2017 Overview
... catalyzing healthcare value* improvement The Healthcare Collaborative of Greater Columbus is a non-profit, public-private partnership. Our mission is to improve the value of health care for all people in Greater Columbus by catalyzing collaboration among public and private partners. The value of our current healthcare situation is not acceptable in terms of quality, cost, and the consumer experience. We strive for win-win solutions recognizing that change is required by all. We believe the best solutions come from a collaborative approach – we seek no authority in our role as a catalyst/convener/coordinator We work with our public-private partners to address a useful need and avoid duplicating the collaborative work of others in the region.
*value = (quality + consumer experience) ÷ cost
Our Public-Private Board of Directors • Mike Stull (Board Chair) Employers Health, Business Representative • Dianne Radigan (Board Vice Chair) Cardinal Health, Franklin County Representative • Doug Anderson (Board Treasurer) Bailey Cavalieri, City of Columbus Representative • Bill Wulf, M.D. (Board Secretary) Central Ohio Primary Care, Columbus Medical Association Representative • Dianne Biggs Labor Representative • Tara Britton The Center for Community Solutions, United Way of Central Ohio Representative • Sarah Durfee, RN Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, Purchaser Representative • Rick Forrest, M.D. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Health System Representative • Jeff Geppert Battelle, Health Care Representative • Thomas Hadley Wells Fargo Insurance Services, Chamber of Commerce Representative • Kevin Hinkle Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Health Plan Representative
• Isi Ikharebha Physicians CareConnection, Consumer Representative • Karen King, M.D. Northwest Ob/Gyn, Columbus Medical Association Foundation Representative • Teresa Long, M.D. Columbus Public Health, Health Department Representative • Tani Mann The Dispatch Printing Company, Employer Representative • Julie Erwin Rinaldi Syntero, Behavioral Health Representative • Valerie Ruddock Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Health System Representative • Greg Sawchyn, M.D. OhioHealth, Health System Representative • Benjamin Shaker Mount Carmel Health System, Health System Representative • Bruce Wall, M.D. Aetna, Columbus Medical Association Representative • Todd Weihl, D.O. OhioHealth, Columbus Osteopathic Association Representative
Our Collaborative Process
Build collaborations with providers, purchasers, social services
~trust~ Apply collaborative learning ~spread knowledge~
Catalyze best practices
catalyzing healthcare value improvement
Measure actionable results
Convene diverse stakeholders
~collective impact~
~exploration~ Coordinate activities that transform healthcare delivery and value
Strategic Areas of Focus
Medical Neighborhood (2014+) …advancing accountable care coordination across clinical and social service organizations Quality Transparency (2014+) …advancing the measurement and sharing of data to improve quality Patient-Centered Medical Homes (2009 – 2015) …advancing high-value primary care to improve access, care coordination, and patient engagement
…strong adoption of Patient-Centered Medical Homes as a foundation of value-based healthcare in policy, delivery & payment systems
Collaborative Learning (2009+) …hosting safe space with regional partners to explore results-based practices and apply learning www.hcgc.org
*value = (quality + consumer experience) ÷ cost
To improve the value* of health care for all people in Greater Columbus by catalyzing collaboration among public and private partners.
Value-based Behavior (2017+) …aligning value-based decision making among providers, purchasers, social services and their consumers
Our Public-Private Funding Partners Lead Supporter
Major Supporters
Clarity Consultancy our social enterprise subsidiary
Additional Supporters • OhioHealth • 100% of our Board of Directors & Staff • Individual & Corporate Donations