VVPA Newsletter Jan - Jun 2014 Issue 11

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Issue 11. January - June 2014

This issue you can read about VVPA’s outstanding involvement with the Blue Mountains bushfire and the Philippines Typhoon Haiyan appeals. 2014 promises to be another great year for VVPA with its annual Vietnam field trip planning well underway. It is expected to carry out 600 cataract and over 1000 dental operations over a two week period this July.

“When One is Helping Another, Both Are Strong” -

German Proverb

Community Services (RAWCS) and the community w great cause!!

Each VVPA field trip is funded entirely by public donations. All volunteers pay their own travel and accommodation expenses. Fundraising activities are continually undertaken throughout the year to ensure that VVPA can successfully continue its mission. VVPA is holding an annual fundraising dinner on Friday 23rd May 2014 at Crystal Palace, Canley Heights in Sydney. Please support us, together we can help many poor, less fortunate people restore their eye sight and improve lives. Thank you. Happy reading, Stephanie Wong

Photographs courtesy of: Andrew Tran, Dr Tam Tran, Dr Troy Lim Joon

VVP-A 2014 Field Trip



A New Era Begins By Ted Mlynaz

58 provinces. Long An province is also in the Mekong Delta 47 kms southwest of Saigon with a population of around 1.45 million. Planning is underway and the expected outcome on this field trip will be to perform around 600 Cataract and over 1000 Dental operations as well as several humanitarian trips where food parcels will be distributed. During the past 11 years, VVPA has operated in numerous areas within Vietnam, provinces visited so far

Vietnam Vision Projects Australia (VVPA) has undertaken

are: Ben Tre (twice) Vinh Long, Binh Thuan, Ninh Thuan,

eleven annual field trips to help the poor and those less

Dong Thap, An Giang, Tra Vinh (twice) Phu Yen (twice),

fortunate in the rural areas of Vietnam. This year (2014)

Quang Tri, Binh Phuoc, Ca Mau, Hau Giang, Sa Dec, Binh

will begin a new era with ever expanding activities.

Duong, Thu Duc (twice), Lam Dong (twice), Tay Ninh, Quang Nam, Bac Lieu and Nha Trang.

Prior to the first mission in 2003 the pioneering group of volunteers recognised the horrific statistics regarding

There are over 250 people registered as Vietnam Vision

cataract conditions and the lack of assistance being

Projects Australia volunteers. They are from all over

afforded to those most in need. During the initial trip

Australia and some from overseas and come from

the small group concentrated on cataract operations,

numerous professions and cultures. All contribute


to the success of the organisation in particular to the

as the years progressed it was further

recognised that there was so much more that could be

success of the missions undertaken.

done. All volunteers travelling to Vietnam contribute to their In recent years VVPA has increased the areas of

own travel and accommodations costs.

operations to include: Fundraising activities are continually undertaken •

Free Cataract Operations

throughout each year and all money raised is directed

Free Dental Services

toward helping those in need and ensuring that the

Medical Checks

activities of VVPA can successfully continue.

Humanitarian Services

Education Scholarship Programs

VVPA is grateful for the contribution of our sponsors, partners such as Saigon City Eye Hospital, Saigon City

This year, the field trip will commence on the 12th of

Dental Association, the Rotary Club of Liverpool West,

July, finish on the 30th July and will visit two provinces

Rotary Australia World Community Services (RAWCS)

in the south of Vietnam, Ca Mau and Long An.

and the community who continually generously donate

Ca Mau is located in the Mekong delta with around 1.2

toward this great cause!!

million people and is the southernmost of Vietnam’s


Chris Hayes MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR FOWLER Parliamentary speech 4 December 2013 In October this year residents of the Blue Mountains in New South Wales were hit by some of the most savage bushfires in recent history, certainly the most savage since the Victorian calamity. Nearly 200 homes were completely destroyed, with another 95 damaged. At one point there were 60 fires burning simultaneously, with 22 of them out of control. It is often during difficult times like this that heroes shine and the spirit of generosity of Australians also comes through. I am proud to say that my local community was one of the most active in joining forces to provide significant assistance to those affected by the bushfires. In fact, the local Chinese and Vietnamese communities in my electorate raised more than a quarter of a million dollars during the few short weeks that followed the fires. My electorate, as you are aware, Mr Deputy Speaker Scott, is the most multicultural electorate in the country, with more than half the people in Fowler born overseas. But despite the socioeconomic challenges within my area, it is also home to some of the most generous people in the country. I was present at a large fundraising dinner organised by over 30 of the Chinese associations of Western Sydney, which raised $110,000 on the night. The funds were presented to Councillor Romola Hollywood, representing Blue Mountains City Council, and have gone towards the Mayoral Relief Fund. This single large


