Mazergroup Magazine

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20th Edition

Arborg • 204.376.5600 Hartney • 204.858.2000 Neepawa • 204.476.2364 Ste. Rose • 204.447.2739 Portage La Prairie • 204.857.8711 Killarney • 204.523.4414 Crystal City • 204.873.2480 Brandon • 204.728.2244 Moosomin • 306.435.3610 Roblin • 204.937.2134 Shoal Lake • 204.759.2126 Swan River •204. 734.9361 Winnipeg • 204.253.2900


20 th Edition

Greetings everyone, and welcome to the 20th edition of the Mazergroup Magazine!


s we leave one of the mildest winters that our trade area has ever experienced, we are all again looking with great anticipation of the coming season to planting the crop, starting the new construction project, opening the golf course and sending the cattle back to pasture. The tradition continues. At Mazergroup, we always look positively at the future and are continually working to offer the very best in equipment, parts and service at all of our thirteen locations. To do that we need trained, experienced staff in all departments, an abundance of new and used equipment, adequate parts inventory and, of course, good facilities. Throughout the last several years and continuing into 2012 we have made significant investments in most of our locations. In Portage we built a 17,000 sq. ft. canvass building for winter fix storage and big equipment set up. Also, in Portage, we are just completing an extensive interior renovation along with re-roofing and re-siding the office structure. In Brandon we have almost completed a very comprehensive interior renovation with ongoing improvements to the display and parking. In Moosomin we erected a 10,000 sq. ft. canvass winter fix storage structure. Complete interior remodeling is now complete in the Winnipeg store and extensive exterior work will take place later this year. Swan River will get a 17,000 sq. ft. storage/ set up facility this spring/early summer. Along with a new roof, new shop doors and other structural improvements, Roblin will have a complete interior remake of their offices, showroom and parts department. Major plans are in the works for Killarney involving building relocations and new additions. Some upgrades and improvements will be undertaken in virtually ALL of our locations in 2012. Mazergroup is proud of our continual re-investments in our store locations and we hope our customers see that as our long term commitment, not only to them, but to the greater community as well. At Mazergroup, we will never stop trying to earn your business. We are constantly looking to

improve our services to you. That is why we are proud to announce the introduction of Mahindra tractors to our equipment offering throughout Manitoba. Mahindra builds more tractors than any other manufacturer in the world and we look forward to establishing a long, successful relationship with this exciting company. Discussions are underway with another major industry supplier that would have a huge impact on our entire trade area and our efforts to diversify and expand our offering in parts or products is continual as is our eye to grow Mazergroup geography. Stay tuned! Mazergroup predecessors have been in business in Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan for over 75 years. I have been an owner/ operator in the industry for 44 years. We are privately owned and any revenue generated from our business stays in our communities. It does not get sent off to Calgary, Toronto or further!! As you can see we continue to re-invest in all of your communities, we continue to employ hundreds of people from these and other communities and we have NO intention of changing the way we are structured or the way we support those communities. All we will focus on is our continual improvement in our services to you, our valued customers. The great people at Mazergroup respectfully ask that the next time you need equipment, parts or service, please think of us! We would be delighted to work with you in any way we can. Thank you for your past support and all of us at Mazergroup wish you the very best success in 2012. My very best regards, Bob Mazer

Bob Mazer President/CEO Mazergroup

“We are privately owned and any revenue generated from our business stays in our communities!�

P.S. Watch for our new look at 20 th Edition


Planning ahead means staying productive. And there’s no better way to get your equipment ready for next season than with a New Holland certified maintenance inspection.



Schedule your inspection before March 31, 2012 and get:





ORIGINAL PARTS 6-month extended warranty available on genuine New Holland replacement parts with an existing 6-month warranty, for a total of 12 months of warranty protection. 6-month extended warranty eligible only on parts installed by an authorized New Holland Dealer. Offer ends March 31, 2012. Program subject to change or cancellation without notice. See your local New Holland dealer for complete details and qualifications. 2 For Commercial use only - not intended for personal, family or household use. This offer applies to qualifying purchases of $750 or more of new genuine New Holland parts and related service made using the CNH Capital Commercial Revolving Account (the “Account”) during a single visit to a participating New Holland dealership located in the United States or Canada now through March 31, 2012. If any payment when due is not made on balances outstanding under the Account, the promotional terms may be terminated and the promotional balance will be subject to the applicable default rate prior to the expiration of the promotional period. Once the promotional period expires or is termindated, minumum monthly payments will be required and finance charges wil begin to accrue (in Canada at 18.9% per annum) and CNH Capital America LLC or CNH Capital Canada Ltd. standard terms and conditions will apply. Customer participation subject to credit qualification, available credit and good standing on all CNH Capital accounts. Not all customers may qualify for this rate or term. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. 1

©2012 CNH Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. CNH Capital, CNH and New Holland are registered tredemarks of CNH America LLC.


