 hrs., 914 header, 30.5x32 drive & 14.9x24 steering tires, WS/ FC straw chopper, dual range, long auger, DAS, DAM, tank extensions, big top, Crary chaff spreader.
2009 J.D. t670
1989 J.D. 9500
U002402 - ClAREs
U716684A - sTETTlER
2011 J.D. 9870sts $
Get a jump on harvest, check out our website for more quality pre-owned combines.
473 hp, premier cab, JD link, lateral tilt feederhouse, 3.15 in. lift, 26 ft. hi cap unload auger, Prodrive trans with Harvest Smart feedrate control, chopper, 520x42 duals, 620x26 tires, 12 in axle spacers, hi cap feeding, HD final drive, 615P header.
U700414 - ClAREs
50 ft. with 4 in. steel press wheels, 3 in. pair row boots, 1900 cart 430 bus. with all updates done, 710 rear rubber, single casters.
1999 John Deere 566 baler U137459,
1000 RPM PTO, mega tooth, push bar & hyd pick up lift ..................................................................$9,000 CAlGARY 2003 John Deere 567 baler U197754, mega wide P/U, push bar, hyd pick up lift, 1000 PTO, 10781 bales ................................................................... $13,500 PINChER 1998 John Deere 566 baler U128524, kicker, megawide, hyd pick up, 18,000 bales ................ $12,600 TRoChU 2008 hesston 5556 baler U25274, round baler, net wrap ...................................................................$25,900 olDs 2006 John Deere 567 baler U325597, net wrap, mega wide, hyd pick up, kicker .......................... $23,900 olDs 2001 case ih rs 561a baler U178152, 7050 bales, automatic baler, kicker .................................. $9,900 TRoChU 2005 John Deere 567 baler U315768, hyd pickup lift, bale push bar, mega wide pick up ........ $14,900 CAlGARY 1992 new holland 580 baler U875029, small square baler, auto luber, 1/4 drop chute, in good condition ..............................................................$7,900 PINChER 2004 case ih rbx562 baler U007789, bale ramp, no net, wide pick up ..................................... $17,500 TRoChU 2002 new holland 688 baler U28608, round baler, auto tie, hyd pick up - ready to go ..............$9,900 CAlGARY 2005 vermeer 605m baler U25901, large tires, bale ramp, surface wrap, silage kit, 1000 PTO, AYD pick up, 25901 bales .......................... $13,900 CAlGARY 2002 John Deere 567 baler U187863, mega wide pick up, hyd pick up lift, push bar, 14000 bales .................................................................... $16,500 ClAREs 2001 new holland 688 baler U13004A, regular pick up, gears good ......................................... $10,900 sTETTlER 1992 John Deere 348 baler U883582, square baler, 1/4 turn shoot, hyd tension, side resistors, side resistors, 540 PTO, swath hold down ......................$9,900 CAlGARY 1999 case ih 8465 baler U162028, autotie, bale pushbar, heavy duty lacing, 1000 PTO..................... $6,900 TRoChU 2001 case rs561 baler U156119, round baler, 1000 PTO, kicker, manual tie, 31.5x13 tires................... $7,000 sTETTlER 1999 case 8465a baler U162710A, hyd pick up, bale ramp ................................................... $5,199 sTETTlER 2003 John Deere 567 baler U195881, 29900 bales, mega wide, hyd pick up, mesh warp, push bar, 1000 PTO, 31x13.5 tires.............................. $15,900 sTETTlER 1992 hesston 565a baler U00187, monitor, auto tie, 540 PTO, approx 15,000 bales ............. $5,500 PoNokA 2003 John Deere 567 baler U196416B, megawide pick up, hyd pick up lift, twine tie, bale kicker, 31x15.5 tires, 1" 3/8 1000 PTO, 12300 bales ..................................... $16,900 CAlGARY 2000 new holland 1475 moco U645995, 16 ft., DK, rubber rollers, new knives & guards, 1000 PTO hyd drive, approx 7000 acres ..................... $14,800 sTETTlER 2008 John Deere 946 moco U340130, urethane roll mower - hyd tilt - good condition............... $24,900 PINChER 2009 John Deere 946 moco U350580, with impeller conditioner .............................................. $28,500 sTETTlER
cervus equipment
Target more profit with an AGRI-TREND® Professional Agricultural Coach on your farm – available from your local Cervus location.
Pincher Creek
A16 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
$29,000 RED DEER NH MASSEY FERGUSON 8460, 1994, E/ 2897 HRS, S/ 2400 HRS, 9950 HEADER, 30.5LX32 TIRES, 395 MELROE PU, STRAW CHOPPER, STK# 067354
$54,000 RED DEER NH FLEXICOIL 5000-39, 2002, 39’, 4” RUBBR PCKRS, 3.5” DUTCH LOW DRAFT, 1500 ACRES ON OPENRS, RED DEER NH, STK# 071140
$129,000 RED DEER NH NEW HOLLAND T7040, 2010, E/ 234 HRS, 860TL LOADER, 20.8R42, 16.9R30, POWERSHIFT TRANS, STK# 067971
100-139 PTO HP
CASE IH PUMA165, 2010, E/ 1905 HRS, L770 FEL, CAMROSE, STK# 066956 ..................... $120,000 MASSEY FERGUSON 3650, 1988, E/ 6000 HRS, ALLIED LOADER W/GRAP, 12X4 AUTO TRONIC, 20.8-38 55%, 14.9-28 55%, CAMROSE, STK# 071130 ...........................................$20,500 NEW HOLLAND 8160, 1998, E/ 5226 HRS, ALLIED FEL, GRAPPLE, MICH NEW TIRES, 16.9 R30 18.4R38, RED DEER NH, STK# 068077 ..................$55,000 NEW HOLLAND T6050, 2010, E/ 242 HRS, 125 EHP PLUS, 16X16 SEMI PWRSHIFT, MFD, 98” BARR AXLES, RED DEER NH, STK# 062779 ............................................$94,000 NEW HOLLAND TS125A, 2004, E/ 7901 HRS, TIRES 50%, ALO Q970 LOADER, BUCKET W/GRAPPLE, 3 MIDMOUNT HYDS, WESTLOCK NH, STK# 060169 ................$48,000 NEW HOLLAND TV6070, 2009, E/ 4600 HRS, 480/85R34 BI DIR, 2 HYD OUTLETS ENG EN, FRT FENDERS, NEW 1.5YD BUCKET, WESTLOCK NH, STK# 055413 ................$88,000 JOHN DEERE 4960, 1993, E/ 10500 HRS, JD840 LDR/GRAP/JOYST, MFWD, 15FWD/6REV PWR SHFT, RED DEER NH, STK# 070525 ...................$55,000
140+ PTO HP
FORD VERSATILE 825, 1977, E/ 7123 HRS, STD TRANS, 18.4-38 DU 85%, 3 HYDS, CAB HEATER/AC, CAMROSE, STK# 071540 .........................$12,850 NEW HOLLAND T7.210, 2011, E/ 608 HRS, 18.4R38, 14.9R28, FWA, 3 REMOTES, CAMROSE, STK# 060665 ......................................... $114,900
4WD TRACTORS CASE IH ST550Q, 2012, E/ 400 HRS, S/ 216 HRS, 36” GOODYEAR 85%, GPS, LUX CAB, HI-CAP PUMP, CAMROSE, STK# 066412 ......................................... $375,000
TOLL FREE: 1-855-763-1427
JIFFY 900, 1999, 1000 PTO, W/ CV DRVLINE, STK# 070812
$69,995 RED DEER NH BUHLER 2145, 2003, E/ 5201 HRS, 2895 LOADER, 48-80R42 90%, 16.9R28 60%, 3 REMOTES, STK# 067890 CASE IH ST350, 2011, E/ 700 HRS, 620/70R42 DUAL 70%, DLX CAB, 4 REMOTES, RADAR, CAMROSE, STK# 068385 ..................... $245,900 CASE IH ST485, 2010, E/ 1663 HRS, 7900 6WAY BLADE, 800R38 80%, GPS, 16F/2R FPS, CAMROSE, STK# 069573 ..................... $273,000 CASE IH ST535, 2008, E/ 1550 HRS, 800/70R38, 5 HYD OUTLETS, 57 GPM HIGH OUTPUT, JOHN DEERE STARFIRE, EDMONTON NH, STK# 060350 ......................................... $235,000 CASE IH ST550, 2012, E/ 500 HRS, 800/70R38 MI 85%, LUX CAB, ACCUGUIDE XP/HP, 6 REMOTES, CAMROSE, STK# 064655 ......................................... $339,000 NEW HOLLAND 846, 1992, E/ 8129 HRS, 18.4-38 TIRES, 1000 PTO, NEW ALTERNATOR, RED DEER NH, STK# 021762Q................$45,000
SEEDING FLEXICOIL 5000, 1997, 57FT, 12” SPACING, DBLE SHOOT, CAMROSE, STK# CF000024 ....................$41,250 FLEXICOIL 800-41, 1992, 41’, FC2320, 9”, SNGLE SHOOT, BARRHEAD NH, STK# 070806 .................$21,900 BOURGAULT 8800-40, 1995, 195 BU 3195, 3 COMP, 8” SPACING, 4 BAR HRRWS, CAMROSE, STK# 071542 ............................................$33,500 EZEE-ON 3500-32, 1986, 32’, JD 787 TBH CART, 4 ½ RUBBER PACKERS, JEM OPNRS, CAMROSE, STK# 071297 ........................$38,600 FLEXICOIL 5000, 2001, C/W 3450 AIRCART, TOWBETWEEN, 51FT, CAMROSE, STK# CF000131 ........................................$59,950 FLEXICOIL 5000, 2001, C/W 3450 AIRCART, TOWBETWEEN, 51FT, 12” SPACING, CAMROSE, STK# CF000131 ........................................$59,950
$159,000 RED DEER NH BOURGAULT 5710, 2001, 6650ST TBH TANK, 9.8” SPACING, NEW TIRES, 3/4 CARBIDE TIPS, STK# 068365 FLEXICOIL 5000, 2004, E/ 2 HRS, 57FT - 9IN, C/W FC4350 TANK, TBT, 550LB TRIPS/DBL SHT, RED DEER NH, STK# 056717.......................................... $110,000 JOHN DEERE 1820-40, 2001, 40’, JD 1900 3COMP PLSTC, 7” SPACING, 3” RUBBR PCKRS, CAMROSE, STK# 070967 .........................$55,500 MISCELLANEOUS 3680, 1997, C/W 3100 TANK, 36FT, 12” SPACING, DBLE SHOOT, CAMROSE, STK# CF000026 .......................................$31,900 NEW HOLLAND P1060, 2010, TOW BETWEEN, 430BU, BEACONS, VARI RATE, RED DEER NH, STK# 070445 ............................................$73,000 NEW HOLLAND P2060, 2009, C/W P1060 TOW BETWEE, C/W P1060 TOW BEHIND, 70’ 10” SPACE 550 TR, 5.5” RUBBER PRESS WH, WESTLOCK NH, STK# 020556 ......................................... $245,000 NEW HOLLAND SC230, 2006, TOW BETWEEN, VARIABLE RATE, PLASTIC TANK, 230 BUSHEL, RED DEER NH, STK# 070781 ..................$35,000 NEW HOLLAND SD440A, 2005, SC430 AIR CART, 9” SPACING, NH3 OPENERS, BLOCKAGE, CAMROSE, STK# 069461 ........................$98,999
