Publication Agreement No. 40012905
Monday August 21, 2017 Volume 37 Number 17
Farmer / Stockman
2015 sierra sLT crew 4x4 aLL Terrain LeaTher 89000 KM
Arborg, MB
Bourgault 5710 ll
2001, 47 ft. drill, 3" rubber packers, 9.8" spacing, 330 lb. trips, single shoot, knock ons, etc. Call for more info.
SE-8-13-17W Minnedosa, MB www.rtlequipment.ca (204) 573-0619
We are entering a new era of Kubota tractors. Up to 168 horsepower, 0% financing options, and 6 year powertrain warranty!
Working with you. 204-727-1050
Hwy 10 North ¾ mile
Brandon, MB
Pre-Owned Equipment
VR SERIES WHEEL RAKE ✔ Automatic width compensation ✔ 62” rake wheels turn better in heavy crops for total coverage ✔ 48 easy-to-replace individually bolted tines per wheel ✔ Available with 12-22 wheels
See the VR Series in action on
✔ Retrofits almost any bin ✔ Optional Jet Stream Air aeration ✔ Custom stairs, catwalks available
TracTors and Lawnmowers new cLaas TracTors – aXIon and XerIon ......................................................................$caLL new Kubota tractors – full range with best financing and warranty around ..................................................................................................................$caLL new JcB Fastrac – 4000 and 8000 series available now! .......................................................$caLL ’96 new Holland 8360 – 8400 hrs, Allied 794 ldr/bkt/grpl, very good, 2 remotes .............$37,500 ’09 Kioti cK30s HsT tractor and loader – 30hp, R4 tires, low hrs ...................................$20,000 ’07 Kioti cK20s HsT Tractor – loader,103hrs, MFD, R4 tires ..............................................$16,900 2014 Kubota F3990 front mount mower – 72” commercial, 4wd, 39hp, 306 hrs ..........$24,500 ’09 Kubota B2620 tractor – 450 hrs, 60” belly mower, R3 tires .......................................$16,000 ’16 Kubota BX25d tractor loader backhoe – 101hrs, R4 tires .......................................$20,000 12 Hustler X-one zero-turn mower – 60” commercial deck, Kawasaki 26hp .................... $7,500 ’05 Kubota ZG23 zero turn mower – 54” commercial deck, 285 hrs, 23hp gas ................. $7,500 LIVesTocK & ForaGe new anderson bale wrappers and pickers – top quality ..................................................$caLL new Penta mixers and dump trailers .................................................................................$caLL new Bunning manure spreaders – from 6 to 40 tonne.......................................................$caLL new claas Jaguar Forage Harvesters ..................................................................................$caLL ‘02 claas Jaguar 900 – 623hp, 2700hrs, well maintained................................................$175,000 ‘14 claas Jaguar 940 – 516hp, 2300hrs, excellent ...........................................................$285,000 ’15 Penta dB50 dump box – silage extensions, triaxle with hydr. brakes, hydraulic door with grain chute...............................................................................................................$72,500 ’16 Kane m675 halfpipe 18 tonne silage/grain trailer – for farm tractors, excellent ...........................................................................................$47,500 ’16 Jay-Lor 5575 vertical mixer wagon – 515 cubic ft., r/h folding conv., 540, excellent...........................................................................................................................$39,000 TeLeHandLers/sKIdsTeers/HeaVy equIPmenT new JcB Loadall, Telemaster, agri wheel Loaders – 2 year parts and labour warranty .....................................................................................$caLL new Kubota sVL track loaders, and ssV wheeled skid loaders – Biggest cab, Best performance .................................................................................................................$caLL ‘14 JcB Tm320 telescopic wheel loader – 2350 hrs, 17 ft lift height, 7000 lb capacity, 6 spd powershift with lock-up, limited slip diff., 125hp ..........................................................$112,500 TILLaGe & seedInG sumo subsoilers, superior build quality & field finish .......................................................$InquIre new salford I-series Tillage Tools ......................................................................................$caLL new eagle rotary ditchers new and used ..........................................................................$caLL ’11 sumo 5ar subsoiler – 5 leg, 3 point, hyd reset ...........................................................$22,500
Check our website to find a Bridgeview dealer near you! Bridgeview has been serving our customers for over 30 years
Valmar Applicators: in stock now!
’15 John deere 2625 tandem disk – 30’8”, as new..........................................................$70,000 2016 Bourgault 9400 chisel plow – 54ft, 5 plex, rear tow hitch, 4 bar heavy harrow, 12” spacing, Bourgault 4” sweeps with speedloc adapters, only worked 200 acres ...........................$105,000 John deere 1760 planter – 12R30, hyd. Drive, 1.4 bushel hoppers, Mudsmith wheels, radar, coulters ..................................................................................................................$16,500 Hay new claas and Vermeer Haying equipment ......................................................................$caLL new Kubota BV4580 - 5x6 round balers in stock now! ..........................................................$caLL ’08 case IH scX100 mower conditioner – double knife, 16ft, rubber conditioner...........$18,500 ’11 Kuhn Gmd700 3pt disc mower – 9’2” cut width, 540, COMING .....................................$caLL HarVesT new Geringhoff corn headers Inquire Today! ......................................................................$caLL new macdon swathers and headers all styles.....................................................................$caLL 2014 macdon m155 swather – c/w 2015 30ft D65-D 6 bat header, 577 header hrs, 819 engine hrs, double knife, hydraulic deckshift (double swath), double draper drive, transport kit, biggest tires .. $135000 2013 John deere w150 swather – 35ft 435D 5 bat header, Vern’s belly mount roller, John Deere Autotrac ready (needs screen and bubble), double knife, transport kit, biggest tires, 267 cut hrs/351 eng. hrs ................................................................................................$135,000 ’14 macdon Fd75-40 – double knife, transport, Ag-Shield upper cross auger, JD 60/70/S-Series .............................................................................................................$87,500 ’12 macdon Fd70-40 – single knife, transport, JD 60/70/S-Series......................................$62,500 ’10 macdon Fd70-40 – double knife, transport, Case/NH adapter, excellent .....................$65,000 GraIn HandLInG new Brandt Grain equipment – Large Inventory.................................................................$caLL new conveyall conveyors & tenders – All sizes and specs. .................................................$caLL ‘15 convey-all 22110 belt conveyor - 110’, c/w high capacity swing out and mover, barely used!, 540 ..........................................................................$50,000 ’00 Farm King 1370 grain auger – 540, reverser................................................................ $7,500 ’07 Brandt 1545LP belt conveyor – 27hp, loaded...........................................................$16,500 ’14 Brandt 1515LP transfer conveyor – Honda engine drive, excellent ............................ $6,500 mIsc new albutt silage Buckrakes and Telehandler attachments –.................... In sTocK now! new Bauman water pumps – PTO drive, high capacity........................................................$caLL new VaLmar ProducTs – 8/11/20 TONNE PULL TYPES .......................................................$caLL new s. Houle – rock buckets, land levelers, etc, in stock ........................................................$caLL new Farm King/allied snowblowers – All sizes ..................................................................$caLL agromec 92” Hd manure fork for JcB q-FIT ..................................................................... $5,500 ‘13 emily 1.4 cubic yard silage block cutter/shear grab ................................................ $6,000 ‘10 woods Bw180 batwing rotary cutter – 1000 rpm, aircraft tires...............................$11,500 ‘13 Horst cHcF45 - 4 wheel steer header transport, 45ft heads max., black ....................................................................................................... $7,500 case 850e bulldozer - 6 way blade, c/w root rake, Hyster cable winch ......................................................................................................................$37,500
(204) 727-1050
After Hours (204) 573-5734
“Working With You” Brandon, MB
Sid Patterson
Neal Patterson
Jim Robinson
Mobile: (204) 573-5734
Mobile: (204) 573-0819
Mobile: (204) 573-0360
Jamie Krieser
Mobile: (204) 573-9456