20 th Edition

- Arborg N um b

er of y e a rs w it h g ro u p : 17 K a re n w o rks in t h e p a rt s d : e le p a rt m e r P r o fi b m e e n M t as A S t a ff s s is t a M anag c h ko n t Pa r e r. S h e a re n L e o K ts B : e M , m ld a e t N fi e r n la p d o P s p a rt s to cus w n: in q u ir ie tom er Hom eto s and s a le s . d u t ie s Her a ls o in c lu d e p a rt s c and wo la im s r k s w it h in v e n to ry c o n t r o l. M azer

Sales Manager Kelly Kjaldgaard

Sales Representative Shane Emms

Sales Representative Warren Klym

Mazergroup Arborg is involved in a number of community and regional events. The dealership sponsors sports clubs such as curling and hockey, along with sponsoring their facilities. We provide sponsorship to girls and boys teams in the area. We have worked with 4- H clubs in several towns in our trade area. Mazergroup Arborg is proud to be involved with Farm Safety Daycamps . We recently agreed to be involved with the upcoming 90th reunion for Arborg Falcons hockey team. Our involvement will include 25 hours of skid-steer usage that can be raffled off to raise funds ensuring this reunions success. We believe by contributing locally, we help make our local communities a better place to live.


Hilding and Brian Olson run a 900 head beef operation in Faulkner, MB. In 2002 they purchased NH TS110 tractor from the dealership. The tractor has 19,000 hours of use and has been a very reliable tractor in all their farming applications. It continues to be a trouble free unit that they utilize every day on the farm. They tell us they would not change anything on the tractor design and this tractor has given them complete confidence in New Holland products. They continue to look to New Holland for their farming needs!

20 th Edition



20 th Edition

- Brandon

St N a m e : C ry a f f M e m b e r P ro fi le s t a l D re g e : r Hom etow n : M eacha m, SK

N um b

Our industry had faced many challenges during 2011 and despite these we have managed to stay positive and focused on the rewards that 2012 will bring our valued customers. Locally, we are proud supporters of 4H, Manitoba Livestock Expo, Royal Manitoba Winter Fair and Manitoba Ag Days just to name a few. Mazergroup Brandon has just completed the first phase of many upgrades and expansions to our facility, our intention with the new changes at Mazergroup is to better serve our customers and staff members. We welcome you to stop in for a coffee and see all our recent renovations. On behalf of the entire Mazergroup staff in Brandon, we would like to thank all of our customers for their business and loyalty. We look forward to serving you in the near future. Brad Tarr, Sales Manager/Team Leader

Sales Manager/ Team Leader Brad Tarr

Sales Representative James Fedorowich

Sales Representative Blair Buydens

er of y e a rs w it h g ro u p : 4 I am th e payr o ll a d m in is t r a t o r fo r a ll M azer g ro u p lo c a t io ns. M y re s p o n s ib ilit ie s in p ro c e s c lu d e , s in g p a y r o ll, e m p lo y e m a in t e e nance, is s u in g g ro u p T 4 ’s , in s u r a nce, gr oup RRSP p ro g ra m , and any other r e la t e d jo b s . M azer

New Employee Wendy Gray Warranty Administrator


We operate a grain farm in Elgin, MB. My father has been a Mazergroup customer since 1959, I am a 2nd generation customer with hopes that my son will be a 3rd generation Mazergroup customer. Our yard consists of a new NH T9 4WD tractor, TJ 375, TS130A Loader Tractor, 2- NH Combines, & Swather. The sales, service and parts departments have always been good to deal with, and I believe New Holland offers a great product at a competitive price. Cam Dodds, Elgin, MB

20 thth Edition


N um b

er of y e a rs w it h g ro u p : 4 I r e s id e in M a t h e r, M B w it h husba n d L io n my e l, a n d our 2 b am an oys. I a d m in is t r a t or at t d e a le r he s h ip , m a in t a in in of com g a h ig m u n ic a h le v e l t io n b e d ep a rt tween m ents in t e r n a lly , a n a ls o re s d am p o n s ib le fo r c a lls in q u ir ie and cu s. I am stom er ve ry d e vo t e d p o s it io n h e re to m y at Ma z e rg r o w ill g o up, a n d a bo ve and be yond t a s s is t o be of ance w h e re n eeded . M azer

P r o fi le em ber M f f Sta ath e Redp ound, M B y a J : e m a t N P ilo M tow n: Hom e


20 th Edition


- Crystal City Mazergroup Crystal City continues to support all the local communities in the surrounding area, by donating to many events, and fundraisers. Our customers are our biggest asset, and we appreciate all your business throughout the past year, and moving forward into the future. We know that providing our customers a great product, at competitive pricing, along with exceptional customer service, will help us to continue to have a successful dealership in Crystal City. From our parts, and service, to sales team Albert, and Brad, our intention is to meet your needs. Mazergroup Crystal City is planning an Open House this spring, and we hope you will join us at our event. Drop in for a coffee, and let us help you plan a successful 2012. Maurice Fry, Team Leader


Sales Representative Albert Sawatzky

We have owned New Holland combines since 1973, from the first introduction of the rotor combine TR70 to the present New Holland 9090. New Holland has continued with the twin rotor concept since it’s introduction, but technology has advanced greatly. We like the New Holland combine because of the job it leaves in the tank and the field. Last year our canola dockage was less than 1%. The combine has a great threshing capacity and the cab is as quiet as any I have ever driven. There is great visibility from the drivers’ seat, with a user friendly computer onboard. Ease of maintenance and up keep is another reason we have continued with the New Holland make. Howard, Hal and Barbara Brownlee Crystal City, MB

Sales Representative Brad Smith

The ORIGINAL Vertical Tillage Tool built heavier to handle thick residue in the fall and heavy, wet residue in the spring. From our blade selection, select the aggressive, 8 wave, notched blade for greater penetration and soil movement..... AND, for field finishing and seedbed preparation in the spring, couple this blade with a combination of the 3-bar 104 Mounted Harrow and low maintenance Rolling Baskets. Two ranks of coulter gangs equipped with self-aligning, tripleseal ball bearings provide uniform residue cutting across the entire working width.