SPRAYERS CASE IH 4420, 2011, E/ 188 HRS, 650/65R38 90%, 650/65R38 EXTRA, NAV II, CAMROSE, STK# 065318 ......................................... $312,456 CASE IH 4430, 2011, E/ 210 HRS, 380/90R46 173 MI, AUTO BOOM, HID, CAMROSE, STK# 064153 ............. $317,500 FLEXICOIL 67XL, 2002, 80FT BOOM, 800 GAL TANK, SUSPENDED BOOM, VERY CLEAN, EDMONTON NH, STK# 058246.............................................$25,000
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A17
TOLL FREE: 1-855-763-1427
$261,000 RED DEER NH
$270,000 BARRHEAD NH
$29,000 RED DEER NH
NEW HOLLAND CR9070, 2009, E/ 862 HRS, S/ 605 HRS, 76C HEADER, PPP004117, LONG AUGER W/ABRASIV, FULL GPS, STK# 055017
NEW HOLLAND S1070, 2009, 134 FEET, 1600 US GALLON TANK, HYPRO 9306-HM1C PUMP, 480/80R38 R1 TIRES, STK# 020433Q
$64,500 RED DEER NH
NEW HOLLAND BR780A, 2006, 31-13, 50X15, AUTO WRAP, HYD PKUP LIFT, STK# 021809Q
MACDON PRO8152, 2004, E/ 1324 HRS, 540/65R24 DRIVE, 11.00X16 REAR, MACDON 972 HEADER, 30’ DRAPER HEADER STK# 058383
MISCELLANEOUS WALKER44, 1998, E/ 3850 HRS, 1200 GAL TANK, EZ STEER, EZ BOOM, 500 MON, CAMROSE, STK# 069913 ......$55,000
NEW HOLLAND SF216, 2007, TIRES AT 95%, 120FT, 20,000 ACRES, EDMONTON NH, STK# 055938 ............................................$52,500
NEW HOLLAND S1070, 2009, 134 FEET, 1600 US GALLON TANK, HYPRO 9306-HM1C PUMP, 480/80R38 R1 TIRES, RED DEER NH, STK# 020433Q .........................................$45,000
NEW HOLLAND SP.275F, 2011, E/ 330 HRS, CAPSTAN SHARP SHOOTE, CROP DIVIDERS, 1600GAL SS TANK, 100/60FT 10SEC 20IN, EDMONTON NH, STK# 061745 ......................................... $288,500
NEW HOLLAND S1070, 2011, 90FT WHEEL BOOM, WINDSCREENS, 4 BALL VALVES, 10GPM HYD PUMP, RED DEER NH, STK# 067978 ..................$29,000
TILLAGE BOURGAULT 7200, 2000, HYD TINE ADJ, FULL HYD, CAMROSE, STK# CF000224 ....................$39,900 FLEXICOIL 75, 1994, 41 FT, PACKER INSERTS, BARRHEAD NH, STK# 070807............................................... $6,300 MORRIS III, 1995, PCKR BAR LIFT UP, CAMROSE, STK# 071543........... $7,350 SUMMERS PLUS, 2011, 50FT, 20” BLADES, 8 WAVE NOTCHED, 340/65R18, CAMROSE, STK# 070102.........................$91,850
A18 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
3005 - 18th Ave. North, Lethbridge, Alberta Keith Shirakawa Res: 403-381-0733 • Cell: 403-308-1928 Shane mann Res: 403-328-1859 • Cell: 403-308-0341 Brendon hanlon Res: 403-380-3607 • Cell: 403-330-7497
easy to handle. efficient to run. power to perform. RoGator® takes maneuverability to the next level with our exclusive GatorTrak™ four-wheel steering option. The two-track system makes it easy to handle, reducing soil disturbance and crop damage through headland turns. With the fuel-efficient AGCO Power 8.4-liter diesel engine, there’s plenty of proven power to go around without having to stop to refuel. Save money on fuel, and get the job done sooner, all from the quiet comfort of our revamped cab. No matter what color you’re running now, do yourself a favor, and test drive a RoGator at a dealer near you.
More tractor. More choices. TRACTORS
u s ed equip men t
Challenger MT 965C (2012), 525 hp, 5 remotes, 59 gpm hydraulics, pto, 800/38 duals, Topcon system 150 autosteer,deluxe cab, deluxe seat, nightbreaker lights, ballasted to 54000 lbs., 170 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319,000 M.F. 8670 (2010), 225 pto hp, 1990 hrs, 3pt, DynaVt transmission (50kph), 3pt, front axle suspension, new michelin 800 tires, fenders, 6 remotes, Cab suspension, nightblaze lights, 22 wts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187,900 M.F. 8660 (2009), 225 pto hp, 1400 hrs, 3pt, DynaVt transmission (50kph), 3pt, front axle suspension, new 480/50 rears and duals, 6 remotes, pivoting fenders, steer ready, opti ride cab suspension, ISO display. . . . . 180,000 Fendt 930PF (2009), 250 pto hp, front suspension, cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 3pt, Topcon Autosteer system, 3560 hrs, exhaust brake, radar, 520/46 rears and duals, front duals, hyd trailer brakes, xenon light package, air trailer brakes, 1000 pto . . . . . 179,000 Challenger MT 755 (2002), 4640 hrs, std guage, 4 remotes, 235 pto hp, front weights, brand new 24” tracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,900 N.H. TG305 (2006), 255 pto hp, 3pt, 4 hyd, 380/54 rears and duals, front duals, 3390 hrs., front weights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,000 N.H. TG305 (2006), 255 pto hp, 3pt, 5 hyd, supersteer, 380/54 rears and duals, front duals, 3170 hrs., front weights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,000 J.D. 7630 (2007), 140 pto hp, fwa, 3pt, 3 remotes, fenders, Autoquad with LH reverser, 520/38 rears, 2 sets rear weights, deluxe cab, 746 MSL loader, grapple bucket, 5700 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105,000 Case IH MX285 (2003), fwa, 3pt, 5 remotes, 4500 hrs, hi-flow hyd pump, heavy duty front axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99,900 M.F. 7495 (2006), 155 pto hp, suspended cab, deluxe seat, visi-roof cab, rear wiper, mirrors, 650/42 rears, 600 fronts, 3pt, michelin tires, 150 amp alternator, Dynashift trans c/w creeper, Alo Q75 MSL loader, grapple bucket, 5200 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,900 M.F. 6485 (2006), 125 pto hp, fwa, fenders, 32 spd trans with dynashuttle, 3 remotes, 3pt, 3600 hrs, visi roof cab, Alo Q75 MSL loader, grapple bucket, silage screen, rebuilt engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,500 N.H. TM155 (2007), 1900 hrs, fwa, 4 remotes, cab suspension, front pto and 3pt, 650/38 michelin rears, 320/54’s also available for this unit. . . . 79,000 Fendt 924 (2001), 205 pto hp, 3pt, CVT(50 kph), 4 remotes, 710 rears, 4800 hrs, outback autosteer, front axle and cab suspension. . . . . . . . . . . . 75,900 M.F. 5455 (2009), fwa, 3pt, 2 remotes, MF 945 loader, bucket, visi roof cab, LH reverser, 16 spd semi-powershift, air seat, 220 hrs. . . . . . 69,990 J.D. 4455 (1989), fwa, powershift, 3750 hrs, 540/1000 pto, 3pt, 2 remotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,900 M.F. 2680HD (2011), 85 pto hp, 395 hrs, 3pt, loader, grapple bucket, joystick, 2 remotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming In CaseIH MXM190 (2003), 4630 hrs, fwa, 3pt, 4hyd, 380/90R54 rears and duals, 380 fronts, fenders, front 3 pt and pto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,900 CaseIH MXM130 (2003), 105 pto hp, fwa, LX 162 loader, grapple bucket, 16.8-28 fronts, 520/38 rears, 3pt, 3 remotes, approx 4250 hrs. . . . . 47,900 M.F. 481 (2005), 67 pto hp, fwa, cab, 2 remotes, Alo Q45, loader, grapple bucket, 980 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,900 N.H. TL100 (1999), 82 pto hp, fwa, fenders, 3pt, 2 remotes, Alo Q960 loader, bucket, joystick, 3830 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,900 J.D. 4755 (1989), 157 pto hp, fwa, 5 hrs, 280 loader, grapple bucket, duals, 11,000 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,900 M.F. 596 (2008), 85 pto hp, fwa, cab with a/c, 3pt with extendable lower links, 18.4-34 rears, 14.9-24 fronts, 3 remotes, 1210 hrs.. . . . . . . . . . 36,500
sold sold
M.F. 596 (2008), 85 pto hp, fwa, cab with a/c, 3pt with extendable lower links, 18.4-34 rears, 14.9-24 fronts, 2 remotes, 1175 hrs.. . . . . . . . . . 35,500 J.D. 4640 (1981), 2wd, 156 hp, singles, 2 hyd’s , 10550 hrs . . . . . . . . . . 14,900
SQUARE BALERS (Large & Small)
