CliniSync Demo Slides

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CliniSync Update Dan Paoletti

CEO, Ohio Health Information Partnership

CliniSync Update Karen Bishop

Ohio Health Information Partnership

Module 1 Project Participation

Requirements for Participation • Sign CliniSync Participation Agreement • Attend Kick-Off (web-based) • Participate in Training (onsite) • Participate in Touch Point calls

CliniSync Participation Agreement • Includes Business Associate Agreement (BAA) • Same BAA signed by all CliniSync participants

• Pricing • No cost to use the Community Health Record • Patient Referrals

Kick-Off • Sample Agenda • Purpose and scope • Consent policy & guidance • Security • Demonstration • Support • Training overview

Duration: 60 minutes (web-based)

Training • Sample Agenda –

Review workflow


Maintenance of questions and preferences

Working sent and received referrals

Review training materials

Assist staff with login


Duration: 60 – 90 minutes (on-site)

Training, continued • Who should be involved? • Think about who manages referrals today • Referral coordinators • Intake staff

• Think about who trains staff today • Train-the-trainer approach

Touch Point Calls • Discuss experiences • Communicate workflow strategies • Share lessons learned Duration: 15 - 30 minutes weekly


Module 2 Organization’s Profile

Community Health Record

Community Results Delivery Health Record Continuity of Care Record Clinical Results Inbox Patient Referrals Web Direct

Integrated EHR Delivery of results and reports Locally Hosted PDF Delivery

Provider DIRECTory


Use yours or our Direct-enabled secure email to exchange with other providers

Automated delivery of event notifications as they happen throughout the network

Join our statewide list of >13,000 providers

HIE Data Publishing

Registration Data CliniSyncPLUS Discrete Notes CCDAs Public Health



Practice Transformation

Provisioned Access/Roles • Community Health Record • Expressed consent role • Patient referrals module • Ability to search for and add patients • Continuity of care record (addition to providerbased practices)

Your Organization Customized • Inbound Preferences • Questionnaire Management • Options

Inbound Preferences • Referral Documents and Instructions

Example: Map or New Patient Packet

Questionnaire Management • Duplicating paper form and mandating answers

Options • Favorites, staff permissions and email notifications



Module 3 Sending a Referral

Sending A Referral • Search for patient • Select patient • Click create referral • Choose referring provider • Choose referral destination • Enter reason • Answer questions • Attach record/result if necessary • Review • Click refer

Adding A Patient • Search for patient • No patient found • Click add patient (consent gathered) • Enter patient demographics • Submit • Patient has been added to the Community Health Record patient index • Create referral as normal from added patient

Monitoring Sent Referrals • Click Referrals at top right of screen • Sent Referrals tab opens • View list of referrals • Click on referral from Sent list to see detail • Communicate with referring practice within sent referral



Module 4 Received Referrals

Working Received Referrals • Click Referrals at top right of screen • Click Received Referrals tab • Use filters as needed • Click on referral to see detail • Adjust status as needed • Sending practice/facility will see status change and any scheduling detail entered

• Check for new messages • Acknowledge and reply to sending practice/facility about the referral




CliniSync Community Health Record Services

What is the Community Health Record?

Community Results Delivery Health Record Continuity of Care Record Clinical Results Inbox Patient Referrals Web Direct

Integrated EHR Delivery of results and reports Locally Hosted PDF Delivery

Provider DIRECTory


Use yours or our Direct-enabled secure email to exchange with other providers

Automated delivery of event notifications as they happen throughout the network

Join our statewide list of >13,000 providers

HIE Data Publishing

Registration Data CliniSyncPLUS Discrete Notes CCDAs Public Health



Practice Transformation

What can I do in the Community Health Record? CONTINUITY OF CARE • Access a patient’s treatment history, hospital encounters, problem list, allergies, lab results, radiology and other transcribed reports exchanged through CliniSync. • Check patient demographic and insurance information captured by other providers. • View, print or download encounter-specific or full continuity of care summaries for your records. • Coming soon: Query Ohio’s Automated Rx Reporting System (OARRS) as required by law.

PATIENT REFERRALS • Initiate and coordinate patients’ referrals with other CliniSync providers using customizable templates. RESULTS INBOX • Receive and manage your patients’ results and reports via your own inbox.

WEB DIRECT • Send and receive secure emails with attachments to more than 13,000 providers in our statewide DIRECTory.

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