
Page 1


Publication Agreement No. 40012905

Farmer / Stockman

Thursday Dec. 27, 2012

Volume 17 Number 13

gratton coulee

Lazy S Bull Power 2013 + Females

Agri Parts Ltd.

Your Farm Parts Headquarters 2 1/2 Miles South of Irma, AB on 881, 1 Mile East & 1/2 Mile North  Email:

Ph: (780) 754-2303


See our ads on pages A6 & A36

January 26 780-785-3136

s 425 bull

Group of Companies nisku (edmonton)

Saturday, January 26, 2013 12 noon MST

“Canada’s Bulls”

Complete Bull Sale Flyer . . . Inside

see our ad on page A3

1-800-352-6264 •  780-955-3400

(Bull/Female Video online in Jan.

M.C. Quantock Bull Sale


Mac Creech D.V.M.

Exhibition Grounds, Lloydminster, AB/SK

call or email for your free DVD/Cat. of all bulls email:  •

the anderson xtractor™, the leader in inline wrapper technology

“Canada’s Bull Supplier”

1-800-561-BULL (2855)

Diamond Shelters / Grain Vacs Swath Inverters / Hay Conditioners Offering Over 16 Years of Experience Building Shelters

TReaGER WOOD PeLLET GRILLS • Cook with pure, natural 100% wood pellets •  Flip a switch and your grill becomes the best smoker there is • Smoke your own jerky, fish, sausage, cheese, nuts, etc. • 12 different models available as well a commercial grills

grain equipment hay storage hog

• 40 - 160 ft. wide, any length


Free Standing or Pony Wall Style

chief westland farm bins •  Corrugated steel sidewalls •  TITAN “W” Stiffeners •  Standard G115 galvanize coating •  Standard easy access doors

22-38 ft. Wide

SpeciaL Booking Prices for complete Chief bin and extension packages.

End walls for Diamond Shelters can be wood or metal clad. Our own polyethylene covered end wall provides a durable and attractive finish to your Diamond Shelter.

farm king grain vacs

diamond shelters

Ph: (403) 340-1000

1-800-361-8279 6767 – 67 Ave., Red Deer, AB  T4P 1K3

1 block north of Kenworth & Caterpillar (Finning)

• 15 to 18 ft. wide, free standing • Various lengths

•R V’s • Trucks • Tractors

StarLine leasing available

• 13’ High discharge boom for B trains • 3 300 - 4000 bu./hr. •D ust separation system • 2 0 ft. steel hose and 14 ft. poly hose standard

Equipment Sales Ltd. 3906 - 84 Avenue, Leduc, AB.

(780) 986-5548 or

Toll Free 1-888-601-6611

we ship anywhere

A2 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

yeAREND specials

2 /

$ 25 bu.

Goebel 4900 bushel hopper bin with skid •  pilots extra •  set-up extra •  based on quantities of 3 or more

for all your grain storage needs

Goebel Canadian Owned

The HyGrade Design with the Farmer in Mind

Available From

free delivery w/deposit on equipment Remaining balance due upon delivery.

8’ - 16’

Whether the job is big or small, there’s a Hygrade grader to do it all! HyGrade Pull Type Graders

Maintain waterways, rebuild ponds, build roads, dig irrigation ditches, fill in washouts, level building sites, clean feedlots, grade roads, remove snow, level field edges, build and maintain terraces and many other jobs with your farm tractor.

Grader/Box Blade

2 -in-1

Call grainbindirect

306-373-4919 2005 J.D. 4920


2710 hrs., 100', hyd. tread, RH fence row, fenders, 2 sets of tires, foam marker, Trimble EZ Steer, Raven autoboom w/wheel. N04920X002379

$160,000 2007 J.D. 4930

2300 hrs., 120', 380 x 50 high flow, 5 sens boom trac, wheel slip, HID, end nozzles, fenders, 2600, SF1, SCP, receiver. N04930X002170

$200,000 2007 CIH SPX3320 1200 hrs., 100', 1000 gal. stainless, 320 x 46, Trimble AT, Norac, HID lights, aim command, Raven Viper 2, floaters, crop div. Y6T021350

JD 4730 2010, 100', 380 x 46, poly tank, hyd. tread adj, OBA, auto boom,

dividers, reciever, SF1, SCP, PG warranty to Apr. 2015, N04730X008943. . . . . . . . . . . $245,000 JD 4730 2008, 1400 hrs., 100', 320 X 46, poly tank, tread adj., Boom Trac 5 sensor, end nozzles, dividers, duals, SF1, SCP, N04730X002215. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200,000 JD 4720 2007, 1900 hrs., 90', SS tank, 320 x 46, hyd. tread, end row nozzles, chem eductor, trac control, 2600, SF1, SCP, rec, crop div. ( Nov.12), N04720X007302. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200,000 JD 4710 2004, 2500 hrs., 90', poly tank, hyd. tred, OBA, fenders eductor, 1 end nozzle, 2600, SFI, SCP, REC, ATR, Norac, DLS, N04710X006349. . . . . . . . . . . . $155,000 NH S1070 2009, 110', 1350 gal., 480/38 tires, rate control, rinse tank, pressure wand, YT9040127 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,000 S67XL 1996, 90', 1250 gal., windscreens, foam marker, boom tires, high clearance, Y5S005071 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,000

Seeding Equipment

BG 5710 2002, 40', 10" spacing, steel packers, mid row banders,

350 bushel tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000

JD 1895/1910 2003, 43', 10" spacing, 30.5 x 32, conveyor, rear hitch, liquid kit,

430 bus. 1910 (A01910H710576), A01895X700110. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

JD 1895/1910 2004, 40', 10" spacing, hyd disc markr., 340 bus. 1910 TBH cart,


6 run air pkg., 8" auger (A01910H705361), A01895X705154. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $135,000 JD 1830/1910 2008, 41', 10" spacing, 5.5" packers, dutch paired row openers, prim. blockage, 430 bus. conveyor (A01910H720552), A01830X720101. . . . . . . . . . . . . $120,000 JD 1910 2008, 250 bushel TBT, 8 run DS, conveyor, power calibration, var. rate, fill lights, no display, A01910T730203. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,000

Waiver to May 1st, 2013 on all used seeding. OAC


2011 J.D. 1835/1910

9000 hrs., 61', 10" spacing, 4" steel, rock quards, mud scraper, prim. blkge, 430 bush., 18.4 x 42 dls, 10" auger, var. rate. 1A81835XEAH740106

$225,000 1999 FC 5000/1720 33', 9" spacing, 3 1/2" steel packers, stealth paired row openers, 1720 TBH tank, auger (U085420-99). U093313-99

$45,000 1998 FC 6000

40', 10" spacing, 1720 tank, auger, 3 rollers, disc marker, camera system. DOCBOOOUO84316


Call or go to to see our other used equipment! Lloydminster, AB

Hwy. 16 West & RR 14

1-780-875-4471 Toll Free: 1-877-875-3445

Vermilion, AB

4915 - 47th Avenue

1-780-853-5361 Toll Free: 1-877-853-0922

St. Paul, AB

Jct. of Hwy. 29 E & 881 S

1-780-645-4437 Toll Free: 1-877-645-9933

– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a3

Flaman Flaman Flaman Flaman

FErTilizEr bins

FrOm 90 TO 200 TOns call nOw FOr Early bOOking priCes. Heavy Duty 3 PTH & Front Mount Snow Blowers - 60” to 110”

SNOWBLOWERS 50”, 60”, 72”, 84”, 96” & 108”

3 pTH, skid sTEEr, FrOnT mOunT & lOadEr mOunT nOw AVAiLABLe.

sEE us eArLy. limiTEd sTOck remAining.

Flaman – trailErs WINTER BOOKING PROGRAM Book now For sprinG dElivEry!


Group of Companies

EvErald OlsEn - Edmonton south (780) 679-8018

dOn Evans - Edmonton north (780) 349-1500

specialists in High clearance, combine & Header Transports

please contact:

lEs bacHinsky 1-800-352-6264  •  Cell. 780-975-5229

nisku -



rick clubb - red deer south (403) 227-2711


davE sundliE - in House jp blEnkE - in House

bill duFFiEld - in House jEFF FriEsEn - in House

A4 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

Wishing You A Happy & Healthy Holiday Season!

Year End Sale

Free Quotes Call Us For Your 2013 Building Needs

on Grain Bins, Fertilizer Bins & Grain Augers Delivery Extra Ends Jan. 10, 2013

no building too big or small leduc


780-986-3000 1-877-503-2667

Farm / commercial / residential 5403 - 50 St., Leduc, Alberta

Call Irene 780-986-3000

5403 - 50 St., Leduc, Alberta become a member - leduc co-op members receive equity cash back over 10 million paid out

Doing Applicaton Right Since 1997

1-877-742-6868 2008 RoGator 1286C

2011 SprayCoupe 4660

2010 John Deere 4930

2002 John Deere 4710

2006 John Deere 4720

2007 John Deere 4720

2009 John Deere 4730

2012 John Deere 4730

2011 John Deere 4730

$235,000 trochu

$105,000 drumheller

$272,800 stettler

$118,000 haNNA

$162,000 BASSANO

$161,400 BROOKS

$225,000 stettler

$259,800 CAMROSE

$259,000 stettler

2012 John Deere 4730

2008 John Deere 4730

2010 John Deere 4730

2012 John Deere 4830

2010 SprayCoupe 7660

2008 John Deere 4830

2010 Case IH Patriot 4420

2009 John Deere 4830

2009 John Deere 4930

$246,000 TROCHU

$267,000 stettler

$144,300 stettler

$235,000 stettler

$295,000 stettler

$267,000 stettler


2001 John Deere 4710

2012 John Deere 4940

$123,500 trochu

$374,500 TROCHU

2012 Apache 1220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $229,000 stettler

2011 John Deere 4930. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $272,800 stettler

2010 John Deere 4630. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $178,000 stettler

2010 John Deere 4930. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $273,800 CLARESHOLM

2011 John Deere 4830. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $267,900 CALGARY

2011 John Deere 4930. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299,000 BASSANO

2008 John Deere 4830. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $233,625 BASSANO

2012 John Deere 4940. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $365,000 stettler

2005 John Deere 4920. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $165,000 KILLAM

2012 John Deere 4940. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $345,000 KILLAM

$259,800 PROVOST

$278,400 CALGARY

2008 John Deere 4830

2012 John Deere 4830

$214,600 stettler

$280,000 stettler

More unadvertised trades coming in. Call for most current inventory. DEALER CONTACT INFORMATION Sales - West Central Alberta - Darrell Bailey - 1-403-894-4930 Sales - East Central Alberta - Tyler Parker - 1-780-781-4830 Sales - Southern Alberta - Aaron Wock - 1-403-317-9664


– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a5

A6 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

RECENT ARRIVALS FOR PARTS OR COMPLETE - CALL TO INQUIRE… 8850-13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9400-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9400-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2188-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BCAT2-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HONEYBEE HEADER. . . . .

7001 hrs., engine mixing 4308 hrs., P.S trans w/o PTO; 71070R38 tires 6357 hrs., P.S trans w/o PTO; 71070R38 tires 4689 hrs., 1980 w/12' Degelman 1997, 3244 sep. hrs., 1015 hdr. w/Super 8 pu 1972, ST220 w/12ft 2 way blade (engine issues) 1994, SP25 w/ TR/TX adapter; factory transport

– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a7


NH CR9070 2011, 600 hrs., auto steer................................................$285,000 NH CR9070 2010, 550 thr.hrs........................................................... Coming In NH CR9070 2009, 900 hrs.................................................................$199,000 NH 94C (Honeybee), 2010, 36’ header, fits CNH, never used...................$69,000 MF 860 2500 hrs.................................................................................... $9,900 MF 9030 DC header, with bat reel............................................................ $3,500 JD 930 30’ header, with bat reel.............................................................. $5,500 Case IH 2388 2004, 1200 hrs............................................................$119,900 NH CX8080 2009........................................................................ea. $199,900 NH CX8080 2007, 1050 hrs.........................................................ea. $199,000 MacDon 30' D50 combine head fits CNH..................................................... CALL MacDon 873 adapter for JD 9600 to MacDon 972, 973, 962................... $9,500 36’ MacDon 960 c/w JD adapter.........................................................$14,900


NH BR780A 2007, net wrap.................................................................$24,500 NH BR780A net & twine........................................................................$18,500 NH FR9080 2007, 900 CH hrs., processor and corn header..................$298,000 NH BC5070 small square baler..............................................................$17,500 CIH FH300 PT harvester, 2002, same as NH FP240.................................$15,900 RS510T Vicon tedder.............................................................................. $4,000 NH RI450 corn head.............................................................................$35,000 NH 2115 harvester................................................................................$29,000 NH 1431 Haybine 15’, new shock, pro hubs..........................................$24,800 Jiffy 700 Hydump, 2002.................................................................... Coming In


Flexi-Coil 300A cultivator, 30' c/w 4 bar harrows & S75 packer bar........$20,000 Flexi-Coil SD440 air drill, 2007, 57’, c/w SP380 cart, 7.2” spacing, heavy trips...................................................................... Coming In Flexi-coil 2320 Air Cart tow behind.....................................................$18,500 Flexi-coil S75 50’.................................................................................$15,000


The NEW T9000 Series four-wheel drive tractors from New Holland deliver in a big way. Giant horsepower, huge hydraulic power, automatic shifting and precision steering combine to boost your bottom line. Factory-ready for the IntelliSteer TM auto steering system, T9000 tractors boost your precision and your productivity with the touch of a button. The big power of the T9000 4WD tractor leads to big profits! BIODIESEL- APPROVED, FUEL-EFFICIENT TIER III ENGINES MORE HORSEPOWER UNDER EVERY HOOD EXCLUSIVE TURBO COMPOUNDING ON THE T9050 FOR MORE POWER WITH THE SAME FUEL LARGEST CAB IN THE INDUSTRY WITH UNEQUALLED VISIBILITY

Miller Nitro 4275 2009, 120' boom, 1600 SS tank, 1000 hrs., 650 & 380 tires...................................................................$235,000 MacDon 4950 2000, c/w 30' 972.......................................................$48,000 J.D. (MacDon) PT Swather 36'.................................................................... Call Premier 2930 Turbo 1997, c/w 2003 30’ 972 header...................... Coming In MacDon 802 TV140 Header Adapter 1999........................................ $4,000 CIH WDX1203 30’........................................................................... Coming In Westward 9300 c/w 30’ head......................................................... Coming In


CIH STX535Q 2009, loaded, 850 hrs..................................................$299,999 NH T7070 2010, 195 PTO hp, CVT trans., loader, 3 pt..........................$129,000 NH TG210 2006, 4500 hrs...................................................................$89,500 NH TC55 55 hp, compact with FEL MFD..................................................$22,500 NH TC30 compact, MFD, hyd. FEL............................................................ $8,500 NH TT55 45 HP, 2 wheel drive, ROPS, 3 pt., 350 hrs.................................$12,500


Flexi-Coil S67XL 2002, 120’ WB sprayer, rate control.............................$15,000 Hardy 60’ susp. boon sprayer................................................................... $8,500

Learn more at:


Wishing You All A Safe And Happy Holiday Season and All The Best In 2013!!


JCB 541-70 Telehandler........................................................................$57,500 Cattlelac 350 4 auger feed mixer...........................................................$16,500 Bale King Vortex 3000........................................................................ $9,000 Sweepster-made Skid Steer mounted rotary cutter as new....................... $6,300 20’ Gooseneck Trailer 7000 lb. tandem axles......................................... $4,000 Hi Line 6800 bale processor.................................................................... $6,500 Snapper Turf Cruiser side by side ATV.................................................... $4,900 NH LM 435 Telehandler.....................................................................$55,000

• Cell: (403) 380-0488 • Res.: (403) 345-3275

A8 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

sexsmith used farm parts ltd. Your one stop for new, used & rebuilt ag parts

Toll free 1-800-340-1192  Email:

Phone: (780) 568-4100  Fax: (780) 568-2000 2294 (MFD) Case

new arrivals in

•  2100 Ezee on loader w/ bale forks for dismantling


tli n a m s i d

• 4250 JD • 4450 JD • 7720 JD • 256 Versatile

• TW35 Ford • 7120 Deutz • 75 Cat Challenger

We Wish you A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of the Staff at Sexsmith Used Farm Parts.

Loaders for sale • (4440 JD) 260JD w/bucket & grapple • (4320 JD) 120 Ezee on w/bucket & grapple • (4450 JD) 740JD w/bucket & grapple sold • (MXM135 Case) LX162 w/bucket & grapple • (256 Versatile) 2360 Versatile w/bucket • (7085 Deutz) 465 Deutz-Allis w/bucket

monday to friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

•  we buy farm equipment for dismantling  •  specializing in later model mfwd tractors •  we also offer freight discounts

Strengthen the impact of your advertising with colour. Colour pumps up your ad’s visibility. That means more people will see your ad first, and research shows they’ll be more likely to remember it. Research also shows that colour gives more POWer to your ad by improving your business’s image in the eyes of potential customers. So, if you’re looking for a way to ZAP the competition, call our advertising department today and find out how you can WOW readers with a colour ad that sells.



Dry Fertilizer Available:

46-0-0  11-52-0  21-0-0-24  0-0-60  0-0-0-90 considerable savings per tonne on all fertilizers

agrotain available for nitrogen stabilization blending on all dry fertilizer products.

Special Pricing on all types of fertilizer on immediate orders. Very competitive on all fertilizers.


Visa & MasterCard

Crop Input Financing O.A.C.

– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a9


CASE 2294 (84), 2wd, CAH, Ldr, 7500 hrs, clean unit ..$24,900 JD4110 Dsl, HST, 4wd, 3pt, factory cab, 550 hrs ..$16,995 JD 710 Dsl, 3pt, 2wd, loader, 50 hp (5200 hrs) very clean ...................................................................$8,995 WFE 2-180 2wd, CAH, 9000 hrs w/ 12 ft Leon blade $12,900


DEGELMAN 7000 H Harrow, 70’, man angle (very clean).....................................................$31,900 DEGELMAN LR7645 - 45’ landroller ..................$31,995 PEACELANDER 16’ aerator ..................................$4,995 NEW Salford RTS 41 ft tillage tool special pricing ................................................$78,495 DEMO Horsch Anderson 27 ft Joker disc tool (2012) ..............................................$66,995 Melroe 9 bottom, trail type plow (new shears) ....$5,995 Ezee On 38 ft heavy duty tandem disc (very clean).....................................................$37,995 Wishek (2011) 842HD 26ft tandem disc............$69,995 HA RT300 Joker (demo) w/ elec depth control..$77,000


NEW LANDPRIDE 10’ trail type box blades! ........$3,995 Dyna Fab SP swather transport (new style - mechanical) .................................$9,900 HESSTON 1200 25’ auto fold PT swather ............$3,995 RTV500 gas utility vehicle (94 hrs), wsheild, winch ...$7,995 Kubota RTV900 dsl (2011) w/ canopy & brushguard, 75 hrs .............................................................$11,900 New Degelman 7200 rock picker w/ hyd hitch ................................ CALL FOR PRICING Bunning 230 (26 ton) vertical beater manure spreader...............................................$56,900


NEW Bergen 14 bale wagon ................................$4,900


BOBCAT 430 ZHS excavator, cab, heat, bucket, 600 hrs...............................................$39,995 BOBCAT 863 Dsl, cab, heat, bucket, 2500 hrs ............$15,900 BOBCAT model 6B landscape bucket rake, 72” ....$5,500 BOBCAT MT52 WB excavator w/ bkt, Dsl, (935 hrs)..$12,995 BOBCAT 325(04) excavator, ROPS, Dsl, bkt, 1550 hrs .........................................................$22,900 BOBCAT S300 (05) CAH, pwr Btach, Hflow, 2 spd, ACS, bkt, 4600 hrs ..............................$23,995 BOBCAT S300 cab, heat, 2 sp, pwr Btach, Hflow, 4000 hrs, very clean ................................$26,900 BOBCAT HB880 hydraulic breaker ........................$6,500 Bobcat T190 track loader, cab, air, heat, bucket, 3200 hrs ............................................$26,995 CAT 277B track loader (07), cab, heat, bucket, 1200 hrs .........................................................$44,900 LANDPRIDE (HARLEY) skid steer power rake, 72”$5,995 NH LS190B (05) skid steer, CAH, H-flow, bkt, 1270 hrs............................................................$28,900 JLG G6-42A Zoom Boom with cab, 3600 hrs ....$43,900 ASV RC30 track loader (05), cab, heat, bucket, 900 hours.........................................................................$19,995 BOBCAT S185G (03) cab, air, heat, ACS, hyd Btach, bucket, 4200 hrs...........................................................................$19,995 Bobcat 773F (97) cab, heat, bucket (2500 hours) .$19,400


Farm King 10x70 (07) swing drive auger (very clean).......................................................$7,995


BEHLEN 170 bu nat gas auto batch dryer w/ canola screens .............................................$4,995 GT580, LPG, pto drive, canola screens................$5,995 GSI 116 (2010) single phase, LPG, 200 hrs ...... $52,900

export hay wanted Olds, AB Now Buying: – ­  Timothy - 1st & 2nd cut – Alfalfa - all cuts –  Alfalfa Mixes - 1st & 2nd cut 4 x 4, 3 x 4, small squares Delivering to Arrowwood or Olds Plants. Some Direct Delivery Available.

Contact Dan: 403-586-7447

Box 1654, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5T2 email:

Toll Free 1-888-708-3739

Office: 403-507-8660  •


“Your Short Line Headquarters”



Bobcat 742 1982, 34 hp Ford gas,

Top & Rear Window Kit

Bobcat S70 2011, 24hp Kubota diesel,

Bobcat Whisker 72” bucket, push

3600 hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,900

bobcat s185

for G series cabs. New ���������������������������������������������200

2011, 61hp Kubota diesel, 74 hours, cab enclosure & heater, joystick.

broom, fits up to 74” buckets.

70 hours, cab enclosure & heater, narrow option, full warranty till Jan 31st 2013. . . . . . . .

15,900 New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 CASH Bobcat 52” Hydraulic Tiller Bobcat S250 2008, 75hp, Kubota diesel, 3995 1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,200 hours, A51 option, cab enclosure/heater/air, two-speed, power bob-tach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,600 Bobcat 5A Chipper 2007, Highline BP7000 2000, Bobcat S185 2011, 61hp Kubota diesel, 122 hours, up to 3” diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,600 H71 option pkg, cab enclosure/heater, two-speed, power bob-tach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Bobcat S185 2011, 61hp Kubota diesel,

74 hours, cab enclosure & heater, joystick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

16 hp Kubota diesel, 1450 hrs.. . . . . . . . . . . . .


Bobcat S250 2006, 75 hp Kubota diesel, 1000 hours, ACS-hand/foot controls, Hi-Flow hydraulics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bobcat S650 2011, 74hp Kubota diesel,

81 hp Kubota diesel, 1600 hrs., cab encl/heater/air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

lawn & garden 18,500 Stiga Park 16 Front Mower 1995,

versahandler attachments Single Tooth Bale Handler


349 hours, advanced control system – hand/foot controls, A71 option package, cab enclosure/heater/air, two-speed. . . . . . . . . 38,700

Bobcat T300 track loader, 2005,

tail light kit and electric chute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,900


Bobcat 322G 2004,


16 hp B & S, Vanguard, hydrostatic, articulates, 44” side discharge mower (flip-up). . . . . . . . . . . . 2,900

White GT2550KH new, 25 hp Kohler new ������������������������������������������������������������������� 2,000 Courage V-Twin OHV, 54” mower, hydrostatic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,900 cash


J.D. 2155 1992, 55 hp diesel,

8100 hrs. ������������������������������������������������������������� 9,300

bale processors Haybuster 256 Plus II

42,900 2 chain table, 1995 ��������������������������������������������� 5,600 610 - 30 Street North, Lethbridge, AB.

(403) 329-6011

Gravely Pro Master 300 zero-turn front mower, 1999, 27hp Kohler, 659 hours, 60” side discharge mower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,400 Kubota GF1800E front mower, 2005,

18hp Kubota diesel, 228 hours, 60” side discharge mower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,900

miscellaneous Snow Sport 84” angle blade (new), fits 2” receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 Woods RM48 3 pt., 48” finishing mower. . . 1,100 Kubota RCK48-15BX

48” mower for BX1500D tractor. New . . . . . . . .

Kubota RCK72R-F36

72” rear discharge finishing mower, 2006, fits newer F series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,400 Westfield TF100-41 10” X 41’ auger, 2006, top feed, EMD drive. . . . . . . . . . . . 4,999

farm king Farm King 10’ steel swather roller w/2 hand cranks for adjustment, 1” pillow block bearings on center shaft, swivel hitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000

Darren: (403) 380-0083 - Cell. jeff: (403) 380-0645 - Cell.

1-800-599-8940 • Fax: (403) 328-8787 Website:


photos on web

A10 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

sell it fast in the ag-viser real estate section farm & ranch properties for sale mystery lake & tiger lily area: 2 - 1/4’s w/230 acres open. F-479 - n. of sangudo: 164 acres w/30 open - private area w/1340 sq. ft. mobile w/addition & covered deck, 60' x 30' metal covered storage shed. S.L.R. $1,250. $225,000. F-481 - S. of Cherhill: 314 acres w/189 open - 1975 1710 sq. ft. bungalow w/partial finished basement & attached garage, 30’ x 20’ shop (heated), 40 x 80’ metal clad open front shed, calving barn, 3 dugouts, 5 watering bowls, S.L.R. $2,300/yr. $699,000 S. OF BOYLE: 5 - 1/4’s w/bungalow, 2 barns, hay shed, corals, auto waterers, 2 water wells, fenced & x-fenced. $750,000. rare find! F-483- N.W. of Onoway: Recreation type 1/4 on deadend road, 10 acres cleared & the balance bush. Ideal for hunting or quiet, private area to build on. $185,000. N.E. OF MAYERTHORPE: 159 acres w/148 open, bungalow, shop & other buildings. N. OF SANGUDO: 3.17 hillside acreage w/1997 - 1000 sq. ft. bungalow, 24 x 36 shop w/12’ high door & 10’ x 36 lean-to, 2 single detached garages. $215,000. N.w. of mayerthorpe: 3 acres w/2002 - 1344 sq. ft. bungalow on 1996 finished basement (granny suite), 2001 24 x 30 garage. $335,000.


Properties on

John Eden - Sunnyside Realty Ltd. Res. (780) 785-2561 Cell. (780) 674-7925 e-mail:

Alberta Farms & Ranches For Sale

RIMBEY: 471 ac Beef Farm c/w renovated 1318 sq ft walkout bungalow with a very well maintained yard. 24x40 heated shop, 76x128 open barn or arena, 18x44 heated kennel, older dairy barn with heated vet room and large loafing area. $975,000. EVANSBURG: 296 ac Beef Farm very clean and tidy c/w 1536 sq ft bungalow with newly developed basement, 40x80 quonset, 28x40 shop, 24x40 barn, 32x48 building, 28x40 cattle shelter, water bowls, corrals, a flowing spring. $2500 SLI. $715,000. KIKINO GRAZING LEASE: 4050 ac c/w 1100 ac range improvement plan, 967 AUM’s, fenced into 4 pastures, rolling land with plateau. $9,950 SLI. $460,000. VILNA GRAZING LEASE: 2315 ac located on pavement c/w 612 AUM’s or grazing capacity for 250 pairs for 4 months. Lots of grass and water. $425,000. VETERAN 771 ac: 500 hay and 270 ac native pasture, fenced and cross fenced c/w 7 dugouts and $4,500 annual surface lease revenue. Older house. $649,000. DRAYTON VALLEY: 97 acre hobby farm c/w renovated 1560 sq ft home with 64’ of new veranda & windows. Outbuildings are 50x100 quonset, 30x40 barn, corrals and approx $6300 annual SLR. Very picturesque and well maintained property would make ideal farm for the hobby farmer or horse person. $575,000. CAROLINE TAY RIVERFRONT: 526 acres located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains with a trout stream meandering through middle of property, excellent mountain view. 393 ac which is grazing lease & permit which has ¾ mile of Tay River frontage & 1 ½ of Clearwater River frontage. SLI of $7,026. Excellent hunting, fishing & trail riding. Appraisal on file. $549,900. REDUCED ECKVILLE: Scenic 155 ac located 5 miles NW of Eckville with approx 100 ac of open pasture land. Perimeter fenced for buffalo c/w a set of catch pens, water well and power. Property has some mountain views and has a gentle roll. Asking $299,900. REDUCED MARKERVILLE: 177 ac with 2 miles of river frontage, very private location. $2500 SLI, 130 ac hay land, balance trees. An exceptional recreation property within 30 minutes of Red Deer. $399,900. REDUCED BLUFFTON: 10 ac c/w a brand new 1627 sq ft log home custom built by Norwegian craftsman. Thinking of a log home the quality in this home is superb, covered veranda around complete house, balconies off the MBR and loft. Walkout basement has large windows with south view. $489,000. INNISFAIL ACREAGE: 28 ac c/w 2916 sq ft of developed area in walkout bungalow. Built in 2005 home is well built with an open floor plan. Would make a great hobby farm or location for home based business. Located 15 minutes east of Innisfail off hwy 590. Asking $539,000.

progressive 5914 - 153 Avenue Edmonton, AB  T5Y 2W1

AGRICULTURAL/rural LISTINGS •  In Wetaskiwin County, 4 miles West of Winfield on paved Hwy. #13, pasture/recreational quarter. Oil rev., good fences, nice building site. Only $238,000. •  In Athabasca County, near Boyle - very nice acreage (11 ac.) with executive 2-storey 2810 sq. ft. home with fully finished walkout basement and 54’ x 90’ shop. Top notch home & shop. New price $595,000. Motivated Sellers. •  In Mountainview County, near Olds - 154 acres with home, large shop, Q.S. hayshed & corrals. Currently leased - $3,000/m. List price $875,000. •  In Barrhead County - Mystery Lake - Tiger Lily District - section of land with 1648 sq. ft. home, shop & corrals. Great mixed or beef operation. Priced at $1,800/acre. Only $1,150,000.


thinking of buying or selling – call me in 2013.

Zen R. Littke P.Ag. Email: Cell: 1-587-989-SOLD (7653) Toll Free: 1-877-461-FARM (3276) Specializing in Acreage, Farm & Rural Properties

consider the land

s o l d


Select Holidays 1-800-661-4326 TO PLACE AN AG-VISER CLASSIFIED AD

…when you list it in the

See these properties on website

Greg Cripps – Re/Max central AB Res: (403) 347-7103  •  Bus: (403) 343-3020 Cell: (403) 391-2648  •  Email:

Real Estate Section


– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a11


2006 Fleetwood american tradition 4 slide, 42 ft, tag axle

2006 Freightliner

w/060 Hiab Picker


1998 NEW HOLLAND 9882 tractor

2006 Alfa Gold See Ya 40 ft, loaded

425 HP, 3400 HRS






2004 john deere 710g backhoe


w/rear live roll

2005 Peterbilt Winch tractor

jd 6068t turbo charged diesel engine

30 ton winch




1978 fruehauf 51’ hi-boy trailer


2006 Kenworth T300 w/ 155 Effer Picker and 15 ton hydraulic winch




1994 timberjack 450c

2008 Ford F550 Service Truck

grapple skidder, recent work done.

MAX 14FT marilift crane vmac, service deck



2010 John Deere 326 D Skid Steer

2006 GMC C5500


2005 Cat D5G


70 HP, only 439 hrs

6-way blade, winch




40 pickers as well as 20 mechanic trucks to choose from 2005 Freightliner Coronado C15 Cat, 18 spd, 40 rears’


2007 GMC C5500

2001 john deere 330 lc excavator 36” digging bucket.




2006 kenworth t800

4x4 C/C, Heila HL-70, 45 Picker, only 43k km.


2007 Ford F550

R/C, auto

mii 350 cummins diesel engine, 20,000 lb winch w/ remote, 36” integral sleeper

2002 aspen trailer

2006 bws trailer

7’ neck, Ext. Cab, 4x4, 25’x9’ deck, short 4’ 6”box, black beavertail

double drop tridem trailer w/ hydraulic removal neck






2008 reitouner dropmiser


a/r susp., 40’x8’ 6” deck




2001 Freightliner FL120

2006 GMC C5500 Crew Cab 4x4

WINCH Tractor, Standard, 474220 Km, White.


2004 Ford F550

2008 ford f550 xlt

4x4, V10.


1992 john deere 770 bh grader

w/Heila Picker & Deck, low kms.

bucket truck



14,000 hrs






A12 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

Tractors and Side by Side UTV’s parts service

4 Year ty Warran

yeAREND specials

Side by Sid UTV’s e implem ents

great prices Authorized Kioti Dealer/ Wilson Trailer Dealer Western Canada’s #1 Wilson Livestock Trailer Dealer

2 /

Authorized Look Trailer Dealer

Wilson 24’ Gooseneck Aluminum Trailers Now In Stock, Hurry they go fast! Variety of other trailers also available including snowmobile, cargo, dump, flatdeck and utility trailers.

Goebel 7820 bushel hopper bin with Air & skid

$ 27 bu.

•  pilots extra •  set-up extra •  based on quantities of 2 or more

for all your grain storage needs

Goebel Canadian Owned

Call grainbindirect

Snowmobile, Cargo, Car Haulers

Great Trailers Great Prices


Ray’s Trailers and Tractors

Camrose / Fort McMurray, AB. – 3911 - 47 Avenue, Camrose Phone 780 679 8989  •

Call Now – Peace Country Auto Finance – Instant Approval. Any car or truck, make or model approved with up to $5000 cash back or visa card $5000 No credit application refused 0% down • No Credit, Bad Credit, Bankrupt, New to Canada, Judgments, Credit Counseling or Refinancing

1-866-798-1597  •  24/7 hotline 780-772-4364  •


2010 dodge ram 3500 st Short crew cab, 117,800 kms, fully loaded interior.

Bi-Weekly Payments of

263.05 over 84 Months



2012 Chevrolet Impala Ls Sedan, 44,464 kms, automatic w/OD.

Bi-Weekly Payments of

112.00 over 84 Months



2012 Chevrolet Malibu Ls Sedan, 38,227 kms, automatic.

Bi-Weekly Payments of

116.00 over 84 Months



2009 Dodge RAM 1500 SLT Sport truck crew cab, 148,955 kms, 5.7L Hemi.

Bi-Weekly Payments of

170.39 over 84 Months



2012 Jeep Liberty Sport SUV 32,140 kms, 4x4, automatic.

Bi-Weekly Payments of

165.00 over 84 Months



2011 RAM 1500 ST

Short regular cab, 24,284 kms, 5.7L Hemi. Bi-Weekly Payments of

190.02 over 84 Months



2012 Nissan Pathfinder S SUV, 31,756 kms, automatic.

Bi-Weekly Payments of

220.79 over 84 Months



2011 RAM 3500 ST

Short crew cab, 23,545 kms, Cummins diesel. Bi-Weekly Payments of

330.81 over 84 Months



2010 Jeep Liberty Sport SUV Green, 32,500 kms, 4x4, automatic.

Bi-Weekly Payments of

134.42 over 84 Months



2008 Dodge Ram 3500 ST/SXT Quad cab, 148,062 kms.

Bi-Weekly Payments of

205.55 over 84 Months


++ Financed at 84 months O.A.C. All bi-weekly payments as shown are priced with GST included. All vehicle payments were priced with interest rates according to finance/banking rules in regards to vehicle year and financeable term duration. The interest rates on the vehicle of your choice may vary once one’s credit approval is recieived from finance agency. See dealer for details.

