Health & Fitness 2023

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A Supplement to The Alpena News
January 18, 2023

Baking sessions are a beloved family tradition in many households. But such sessions may not be as revered by family physicians, as baked goods are often prepared with ingredients, like sugar and butter, that aren’t necessarily sound additions to a person’s diet.

Though baked goods may never rival vegetables in nutritional value, there are ways for amateur bakers to make these beloved foods a little more healthy.

Tips to make baking more healthy

• Replace sugar with a fig puree. Figs are nutrition-rich fruits that serve as significant sources of calcium, potassium and iron. WebMD notes that figs also are excellent sources of fiber. Soaking eight ounces of figs in water can soften them before they’re pureed with between 1⁄4 to 1⁄3 cup of water. The resulting fig puree can serve as a sugar substitute.

• Make it a “dates” night. Much like figs, dates can be pureed and serve as a sugar substitute. However, WebMD notes that pureed dates will

not be able to replace all of the sugar in a recipe. One cup of pureed pitted dates with 1⁄2 to 1 cup of water can replace as much as half of the sugar a recipe calls for.

• Replace butter with avocados. It’s not just sugar that can make baked goods so unhealthy. Many baking recipes call for a substantial amount of butter. California Avocados notes that avocados can replace butter at a 1:1 ratio when baking. So if a recipe calls for 1 cup of butter, bakers can replace that with 1 cup of pureed avocados. WebMD warns that avocados have more water than butter, so bakers may want to reduce the temperature in their ovens by 25 percent and bake the foods a little longer.

• Replace white flour with whole wheat flour. White flour is often the go-to for amateur and even professional bakers. But white flour is processed, which removes the bran and germ of the grain, thus stripping white flour of much of its nutritional value.

Whole wheat flour is not processed, so it retains its nutritional value. Baking with whole wheat flour may require a learning curve, and some bakers prefer to use a mix of whole-wheat and white flour to preserve the flavors they’ve grown accustomed to.

Baked goods may never pack the most nutritious punch, but there are ways for amateur bakers to make such foods a little more healthy.

Fitness Center Always Something Great at the 701 Woodward Ave, Alpena • (989) 354-6164
Karate Pickleball
2 - Health & Fitness ~ Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Kids can set the pace for longterm health

Long-term health is not something that many young people routinely consider. After all, it’s easy to feel invincible during one’s childhood and adolescence. But the steps that young people take early on can affect their health as they get older.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, establishing healthy behaviors during childhood and adolescence is more beneficial to long-term health than trying to change poor behaviors in adulthood. The following are some ways young people can set the course for healthy outcomes throughout life.

Prioritize healthy foods

According to the childhood recreation group Mountain Kids, habits and actions performed subconsciously are hard to break because repeat habits trigger dopamine in the brain, causing pleasurable feelings that reinforce the behavior. So grabbing a slice of cake after school for a snack becomes rote. Instead, stocking the

refrigerator and pantry with sliced fruits and vegetables, low-fat yogurt, lean protein like hummus and whole wheat dipping crackers can set the course for more responsible eating behaviors.

Eat meals and shop together

Kids can learn what healthy eating and portion control looks like if it is modeled by their parents. Children should be involved with reading nutrition labels and understanding the ingredients that comprise the foods they commonly eat. When dining out, choose restaurants that utilize menus that indicate the caloric content of meals. Children will learn to recognize and embrace nutritious foods and that can continue into adulthood.

Eating as a family also benefits mental health. Stanford Children’s Health says eating together as a family can encourage children’s confidence in themselves and improve communication. Children who regularly converse and interact with their

parents may be less likely to engage in substance abuse or act out at school.

Increase physical activity

The CDC says 21 percent of adolescents aged 12 to 19 are obese, and two in five students have a chronic health condition. A sedentary lifestyle may be one contributor to these statistics. At home and in school, adults can encourage physical activity as an effective means to prevent obesity. The Department of Health and Human Service recommends that children and adolescents age six and older get at least one hour a day of moderate or vigorous aerobic activity, such as running or

biking. Muscle- and bone-strengthening activities also are recommended.

Kids who learn early on to appreciate physical activity reap long-term benefits that extend well into adulthood.

Avoid tobacco Tobacco and nicotine vaping products can contribute to many negative health conditions. Youngsters who avoid these products throughout their lives may improve longevity and reduce their risk for various illnesses.

Children who learn healthy behaviors at a young age are more likely to continue those good habits into adulthood, which ultimately benefits their long-term health.

Northern Michigan's Premier Event Center!

Pokorzynski. For more information, contact: Aaron Pokorzynski (989) 7663448


The Aplex offers accommodations for any occasion. The sky is the limit when planning, organizing, and fulfilling our guest's ultimate celebration. You provide your vision, we will make it a reality.

The Aplex is a beautiful facility that can accommodate up to 650 people for the grandest of banquet functions. It boast a total of 5 spacious rooms for Weddings, Holiday Parties, Executive Conferences, Business Meetings, Concerts and Birthday Parties. You provide the occasion, we provide the venue.

We are a premier event center with many accommodations to offer.

Enjoy Comedy, Music and Family Shows from Northern Michigan and Beyond. All for a great cause!

FITNESS CENTER: is equipped with all the machines and tools to help you stay active and fit. We offer: treadmills, exercise bikes, ellipticals, weight benches, LAT pull down, leg extension machine, leg press machine, shoulder press machine, chest press machine, full set of dumbbells, and weight bars with a full assortment of weight plates.

APLEX TENNIS CENTER: The APlex Tennis Center offers memberships, lessons, league play and more. All lessons are taught by our Director, Aaron

Karate meets several times each week and offers classes, free "try-it" days, and more. Kick it up a notch... give karate a try. For more information, contact: Elaine Sommerfeld at esommerfeld@ (989) 354-6164

BEACH VOLLEYBALL: We are fortunate enough to have four courts with a 15" sand base. Our leagues play on Tuesdays from May through September. Open courts remainder of the week. No charge.

PICKLEBALL: At the APlex Tennis Center, we have two regulation size pickleball courts set up on court four. Each court has it's own regulation size net that is easily movable to court. Available at the front desk are pickleball paddles from Pro-Lite and Champion, of different sizes and weights, so you can choose your ideal paddle. See our website for more details.

ALPENA GYMNASTICS, INC: Alpena Gymnastics offers classes for all ages. Starting at 18 months and going up to high school. For more information, contact: Buffy Storey at (989) 2557124 or ; www.alpenagym. com; (989)

Wednesday, January 18, 2023 ~Health & Fitness - 3

For Weight Management Go-To Place

The relationship between milk and health

“Drink your milk” is a familiar refrain in households across the globe. Though that statement is often directed at children, adults also may feel they need to drink more milk. But the relationship between milk and overall health is a complex one that’s only been made more complicated by some long-held but potentially misleading beliefs about milk.

Milk and bone health

not support the somewhat popular notion that milk helps with long-term weight control. Though studies have found that milk and dairy could help to reduce body fat in the short-term when it was included as part of a calorierestricted diet plan, that benefit was not evident when individuals stopped restricting their calorie intake.

Milk and cancer

After trying one fad diet after another with little success, Tracy Krick decided enough was enough. That’s when she began exploring weight management surgery. She knew that she needed to make a permanent change for herself and her family. Today, Tracy’s not only 90 pounds lighter, but her confidence level is at an all-time high and she’s off her blood pressure medicine. “Dr. Bonacci and the bariatric team were truly amazing,” she said. “They changed my life! That’s why MyMichigan is my Go-To Place.”

To find out if weight management surgery is right for you, visit Watch our free online seminar or take a 5-minute weight loss assessment.

Calcium, vitamin D, phosphorous, and protein have all been linked to bone health. Milk contains each of these nutrients, so it’s natural for people to think milk can help to establish and maintain healthy bones. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, evidence strongly supports the sentiment that dairy products promote healthy bones and muscles. However, a 2001 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that countries with the highest intakes of milk and calcium had the highest rates of hip fractures. Two separate meta-analyses of prospective cohort studies, one in 2011 and the other in 2019, did not find an association between milk consumption and hip fracture risk. So what do these studies have to say about milk and bone health? That’s uncertain, and acknowledging that uncertainty is important for people who are looking to milk to build strong bones. In such instances, individuals should look to additional measures aside from drinking milk, such as daily exercise and avoiding tobacco, which the Mayo Clinic reports has been linked to weakened bones.