M.F. 2170 (2010), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 M.F. 2170 (2011), 3 x 4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube, preservative applicator kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114,000 M.F. 2170 (2011), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,000 M.F. 2170 (2009), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,900 M.F. 2190 (2008), 4 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,900 M.F. 2170 (2008), 3 x 4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,900 Hesston 4910 (2006), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68,900 M.F. 2170 (2007), 3 x 4 baler, accumulator, knotter blower, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,900 Hesston 4790 (2006), 3 x 4 baler, bale chute, autolube, knotter blower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,900 Hesston 4910 (2005), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,900 Hesston 4910 (2002), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate, reconditioned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,000 N.H. BB960 (2002), 3 x 4 baler, accumulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming In Case IH 8590 (1999), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,900 M.F. 1841 (2007), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000 Phiber AC4104 Accumulator (2010), Krone mount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,900 Hesston 4925 Accumulator (2001), fits Hesston or MF 3 x 4 or 4 x 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900
round BALERS
M.F. 2756A (2009) 5 x 6 baler, autocycle, kicker, mesh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 J.D. 567 (2002) round baler, 5 x 6, mesh, mega wide, hyd p/u lift. . . . . . 14,900 J.D. 567 (2002) round baler, 5 x 6, mega tooth, hyd p/u lift . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000
seeding & tillage
Horsch-Anderson Joker (2012), 30’, drawbar pull, spring packers, nice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,000 Sunflower 1435 Tandem Disc (2012), 30' 24" pans, 9" spacing, excellent unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,900 J.D. 650 Tandem Disc (1997), 28' 24" pans (now 22"), 9" spacing,. . . 25,900 Phillips 4305A Rotary Harrow (2007), 43' WW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 CaseIH 4500 (1992), field cultivator, 36', vibrashank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400
M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, Topcon System 150 autosteer, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 25’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 335 hrs . . . . . . 152,000
M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, Trimble Ezee-steer , MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1250 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . 139,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9196 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, 780 hrs., 30' DSA draper header, guage wheels, pickup reel, electric fore/aft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 25’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 905 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 132,000 M.F. 9635 (2010), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 5200 DSA draper, header, 30', UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, electric fore/aft . . . . . . 121,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9196 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, 650 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1130 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . 112,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9196 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, 750 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,000 M.F. 9635 (2007), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1350 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . 109,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1130 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 M.F. 9635 (2008), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, 1205 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85,000 N.H. HW 320 (2001), SP sickle mower, 14' header, rubber rolls, 1300 hrs, premium condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,900 Hesston 8500 (1997), Sp windrower, 15'3" disc header, steel rolls, hyd tilt and floatation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,900 CaseIH 425 (1999), draper header, 21’, DSA, guage wheels, less than 1000 acres total, fits 8250, 8450, 8550 Hesston, 8860-70-80 CaseIH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,900 Hesston 9020 (2005), 18' auger header, reel spider kit, crop dividers. . . . . . 16,990 N.H. 2300 (2000), auger header, 14' fits TV140-145. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,900
DISC & MOWER conditioners
M.F. 1375 (2012) 15’, steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . . 37,300 M.F. 1375 (2011) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . 35,900 M.F. 1375 (2008) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . 25,900 Hesston 1365 (2006) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,900 J.D. 946 (2002) 13' discmower, urethane rolls, hyd tilt, 3 pt. swivel. . . . . . . 14,900 Hesston 1265 (2003) sickle mower, 14', rubber on steel rolls . . . . . . . . . . 13,900 N.H. 499 (1992) 12' sickle mower, rubber rolls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
grain handling equipment
Farmking 13 x 70 Auger (2009), mechanical swing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,900 Brandt 10 x 80XL Auger (2011), hydraulic winch and hopper mover. . . 11,400
sold sold
Brandt 10 x 70XL Auger (2005), mechanical swing hopper. . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500 Sakundiak 10-2000 Auger (1999), mechanical swing hopper . . . . . . . . . . 1,990
Fendt 712 (2001), tractor, 6700 hrs, fwa, 3pt, front axle & cab suspension, Vario CVT, Alo 980 loader, grapple bucket, 4 rear remotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,000 Agco Allis 9455 (1997), tractor, 155 pto hp, fwa, 3pt hitch, 3 remotes, 14.9- 46 rears and duals, 32 spd trans (4 spd powershift), 7400 hrs . . . . . . 30,000 Allis 7000 (1977), tractor, 107 hp, 8750 hrs, 3 hyd., Allied 795 loader. . . 13,000 Riteway 7500 Harrow Packer (2002), 5 bar harrows, 1 3/4 coils, 40’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,500 Allis 7030 (1974), tractor, 130 hp, 6360 hrs, 2 hyd. loader mtg for Allied 795. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,500 Degelman Snow Push (200?), 14' width, rubber cutting edge. . . . . . . . . 5,290
application equipment
Rogator 1396 Sprayer (2010), 1200 gallon, 120', 24.5-32 float tires, 14.9-46 narrow tires, mapping, autosteer, Viper Pro, accuboom, front reload, air boom cleanout, 5 way nozzles, approx 900 hrs., 311 hp Cat engine, 6 speed hydrostatic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299,000 Rogator 1184 Sprayer (2010), 1000 gallon, 100', 24.5-32 float tires, 14.9-46 narrow tires, mapping, autosteer, Viper Pro, accuboom, front reload, air boom cleanout, 5 way nozzles, approx 880 hrs., 290 hp Cat engine, 4 speed hydrostatic, end nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248,000 Case IH SPX 3150 (2004), 90’ booms, 800 gallon tank, autosteer. . . . 105,000 N.H. S1070 Suspended Boom Sprayer (2010), 100’, windscreens, 3 boom valves, inductor tank, autorate control, end row nozzles. . . . . . . . . 38,900 F.C. System 67XL (2002), 100', 2 boom vavles, microtrak 9000, autorate control, 850 gallon tank, mix n fill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900
hay rakes
Fella TS 1603 (2010), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,900 Fella TS 880 (2009), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,900 Fella TS 1602 (2003), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,900 Fella TS 880 (2006), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900 Fella TS 425T (2009), single rotary rake, pull-type, aged inventory. . . . . . 7,900 Fella TS 350 (2007), single rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,990
Muratori MT22-170 (2011), Flail mower, excellent shape . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,290
lawn & garden
M.F. GC2400L tractor, (2012), hydrostatic, 24 hp, 3pt, mid and rear pto, loader, joystick, bucket, 22 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,900 M.F. ZT29 zero turn mower, (2012), 29 hp, hydrostatic, 72" HD mower deck, 92 hrs, used to mow ball diamonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,990 M.F. GC2400 (2011), hydrostatic, 24 hp, 3pt, mid and rear pto, industrial tires, 66 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,490
new rogators available for spring.
1100 & 1300 Gallon - call.