11309 – 101 Avenue, Fairview, Alberta

Bus: (780) 835-2415 • Toll Free: 1-888-323-4RAM Shop 24 hours at

– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a13

A New Business – A New Year’s Resolution? Another year is drawing to a close. With the onset of the New Year and the making of well-intentioned resolutions, some producers may find themselves looking for ways to make 2013 more profitable than the year before. When asking what can be done to increase a business venture’s income, be sure to see what the New Venture team with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development has to offer. “The New Venture team provides assistance to new or existing producers and small processors in Alberta who are looking to develop a new business idea or expand their existing business,” says Kathy Bosse, new venture coach with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. “They will provide you with information and tools that will help you in making decisions regarding the development or growth of your business. They can also connect you

with others in the industry that can help you with your idea. “The goal of this team is to coach individuals so that they develop business wisdom and understand what it takes to be a successful business. They ask the tough questions such as; what is unique, why would I buy your product or service, who is the primary customer? They will also provide information on trends, market channels, regulations, financing and much more.” The New Venture team has a wealth of knowledge in the agriculture and food industry and the team members enjoy coaching businesses and seeing them accomplish their goals. If you need assistance in launching your new business idea, contact one of Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development New Venture coaches by calling toll free 310-FARM (2376).

Rural Septic Systems On the Public Radar Over the years that Alberta farmers and ranchers have been completing Environmental Farm Plans (EFP), farm waste management has consistently ranked among the top five environmental challenges concerns identified by producers. It’s important for farmers to know their responsibilities when it comes to on-farm sewage management. “We know that many municipalities across the province are facing pressures to better manage water quality,” says Alberta Environmental Farm Plan program coordinator, Perry Phillips. “They are dealing with issues such as grandfathering of older, substandard septic systems, application of sewage sludge to agricultural lands, as well as separation distances, particularly with regards to subdivision of farmsteads from the rest of the farmland. There are a range of concerns from aesthetics to human health and groundwater protection.” Those two situations hold a message for rural areas in the years ahead. Expect more pressure on rural septic systems. Developing an EFP for a farm or ranch is an excellent way to assess risks to human health and groundwater associated with on-site sewage treatment systems, says Phillips. But producers will also want to know their responsibilities in developing new or revamping existing systems with regards to standards of practice, permits and regulations. It is always amazing to consider how much work a farm septic system does. Alberta Municipal Affairs estimates the average person produces 340 litres of wastewater that flows through a sewage treatment system every day. A family in a three-bedroom house, using the basic code design calculation of 1.5 persons per bedroom, produces 1,530 litres per day or half a million litres per year. “Most landowners want to develop an effective, properly designed system,” says Joe Petryk, senior field inspector for Alberta Municipal Affairs, who is a specialist in the septic area. In Alberta, standards for the design, installation and material requirements of on-site private sewage systems are provided by the Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice under the Safety Codes Act. However, standards are just part of the picture. Ultimately, a septic system must meet the needs of the people living on the farm. “For this reason, knowledge of the property and your family’s lifestyle is key,” says Petryk. “Any given septic system is as unique as the property it

serves. Site gradients, the number of people living on the property, water usage/conservation and soil characteristics are just some of the factors that must be considered when deciding the kind of septic system to install.” Pressure-fed and gravity-fed systems are the two common choices where it comes to septic system discharge, with pressure-fed generally preferred. In a gravity-fed system, sewage flows out of the tank or is pumped from the tank into a lower-elevation treatment field, taking the effluent underground where it is absorbed by the infiltration area within the subsurface field. A gravity system can also be applied to an open discharge system (surface discharge). “Pressure-fed systems use a pump set in the effluent chamber that forces the effluent into the treatment field or treatment mound, distributing it evenly throughout the field. We generally recommend pressure-fed systems because of this,” says Petryk. “An estimate of the septic tank size can be calculated using a simple formula. In single family dwellings, the average volume of sewage per day is estimated at 340 litres per person. To get a general idea of the size of tank required, multiply the number of bedrooms by the number of prescribed people in the code per bedroom and then multiply the result by 340. For example, two persons in a two bedroom home would be “2 X 2 X 340” to equal the number of litres required. The Standard of Practice should be referenced for any additional design requirements.” Making the right decision on a treatment system depends to a large degree on soil characteristics of the site. The Standard of Practice requires a site evaluation to be conducted. Part of the evaluation requires test pits to be dug to produce a soil profile. A soil sample of the most limiting condition within the proposed treatment zone is collected and sent to a laboratory for analysis to determine the texture of the soil. The soil texture classification is now the approved method to determine the effluent soil loading rates for the treatment system design. A soils percolation rate test is no longer acceptable to determine the soils capacity to take on effluent and will only be used in support of a design that is based on a soil profile investigation. For more detailed information on Environmental Farm Plans and rural septic systems, visit the Alberta Environmental Farm Plan website.

A14 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

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– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a15

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JD 1910 Seed Cart 2006, 340 bushel, double shoot, tow behind. . . . . . . . . . . . $49,000 JD 1900 Seed Cart 1999, 270 bushel, single shoot, tow behind . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,000 JD 787 Seed Cart 230 bushel, single shoot, tow behind . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,000


JD 9870 STS 2009,

308 hrs., JD 615 PU header . . . . . . . .$305,000 JD 9870 STS 2008, 890 hrs., MD PW7 PU header . . . . . . .$275,000 JD 9770 STS 2011, 220 hrs., JD 615 PU header . . . . . . . .$320,000 JD 9770 STS 2011, 210 hrs., JD 615 PU header . . . . . . . .$320,000 JD 9770 STS 2011, 210 hrs., JD 615 PU header . . . . . . . .$320,000 JD 9760 STS 2005, 1040 hrs., JD 914 PU header. . . . . . . .$175,000 JD 9750 STS 2000, 2175 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $118,000 JD 9750 STS 2000, 2717 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . $89,000 JD 9750 STS 2000, 2519 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . $89,000 JD 9750 STS 2000, 2787 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . $89,000 JD 9750 STS 2000, 2758 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . $89,000 JD 9660 STS 2004, 2255 hrs., JD 914 hdr . . . . . . . . . . . . .$115,000 JD 9660 STS 2004, 2305 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . $95,000 JD 9650 STS 2000, 2363 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . .$105,000 JD 9650 STS 2000, 2459 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . .$105,000 JD 9650 STS 2000, 2307 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . .$105,000 JD 9650 STS 2000, 2366 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . .$105,000



NH TR97 1995, 2200 hrs.,

971 header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000


JD 9650W 2001, 1330 hrs., JD 914 header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$130,000 JD 9650W 2001, 1855 hrs.,

JD 914 header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$110,000

JD 9650W 2000, 1630 hrs.,

JD 914 header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$120,000

JD 9600 1994,

2330 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . $65,000

JD 9600 1991,

3758 hrs., JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . $35,000

JD CTS 1997, 1873 hrs.,

JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,000

JD CTS 1996, 1525 hrs.,

JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,000

JD CTS 1996, 2066 hrs.,

JD 914 PU header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000


(2) JD 936D 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48,000 (4) JD 936D 2007 . . . . . . . . . From $42,000 JD 936D 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,000 JD 635F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 JD 630F 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 JD 630D 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $58,000 (5) JD 930D 2001 . . . . . . . . . From $22,000 (8) JD 930 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .From $4,000 NH 971 30’ straight cut header, bat reel, transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000 CIH 1010 30’ straight cut header, PU reel, transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000


JD 7820 MFWD 2005, 4100 hours, 16 spd PQ, no 3 pt, JD 746 ldr, grapple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$115,000 CIH Puma 180 MFWD, 2008,

1100 hours, PS, no 3 pt, CIH L770 loader, grapple . . . . . . . . . .$119,000


JD 9630T 2010, 250 hrs., powershift,

36” Durabelt 5500 tracks, Xenon lighting, leather, PTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$380,000 JD 9630T 2009, 200 hrs., powershift, 36” Durabelt 5500 tracks, Xenon lighting, leather . . . . . . . . . . . . .$360,000 JD 9520 2002, 3700 hrs., PS, 800x38 duals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$180,000 JD 9430 2008, 1300 hours, 24 spd, 800x38 duals . . . . . . . . . . . . .$235,000 JD 8870 1995, 8400 hrs., 24 spd., 20.8 x 42 duals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,000


MF 9435 2008, 400 hrs., mtd. swath roller, w/MF 5200 35’ hdr., 2 roto shears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $92,000 Case 730 30’ PT, batt reel . . . . . . . . . $5,000 Hesston 1200 25’, p/u reel . . . . . . . $6,000


JD 568 2008, 6200 bales, mega wide plus, mesh wrap, big tires . . $39,000 JD 568 2008, 8600 bales, mega wide plus, mesh wrap, big tires . . . . . . . $29,000 JD 568 2007, 6800 bales, mega wide plus, big tires . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 JD 567 2004, 17,000 bales, mega wide, mesh wrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,000 NH 7090 2010, mesh wrap . . . . .Coming In NH 688 2002, 7000 bales . . . . . . . . . $15,000 NH 660 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 Hesston 856A 2002, 18,000 bales $17,000 Hesston 560 1991 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000


JD 896 2007, 14’,

off SP windrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coming In JD 1600A 1994, 14’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000 NH 1475 2004, 16’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,000 NH 1475 2000, 16’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,000 NH 1431 1998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 CIH 625 1999, 16’ sickle header off of CIH 8860 SP windrower . . . . . . . . $14,000

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous 2013!

A16 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

Bluesky Trailer Mfg. Inc. Rental Unit Daysland, Alberta  • 1-866-311-blue  • Available.


Refurbished Grain Trailer




refurbish, repair, sandblast, repaint, rewire any trailer

30’ B/T trailer w/bale deck / 18 bales

30” Beavertail

Self-unloading bale movers, no hydraulics, chains or winches.

Standard Features: Double tubing construction frame, wiring is enclosed double coated - 65C, Dexture torsion axles, rubber mount sealed beam lights, sandblasted, undercoated underneath frame and on top and then 2 coats of topcoat paint. We build small to semi unit trailers. Many other options available. Lease to own plans available.



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call for more details & pricing

Milliken Farm Supplies (1977) Ltd.

Taber, AB 403-223-4437 Toll Free 1-888-313-9988 Email us at

– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a17

Toll Free

1-855-763-1427 Camrose (780) 672 9136 Grande Prairie (780) 567 4900 Killam (780) 385 3652


CASE IH PUMA140, 2010, E/ 1122 HRS, L760 LDR, , VERMILION, STK# 063737.... $110,000

CASE IH 2294, 1987, E/ 10000 HRS, 20.8 X38, MFWD, LOADER, KILLAM, STK# 062530 ............................ $21,900

CASE IH PUMA165, 2010, E/ 1159 HRS, 620/70R42 80%, 480/70R30 80%, L770 LOADER, VEGREVILLE, STK# 055603 ........................... $129,000

Vegreville Vermilion Westlock

(780) 632 6677 (780) 853 6851 (780) 349 3720

CASE IH ST550Q, 2012, E/ 400 HRS, 36 TRACKS, LUX CAB, PTO, CAMROSE, STK# 063893 ........................... $399,000 CASE IH ST550Q, 2012, E/ 400 HRS, 36” GOODYEAR 85%, GPS, LUX CAB, WESTLOCK, STK# 066412 ............ $389,000

JCB 7230, 2009, E/ 2397 HRS, TRELLENBORG710 RR75%, TRELLENBORG600 FR75%, MFWD, WESTLOCK, STK# 057714... $129,900

CASE IH STX500Q, 2004, E/ 3922 HRS, 36 TRACKS, 5 HYD, AFS, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 062769 ........................... $218,393

CASE IH MXM130, 2003, E/ 6107 HRS, 20.8R38, 14.9-28, 0.7, WESTLOCK, STK# 041750 ............................. $60,000

NEW HOLLAND 8670, 1994, E/ 12227 HRS, 16.9-28 FRONT 70%, 520/85R38 REAR 70%, LOADER, WESTLOCK, STK# 056584 ............................. $34,900

CASE IH 8850, 1986, E/ 8316 HRS, 8316 65%, 4 NEW TIRES, PTO, WESTLOCK, STK# 064921 ............................. $29,900

CASE IH MXM130, 2004, E/ 5926 HRS, MFWD, 2 HYD, SEMI-PWRSHFT/CREEPER, WESTLOCK, STK# AG000238 ......................... $36,000

NEW HOLLAND T7.210, 2011, E/ 608 HRS, 18.4R38, 14.9R28, FWA, CAMROSE, STK# 060665 ........................... $114,900

CASE IH PUMA 125, 2010, E/ 872 HRS, FULL POWERSHIFT TRAN, 16.9R28 FRONT, 20.8R38 REAR, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 037231 ...... $79,500

NEW HOLLAND TM190, 2007, E/ 4152 HRS, C/W NH 860TL LDR, S/N Y6WLT0052, , G.PRAIRIE, STK# 046448 ............... $79,000

CASE IH PUMA140, 2010, E/ 3000 HRS, 20.8R38 REAR 70%, 16.9R28 FRONT 70%, L760 LOADER, WESTLOCK, STK# 057726 ........................... $104,900


CASE IH 7110, 1989, E/ 6400 HRS, 16.9-28 60%, 20.8-38 60%, FRT WHEEL ASSIST, CAMROSE, STK# 066624 .................... $31,388

TRACTORS OVER 140 HP CASE IH 7130, 1988, E/ 4523 HRS, 20.8R38 DUALS 60%, 16.9-28 FRONT 20%, MFWD, WESTLOCK, STK# 056148 ............. $57,000 CASE IH 7220, 1996, E/ 3166 HRS, 11.0-16 60%, 20.8R38 50%, 3 PT HITCH, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 065155 ............................ $52,900 CASE IH MG225, 2010, E/ 1510 HRS, L780 LDR, VERMILION, STK# 063732 ............ $145,000

CASE IH ST450Q, 2005, E/ 6123 HRS, 30” TRACKS 50%, 16F/2R P/S, DLX CAB, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 038475 ............. $139,900 CASE IH ST500Q, 2012, E/ 150 HRS, 30 GOODYEAR, LUX CAB, 6 REMOTES, CAMROSE, STK# 063896 ........................... $379,000 CASE IH ST500Q, 2012, E/ 456 HRS, 30” TRACKS 90%, 1000 PTO, HI-CAP AXLES, VERMILION, STK# 065048 ............ $365,000 CASE IH ST500Q, 2012, E/ 739 HRS, 30” TRACKS 90%, 1000 PTO, HI-CAP AXLES, VERMILION, STK# 065046 ................. $355,000 CASE IH ST550Q, 2012, E/ 550 HRS, 14FT GROUSER BLADE, 36” TRACKS 85%, GPS, WESTLOCK, STK# 066286 ............ $425,000

CASE IH ST400, 2012, E/ 350 HRS, 800/70R38 85%, GPS, LUX CAB, WESTLOCK, STK# 066288 ........................... $297,900 CASE IH ST435, 2010, E/ 1993 HRS, 710/70R42 DUALS 75%, DEGELMAN 7900 16FT, 6-WAY BLADE, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 055000 ........................... $261,500 CASE IH ST480, 2007, E/ 1980 HRS, 800 80%, EZEE STEER 500 GPS, LUX CAB, WESTLOCK, STK# 066369 ........................... $214,900 CASE IH ST485, 2010, E/ 1010 HRS, 800/70R38 80%, HD MODEL, DLX CAB, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 065158 ........................... $255,900 CASE IH ST485, 2008, E/ 1812 HRS, 7900 DEGELMAN BLADE, 710/42 70%, GPS RDY, WESTLOCK, STK# 066734, ........... $244,900 CASE IH ST485, 2009, E/ 2728 HRS, 520 - 42’S, 16SPD, IVECO 485HP, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 047861 ........................... $215,000 CASE IH ST500, 2012, E/ 170 HRS, 800 DUALS, 6 REMOTES, PTO, CAMROSE, STK# CF000241 ........................ $359,000 CASE IH ST550, 2012, E/ 350 HRS, 800/70R38 80%, GPS, LEATHER, WESTLOCK, STK# 062088 ........................... $349,000 CASE IH ST550, 2012, E/ 450 HRS, 800/70R38 MI 85%, LUX CAB, ACCUGUIDE XP/HP, WESTLOCK, STK# 064655 ............ $339,000


2008, E/ 604 HRS, 36FT DRAPER HEADER, DHX362, Y9ZB00832, WESTLOCK, STK# AG000271



CASE IH 8120

2009, E/ 715 HRS, 900 FRONT-80%, 28L-26 REAR80%, HYDRO, WESTLOCK, STK# 052989



CASE IH 8010

2008, E/ 1005 HRS, DELUXE CAB, C/W 2016 16FT, 28L-26 REARS, WESTLOCK, STK# AG000227




A18 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –


2003, E/ 19000 HRS, 55X22.5, 80% TIRE CONDITION, AUTO LUBE, WESTLOCK, STK# 047855



2005, E/ 705 HRS, 16.9X28 70%, 16LX15 70%, 25FT DRAPER, WESTLOCK, STK# 061863






FLEXICOIL 5000, 1998, 2320 CART, 16.5-16.1, 23.1-26, VERMILION, STK# 063583 ............................. $42,500

CASE IH ST600, 2011, E/ 150 HRS, 800/70R38 95%, LUX CAB, TWIN FLOW HYD, WESTLOCK, STK# 064629 ........................... $379,900

FLEXICOIL 5000, 1997, 57FT, 12” SPACING, DBLE SHOOT, CAMROSE, STK# CF000024 ..... $41,250

CASE IH STX485, 2010, E/ 1172 HRS, 800 DUALS, HD AXLES, 2 PUMPS, CAMROSE, STK# CF000012 ........................ $257,650

FLEXICOIL 5000, 1994, 1720 TBH TANK, 39’ 9” SPACING, 3/4” SGL SHOOT, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 065017 ............................. $32,500