Milk and long-term weight control

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health notes that research does

The potential relationship between milk and cancer also is complicated. A meta-analysis of more than 100 cohort studies by the World Cancer Research Fund found that higher milk intake lead to a reduced risk of colorectal cancer, though this benefit was mostly in men. However, the Chan School of Public Health notes that other studies have linked dairy and milk intake to an increased risk of prostate cancer and early stage prostate cancer.

The relationship between milk and overall health is complex. Individuals who want to get healthy can speak with their physicians about whether or not increasing their milk intake can help them.

4 - Health & Fitness ~ Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Simple ways to make meals healthier

Cooking foods at home is one of the simplest ways to gain greater control over personal health. Cooking at home is the easiest way to know precisely what you’re putting into your body each day. Cooking your own meals also enables you to customize recipes so they align with any dietary restrictions or personal preferences you may have.

According to a 2021 survey by the consumer market research firm Hunter, 71 percent of people in the United States plan to continue cooking more at home after the pandemic ends. Increased creativity and confidence in the kitchen, as well as the fact that cooking at home helps to save money and enables one to heat healthier, is driving the ongoing increase in dining in.

When cooking at home, cooks can consider various tips to make meals that much healthier.

• Increase fiber intake. Fiber improves bowel regularity and helps a person feel full between meals. High fiber foods also help stabilize blood sugar levels. Two servings of fibrous foods at each meal and an additional fiber-rich snack each day can ensure your body is getting the fiber it needs.

• Slow down eating. The pace at which a person eats a meal can affect his or her overall health. Healthline reports that fast eaters are more likely to eat more and have higher body mass indexes than slow eaters.

• Choose whole grains. Choosing whole grain breads or cereals over refined grains can make for a more nutritious diet. Whole grains are linked to a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

• Swap Greek yogurt for other varieties. Greek yogurt contains up to twice as much protein as regular yogurt, providing roughly

Plaza Pool Exercise & Fitness

At the Alpena County Plaza Pool we offer many water activities that focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle, recreation, and family fun! Whether you’re looking for a place to exercise, or a place to bring your family, the Alpena County Plaza Pool has something for everyone!

AQUA CHI~ This class is based on Ti Chi. It is often called “meditation in motion” because of its slow, graceful movements. The class is designed to help with balance while promoting proper breathing.

BOOTCAMP~ This is a high intensity workout designed to lift the heartrate and burn calories. (Shallow End)

CARDIO MIX UP~ Instructor’s Choice A Cardio workout to include anything from H.I.I.T., Tabata, equipment circuit, etc. (Mostly Shallow End)

DEEP WATER AEROBICS~ Doing a combination of swimming and aerobics with low impact on your joints. (Deep End)

EVENING AEROBICS~ This is a medium intensity class using the weight of your body with the resistance of the water. (Shallow End)

SCULPT~ This medium intensity workout is designed to work on toning and strength. It utilizes multiple repetitions and water resistance with various workout equipment. (Shallow end with option to do deep end)

Senior Fitness~ This is a low impact workout designed to provide a safe, comfortable, and effective way for patrons of all fitness levels. It increases flexibility and balance. (Shallow End)

WATER H.I.I.T.~ High Intensity Interval Training! Alternating short periods of intense or explosive water aerobic exercise with brief recovery periods. (Shallow End)

VOLLEYBALL~ Using a beachball instead of a volleyball in the water can be more difficult than it looks! This hour is designed for pure enjoyment surrounded by laughter with your friends!

WATER WALKING~ This is a great time to do your own workout. Start off slowly and gradually increase your duration and intensity.

LAP~ Designed for swimmers with varying ability levels in the pool. Workout at your own pace while boosting your endurance level and cardiovascular health!

OPEN FIT FUN~ Open Activity in the pool geared towards a more social and relaxed atmosphere. Perfect for all ages (6 months-99)!

