Do you have Health Insurance (Medicaid/ Medicare/ CHIP/ VA/ Employer/ Private )
You may now be eligible for Medicaid or other health insurance. Coverage could include: doctor’s visits, hospital visits, mental health, medications, dental, & vision, Would you like to talk to someone about Medicaid or insurance on the Marketplace?
How do you get your Insurance
I purchase my own
Good News! You may be able to get more affordable insurance in the Marketplace
Would you like to find out more information about affordable Insurance?
NO OK. If you ever change your mind, or your coverage changes please let us know
Parent’s Insurance
Good News! You can stay on your parent’s insurance until your 26
NO Have their Case Manager talk to them about enrolling in Medicaid Expansion
I have Medicaid / Medicare
Through my Employer
Go News! Your all set
Is your annual income over $15,856
Please be aware starting in 2014 you will be required to have some form of insurance. If you ever change your mind please let us know
Is your annual income over $15,856
Have their Case Manager talk to them about enrolling in Medicaid Expansion
Schedule a time with a S.E. Certified Application Counselor on their team. If not on a team then schedule with Jim Rose
YES Schedule a time with a S.E. Certified Application Counselor on their team. If not on a team then schedule with Jim Rose