BOURGAULT 5710, 2005, TIRES AT 75%, 62FT - 9.8IN SPACING, 4.5IN STEEL PACKERS, VEGREVILLE, STK# 058401........... $118,000 BOURGAULT 5810, 2010, 6700ST TANK, 650/75R34 DUAL, 30.5X32 LUG TIRE, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 066264 ........................... $309,000 BOURGAULT FH536, 1995, IMPLEMENT TIRES 60%, 2155 CART TBH, 40FT, WESTLOCK, STK# 056308 ............................. $27,500 CASE IH 700, 2011, 3580 TBH TANK, 12.5LX15 80%, 900/60R32 80%, WESTLOCK, STK# 066406 ........................... $269,000 CASE IH 800, 2011, E/ 6857 HRS, C/W 3430 TBT TANK, 70FT, 12IN, WESTLOCK, STK# 055076 ........................... $254,000 CASE IH 800, 2010, 70’ , 10” SPACING, KILLAM, STK# CF000100 ........................ $130,000 CASE IH ADX2230, 2 COMPARTMENT, DBL SHOOT, VR, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 053006 $17,500 CASE IH ATX700, 2008, 12.5X15F 70%, 60’ 12” DOUBLE SHOOT, DUTCH OPENERS, WESTLOCK, STK# 060404 ........................... $105,000 FLEXICOIL 820, TBH 2320 AIRCART, 35FT, 12”SPACING, CAMROSE, STK# CF000225 .......................... $33,000 FLEXICOIL 3850, 2004, 30.5X32 AWT 75%, NEW AUGER TUBE, 6 RUN, VEGREVILLE, STK# 066159 ............................. $42,000

2009, E/ 597 HRS, E/ 473 HRS, 800 FRT 80%, 620 RR, 24 FT U/LOAD AUGER, WESTLOCK, STK# 052144



CASE IH ST550, 2012, E/ 350 HRS, 800/70R38 85%, GPS, LUX CAB, WESTLOCK, STK# 066287 ........................... $339,000


CASE IH 7088

2002, 380/90R46 85%, 1250GAL, 110FT, WESTLOCK, STK# 055421

JOHN DEERE 1820, 1998, 1910 TBH TANK, 10.5-15L 60%, 20.5X16/28-26L 60%, WESTLOCK, STK# 066464 ............................. $79,000



2010, E/ 1310 HRS, 20.8R38 REAR 80%, 16.9R28 FRONT 80%, C/W L740, WESTLOCK, STK# 055153



MISCELLANEOUS 3680, 1997, C/W 3100 TANK, 36FT, 12” SPACING, CAMROSE, STK# CF000026 .......................... $31,900 MORRIS MAX1-34, 2000, TIRES 60%, MORRIS 7180 TBH, 34FT, VEGREVILLE, STK# 056371 ............................. $37,000 MORRIS MAX39, 2000, MORRIS 7300 TANK, 40FT 10IN DBL SHOOT, GUMBO BOOTS, VEGREVILLE, STK# 066672 ..................... $55,000 MORRIS MORRIS, 1996, 7180 TANK, 39FT, 10” SPACING, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 056766 .. $37,500


2010, E/ 3000 HRS, 20.8R38 REAR 70%, 16.9R28 FRONT 70%, L760 LOADER, WESTLOCK, STK# 057727



MORRIS NEVER, 2044, 34FT, 10” DOUBLE SHOOT, MID ROW BANDERS, WESTLOCK, STK# 060384 ............................. $24,500 SEED HAWK 60’, 2012, E/ 3999 HRS, 30.5/32 90%, 600 CART TBH, 10” SPACING, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 058043 ........................... $325,000

TILLAGE BOURGAULT 7200, 2000, HYD TINE ADJ, FULL HYD, , CAMROSE, STK# CF000224 .... $39,900


2012, E/ 320 HRS, E/ 122 HRS, 520/85R46 DUAL 80%, 480/70R34 80%, 5 REMOTES, WESTLOCK, STK# 065314



BOURGAULT 7200, 2005, 16.5LX16 80%, 72FT, HYD FOLD, WESTLOCK, STK# 062819 ............................. $37,500 CASE IH 9300, 2005, 21FT DEEP SUBSOILING, TOOL, G.PRAIRIE, STK# 027639 ... $45,000.00

FLEXICOIL 5000, 1997, 40FT TBH, DBL SHOOT, MECH RATE, WESTLOCK, STK# 063430 ............................. $74,900

CASE IH TL160, 2010, 60”, 3 PT HITCH TILLER, HARDLY USED, WESTLOCK, STK# 061556 .............................. $2,900

FLEXICOIL 5000, 2001, C/W 3450 AIRCART, TOWBETWEEN, 51FT, CAMROSE, STK# CF000131 .......................... $59,950

MISCELLANEOUS 570, 2007, 18FT HARROWS, ROLLING BASKETS, VERT TILLAGE, WESTLOCK, STK# 063431 ............................. $39,900

FLEXICOIL 5000, 1997, 51FT, 9” SPACING, 4” RUBBER PACKERS, CAMROSE, STK# CF000242 ......................... $55,000

RITEWAY 6172, 2006, 11X15 TIRES, 72FT, HYD TINE ANGLE, CAMROSE, STK# 062865 ............................. $31,700


2011, E/ 679 HRS, 30” CAMOPLAST 90%, DLX CAB, 4 REMOTES, WESTLOCK, STK# 052678




– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a19

USED COMBINE WHOLESALE BLOWOUT From now until December 15, 2012, receive our factory wholesale pricing on select used combines.


Rocky Mountain Equipment DEPENDABLE IS WHAT WE DO.


$289,000 NOW ONLY $259,900 CASE 8120, 2012, E/ 200 HRS, 3016 P/U HEADER, MAGNACUT CHOPPER, DELUXE CAB, LOCATED IN BALZAC, STK # 065414


$269,900 NOW ONLY $237,900 CASE 8120, 2011 - 2016 P/U HEADER, MAGNACUT CHOPPER, PRO600 MONITOR, LOCATED IN WESTLOCK, STK# 052570.


$225,250 NOW ONLY $195,900

CASE 8120, 2009, E/ 1500 HRS, 2016 P/U HEADER, 24FT AUGER, AFS 600, LOCATED IN LETHBRIDGE, STK# 061883

$305,000 NOW ONLY $275,900



ONL Y SEM $17,999 I-AN NUA L

$255,900 NOW ONLY $224,900



$314,000 NOW ONLY $279,900


$355,000 NOW ONLY $329,000


ONLY SEM $26,599 I-AN NUA L The payments are based on a 5 year lease @ 6.25% interest rate. Each unit will have a Residual value at the end of the 5 year term calculated on the advertised price.

A20 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –


CASE IH 7110, 1989, E/ 6400 HRS, 16.9-28 60%, 20.8-38 60%, FRT WHEEL ASSIST, CAMROSE, STK# 066624 ..................................................................................... $31,388 MASSEY FERGUSON 2675, 1980, E/ 2439 HRS, 101 EZEE-ON LDR GRAP, NO JOYSTICK, 2WD, RED DEER NH, STK# 054657 ................................................................... $17,000 NEW HOLLAND T6050, 2010, E/ 140 HRS, 125 EHP PLUS, 16X16 SEMI PWRSHIFT, MFD, RED DEER NH, STK# 062779 ......................................................................... $94,000 NEW HOLLAND TS125A, 2004, E/ 7900 HRS, TIRES 50%, ALO Q970 LOADER, BUCKET W/ GRAPPLE, EDMONTON NH, STK# 060169 ................................................... $48,000

NEW HOLLAND, CR9090 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 2010, E/ 244 HRS, E/ 175 HRS, 591 HP, 620 2010, E/ 460 HRS, E/ 306 HRS, 591HP, 620 MICHELIN DUALS, 600 STEERING TIRES, EDMONTON NH, STK# 019072Q





NEW HOLLAND T7.210, 2011, E/ 608 HRS, 18.4R38, 14.9R28, FWA, CAMROSE, STK# 060665 ....................................................................................$114,900


FLEXICOIL 820, TBH 2320 AIRCART, 35FT, 12”SPACING, CAMROSE, STK# CF000225 ............................................................................$33,000 FLEXICOIL 2320, 1986, 3 ROLLER, TOOLBAR HARNESS, HOSES TO TOOLBAR, RED DEER NH, STK# 055610 .................................................................................... $16,000 FLEXICOIL 5000, 1997, 57FT, 12” SPACING, DBLE SHOOT, CAMROSE, STK# CF000024 .............................................................................. $41,250.00


1997, E/ 2670 HRS, E/ 2038 HRS, 971-13 PU HEAD, CARRY BIG TOP TOPPER, ELEC STONE TRAP, RED DEER NH, STK# 065625 $


NEW HOLLAND TV6070 NEW HOLLAND T9050HD NEW HOLLAND TM150 2009, E/ 4600 HRS, 480/85R34 BI DIR, 2010, E/ 285 HRS, G/R 710X42 DUALS, 2001, E/ 8125 HRS, ALO Q980 LOADER, 2 HYD OUTLETS ENG EN, FRT FENDERS, WESTLOCK NH, STK# 055413 $



2010, 6700ST TANK, 650/75R34 DUAL, 30.5X32 LUG, RED DEER NH, STK# 066611






2009, E/ 862 HRS, E/ 605 HRS, 76C HEADER, PPP004117, LONG AUGER W/ABRASIV, BARRHEAD NH, STK# 055017 $





2011, E/ 871 HRS, 20.8R42 REAR, 195 ENG HP, 860TL LOADER, RED DEER NH, STK# 062673 $



FLEXICOIL 5000, 1997, 51FT, 9” SPACING, 4” RUBBER PACKERS, CAMROSE, STK# CF000242 .................................................................................. $55,000 FLEXICOIL 5000, 2001, C/W 3450 AIRCART, TOWBETWEEN, 51FT, CAMROSE, STK# CF000131 .................................................................................. $59,950 FLEXICOIL 5000, 2002, 3450 TANK, EDMONTON NH, STK# 059674, $70,000.00 FLEXICOIL 5000, 2004, 57FT - 9IN, C/W FC4350 TANK, TBT, RED DEER NH, STK# 056717 ....................................................................................$115,000 MISCELLANEOUS 3680, 1997, C/W 3100 TANK, 36FT, 12” SPACING, CAMROSE, STK# CF000026 .................................................................................. $31,900 NEW HOLLAND P2060, 2009, C/W P1060 TOW BETWEE, C/W P1060 TOW BEHIND, 70’ 10” SPACE 550 TR, WESTLOCK NH, STK# 020556..............................................$275,000


1997, E/ 1820 HRS, E/ 1357 HRS, 800/65/R32, 971 PU HEADER, CHOPPER, WESTLOCK NH, STK# 062881 $





2011, E/ 243 HRS, 16.9X30, PTO, ROPS, WESTLOCK NH, STK# 055330 $



2009, E/ 889 HRS, E/ 700 HRS, 900/60R32, 600/65R28, 76C HEADER, RED DEER NH, STK# 063752




2006, 31-13, 50X15, AUTO WRAP, BARRHEAD NH, STK# 021809Q



CASE IH 2020-35





2004, E/ 1324 HRS, 540/65R24 DRIVE, 11.00X16 REAR, MACDON 972 HEADER, BARRHEAD NH, STK# 058383




2011, E/ 537 HRS, E/ 397 HRS, 520/85R42 DUALS, 600/65R28, 790CP HEADER, RED DEER NH, STK# 063282








– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a21

The NEW T9000 Series four-wheel drive tractors from New Holland deliver in a big way. Giant horsepower, huge hydraulic power, automatic shifting and precision steering combine to boost your bottom line. Factory-ready for the IntelliSteer TM auto steering system, T9000 tractors boost your precision and your productivity with the touch of a button. The big power of the T9000 4WD tractor leads to big profits! BIODIESEL- APPROVED, FUEL-EFFICIENT TIER III ENGINES MORE HORSEPOWER UNDER EVERY HOOD EXCLUSIVE TURBO COMPOUNDING ON THE T9050 FOR MORE POWER WITH THE SAME FUEL LARGEST CAB IN THE INDUSTRY WITH UNEQUALLED VISIBILITY

Learn more at:

NH T6030 850 hrs. Coming In. Call for Details & Price

NH LS180 Skid Steer


NH T6030 NH SD 550 Air Drill

MX M140

2004, 3327 hrs., FEL

CIH 7220 Tractor

Call for Details & Price

NH CR 9070 2009

Call for Details & Price

with loader, FWA, Duals, 3PT


(3) Flexi-Coil 5000 Air Drills 57', 9" spacing.

Valmaar 240 w/ engine, truck mount


COMBINE SPECIALs winter clearance used


70 ft, c/w SC 430 tow between air cart

CX 8090 Low hrs. (2) CR 9070 Low hrs. (2) CR 9065 Low hrs. (3) CR 9060 Low hrs.

Call for Details & Price

COMING IN 2 - NH P2060 Air Drills 70’, 10” spacing, Coming In.

Call for Details & Price

1 8 - NH L Series Skidsteers

L225, L220, L200, L218, cab, air, heat, low hours, new warranty.

NH CR9060

Call for Details & Price

Call for Details & Price

ReCon 300 Call for Details & Price

(2) NH TR98 Call for Details & Price

850 hrs. AL DE In. Coming G DIN N E for P Call Details & Price

Case IH 2588 2008, 880 hrs.

Call for Details


Scan this code with your smart phone to go Directly to our website!

A22 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –





not as shown

Case IH Puma 125 2008, 1315 hrs., L760 loader/grapple. Cash Price $84,900

John Deere 4255

1992, 9165 hrs., 2WD, Leon ldr., quad range, 127 PTO hp. Cash Price $23,900

Kubota M125X

2009, 1200 hrs., loader/grapple, bias tires. Coming In $59,900

Toll Free:

not as shown

Agco Allis 8630

1993, 5300 hrs., Ezee-On loader, grapple, 119 PTO hp Cash Price $32,900


Case 1840

1990, 504 hrs., 62” smooth bucket Cash Price $14,900


Kubota M135X

2012, 400 hrs., loader/grapple, warranty. Coming In $74,900


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– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a23

3005 - 18th Ave. North, Lethbridge, Alberta Keith Shirakawa Res: 403-381-0733  •  Cell: 403-308-1928 Shane mann Res: 403-328-1859  •  Cell: 403-308-0341 Brendon hanlon Res: 403-380-3607  •  Cell: 403-330-7497

more beauty. even more beast. It’s not even fair, really. It would’ve been enough to give the RoGator® a whole new design. Especially with a revamped cab for enhanced comfort and greater visibility, and reduced noise to give you a super quiet ride. But we kept on going. So now our proven drive package, with an AGCO Power 8.4 liter diesel engine, is underneath that sleek exterior to boost horsepower. The result is one monster machine. In fact, we think it’s the best RoGator to ever roll off the line. And that’s saying something. No matter what color you’re running now, do yourself a favor and test drive one at a dealer near you.

us ed equip men t TRACTORS

Challenger MT 965C (2012), 525 hp, 5 remotes, 59 gpm hydraulics, pto, 800/38 duals, Topcon system 150 autosteer,deluxe cab, deluxe seat, nightbreaker lights, ballasted to 54000 lbs., 170 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319,000 Fendt 828V (2012), Reverse Station, front suspension, cab suspension, Varioguide, 10.4 “ varioterminal, TMS and TI, 4 rear remotes, Michelin tires, 650/42 rears, front and rear 3pt hitch, auto climate control, radio, powerbar, 325 hrs, warranty remaining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239,000 Fendt 930PF (2009), 250 pto hp, front suspension, cab suspension, 4 remotes, CVT(50kph), 3pt, Topcon Autosteer system, 3560 hrs, exhaust brake, radar, 520/46 rears and duals, front duals, hyd trailer brakes, xenon light package, air trailer brakes, 1000 pto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179,000 M.F. 8660 (2009), 250 pto hp, 1900 hrs, 3pt, DynaVt transmission (50kph), 3pt, front axle suspension, new Michelin 800 metric tires. . . . . . . . .Coming In M.F. 8670 (2009), 225 pto hp, 2200 hrs, 3pt, DynaVt transmission (50kph), 3pt, front axle suspension, new 520/46 rears and duals . . Coming In Fendt 820 (2011), 175 pto hp, front axle suspension, cab suspension, Vario CVT, 3pt, 1900 hrs, fenders, Fendt 755 MSL loader, 102" grapple bucket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141,000 Fendt 820 (2010), 175 pto hp, front axle suspension, cab suspension, Vario CVT, 3pt, 1505 hrs, fenders, 650/42 rears. . . . . . . . 125,000 Fendt 712 (2011), 110 pto hp, front axle suspension, cab suspension, Vario CVT, 3pt, 1630 hrs, fenders, Fendt 755 MSL loader, 95" grapple bucket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124,000 Fendt 712 (2008), 110 pto hp, front axle suspension, cab suspension, Vario CVT, 3pt, 3390 hrs, fenders, Fendt 755 MSL loader, 95" grapple bucket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98,900 N.H. TG305 (2006), 255 to hp, 3pt, 4 hyd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming In Fendt 712 (2008), 110 pto hp, front axle suspension, cab suspension, Vario CVT, 3pt, 3390 hrs, fenders, Fendt 755 MSL loader, 95" grapple bucket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98,900 Challenger MT 525B (2008), 100 pto hp, fwa, 2 remotes, 32spd., transmission with LH reverser, Challenger self level loader, bucket, joystick, deluxe cab, 600 hrs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89,900 M.F. 6485 (2006), 125 pto hp, fwa, fenders, 32 spd trans with dynashuttle, 3 remotes, 3pt, 3600 hrs, visi roof cab, Alo Q75 MSL loader, grapple bucket, silage screen, rebuilt engine. . . . . . . . . . . . 79,500 M.F. 5455 (2009), fwa, 3pt, 2 remotes, MF 945 loader, bucket, visi roof cab, LH reverser, 16 spd semi-powershift, air seat, 220 hrs. . . . 69,990 J.D. 4555 (1991), fwa, powershift, 7691 hrs, 1 3/4 pto, fenders, 20.8-42 rears and duals, 3 remotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,900 CaseIH MXM190 (2003), 4630 hrs, fwa, 3pt, 4hyd, 380/90R54 rears and duals, 380 fronts, fenders, front 3 pt and pto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,900 M.F. 481 (2005), 67 pto hp, fwa, cab, 2 remotes, Alo Q45, loader, grapple bucket, 780 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,900 N.H. TL100 (1999), 82 pto hp, fwa, fenders, 3pt, 2 remotes, Alo Q960 loader, bucket, joystick, 3830 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,900 J.D. 4755 (1989), 157 pto hp, fwa, 5 hrs, 280 loader, grapple bucket, duals, 11,000 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,900 M.F. 596 (2008), 85 pto hp, fwa, cab with a/c, 3pt with extendable lower links, 18.4-34 rears, 14.9-24 fronts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,500