Our Exclusive Hydraulic Hitch permits the operator to transfer weight on-the-go to ensure proper cutting in the toughest conditions. Supercoulters are built “Field Tested Tough” with more weight than competitors, but only require low horsepower to penetrate and mulch residue into the soil without turning up root-balls or lumps. We have sizes for your operation in 15’, 20’, 23’, 30’, 35’, 40’, & 50’ working widths.

The SuperRoller is used to level field surfaces planted with crops that must be harvested close to the ground. Don’t let rocks cause costly repairs and downtime while swathing or straight combining. The Summers SuperRoller features a Floating Hitch in field position, Rear Caster Wheels for maneuverability. up to 500 lbs Rolling Pressure, 36 and 42 in. Diameter Rollers, Relubricable Bearings, Mud Scrapers on each roller and a Unique Auto-Fold System. Available in working widths from 30 to 84 feet, Summers has a roller sized for your operation.

For more information on these and other Summers Products check our web site: or call us at: 1 (800) 732-4347, ext. 4015

20 th Edition



20 th Edition

- Hartney

N um b

er of y e a rs w it h g ro u p : 20 I w o rk m o s t ly on Hay and Co t o o ls m b in e s . I a ls o d e liv e r e q u ip m e n t w it h the s t rucks m a lle r r o fi le : . H a rt n em ber P ey has S t a ff M custo a huge m er ba on Kohut M B D : s e e m a f N or hay is , s o it is t o o ls w n : S our ve ry b Hom eto ig jo b . I e n jo y t g re a t p e o p le he I w o rk w it h , it n ic e t o 2011 proved to be as challenging year as any in ’s be par t of th Manitoba, with the floods causing damage in many areas. is g r e a o r g a n iz t a t io n . Here in Hartney, the flood not only caused havoc throughout the farmland, but did severe damage to our golf course, including the clubhouse and storage buildings. The community is working very hard on fundraising to repair the buildings, and Mazergroup Hartney will be there to assist in any way we can. After 22 years without a Sr. Hockey team in Hartney, the team is back, and we were proud to sponsor their jerseys. They finished the season in 4th place and are in the playoffs. Mazergroup Hartney, has always been a proud sponsor of local 4H clubs, rodeo’s, and many other locals events. On behalf of the entire team here at Mazergroup Hartney, we thank our valued customers for their business, and look forward to working with you in the future. Brian Logan, Team Leader M azer

Team Leader Brian Logan

Business Manager Keith Evans

Sales Representative John Neufeld


Sales Representative Darren Drummond

We operate a 5000 acre farm in the Lauder area. Brendon is in the picture and will be our third generation on the farm. He is standing beside our newest addition tractor we have purchased for the upcoming spring. Mazergroup Hartney is a great place for parts, service and sales. It is close to home and they go the extra mile to make sure our needs are met in our day to day operation. Murray, Wes & Brendon Phillips Grand Bend Farms Ltd. Lauder, MB

20 th Edition



20 th Edition

N um M az

I am

- Killarney


e rg r

of y e a rs w it h oup : 5

a mo ther of 3 1 boy ,2 g . Iw ir ls adm o rk a in is t s an r ator K illa at M rne y azer . I ha g ro u m a in ve t p he t t a in ask in g g of w it h ood in t h com e de m un re c e a le r s ic a t io n iv in g h ip d c e usto p a rt w it h m m ents er ca cust , om e lls , a and r in q n d h e lp w illin u ir ie in g s. I a g to I can m de h e lp m u lt vo t e w he n e ve i- t a s d be a r ne k, an v a lu e d d ed, my g a b le team oal i s to m em b e r. and

Another year has passed for the Mazergroup Killarney, and although the weather provided a challenging year, there is a lot of optimism moving forward. The dealership continues to support the local S t a ff M e communities we do business in, m b e r P ro N am e: Da fi le : w n a B u h le with trade shows, summer and r Hom etow n : C a rt w ri winter fairs, supporting local ght, M B radio and publications, 4H clubs, sporting events, and numerous others. This year the local Fly Wheel Club is promoting Ford/New Holland by featuring the 8N Tractor. The club has one 8N restored, that will be displayed at numerous places, along with an 8N ride-on toy tractor, supplied by our dealership. There will be tickets on sale for a draw on the 8N toy ride-on, all proceeds will be in support of the Fly Wheel Club. Mazergroup Killarney is committed to maintaining, and will strive to earn your valuable business in the future. Our Parts and Service departments, appreciate your business, & look forward to working with you in 2012. Our Sales team Joe and Mitch welcome your calls or visits to discuss your new or used machinery needs. Thank you for your business, Maurice Fry, Team Leader

TRUE BLUE TESTIMONIAL Sales Representative Joe King

We operate Chatham Farms at Killarney, a 4000 acre farm which includes a registered seed cleaning plant. We run two New Holland CX 840 combines and a New Holland TJ 425 tractor. We appreciate the excellent parts, sales and service we receive from Mazergroup Killarney and the performance of the New Holland equipment. Don & Linda Chatham Killarney, MB

Sales Representative Mitch Fry

20 th Edition


r s w it h N um ber of yea M a z e rg ro u p : 5 n s u lt a n t in t h e I a m a Pa rt s C o . e n t in M o o s o m in p a rt s d e p a rt m e t w o p a rt s B e in g o n e o f t h r lo ca t io n , p e rs o n n e l a t o u o rk ve ry c lo s e ly re q u ire s u s t o w e e r t o p ro vid e t h t o g e t h e r in o rd S t a f f M e m b e r P ro fi le : u r c u s t o m e rs N a m e : Te rry G ra n t s e rv ic e w e fe e l o H o m e t o w n : E lkh o rn , M B n t t o p ro vid e d e s e rv e . W e w a y t rie va a h w it o u r c u s t o m e rs re c e n t ly w e h a ve o f c h o ic e s , a n d , t h is t io n w e a r p a rt s a d d e d c o n s t ru c Th is e s s fu l ve n t u re . h a s be e n a s u c c in ue us bu s y w e co nt pa s t w in te r ke pt ch rm a t io n fr o m e a t o le a rn n e w in fo g ro up s to m er s . M a z er o f o ur va lu ed cu ty h a n c in g o u r S a fe is w o rk in g o n e n ty ic h I a m t h e s a fe p ro g ra m fo r w h . fo r o u r lo ca t io n re p re s e n t a t ive


20 th Edition

- Moosomin At Mazergroup Moosomin we believe in being a large part of our community and surrounding areas. We have made contributions to various local charities and fundraisers such as: The LeRoy Waltz Golf for Health Tourney, Mental Health Fundraiser, Manitoba Sheep Association, S.E Herford Zone

Show, Moosomin Pee Wee and Ice Badgers Hockey Teams, Broadview Communities in Bloom, Moosomin 4-H Club and Shows, Moosomin Legion, Maryfield L i o n s C l u b , M o o s o m i n B ow l i n g Lanes, McNaughton SRC Yearbook, Mooosmin Rodeo, Mooosmin and Rocanville Farmers Curling Bonspiels. We are proud Corporate sponsors for Moose Mountain Meat Processors, Moosomin Rangers--- Men’s Senior Hockey Team, Gapland Rollers---Rocanville Ladies Roller Blade Team On January 4th Tyler Roberts (Marketing Specialist for New Holland Guardian Sprayers) conducted an educational and very informative clinic at our Moosomin store. The event was successfully attended by 15 local farmers, our service technicians, Mike and Donovan (Sales Representatives). Garnet Welykholowa, Field Marketing Agent for Capstan Ag. Systems, talked about the benefits of using Sharp Shooter. Garnet’s instructive communication generated a lot of positive feedback and future optimism. Mike Ushey Team Leader


Sales Manager/ Team Leader Mike Ushey

This past summer I had the opportunity to demonstrate a NEW HOLLAND SP240 GUARDIAN SPRAYER. I liked the sprayer, especially the front mount boom and center tank design. The handling and ride make the New Holland SP240 a joy to operate. I would definitely consider a GUARDIAN SPRAYER for my operation. Wayne Kingdon Mineview Cleaning & Processing Rocanville, SK.

Sales Representative Donovan Durksen

During harvest, equipment downtime can be frustrating and costly. To get you back up and running fast, New Holland Top ServiceSM will locate the part you need, and get it to you fast. New Holland Top Service offers express parts shipments, and additional breakdown assistance, for these products under warranty: CR AND CX COMBINES AND HEADS H8000 AND HW SERIES SELF-PROPELLED WINDROWERS AND HEADS FR AND FX SERIES SELF-PROPELLED FORAGE HARVESTERS AND HEADS T7000, T8000, T9000, TM, TG AND TJ SERIES TRACTORS

