AHHA Newsletter Issue 20 Jan-Dec 2020

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Issue 20. January - December 2020

EDITOR’S WORDS Welcome to the 20th issue of AHHA’s annual newsletter! Despite the cancellation of AHHA’s field trips to Cambodia due to the COVID pandemic, AHHA’s volunteers have worked tirelessly to continue providing support to both the local Australian and international communities. In this issue you will hear from our Chairman Dr William Trinh on this year's highlights, AHHA’s distribution of Personal Protective Equipment, progress with the University Puthisatra dental school and more! Congratulations to Dr William Trinh for his recipiency of the Order of Australia and Mr Charles Hili for his appointment as President of the Rotary Club of Liverpool West this year. Congratulations also to Dr Troy Lim Joon and Mr Peter Kandasamy for their award as Rotary Paul Harris Fellows and AHHA’s Ophthalmic Theatre Nurses recognition as Australian Rotary Health Gold Companions! Special thanks goes to all the wonderful article and photo contributors especially Mr Ted Mlynarz, Dr Michele Tjeuw and Ms Tanya Anhtuan. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and essential to the success of this newsletter. Finally, I would like to acknowledge and commend Ms Stephanie Wong who has been AHHA’s newsletter editor over the past 13 years. Stephanie started AHHA’s newsletter in 2008, and over this period has been responsible for the release of 19 issues. She has done a superb job, and I would like to thank her for her invaluable contribution during this time. Stephanie continues her support for AHHA on the management committee as IT Head. I am honoured to join the AHHA’s management committee as the new publications editor. I look forward to continuing AHHA’s newsletter and also hope to keep our volunteers, supporters and friends of AHHA well informed. For more information on past and upcoming projects please visit: https://www.ahha.org. au/, or alternatively please stay connected via our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ AustralianHealthHumanitarianAid! Best, William Cheng

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Letter from the Chairman Writer Dr William Trinh

Dear supporters, There is no doubt that 2020 was a very challenging year for all of us. Many of us have faced hardship in trying to manage our lives and work during the COVID pandemic. For the first time since 2003, AHHA had to cancel our planned overseas medical mission. Many charity organisations in Australia have closed due to lack of support despite increased demand for assistance from the underprivileged. However, we are glad that AHHA has managed better than expected. We are blessed to continue to receive strong support from our volunteers and donors to maintain our charity work. It is amazing to see we have received significant donations in 2020 from our donors who trust us, despite no annual dinner and Sunday BBQ fundraising events. Here are the highlights of our 2020 achievements. In late 2019, when Australia faced a devastating bushfire AHHA’s immediate response to the nationwide bushfire appeal was to help bushfire victims and firefighter services by raising over $60,000. The collection was given to Rural fire services. In February 2020, two dental students Mr Virak Nam and Ms Saney Sary from University Puthisatra in Phnom Penh, Cambodia were the recipients of the AHHA-Rotary Dental traveling scholarship. Students were able to visit Westmead dental hospital, Sydney Dental Hospital and many private dental practices to learn many aspects of dentistry. We thank Dr Chinh Nguyen, Dr James Ngo, Dr Michele Tjeuw and Dr Hung Tran for their assistance and hospitality to the students. In early March 2020, when we faced the first wave of the COVID pandemic, Personal Protective Equipment was in great shortage of supply. Masks, face shields, protective gowns, hand sanitisers, non contact thermometers, gloves were in great demand. Many charity organisations and local hospitals appealed for PPE to protect their frontline workers and residents. I had the opportunity to visit local charities and hospitals to witness the challenges they faced during the pandemic. I am very glad that AHHA was able to source PPE from overseas and distribute PPE to St Vincent De Paul, Parramatta Mission Meal Plus, Marist 180, Australian Vietnamese Aged Care nursing home, Indo Chinese Aged care hostel, Father Chris Riley's Youth Off The Streets, Buddhist temples, Westmead hospital, Bankstown hospital, Liverpool hospital and Myanmar hospitals. In May 2020, AHHA successfully raised over $100,000 to build a primary school in Tru Noc village, Kampong Chnnang, Cambodia. The school will have three classrooms and a library to educate 200 poor children for a brighter future. Special thank you to Mr Michael Luong for his architecture assistance. AHHA also provided funding for medicine and regular medical services to the village.


