Q4 Learning Session: American Health Network - Hilliard

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PLAN › What were the improvement aims?

Increase patients’ participation in our quality improvement process  Increase patients’ engagement in their health care 

DO › What improvements did we achieve?

Participation  Engagement 

STUDY › What did we learn

What obstacles did we face?  How did we overcome them?  What would we do differently? 


Based on what we learned, what are the next improvement steps?

Participation › Patient Advisory Panel › Diabetes Group Visits

Engagement › Patient Activation Measure (PAM) survey

› Emphasize face-to-face health coaching

visits (rather than distance visits)


New patients (number of visits)

30 days HTN DM Lipids Weight Loss Smoking

face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone

60 days

2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 3

face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone

90 days

1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2

face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2


Established patients (number of visits)

30 days HTN DM Lipids Weight Loss Smoking

face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone

60 days

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone

90 days

0 2 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 1

face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone face to face phone

0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1

Participation › First Patient Advisory Panel meeting  June 27, 2012  35 suspects  6 patient attendees  2 doctors introduced and left  Jeff Biehl, Krista Stock

Participation › First Patient Advisory Panel meeting › Feedback:  Pre-Survey re knowledge and health coaching  18 questions (details available on request)  Average 3.33/4

Participation › First Patient Advisory Panel meeting › Feedback:  Post Survey

Participation › First Diabetes Group Visit  September 27, 2012  555 suspects  3 patient attendees, plus 1 spouse  1 health coach

Participation: Diabetes Group Visit Format

Pre-session planning ›

Ask patients: what are your problem areas in managing your diabetes?

Part 1: Discussion › For patients to learn from each other

 What is your biggest challenge?  What solutions do you have that might help others?

Part 2: Education › Design an education piece around the feedback you get from


 What do they want to learn?


Participation › First Diabetes Group Visit  Feedback:  Training (3 questions): 5/5  Content Delivery (7 questions): 4.9/5  Application (3 yes/no questions): all “yes”

Participation › Second Diabetes Group Visit  November 28, 2012  Zero patients

Engagement › First survey results › Initial statistics Venue
























Obstacles › Few volunteers › Resistance to face-to-face visits › Some patients lost in health coach transition

Overcome › Direct doctor-to-patient appeal

Do differently › Lower our expectations

Next steps › Repeat survey › Continue meetings › Measure outcomes › Attempt to correlate increased

participation/engagement with improved clinical measures

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