phone: (403) 329-8686 • daytime & after hours: call toll free
email: hanloneq@telus.net www.hanlonag.com
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A19
Vulcan (403) 485-2231 • 1-800-264-2259 High River (403) 652-7797 • 1-877-652-7878 4wd tractors
TRACTORS JD 8760 1989, 7000 hrs.,
JD CTS 1997, 1873 hrs.,
JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,000
20.8 x 38 tires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,000 JD CTS 1996, 1525 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,000 JD 8560 1990, 5000 hrs, 24 spd, 18.4 x 38 duals. . . . . Coming In JD CTS 1996, 2066 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 CIH Puma 180 MFWD, 2008, 1100 hours, PS, no 3 pt, CIH L770 loader, grapple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119,000 (2) JD 936D 2008. . . . . . . . $48,000
(4) JD 936D 2007. . . From $42,000 CIH 9350 1997, JD 936D 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . $19,000 JD 9870 STS 2009, 5500 hrs., P.S., 308 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . . $305,000 JD 635F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 20.8 x 38 duals. . . . . . . $75,000 JD 9870 STS 2008, JD 630F 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 890 hrs., MD PW7 PU hdr. . . $275,000 JD 630D 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . $58,000 JD 9770 STS 2011, 420 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . . $305,000 (5) JD 930D 2001. . . From $22,000 (8) JD 930. . . . . . . . . . . From $4,000 JD 9770 STS 2009, 500 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . Coming In Balers JD 9770 STS 2009, 750 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . Coming In JD 568 2008, 6200 bales, mega wide plus, mesh wrap, JD 9770 STS 2009, big tires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 820 hrs., JD 615 PU hdr. . . . Coming In JD 568 2008, 8600 bales, JD 9760 STS 2005, JD 9430 2008, mega wide plus, mesh wrap, 1040 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . $175,000 1300 hours, 24 spd, big tires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,000 800 x 38 duals. . . . . . $235,000 JD 9750 STS 2000, 2175 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr . . . . . $118,000 JD 568 2007, 6800 bales, mega wide plus, JD 9750 STS 2000, big tires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 2717 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . $89,000 JD 567 2004, 17,000 bales, JD 9660 STS 2004, mega wide, mesh wrap. . . . . . . $21,000 2255 hrs., JD 914 hdr. . . . . . . $115,000 NH 7090 2010, JD 9660 STS 2004, 2305 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . $95,000 mesh wrap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming In NH 688 2002, JD 9650 STS 2000, 2363 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . $105,000 7000 bales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 JD 9650 STS 2000, NH 660 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 2459 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . $105,000 JD 9330 2010, 920 hrs., Hesston 856A 2002, JD 9650 STS 2000, PS, 710 x 42 duals, 18,000 bales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,000 Hi-Flo Hyds. . . . . . . . $240,000 2307 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . $105,000 Hesston 560 1991 . . . . . . . $6,000 JD 9650 STS 2000, 2366 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . $105,000
jd sts combines
JD 1910 2006, 340 bushel
3 tank tow behind seed cart, 6 run double shoot, auger, variable rate, dual fronts, 710x38 rears, 14,000 acres. . . . . . . . $49,000
JD 19001999, 270 bushel
2 tank tow behind seed cart, 6 run single shoot, auger, rear hitch . . . . . $27,000
JD 787 1995, single shoot,
230 bushel seed cart. . . . . . . . . . . $12,000
jd other combines
JD 9650W 2001,
1330 hrs., JD 914 hdr. . . . . . . $130,000
JD 9650W 2001, 1855 hrs., JD 914 hdr. . . . . . . $110,000 JD 9650W 2000, 1630 hrs., JD 914 hdr. . . . . . . $120,000 JD 9600 1994,
JD 9320 2005, 2360 hrs., PS, 2330 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . $65,000 JD 9600 1991, 710 x 38 duals. . Just Arrived 3758 hrs., JD 914 PU hdr. . . . . $35,000
NH SF216 Sprayer, 2007, 1600
gal., 100 ft. boom, Norac boom height level system, chemical inductor, wash wand, auto rate. . . . Just Arrived
Bourgault 5710
50ft. Air Drill, 7” spacing, 3” steel packers, single shoot, w/5350 Seed Cart. . . $65,000
AgViser Classified Ads
– THE AG-VISER, MAY 2, 2013 – A20
Published Every Other Thursday Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday
1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Phone (403) 328-5114 • Fax (403) 328-5443 E-Mail: adsales@farmpressltd.com Visa or Mastercard Phone Orders Toll Free 1-877-328-0048
(200) Antiques
(600) Farm Machinery
9N FORD TRACTOR. Phone: 403-556-2224 or Cell: 403-5079889
9’ HD - 3pt Motor Dr. Snow Blower - 3 cyl. GM Motor dsl - offers? Variety of Dozer Blades - Pole Push Belly Mounts 9’ M/Angle $775. 10’ Hyd. Angle $1225. 10’ Front Truck Mt. Twin Hyd. Angle $1575. Never Used 4’-6’ Skid Str $325+. Anderson hi dump rock picker $2,850. Hi-way Truck Mt. Snow Blds $575+. Bucket Mt Grapple att. $575. Hammer Mill PTO, on wheels $275-$1250 for Wetmore w/bale elevator, no visible wear on sprockets. Potato Planters: 1-row $450, 2-row $725. 12’ DT Cult w/rod att., $875. 12’ Wld. D/ Disc Hyd. Lift original tires $1150. 20s-30s Car Bodies restoration or projects? $750+. 1935 Dodge 2 dr slant back solid condition. Much more - Acres of stuff - Museum Project Abandoned - Too Much To List - Antiques. Want to Buy: Running Model T and A Ford Engines. If you need it, I might have it. Phone: 403-732-4979
(200) AD 14-15 AG 22-23
(600) Farm Machinery 2007 CASE DX25E lawn tractor c/w Farm King 60” finishing mower; 2005 & 2007 Westward 9352 SP swathers c/w 25’ 972 hdrs, low hrs; Case 725 PT swather c/w PU reel; 1982 JD 7721; 1976 Gleaner L Hydro; 1997 73’ Bourgault 540 Eliminator sprayer; 1974 CCIL 30’ SP swather; Case 6x16” plow. Winnipeg area: 204-782-1015, evenings. (600) AG 22 MB 10 AD 15 SK 9
ACREAGE EQUIPMENT discs, plows, cultivators, harrows, front and rear blades, hay equipment, post pounders, etc. 1-780-8923092 Wabamun, AB. (600) AD 6 TFN AG 14 TFN
(601) Haying Equipment
2009 JOHN DEERE PREMIUM 1049 MODEL NEW HOLLAND SP Bale Wagon, new motor. FOR SALE: 2011 13’ Krone 7230 w/ 741 loader & grapple, Phone: 403-556-2224 or Cell: Mower Conditioner; 1460 9’ JD 2250 hrs (warranty to 3000), 16 403-507-9889 Mower Conditioner. Phone: 403- spd, green lighted at 1650 hrs (601) AD 14-15 AG 22-23 556-2224 or Cell: 403-507-9889 $88,000. Phone: 403-625-6519, (604) Seeding & Tillage (606) AD 14-15 AG 22-23 Stavely, AB.
(609) Miscellaneous
(608) AG 22-23 AD 15-16
RED BULL SPRAYER, 90 ft wide, 1350 gal tank, 200 gal rinse tank, Leven 460 control monitor, high clearance. Phone: 403-6350853
VERSATILE 276 BI-DIRECTIONAL TRACTOR, Cummins engine, hydrostatic, runs good. Phone: 403-507-9889 or 403556-2224
(605) AD 12-14 AG 20-22
(608) AG 20-23 AD 13-16
• Harrow available in 4m mechanical & Heavy Duty 3 Pt Hitch 5m + 6m hydraulic fold-up Foldable Harrow • Powdercoat paint • Move from one place to another without leaving your tractor Phone for • Level mole, gopher & badger hills on a Free your hay – pasture land Brochure! • Spreads manure • Reduce weed spots Big 403-729-2913 • A erates your land with reversible tool net Meadow Alhambra, AB T0M 0C0 • Arena groomer Equipment bigmeadowranch@telus.net • Landscaping
(600) AD 12-20 SK 6-14 AG 20-2 MB 8-16
(608) AD 13-14 SK 7-8 AG 21-22
FOR SALE: IH 7200 Hoe Drill (608) Tractors 14’, factory transport, grass seeder; IH 6200 Double Disc 1997 CIH MX120, 6597 hrs, L300 Seed Drill, 24’ (2 x 12). Phone: 403-556-2224 or Cell: 403-507- self-leveling loader w/grapple, 4 9889 new tires, duals, shedded, excel(604) AD 14-15 AG 22-23 lent condition - $47,900 OBO. Phone: 403-654-0138, Hays, AB. (605) Spraying
(600) AD 14-17 SK 8-11 AG 22-25 MB 10-13
JD 7000 CORN PLANTER, 6-row, 30”, finger PU w/new precision fingers, pneumatic down pressure, trash managers, dry fertilizer, ready to seed. Phone Tony: 403-633-1302
(608) Tractors
(606) Swathers & Mower/Conditioners
USED GRAIN CARTS: 450 1050 bushel, Large Selection PTO & Hydraulic Drive. Gravity Wagons: 250 - 750 bushel. Fertilizer Spreaders: 4 - 8 ton. Hi-Dump Silage Wagons. www. zettlerfarmequipment.com, 204857-8403.
(609) Miscellaneous
www.wellsiterentreviews.com Randy: 403-556-6921
Life After Mutual Funds Need Help To Rescue Your Savings?
Announcements....................................... 90 Antiques................................................. 200 Coins..................................................... 201 Auctions................................................. 300 Construction Equipment........................ 400 Dairy & Supplies.................................... 500 Farm Machinery..................................... 600 Haying Equipment................................. 601 Combines & Headers............................ 602 Fertilizer Equipment............................... 603 Seeding & Tillage.................................. 604 Spraying Equipment.............................. 605 Swathers & Mower/Conditioners........... 606 Tractors................................................. 608 Miscellaneous........................................ 609 Machinery Parts..................................... 610 Farm Buildings....................................... 700 Granaries & Bins................................... 701 Grain, Feed & Hay................................. 800 Irrigation................................................. 900 Hogs & Supplies.................................. 1000 Horses & Supplies............................... 1100 Livestock & Supplies........................... 1200 Poultry & Supplies............................... 1300 Sheep & Supplies................................ 1400 Specialty Livestock.............................. 1500 Pets & Supplies................................... 1600 Seed.................................................... 1700 Specialty Seeds................................... 1701 General Miscellaneous........................ 1750
Acreages............................................. 1800 Commercial Property........................... 1900 Equipment........................................... 2000 Farms & Ranches................................ 2100 Houses................................................ 2200 Land.................................................... 2300 Storage................................................ 2400
Learn about Private Placement investment opportunities including fixed Rate Corporate bonds paying 10% annually. 6-60 month terms, paid monthly or up to 15% compounded. Solid performance without the volatility of the stock market. Tax saving and equity offering options also available. RRSP & TFSA elegibility. Contact Brian Sokalski Private Market Specialist For more information or a personal appointment Ph. 780-632-9619 brian.sokalski@pinnaclewealth.ca www.pinnaclewealthbrokers.com
Acreages............................................. 2600 Auctions............................................... 2700 Commercial Property........................... 2800 Farms & Ranches................................ 2900 Houses................................................ 3000 Industrial.............................................. 3100 Manufactured Homes.......................... 3200 Realtor Listings.................................... 3300
Automobiles......................................... 3400 Automotive Parts & Service................. 3500 Boats & R.V.’s..................................... 3600 Heavy Trucks....................................... 3700 Light Trucks......................................... 3800 Motorcycles & Quads.......................... 3900 Snowmobiles....................................... 4000 Trailers................................................. 4100 Vans.................................................... 4200
(609) Miscellaneous
(609) Miscellaneous
(600) AG 15-22 AD 8-15
Accounting & Bookkeeping.................. 4300 Computers & Accessories................... 4400 Custom Work....................................... 4500 Feedlot Cleaning................................. 4600 Land Mapping...................................... 4700 Parts & Repairs................................... 4800 Rentals................................................ 4900 Travel................................................... 4950
NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $1,095. 1-800-6674515. www.combineworld.com
COMBINE WORLD located 20 min. E of Saskatoon, SK on Hwy. #16. 1 year warranty on all new, used, and rebuilt parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. 1-800-667-4515 www.combineworld.com
New 30.5L-32 16 ply, $2,195; 20.8-38 12 ply $866;18.4-38 12 ply; $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1,749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $486; 16.9-28 12 ply $558, 18.4-26 10 ply, $890. Factory direct. More sizes available new and used. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com
Employment Opportunities.................. 5000 Employment Wanted........................... 5100 Business Opportunities........................ 5200 Training................................................ 5300
Equipment........................................... 5400 Personal.............................................. 5600
Louise Lawrence Production
A Division of:
“ Where Farmers & Ranchers Look First to Buy.”