In Vietnam, we have continued to provide funding for 34 high school scholarships in Cu Chi and Dong Nai to assist poor students to continue their schooling. We also provided funds for the rent of Tinh Thuong School in Sai Gon to teach underprivileged children. In October 2020, a severe storm and rain caused a major flood in Central Vietnam destroyed thousands of homes and livestock. For disaster relief, AHHA was able to provide water filters and cash donations to 2000 families of flood victims. Currently, AHHA is in the process of providing funds to build an evacuation centre in the outskirts of Hue, Vietnam so that it can provide temporary shelter to save lives when

future flooding may occur. The wonderful work of AHHA is only possible by the generosity of our donors and volunteers. I would like to thank our overseas partners: Mr Sean Ngu, Khmer Sight Foundation volunteers, Professor Callum Durwood and both University of Puthisatra dental school students and staff. I would like to thank our AHHA management committee members for their tireless work and dedication. Many thanks to Ms Thuc Nguyen, Ms Thuy Nguyen, Mr Charles Hili, Mr Jim Leahy and Ms Maria Dang who leave the management, for their many years of dedication and hard work.

I also would like to thank Mr Chinh Dang, Mrs Ha Tran, Mr Dan Dang, Mr Thuan Nguyen and Ms Janice Le for their expertise advice and service to AHHA. Finally, I would like to thank our volunteers and donors whose trust and support enable us to continue life changing work. I wish you good health and happiness for the new year. Sincerely, Dr William Trinh OAM Chairman

Newsletter • Issue 20 • January - December 2020 | 3

PPE Projects

Writer Dr William Trinh

In the early stage of the COVID19 pandemic, there was a great shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) both domestically and in Australia. PPE such as masks, face shields and hand sanitiser is critical for the protection of front-line health workers and as such AHHA was able to source and supply PPE.

AHHA would like to thank the following volunteers and others for contributing their time with the distribution of Personal Protective Equipment including masks, face shields and thermometers.

During this time AHHA donated PPE to the following organisations: St Vincent De Paul, Parramatta Mission Meal Plus, Marist 180, Australian Vietnamese Aged Care nursing home, Indo Chinese Aged care hostel, Father Chris Riley's Youth Off The Streets, Buddhist temples, Westmead hospital, Bankstown hospital, Liverpool hospital and Myanmar hospitals.

• Thuy Nguyen

4 | Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA)

• Ted Mlynarz • Juliana Chong • Tanya Anhtuan • Patrick Do • Gracelyn Dao • Caitlyn Dao • Keiralyn Dao


PPE Donation List

Writer Dr William Trinh


Non-for-profit charities:

• Liverpool Hospital: 1000 masks, 1000 face shields

• Marist180 Parramatta: 2000 masks

• Bankstown Hospital: 1000 masks, 750 face shields

• Father Chris Riley's Youth Off The Streets (Marrickville): 500 masks, 5 raincoats.

• Westmead Hospital: 2000 face shields. Residential Aged Care: • Melbourne Nursing Home: 1000 masks, 90 shields, 20 thermometers • Australian Vietnamese Aged Care Services (AVACS): 500 masks, 100 face shields, 5 thermometers • Indo-Chinese Elderly Hostel, Bonnyrigg: 5 thermometers

• St Vincent Camperdown: 1000 masks, 20 thermometers • St Vincent Harris Park Community Hub: 2000 masks, 5 thermometers, 20 N95 masks, 1000 surgical gloves, 500 Nitrile gloves • Parramatta Mission Meals Plus by Uniting Church: 500 masks, 3 thermometers, 5 raincoats Government: • Myanmar Ministry of Health: 5000 masks, 1000 face shields, 40 thermometers, 1000 hand sanitisers

Newsletter • Issue 20 • January - December 2020 | 5

PPE Appreciation

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AUSTRALIAN HEALTH H 2/88 John Street Cabramatta . NSW 2166. Aust

Attention to: Dr Willam Trinh Subject : Request for help Dear Dr Trinh,

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6 | Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA)


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Newsletter • Issue 20 • January - December 2020 | 7

AHHA Dental Program Update 8 | Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA)

Writer Dr Michele Tjeuw A time to reflect on 2020’s past dental field work and to consider modifying our practice to pursue provision of dental services and education in a changing environment. Field Trip Stats In 2019, 13 dentists treated 505 patients from 39 disadvantaged community groups. 65% of those treated were children and 398 restorations and 372 extractions were carried out. The team worked well together to simultaneously teach the dental students whilst caring for the mainly paediatric population. Excellent effort to all. The most obvious difference in dental health between the UP patients and the general population in Australia is the prevalence of rampant dental decay. Nearly all the children seen have unrestorable dental lesions and abscesses at an early age. However, it was noted that certain high caries risk populations actually had a low incidence of dental disease. For example, the patients in the HIV group presenting for dental review had a very low incidence of caries compared to the groups presenting for the first time.

