October 7th Regional Learning Session Slides

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Regional Learning Webinar October 7, 2015

Today’s Learning Topic: National Quality Measures Featured Speaker  Jeffrey Geppert Advanced Analytics and Health Research Battelle Memorial Institute Learning Objectives  What are national quality measures?  Why are national quality measures necessary?  How are national quality measures created?  What are we learning from creating national quality measures?

We welcome your reflections and questions via Webinar chat feature or Text to 614-906-2440 We are recording the webinar - will be available via our website later today

Next In-Person Learning Session:  December 4th In-Person 8:30 - 11:30 AM EST  Topic: Featuring Regional Healthcare Transformational Activities  Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive www.hcgc.org

Our Public-Private Funding Partners Lead Supporter

Major Supporters

Additional Supporters 100% of our Board of Directors & Staff

Clarity Consultancy Services, our social enterprise Individual & subsidiary Corporate Donations

Jeffrey J Geppert Advanced Analytics and Health Research Battelle Memorial Institute October 7, 2015

Learning Objectives  What are national quality measures?

 Why are national quality measures necessary?  How are national quality measures created?  What are we learning from creating national

quality measures?

What are national quality measures?  National Quality Measures are health care performance measures used in national programs  Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance

Program (CHIP), Health Insurance Exchanges, Centers for Medicare-Medicaid Innovation (CMMI)  Intended Uses  

 

Quality Improvement Comparative Reporting Value-based Purchasing Healthcare Transformation

What are national quality measures? Medicare Fee-forService Spending in 2018 Medicare Fee-forService Beneficiaries in 2018

Source: https://www.cms.gov/Newsroom/MediaReleaseDatabase/Factsheets/2015-Fact-sheets-items/2015-01-26-3.html

What are national quality measures?

Source: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/Value-Based-Programs/Value-Based-Programs.html

Why are national quality measures necessary?  History  Florence Nightingale (1854) and Ernest Codman (1917)  CMS hospital mortality rate reports (1989)

 Institute of Medicine (IOM)  To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System (1999)  Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the

21st Century (2001)

 Infrastructure goals of National Quality Measures    

Scientifically Sound Parsimony Harmonization Consensus

How are national quality measures created?  Sources of National Quality Measures  Congress  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA 2010)  The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act (IMPACT Act 2014)  Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA 2015)  Strategies  HHS National Quality Strategy (NQS) and CMS Quality Strategy  Aims, priorities and levers

 Rule-making  

Pre-rule making (Measure Applications Partnership – MAP) Rule making (Federal Register: notice of proposed rule-making, public comment, and final rules for each Federal Fiscal Year)

How are national quality measures created?  Measure Development Process  CMS Measures Management System  https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-PatientAssessment-Instruments/MMS/index.html  A Blueprint for the CMS Measures Management System Version 11.1 August 2015  National Quality Forum (NQF)  Consensus Development Process (CDP) Projects (e.g. Cardiovascular Measures 2015)  Endorsement Criteria: Importance, Scientific Acceptability, Feasibility, Usability  Maintenance and annual updates

What are we learning from creating national quality measures?  Impact of National Quality Measures  2015 National Impact Assessment of the Centers for

Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Measures Report 

RE-AIM (Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance) framework Measure Use addresses selected questions related to three REAIM elements: (1) adoption by providers and entities; (2) reach of measures to populations; and (3) implementation of measures

What are we learning from creating national quality measures?  2015 National Impact Assessment (continued)  Measure Results: (1) maintenance of measure results,

including trends and disparities in measure performance, and (2) effectiveness of measures, including changes in health outcomes and costs related to measure performance

 Focal points for the 2018 Impact Report:  A greater number of program measures and analyses  Analysis of data at the patient level  A qualitative study on the impact of quality measures at the

provider level  A more explicit treatment of health disparities to support the foundational principle of the CMS Quality Strategy

What are we learning from creating national quality measures?  Methodological Challenges  Process measures to outcome measures  Patient- and caregiver-centered  Communication and care coordination  Adult and child high impact conditions  Socio-economic status (SES) and/or socio-demographic

status (SDS)  Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQM)  Intended Use 

What measures are best suited for what programs?


Thank you! We thank….  Jeffrey Geppert  Our public-private funding partners  Each of you for participating

We will send you a follow-up email asking for your feedback on the value of today’s webinar. Reminder: Recording of today’s webinar will be available via our website later this afternoon – please share with your colleagues! www.hcgc.org

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