M.F. 596 (2008), 85 pto hp, fwa, cab with a/c, 3pt with extendable lower links, 18.4-34 rears, 14.9-24 fronts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,500 White 2-85 (1997), 2wd, 1490 hrs, 3pt hitch, 2 remotes, 85 hp. . . . . . . 9,690

SQUARE BALERS (Large & Small)

M.F. 2170 (2011), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 M.F. 2170 (2010), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 M.F. 2170 (2011), 3 x 4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114,000 M.F. 2170 (2011), 3 x 4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109,000 M.F. 2170 (2010), 3 x 4 Baler, accumulator, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,000 M.F. 2170 (2010), 3 x 4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95,000 M.F. 2170 (2009), 3 x 4 Baler, bale chute, knotter blower, ejector, knotter lube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,900 Hesston 4910 (2006), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68,900 Hesston 4790 (2006), 3 x 4 baler, bale chute, autolube, knotter blower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,900 Hesston 4910 (2005), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,900 Hesston 4910 (2002), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator, autolube, blower, checkerplate, reconditioned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,000 Case IH 8590 (1999), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,900 M.F. 1841 (2007), 4 x 4 baler, accumulator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000 Phiber AC4104 Accumulator (2010), Krone mount. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,900 Hesston 4925 Accumulator (2006), fits Hesston or MF 3 x 4 or 4 x 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 Hesston 4925 Accumulator (2001), fits Hesston or MF 3 x 4 or 4 x 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900

round BALERS

M.F. 2756A (2009) 5 x 6 baler, autocycle, kicker, mesh. . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 J.D. 567 (2002) round baler, 5 x 6, mesh, mega wide, hyd p/u lift. . . . 14,900 J.D. 567 (2002) round baler, 5 x 6, mega tooth, hyd p/u lift . . . . . . . . . 13,000

seeding & tillage

Salford RTS (2011), 24' vertical tillage unit, weight kit, 3 bar harrows, low acres, 14" rolling baskets. Call Brendon for more information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,900 Horsch Anderson M15 Joker (2012), vertical tillage tool, 15' working width, 3pt mount, steel packers, 1600 lbs extra weight, high speed disc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,000 J.D. 1520 (2007), disc drill, coulter bar, legume box, grain box, 20'. . . 24,900 CaseIH 4500 (1992), field cultivator, 36', vibrashank . . . . . . . . . Coming In


M.F. WR9770 (2012), SP windrower, 16’ disc head, 30’ draper. . Coming In M.F. WR9770 (2012), SP windrower, 16’ disc head, 30’ draper. . Coming In

M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, Topcon System 150 autosteer, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 25’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 335 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . Coming In M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, Trimble Ezee-steer , MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1250 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 25’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 905 hrs. . . . . . . . . . 132,000 M.F. 9635 (2010), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 5200 DSA draper, header, 30', UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, electric fore/aft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121,000 M.F. 9635 (2011), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1228 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming In M.F. 9635 (2007), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, MF 5200 DSA draper header, 30’, UII pickup reel, swivel guage wheels, fore/aft, 1350 hrs. . . . . . . . . 109,000 M.F. 9635 (2008), SP windrower, 190 hp, hyd tilt and floatation, bar tires, wiper kit, hitch kit, cab suspension, MF 9192 dual conditioner disc header, 16’, steel rolls, top shield protectors, 1205 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85,000 N.H. HW 320 (2001), SP sickle mower, 14' header, rubber rolls, 1300 hrs, premium condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,900 Hesston 8500 (1997), Sp windrower, 15'3" disc header, steel rolls, hyd tilt and floatation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,900 Hesston 9020 (2005), 18' auger header, reel spider kit, crop dividers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,990


DISC & MOWER conditioners

M.F. 1375 (2011) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . 35,900 M.F. 1375 (2009) 15’, steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . 30,000 M.F. 1375 (2008) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,900 Hesston 1365 (2006) 15', steel rolls, swivel hitch, top shield protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,900 J.D. 946 (2002) 13' discmower, urethane rolls, hyd tilt, 3 pt. swivel. . . . . 14,900 N.H. 499 (1992) 12' sickle mower, rubber rolls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000

grain handling equipment

Farmking 13 x 70 Auger (2009), mechanical swing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,900 Highline 8510 Belt Conveyor (2004), 85’ long, 15” belt, end drive pto, 1600 series transfer conveyor. . . . . . . . . . 12,900

Brandt 8 x 52SC Auger (2010), 38hp Kohler motor, 2 tanks, electric clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,500


Fendt 712 (2001), tractor, 6700 hrs, fwa, 3pt, front axle & cab suspension, Vario CVT, Alo 980 loader, grapple bucket, 4 rear remotes . . . . . . . . . . . 55,000 Horsch Anderson 8RT Joker (2009), Vertical tillage tool, 25' working width, 3pt mount, steel packers, 1600 lbs extra weight, high speed disc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,900 Agco Allis 9455 (1997, tractor, 155 pto hp, fwa, 3pt hitch, 3 remotes, 14.9- 46 rears and duals, 32 spd trans (4 spd powershift), 7400 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 Phillips 4305A (2007), rotary harrow, 43' WW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000

application equipment

Rogator 1396 Sprayer (2009), 1200 gallon, 120', 950 hrs . . . . . . 299,000 Rogator 1184 Sprayer (2008), 1000 gallon, 100' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256,000 Case IH SPX 3150 90’ booms, 800 gallon tank, autosteer. . . . . . . 115,000 N.H. S1070 Suspended Boom Sprayer (2010), 100’, windscreens, 2 boom valves, inductor tank, autorate control, end row nozzles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coming In F.C. System 67XL (2002), 100', 2 boom vavles, microtrak 9000, autorate control, 850 gallon tank, mix n fill. . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900

hay rakes

Fella TS 1602 (2003), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,900 Fella TS 880 (2006), dual rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,900 Fella TS 350 (2007), single rotary rake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,990


Sterling Acturra feed truck (2002), 245 hp cummins engine, 5 spd. automatic trans, single axle, 142,114 km, 1299hrs, Knight 4063 feed mixer, LH discharge, 4 auger box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,900 Highline 8000 Bale Processor (2007), grain feeding tank. . . . . . . 15,900 Muratori MT22-170 (2011), Flail mower, excellent shape . . . . . . . . . . 3,290

lawn & garden

M.F. 1532L tractor, (2012), hydrostatic, 32 hp, industrial tires, 3pt, rear pto, loader, joystick ,skid steer q/a, 60" bucket, 10 hrs. . . . . . . 16,900 M.F. GC2400L tractor, (2012), hydrostatic, 24 hp, 3pt, mid and rear pto, loader, joystick, bucket, 22 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,900 M.F. ZT29 zero turn mower, (2012), 29 hp, hydrostatic, 72" HD mower deck, 92 hrs, used to mow ball diamonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,990 M.F. GC2400 (2011), hydrostatic, 24 hp, 3pt, mid and rear pto, industrial tires, 66 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,490

Call our parts department for special pricing on remaining 2012 twine inventory.

phone: (403) 329-8686

daytime & after hours: call toll free 1-800-461-5356 email:    

A24 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

• Exclusive Features available ONLY on the 2650 BALEBUSTER • Heavy-Duty Flails and High Speed Rotor • Patented shredder chamber with adjustable slug bars and 3 chain slat conveyor. • Right side discharge • Two stage bale loader ­­ bobcats:


‘09 Bobcat S300 skid steer, 800 hrs. �����������Coming In sold ‘07 5600 Toolcat w/600 hrs. & HiFlow �������� $35,000 Bobcat 337D excavator �������������������������������Coming In ‘08 Bobcat T320 track ldr ����������������������������� $54,000 ‘09 Bobcat S130 skidsteer ���������������������������� $19,500 sold ‘10 Bobcat T630 track ldr w/ 350 hrs ������������ $49,500


JD 980 29' field cult. w/harrows ����������� $12,500 JD 610 25' chisel plow w/spikes ����������� $10,000 ‘10 Salford 570 30’ RTS Vertill. . . . . . . . $69,000 Salford 570 RTS 24 ft ��������������������������� $70,000 Blanchard 33’ packer bar ��������������������� Coming In


‘03 JD 7320, MFD, 3 pt., w/1800 hrs. �� $62,000 2012 Versatile 2375 Classic rental . . Call for Details ‘85 Versatile 856 w/ps, 3 pt., PTO & rebuilt engine �������������������������������������� $39,900 ‘80 Case 2390 w/ duals ����������������������� OFFERS CIH 235 diesel tractor ����������������������������� OFFERS

IHC 4000 swather w/ 19 1/2 ft header. . . . . . OFFERS ‘03 Kuhn GA4120 rotary rake, 13.5' ��������� $6,400

Rental Kuhn Knight 2054 & 2044 Manure Spreaders Call for Pricing

Morris 1400 14 rd. sold bale mover ��������������� $13,500 Hesston 81AH 14’ hay hdr w/crimper ��������OFFERS sold ‘00 Kuhn GA 6000 twin rotary rake ����������� $8,900 New 3 pt. 93 in. sickle mower ����������������� $5,900 CIH 8580 big baler ������������������������������� $25,000 ‘83 Hesston 4820 sq. bale acc ����������������� $3,900 sold 2 - CIH 8312 disc mower cond. ����������from $6,900 ‘02 Hesston 1365 Disc M/C ������������������ $22,000 NH 688 baler ����������������������������������������� OFFERS CIH 3640 round baler ����������������������������� $2,900

FEEDING EQUIPMENT: 2 Haybuster 2620 balebusters . . . . . . . . Coming In ‘94 Haybuster 256+ 11 bale processor . . . . $5,500

Phone (403) 362-8222 or 1-800-262-5170 Visit our Website:

‘99 Highline 6800 bale processor ������������� $6,000 Haybuster H1000 tub grinder ����������������� $12,000 Haybuster 256+11 bale processor ������������ Offers Haybuster 2650 balebuster ����������������������$15,500 ‘98 Highline 6600 BP ������������������������������Offers sold ‘01 Rotogrind 1090 tub grinder ����������������$15,000

consignments: ‘87 IHC 2500 C&C 5th whl . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,500.00 CIH/Hesston 8581 sq. bale accumulator �����������Offers Hesston 4790 3x4 baler w/ acc ��������������� OFFERS Hesston 4800 big square baler ����������������� Offers 4 & 5 wheel hay rakes ���������������������������� Offers ‘97 CIH 8465A auto round baler ������������� $11,500 Highline/Peecon 24M vert mixer ��������������� Offers

‘11 Kuhn TL180 3 pt. grass flailmower ������� Offers IH 4000 w/ CAH 16 1/2 ft., VGd ������������ Offers CIH 4000 swather w/16 ft. draper h/c ����� $9,900 CIH 6500 Conser Till 16ft. ������������������� Coming In JD R & AR tractors ����������������������������������� Offers 2 - Morris 881 bale movers �����������������from $9,500

Other: ‘01 FK 8x41 grain auger w/eng ������������������ $3,500 ‘08 Cub Cadet UTV 4x4, gas ������������������������ $9,400 ‘09 Cub Cadet UTV 4x4, w/cab �����������������$10,500 ‘00 Sak MD10x 52ft/1600 swg ������������������� Offers ‘10 Sakundiak 10x72 auger ����������������������$10,900

– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a25

LR Truck Centre No. N o. 1 H Hwy. wy. y West West 2524 South Service Road West Swift Current, SK Tel: (306) 773-3030 Fax: (306) 773-9712 2013 114SD Tandem Grain Truck

DD13 450 HP, Allison 4500 6 Spd Auto, 16,000 front axle, 40,000 rear axle, 46,000 suspension, 4.63 ratio, 385/65R22.5 front, rubber, 11R22.5 rear rubber, Polished Rims, Loaded Interior, 19 by 64 Cancade Box, Electric Roll Tarp, Complete Pintle Package

2 - 2013 Coronado SD

Stock#BZ8646 & #BY4502, Detroit DD 15 565 HP, 18 Speed, 46 Rears 3.91 Ratio, 24.5 Rubber,13,300 Fronts, 70” Miroof Bunk, Loaded Interiors

2013 Doepker Legacy Super B

Aluminum Black Wall,10 Stud Walther Duralight Hubs, 22.5 Alum Rims, Michelin XZE2 Rubber,

Additional Side and Rear Light Package, Load Lights, Centered Air Gauge Boxes, Lift Axles, Stainless Half Round Fenders, Quick Coupler In Air Gauge Box

2 - 2013 Doepker Super B

1 - Steel Wall Alum Slopes, 24.5 Outside Alum Rims, Michelin XZE2 Rubber, Load Lights, Centered Air, Gauge Boxes, Checkerplate Fenders, NO lift Axles 2 - Steel Wall Alum Slopes, 24.5 Alum Rims In & Out, Michelin XZE2 Rubber, Load Lights, Lift Axels, Round Fender

2013 Doepker Tri Axle

2003 Freightliner FL112 Deck Truck

2007 Freightliner Columbia Flat Top

450 Hp Mercedes Benz 13 Speed 40 Rears Full Lockers 3.90 Ratio New 22.5 Rubber on Aluminums 58”Flat Top Sleeper Dual 120 Gal Tanks 126,410 Original Kms and 3,925 Hours $69,500

C12 Cat 410 HP, 10 Speed Autoshift With Clutch, 12 + 40 Axles, 4.11 ratio, 11R22.5 Rubber, New CIM 20 Foot DECK, 672,435 Kms

2007 IHC 9200 TDM Grain Truck

2003 IHC 9900i

ST#290925, C13 430 Cat, 13 Speed Eaton Fuller, Ultra Shift, 20 Ft CIM Box, Standard Roll Tarp, Rear Box Controls, 22.5 Rubber, A/C P/W P/L, 795,362 Kms, $87,900

ST#067781, Cummins N14 460, 10 Speed Autoshift with clutch, 12 + 40 axles, 3.73 Ratio, 22.5 rubber, 62”Midroof Bunk, $34,900

2 - 2008 Kenworth T800

2004 Freightliner FL112

1 - Cat C15 475-550 , 18 Speed, 40 Rears - Full Lock Ups New 24.5 Rubber, 3.73 Ratio Midroof Sleeper, 779,000 Kms 244”WB. SPECIAL! REDUCED! $69,900 2 - ISX 500 Hp 1850Ft/Tq, 18 Speed 46 Rears, 4.10 Ratio, 184WB, 440,000 Kms SPECIAL! REDUCED! $79,900

ST# M34261, Mercedes 410 HP, 10 Speed Autoshift with Clutch, 40 Rears 4.11 Ratio, 22.5 Rubber, 20 FT CIM Box, Elec Tarp, 450,000 Kms

2004 Freightliner FLD120SD

ST#M82246 515 Series 60 Detroit 18 Speed AUTOSHIFT WITH CLUTCH 46 Rears Full Lockers 24.5 Rubber 4.10 Ratio 48” Flat Top Bunk 730,000 Kms $49,900

2004 Wilson Grain Trailer

2008 Peterbilt 387 Daycab C15 Cat, 18 Speed, 46 Rears, 3.73 Ratio, Full Locks, 180” WB 504,000 Kms, 79,900

2010 IHC Prostar Daycab 475HP Maxforce, 1700ft/Torque, 18 Speed, 46 Rears, Full Lockers, 3.91 Ratio, 201”WB, New Virgin Rubber, 110,000 Kms, CALL FOR PRICING

ST#238838, Tandem 40’ 22.5 Rubber On Aluminums Michaels Hopper Augers $38,000

24.5 Rubber, Alum Rims, Load Lights, All Flaps, Side Chute Option, $62,000

2 - 2013 Freightliner M2106

2005 Freightliner Classic

2012 Freightliner M2106

1974 Dodge 600

2005 Freightliner M2112

Spray Air 3200 Sprayer

Cummins ISC 330HP, 1000LB/FT (Torque), Allison 3500 RDS 6 Spd Auto, 14,600 Front Axle, 40,000 Rear Axle, 5.86 Axle Ratio, 46,000 LB Rear Suspension, 315/22.5 Front Rubber, 20 By 64 CIM Box, Elec Tarp

318, 5 + 2 Trans, 14Ft Steel Box, 8:25 Rubber, 39,523 Miles $8,400

Detroit 515 HP, 18 Speed, 46 Rears, 3.90 Ratio, Full Lockers, 24.5 Rubber, 70 Inch Flat Top Bunk, Dual Stacks, Rear Outside, Air Gauge, 248 WB, 604,772 KMS, $58,500

ST#U81959, MBE 410 HP, Eaton Fuller Manual 10 Speed, 12 + 40 Axles, 4.11 ratio, 22.5 Rubber, 20 By 64 CIM Box, Electric Tarp, 631,302 Kms, $59,900

350 Cummins, 6 Speed Allison Auto, Loaded Interior, Full Lockers, Jake, 20’ Cancade Box, Electric Tarp, Dual Brehons, Box Fenders, Only 2,235 kms, CALL FOR PRICING