fundraising dinner was coordinated by one of the most active members of the local community I have ever seen, who is also the chairman of the Australian Chinese Buddhist Society: Mr James Chan. Among the many guests was the representative of the ConsulGeneral of the People’s Republic of China in Sydney, Consul Wang Yun. Also, around about the same time, the local Vietnamese community came together in an absolutely dedicated effort that raised over $160,000. This significant sum was raised over a period of three weeks through special appeals on the streets of Cabramatta, Canley Heights and Bankstown, and through email appeals and a fundraising dinner. Almost a third of the funds were raised by young volunteers on the streets of my electorate at a time of what was probably Sydney’s most inclement weather. The effort was first initiated by Vietnamese Community Australia President Mr Thanh Nguyen, with five other prominent Vietnamese organisations joining in. These include the Australian Vietnamese Health Professions Association, led by Dr Hien Tran; the Vietnam Vision Project, Dr Phuoc Vo; the Hope Project, under the leadership of Mr Chinh Dang; Rotary Club, with Thuan Nguyen; and the Vietnamese Scouts, led by Thuy Dinh. The funds raised were donated to the St Vincent de Paul bushfire appeal. A representative from St Vincent de Paul, when receiving the donation, said they were truly moved and had

not experienced this kind of generosity from a small community such as the Vietnamese Australians previously. The electorate I represent is in no way wealthy, with many of the residents struggling. But this has never stopped them from being generous and thinking of others, particularly in difficult times. This is not the first time that residents in my electorate came to the fore when trying to look after fellow Australians. It was particularly notable when I first met them during the course of the Queensland floods. It was during that time that I learnt of an old Vietnamese saying, which translates as: when you eat the fruit of the tree, you have regard for the people who planted the seed. And for the Vietnamese, this was their way of saying that when they came to Australia they took on a community responsibility. Members of the Vietnamese and Chinese communities—and the many other communities who have migrated to this country over the last few decades—have often expressed to me their sense of gratitude to Australia for welcoming them with open arms and giving them a second chance at a brighter future. Monetary assistance is just one way my community was able to help fellow Aussies throughout the bushfires in October. This is something that I think should reflect on modern Australia itself, and I am very grateful for the goodwill that serves and motivates this community.

Quotes “Many children (in Vietnam) have to work for a living and supporting their families. I will definitely do more charity work in the future. I think helping people is joy. It’s hard work but it’s also a lot of fun too.” William Trinh Jnr, aged 8 in June 2008

“After we finished distributing food parcels, we went to visit a few poor families around the temple. What we encountered whilst visiting those families was unforgettable and heartbreaking.” Thuy Nguyen, Pharmacist, 2012

“The success of each organisation, each charity work depends on the support of many people in the community. Without the generosity of people like you, our work could not be possible. Our team has the honour to carry out your trust.” Dr Phuoc Vo, Chairman, 2008

“To make this mission possible, we are seeking financial donations to purchase medications, medical equipment and sundries that are much needed by the hospitals that provide facilities for cataract removal procedure. A donation of any amount will be gratefully received by both the organisation and the poor recipients in Vietnam.” Dr Hien T Tran, GP, 2009

“In Tay Hoa, there was a blind elderly couple. The husband lost one eye and suffered cataract in the other eye. His wife was also blind due to cataract. VVP operated on both husband and wife. Also, the VVP team visited the home of this couple witnessed their poor and rudimentary living conditions. Many times when things get tough, it is these lives that brought more meaning to the project.” Trudy PT Ho, volunteer, 2010

“Meeting an 84 year old lady with lots of burn marks down her arms. She told us that she is so happy that with our treatment she will be able to see again and not burn herself while cooking anymore! Many times when things get tough and I am way beyond my comfort zone, it is stories like hers that remind me why I am there and of my commitment to the project.” Anonymous volunteer

“I was able to see the patients, already prepared for the operation, waiting their turn, noticing their anxiety, and maybe fear. However, once the operation was over, I could see the relief and joy in their persona.” Ted Mlynarz, Rotarian and volunteer, 2010