Jeff Sarich
General Manager 403-317-3233
Mike Filipchuk
North Central Alberta 780-581-4320
Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 • Phone 403-328-5114 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8
Sarah Still Ad Assistant 403-317-3229
Whitney Alvarez Production
• Fax 403-328-5443 adsales@farmpressltd.com
The Farmer/Stockman AgViser is a division of FarmPress Ltd. and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Central/Northern Alberta and Northern B.C.
A21 – THE AG-VISER, MAY 2, 2013 –
Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy
AgViser Classified Ads (609) Miscellaneous
(800) Grain, Feed & Hay
SILAGE BUNK 40 in. W 24 in. H 30 ft. L
full 2 in. lumber bolted to flat bars
(1200) Livestock & Supplies
nance Cattle fi m. progra ers at y Bev Call Ro 82-5702 (403) 3
Your Beef is our Business!
Committed to Serving You for All Your Livestock Needs
Call Ivan 780-621-0863 or 388-3817
Buyers: Joe O’Donnell (403) 328-2362 Res. (403) 382-9447 Mobile
John Brown (403) 328-3485 Res. (403) 380-0965 Mobile
B&H Contracting
NEW BUILDING – All steel,
For more info call 403-635-0853 (700) AD 12-14 AG 20-22
ASSORTED STEEL BUILDINGS: Value Discounts as much as 30%. Erection Information Available. Source# 18X. Phone: 1-800-964-8335 (700) AD 13-14 SK 7-8 AG 21-22 MB 9-10
Alder Flats, AB
Also buying barley, wheat, etc. “30 Years!” Lacombe AB.
Green &/or Heated Canola / Flax Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, Etc.
1-877-641-2798 Bow Valley Trading Ltd
PHONE (403) 381-3700 • FAX (403) 381-3720 Web Site: www.primroselivestock.com Box 1685, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4K3 Steve Primrose (403) 382-9998 Mobile
30 ft. long & turn legs to transport flat
20 ft. L 7 ft. H 7 ft. W
for 6 large round bales
NOW ALL GRADES BUYING Competitive Rates Prompt Payments OATS!
(1200) Livestock & Supplies
Bonded & Insured Cattle Brokers • Custom Order Buying • U.S. Cattle Exporting Buy and Sell Bred Cows & Calves • Replacement Heifers • Slaughter Cattle • All Classes of Feeders
(700) Farm Buildings 40x100, powder coated metal.
(1200) Livestock & Supplies
Government Inspected Scale on Premises. Fall Calf Purchasing. Weighed Off the Truck. Cattleliner Service – Canada and U.S.A.
(1200) Livestock & Supplies
24 ft. long & turn legs to transport flat
Call Ivan 780-621-0863 or 388-3817
B&H Contracting Call Ivan 780-621-0863 or 388-3817
B&H Contracting Alder Flats, AB
(800) Grain, Feed & Hay
Alder Flats, AB www.bh-contracting.com PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS AND POLLED HEREFORD BULLS, 2 Yr Olds, Buyer’s Choice - $2,500. Double N Ranch, Gerald & Shelley: 403638-2356, Sundre, AB.
(1200) AG 21-25 BUYING BARLEY/OATS for feed. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan YEARLING & 2 YEAR OLD Feed & Grain: 1-877-250-5252. CHAROLAIS BULLS, sired by (800) AG 20-26 AD 13-19 SK 7-13 Sanchez, Polled Son of Hank, Western Spur, Kaboom & HEATED PEAS/FLAX... Buying Preacher. Allen McLeod: 403damaged pulses & oilseeds. “On 625-2047 or Cell: 403-625-6118, Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Claresholm, AB. Grain: 1-877-250-5252 (1200) AD 10-18 AG 18-26 (800) AG 20-26 MB 8-14 AD 13-19 SK 7-13
(900) Irrigation WATER RIGHTS FOR SALE from Bow River Irrigation. Phone: 403-635-0853 (900) AD 12-14 AG 20-22
TWO A&M quick takedown wheelines w/ movers, at Claresholm, AB - $3000 OBO. Also some 6 and 7 inch mainline. Phone: 403-625-0012 (900) AG 21-22 AD 14-15
(1200) Livestock & Supplies
(1400) Sheep & Supplies PLAN TO ATTEND the 7th annual Pound Maker Ram Sale. 110 yearling rams sell by auction Thursday, May 23/13 at Fort Macleod, AB. Suffolk, Dorset, Hampshire, Rambouillet, North Country Cheviot, Charollais and Coloured. For more information call Warren: 403-625-6519. Visit our website at www.poundmakerrams.com. Look for the catalogue on the website after May 10th. (1400) AD 13-15 SK 7-9 AG 21-23 MB 9-11
(1600) Pets & Supplies
BLACK ANGUS BULLS: 2 Yr Olds, Long Yearlings, & Yearlings. Heifer Bulls & Herd Bulls $2500-$3500 semen tested, ready to work. Please no Sunday calls. To view pictures go to www.cfangus.com, Phone: 403625-4614
ADORABLE YORKIE FOR ADOPTION – she is 12 weeks old and current on shots. Has been vet checked and dewormed, trained for wee wee and comes with health papers. If interested email kelvindanny208@yahoo. com.
(1200) AD 14-16 AG 22-24
(1600) AD 14-15 SK 8-9 AG 22-23 MB 10-11
Swift Current, Sask. Office Ph. (306) 778-2533 Fax (306) 778-9192 Box 2117, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M7
Dale Swartzenberger (403) 327-9667 Res. (403) 382-0756 Mobile
(1700) Seed
c for usto W f m e Ph eedl ers have on ot loo e S spa kin tev ce g e. .
Ralph Siemens, Manager (306) 773-4913 Res. (306) 741-1458 Mobile
(3300) Realtor Listings
BLUE “J” CERTIFIED ALFALFA SEED for Sale - $2.99/ lb. Call Sunrise Ag – Taber, AB: 403-223-0422
LAND TRADER ADVERTISING means worldwide exposure for your property. Sell it yourself. One-time fee of $199. Visit www. landtrader.ca or Shelley toll free (1700) AD 13-16 AG 21-24 1-877-729-4841 for free informaSEED GRAINS: Barley & Oats tion brochure. grown from several different cer- (3300) AD 6 TFN SK 26 TFN AG 14 TFN MB 2 TFN tified varieties, excellent germi(3700) Heavy Trucks nations. Phone: 403-627-2056 or cell: 403-627-0029, ask for Pat- 1985 F700 S/A GRAIN TRUCK, 371 CID gas, 16’ wood box 50”, rick or leave a message. 30T hoist, roll tarp, 70,200kms, (1700) AD 10-18 AG 18-26 10.00x20 tires, excellent condition. Phone: 780-636-2463 or (1750) General 780-623-7445
(3700) AG 22-24
DISCOUNT PLYWOOD Douglas (4500) Custom Work Fur 4x8, 4x9, 4x10 standard or with smooth overlay 3/8 to 1 1/2 LOOKING FOR CUSTOM inch thick. 1 1/2 and 1 3/4 pine SEEDING, Bourgault w/ MRB. plywood up to 60 ft. 306-278- Phone: 403-312-4202 (4500) AG 21-23 AD 14-16 3138. (1750) AG 22-23 MB 10-11 AD 15-16 SK 9-10
MANURE SPREADERS FOR RENT: Spread your manure w/3 (2300) Land different size Bunning Manure PASTURE WANTED for 500-800 Spreaders, have vertical beat(or less) Yearlings. Competitive ers, Contact Lawrence Buit: 403prices paid. Phone: 403-312- 588-4787. Also, Custom Corral Cleaning: Bunning Spreaders on 4202 (2300) AG 21-23 AD 14-16 trucks, Call Shane: 403-588-1146 (4500) SK 8-10 AG 22-24
(3300) Realtor Listings “Life is timing, let me help you be there!”
BUYERS FOR Farms, Acreages, and Land Needed. Nestow - Hobby Farm, 108 acres, 1216 sq. ft. home just off of Hwy 2. $349,000. Westlock - Upgraded 2 bdrm bungalow. immaculate, chain link fenced yard, 16x24 garage. $89,999.
MLS #E3303724 Sangudo - Ultimate rec or hunting
quarter, small private lake. Conor Creek SW corner. 24x32 cabin. No services. $329,900. MLS #E330433
NORALTA REAL ESTATE All pics on www.bradsbestbuys.ca
1-877-956-SOLD (7653)
(5000) Employment FULL TIME CLASS 1 DRIVER to haul oil & NGL, pulling Super B’s, minimum 5 yr experience. Drug & alcohol test. Fax resume & clean drivers abstract to 403-883-2797 or email bltrucking831@hotmail. com or call Brian: 403-883-2799 (5000) AD 14-17 SK 8-11 AG 22-25 MB 10-13
BUYING OR SELLING? Find what you need in the
A22 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
Bluesky Trailer Mfg. Inc. Daysland, Alberta • 1-866-311-blue • www.blueskytrailer.com
Rental Unit Available.
Refurbished Grain Trailer
refurbish, repair, sandblast, repaint, rewire any trailer
I found my farm in the Classifieds.
30” Beavertail
30’ B/T trailer w/bale deck / 18 bales Self-unloading bale movers, no hydraulics, chains or winches.
Standard Features: Double tubing construction frame, wiring is enclosed double coated - 65C, Dexture torsion axles, rubber mount sealed beam lights, sandblasted, undercoated underneath frame and on top and then 2 coats of topcoat paint. We build small to semi unit trailers. Many other options available. Lease to own plans available.
There’s something for everyone in Farmer / Stockman
1-877-328-0048 Are you passionate about working in the area of agriculture and agronomy? Do you like the idea of working for a North American award winning firm? Then consider this opportunity!
We are growing and looking for
AGRI-COACHES (Agronomists) in Kindersley and Humboldt
As an Agri-Coach, your daily activity revolves around working with farm customers in developing their annual strategic crop planning for improved economic returns. This will be achieved by providing clients new ideas, technology and tools for collection of useful information that assists in the development of sound cropping and nutrient management strategies. You will also work closely with a Geo-Coach to deliver an integrated precision services package. An Agri-Coach must have a strong understanding of soil, water and crop interactions. You have a post-secondary degree or diploma in Agronomy, Soil Science or related areas, with 5+ years of job-related experience. Excellent computer, interpersonal and team skills are required. Knowledge of farming practices and sales training will support your success in this position.
JayDee AgTech provides an excellent work environment, with progressive and comprehensive people practices.
These positions are permanent, full-time. Please email your resume & cover letter directly to: hr@jdat.ca before May 16th, 2013.
Visit our website @ www.jdat.ca
buy custom built trailers - buy quality once
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A23
Easy Slab Precast Shop Floor
Great for Industrial, Agricultural and Residential uses. The slabs are all a 40mpa or 6000 psi concrete. All have 3/8 rebar on 13 inch centres. Your choice of smooth finish or stamped for cattle slabs. Water bowl slabs. Silage pit floors / parking lots. Vacuum pack for easy lay-
Also great for under grain bins, driveways, sidewalks, wash pads, and many more. A nice feature of the slabs is that they are easily removable for example trenching a new water line or fixing an underground cable.
6 ft. by 6 ft. slab.
3 ft. by 6 ft. slab.
Cost/Square Foot
Cost/Square Foot
Smooth finished slabs.
Stamped finish.
Patios for around deck.
Wash pad by shop. For final prep work and laying we charge $1/square foot. This does not include rough dirt work or trucking.
For more info please contact Mark Dekker: 780-674-6096 or 780-284-4840 (cell.) Check out our website: www.easyslabprecast.com • E-mail: easyslabprecast@gmail.com
A24 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
Reduce Fertilizer costs with our vertical beater models. • Consistent, wide, 25 - 30 foot spread pattern • Variable discharge rate control • Sturdy construction and heavy-duty apron
• Friction resistant, durable poly floor • Low-maintenance, protected center driveline
PS 150 and 160 ProSpread® box spreaders 500 and 600 heaped cu. ft. capacity
Ph: (403) 340-1000
1-800-361-8279 6767 – 67 Ave., Red Deer, AB T4P 1K3
1 block north of Kenworth & Caterpillar (Finning)
2012 RAM 2500
Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7L Diesel, Auto, U-Connect/BlueTooth, Boards, Starter, Brake Control. $
Crew Cab 4x4, 5.7L Hemi, Auto, SXT Appearance Group. $
2012 RAM 2500 T12377
Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7 Diesel, Auto, SXT Appearance Group, U-Connect/Blue Tooth, Box Liner, Brake Control. $
Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7L Diesel, Auto, Protection Group, Fog Lamps, U-Connect/Blue Tooth. $
Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7L Diesel, Auto, Protection Group, Boards, NAV, Remote Start, Bow Liner. $
Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7L Diesel, Auto, SXT Appearance Group, U-Connect/Blue Tooth, Brake Control. $
2012 RAM 3500 SLT T12380
2012 RAM 3500 Laramie
2012 RAM 2500
2012 RAM 3500 SLT
2012 RAM 3500
1 -888-297-4701 • 1-780-853-4701
Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7L Diesel, Auto, Leather Seats, NAV, Protection Group, Remote Starter. $
2012 RAM 2500 SLT T12275
Crew Cab Dually 4x4, 6.7L Diesel, 6 seed manual, SXT Appearance Group, U-Connect/ Blue Tooth, Brake Control. $
vermilion chrysler ltd. 4524 Railway Avenue, Vermilion, AB T9X 1E9
Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7L Diesel, Auto, Fog Lamps, Boards, U-Connect/Blue Tooth, Starter, Box Liner. $
2012 RAM 2500 Laramie
Purchase Price Includes: No Charge Diesel Engine and RAM Loyalty / Conquest Bonus Cash
Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7L Diesel, Auto, SLT Plus Decor Group, Protection Group, U-Connect/ Blue Tooth, Remote Starter, Box Liner. $
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A25
A26 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
World Plowing Match/Cdn Rockies – July/13 Italian Splendor/Greek Isle Cruise – Oct/13 Italy – Oct 2013 Mississippi Cruise – Oct 2013 Branson/Tennessee Tour – Oct 2013 Australia/New Zealand – Jan 2014 South Africa – Feb 2014 South America – Feb 2014 India – Feb 2014 Russian River Cruise – Sept 2014 *Tours may be Tax Deductible.
Select Holidays 1-800-661-4326
General Contractor Design Build Contractor Project Management
Grande Prairie Division For Details contact: Leon or Linda 1-780-830-2400 or 1-877-307-5777
leong@swmw.net www.steelproducts.ab.ca 11215 - 91 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 5Z3
frac sand BINS
Services in the Commercial, Agricultural, Recreational, Oilfield & Industrial Fields
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Your Building, Your Way!
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Horsch anderson Farming with passion
the joker Corn, wheat, bean or cover crop, the Horsch Anderson Joker is versatile enough to handle any type of crop residue in wet, dry, rocky or extremely saturated soils. No other tillage system gives you the speed, durability, moisture conservation and finishing capabilities of the Horsch Anderson Joker. With the Joker, you don’t have to sacrifice speed to finely chop and incorporate residue back into your field. It is specifically designed to perform at higher speeds in order to give you the most efficient, time-saving tillage experience. From the frame to the tires, the discs to the finishing system, the team at Horsch Anderson analyzed every aspect of the design to find ways to improve performance and increase your productivity. The result is the fastest, most efficient minimum tillage system on the market. The Joker can till fields in half the time or faster. Just a few miles per hour faster increases the productivity per acre. In our field tests, the Joker was able to perform at speeds up to 12 mph. That’s more than twice as fast as traditional tiller systems. Think about how much more you could accomplish with the fast, efficient and flexible Joker. The Joker compact disc may not look like every other tiller system, but then again, no other minimum tillage system handles quite like the Joker. Whether it’s the MT, RT or PT series, the Joker has the versatility to become an integral part or your farming operations.
Milliken Farm Supplies (1977) Ltd.
Horsch anderson dealer for alberta
Taber, AB
Toll Free 1-888-313-9988 Email us at sales@millikenfarm.com
– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A27
1999 FC5000 Drill 3430 Tank, 45ft, 9” Spacing....SOLD
2005 SH63-10 Drill
FC4350 TBT tank, D/S, variable rate..$173,900
2008 SH60-12 Drill
JD1910 TBT Tank , 2000 Gal TBH liquid...$185,000
2WD Tractors
2011 CIH Magnum 290 (SC) duals, weight pkg full guidance, leather seat HID lights................................................................$204,500 2010 CIH Magnum 215 (SA) w/LC780 loader, luxury cab, PTO, hitch ready, 262 WAAS receiver............................................................$185,000 2012 CIH Puma 130 (SC) MFD, 3 hyds, cab suspension, L765 loader, 95” bucket & grapple..................................................................$159,000 2007 CIH Magnum 245 (SA) MFD, PTO, 3PT hitch ready, hi-flow hyd system, A-post mon. mount...................................................
