Our Vision (aspiration): Optimal Care, Value, and Health for all people in Greater Columbus Our Mission (useful need): To transform healthcare delivery and value for all people in Greater Columbus through collaboration with consumers, providers, and purchasers Lead Support
Major Support
Additional Support 100% Access HealthColumbus Board & Staff Individual & Corporate Donations
BOARD OF DIRECTORS • Ivery Foreman (Board Chair), Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, United Way of Central Ohio Representative • Mike Stull (Board Vice Chair), Employers Health Coalition, Business Representative • Bill Wulf, M.D. (Board Treasurer), Central Ohio Primary Care, Columbus Medical Association Representative • Dianne Radigan (Board Secretary), Cardinal Health, Franklin County Representative • Jeff Biehl (President), Access HealthColumbus, non-voting, ex-officio • Doug Anderson, Bailey Cavalieri, City of Columbus Representative • Dianne Biggs, Labor Representative • Sarah Durfee, RN, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, Purchaser Representative • Jerry Friedman, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Hospital Representative • Diana Riggsby Gardner, The Dispatch Printing Company, Purchaser Representative • Jeff Geppert, Battelle, Health Care Representative • Thomas Hadley, Wells Fargo Insurance Services, Chamber of Commerce Representative • Sister Barbara Hahl, Mount Carmel Health System, Hospital Representative
2 • Kevin Hinkle, Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Health Plan Representative • Thomas Horan, Columbus Neighborhood Health Center, Community Health Centers Representative • Isi Ikharebha, Physicians CareConnection, Consumer Representative • Doug Knutson, M.D., OhioHealth, Hospital Representative • Teresa Long, M.D., Columbus Public Health, Health Department Representative • Julie Erwin Rinaldi, Syntero, Behavioral Health Representative • Valerie Ruddock, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Hospital Representative • Olivia Thomas, M.D., Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Community Philanthropic Representative • Dana Vallangeon, M.D., Lower Lights Christian Health Center, Consumer Representative • Bruce Wall, M.D., The Ohio State University Health Plan, Columbus Medical Association Representative • Todd Weihl, D.O., OhioHealth, Columbus Osteopathic Association Representative
WHY: The Need
A neutral, trusted organization through which the community can plan, facilitate, and coordinate the many different activities required for successful healthcare system transformation. •
One of the greatest challenges facing the nation is making healthcare more affordable while maintaining and improving its quality and improving population health.
Evidence is clear that healthcare costs can be significantly reduced by improving the quality and appropriateness of care and engaging community members to work together to improve population health.
Given the complexity of the healthcare system, the need to coordinate across organizations and sectors, and the barriers to change, coordinated multi-faceted and multi-stakeholder approaches are needed if healthcare reform efforts are to succeed.
Since all healthcare stakeholders in a community – consumers, providers, purchasers, etc. – will be affected in significant ways, they all need to be involved in planning and implementing change.
Because there is often considerable distrust and lack of coordination between different stakeholder groups, a neutral facilitator is usually needed to help design true “win-win” solutions.
Through collaborative leadership and a focus on community benefit, regions can break down silos and promote alignment. Technical assistance and support can further improvement efforts, and measurement and reporting can track progress, identify best practices, and ensure accountability.
New relationships across disciplines and sectors to build trust and promote alignment of efforts.
Source: Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement www.nrhi.org
WHAT: our strategic areas of focus
4 Value-based
Healthcare Delivery
Healthcare Reporting
Transform Healthcare
in Greater Columbus with consumers, providers & purchasers
Healthcare Literacy
Collaborative Learning
Value: quality, cost, and patient experience
Catalyze Collaborative Grant Applications
HOW: our collaborative process
Build collaborations with consumers, providers, and purchasers ~trust~
Apply collaborative learning ~spread knowledge~
Measure actionable results
Transform Healthcare
in Greater Columbus with consumers, providers & purchasers
~collective impact~
Catalyze best practices ~awareness~
Convene diverse stakeholders ~exploration~
Coordinate activities that transform healthcare delivery and value ~commitment~
WHERE: regional healthcare improvement collaboratives
Oregon Healthcare Quality
Puget Sound Health Alliance
Wisconsin Collaborative Healthcare Quality
Utah Partnership for Value-drive HC
Minnesota Community Measurement
Greater Detroit Area Health Council
Better Health Greater Cleveland
Finger Lake Health Systems Agency & Collaborative of Western NY
Maine Health Coalition
Iowa Healthcare Collaborative
MA Health Quality Partners AF4QL South Central PA
Midwest Health Initiative California Quality Collaborative Nevada Partnership for Value-drive HC
Healthcare Collaborative of Greater Columbus
Center for Improving Value in HC
Source: Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement www.nrhi.org
The Health Collaborative Louisiana Healthcare Quality Forum
Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative