March 2016 AHC Online Work Group

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AHC Online Work Session

Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Model Grant March 16, 2016

Today’s Agenda

• Review the AHC Model Overview • Review Collaborative Work That Has Already Taken Place • Explore AHC Key Driver Diagram • Explore subpopulations impacted by health disparities in the community • Next Steps

Model Background

The Accountable Health Communities (AHC) model addresses a critical gap between clinical care and community services in the current health care delivery system by testing whether systematically identifying and addressing the health-related social needs of beneficiaries’ impacts total health care costs, improves health, and quality of care.

Key Dates

• LOI Due (Optional & Non-Binding): February 8, 2016 • Proposal Due: May 18, 2016 • Grant Awarded: March 3, 2017 • Grant Period: April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2022

Model Background

What will it take to advance AHC in Greater Columbus?

State Medicaid Agency Social Service Agencies

Referral Infrastructur e

Bridge Organization

Providers -1 Hospital


Care Coordinatio n

-1 PCP -1 Behavioral Health

Screening Tools

Fiscal Role

What does the model fund?

Over a five-year performance period, CMS will implement and test a three-track model: • Track 1 – Awareness: Increase beneficiary awareness of available community services through information dissemination and referral • Track 2 – Assistance: Provide community service navigation services to assist high-risk beneficiaries with accessing services • Track 3 – Alignment: Encourage partner alignment to ensure that community services are available and responsive to the needs of beneficiaries

Exploring the Funding Tracks

Track 3 - Alignment

Health-Related Social Needs

Core Needs (Required) Housing Instability Utility Needs Food Insecurity Interpersonal Violence Transportation

Grantees will be required to screen beneficiaries for all of the core health-related social needs.

Grantees can choose to screen for supplemental health-related social needs. Other needs can be identified by the community.

Supplemental Needs Family & Social Supports Education Employment & Income Health Behaviors Others

Partner Roles

• State Medicaid Agency • Clinical Providers • At least 1 primary care provider • At least 1 hospital system • At least 1 behavioral health provider • Community Service Providers • Bridge Organization

Goals of AHC Model Grant

• Address gap between clinical care and community services, improve collaboration • Identify and address health-related social needs • Reduce healthcare cost • Reduce inefficient use of healthcare services • Improve healthcare

AHC Model Overview

Questions of Clarity?

AHC Model Grant

Review Collaborative Work That Has Already Taken Place

Exploratory Session Recap

What Geographic Area has the greatest opportunity to be impacted by the AHC Grant? Collaborative Agreement •

Implement screening process for all patients in Columbus/Franklin County

Start by providing patient navigation and measurement to beneficiaries in targeted zip codes. Targeted zip codes TBD

Spread navigation and measurement throughout the community over time.

Target Zip Codes

Proposed Zip Codes • 43207 • 43223 • 43224 • 43123 • 43228 • 43227 • 43219 • 43206 • 43232 • 43205 • 43211 • 43068 • 43229 • 43231 • 43204 • 43213 Additional Zip Codes Added

Exploratory Session Recap

What is a good place to start for health-related social needs? Collaborative Agreement •

Grant application will focus on core needs.

Patient navigators will address supplemental needs with patients on an individual basis.

Many supplemental needs will have to be addressed to impact core needs.

Exploratory Session Recap

What organizations have the interest and capacity to fill various project and grant writing roles? Collaborative Agreement •

Collaborative grant application led in partnership between Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) & HCGC

NCH serving as the formal bridge

HCGC serving as neutral convener of community partners

Key Driver Diagram

• Key Driver Diagram (KDD): Quality improvement tool depicting a project’s aims/goals and cascading strategies for achievement.


Key Driver Diagram

• Definitions: –“Global Aim”: Vision, ideal or overarching purpose –“Aim Statement”: Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound (SMART) goal(s) for the project –“Primary Drivers”: Forces that directly impact the achievement of your Aim Statement –“Interventions”): Action steps and/or strategies for impacting the Primary Drivers to the desired effect.