clinic which is run by the Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Together with some sightseeing, the UP dental students joined in the fundraising event in Cabramatta. University Puthisatra Denture Program AHHA has provided financial support to transport elderly rural patients to UP for construction of dentures by dental students. The request to provide dentures to villagers in need not only helped the elderly who benefit from improved mastication but also acts as a teaching opportunity for students to learn how to construct dentures. This project had mixed results: students were successful in providing the required examination, preventive, restorative and extractions. However, there were several constraining factors which limited the success of this program including: difficulty transporting elderly for numerous appointments, consistent access to supervising tutors to support cumulative procedures and the eventual shut down of clinics.

HIGHLIGHTS Online Educational Program The dental clinic has been closed during the COVID lockdown. Students have been sent home to and patients have been unable to seek dental care at the UP clinics. All student clinics have been cancelled, and no face to face teaching has been able to proceed. Dr Callum Durwood has taken the initiative to provide an online didactic teaching not only to the UP dental students but to all the dental students from Cambodia’s 6 dental schools. Around 100 participants attended the online Case Series webinar where we explored the nature and treatment of Early Childhood Caries. We looked at the role of feeding, nocturnal patterns and the diagnosis and role of sleep, airway management in the toddler population. Cases presented focused on the contributing factors to early childhood caries, namely, enamel defects, parental support and attitude towards change. Judging by the ample discussion, the students were well engaged and keen to learn in this online format. We are currently organising future AHHA supported case presentation sessions.

The UP dental students worked well in the clinic to help translate and also treat patients. Clinically, they are competent in dental extractions and restorations and have much experience in the use of Sodium Diamine Fluoride for dental remineralisation. However, they have little clinical exposure to restorative techniques such as the use of stainless steel crowns and prosthodontics. 2020 Travel Fellowships We appreciate the support of Rotary Liverpool West for sponsoring two high achieving dental students from UP to visit Sydney as a travelling fellowship. Virak and Saney were fortunate to learn in private practice from Dr James Ngo and spent valuable time in the Westmead Centre for Oral Health. They also explored the volunteer dental



Newsletter • Issue 20 • January - December 2020 | 9

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AHHA-Rotary Dental traveling scholarship Dental Scholarship Recipient Experience Writer Sary Saney My name is Sary Saney. I’m a year 7 student from the University of Puthisastra, Cambodia, who participated in the exchange program on behalf of AHHA-Rotary fully supported for 2 weeks in Sydney. It almost feels as if it was just yesterday when I was on my own on a plane not really knowing what to expect but excited for what the future had for me. Now I'm back home with unforgettable memories and experiences and mindset. I was able to meet many peoples, various experiences of life in several aspects in this exchange program. This report is about my activities during an exchange program in Sydney. Attended clinical operation observation Well, I’ve spent 2 weeks in Sydney. AHHA team have set the exchange program schedule for me, each day one of them will come and pick me up at the hotel to the following places. I could not have been happier with my accommodations. I was in a lovely and secured hotel, they fed me and provided me with everything I might need for my stay. I really enjoyed stay there. I spent days in a different situation. I’ve visited the Sydney Dental Hospital, Westmead Hospital, the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Dental Clinic and several of the top private dental clinics. I’ve spent most of my time at the dental clinic, I’ve seen many interesting cases and I observed the procedure in immediate implant placement which was done by Dr. James Ngo. At the same day, I saw different cases and he also showed his previous challenging implant placement cases at his dental clinic He was very kind, I really appreciated for what he’s done to me during the exchange, I’ve learn a lot from him he always encourages and gives me good advices and mindset and all the staffs there was so friendly moreover, I have seen many interesting cases and learn from general and specialist dentists in other dental clinics such as pediatric dentistry I was observe how he communicate with child and their parents, sedation, also orthodontic cases and other operations at Dr. Chinh Nguyen’s dental

office. At Westmead Hospital I’ve visited different departments such as prosthodontic, periodontal, pediatric dentistry etc, and have a look around the Westmead hospital. I saw many things I was not able to see in my country Cambodia, especially the technologies that were so modern. The most interesting place was the cerebral Palsy Alliance Dental clinic which was accompanied and picked up by Dr. Michele Tjeuw. I love to see the way dentists manage with the kids and disability patients. In addition, the dentists, nurses, and staff members were truly friendly and work with such care. I also have a quick visit to the dental laboratory to see how they make artificial teeth with CAD CAM technology. That’s amazing. Besides clinical observations, we also toured around Sydney, joined in an AHHA fundraising BBQ event at the weekend, it was my first time join fundraising abroad. I felt welcomed by AHHA team and other volunteers it was wonderful everyone working together raising money and enjoyed BBQs and the entertainment, the moment was just incredible. After the events ended Dr William Trinh has took us to the University of Sydney. I have joined AHHA business meeting, and a spoke at a local Rotary Club meeting. By the end of the program we also had farewell party and the certification was given by the chairman of AHHA Dr. William Trinh. AHHA Fundraising charity I would like to thanks AHHA-Rotary exchange program, I felt warm hospitality, I have had the best experience in my life. I will use this valuable experience and tell about it to juniors, friends, and my future life without forgetting the gratitude. Hopefully AHHA and Rotary will still keep in touch provide another scholarship to next students. Lastly, I am grateful to all the peoples who were involved in the exchange program, everyone was so kind. Thank you very much.

Newsletter • Issue 20 • January - December 2020 | 11

Hue (Vietnam) Multi-function Centre Appreciation Writer Bhikkhuni Thich Nu Hanh Chon

tee of AHHA s of the Managing Commit ber mem and an irm Cha To: of Pho Nam Temple, Nu Hanh Chon, Abbess I am Bhikkhuni Thich vince Dien District, Hue Pro Quang Tho Hamlet, Quang g to connect w Chon Hy who is helpin kno to me for re asu ple ng a multiIt 's a ask for help in buildi to ion sat ani org r with you l at Pho Nam Temple. function community hal ural catastrophes, a often ravaged by nat We are living in an are ages. Whenever the ic and social disadvant in addition to econom residents endure a natural calamity, the area is affected by es. People have ir already-unstable liv loss in addition to the own family members. ongings and even their lost their houses, bel appreciate any aid se difficulties and we We feel sad about the organisations. given by philanthropic al communities vide shelter for the loc pro l wil l Hal ity mun A Com the hall will be er natural disasters, oth and es lon cyc ing dur ht boats, swimming ng equipment such as lig avi e-s lif h wit ed ipp equ used for various ing the year it can be Dur ... es. ati flo ts, ves groups for Dharma such as young Buddhist als loc by es pos pur er oth services provided education or medical lth hea for or s son les e health organisations. from different charitabl from your and financial support al mor e eiv rec to n alf of the We are kee become a reality. On beh can l hal the so ion into use the organisat es, I commit to putting iti mun com al loc the described. temple and e with its functions as lin in and e car at gre hall with es under any for commercial purpos d use be not l wil ple, words The place h my sincere, though sim wit t tha e hop I . nce circumsta mittee would s of the Managing Com ber mem the rt, hea from the us in this project. believe in and support hopes and dreams of words would express the I hope that my humble in their lives. We ough lots of hardship people who are going thr I understand that dream become a reality. would love to see our ir time and effort y given up lots of the AHHA members have alread comes you to visit ks. Our community wel in these tremendous wor r support. and is grateful for you & all members thanks to the Chairman e cer sin my ept acc Please support in this eration and generous sid con r you for A, of AHH project. Year of the Ox. and prosperity in the I wish you good health Yours sincerely, Hanh Chon 12 | Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA)