OPEN SWIM AND/OR FUN RUN~ Activities take place in either the shallow or deep end of the pool. There are basketball hoops and small slide in shallow end for open swim. Those wishing to use the deep water or Fun Run need to demonstrate swimming skills. A lifejacket will be provided to children wishing to use the Fun Run but unable to pass the swim test.

Check out our website or Facebook page for membership information, rates, & updated schedule!

10 grams per 3.5 ounces. Protein along with fiber helps a person feel fuller longer, which can manage appetite and reduce overeating. Greek yogurt also can replace mayonnaise or sour cream in certain recipes.

• Add a vegetable to every meal. Vegetables are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, they tend to be high in antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. Increase vegetable intake by eating vegetables with every meal.

• Choose healthy fats. While a person should minimize the amount of oils and other fats used during the cooking process, when it’s necessary for a recipe, select the best fat possible. Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat that is packed with antioxidant polyphenols. It is considered a heart-healthy oil, and it may promote a healthy brain and memory function.

• Cut out sweetened beverages. Sodas and other sweetened drinks are leading sources of added sugar in diets. Opting for water or naturally sweetened fruit juices can improve overall health.

Small dietary changes can add up to big health benefits.

SUNDAY OPEN SWIM is from 1p.m to 3p.m Kids under 8 require an adult in the pool with them at all times. Health Benefits of Aquatic Exercise: Low Impact, Supports Mobility, Great Form of Cardio, Improves Strength, Relieves Joint Pain, Improves Balance and Coordination, Boosts Confidence, Reduces Stress, Burns Calories just to name a few! SWIM LESSONS Swim Lessons are on Mondays OR Wednesdays. Each Session lasts 6 weeks. Members: $60.00 Non-Members: $80.00 Infant Toddlers: $45.00 And Youth Memberships: $80.00. Private lessons available upon request. Pre-Registration Required at swim-lessons 3303 S. Third Ave. • Alpena • 989-354-8287 • At the Alpena County Plaza Pool we offer many water activities that focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle, recreation, and family fun! Whether you’re looking for a place to exercise, or a place to bring your family, the Alpena County Plaza Pool has something for everyone!
CLASSES Aqua Chi Bootcamp Cardio Mix Up Deep Water Aerobics Evening Aerobics Sculpt Senior Fitness Water H.I.I.T. Volleyball Water Walking Lap Open Fit Fun Open Swim and/or Fun Run
S. 3rd Ave
Wednesday, January 18, 2023 ~Health & Fitness - 5

Rewarding resolutions that won’t require a major commitment of time

Much like money, time does not grow on trees. That reality is all too familiar to busy adults juggling multiple responsibilities at work, at home and other places where they spend their time.

A time crunch can make it hard to commit to a New Year’s resolution. But resolutions, which are often focused on self-improvement, can be worthwhile endeavors. So what are busy adults to do? Perhaps the best approach is to choose resolutions that don’t necessarily require much time.

• Exercise more: A commitment to getting fit and being more physically active is a popular New Year’s resolution. Though choosing such a path may seem like it requires a significant time commitment, the Physical Activity Guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that adults perform at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderateintensity aerobic activity or 75 to 150 min-

utes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. That might seem like a lot, but it can be combined with other leisure activities you already engage in. For example, a sports fan can watch the big game while on a treadmill or elliptical, while readers can swap the couch with an exercise bike as their go-to reading spot. Doing so for as little as a half hour per day can help you get the recommended amount of daily exercise without taking up a large chunk of your time.

• Read more: Adults across the globe lament a lack of time to curl up with a good book. But some brief reading before bed each night can help adults achieve this goal and can even improve their quality of sleep. In fact, a 2021 study published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Trials found that reading in bed before going to sleep improved sleep quality compared to not reading a book in bed.

• Journaling: Journaling is another worthy resolution that won’t take up much time. Individuals can take 15 minutes out of their day to write down their thoughts and feelings and reflect on the day’s comings and goings. That simple activity can produce profound results, as the University of Rochester Medical Center notes that journaling helps people prioritize their problems, fears and concerns; reduce stress; cope with depression; and identify negative thoughts and behaviors.

