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1-888-756-7770 Dec 16, 2013

Wrecking Newer and Older Heavy Trucks

Volume 33 Number 25

Visit us online @ www.loewensalvage.ca for a listing of some of our inventory

Arborg, Manitoba



NEW 2013 SIERRA SLE 4x4 5.3 tow pkg pwr group

www.farmpressltd.com 30 min NE of Brandon Call Trent or Reg 204.763.4746 Toll Free 1.877.213.8225



Publication Agreement No. 40012905

$31,900 1-888-204-2342

2013 JD DB60

47r15 planter $236,300

Morden 1-866-325-7742 Altona 1-866-324-6456 Killarney 1-866-523-7571 Treherne 1-888-382-6866

2001 JD 9650STS, 1935 hrs, yield monitor, 914 p/u ........ $83,900

2009 NH CR9070, mint condition, 626 hrs, HID lights, GPS mapping .... $233,900

1998 HoneyBee SP36 CIH adapter .. $20,000

2002 36’ MacDon 972 JD adapter, cross auger, transport ............$29,900

1 (877) 353-4343

1998 HoneyBee SP36 JD adapter .... $15,000


Hydraulic 4 Wheel Drive System

The HIGHEST CAPACITY CONVEYOR on the MARKET! High Capacity Belt Conveyors Standard 70’ – 120’ With an Optional Swing out Transfer Conveyor

2011 JD 9770STS, premium unit, 5 yr Power Guard warranty ...............$284,900

We are the Land Management Experts!

Up to 120’ Available

Used 43, 45, 55, 75 and 120 conveyors IN STOCK!

Your Elias reliaBelt dealer for Manitoba! Call for All your conveyor needs!

USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS & SKIDSTEERS NH TT60A MFD 540pto Canopy ‘08 90hrs, c/w 126 ldr $23,500 NH TM160 MFD 650/65/38 rear tires 540/65 front 3pth . $35,000 CIH 7220 MFD 6300 hrs 3-pth, 14.9 x 46 duals 1996 $49,000 NH L190 Skidsteer 1743hrs 2010, c/w tracs and Tires $37,000 BadBoy Outlaw XP 61” deck 26hp Kawasaki liquid. Cooled$6,200 TC26 MFD loader, 60” mower & bagger 2006, 559 hrs. $15,900 SEEDING & ROW CROP PLANTERS Bourgault 5710/6550 mid row 64ft 3.5 steel packers $135,000 Flexi-coil 1720 tow behind air Cart with dual casters .. $14,500 TILLAGE @ HARROWS Horsh Joker RT3700 EDC 37ft Electronic depth control . $82,500 Sumo 9LG SUB 9 shank 26 inch spacing steeling rolling packers ...................................................................................... $72,000 Horsh Joker RT 270 27ft Mechanical Depth control Roll-flex Packer ................................................................................ $69,825

Highway 1A West, Portage La Prairie, MB 204.239.5044

HAY & FORAGE NH BB9060 Packer Cutter Med square Harvest Tech . $59,000 NH 1431 Discbine 13.5 ft unit field ready 2006 .... $15,500 NH BB940 3 x4 Large square Baler 2006 / 18000 bales applicator bale chute ..................................................... $32,500 NH 688 Round Baler bale Command 2002 .............. $12,999 GRAIN CARTS 2013-CIH2608 New 8-Row Corn Chopping Hdr 30” Spacing $80,500 Kinze 1040 1000 bus . Walking tandem tarp scale ..... $23,700 2004-Demco 900, 900 bu Grain Cart, Roll Tarp, Pto .... $25,900 Brent 750 30.5x32 tires pto drive roll tarp, red............... $25,300 SNOWBLOWERS & MISC 15 x 45 Batco conveyor electric drive single Phase ... $18,750 75 ft Conve-all TCH 10 x75 c/w swing loading conveyor$17,500 10-20-43 Reliabelt 10” tube 20” belt 3 whl mover 34hp gas . $23,000 Brandt 1545 mover 45ft 34hp 2010 ............................ $18,500 10-20-55 Reliabelt 2013 38hp 4 whl mover 10” tube 20” belt $25,500

24084 PTH 3 East between Winkler & Morden, MB 204.325.4311


We have the systems to fit your needs and budget from lasers and grade control products, surface and subsurface mapping, to RTK ditching and tile control products. Give us a call to learn more! JAMES MCCAUGHAN I Neepawa & Ste. Rose 204-868-5768 I james.mccaughan@mazergroup.ca

ARTHUR RIGLIN I Killarney, Crystal City 204-523-6516 I arthur.riglin@mazergroup.ca

CHARLES TYE I Shoal Lake, Roblin 204-365-0888 I charles.tye@mazergroup.ca

IAN REICHERT I Brandon 204-573-0383 I ian.reichert@mazergroup.ca

CHRIS MURRAY I Hartney, MB & Moosomin, SK 204-741-0252 I chris.murray@mazergroup.ca

RANDY GATES I Portage & Arborg 204-745-7653 I randy.gates@mazergroup.ca

w w w. m a z e r g r o u p . c a

STEVE GILLIS I Swan River 204-281-1444 I steve.gillis@mazergroup.ca

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