20 th Edition



20 th Edition

- Neepawa Mazergroup (formerly Bayes Equipment), and myself personally, have been involved in Neepawa and surrounding area since April 1995 and Ste. Rose and area since January 1997. We have been proud financial supporters of the area 4H clubs, local baseball and hockey teams, various service clubs, rodeos, arenas, bonspiels, Neeepawa Lily festival, Ste Rose Hoof and Holler days and many other community projects, over the years. We have recently completed an expansion of our service S t a ff M e department in our Neepawa location, which allows us to better m b e r P ro N a m e : Ju fi le : s t in U s u n ie r serve our growing customer base. Hom etow n: Neepaw a, M B Although we have faced some difficult and challenging times in agriculture over the last few years, our farmer customers have shown tremendous resiliency and perseverence in the face of it all. N um b er of y Going forward, with cattle and grain prices going in the right e a rs w it h M azer direction, we look forward to a good year in 2012 and many g ro u p : 2 more to come M y pos it io n a t I would like take this opportunity to thank our customers M azer Neepa g ro u p wa and for their previous patronage and we hope to continue to work S te. R ose D u Lac with you in the years to come. is B u s in ess M a Denys Usunier / S a le s nager . M y re Neepawa and Ste Rose Du Lac spons ib ilit ie s in c lu d e custo m e r fi n a n c in g in s u r a , nce, an d exte Sales Manager/ nded w a r ra n t y . I’m Team Leader a ls o r e spons fo r H o Denys Usunier ib le nda AT V and H onda power e q u ip m ent sa le s . In a d d it io n , I lo o k a f t er the of New s a le s H o lla n d com p t ra c t o act r s , s k id steer the N e lo a d e r s and w H o lla nd Rus t le r lin u t ilit y e of v e h ic le s . P le a s e g iv e c a ll s o me a I can a s s is t y o u w it h these g re a t any of p ro d u c Sales t s w . h I at I do r e a lly e Representative a n d lo o n jo y k fo r w a Bryan Kaspick w it h y o r d t o w o r k in g u on yo ur next p u rc h a se. I have been associated with the Mazergroup Neepawa for approximately 8 years. I recently purchased a NH 8060 Windrower, with a 36’ Draper Head and a NH 9080 Rotary Combine. In my operation I also run a T9060, TG245, and a TZ25, which I have had no problems with. The service department in Neepawa gives me prompt and efficient service, when required. Over the years, with my New Holland equipment, and with the sales and service departments in Neepawa, it has been a very satisfying experience. I would recommend the Dealership to anyone who is looking to purchase any new or used equipment. I have found the reliability and performance of my New Holland equipment to be Top Notch in all categories I have owned. Glenn Lobel, Amaranth, Manitoba


20 th Edition


r s w it h N um ber of yea - Portage M onths M a z e rg r o u p : 3 Many great changes have come t e c h n ic ia n s I a m o n e o f fo u r about this past year, including the y ip . O n e o f m a t t h e d e a le rs h first full year of being a single main z e rg ro u p line New Holland dealer. This has jo b s h e re a t M a irin g a n y been an exciting time for our dealerPo rt a g e is re p a o ship and has been well received by t in ght e q u ip m e n t b ro u our valued customers. B e fo re Nam S t h e d e a le rs h ip . e : A d t a ff M We have had some great additions Hom em b am C p u er Pr e ro y rg e t z r a M o to an already terrific product line ing in w n: B jo in o fi l e : e lm o a s a d n cluding: the new Guardian Front Boom e rk t, M B Po rt a g e , I w o Sprayer, the very impressive Smart r fo A rc t ic m e c h a n ic in t h e Tracks System for our 4WD’s and the d M a jo r D rilin g . a c o m p a n y ca lle new Rotary Rakes for our Hay producers. t I w o rk e d a s a We are confident that these new products Pr e vio u s t o t h a . B M y, e rn will become very important additions to our customer’s success here in the m e c h a n ic in K illa eather w e h t if d Portage area. n a e In m y s p a re t im a m a I We are equally pleased to offer our customers new additions to our short. g ilin b snow m o p e rm it s , I e n jo y line manufactured products including: Great Plains seeding and tillage, ic e m p lo ye e a n d Kongskilde line of tillage products, Stoll Loaders and the Highline Bale ve ry e n t h u s ia s t h e r t e c h n ic ia n s t o e h t h Processor line. it w r e togeth With these new additions we have added an increase in our Wholegoods e e x c e lle n t I s t riv e t o p ro vid and Parts inventories, as well as additional training for our Service Departc u s t o m e r ca re . ment.

No matter what the crop—canola, alfalfa, grass, small grains, lentils or peas —New Holland H8000 Series Speedrower® windrowers deliver capacity that can’t be matched by other machines. Not only do you have the power to drive the widest variety of headers, you also get outstanding visibility, comfort and header control. 126 HP TO AN INDUSTRY-LEADING 226 HP SMOOTH DISCBINE® HEADERS UP TO 18’ WIDE—THE WIDEST AVAILABLE RELIABLE DRAPER HEADERS FROM 21’ TO 36’ PROVEN HAYBINE® SICKLE HEADERS – 12’, 14’ 16’, 18’ COMFORT RIDE™ CAB SUSPENSION FOR A SMOOTH RIDE OPTIONAL CHASSIS SUSPENSION FOR ULTIMATE PRODUCTIVITY IN THE FIELD


20 th Edition

Another exciting change that has taken place is our newly renovated store. I invite you to stop in and see the amazing transformation that happened at our location. All these changes mean nothing if we don’t continue to grow and continue to support YOU our customer. We try each and every day to be good corporate citizens with our support of local Beef Clubs, Agricultural research groups, 4H as well as the local Hockey and Curling groups. From all of the staff at MAZERGROUP Portage La Prairie: Thank you for your Business! We look forward to serving you. Team Leader Randy Tye, Team Leader Randy Tye

Sales Sales Representative Representative Justin Waldner Gary Rawlyk

GIS Specialist Randy Gates


We operate a grain, oil seed and specialty crop farm north of Portage la Prairie, MB. New Holland tractors have been on our land for over 15 years. Our most recent purchase has been the New Holland T9 450 4WD tractor, with the EcoBlue/Tier 4 engine technology. We have a great working relationship with Mazergroup Portage, they have an excellent parts department, and the sales department looks after us as well. Gary, Patty Brown & Family Portage La Prairie, MB