• Become more organized: This resolution won’t take up much of your time. In fact, becoming more organized should free up time. A lack of organization can make it harder to meet work deadlines, keep a house clean, tackle everyday tasks, and keep a clear mind. By taking steps to be more organized, whether that’s through using a daily organizer, avoiding procrastinating in regard to cleaning up around

the house or other means, individuals will gradually discover they have more free time to use as they see fit.

New Year’s resolutions need not take much time. Busy individuals can keep that in mind as they look for ways to improve their lives in the year ahead.

ACC Wellness Center

The Wellness Center features:

• Cardio machines

• Weight training circuit

• Personal exercise programs

• Locker rooms

• Shower facilities

Located on ACC's main campus, next to Park Arena, the Frederick T. Johnston Wellness Center is open to students, faculty, staff, and community members.

Plan to exercise? Not sure where to start? Here is an opportunity to tap into what ACC has to offer right here on campus at the Frederick T Johnston Wellness Center. Director Noel Curtis and Health Fitness Technician Sharlene Kozlowski will put their expertise to work as they review the various options available for exercise, assist you in trying out different pieces of exercise equipment and engage you in conversation on developing a program that keeps in mind those problem areas whether it be a shoulder, hip, knee or back. Either way, they are here for you.

The public is welcome. Join today. Call Noel at 358-7391 or drop in and we will be more than happy to get you heading in the right direction.

• Equipment check out

• Open gym

Visit our Website for more information!

6 - Health & Fitness ~ Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Does roller skating benefit overall health?

A little recreation never hurt anyone. In fact, the activities people choose to engage in during their free time can promote and safeguard their long-term health.

Roller skating is a recreational activity often associated with children, but it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. And though roller skating devotees may already know how beneficial it is for their bodies, novices might be surprised to learn just how much lacing up their skates can do for their overall health.

Roller skating and balance

Roller skating requires pushing off and forces individuals to rely on their gluteus maximus. The online medical resource Healthline notes that the function of the gluteus maximus is to

extend and laterally rotate the hip. When glute muscles collaborate as a person roller skates, that improves body stability, helping people to maintain better balance, even when they’re not skating.

Roller skating and your core

The Mayo Clinic notes that core exercises train the muscles in this area of your body to work in harmony, ultimately leading to improved stability. When roller skating, individuals rely on their core muscles, making this a core-friendly exercise. If improved stability isn’t enough to get people to lace up their skates, it’s worth nothing that the Harvard Medical School indicates that a strong, flexible core can benefit the body in numerous ways. For example, low back pain sufferers may be interested to know that exercises that promote well-balanced, resilient core muscles can help to prevent low back pain.

Roller skating and weight loss

Anyone who has ever been roller skating likely knows that it’s easy to break a sweat once those skates are laced up. In fact, Healthline notes that a 160-pound individual who skates at a consistent intensity for 30 minutes can expect to burn around 267 calories. Burning calories can help people lose weight, making roller skating a worthy activity for individuals who want to add some fun physical activity to their weight loss routines.

It may have been a while since adults last laced up a pair of skates. But roller skating can be a great activity for anyone looking to get healthy and have a little fun along the way.

The modern drug store where you are greeted with a friendly “Hello” and “How can we help you?” Has now partnered with a company to dispense Specialty Drugs that require attentive handling, administration and/or monitoring. We are your Home Town Independent Health Mart Pharmacy and we are accepting new patients! We also provide FREE DELIVERY and have Alpena’s first drive-thru window. 2236 US 23 S Alpena 989-354-2171 The Drug Store may not be big, but we excel on friendly, fast service and welcome the opportunity to serve you. • • • • • • • • Help keep our independent pharmacy strong in Alpena. • • • • • • • • Please let us help you plan ahead. Need your Shingles shot? Most insurances are fully covering the Shingrex shot, so no cost to you! If you would like to know more or find out if your insurance fully covers your shingles shot, give us a call at 989-354-2171. We also have Ananda Professional CBD products. Wednesday, January 18, 2023 ~Health & Fitness - 7
8 - Health & Fitness ~ Wednesday, January 18, 2023 Expires February 28th 2023 Expires February 28th 2023 2022

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