“A host of leading Vietnamese Australian dentists from Sydney and Perth have enthusiastically joined forces to discuss plans to incorporate future dental programs to operate under the umbrella of Vietnam Vision projects.” VVP Newsletter issue No.4 Jul-Dec 2010

“The contributions of Vietnam Vision are highly commendable and I greatly respect the Vietnam Vision team for the compassion you’ve shown to those suffering around the world.” Mr Chris Hayes MP, Federal Member for Fowler. Feb 2011

“It was a privilege for everyone in the Dental team to be involved in this tremendous contribution for good cause. It is hoped that our efforts would help make some difference to the quality of life of the suffering children.” Dr Chinh Nguyen, Dental Team Leader, 2013


Fundraising Activities No matter what any charitable organisation sets out to achieve, financial support is vital to enable its vision to happen. Vietnam Vision Projects – Australia (VVPA) is such an organisation and any success achieved has been a direct result of the generosity of the people who have been extremely kind with their support. As well as travelling to Vietnam to help the poor, VVPA volunteers participate in several fundraising activities which not only raise the necessary funds for the annual field trips, they also assist other community organisations to provide help those closer to home. These include those affected by ravaging bushfires in the Blue Mountains and the devastating Typhoon in the Philippines. - Ted Mlynarz Blue Mountains Bushfire Appeal In line with its charity vision, VVPA has not only helped many thousands of poor people in Vietnam and Cambodia, it has also contributed to other charitable activities in Australia. In October-November 2013, we witnessed the devastation caused by the numerous bushfires in NSW. In conjunction with the Vietnamese Community in Australia NSW Chapter, the Vietnamese Scout Group, and other community groups, VVPA helped to raise a total of $156,000. This amount was donated to the St Vincent De Paul to assist the victims of the NSW bushfire disaster. - Dr Phuoc Vo Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Appeal While the bushfire raged in NSW, overseas the Philippines was struck by a monstrous typhoon causing unimaginable damage and loss of lives. Having just finished with the bushfire appeal, in December 2013, VVPA again participated in the fundraising activities organized by the Vietnamese Community in Australia NSW Chapter in conjunction with the Philippines community in NSW, to help the victims of the Haiyan typhoon in the Phillipines. Fundraising events were held in Bankstown, Cabramatta and Canley Heights. The total amount raised for this appeal was $92,000. - Dr Phuoc Vo


Bi-monthly fundraising BBQ’s are held at Freedom Plaza in the Cabramatta CBD as a Fairfield Council approved community event. Not only are these occasions used to raise funds for the ch they are also provide an opportunity to continue community awareness and public education.

With the support of the Rotary Club of Liverpool and its Satellite Club at Cabramatta, this po and regular event was held on 17 November 2013 and 18February 2014.

“To achieve, we must sacrifice”

Cabramatta CBD Bi-monthly fundraising BBQ’s are held at Freedom Plaza in the Cabramatta CBD as a Fairfield City Council approved community event. Not only are these occasions used to raise funds for the charity, they are also provide an opportunity to continue community awareness and public education. With the support of the Rotary Club of Liverpool and its Satellite Club at Cabramatta, this popular and regular event was held on 17 November 2013 and 18 February 2014.

The weather has never been a deterrent for VVPA volunteers to turn up and mingle with the people and do all they has never been aShortly deterrent for VVPA volunteers turn celebrations up and mingle with the p can to help the cause. On the 18 February 2014 The wasweather one such occasion. after the Asian NewtoYear and do all they can to help the cause. On the 18 February 2014 was one occasion. Shortly the weather was not very complimentary for the VVPA event, however, volunteers sacrificing their Sundaysuch morning the Asian New Year celebrations the weather was not very complimentary for the VVPA e sleep-in, arrived in force and ensured a very successful day.

however, volunteers sacrificing their Sunday morning sleep-in, arrived in force and ensured a successful day.

The generosity of the community continually astounds. There are two more events before the field trip in July. These will be on 13 April and 22 June 2014 and will beThe at generosity FreedomofPlaza in the Cabramatta CBD. the community continually astounds. - Ted Mlynarz Melbourne Bowling Fundraising What a great day of fun and tenpin Bowling at Healthways Recreation Centre on Sunday 23rd March! VVPA volunteers, family and friends showed their support by coming out to support us and we raised a total of $6052.95 to go to this year’s field trip.

