LASC Services Brochure

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Pursuingg Justice, Chan nging Lives.

The Leegal Aid Socciety of Colu umbus is a 501(c)(3) no onprofit reggional law fiirm dedicatted to improoving the liv ves of the p poor in civil legal matters. We pro ovide high quality q civill legal repreesentation too low-incom me individua als througho out central O Ohio.

Wha at Service es Can We e Provide e? • • • •

F Free legal assiistance in civiil cases to low w-income indiividuals and sseniors. L LASC does no ot handle crim minal cases. In nterpreters are a available for f those who o do not speak k English. F For legal prob blems that LA ASC does not handle, our Intake I Deparrtment may b be able to refeer you to otheer resources.

Wha at Types of o Legal Assistance A ce Can We e Provide e?

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D DOMESTIC & FAMILY LAW D Domestic Vio olence C Child Custod dy D Divorce C Child Supporrt/Spousal Su upport

PUBLIC C BENEFITS S S Social Securiity and SSI M Medicare & Medicaid F Food Stampss U Unemploymeent Compenssation O Ohio Works First (OWF)) & PRC P Publicly fund ded child carre

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TAX T ISSUES Aud dits Tax Court Petitiions Colllection Issuess Garrnishments

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CONS SUMER RIG GHTS • Foreclosure • Carr Repossessioons • Colllections • Creditor Harasssment • Ban nkruptcy

• • •

HOUSING G Evictiions Landllord/Tenant Disputes Sectioon 8 Voucherr Termiinations Housiing Condition ns

SENIOR CITIZ ZENS Kinsh hip Care Wills & Powers oof Attorney Nursiing Home Prroblems

L LASC also offfers Advice Clinics C in thee community and special projects for Reentry (criiminal record d-sealing), Special Education, E Naturalizatio N on, and Veterrans.

LAS SC Officess

FR RANKLIN & MADISON Phon ne: C Call (614) 241-2001 or Toll Free 1-888-246-4420 In Persson: 1108 City Parrk Avenue Columbus, OH O 43206 Office Hourrs: 8:30am-5:0 00pm Mondaay-Friday

D DELAWARE E, MARION, MORROW,, & UNION Phon ne: C Call (740) 3883-2161 or Tooll Free 1-8888-301-2411 In Persson: 150 Oak Street Marion, OH H 43302 Office Hourrs: 9:00am-5:00pm Mondaay-Friday

Reequest Serv vices Online at www.ccolumbusleegalaid.orgg

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