The New Holland MowMax™ disc cutterbar delivers superior cutting and superior protection—real advantages when it’s time to make hay. Disc modules are individually sealed gear cases connected with independent alloy drive shafts for smooth, trouble-free mowing. For further protection, the ShockPRO™ disc drive hubs absorb the shock of a field impact before damage to drive components can occur. Stop by and learn more about the wide selection of Discbine® disc mower-conditioner models: CUTTING WIDTHS FROM 9’ TO 15’ 7” CHOICE OF CONDITIONING SYSTEMS: CHEVRON-DESIGN, RUBBER ROLLS FOR GENTLE, CONSISTENT CONDITIONING FLAIL CONDITIONING FOR EVEN FASTER DRYDOWN

20 th Edition



20 th Edition

- Roblin

N um b

er of y e a rs w it h We are havg ro u p : 14 A s S ho ing some very p Fo r e m exciting times an at M azer g ro u p in Roblin these R o b lin , I am re s p o n days! We’ve had s ib le f o r d ir e c t in ove r w h e l m i n g fl o w o f g the s e r v growth and cus: ic le e fi o w r P o r r k in o u r em be s ho p, t tomer support in S t a ff M o ensu t o r ilh e a that w 2011, making it ason M our de e m eet Nam e: J a d lin e s o b lin , M B R : n w our greatest year o . t I w o rk c Hom e the se lo s e ly w yet! In order to r v ic e m it h anager t o p re p handle this growth e s t im a a re tes an d t o ke we are currently undergoing major renovations. Our ep the p ro d u c shop t iv e . I s parts department is expanding; large stock orders are pend t h e m a jo of the arriving daily to better serve you. Come and check day wo r it y r k in g a out our showroom as it will be changing over the s a tec I s p e c ia h n ic ia n liz e in t next several weeks. , ra c t o r s t . I am a h e s a fe Join me in welcoming Charles Tye, GPS ls o t y re p r esenta specialist to Roblin. Charles moved to d e a le r s t iv e f o h r the ip and ch Roblin in early January of this year. Feel free a ir o m u r e s a fe t y e t in g s to stop in and talk to Charles about any of your . GPS or land management needs and if you see him around town welcome him to the community. On behalf of my entire team here at Mazergroup Roblin, thank you for your business, and we look forward to working with you in 2012. Andrew Chase, Team Leader M azer

Team Leader Andrew Chase

Sales Representative Rob Stienwandt

New Employee Charles Tye GPS Specialist


We currently run a a TV6070 Bidirectional Tractor on our farm from Mazergroup Roblin. The 8 Speed transmission makes this tractor an absolute pleasure to operate. The seamless shifts of the transmission combined with the maneuverability makes it tough to beat for loader work. Gary Lenderbeck Lenderbeck Farms Roblin, MB

20 th Edition


N um b

er of y e a rs w it h g ro u p : 13 1/ 2 I am the S e rv ic e - Shoal Lake M anag er at M S hoal la k e . I a a z e rg ro Although 2011 was a m re s p up o n s ib le d a ily a challenging year for both dealer c t iv it ie fo r t h e s o f fi v and customer there is no doubt the e s erv t e c h n ic ic e ia n s a n demand for NH product continues d fo r o t o p ic k ur sem to grow every year. Our dedication up and i d r iv e r d e liv e r to the rural area and our farm and o ve rs e e q u ip m e the r ent. I construction customer has continued e p a ir s neede custom to grow. Mazergroup Shoal Lake has d fo r er equ ip m e n t continued to support our trade areas and us a s w e ll a s ed equ new ip m e n t 4H clubs , McCauley, Foxwarren, fo r t h e s a le s d d e a le r s e p a rt m Miniota, and McConnell. We support h ip ’s ent. I am w it h t h High School Rodeo, men’s and ladies p le ased t e team o w o rk t o p ro v curling , AAA Yellowhead Chiefs and id e t h e p o s s ib le s e r v ic bes t the Eagles senior hockey. We have supported e to ou r custo the new arena complex in Russell, farm m e rs . related golf tournaments in Foxwarren, Miniota, Hamiota and Shoal Lake. Our staff has always been involved in our community clubs, venues and activities. In return Mazergroup Shoal Lake has had tremendous support from the entire trade area stretching from # 10 Hwy to Saskatchewan and Riding Mountain to Kenton. We want and appreciate your business! Dwight Shepherd, Team Leader M azer

P r o fi le em ber M f f a St o ffa t r r a y M h c la ir, M B u M : e m a a r N St t tow n: Hom e


Agriculture is regaining its rightful place at the forefront of technology, and the T6000 Series is leading the charge. With SuperSteer™ maneuverability. Horizon™ cab. Advanced comfort. It’s the kind of machine that demands the world take notice. Stop by today.