2005 IHC 8600 TDM Flatdeck

1978 Ford 9000 ST#A17169, Cummins 855, 9 Speed Trans, 22.5 Rubber, 20’ CIM Box, Remote End Gate, 401,289 Kms, $31,000

1979 IHC S1700 S/A Grain Truck St# A14987, IHC V8 404, 4 +2 Trans, 10.20 Rubber, 16’ Steel Box, Roll Tarp, 71,276 Kms

1998 Freightliner FL80 Cat 3126 300 HP, 6 Speed Allison Auto, 6.14 Ratio, Lockers, 20’ Cancade Box, Roll Tarp, A/C Cruise, 132,483 Kms, 5533 Hours

1998 Mack CH Tandem Grain Truck Mack 350 HP, 10 Speed Man Trans, 12+40 Axles, 20’ CIM Box Pole Hoist, 208,644 km, $32,000

1999 IHC 9400 Tractor With Bunk

Cummins N14 500 HP, 18 Speed Trans, 40 Rears, 3.90 Ratio, 24.5 Rubber On Aluminums, 52 Midrise Bunk, Single Lockers, $854,417

ST# 005488, Cat C12 385, 10 Speed Stick Trans, 12 + 40 Axles, 22.5 Rubber, Air Ride Susp, 20’ Checker Wrap Deck, 382,280 Kms, $49,900

2 - 2005 International 8600 Tandem Grain Truck

800 gal tank, 90’ boom, rinse tank, auto height wet & air boom

GrainAir Tubes

*Ventilation from bottom to top 24/7/365 *Eliminates hot peeks & centres *Greatly reduces rusty grain beetles *Economical *Enviromentally freindly

*Easy installation *Cone disperses grain *Ideal for grain rings or piles *Cheaper then dryer fans *No extra extensions needed *Excellent in field cooling *Excellent in field drying *Dries all seed varieties *Relies on natural airflow *Capable of fitting all bin sizes *Can be used on all seed varieties *Relies on natural airflow *No electricain needed *Cost effective

Elmers Grain Carts

Cummins ISM 385 HP, Eaton Fuller 10 Speed Autoshift with clutch pedal, 22.5 Rubber, 3.90 Ratio, 20 x 64 CIM Grain Box, Rear Hoist Controls 657,710 Kms

2006 IHC 7400 Single Axle Tractor DT 466 - 300 HP, Allison Auto 6 Speed, 12 & 23 Axles, 5.63 Ratio, 150,000 Kms $36,800

2006/2007Doepker Super B

Open End, Air Ride, 24.5 Rubber, Aluminum Rims Outside, Flat Checkerplate Fender, Inner & Outer Load Lights, Dual Chute Cranks, All Mud Flaps $66,500 (2006)

$67,500 (2007)

2007 Freightliner Columbia TDM Grain Truck 450 Mercedes Benz, 12 Speed Autoshift, 400,000 Kms, 20 By 65 CIM Box, 22.5 Rubber, 40 Rears 3.73 Ratio, Excellent Condition, $87,900

- Low profile design gives you a low center of gravity and reduces stress on grain cart and machinery - Heavy duty frame design handles any and all harvest conditions - Hopper is designed for minimal hang ups even in high moisture conditions - Full clean outs across bottom of hopper - PTO rated at 1000 rpm and 150 hp - Hydraulic grain shut off gate - Sizes include: 850, 1000, 1150, 1300 and 1600 bushel grain carts - Cross auger is driven by triple v-belts with spring loaded tension system, a heavy duty gear box with slip clutch ensures smooth operation - Double flighting at base and joint of cross auger improve unload rate - Double pitched drag auger for smoother unloading

- Halogen work lights on auger spout and in cart tank - Rear brake and turn signal lights with seven point plug - Large 36” x 24” viewing windows on front and back of cart - 1000 bushel cart standard - 900/60 R32 lug high floatation Tires Options - Load cells and display with optional printer - Tracks are available on the 1300 as an option, standard on the 1600 - 18 oz PVC roll tarp - Hydraulic drive system with optional high flow system - 500 RPM PTO - Hydraulic spout control on auger - 850 bushel cart option - 900/60 R32 lug high floatation Tires

A26 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

Every farmer deserves a hopper that works. The Auger Hog makes your life better by: Preventing grain from ever blowing away, spitting or overowing. Attaching and detaching in seconds. Working under trucks and hopper bins. Staying on between bins. Increasing auger speed up to 30%.

$50 OFF Valid at participating dealers. Expires Dec 31, 2012. Not valid with any other offers, promotions, coupons or discounts. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase.

So put a Hog under the bin this Christmas and make grain handling easy!


AgViser Classified Ads

– THE AG-VISER, DECEMBER 27, 2012 – A27

1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8 Phone (403) 328-5114 • Fax (403) 328-5443 E-Mail:

Published Every Other Thursday Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

Visa or Mastercard Phone Orders Toll Free 1-877-328-0048

(200) Antiques

(600) Farm Machinery

(608) Tractors

LETHBRIDGE ANTIQUE AND TOY SHOW & SALE: Jan. 19 – 10 AM to 5 PM, & Jan. 20 – 10 AM to 3 PM, Exhibition Park. For information & bookings: 403-3819056,

USED GRAIN CARTS: 450 1050 bushel, Large Selection PTO & Hydraulic Drive. Gravity Wagons: 250 - 750 bushel. Fertilizer Spreaders: 4 - 8 ton. Hi-Dump Silage Wagons., 204-8578403.

1998 9482 VERSATILE NEW HOLLAND: 4WD Tractor, 20.8x42 / auto steer / low hrs, excellent condition, 300 HP. Phone: 403-545-2382

(200) AG 12-13 MB 13-14 AD 5-6 SK 14-26

(600) Farm Machinery

(600) AD 25-5 SK 8-14 AG 7-13 MB 8-14

FARM & ACREAGE MACHINERY INVENTORY REDUCTION - 12’ H/btm sand spreader box. Mid size trac•  M orris 310 Drills tor mnt dozer, pull push, $795. 20’ steel packers, mint . . . . . . . . . . $6,500 HD truck mnt dozers, various •  G rain Roller Mill 150 bu/hr capacity, widths (4’ - 16’ wide). Dozer portable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 Blades 4’-16’ wide. 10’ wide truck •  3 pt Disc notch blades. . . . . . . . . . $800 mnt, hyd angle $1650. 8’ hyd •  Grain Tender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 drive Sweepster Rotary Brush, •  J.D. Hoe Drill 14’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300 quick attach mnt $1195. 3pt conversions $375+. Super heavy •  J.D. 5-Wheel Rake. . . . . . . . . . . $450 9’ Farm King 3 cyl Jimmy dsl. •  Swath Roller steel. . . . . . . . . . . . $500 driven snow blower $7800. Can •  Craftsman Lawn Mower email pictures of all available 25 HP, 48” deck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $950 surplus items. One-time situation •  F ord LT12.5 38” deck lawn mower.$500 to possibly deliver items of inter•  4 used 54” Barn Fans est to Portage la Prairie area, or will pay someone coming to 1 used 36” Barn Fan. . . . . . . . . $500 for all Southern AB with bumper pull tanPhone: 780-352-1794 dem trailer to deliver 30’s half ton antique p/u to Southern AB. If you ACREAGE EQUIPMENT discs, need it, I might have it. Inquiries plows, cultivators, harrows, front welcome. Phone: 403-732-4979 and rear blades, hay equipment, post pounders, etc. 1-780-892- (600) AD 4-5 SK 13-14 AG 12-13 MB 13-14 3092 Wabamun, AB.


(600) AD 6 TFN AG 14 TFN

• Geringhoff 8R30” Chopping CornHead, JD single point....... $48,900 • JD 635 Hydro-Flex w/crary air reel..... $34,900 • CIH 435 Quad Trac, big pump, diff. lks, 1700 hrs, nice......$217,900 • Case 24B 4x4 2.5 yard loader….$18,900 • JD 1790 16/31 CCS planter

Will Deal • Can Deliver Len: 204-324-6298 Altona, MB “WE DELIVER TO

(609) Miscellaneous

(609) Miscellaneous


(609) Miscellaneous


(608) AG 13 AD 6

1985 JD 4450: MFWD, powershift, 540-1000 PTO, 11,500 hrs, includes: front weights, 3pt & 10’ Degelman Blade. Transmission rebuilt, engine overhaul & PTO clutch all redone. New paint on tractor & blade. Overall good condition. $35,500 OBO. Phone, Brendan: 250-569-7404 or Ed: 250-569-7006 (608) AG 13-15 AD 6-8

(609) Miscellaneous PORTAGE AND MAIN OUTDOOR WATER FURNACES. See why our boilers burn 1/3 – 1/2 the fuel of other similar units. Watch bio-mass chip videos @ www. Call 1-800-561-0700 to speak to a representative today!

(800) Grain, Feed & Hay

(800) Grain, Feed & Hay


Also buying damaged or off grade barley, wheat, etc. “30 Years!”

(609) AD 5 SK 14 AG 13 MB 14

Lacombe AB.

(800) Grain, Feed & Hay HEATED PEAS/FLAX... Buying damaged pulses & oilseeds. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain: 1-877-250-5252 (800) AG 13-19 MB 14-7 AD 6-12 SK 26-6

Life After Mutual Funds Need Help To Rescue Your Savings? Learn about Private Placement investment opportunities including fixed Rate Corporate bonds paying 10% annually. 6-60 month terms, paid monthly or up to 15% compounded. Solid performance without the volatility of the stock market. Tax saving and equity offering options also available. RRSP & TFSA elegibility.







Announcements....................................... 90 Antiques................................................. 200 Coins..................................................... 201 Auctions................................................. 300 Construction Equipment........................ 400 Dairy & Supplies.................................... 500 Farm Machinery..................................... 600 Haying Equipment................................. 601 Combines & Headers............................ 602 Fertilizer Equipment............................... 603 Seeding & Tillage.................................. 604 Spraying Equipment.............................. 605 Swathers & Mower/Conditioners........... 606 Tractors................................................. 608 Miscellaneous........................................ 609 Machinery Parts..................................... 610 Farm Buildings....................................... 700 Granaries & Bins................................... 701 Grain, Feed & Hay................................. 800 Irrigation................................................. 900 Hogs & Supplies.................................. 1000 Horses & Supplies............................... 1100 Livestock & Supplies........................... 1200 Poultry & Supplies............................... 1300 Sheep & Supplies................................ 1400 Specialty Livestock.............................. 1500 Pets & Supplies................................... 1600 Seed.................................................... 1700 Specialty Seeds................................... 1701 General Miscellaneous........................ 1750


Acreages............................................. 1800 Commercial Property........................... 1900 Equipment........................................... 2000 Farms & Ranches................................ 2100 Houses................................................ 2200 Land.................................................... 2300 Storage................................................ 2400


Acreages............................................. 2600 Auctions............................................... 2700 Commercial Property........................... 2800 Farms & Ranches................................ 2900 Houses................................................ 3000 Industrial.............................................. 3100 Manufactured Homes.......................... 3200 Realtor Listings.................................... 3300


Automobiles......................................... 3400 Automotive Parts & Service................. 3500 Boats & R.V.’s..................................... 3600 Heavy Trucks....................................... 3700 Light Trucks......................................... 3800 Motorcycles & Quads.......................... 3900 Snowmobiles....................................... 4000 Trailers................................................. 4100 Vans.................................................... 4200


Accounting & Bookkeeping.................. 4300 Computers & Accessories................... 4400 Custom Work....................................... 4500 Feedlot Cleaning................................. 4600 Land Mapping...................................... 4700 Parts & Repairs................................... 4800 Rentals................................................ 4900 Travel................................................... 4950


Contact Brian Sokalski Private Equity Specialist For more information or a personal appointment Ph. 780-632-9619


Employment Opportunities.................. 5000 Employment Wanted........................... 5100 Business Opportunities........................ 5200 Training................................................ 5300

Full papers online:



Equipment........................................... 5400 Personal.............................................. 5600

Louise Lawrence Production

A Division of:

“ Where Farmers & Ranchers Look First to Buy.”

Jeff Sarich

General Manager 403-317-3233

Mike Filipchuk

North Central Alberta 780-581-4320

Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 • Phone 403-328-5114 1320 - 36 STREET NORTH, LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1H 5H8

Sarah Still Ad Assistant 403-317-3229

Whitney Alvarez Production

• Fax 403-328-5443

The Farmer/Stockman AgViser is a division of FarmPress Ltd. and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Central/Northern Alberta and Northern B.C.

A28 – THE AG-VISER, DECEMBER 27, 2012 –

Where Farmers and Ranchers Look First To Buy

AgViser Classified Ads (609) Miscellaneous

(800) Grain, Feed & Hay





(1200) Livestock & Supplies

(1200) Livestock & Supplies

nance Cattle fi m. r prog a ers at y Bev Call Ro 82-5702 ) (403 3

(1200) Livestock & Supplies

(1200) Livestock & Supplies

Your Beef is our Business!

Bonded & Insured Cattle Brokers • Custom Order Buying • U.S. Cattle Exporting Buy and Sell Bred Cows & Calves • Replacement Heifers • Slaughter Cattle • All Classes of Feeders Government Inspected Scale on Premises. Fall Calf Purchasing. Weighed Off the Truck. Cattleliner Service – Canada and U.S.A. Committed to Serving You for All Your Livestock Needs Randy: 403-556-6921

(800) Grain, Feed & Hay BUYING BARLEY/OATS for feed. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain: 1-877-250-5252. (800) AG 13-19 AD 6-12 SK 26-6


Green &/or Heated Canola / Flax Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, Etc.

1-877-641-2798 Bow Valley Trading Ltd



Buyers: Joe O’Donnell (403) 328-2362 Res. (403) 382-9447 Mobile

(2300) Land

John Brown (403) 328-3485 Res. (403) 380-0965 Mobile

Box 1685, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4K3 Steve Primrose (403) 382-9998 Mobile

(1200) Livestock & Supplies




•  9,761 acres dryland in one block •  1,600 acres grazing lease •  Gravel Pit

for 6 large round bales


Call for more details and price. For viewing call Harold or Lyle Magnuson

30 ft. long & turn legs to transport flat

at Magnuson Realty Ltd. Harold: 403-485-0368 • Lyle: 403-485-6901

BUYING OR SELLING? Find what you need

in the



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Call Ivan 780-621-0863 or 388-3817

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The Great Qualities Of An


Alder Flats, AB

Swift Current, Sask. Office Ph. (306) 778-2533 Fax (306) 778-9192 Box 2117,  Swift Current, SK S9H 4M7

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(1200) Livestock & Supplies

(2300) Land


PHONE (403) 381-3700 • FAX (403) 381-3720 Web Site:

Call Ivan 780-621-0863 or 388-3817

B&H Contracting Alder Flats, AB

c for usto W f m e Ph eedl ers have on ot loo e S spa kin tev ce g e. .

Ralph Siemens, Manager (306) 773-4913 Res. (306) 741-1458 Mobile



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– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a29




Call Sarah Still

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E-mail: • Fax: (403) 328-5443 • 1320 – 36 Street N, Lethbridge, AB T1H 5H8 CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM n Place My Ad Under the Following Category n  90 Announcements


200 Antiques 201 Coins 300 Auctions 400 Construction Equipment 500 Dairy & Supplies 600 Farm Machinery 601 Haying Equipment 602 Combines & Headers 603 Fertilizer Equipment 604 Seeding & Tillage Equipment 605 Spraying Equipment 606 Swathers/Mower Conditioners


608 Tractors

1800 Acreages 1900 Commercial Property 2000 Equipment 2100 Farms & Ranches 2200 Houses 2300 Land 2400 Storage

609 Miscellaneous 610 Machinery Parts 700 Farm Buildings 701 Granaries & Bins 800 Grain, Feed & Hay 900 Irrigation 1000 Hogs & Supplies 1100 Horses & Supplies 1200 Livestock & Supplies 1300 Poultry & Supplies 1400 Sheep & Supplies 1500 Specialty Livestock 1600 Pets & Supplies 1700 Seeds 1701 Specialty Seeds

REAL ESTATE 2600 Acreages 2700 Auctions 2800 Commercial Property 2900 Farms & Ranches 3000 Houses 3100 Industrial 3200 Manufactured Homes

3300 Realtor Listings

TRANSPORTATION 3400 Automobiles 3500 Auto Parts & Services 3600 Boats & RV’s 3700 Heavy Trucks 3800 Light Trucks 3900 Motorcycles & Quads 4000 Snowmobiles 4100 Trailers 4200 Vans

SERVICES 4300 Accounting & Bookkeeping 4400 Computers 4500 Custom Work

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A30 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

Quality Counts When

·The HEAVIEST metal · The STRONGEST posts ·SUPERIOR craftsmanship p

Choose Prairie Post Frame Leading the industry in quality post frame construction

Please contact ontact | 877·204·2378 877 204 4 2 37 8

Horsch anderson Farming with passion

the joker Corn, wheat, bean or cover crop, the Horsch Anderson Joker is versatile enough to handle any type of crop residue in wet, dry, rocky or extremely saturated soils. No other tillage system gives you the speed, durability, moisture conservation and finishing capabilities of the Horsch Anderson Joker. With the Joker, you don’t have to sacrifice speed to finely chop and incorporate residue back into your field. It is specifically designed to perform at higher speeds in order to give you the most efficient, time-saving tillage experience. From the frame to the tires, the discs to the finishing system, the team at Horsch Anderson analyzed every aspect of the design to find ways to improve performance and increase your productivity. The result is the fastest, most efficient minimum tillage system on the market. The Joker can till fields in half the time or faster. Just a few miles per hour faster increases the productivity per acre. In our field tests, the Joker was able to perform at speeds up to 12 mph. That’s more than twice as fast as traditional tiller systems. Think about how much more you could accomplish with the fast, efficient and flexible Joker. The Joker compact disc may not look like every other tiller system, but then again, no other minimum tillage system handles quite like the Joker. Whether it’s the MT, RT or PT series, the Joker has the versatility to become an integral part or your farming operations.

Milliken Farm Supplies (1977) Ltd.