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Kính göûi: Baùc só tröô ûng ñoaøn cuøng caùc thaø nh vieân trong ban ñi AHHA. eàu haønh hoäi töø thieän Con laø tyø kheo ni Th ích Nöõ Haïnh Chôn tr uù trì Chuøa Phoø Nam, Quaûng Ñieàn, tænh Th xaõ Quaûng Thoï, huyeän öøa Thieân Hueá. Theo con ñöôïc bieát ho äi töø thieän AHHA töø kh i ñöôïc thaønh laäp ñe vôùi caùc hoaït ñoäng th án nay ñaõ ñoàng haønh ieän nguyeän khaép nôi, giuùp ñôõ nhieàu hoaøn haïnh trong cuoäc soáng. caûnh khoù khaên baát Chuùng con raát vui mö øng vaø haïnh phuùc khi laønh cuøng vôùi chò Ch ñö ôïc keát noái duyeân ôn Hyû, nhôø ñoù nhaän ñöôïc lôøi ngoû giuùp ñô kinh phí xaây döïng nh õ cuûa quyù hoäi ñeå coù aø coäng ñoàng taïi Chöø Phoø Nam trong töông lai gaàn nhaát. Soáng trong vuøng ñaát ñaày khaéc nghieät cuûa th ieân tai, ñôøi soáng ki xaõ hoäi coøn nhieàu khoù nh teá, hoaït ñoäng khaên, chuùng con hieåu roõ vieäc caàn thieát xa coäng ñoàng cho taát ca ây döïng moät ngoâi nhaø û moïi ngöôøi coù nôi si nh hoaït chung. Neáu nh coù thieân tai aäp ñeán ö tröôùc ñaây moãi khi , ngöôøi daân soáng ôû vu øng baûo luõ voán ñaõ co oån ñònh laïi phaûi go ù cuoäc soáng khoâng maáy àng gaùnh theâm haäu qu aû cuûa thieân tai, nh ñi nhaø cöûa thaäm chí ieàu gia ñình phaûi ma maát caû nhöõng ngöôøi át thaân yeâu cuûa mình. caûm cho nhöõng hoaøn ca Chuùng con raát thöông ûnh khoù khaên töông tö ï . Chuùng con raát bieát ôn chia maø caùc maïnh th tình caûm, söï seû öôøng quaân ñaõ ñoàng ca m coäng khoå giuùp ñôõ khöù hieän taïi vaø caû chuùng con trong quaù töông lai sau naøy nö õa. Cuõng vôùi tinh thaàn mo ng muoán cho ngöôøi da ân xung quanh coù nôi nôi döï tröõ - cung ca traùnh baõo luõ, vaø laø áp caùc duïng cuï caàn th ieát cho cöùu hoä cöùu na chuùng con raát hy vo ïn khi thieân tai ñeán, ïng sôùm coù theå xaây dö ïng ñöôïc moät ngoâi nh ñong ñaày tình thöông aø coäng ñoàng aám cuùng, vaø söï hy sinh cuûa mo ïi ngöôøi. Ngoaøi ra, khi hoaøn taát seõ laø nhaø coäng ñoàng sau nôi sinh hoaït thöôøn g nhaät cho caùc em th nieân Phaät töû, vaø nhöõ ieáu nhi, thanh thie ng khoùa tu nieäm Phaät áu cuûa ñaõo höõu Phaät tö sau naøy coù duyeân thì û quanh vuøng. Vaø neáu cô sôû cuõng seõ laø nôi ñeå caùc ñoaøn töø thieän giaùo duïc thöïc hieän ho , caùc toå chöùc y teá aït ñoäng thaêm khaùm, ca áp phaùt thuoác, toå chöù cho caùc hoaøn caûnh kh c daïy hoïc mieãn phí où khaên trong vuøng. Ch uùng con voâ cuøng hy vo trôï veà vaät chaát cuõn ïng nhaän ñöôïc söï hoã g nhö tinh thaàn cuûa hoäi ñeå mong öôùc sôùm xin ñaïi dieän nhaø chuø thaønh hieän thöïc. Con a höùa raèng seõ söû duïn g tình thöông cuûa qu chuùng con xin cam ño yù hoäi ñuùng muïc ñích, an cô sôû nhaø coäng ño àng sau khi hoaøn taát hoaït ñoäng thöông maï tuyeät ñoái seõ khoâng i döôùi baát cöù hình th öùc naøo. Coù leõ, khi th taâm tö duø coù phaàn ñô aáu hieåu ñöôïc nhöõng n sô naøy cuûa con, mo ïi ngöôøi trong hoäi se chuùng con heát mình tr õ ti n töôûng vaø uûng hoä ong döï aùn naøy. Con hy voïng raèng vô ùi nhöõng ñieàu con vö øa chia seû, duø khoâng hay coøn nhieàu thieáu ñöôïc vaên hay chöõ to soùt nhöng seõ ñuû theå át hieän nieàm mong moûi ba con noùi rieâng vaø nhie áy laâu nay cuûa chuùng àu ngöôøi daân khoù khaê n tr on ñeå coù theå ñoàng haønh g vuøng noùi chung. Ch saùt caùnh vôùi caùc ho uùng con bieát, aït ñoäng thieän nguyeän vieân trong toå chöùc , chaéc haún caùc thaøn töø thieän AHHA ñaõ ph h aûi hy sinh raát nhie uõng nhö tinh thaàn. Ch àu thôøi gian, vaät ch uùng con raát vui möøng aá t ch aøo ñoùn quyù hoäi ñaõ ñe roïng söï giuùp ñôõ heát án thaêm vaø traân loøng cuûa moïi ngöôøi. ua ñaây con xin göûi lô øi caûm ôn ñeán Baùc só tröôûng hoäi, ban ñieàu ieân trong hoäi töø thie haønh vaø caùc thaønh än AHHA ñaõ ngoû lôøi qu an taâm, hoã trôï cho ch ong öôùc xaây nhaø coän uùng con thöïc hieän g ñoàng. Chuùng con hy voïng moïi ngöôøi coù th aày nhieät huyeát cuõng aät nhieàu söùc khoûe, nhö gaëp may maén, thua än lôïi trong cuoäc soán ho nhieàu, thaät nhieàu g ñeå coù theå giuùp ñôõ hoaøn caûnh khoù khaên hô n nöõa treân maûnh ñaát Vieät Nam thaân yeâu. on xin caûm ôn quyù ho äi raát nhieàu! ính thö: Haïnh Chôn

Newsletter • Issue 20 • January - December 2020 | 13

14 | Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA)


Central Vietnam Flood Appeal Writer William Cheng

In October of 2020, central vietnam experienced major flooding from severe rain and storm. Declared a national disaster, flooding in this region adversely impacted residents in the area due to disrupted electricity and telecommunication networks. Livelihoods were further worsened by the loss of livestock and water damage to property. Responding to this major crisis, AHHA volunteers and supporters raised $63,000 to purchase 1977 water filter units to over 2000 families in the local area to provide clean drinking water to prevent illness and the spread of infection. Water filters were distributed to the following regions: Quang Binh Quang Tri Quang Ngai Quang Nam Thua Thien-Hue Nghe An In addition to their recipiency of the filtration devices, each family also received $30 to assist with their food supply.

Newsletter • Issue 20 • January - December 2020 | 15

Education Sponsorship Writers Tanya Anhtuan, William Cheng In 2020, AHHA continued its education sponsorship program to provide financial assistance to underprivileged students from primary school up to year 12. In the past, the education sponsorship program was allocated to specific eligible students and the idea was to continue to sponsor them until they graduate from high school. However recurrent situations occurred where every year a number of these kids drop out of school due to family circumstances, eg. the family moved to another area, children were forced to drop out & work to help support the family, accident/death etc. Consequently, AHHA’s Management Committee has decided to change the education sponsorship model for 2020. This year AHHA donated to the school with the education sponsorship fund based on the number of eligible kids seeking sponsorship. The fund is used by the school to help the kids stay in school by paying their school fees, books, uniform etc. Any child who leaves the program out due to unexpected circumstances, the school then directs the remaining funds to sponsor another child in need. This year AHHA sponsored a total of 34 Vietnamese children in the following provinces. Cu Chi: 31 children Dong Nai: 3 children Additionally, AHHA provided support to a Saigon school with monthly rent support. The after-hour school provides teaching and apprenticeship opportunities for a hundred poor children in the local area, to get them off the streets selling lottery tickets. AHHA’s Scholarship program started in 2013 and thus far we have sponsored 223 students in both Cambodia and Vietnam. 2020: 34 2019: 65 2018: 55 2017: 74 (53 Vietnam + 21 Cambodia) 2016: 44 2015: 44 2014: 48

Over the period of 12 to 25 December 2019, members of the Rotary Club of Liverpool West, with partners and guests (20 in total) embarked on a visit to the towns of Narromine and Trangie in the central west of NSW to support the local communities suffering from the affects of the long lingering drought that has had a devastated the farming and business economies in the area.

In conjunction with the Rotary Club of Narromine, arrangements were made to visit schools in both towns where library books, Christmas stockings and financial support were provided. In all, eight schools and pre-schools were recipients with two schools receiving the items in advance while six were personally attended by Rotarians to distribute the “goodies” and provide some “X-Mas cheer”.

Those visited were: •

Narromine Primary School

2013: 24

St Augustine’s Primary School, Narromine

AHHA sincerely thanks the generosity of our sponsors and donors for their continued support: without your contribution this program would not have been successful.

Narromine Pre-School

Trangie Central School

16 | Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA)

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Narromine Drought Appeal 2019 Writer Ted Mlynarz

St John’s Catholic Primary School, Trangie

to undertake a tour of two farming properties outside of the towns.

Trangie Pre-School

Pinegrove – around 3500 acres, about 40 kms from Narromine where a “clearing sale” (auction) took place on Saturday 14 Dec. The items on sale included farming tools and machinery and took place in an empty paddock which became a dust bowl with the slightest puff of wind.

he two schools who received items prior to the visit: Narromine High School Narromine Christian School

t St John’s Catholic Primary School in Trangie, the team witnessed “Bust the Dust” rain dance performed by the students during a ommunity event to lift the spirits and hopefully attract some very much needed downpours.

With the assistance and support of the local Rotary Club in arromine, a community sausage sizzle was arranged and took lace in Tom Perry Park, Narromine where a statue of Glenn McGrath stands proud honouring a local hero who still has interests n the area.

Waterloo – about 18,000 acres, 35 kms SW of Narromine and is a producer of cotton, however, has diversified and produces other grains as well as hay. This farm has a well-established bore water irrigation canal system and is able to produce some cotton, however, fields and paddocks have been ploughed in preparation for rain and are non-producing at this time. This farm also breeds and raises sheep. Both farms are struggling with the effects of the drought. The weekend ended with a X-Mas dinner with members of the Rotary Club of Narromine in attendance.

o experience and witness the effect the drought is having on the ommunity, both farming and business, the Rotarians were invited

Newsletter • Issue 20 • January - December 2020 | 17


Dr Willia Writer Helen Carter (from Optometry

Sydney optometrist Dr William Huylie Trinh has been honoured in the 202 Queen’s Birthday Honours list for h life-long work helping thousands people in Australia and overseas.

Dr Trinh received the Medal of the Orde of Australia (OAM) in the General Divisio for service to international humanitaria medical programs, and to optometry.

A board member of Optometry NSW/AC from 1998 to 2001, he is the chairma of charity organisation Australian Healt Humanitarian Aid which has enable more than 8,000 free cataract surgerie and over 9,000 dental procedure for disabled children in Vietnam an Cambodia over the past 17 years.

As a visiting lecturer and clinic instructor at the UNSW School Optometry and Vision Science and UNSW Optometry Clinic supervisor, h has taught therapeutics to hundred of optometry students and ha hosted many on placement in his bus Cabramatta practice.

‘I was surprised and very honoure to receive the award,’ Dr Trinh to


Mr Charlie HILI

President Rotary Club of Liverpool Wes Writer Ted Mlynarz

18 | Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA)



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Optometry Australia today. ‘But it represents the work of many people and organisations, it is the whole team.’ Born in Vietnam, Dr Trinh emigrated to Australia in 1979 with his family and attended high school in Sydney. He initially studied economics at university for a year before swapping to optometry at UNSW, spurred on by a positive encounter with an optometrist in his teenage years. ‘I was myopic and visited an optometrist. I was impressed with him; he was very professional,’ Dr Trinh said. ‘I was attracted to optometry because it was a mix of business and clinical sides, you could own your own business, and it could be rewarding helping people with different backgrounds.’ Upon graduation in 1988 he landed a job in Cabramatta in south-western Sydney, where there was a shortage of optometrists at the time. ‘After a few months, a shopfront became available for lease. I had always wanted to own my own practice so 31 years ago I opened a practice there, William

Trinh Optometrist. I still practise there today, although I have changed the name to Wills Eyecare.’ In 2001 he went to Boston to undertake a Doctor of Optometry at New England College of Optometry and spent two years working in optometry therapeutics in veterans’ hospitals. While in the US, his younger brother Dr Liam Trinh, also an optometrist, ran his practice. When he returned to Australia, William was in the first cohort to gain a therapeutics certificate from UNSW in 2008.

AHHA has a strong working relationship with the Rotary Club of Liverpool West. Several Rotarians are registered volunteers with AHHA and have participated with management and administrations activities as well joining AHHA with the missions to Vietnam and Cambodia. One such Rotarian and AHHA Volunteer is Charlie Hili. Charlie has been involved with AHHA for more than a decade and during 2020/21 was appointed as the President of the Rotary Club of Liverpool West. This is Charlie’s second appointment to the position which he also held during 2009/10. Rotary Club President's duties include, however, not restricted to are:

• Conduct club assemblies • Create a budget and manage club finances including an annual audit (in conjunction with the club’s Treasurer) • Develop a safe environment for youth participants • Work with the district and assistant governor/s. Charlie has been an active member of the AHHA Management Committee for several years and has made valuable contributions with his participation in activities which include fundraising and being part of the team/s on overseas humanitarian missions.