20 th Edition


Sales Manager/ Team Leader Dwight Shepherd

We are always very pleased with the service that we receive from the sales, service and parts departments at Mazergroup Shoal Lake. It is second to none. The owners and staff at Mazergroup Shoal Lake are always very accommodating, for example, when the bearing in one of our balers went, the staff stayed late to get it repaired and back into the field. If our tractor is ever in for repairs, they always have a lender tractor available for us to use. We currently own a New Holland T6050 tractor and two BR7080 balers. The reason why we chose to purchase two balers is so that my wife and I can go out and bale on a Friday night together! Which means, it only takes ½ the time to bale our fields. Don & Sandy Yanick Beef and Grain farmers RM of Shoal Lake

Congratulations! Sales Representative Jim Kenney

Braiden Gapka from Oakburn who won the Ag Days toy! Rugged New Holland T5000 utility tractors excel in tough hay conditions and harsh loader work where lighter-weight tractors get pushed around. The largest model in the line-up is the new 96 PTO horsepower T5070. It’s perfect for working with demanding haying equipment like a Discbine® disc mower-conditioner or the largest Roll-Belt™ round baler. Every T5000 tractor model stands out from the crowd thanks to features like these: HIGHER-STRENGTH FRAMES, AXLES AND COMPONENTS RELENTLESS POWER FROM TURBOCHARGED INTERCOOLED ENGINES CLUTCHLESS POWER SHUTTLE AVAILABLE ON ALL MODELS 100% BIODIESEL APPROVED ENGINES FOR CLEAN BURNING ENERGy AND RENEWABLE FUEL RESOURCES

20 th Edition



20 th Edition

- Ste. Rose Mazergroup (formerly Bayes Equipment), and myself personally, have been involved in Neepawa and surrounding area since April 1995 and Ste. Rose and area since January 1997. We have been proud financial supporters of the area 4H clubs, local baseball and hockey teams, various service clubs, rodeos, arenas, bonspiels, Neeepawa Lily festival, Ste Rose Hoof and Holler days and many other community projects, over the years. We have recently completed an expansion of our service department in our Neepawa location, which allows us to better serve our growing S t a ff M e m b e r P ro N am e: De customer base. fi le : re k V a n d e p o e le H om etow n Although we have faced some difficult and challenging times in : S te. Ros e D u Lac, M agriculture over the last few years, our farmer customers have shown B tremendous resiliency and perseverence in the face of it all. Going forward, with cattle and grain prices going in the right direction, we look forward to a good year in N um 2012 and many more to come ber of y M az I would like take this opportunity to thank our customers e a rs e rg r w it h oup for their previous patronage and we hope to continue to work D e : 2 re k g re w with you in the years to come. near up o naf the Denys Usunier a rm S te R H e fi Team Leader Ste Rose/Neepawa ose n is h deal ed h tech e rs h is 2 n n ic ia ip . d y n ap ear lo o k p r in g f enti o rw a c e ,a le v e n d is rd t ls . o fi n is h in g h is Sales Representative Robert Worrall

Sales Representative Randy VanHumbeck


I operate a mixed farm at Ochre River. Currently I am running 2 New Holland Tractors, New Holland Combine, New Holland Air Seeder, New Holland Windrower and my latest purchase was a New Holland Front Mount Sprayer. The dealerships close proximity along with competitive pricing of the machinery keeps me coming back to the dealership. Ken Thompson, Ochre River, MB

20 th Edition



THE BOURGAULT 2012 SUMMER SAVINGS PROGRAM IS ON NOW. Along with the best financial incentives of the season, the Bourgault 2012 Summer Savings Program is your best opportunity to ensure delivery of your new 2013 Bourgault Seeding System. Included in the program is Bourgault’s complete line of seeding systems featuring the revolutionary 3320QDA Paralink Hoe Drill which allows you to adjust your independent seed depth in a matter of minutes and the 7950 Air Seeder - the largest air seeder in the world!

The following Bourgault equipment qualifies for the 2012 Summer Savings Program:  Series

3320 PHDs (SE, QDA, and XTC)

 5810

Air Hoe Drills

 3710

Independent Coulter Drills

 8910

 MRBŽIIIs  6000

Series Air Seeders

 7950

Air Seeder


Talk to your Bourgault Dealer today for details on the Bourgault 2012 Summer Savings Program.



20 th Edition


- Swan River It has been 15 months since Swan River has joined Mazergroup. We have made every effort to make this transition as seamless as possible, for you our valued customer. The advantages of a 13 store network has strengthened our dealership, and it’s ability to provide you the best in parts, service, and sales support now, and more importantly into the future. I invite each and every customer to come in and let us show you the new and exciting changes that are happening in our dealership. Glenn Horyshen Sales Manager/Team Leader Swan River

S t a ff M e m b e r P ro N am e: Do fi le : n a ld P le s h Hom etow n : D a u p h in , MB

N um b

er of y e a rs w it h g ro u p : 10 M y r o le h e re a t M azer has cha g ro u p n g e d fr om A cc o u n t in g M anag er to B u s in e s s M anag e r. In t h is p o s I suppo it io n rt t he s a le s d ep a rt m e n t in s a le s docum e n t a t io n p ro c e s s in g and se , llin g a d d it io n a l s a le s r e la t e d s erv ic e s t o o ur va custo lu e d m e rs . M azer