2008 CIH Maxxum 125 (LL) 3 PT hitch, MFD..................................................$87,000
2004 CIH MXM155 (SC) MFD, powershift, fenders, 4 HYDS.................SOLD 1988 CIH 7120 (ES) MFD, 20.8 duals....................................... $48,900 1994 JD 7700 (LL) 10,000hrs, EZ-on loader, MFD, dual, PTO.....$45,900 2001 CIH MX120 (SC) 8191hrs, tires fair, 3 point hitch, MFD...$39,000 2008 Case Farmall 45 (SC) HST transmission...................SOLD 2008 Case Farmall 35 (SC) 200hrs, HST transmission, AG tires,
LX340 loader, mid mnt PTO .................................................... 1981 Case 1090 (ES) 20.8X38 rubber.......................................$18,500
4WD Tractors
2011 CIH STX550 (ES) PTO, 36” tracks, auto guidance, cab suspension, 6 remotes.............................................................................................$405,000
2011 CIH STX550 (SC) quadtrac, deluxe cab, PTO.................. SOLD 2012 CIH STX500 (LL) luxury can, no PTO, 800 tires, cold weather start pkg, high cap draw bar.....................................................................$340,000 2011 CIH STX450 (SC) 111hrs, full autoguidance, 800 duals, front weight frame................................................................................................$315,900 2012 CIH STX500 (SC) 350hrs, triples, diff lock, hi-cap pump, full hyd GPS with pro700, no PTO...........................................................................$295,000 2012 CIH STX500 (SC) 811hrs, triples, diff lock, hi-cap pump, full hyd GPS with Pro700, PTO................................................................................$292,000 1993 JD 8760 (SC) shedded, powershift trans, new hyd pump..............$69,900 1992 CIH 9250 (SC) powershift, 20.8x38 duals, 4 hyds..................$52,000
SWATHERS 2012 CIH WD1903 (SA) c/w DH362 header, cab suspension, chaff wiper kit...................................................................................................$140,000 2010 CIH WDX2303 (SA) upgrade cab, cold start, UII one piece p/u reel, double knife, DHX362 header............................................$135,000 2012 CIH WD1203 (SC) c/w DH362, cab&rear suspension, stnd cab, cold start pkg...........................................................................$135,000 2008 CIH WD1203 (SA) deluxe cab, cab suspension, w/DHX362..................$105,000 2009 MacDon M200 (SC) 1000hrs, windrower, no header.......$98,000 2009 CIH WD1203 (SC) 500hrs, c/w DHX302 hdr, cab & rear axle suspension..............................................................................$92,500 2000 Massey Ferguson 220 Series II (SA) 30ft triple delivery...$38,700
2012 CIH 9230 (SA) lateral tilt, fine cut chopper, stnd spreader...........$350,000 2011 CIH 9120 (ES) adj steering axle, lat tilt, hopper cover..................$315,000 2012 CIH 8120 (SC) 671hrs, lat tilt, hyd fold topper..................$275,000 2009 CIH 8120 (SA) 910hrs, hopper extension, lat tilt, 900 tires.......$272,000 2009 CIH 9120 (SC) duals, auto guidance, diff lock, stnd cut chopper.$255,000 2010 JD 9770 (LL) 766 hrs, 520 duals, no topper, contour master....$245,000 2012 CIH 7088 (SC) lateral tilt, y&m, auto header float control, auto crop settings ...............................................................................................$235,000 2007 CIH 8010 (LL) deluxe cab, lateral tilt, 24ft unload auger......$229,000 2010 CIH 7120 (SC) duals, auto guidance, HID, fine cut chopper...$220,000 2006 CIH 8010 (SA) hopper topper, 900 tires, shedded..............$195,000 2007 CIH 7010 (SC) 1880hrs, 800 singles, lat tilt, chopper......$187,000 2009 CIH 7088 (SA) lat tilt, AFX rotor, 800 tires, straw chopper........$180,000 2008 CIH 2588 (SC) 1250hrs, AFX rotor, chopper, 50.5 singles, hopper topper...$169,000 2004 CIH 2388 (SC) 2110 rotor hrs, topper, long auger, chopper, c/w 2015 swathmaster.....................................................................................$115,900 1998 CIH 2388 (LL) auger ext, new front tires, new feeder chain.......$88,000 2004 CIH 2366 (SC) 2400hrs, 810 pu, 25’ honey bee ..................$85,900 1997 CIH 2188 (LL) 4503hrs, 25ft 960 hdr, hopper topper, AFX rotor...$74,900 1996 CIH 2188 (SC) 2700 rotor hours, long auger, hopper topper...$55,900 1997 NH TX66 (LL) 2994hrs, 800 tires, 9710 pu rake up.................$39,000 1989 CIH 1680 (SC) specialty rotor, no header.............................$30,000
HEADERS 2011 CIH 2162 (SC) 40ft, double knife, 5 bat, upper cross auger........$74,900 2009 CIH 2162 (SC) 40ft, adapter for 70/8010, slow speed trans.......$69,000 2012 CIH 2152 (SC) 40ft, single knife, slow speed transport, AHHC, AFX adapter............................................................................................... $62,900 2004 CIH 2042 (LL) 36ft, AFX adapter, slow speed transport, 5 bat reel..$60,400 2011 CIH 3020 (SC) 35ft, 3”knife, 6 bat pick up reel...................$56,000 2007 CIH 2162 (ES) 40’, 5 bat dual reel, auto header height.......$55,000 2007 HoneyBee SP40 (SC) 40ft, p/u, hyd f&a, cross auger, AFX adapter, transport........................................................................................... $49,900 2010 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, 6 batt w/plastic, air reel .....................$44,000 2009 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, p/u reel, fore & aft, auto header..........$39,000 2012 CIH 3016 (SC) AUX front wind guard, 15ft, PTO drive, castor gauge wheels...............................................................................................$29,900 2005 JD 635 (SA) 35ft header, p/u reel, flex..................................$29,000 2002 CIH 1042 (ES) 30ft, pick up reel, 2388 adapter....................$28,500 2004 Honeybee SP36 (SC) 36ft, UII p/u reel, 2388 adpt, transport.....$27,900 1995 HoneyBee SP30 (LL) 30ft, transport, pea auger, pu reel.............$23,000 2004 CIH 1020 (SC) 30ft, transport.............................................$22,000 1998 MacDon 962 (SC) 36ft, p/u reel, pea auger, 2388 adapter.$20,250 2009 NH 18HS (SC) 18ft hay conditioner header............................$19,900 2004 CIH 1010 (SC) 30ft, pick up reel, full finger auger...............$19,000 1997 Macdon 960 (LL) 36FT, p/u, pea auger, 2388 adapter.........$17,900 2001 JD 930F (SA) 30FT, JD adapter, p/u, flex, fore & aft...............$17,000 2006 Macdon S30 Header (SC) 30ft swather pick up reels.......$17,000 2001 CIH 2015 (SC) rake up pick up............................................$12,000 1998 CIH 1020 (SA) 30ft, pick up reel, poly skids..........................$10,500 1997 CIH 1015 (SC) rake up pick up..............................................$9,500
Saskatoon (306) 934-3555 800-667-9761
2008 NH P1060 Drill
P2060 TBT Tank, S/S...$172,900
Swift Current (306) 773-2951 800-219-8867
2011 Bourgault 3310 (SC) 75ft, 10” spacing, no MRB’s, 4.5 round semi-auto packers, duals, 591 monitor.......................................$305,000 2010 CIH ATX700 (SC) 60ft, ADX3430 tank, 10” spacing, double shoot,
sideband............................................................................................ 2007 Seed Hawk 65-10 (SA) 65ft, 10” spacing, dutch openers,
double shoot, FC4350 tank.......................................................... 2008 CIH ATX700 drill (SC) 70ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, TBT, 3430 TBT cart, 4.5” Steel Packers ...............................................$135,000 2002 Seed Hawk 6412 (ES) 64ft, 12” spacing, 2100 gal liquid cart, need pump for liquid, FC 3450 cart..............................................$125,000 2003 Seed Hawk 42-10 (SA) single shoot dry, JD 1900 tank, BG2000T stnd mount liquid............................................................$109,900 2005 JD 1820 (SC) 60ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, single run blockage, 430
bushel tank........................................................................................... 2007 New Holland 2060 (SC) 70ft, 12” spacing, 550lbs trips, 4.5”
rubber packers, TBT 430 bushel cart................................................$89,000 2010 CIH ADX3430 (SC) 430 bushels, duals, double shoot, TBH.............$85,000 1999 Bourgault 5710 (ES) 54ft, 12” spacing, 4350 cart, MRB’s, 3.5 steel packers...................................................................................$85,000 2004 Morris Maxium II (SA) 49ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, 7240 TBT tank.................................................................................................$55,000 1997 JD 1820/1900 (LL) 2 compartment, 7” spacing, 3.5 steel packers, heavy harrows..................................................................................$34,900
SPRAYERS 2012 CIH 4430 (SA) 120ft, luxury cab, aim command, viper pro monitor,
autoboom, accuboom..................................................................... 2012 CIH 4430 (SC) 600hrs, 120ft, aim command, autoboom, lux cab, PRO700..............................................................................................$310,000 2011 CIH 4420 (SC) 650hrs, aim command, full auto steer, pro 600, accuboom, autoboom..........................................................................$295,000 2009 CIH 4420 (SC) 1400hrs, 120ft, full guidance, 650 floaters, aim, luxury cab.....................................................................................................$260,000 2009 CIH 4420 (SC) 120ft, aim command, pro 600, autoguidance, omnistar, 380 tires, autoboom...........................................................................$259,500
2010 JD 4830 (SC) 100ft, 1000 gal tank, full auto guidance.........$245,000 2011 CIH 3330 (SA) 100ft, pro 600, aim command, deluxe HID lighting, accuboom, 262 receiver......................................................................$239,900 2008 JD 4730 (SA) 100ft, 520 and 320 tires, 5-ways, fenders, 800 gal tank, swath pro................................................................................................$200,000 2005 JD 4720 (SA) 90ft, 800 gal tank, 2 sets of tires, autosteer, fence row nozzles................................................................................................$175,000 2008 NH 8204 floater (SA) 1800 gal, 85ft, 3 ways & 3 tips, 10” spacing...........................................................................................$155,000 2008 Terragator 8204 floater (SA) 1000/50R25, 3 way tips, 85ft, 10” spacing, 1800 gal, Viper Controller...................................................155,000
Lloydminster (306) 825-3434 800-535-0520
Estevan (306) 634-4788 866-659-5866
w w w . r e d h e a d e q u i p m e n t . c a
A28 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
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– THE AG-VISER, MAY 2, 2013 – A29