• Preside over club and board meetings • Appoint committee chairs and members

Newsletter • Issue 20 • January - December 2020 | 19


Rotary Awa Writer Ted Mlynarz

Rotary is a worldwide service organisation whose s purpose is to bring together people from all walks to provide humanitarian service and advance goodwi peace around the world.

This year, for service to charity and the communit Rotary Club of Liverpool West in Sydney recognise contribution of people involved with Australian H Humanitarian Aid (AHHA)

Dr Troy Lim Joon PHF (Paul Harris Fellow) Ophthalmologist and an AHHA volunteer. He is Direc Ophthalmology at the Children’s Hospital Melbourne a senior specialist at Western Health and Royal Vict Eye and Ear Hospital. Troy has been involved with A MISSIONS TO Vietnam and Cambodia for over a de and is the Team Leader of the Cataract Theatre Team is involved in various fundraising activities and is regarded within the AHHA community and by Rota who are involved in the overseas missions.

Mr Peter Kandasamy PHF (Paul Harris Fello has been a volunteer with Vietnam Vision and AHH more years than anybody can remember. Peter i Surgical & Equipment Manager for Victoria/Tasm foor ALCON Australia, a global company specialisi eye care equipment and products, which include le and machinery used by cataract surgeons. He is reg involved in fundraising events providing much ne assistance to the less fortunate.

With each PHF, US$1,000.00 is contributed to the R Foundation toward its humanitarian and educa programs which include the provision of educa programs which include the provision of educa opportunities, food, potable water, health immunizations and shelter for millions of people. Australian Rotary Health – Gold Companion

An ARH Gold Companion is a prestigious recogniti humanitarian work for individuals or groups. The Companion recognition contributed US$10,0 towards health research projects conducted by Aust Rotary Health.

In 2020, the Rotary Club of Liverpool West has recog the work of the AHHA Ophthalmic Theatre Nurses presented with ARH Gold Companion for their work 20 | Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA)


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Vietnam Vision and AHHA both in Vietnam and Cambodia. The nurses come from all areas of the community and are extremely professional in their attitude and skills, ensuring all preparations and procedures are carried out to provide the best possible result for the patient. There are many nurses who have participated on the overseas missions, special mention is made of Alison Chong and Amanda Cunningham, both of whom have led the nursing teams over the years. Over the years the Rotary Club of Liverpool West has supported and worked with AHHA and Vietnam Vision Projects Australia (VVPA) and has provided PHF and Gold Companion recognition to several volunteers. As well as those shown above, the following volunteers have been recognised over the years for their humanitarian work: Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) – Tanya Anhtuan, Dr Juliana Chong, Trudy PT Ho, Dr Le Duc Hong, Michael Luong, Thuan Nguyen, Thuy Nguyen, Chau Tran, Dr Tam Tran, Dr Hien Tran, Dr William Trinh, Dr Van Phuoc Vo, Stephanie Wong, Dr David Worsnop. Gold Companion (ARH) – Trinh Family – William, Stephanie & Billy, Ted Mlynarz (Rotary) Rotary Club of Liverpool West members and AHHA/ VVPA volunteers – Max Bunter, Frans Buskermolen, Joe Cauchi, Dr Robert Groat, Charles Hili, Jim Leahy, Ted Mlynarz.

Dr Henry Nguyen We are very sad to inform you that Dr Henry Nguyen passed away on the 6th August in Melbourne after a long illness. Henry was part of our dental team in our early days providing dental care to the poor in Vietnam. Henry had great compassion and always did his very best to help others. His kindness and generosity to support AHHA continued to his last days have changed many people for the better. We will greatly miss him. We send our deepest condolences and our thoughts are with his wife Michelle, daughter Angela, son Andrew and his family.

gnised to be k with Newsletter • Issue 20 • January - December 2020 | 21

We need your help! Our mission would not be possible without the generous donations from our valued donors. Your donations will help us to provide life changing cataract surgeries, vital dental treatments, medical & dental supplies, medicines, education sponsorships, school supplies, food packages and more to those in need.

Donate today to help us give sight to change lives! Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Donation forms are available online at www.ahha.org.au/forms/

We thank you for your support.

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