April: Health Care Reform Learning Session Record of Learning

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Health Care Reform Collaborative of Central Ohio Learning Session for Non-Profit Leaders & Community Advocates April 13, 2012 Record Designed and Hosted by the Access HealthColumbus Community Advisory Committee (CAC)  Presentation Slides: click here to view  Presentation video: click here to view  Learning from participants: pages 2 & 3  Listing non-profit leaders participating at learning session: pages 3 & 4  Health Care Reform Collaborative of Central Ohio: click here to learn more

Donna Woods Gladden Community House

Isi Ikharebha Physicians CareConnection

Katie Clark, RN Physicians CareConnection

Dana Vallangeon, MD Lower Lights Christian Health Center

Special thanks to CAC members Cathy Levine and Doug Anderson for providing content expertise on the Affordable Care Act during the question and answer session. 1

The following reflections were shared by participants and will be used for planning purposes by the Community Advisory Committee: 1. Other than what you heard today, what additional information regarding health care reform would be helpful to you and your organization?                  

Covering costs of prevention How the exchange will look/operate Learn about who is in the room and share contact information Learn how access and capacity will be increased Learn how we are/can help with access Learn more about the potential of small businesses being forced to provide insurance through the exchange Learn what integrated health care looks like for people with serious mental illness and what funding will be available for this work Learn what tangible things non-profits can do to get involved so we are not “spectators” More information on how free clinics can begin teaching patients on what to do and how to prepare them Provide information on cost savings that is currently available Provide the hospital administrator perspective Share how the Massachusetts Exchange Works Share information on how consumers will get information Share information on the Affordable Care Act Provisions that will stay even if not all of the provisions stay in place (individual mandate, etc.) Share tools that are available to help implement programs Status of the Central Ohio Health Information Exchange Understand how will emergency department visit be impacted What incentives will be given to Medical institutions to get more primary care physicians/students

2. Other than what we shared today, are you aware of any health care reform activity in our community that would be crucial to share with others?             

Benefit Bank COAAA Franklin County covering kids and families Health Policy Institute Jenny Camper-Medication Compliance Discussions Meaningful use of $ that providers can access for EHR and managing outcomes-standards of care Need to set-up a local “tracking system” to see who’s doing what in regards to health care reform, expanding care/keeping people healthy; then identify who the lead contact person for these efforts. Office of Health Transformation Senior Options SPAN Ohio System navigators for the exchange UHCAN Ohio Helpline Updates from Ellen Rapkin-She received lots of great comments on the usefulness of her updates!!!


3. What ideas do you have to help prepare local organizations to share accurate health care reform information with our community?             

Connect with supportive housing and senior housing, and other living situations Health Information Exchange Hold a work session on Patient Navigators to help people sign-up for the exchange and how/if this work would relate to navigating the current system Hold training session on health care reform for front-line non-profit staff Invite patients to evening sessions More learning sessions, like this one More linking of the organizations here and sharing resources of health care providers/services More opportunities for the train the trainer events on health care reform Provider training curriculum for healthcare reforms Publicize current educational tools for organizations to use Train the trainers to help free clinics Training for grass roots organizations Website that updates the community on new provisions as they emerge and a phone line that consumers and practitioners can use to get answers to their questions

4. Listing of non-profit leaders participating at April 13, 2012 Learning Session Access HealthColumbus Alcohol Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County Asian American Community Services Bailey Cavalieri LLC (CAC member) Central Community House (CAC member) Central Ohio Diabetes Association Central Ohio Trauma System Columbus City Schools Columbus City Schools Columbus Public Health Columbus Public Health Columbus Public Health Columbus Public Health Columbus Public Health Columbus Public Health Columbus Public Health Columbus Public Health (CAC member) Columbus Public Health (CAC member) Community Housing Network Franklin County Office on Aging Gladden Community House Gladden Community House (CAC member) Goodwill Columbus 3

Jeff Aaron Karen Douglas L. LaShawn Roy Jendy Ginny Sandra Matthew Karen Ken Carla Guendelina Makeda Audrey S. Teresa C. Ellen Michael Vicki Patti Donna Lutrell

Biehl Riley Jiubu Anderson Capito Bobbitt Dunlop Black Glasner Baldwin Fields Grace Hicks Jones Porter Regan Long, MD Rapkin Tynan Leonard Kilmer Woods Jolly

Helping Hands Free Clinic Helping Hands Health and Wellness Center Homeless Families Foundation Life Care Alliance Lighthouse Counseling Services Lower Lights Christian Health Center (CAC member) Mid Ohio Nurses Association Mount Carmel Health Ohio Consumers for Health Coverage Physicians CareConnection Physicians CareConnection Physicians CareConnection Physicians CareConnection (CAC member) Physicians CareConnection (CAC member) Physicians Free Clinic/Voluntary Care Network Southeast, Inc. Southeast, Inc. The Breathing Association The Breathing Association The Breathing Association The Columbus Medical Association UHCAN Ohio UHCAN Ohio (CAC member) UMCH Family Services Vineyard Health Clinics Zangmeister Cancer Center

Joyce Jan Cheryl L. Marilyn Steven Dana Jean Jan Alicia Paula Mary Maria Katie Isi Vianela Bill Sandra Teresa Marie Judy Phil Nita Cathy Beth S. Andi Jane


Bourgault Patton Brewer Webster Johnston Vallangeon, MD Southworth Neefe Rivers Dunn Mutegi Rodgers Clark, RN Ikharebha Tejada Lee Stephenson Allton Collart Kress Cass Carter Levine Gerber Doane Wenk

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