BOBCATS: ‘08 Bobcat S220 w/ 4400 hrs . . $25,000 ‘07 5600 Toolcat w/600 hrs . & HiFlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 Bobcat 337D excavator . . . . . . . $29,900 SOLD ‘08 Bobcat T320 track ldr . . . . . . $54,000 ‘10 Bobcat T630 track ldr . . . . . . $49,500 Bobcat CT225 compact tractor w/ ldr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,900 Bobcat CT 445 compact tractor w/ loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Offers TRACTORS: ‘93 AgcoWhite 6125 mfd w/ ldr & grapple . . . . . . . . . . $40,000 2012 Versatile 2375 Classic rental . . . . . . SOLD . . . . . . CALL for Details ‘85 Versatile 856 w/ps, 3 pt ., PTO & rebuilt engine . . . . . . . . . . . $39,900 ‘80 Case 2390 w/ duals . . . . . . OFFERS CIH 235 diesel tractor . . . . . . . . . OFFERS ‘12 Versatile 575 P/S Hiflow rental . . . . . . . . . . . Call Details SEEDING & TILLAGE: Kongskilde TripleK SBC 23ft w/ Rota Harrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS Rental Kuhn Knight 2044 Manure Spreaders Call for Pricing
Phone (403) 362-8222 or 1-800-262-5170 Visit our Website: http://bfc.eidnet.ca
‘10 Salford 570 30’ RTS Vertill . . $69,000 Salford 570 RTS 24 ft . . . . . . . . $70,000 Blanchard 33’ packer bar . . . . . .Coming In ’02 JD 1820 air drill 52ft w/1900 tank . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000 JD 780 Hydrapush spreader . . . . . .$6,500 HAYING / SWATHING: JD 2360 swather w/ 960 25ft MacDon hdr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Offers 2010 Morris 881 8 bale carrier . .Coming in MF 200 swather w/ 25ft . . . . .Coming in New 3 pt . 93 in . sickle mower . . . $5,900 CIH 8580 big baler . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 ‘02 Hesston 1365 Disc M/C . . . . $22,000 CIH 3640 round baler . . . . . . . . . $2,900 ‘11 Kuhn TL180 3 pt . grass flailmower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS FEEDING EQUIPMENT: Haybuster 2620 balebuster . . . . . . .$6,400 ‘94 Haybuster 256+ 11 bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,500 ‘99 Highline 6800 bale processor . . . . $6,000 Haybuster 2650 balebuster . . . . . $15,000 CONSIGNMENTS: Jiffy 912 12 whl rake . . . . . . . . . .$9,900 2010 JD 946 13ft MoCo . . . . . . $27,500
Case 2290 w/ 3 pt . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS ‘98 CIH 8825 swather 850 hrs . w/25 ft . pu reel . . . . . . . . . . $31,000 Hesston 4790 3x4 baler w/ acc . . OFFERS Hesston 4800 big square baler . . . OFFERS ‘97 CIH 8465A auto round baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,500 Highline/Peecon 24M vert mixer . . OFFERS CIH 4000 swather w/16 ft . draper h/c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS CIH 6500 Conser Till 16ft . . . . . Coming In JD R & AR tractorsSOLD . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS Morris 881 14 bale movers . . . . . .$9,500 ‘04 Bobcat 72in sweeper bucket . . .$4,600 IHC 7200 hoe drills 28ft w/fac trsp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS JD 466 square baler . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS OTHER:
FK 6640 rental grain vac . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS ‘11 Bush Hog 2715 15 ft trail mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFFERS ‘08 Cub Cadet UTV 4x4, gas . . . . . .$9,400 ‘09 Cub Cadet UTV 4x4, w/cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 ‘00 Sak MD10x 52ft/1600 swg . . . OFFERS
A30 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
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– THE Ag-VISER, may 2, 2013 – A31
A32 – THE AG-VISER, may 2, 2013 –
farm tires cHeap
loaders, buckets, Grapples & mounts
rear tractor
10.00-16 - tReaduRa 4 Rib . . . . . . . . . . . .$199
620/70R42 - HaRvest 2 * Radial . . . . . $2,895
10 .00-16 - treadura 3 rib . . . . . . . . . . . .$129
20 .8-42 - harvest 16 ply . . . . . . . . . . . $1,699
implement rib
20 .8-38 - multistar 12 ply . . . . . . . . . . .$998
11l-14 - tReaduRa 8 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79 9.5l-14 - tReaduRa 8 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79 11l-15 - multistar 10 ply . . . . . . . . . . . .$129 9 .5l-15 - multistar 10 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . $99 7.60-15 - tReaduRa 8 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59 12.5-15 - multistaR 10 ply . . . . . . . . . . .$139 11l-16 - tReaduRa 8 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99 16.5-16.1 - multistaR 10 ply . . . . . . . . .$429
20 .8-38 - treadura 12 ply . . . . . . . . . . . .$866 16.9-38 - tReaduRa 12 ply . . . . . . . . . . .$695 18 .4-38 - treadura 12 ply . . . . . . . . . . . .$783 18 .4-34 - treadura 10 ply . . . . . . . . . . . .$687 900/60-32 - HaRvest 20 ply . . . . . . . . . $3,660 30 .5-32 - harvest 16 ply . . . . . . . . . . . $2,195 24 .5-32 - harvest 16 ply . . . . . . . . . . . $1,749 23 .1-30 - taishan 12 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,645 18 .4-30 - treadura 10 ply . . . . . . . . . . . .$593 23 .1-26 - taishan 16 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,196
front tractor 16 .9-28 - treadura 12 ply . . . . . . . . . . . .$558 14 .9-28 - treadura 8 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . .$499 16 .9-26 - harvest 10 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . .$995 14 .9-24 - treadura 10 ply . . . . . . . . . . . .$356 13 .6-24 - treadura 8 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . .$279
1185Qa 7 ft . w/grapple, fits 100 White, may fit others w/modifications, s/n 35315 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 k160 6 ft . w/o grapple, very decent, bale spear included if wanted, fits 700 White, s/n 13-13210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 allis 984 sl 8 ft . w/grapple, fits 9755-9785 allis, 8510-8610 White, 8245-8260 mf, dt 160 - dt 255 agco, s/n 00272728 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,950 allied 2596 5 ft . w/o grapple, quick attach, fit 6200-6420 Jd, s/n 0225960022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,750 alo 980 7 .5 ft . w/o grapple, quick attach, fit 8310/8410 White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 boss 6 ft . w/o grapple, fit 970, 1070, 1175 Case . . . . . . . . $2,750 case 74l 6 ft . w/o grapple, should fit 1390-1494 Case, w/modification should adapt to fit 1594-1690-1694 Case . . . $2,500 ezee-on 120 7 ft . w/grapple, fit 2090-3594 Case . . . . . . . $2,500 ezee-on 2100 7 ft . w/o grapple, loader, bucket & mnts, came off a 4640 Jd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,500 Jd 148 5 ft . w/grapple, very nice overall, fit 4010-4455 Jd, s/n 009627W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,950 Jd 740 7 ft . w/grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500 Jd 740 7 ft . w/grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 (2) Jd 741 8 ft . w/grapple (from a 7520) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,450 Jd 741 w/o bucket, s/n W00741C008937, non burnt, twisted but very repairable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,750
10-16 .5 - treadura 12 ply . . . . . . . . . . . .$179 Sizes highlighted in bold are recent additions to inventory. For more information on sizes not listed here, please call.
steiGer/vers. axles & vers. steel tubes
12 .4-24 - treadura 8 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . .$266 11 .2-24 - treadura 8 ply . . . . . . . . . . . . .$229 7 .50-18 - treadura 3 rib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89
leon 707 loader only - no bucket/fork, came off 2294 Case, s/n 5319-808 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 leon 790 7 ft . w/grapple, exceptional loader & mnts, fit 5120-5250 Cih . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 leon 808 7 ft . w/grapple, fit 2090-3594 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 nH 2360 selection of loaders w/8 ft . buckets w/ or w/o grapples, fit 256-9030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .call nH 7413 loader only - no bucket; fit 8730,8830, tW25, tW35, s/n Wl89714 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 buckets 2360 bucket 8 ft . w/4-tine grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 640 Jd bucket 7 ft . w/grapple, quite nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 741 Jd bucket w/teeth, recent cutting edge, short teeth (for dirt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 746 Jd bucket 8 ft . w/grapple, quick attach, heavy duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Grapples (2) 2360 Grapple 4-tine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,750 loader extras various Jd loader mounts, hoods/grille guards, & ezee-On loader mounts, joysticks - call & speak with staff for your application! Good used 3-point Hitches, New aftermarket 3-point Hitches also available. call for applications & pricing
Jd 741 loader only - no bucket/fork, s/n W00741l009902 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500
14l-16.1 - fieldmate 10 ply . . . . . . . . . .$325 11.00-16 - tReaduRa 4 Rib . . . . . . . . . . . .$299 11 .00-16 - treadura 3 rib . . . . . . . . . . . .$199
@gcparts s le a s : il a m m•E
.co www.gcparts
deGelman 12' 2-way w/removable grille guard, comes off an 835 vers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 deGelman 12' 2-way (off 8450 Jd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 Grouser 11' industrial paralift, extreme hd, fits many steigers (off Cm325), s/n sb4811 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 leon 14' 4-way, fits Ch65/75/85 & possibly others, 47" frame mnt, model a6500-Cat, s/n 23198701 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 leon 13' 4-way, fits pt & pta steigers, some Cih, very little use, 39" frame mnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,500
leon 12’ 4-way, 60% cutting edge, fits 7110-8950 ih . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 leon 12' 2-way, very decent, 32" frame mnt ., fits 4100, 4166, 4186 ih . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,750 leon 11' 2-Way, w/snow & ice cutting edge; mnts . fit 118-145 vers ., easily adapted to fit others . . . $4,500 leon 10' 2-way, fits most 2Wd w/minor modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,750
combine dual sets 18.4x38ds - fOr Cts - 9610 Jd 18.4x38ds - fOr 1680 - 2388 Cih 20.8x38ds - fOr 9650 - 9870 Jd 20.8x38ds - fOr 1680 - 2388 Cih 20.8x42ds - fOr 7010 - 8120 Cih 20.8x42ds - fOr 580 - 590 Cat 20.8x42ds - fOr 9650 - 9870 Jd pRices staRtiNG @ $9,500.00 call fOR OptiONs NOt listed
Wide assortment of seats available – Call staff for various appliCations & priCing
update your fWa, Jd, ford, ciH, agco 540/65 x 30 pirelli radials 580/70 x 42 pirelli radials std. 10 bolt 13.25" front & rear - $8,250
1 pair of new 620/70 x 42 GY opti trac dt812’s mounted on 10 bolt rims to fit Jd, agco, ciH, tractors, sprayers, air tanks, etc. - $11,000