1. The Development Gap

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The Development Gap Learning outcomes: you should be able to: · describe the global pattern of differences in development between MEDCs and LEDCs (with general reference to places for illustration purposes only); · use a range of economic and social indicators of development to do this, and evaluate the effectiveness of these indicators: o economic: GNI per captia (Gross National Income per person) o social o composite: HDI (Human Development Index) Key Terms

1. It’s time to get a bit on the arty side. Imagine you’re in an art gallery, admiring some wonderful pieces of artwork, when you come across this stark image. Being in an art gallery, you’re going to want to make it look like you’re an informed and intelligent art critic, someone who is able to understand the symbolism that the artist used and the message she is wanting to get across. So you begin to discuss the image with the people you’re with, keen to show off your superior art knowledge. So here we go then. What are the images being used here? What are they meant to represent? What is this saying about the distribution of wealth across the world? The question we want to ask is this: to what extent is this a true picture of global development? Are there two main groups: a very rich minority exploiting the world and leaving a very poor majority destitute, begging for help?

Unit 2 Theme B: Contrasts in World Development – Lurgan College Geography Department

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