There was a lot of competitive spirit on show and a lot of laughter. It was great to see everyone have fun and catch up with old friends and raise money for the needy in Vietnam at the same time. Well done Melbourne!! Many thanks to everyone for your generous support! - Alison Chong


Fundraising Activities Redlands Sausage Sizzle On Thursday 7th November 2013 a sausage sizzle was held to raise funds for VVPA at my school, Redlands. The whole experience of advocating and fundraising from the conceptual idea to the end was great. A couple of weeks leading up to the BBQ lunch, I was given the opportunity to give a talk about VVPA and advocating its fantastic charity work to all the year groups during the school assemblies. Saving sight and reducing blindness is a cause that is very close to my heart. The success of the BBQ was a result of the help of many people. I would like to begin thanking my school Reverend Sam Hwang and Ms Michelle Gray, my Design & Technology teacher for supporting and guiding me every step of the way. My fellow students,





Luke Bogatez for their assistance. The Redlands community as a whole, without the help from Redlands this would not have been possible. I am grateful for all their support. Special thanks to Mr Ted Mlynarz, Mr Jim Leahy and my Mum. They generously gave their precious time and assisted me on the day. Last but not least thanks to my parents for sponsoring this event. In the end we raised $856.15, which was an amazing amount and every cent of it was donated to VVPA. I hope this will help VVPA in some ways to continue its great work to help the many desperately poor people to restore their sight as well as receive medical/dental treatment. - William Trinh Jr.


Education Sponsorship Update By Tanya AnhTuan

Since the introduction of this new initiative late last year following the VVPA 2013 mission , we now have 39 students that are being sponsored under this Education Program. These students are from the following areas : 1. Cu Chi 2. Trang Bom, Dong Nai 3. Khanh Hoa, Nha Trang The school year in Vietnam commenced in July and will end in June 2014. Our volunteers are working to obtain the children’s school results so they can be assessed and

forwarded to their respective sponsors. This program has received strong support and encouragements from VVPA members. We all recognize how important it is for a child to have the opportunity to go to school, to give them a future in life. This is a young boy that is currently being sponsored in VVPA’s Education Program. He lives with his father, mother and 2 older sisters in Trang Bom, Dong Nai. His mother is not in good health and their family is poor. He and his 2 sisters are very studious. When he is not at school, he helps his mother weave baskets to earn a living. Each basket earns them 5,000 VND (~25cents AUD)


2014 HUMANITARIAN TRIP By Thuan Nguyen

In January 2014, a small group of VVPA volunteers, in conjunction with the local student volunteers from Thu Duc University (“The Angels’ footsteps”), made a visit to Trang Bom area of Dong Nai province. The aim of this day trip was to visit some of the poor families in the area and provide gifts for them to celebrate the Tet (new year) festival. The size of the donations were insignificant to many of us living in the Western world like Australia, but it was enough to bring much happiness to these families in the new year.


New Volunteer Registrations VVPA has 258 registered volunteers. Since June 2013 the following have been included and are welcome to the team. Vivian Tuyet Mai.................................................... High School Student..................................................................................... NSW Maria Bui.................................................................. Optometrist...................................................................................................... NSW Andrew Giang Nguyen....................................... Accountant....................................................................................................... NSW Janice Le.................................................................. Solicitor.............................................................................................................. NSW Thu Hang Tran...................................................................................................................................................................................... NSW Stephanie Nguyen............................................... Dental Student................................................................................................ NSW Phuoc Trung Tang (jack)..................................... Student............................................................................................................... NSW Julie Yammine........................................................ Registered Nurse............................................................................................. NSW Allen Nguyen......................................................... Student............................................................................................................... NSW Donna Corcoran.................................................... Orthoptist............................................................................................................. VIC Quang Tuan Bui..................................................... General Practitioner....................................................................................... NSW Anh Pham................................................................ Optometrist....................................................................................................... QLD Viet Nho Tong........................................................ Logistics Operations Co-ordinator........................................................... NSW Vincent Tran............................................................ Optometry Student....................................................................................... NSW Donna Ha................................................................ Orthoptist.......................................................................................................... NSW Anh Thuy Long Nguyen..................................... Orthoptist.......................................................................................................... NSW Dzu Dinh Nguyen................................................. General Practitioner....................................................................................... NSW Dr Elaine Hoang.................................................... General Practitioner....................................................................................... NSW Amy Fung................................................................ Paediatric Dentist.............................................................................................. VIC Van Tay Nguyen..................................................... Stonemason, Handyman............................................................................. NSW Michael Hai Luong............................................... Builder................................................................................................................ NSW Laura Johnston........................................................................................................................................................................ Nth Ireland


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