Sales Manager/ Team Leader Glen Horyshen

TRUE BLUE TESTIMONIAL Sales Representative Darwent Gaber

New Employee Steven Gillis Precision Farming Consultant

Mazergroup Swan River, formerly Kelsey Farm Equipment, have been serving our third generation farm for over 50 years. Glenn Horyshen, and his knowledgeable sales team have us coming back time and time again. New Holland equipment has provided us years of state of the art equipment that has been dependable, and provides all the luxury an operator could want. The service department is an up-to-date service facility and offers well trained technicians. Service Manager Ken Sagert, has been there since day one, offering experience and leadership, to help you get any work done quickly, efficiently and back out on the field. Their honest sales team, backed by trained service personnel, have made farming a whole lot easier for us. Ryan Sagert Minitonas, MB

20 th Edition


r s w it h N um ber of yea M a z e rg ro u p : 8 ad e th e m ov e I ha ve re ce nt ly m Te ch nic ia n fr om Jo ur ne ym an a g e r. I a m t o S e rv ic e M a n a ll d a ily re s p o n s ib le fo r o p e ra t io n s a n d

- Winnipeg

Mazergroup Winnipeg specializes in Turf, Landscape and Construction Equipment. With the main lines of New Holland Ag, New Holland Construction, Toro Commercial, Dakota, Kobelco, Dynapac, & Kawasaki, we meet and exceed our valued clients needs. We are pleased to announce we Nam Sta f e the H o m : D a v id C f M e m b have recently become a Mahindra Tractor m a n a g e m e n t in er Pr apst etow o fi l e ic k n : dealer. This exciting line of compact tractors W : in n ip ent eg, M s e rv ic e d e p a rt m will be arriving Spring 2012. Although B W in n ip e g 2011 was a difficult year with so much flooding a t M a z e rg ro u p n, io t c ru t in the province which all meets here with our s n o c , e ca p fo r a ll t h e la n d s two rivers at the Forks. Surrounding golf u ip m e n t . courses and acreage owners struggled with water until midsummer g o lf a n d t u rf e q and north of the city is still struggling and may have a very difficult spring. We are looking forward to an early spring, with more normal conditions for Manitoba. As far as community involvement, we have been proud sponsors of the Winnipeg Goldeyes for the past three seasons, and also sponsor the Manitoba Golf Community (MGSA) each year. Internally we are pleased to announce the appointment of Dave Capstick as Service Manager. Dave was one of our main technicians since our opening here in 2004. Dave Brick is also taking on a new position and will be joining the Sales team. Terry DeBaets, Team Leader

TEST-DRIVE THE NEW MAHINDRA MAX™ Introducing the industry’s first real sub-compact tractor that delivers big value. The new Mahindra Max Series is available in 2 sub-compact sizes (22 & 25hp) and a mid-compact size (28hp). Plus, Mahindra Max implements will help make tough jobs seem easy! But hurry, these powerhouses will go fast. PACKAGE SPECIAL WITH LOADER, IMPLEMENT X AND MOWER $204 per month Based on 84 months, at 4.25% with 10% down.


20 th Edition

CUSTOMER TESTIMONIAL We have relied on Toro and New Holland turf equipment from Mazergroup Winnipeg since 2007 and it has helped us provide the best possible day to day golf course conditions for our members. In addition to hosting the 2010 CN Canadian Women’s Open, along with other high profile events, at our 27 hole golf course. Without the equipment, service, and support from Mazergroup none of that would have been possible. Braydon Gilbert, Superintendent St. Charles Golf & Country Club


Sales Representative David Brick

Sales Representative Laurent Delaquis

Sales Representative Lee Lyons

Sales Representative Wayne Kosowan

Sales Representative Merv Lovie

20 th Edition


is proud to announce we have added a full line of

rugged, reliable, efficient

KAWASAKI WHEEL LOADERS 15 Models I 1 to 13.5 CU. YD I 45HP to 720HP

Sales Manager Denny Bouchard

Construction Sales Jon Mazer

Kawasaki is the most experienced manufacturer of articulated Wheel Loaders in the world. Since introducing the first models in 1962, they have maintained a leadership position in technology, service and support. Backed by massive resources of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, KMCA Corporation’s focus on wheel loaders translates into real benefits for you and your business. Kawasaki Wheel Loaders incorporate innovative design features coupled with extensive knowledge and experience gained from real-world applications. Kawasaki pioneered Z-Link design to provide unmatched utility, high breakout force and efficiency in it’s machines.

Kawasaki. One Focus. Complete Solutions. Territory Manager Wpg/East MB Laurent Delaquis


20 th Edition

Toll Free 1-866-576-8099

Winnipeg 204.253.2900 or 204.799.4373 Brandon 204.728.2244 or 204.761.8835

Color me & enter to WIN!!!! Mail entry to: Mazergroup Kid’s Club 1908 Currie Blvd Brandon, MB R7B 4E7

Name: Address:

Phone #: Which Mazergroup location is nearest to you?

True Blue Family Farm Contest Fa rm ! y l i m Fa e B lu e A Tru

Tell us about your Family Farm, include what is unique about your operation, and a photo! The winners will be featured in our next magazine, & receive a Mazergroup Gift Certificate! Submit by email to or mail to Mazergroup 1908 Currie Blvd. Brandon, MB R7B 4E9 20 th Edition


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