Key Driver Diagram

• Types of Measures on a KDD: –Outcome: Measures the health, finance or clinical outcome of a targeted population or system. • Ex) readmissions, quality of life, total cost of care

–Process: Represents the effectiveness of a process which was implemented to affect an outcome measure. • Ex) waitlisted patients, days between referrals, turnaround time.

Key Driver Diagram

• Benefits to using a KDD:

–Reinforces desired project outcome (aim) –Defines the key leverage points, or system “drivers” –Links specific project activities and changes (the “hows”) to key components in the system –Ensures project progress and results are measured and monitored –Facilitates stakeholder buy-in and commitment by providing transparency around changes required for project success

Global Key Driver Diagram O: % navigated HRCDBs w/ unmet needs

Aim Statement •

P: #/% of CDB screened/year

Every year, connect at least 3,000 high-risk community-dwelling beneficiaries (HRCDB) with unmet health-related social needs (HRSN) to a community-based navigator, with a goal of >75% of HRCDBs completing referrals from 4/1/2018 O: % decrease in navigated to 9/30/2021 NRCDB’s TCOC Reduce service gaps in each of the 5 core HRSN domains through the implementation of a sustained, collaborative quality improvement project series beginning 7/1/2018.

O: % increase in navigated HRCDB’s QOL

P: #/% of HRCDB navigated/yr

P: #/% of HRCDB referred/year

Primary Drivers Established Navigation System across Clinical Service Delivery Sites

Inventory local community service providers responsive to community needs assessment Develop and implement front-end HRSN screening tool for CBDs seen at clinical sites

Community Resource Partner Alignment through Quality Improvement

Design and disseminate referral and navigation policies & procedures including training plan Establish Advisory Board to oversee availability of community services and support data sharing

Data-Driven Infrastructure, Monitoring and DecisionMaking

Develop targeted action plans for the equity subpopulations including pre/post-intervention Complete gap analysis and quality improvement goals with community service provider network Recruit and/or contract, and train navigation services staff for high-risk beneficiaries

Capacity & Efficiency of Community Service Providers

Reduce inefficient use of inpatient and outpatient health care services through resolution of unmet health-related social needs (HRSN) O: % increase in CDB literacy

P: # updates to CRI/year

Secure subcontracts, consultant agreements, IRB approval, and collaborative reporting structure

P: % referred on waiting list

Global Aim (Vision)


Design and implement data monitoring and analysis system for back-end reporting to CMMI Recruit or secure staff member at Ohio Dept. of Medicaid to assist with data collection

Resource Awareness and Health Literacy of CDBs

Establish mechanism for monitoring and reducing duplication of program services P: # QI projects completed/yr

P: % trained w/i 30 days

Key Driver Diagram

Questions of Clarity?

Key Driver Diagram

What reflections can you share about this Key Driver Diagram?

Health Equity Definition

–Study and causes of differences in the quality of health and healthcare across different populations (race, ethnicity, gender, disability status, language, and/or geographic area)

–Equal opportunity to attain their highest level of health –Achieved by addressing social determinants –Inequities exist when barriers prevent individuals from reaching their full potential

AHC Health Resource Equity Statement (HRES) Purpose

–Identify and target minority and underserved populations –Assess the geographic target area in relation to targeted subpopulation –Evaluate the inclusion of subpopulations in the AHC interventions –Track progress on outcomes and engagement of these subpopulations

AHC Health Resource Equity Statement (HRES)

Questions of Clarity?

HRES Proposed Subpopulations

What subpopulations are a good place to start? – AHC Grant must focus on 3-5 subpopulations – Proposed subpopulations 1. Women of childbearing age 2. Children with medical complexity (ABD) 3. African Immigrants 4. Dually eligible individuals with mental health issues

HRES Proposed Subpopulations

What reflections can you share about the proposed subpopulations?

HRES Proposed Subpopulations

• Are there additional subpopulations that should be considered for the AHC? • Should any of the proposed subpopulations be removed?

Next Steps

HCGC and Nationwide Children’s will use feedback to continue shaping the AHC Grant Application

Michelle and Deena will be following up with individual organizations to secure their commitment to participate

May 5 Final Pass Webinar

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