Horsch anderson dealer for alberta

Taber, AB


Toll Free 1-888-313-9988 Email us at

– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a31

A32 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –



STRONGEST POSTS INDUSTRY-WIDE Join our on-line mailing list:

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THE CHABOT IMPLEMENTS Elie, MB 204-353-2392 Neepawa, MB 204-476-3333 Steinbach, MB 204-326-6417 F.V. PIERLOT & SONS Nipawin, SK 306-862-4732 GREENFIELD AGRO SERVICE Rosetown, SK 306-882-2600 KROEKER MACHINERY Winkler, MB 204-325-4311 MARKUSSON NEW HOLLAND Emerald Park, SK 1-800-819-2583 MARTODAM MOTORS Spiritwood, SK 306-883-2045 MOODY’S EQUIPMENT LTD. Saskatoon, SK 306-934-4686 Perdue, SK 306-237-4272 Unity SK 306-228-2686 Lloydminster, SK 306-825-6141 Kindersley, SK 306-463-2335 Olds, AB 403-556-3939 High River, AB 403-652-1410 Balzac, AB 403-295-7824 NYKOLAISHEN FARM EQUIPMENT Kamsack, SK 306-542-2814 Swan River, MB 204-734-3466

HI LINE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. NEERLANDIA CO-OP Wetaskiwin, AB 780-352-9244, 780-674-3020 1-888-644-5463 PARKLAND FARM EQUIPMENT North Battleford, SK 306-445-2427 HOULDER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. Falher, AB, 780-837-4691, 1-866-837-4691 REDVERS AGR. & SUPPLY LTD. Grimshaw, AB 780-332-4691, 306-452-3444 1-800-746-4691 ROBERTSON IMPLEMENTS (1988) LTD. KASH FARM SUPPLIES LTD. Shaunavon, SK, 306-297-4131 Eckville, AB 403-746-2211, 1-800-567-4394 Swift Current, SK 306-773-4948 E. BOURASSA & SONS: SCHROEDER BROS. Assinniboia 1-877-474-2456 Chamberlain, SK 306-638-6305 Estevan 1-877-474-2495 WHITE AG SALES & SERVICE Pangman 1-877-474-2471 Whitewood, SK 306-735-2300 Radville 1-877-474-2450 AR-MAN EQUIPMENT Weyburn 1-877-474-2491 Vulcan, AB 403-485-6968, 1-866-485-6968 RAYMORE NEW HOLLAND BILL’S FARM SUPPLIES INC. Raymore, SK 306-746-2911 Stettler, AB 403-742-8327 WATROUS NEW HOLLAND CAOUETTE & SONS IMPLEMENTS Watrous, SK 306-946-3301 St. Paul, AB 780-645-4422 YORKTON NEW HOLLAND FOSTER’S AGRI-WORLD Yorkton, SK 306-782-8511 Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-3622, 1-888-354-3620 HAT AGRI-SERVICE Medicine Hat, AB 403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702 Dunmore, AB,403-526-3701, 1-888-526-3702

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Toll Free 1-877-328-0048 Farmer / Stockman

– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a33

Season’s Greetings From all the Staff at Wheatbelt Sales (2003) Inc. May All Your Christmas Wishes Come True! NEW SEEDING AND TILLAGE

2013 BG3320 A/D, 60’, C/W L6550 TB CART, DAK, 4 TANK METER 591 .........................CALL 2013 BG5810 A/D, 62’, DRY MRB’s, 3.5 ST .....................................................................CALL 2013 BG3320 A/D, 66’, DRY MRB’s ................................................................................CALL 2013 BG8910, 60’, 10” SPACE, 450 TRIPS, 4BH .............................................................CALL 2013 BG8910, 50’, 10” SPACE, 350 TRIPS, QA-4BH, AIR KIT OPTIONAL .........................CALL 2013 BG9400, 60’, 12’ SPACE, 4BH, JULY DELIVERY ......................................................CALL 2012 7200, HEAVY HARROW, 60’/72’ ............................................................................CALL 2012 6000, MID HARROW, 70’/90’ ................................................................................CALL NEW POLY PACKERS IN VARIOUS SIZES ..........................................................................CALL


2008 BG3310 A/D, 55’, DRY MRB........................................................................... $158,000 2010 BG5810 A/D, 62’, 4” RUBBER PACK, DRY MRB, (APPROX 5000A) ................ $175,000 2007 SEED MASTER 80’, 12”, C/W BG 6550 DAK ................................................. $145,000 2004 BG5710 A/D, 47’ NH3 MRB, LOW ACRE, EXC COND ..................................... $103,000 2002 BG5710 A/D, 47’, 3.5 PACKER, NH3 MRB, EXC COND ..................................... $78,000 2006 BG5710 A/D, 54’, 3.5 PACK, NH3 MRB, MINT COND .................................... $115,000 1997 BG5710 A/S, 40’, 3.5 PACK, LIQUID KNIFE, NO MRB ....................................... $36,000 2010 BG8810 A/S, 60’, 10”SPACE, PACKERS, DUAL AIR KIT, DBLE SHOOT KNIFE, 330 TRIP ................................................................................................... $125,000 2011 BG8810 A/S, 60’, NO AIR KIT, 4BH, 450 TRIP ................................................... $97,000 1998 BG8810 A/S, 40’, 8” SPACE, GRAND KIT, POLY PK .......................................... $40,000 BG8800 A/S, 40’, 230TRIP, 4BH, AIR KIT ................................................................... $18,500 BG FH36-40 A/S, 36’, 230TRIP, IND PACKER ............................................................. $15,000 MORRIS MAXUM A/D, 40’, SPEED LOCKS, C/W......................................................... $47,000 MORRIS 8900, 30’, 4” CARBIDE, 4”PACK, FC1100 AIR CART, DUAL A/K ................. $21,000 NEW NOBLE, SEED-O-VATOR, A/D, 36’, 9”SPACE, LIQUID KIT, BG2155 AIR TANK ................................................................................................. $12,000 BG9200, 40’, 500 TRIP ............................................................................................. $30,000 BG9200, 50’, 600 TRIP ............................................................................................. $45,000 BG FH46-50, 50’, 330 TRIP, 10’SPACE, (NEW) SHANKS, PINS, SPD LK, 4BH (TEETH............................................................................................................ $25,000 2012 DEGELMAN, 82’ HEAVY HARROW, 5/8 TEETH ................................................. $39,500 FC SYSTEM 82, 60’, NEW TEETH ................................................................................. $7,500 FC SYSTEM 60, HARROW/PACK, P20 .......................................................................... $5,900 CASE 35’ CULT., 3BH .................................................................................................. $4,000 DUTCH L40, LIQUID COULTER BAR ............................................................................. $7,500 BG FH 28-32, 32’, 8”, AK .......................................................................................... $7,500


2013 VERSATILE 575, TIER3, NEW STYLE DELUXE CAB, 100 GAL. HYD. CAT P/S, 800 DUALS ............................................................................................CALL 2013 VERSATILE 550, CAT P/S, MICHELIN 800, WEIGHTS, 100 GAL HYD NEW STYLE DELUXE CAB.............................................................................................CALL 2013 VERSATILE 450, CAT P/S, 710/42 DUALS, NEW STYLE DELUXE CAB, HIFLOW, PTO OPTIONAL ..............................................................................................CALL 2013 VERSATILE 375, CAT P/S, 710/38 DUALS, NEW STYLE DELUXE CAB, HIFLOW, PTO ...............................................................................................................CALL 2012 VERSATILE 575, P/S, HIFLOW, 800/38 DUALS, LOADED ..........................................CALL 2010 VERSATILE 575, P/S, HIFLOW, 400 HRS, 620/42 TRIPLES ................................ $279,000 2 - 2013 VERSATILE 2375, 12 SPD STD, 710/38, W/PTO ................................................CALL 2009 VERSATILE 435, 900 HRS, STD, 710/42 DUALS............................................... $209,000 2004 VERSATILE 2425(425 HP), 750 TRELL DUALS, 2000 HRS ............................................................................................................. $148,000 2002 VERSATILE 2360(360 HP), 20.8/42 TRIPLES, 3200 HRS, P/S, PTO ............................................................................................... $137,000 2003 VERSATILE 2335 (335 HP), 20.8/42 DUALS, 12 SPD STD, PTO, 3200 HRS..... ..... $125.000 2000 NH 9884(425 HP), 12 SPD STD, TRIPLES, 3500 HRS .. $124,000 1998 NH 9882(425 HP), 12 SPD STD, 710/38 DUALS, 6000 HRS .............................................................. $87,000 1998 NH 9882, 12 SPD STD, 850/38 TRELL (LIKE NEW), NEW ENGINE ............................. $95,000 1998 NH 9682, 12 SPD STD, 4000 HRS, 710/38 DUALS .............................................. $87,000

1991 VERSATILE 1156 (BLUE), APPROX 5500 HRS, NEW 30.5/32 DUALS, ATOM-JET .............................................................................................................. $94,000 1982 VERSATILE 875, GOOD 20.8/38 DUALS, AIR SEEDER PLUMBED ....................... $25,000 2004 VERSATILE 2145 MFD, LOADER, GRAPPLE, APPROX 5000 HRS, NO 3PH, 20.8/42 ................................................................................................... $64,000 CASE 2290, APPROX 5000 HRS, DUALS, PTO, GOOD TIRES ....................................... $12,000 JD 544A PAYLOADER, HYD AND TRANS GOOD, RUNS GOOD ................................... $13,000


2009 MD M150 C/W 35’ D60 DKD, 640 MACHINE HRS ......................................... $119,000 2008 CASE IH 1203 C/W 25’ HB HEAD, 800 MACHINE HRS..................................... $69,500 2009 CASE / IH HD X 162 16 ‘ HAYBINE................................................................... $18,500 2008 MD M150 C/W 30’ SK D60, LOW HRS........................................................... $115,000 2001 PREMIER 2900 TRACTOR C/W 30’ 972 TABLE GAUGE WHEEL, SHEERS,1650 MACHINE HRS ................................................................................. $61,000 2004 PREMIER 2952 TURBO W/ 30’ 972, GUAGE WHEELS C/W SHEERS, 1200 MACHINE HRS ............................................................................................. $78,000 2012 D60 SK, 35’, HEADER ONLY (3,000 AC ............................................................ $45,000 2002 PREMIER 9350 TURBO 972 30’ SHEER, ROLLER GAUGE WHEELS, PU REEL, 1300 HRS................................................................................................ $70,000 30’ USED U2 PU REEL ............................................................................................... $2,500


’BG 5440, SINGLE AIR TANK .................................................................................... $62,000 BG 5350, DUAL AIR KIT, 3 TANK .............................................................................. $57,000 BG 5250, 3 TANK METER ......................................................................................... $32,000 BG L5350, DUAL AIR KIT, SEMI AUGER .................................................................... $57,000 BG 6450, DELUXE AUGER, DUAL AIR KIT, DUALS .......................................................... SOLD BG 3225 .................................................................................................................. $18,000 BG 3195 .................................................................................................................. $12,000 JD 777 ....................................................................................................................... $5,800 MORRIS 7180, SINGLE AIR KIT ................................................................................ $25,000


2011 M135, MFD, 118 HP, P/S, W/W/O FEL, 40 HRS, DEMO............................................CALL 2011 L3800, MFD, 38 HP, HYDRO, IND TIRES, FEL, AUX HYD, JOYSTICK, 50 HRS (DEMO............................................................................................................ $19,500 2003 L3130, MFD, 31 HP, FEL, APPROX 1000 HRS ................................................... $13,000 2012 RTV 900, CAMOPLAST TRACKS, WINDSHIELD, CANOPY .................................. $16,000 2009 RTV 900, CANOPY, WINDSHIELD WORKHORSE ............................................... $11,000 M9960 (80 HP), LFT SHUTTLES, WITH LOADER ..............................................................CALL MB8560 (70 HP), WITH LOADER ...................................................................................CALL B2920, 29 HP, HYD, WITH LOADER ................................................................................CALL BX 1860, 2360, 2660, HYD, WITH LOADER ....................................................................CALL L3200, WITH LOADER, HST ............................................................................................CALL 2013 MX126 GX LTD .....................................................................................................CALL 2013 MX100 GX ...........................................................................................................CALL


2012 V-DITCHERS, QUICK DRAIN ...................................................................................CALL HORST WELDING LLT-10 OR 12, LAND LEVELERS, C/W TILT, FROM .............................. $4,900 HORST WELDING HDR TRNSPT, 4 WHL STEER, 40’ CAP............................................... $7,500 2013 LEON SCRAPERS, 10/13.5/17 YD, NEW..................................................................CALL LEON 5.5 YD PUSH-OFF SCRAPER .............................................................................. $9,500 NEW FARM KING SNOW BLOWERS-50”/60”/72”/84”/96”/108” ..................................CALL MD 16’ SNOW BLOWER, EX COND, (FITS 9000 SP SWATHER) ................................... $7,500 2002 FLEETWOOD MOTORHOME, 38’, DBLE SLIDE-OUT, V-10 .................................. $37,000 FRONT END LOADER, LEONS FOR 1070 CASE, ALO FOR NH-TM150 OR MF5465. ALO FOR NH8670-8870, LEONS MT FOR IH 966-1066 ................................................CALL UNVERFERTH GRAIN CARTS, 8250/9250/1310/1315, SOME WITH SCALES, TARP, DUALS ...................................................................................................CALL MACDON 5020/5910 HAYBINES, HYD SWING (16’,14’ .................................... from $12,000 MACDON 920, 14’ HAYBINE HEADER ...................................................................... $11,500 MF 922, 14’ HAY HEAD FOR 220XL SWATHERS ....................................................... $11,000 LEONS 9’ BLADE (AXLE MT ........................................................................................ $3,000 DEG 14’ BLADE STD OF NH9280-9880 ................................................................... $10,500 Hwy #5 East, Wadena SK


Bill Sowa 338-3310 | Jeff Schlachter 338-7080 | Jim Sowa 338-2799

A34 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

Your Most

Powerful Farming Tool. We have the used equipment you’re looking for. Southern Alberta’s premium equipment choice.

– THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 – a35


KAMSACK, SK (306) 542-2814

JD S690 COMB (‘12)

6.50x38 Duals, Power Folding Hopper, Dix Chopper, 615 pu

SWAN RIVER, MB (204) 734-3466

JD S670 COMB (‘12)

CASE 8120 (‘10)

JD 9510 R TRAC (‘12)

5.20X42 Duals, 615 pu

AFS Pro 600, 353 hrs

5.20X42 Triples, PTO







NH T9050 (‘09)

JD 7830 (‘11)

2097 hrs, 8.00x38 Duals, Was $244,000

JD 4895 (‘06)

746 Loader, 425 hrs, 3 pt hitch

SALE PRICE $209,000


JD A400 (‘12)

JD 9600 (‘95)

C/w 30’ Honeybe, 135 hrs

2965 hrs, Finecut Chopper, 914 pu




JD 4895 (‘09)

C/w 25’ Honeybee, Only 666 hrs

C/w 30’ Honeybee, Only 182 hrs



JD 9610 (‘98)

JD 9750 (‘03)

3078 hrs, Finecut Chopper, Chaff Spreader, 914 pu

2436 hrs, Precision hdr, Was $129,000


SALE PRICE $99,000


• • •





2012 9560R, PTO, 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast, 650 hrs ..................................$397,000 2012 9560R, 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast/ Fluid, 548 hrs.................................$364,000 2012 9560R, 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast/ Fluid ...............................................$369,000 2012 9560R, 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast..........................................................$379,000 2012 9510R, 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast..........................................................$379,000 2012 9560R 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast, 512 hrs ............................................$379,000 2012 9560R 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast, PTO .................................................$379,000 2012 9560R 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast, PTO .................................................$397,000 2012 9510R 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast, PTO .................................................$365,000 2012 9510R 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast, PTO .................................................$365,000 2012 9460R 78 gp, 800 Duals, PTO, Fluid ..................................................$311,000 2012 9460R 78 gp, 800 Duals, PTO, Cast...................................................$321,000 2012 9460R 78 gp, 800 Duals, PTO, Cast...................................................$321,000 2012 9460R 78 gp, 800 Duals, Cast ............................................................$310,000 2010 9630 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast, 850 hrs ...............................................$329,000 2010 9630 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast, 950 hrs ...............................................$325,000 2010 9630 78 gp, 46” Triples, Cast, 1100 hrs .............................................$315,000 2008 9630 SS 78 gp, 800 Duals, Cast, 2129 hrs ........................................$229,000 2011 9530T, 36” Tracks, Cast, PTO, leather .............................................$299,000 2011 9530, 78 gp, 800 Duals, Cast, 699 hrs ................................. SOLD $299,000 2011 9530, 78 gp, 800 Duals, Cast, 841 hrs ...............................................$299,000 2009 9430, 48 gp, 710/42 Duals, Cast, P/S, 1450 hrs................................$238,000 2003 9520, 48 gp, 710/42 Duals, Cast, P/S, 4704 hrs...............................$165,000 2006 9220, 710/38 Duals, Cast, PTO, P/S, 4000 hrs..................................$169,000 1991 8960, 24 SPD, 20.8/42 Triples, 6891 hrs ..............................................$88,000 1992 8960, 24 SPD, 20.8x42 Duals, 6869 hrs ...............................................$68,000 1993 8770, 24 SP, 20.8/42 Duals, 8615 hrs ...................................................$69,000 1990 8760 12 Spd, 650/38 Duals, DL, 9032 hrs............................................$55,000

