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30 min NE of Brandon Call Trent or Reg 204.763.4746 Toll Free 1.877.213.8225

Aug 26, 2013

Wrecking Newer and Older Heavy Trucks

Volume 33 Number 15

Visit us online @ www.loewensalvage.ca for a listing of some of our inventory

Arborg, Manitoba


www.vikingmotors.ca 4.8 tow pkg trailer brake





Publication Agreement No. 40012905

$24,900 1-888-204-2342

2012 JD S670

227 sep hrs $310,800

Morden 1-866-325-7742 Altona 1-866-324-6456 Killarney 1-866-523-7571 Treherne 1-888-382-6866

1995 NH 971-30 bat reel, double knife ........... $4,500

2004 LEXION 470R, 900 hrs, CEBIS, inspected & reconditioned ......... $125,440

1996 CIH 1010-30 UII reel .......... $10,000

1994 36’ MacDon 960 fits JD ...$10,000 OBO

1 (877) 353-4343

1998 HoneyBee SP36 JD adapter .... $15,000


Hydraulic 4 Wheel Drive System

The HIGHEST CAPACITY CONVEYOR on the MARKET! High Capacity Belt Conveyors Standard 70’ – 120’ With an Optional Swing out Transfer Conveyor

2001 CIH 2388, 1610 hrs, Swathmaster, specialty rotor ..............................$94,600

IIs sy your our s swather wat wa ather d driving riving st s straight? tra raig gh ht? Customers say there is nothing more enjoyable then having assisted steering in their swather!

Up to 120’ Available

Used 43, 45, 55, 75 and 120 conveyors IN STOCK!

Your Elias reliaBelt dealer for Manitob! Call for All your conveyor needs!

USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS & SKIDSTEERS White 2-185 Cab 795 loader low hrs 3pth ...................... $9,500 NH TT60A MFD 540 pto Canopy ‘08 90 hrs, c/w 126 ldr $23,500 NH TM160 MFD 650/65/38 rear tires 540/65 front 3pth $35,000 CIH 7220 MFD 6300 hrs 3-pth, 14.9 x 46 duals 1996 $49,000 BadBoy Outlaw XP 61” deck 26hp Kawasaki liquid Cooled $6,200 NH L190 Skidsteer 1780 hrs 2010 c/w tracs and tires .. $3,700 TC26 MFD loader, 60” mower & bagger 2006, 559 hrs $15,900 TILLAGE @ HARROWS Bourgault 6000 70FT mid -harrow 2009 .................... $25,000 Summers 44.5 Diamond Disc 2005 series 10 ............ $47,500 HAY & FORAGE NH BB9060 Packer Cutter Large square Harvest Tech $59,000 NH 1431 Discbine 13.5 ft unit field ready 2006 .... $15,500 NH BB940 3x4 Large square Baler ‘06 /18000 bales ... $32,500 NH 688 Round Baler bale Command 2002 .............. $12,999

Highway 1A West, Portage La Prairie, MB 204.239.5044

CaseIH 8465A Round Baler 1999 excellent ................ $12,500 GRAIN CARTS Parker 1110 1000 bus. Roll tarp corner auger 900/tires $24,900 Killbros 1950 1 season local trade Roll /tarp 1150 bus $37,900 1200 Killbros 725 bus roll tarp 32.5 tires local trade ..... $9,999 Balzer 1500 bus scale, toll tarp Tandem steering Axle 800/65/32 tires 2008 ...................................................... $54,900 SNOWBLOWERS & MISC 43ft Reliabelt 10 x 20 x 43 conveyer 27hp kohler Eng $19,500 20x110 Brandt 2010, side pto drive like new del. 2013 $28,500 15 x 45 Batco conveyor electric drive single Phase .. $18,750 75 ft Conve-all TCH 10 x75 swing loading conveyor ‘03 $18,500 Geringhoff 12 row 20” spacing chopping corn head ‘05 $49,500 JD 608C 8 row -30 chopping head new , stalk stompers, for JD 60, 70, s series ............................................................. $80,500 Woods 20ft shredder good cond 3 pth ..................... $3,995

415 1st Street, Winkler, MB 204.325.4311

STEVE GILLIS Precision Farming Consultant, Swan River veer ver er JAMES MCCAUGHAN I Neepawa & Ste. Rose 204-868-5768 I james.mccaughan@mazergroup.ca

ARTHUR RIGLIN I Killarney, Crystal City 204-523-6516 I arthur.riglin@mazergroup.ca

CHARLES TYE I Shoal Lake, Roblin 204-365-0888 I charles.tye@mazergroup.ca

IAN REICHERT I Brandon 204-573-0383 I ian.reichert@mazergroup.ca

CHRIS MURRAY I Hartney, MB & Moosomin, SK 204-741-0252 I chris.murray@mazergroup.ca

RANDY GATES I Portage & Arborg 204-745-7653 I randy.gates@mazergroup.ca


w w w. m a z e r g r o u p . c a

STEVE GILLIS I Swan River 204-281-1444 I steve.gillis@mazergroup.ca

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