2012 S690, 4WD, CM, 650 Duals, 615........................................................$439,500 2012 S690, CM, 650 Duals, 2630 Mon, 615 p .............................................$425,000 2012 S690 CM 650 Duals, 2630 Mon, 615 p ...............................................$425,000 2012 S690 CM, 650 Duals, 2630 Mon, 615 p ..............................................$425,000 2012 S690 CM, 650 Duals, 2630 Mon, 615 p ..............................................$425,000 2012 S690 CM, 650 Duals, 2630 Mon, 615 p ..............................................$425,000 2012 S690 CM, 650 Duals, 2630, Mon, 615 p .............................................$425,000 2012 S690 CM 650 Duals, 2630 Mon, pFH, Del Chop, 615 p ....................$425,000 2012 S690 CM 650 Duals, 615 p .................................................................$415,000 2012 S690 CM 650 Duals, 615 p .................................................................$415,000 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, 120 hrs ..........................................................$397,500 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, 123 hrs ..........................................................$397,500 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, 128 hrs ..........................................................$397,500 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, 146 hrs ..........................................................$395,000 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, 146 hrs ..........................................................$395,000 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, Torp, 168 hrs ................................................$392,000 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, Torp, 169 hrs ................................................$392,000 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, Torp, 213 hrs ................................................$392,000 2012 S680 650 Dual, 615 p, Torp, 250 hrs ..................................................$387,500 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, 194 hrs ..........................................................$390,000 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, 195 hrs ..........................................................$390,000 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, 200 hrs ..........................................................$390,000 2012 S680 650 Duals, 615 p, 205 hrs ..........................................................$390,000 2012 S680 520 Duals, 615 p ........................................................................$385,000 2012 S680 520 Duals, 615 p ........................................................................$385,000 2012 S680 520 Duals, 615 p ........................................................................$385,000 2012 S670 520 Duals, 615 p ........................................................................$350,000 2012 S670 520 Duals, 615 p ........................................................................$350,000 2011 9870 520 Duals, 3 Spd Stick Trans, 615 p, 150 hrs ..........................$325,000 2011 9870 520 Duals, 3 Spd Stick Trans, 615 p, 153 hrs ..........................$325,000 2011 9870 520 Duals, 26’ unload, 615 p, 391 hrs.......................................$305,000 2009 9870 800 Singles, Pro Drive, 615 p, 499 hrs......................................$285,000 2009 9870 520 Duals, Big Top, 615 p, 538 hrs ...........................................$279,000 2009 9870 520 Duals, Big Top, 615 p, 696 hrs ............................. SOLD $272,000 2008 9870 520 Duals, Big Top, 615 p, 800 hrs ...........................................$259,000 2008 9870 520/38 Duals, Big Top, 1076 hrs ...............................................$239,000 2011 9770 520/42 Duals, 615 p ..................................................... SOLD $315,000 2011 6770 520/42 Duals, 615 p ...................................................................$310,000 2011 9770 520/42 Duals, 615 p, 415 hrs .....................................................$305,000 2010 9770 800/38 Singles, 615 p, Torp, 569 hrs ........................................$285,000 2008 9770 800/38 Singles, 615 p, 490 hrs ..................................................$249,000 2008 9770 520/42 Duals, 615 p, 585 hrs .....................................................$259,000 2007 9860 Prem 520/42 Duals, 615 p, 1071 hrs .........................................$199,000 2007 9860 520/42 Duals, 615 p, 1129 hrs ...................................................$189,000 2006 9860 800/38 Singles, 615 p, 1150 hrs ................................................$169,000 2005 9860 800/38 Singles, Bullet Rotor, 615 p, Torp, 1078 hrs .................... $189,000 2005 9860 800/38 Singles CM, 914, 1242 hrs ............................................$155,000 2005 9760 35.5/32 Rice Tires, 914 p, Hicap Unload, 871 hrs ...................$175,000 2004 9760 800/38 Singles, 914 p, Hicap Unload, 1304 hrs .......................$155,000 2007 9660 800/38 Singles, 615 p, Hicap Unload, 1028 hrs .......................$189,000 2003 9750, 914 PU, 1585 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 2003 9750, 914 PU, 1897 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 2001 9750, 914 PU, 1689 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 2001 9750 STS, 914 PU, 2481 hrs ........................................... Reduction Sale Item 1998 CTS2, 914 PU, 1824 hrs .................................................. Reduction Sale Item 1998 CTS2, 914 PU, 3119 hrs .................................................. Reduction Sale Item 2000 9650 Walker, 914 PU, 1980 hrs....................................... Reduction Sale Item 2000 9650 Walker, 914 PU, 3353 hrs....................................... Reduction Sale Item 1998 9610, 914 PU, Sunnybrook, MINT .................................. Reduction Sale Item 1999 9610, 914 PU, 2635 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1998 9610, 914 PU, 2780 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1998 9610, 914 PU, 3078 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1996 9600, 914 PU, 2270 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1995 9600, 914 PU, 2168 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1997 9600, 914 PU, 2966 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item


1990 8760 12 SPD

2009 New Holland T9050, P/S, 800/38 Duals, 57 gp, 1010 hrs...................... $245,000 2009 New Holland T9050, P/S, 800/38 Duals, 57 gp, Diff Lock, Cast, GPS, 2097 hrs ................................................... SOLD $244,000 2003 New Holland TJ450, Powershift, 42” Triples, 55 gp, 2907 hrs ........ SOLD $175,000 2007 Case STX530 46” Triples, Cast, GPS, leather, 2165 hrs ......................$239,000

JOHN DEERE MFWD TRACTORS 2011 7930 746 Loader, IVT, 710 tires ..................................................... COMING IN 2011 7830, 746 Loader, Auto Quad, 800 tires, 3 point, 425 hrs .......................$195,000 2008 7730 746 Loader, IVT, 520 tires, 2200 hrs ..........................................$139,000 2012 7215R IVT, 800 tires ......................................................... SOLD COMING IN 2010 7130, Auto Quad, 18.4/38 tires, 35cv, 1539 hrs ..................................$89,000 2003 7320, IVT, 741 Loader, 20.8/38 tires, 5100 hrs ....................................$89,000 1997 8300, 540/1000 PTO, Duals, Cast ........................................................$65,000 1993 7600, pg Trans 740 Loader/ Grapple, 11,600 hrs ................ SOLD $45,000 1990 4955, P/S Trans, 1000 PTO, Duals, 9400 hrs.......................................$59,000 1990 4755, P/S Trans, 1000 PTO, 9900 hrs ..................................................$45,000

OTHER MFWD TRACTORS 2003 New Holland TG210, 3861 hrs, 620 tires, Loader/ Grapple ......................$98,500 1980 White 2-135, c/w Leon 747 Loader ....................................................$17,500

2WD TRACTORS 1995 JD 7800, c/w 725 Loader, 540/1000 PTO, 9438 hrs............................$39,000 1995 JD 7600, c/w 725 Loader/ Grapple......................................................... CALL 1986 JD 4250, c/w 148 Loader, 540/1000 PTO, P/S, nice ...........................$38,500 1962 JD 4010, 4020 eng., 158 Loader, Cab ..................................................$13,500 1964 JD 4020, 8193 hrs, Cab...........................................................................$9,800 JD 4020 Mechanic’s Special ............................................................................ CALL



• FREE DELIVERY IN WESTERN CANADA CALL FOR SALE PRICES 1994 9600, 914 PU, 2268 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1996 9000, 914 PU, 2955 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1991 9600, 914 PU, 2910 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1996 9600, 914 PU, 4645 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1989 9500, 914 PU, 3100 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1990 9500, 914 PU, 3775 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1982 8820, 212 PU, 4910 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1982 7720, 212 PU ................................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1997 CTS, 914 PU, 2423 hrs .................................................... Reduction Sale Item

OTHER COMBINES 2010 Case 8120, AFS Pro 600, 900 tires PU header, 353 hrs ......................$269,000 2010 Case 8120, AFS Pro 600, 900 tires, PU header, 369 hrs .....................$269,000 1996 Case 2188, 2737 hrs ....................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1997 Case 2188, 3706 hrs ....................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1987 Case 1680, 3700 hrs ....................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1987 Case 1660, 2450 hrs ....................................................... Reduction Sale Item 1982 Case 1440, 3007 hrs ....................................................... Reduction Sale Item 2010 New Holland CX8080, 4WD, 500 hrs ................ SOLD Reduction Sale Item 1997 New Holland TX66, 2170 hrs .......................................... Reduction Sale Item

SWATHERS Macdon M155 (‘12), 89 hrs, 35’ D60 ........................................................... $149,000 JD D450 (’12), 150 hrs, c/w 635 .................................................................. $154,000 JD D450 (‘12), 166 hrs, c/w 630 .................................................................. $148,000 JD D450 (‘12), 214 hrs, c/w 630 .................................................................. $145,000 JD R450 (‘12), 200 hrs, c/w 36’ HB ............................................................. $159,000 JD R400 (‘12), 200 hrs, c/w 36’HB .............................................................. $139,000 JD R400 (‘12), 135 hrs, c/w 30’ HB ............................................................. $135,000 JD R400 (‘12), 246 hrs, c/w 30’ HB ............................................................. $129,000 JD R400 (‘10), 400 hrs, c/w 30’ HB ............................................................. $115,000 JD 4895 (‘09), 182 hrs, c/w 30’ HB .............................................................. $102,500 JD 4895 (‘09), 350 hrs, c/w 30’ HB .............................................................. $107.500 JD 4895 (‘06), 666 hrs, c/w 25’ HB .............................................................. $775,000 JD 4895 (‘06) 687 hrs ..................................................................................... $82,500 JD 4890 (‘01), 2631, c/w 30’ HB .................................................................... $59,500 Macdon M150 (‘09), 308 hrs ........................................................................ $123,000 Prairie Star 4952 (‘05), 860 hrs ...................................................................... $83,500 Prairie Star 4930 (‘97) .............................................................. Reduction Sale Item MacDon4900 (‘04), 2646 hrs, 30’ PU Reels ............................ Reduction Sale Item Westward 9200 (‘99), 2225 hrs, 30’ 962 Header .................... Reduction Sale Item Macdon 2900 (‘96), 30’ PU Reel, 2165 hrs ............................. Reduction Sale Item Macdon 4800 (‘92), 25’ PU Reel, 2347 hrs ............................. Reduction Sale Item Case WD 1203 (‘09), 351 hrs ................................................... Reduction Sale Item Case 1203 (‘09), 395 hrs .......................................................... Reduction Sale Item Case 8825 (‘98), 30’ PU Reel, 2499 hrs................................... Reduction Sale Item Case 4000 (1987), 24.5’ PU Reel, MINT .................................. Reduction Sale Item New Holland H8040 (‘09) ......................................................... Reduction Sale Item New Holland HW 325 (‘07)....................................................... Reduction Sale Item Macdon 4600 PT (‘94), 25’ PU Reel ........................................ Reduction Sale Item John Deere 590 PT 30’ ........................................................... Reduction Sale Item Case 8220 PT 25’ ..................................................................... Reduction Sale Item

SPRAYERS JD 4940 (‘12) 266 hrs, 2 sets of wheels............................................................CALL JD 4940 (‘12) 284 hrs, 2 sets of wheels............................................................CALL JD 4940 (‘12) 331 hrs, 2 sets of wheels............................................................CALL JD 4940 (‘12) 435 hrs, 2 sets of wheels............................................................CALL JD 4940 (‘12) 420 hrs, 1600 gal, 2 sets of wheels ...........................................CALL JD 4940 (‘12) 505 hrs, 1600 gal, 2 sets of wheels ...........................................CALL JD 4930 892 hrs, 2 sets of wheels ....................................................................CALL JD 4730 915 hrs, 2 sets of wheels, SS .............................................................CALL JD 4700 New Condition.....................................................................................CALL 100’ Flexi-coil System 67XL wind screen, marker, double boom .................CALL

Toll Free 1-855-542-2814

A36 – THE Ag-VISER, december 27, 2012 –

farm tires cheap rear tractor

23.1-26 - Taishan 16 PR TL. . . . . . $1,196 18.4-30 - Treadura 10 PR TT. . . . . . $593 23.1-30 - Taishan 12 PR Tt. . . . . . $1,645 24.5-32 - harvest 16 PR TL . . . . . $1,749 30.5-32 - harvest 16 PR TL . . . . . $2,195 900/60-32 - harvest 20 PR TL . . . $3,660 18.4-34 - Treadura 10 PR TT. . . . . . $687 18.4-38 - multistar 12 PR TT . . . . . $898 18.4-38 - Treadura 12 PR TT. . . . . . $783 20.8-38 - multistar 12 PR TT . . . . . $998 20.8-38 - Treadura 12 PR TT. . . . . . $866 20.8-42 - harvest 16 PR TL . . . . . $1,699


9.5L-15 - multistar 8 PR Tl. . . . . . . . $99 11L-15 - multistar 8 PR Tl. . . . . . . $129

truck 11R-24.5 - superhawk 16 p grip. . $345

front tractor 7.50-16 - Treadura 8 PR TT. . . . . . . . $84 10.00-16 - Treadura 10 PR TT. . . . . $129 11.00-16 - Treadura 12 PR TT. . . . . $199 7.50-18 - Treadura 8 PR TT. . . . . . . . $89 11.2-24 - Treadura 8 PR TT. . . . . . . $229 12.4-24 - Treadura 8 PR TT. . . . . . . $266 13.6-24 - Treadura 8 PR TT. . . . . . . $279 14.9-24 - Treadura 10 PR TT. . . . . . $356 16.9-26 - harvest 10 PR TL . . . . . . . $995 13.6-28 - multistar 8 PR TT . . . . . . $459 14.9-28 - multistar 10 PR TT . . . . . $518 16.9-28 - multistar 12 PR TT . . . . . $560

skidsteer 10-16.5 - Treadura 12 pr g2/l2. . . $179 12-16.5 - Treadura 12 pr g2/l2. . . $219

versatile axles & steel tubes

Degelman 14' 6-way, w/one 1 ft. ext. (15' overall), also very nice snow wing to fit 9100-9250 JD. . . . . . . $22,500 Degelman 12' 2-way, very nice, 39" frame mnt, 38" high plus 20" silage ext., yellow frame w/JD green blade, fit Bearcat II & other Steiger tractors (may need some modification). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,500 Degelman 10' 2-way, fits 700-950 Vers.. . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 Grouser 11' industrial paralift, extreme HD, fits many Steigers (off CM325), S/N SB4811. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500

loaders, buckets, grapples & mounts


Leon 14' 4-way; fits CH65/75/85 & possibly others, 47" frame mnt, Model A6500-CAT, S/N 23198701. . . $13,500 Leon 13' 4-way, fits PT & PTA Steigers, some CIH, very little use, 39" frame mnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,500 Leon 12' 2-way, very decent, 32" frame mnt., fits 4100, 4166, 4186 IH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,750 Leon 11' 2-Way; w/snow & ice cutting edge; mnts. fit 118-145 Vers., easily adapted to fit others. . . $4,500 Leon 10' 2-way; fits most 2WD w/minor modifications. . $2,750 Leon 1030 10' 4-way; very nice; fits 9030 FNH . . . . . . $6,500

Loaders 1185QA 7 ft. w/grapple, fits 100 White, may fit others w/modifications, S/N 35315 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 K160 6 ft. w/o grapple, very decent, bale spear included if wanted, fits 700 White, S/N 13-13210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 Allied 594 7 ft. w/grapple, should fit 1390-1494 Case, w/modification should adapt to fit 1594-1690-1694 Case. . . $2,750 Allied 894 loader w/homemade fork, quick attach set up; fit 2090-3594 Case, S/N 92894049. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 Allied 2596 5 ft. w/o grapple, quick attach, fit 6200-6420 JD, S/N 0225960022. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,750 Alo 980 7.5 ft. w/o grapple, quick attach, fit 8310/8410 White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Boss 6 ft. w/o grapple, fit 970, 1070, 1175 Case. . . . . . . . $2,750 Case 74L 6 ft. w/o grapple, should fit 1390-1494 Case, w/modification should adapt to fit 1594-1690-1694 Case. . . $2,500 Ezee-On 120 7 ft. w/grapple, fit 2090-3594 Case . . . . . . . $2,500 Ezee-On 2080 6 ft. w/grapple, overall very decent, fit C80, 4210 & 4230 Case, S/N 40563. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000 JD 148 5 ft. w/grapple, very nice overall, fit 4010-4455 JD, S/N 009627W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,950 JD 148 6 ft. w/grapple, very nice overall, S/N E0148036114W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,500 JD 741 8 ft. w/grapple, call for details, off 2011, 7230 FWA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500 JD 741 w/o bucket, s/n W00741C008937, non burnt, twisted but very repairable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,750 JD 741 loader only - no bucket/fork, S/N W00741L009902 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500

Leon 707 7 ft. w/grapple, fit 2090-3594 Case. . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Leon 707 loader only - no bucket/fork, came off 2294 Case, S/N 5319-808. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 Leon 790 7 ft. w/grapple, exceptional loader & mnts, fit 5120-5250 CIH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Leon 808 7 ft. w/grapple, fit 2090-3594. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 NH 2360 selection of loaders w/8 ft. buckets w/ or w/o grapples, fit 256-9030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call NH 7413 loader only - no bucket; fit 8730,8830, TW25, TW35, S/N WL89714. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 buckets 2360 Bucket 8 ft. w/4-tine grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 640 JD Bucket 7 ft. w/grapple, quite nice. . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 741 JD Bucket 7 ft. w/short teeth for dirt, cutting edge recent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 746 JD Bucket 8 ft. w/grapple, quick attach, heavy duty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 Buck68 68" bucket - new (3 left). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 grapples 2360 Grapple 4-tine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,750 Loader Extras Various JD loader mounts, hoods/grille guards, & Ezee-On loader mounts, joysticks - Call & speak with staff for your application! Good Used 3-Point Hitches, New Aftermarket 3-Point Hitches Also Available. Call for Applications & Pricing

combine dual sets 18.4x38DS - FOR CTS - 9610 JD 18.4x38DS - FOR 1680 - 2388 CIH 20.8x38DS - FOR 9650 - 9870 JD 20.8x38DS - FOR 1680 - 2388 CIHD 20.8x42DS - FOR 7010 - 8120 CIH 20.8x42DS - FOR 580 - 590 CAT 20.8x42DS - FOR 9650 - 9870 JD PRICES STARTING @ $9,500.00 CALL FOR OPTIONS NOT LISTED

heavy duty c-frames available seats

Wide assortment of seats available – Call staff for various applications & pricing

7414 $ 3,250 2360 $ 2,950

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