AHHA Newsletter Jan - Jun 2017 Issue 16

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Bản Tin Số 16

Issue 16. January - June 2017

e v o l e n o d l r o w e on

EDITOR’S WORDS Welcome to AHHA Newsletter issue 16. The unprecedented growth of new volunteers joining AHHA and the strong interest of support from the community as a whole is nothing short of remarkable. Our dedicated volunteers from across Australia have worked tirelessly in their effort to help fundraising for the upcoming 2017 August field trip to Cambodia to carry out free cataract operations and dental treatments for the under-privileged. We are very excited and honoured to welcome our special guest HRH Prince Sisowath Tesso of Cambodia to both of our Sydney 15th Annual Fundraising Dinner and Melbourne Inaugural Fundraising Dinner on the Fri 26th and Sat 27th of May respectively. These two functions are the most anticipated events on our fundraising calendar. In this issue you’ll hear from the chairman Dr Trinh about the highlights, the AGM report and the newly elected management committee members. The plans for 2017 field trip, Tribute to AHHA volunteers, Updates on humanitarian projects – Water filter for VN flood victims and Nepal earthquakes’ recovery & building work. Congratulations to Dr Hien Tran for his Teaching Excellence Award and our very own AHHA volunteer newly wedded couple – Anh Kieu & Tay Nguyen. My special thanks to all who have contributed to this issue especially Mr Ted Mlynarz and the first timers. Happy reading, Stephanie Wong Correction, issue 15: 1. The following names were left out in the “2016 Field Trip Volunteers” list: Dr Ha Tran, Miss Angelina Tran, Ms Anh Kieu, Mr Tay Nguyen. 2. Dr Hien Tran’s “Cambodia – AHHA’s New Destination for Charity” was kindly translated into Vietnamese by Dr Tam Tran. 3. Albertine Tran’s article had a misplaced photo. I would like to apologise for the above errors. Photo Courtesy: Dr Tam Tran Dr William Trinh Dr Juliana Chong Mr Ted Mlynarz Ms Anh Kieu

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Letter from the Chairman Writer Dr William Trinh


Dear supporters, With the continuing support from the public, our volunteers and donors, AHHA managed to raise funds to provide 3000 families in Central Vietnam with water filtering units so that they can have clean and safe water for drinking and cooking after the recent devastating flood. We are very fortunately and thankful to have dedicated AHHA volunteers Ms Thuy Nguyen and Ms Trudy Ho who travelled last December to Vietnam to collaborate with local volunteers and personally delivered the water filter unit to each family in need. Our regular Sunday BBQ fund raising both in February and April in Cabramatta continue to do well, especially pleasing to see an increased numbers of high school students participating in the charitable events. We are very proud to see the initiatives and success of fund raising for AHHA by our two young volunteers Miss Isabelle Nguyen and Felicity Pham through the Colour Run in March 2017. They managed to raise over $9000.00 to contribute to the purchase of the operating microscope for this year field trip. We are also very proud to see our volunteers Ms Anh Kieu, Mr Tay Nguyen, Ms Ku Ngov, Ms Siv Ngov and Mr Linh Lai with the support of Kaizen Gym to raise fund for AHHA on March 25, 2017.

The Sydney and Melbourne committees have been working hard in preparing for the upcoming 15th Annual Dinner on Friday 26th May in Sydney and Saturday 27th May in Melbourne Fundraising Dinner with our special guest HRH Prince Tesso Sisowath of Cambodia. The August field trip’s preparation has progressed well with the announcement of the team in February. Medical & surgical supplies and equipments have already been arranged to be shipped to Cambodia in May with the support of Hai Son Shipping Ltd. I would like to thank all our volunteers and donors who have supported me in the last two years and have made my job as a chairman so much rewarding, especially the management committee members for their commitments to AHHA. I would like to Thank Ms Anh Kieu who had been wonderful with her secretary role and Mr Jim Leahy with membership committee chair. Unfortunately they are no longer able to continue with their roles due to family commitments. I would like to extend my welcome to Mr Michael Tran to join the management committee. Finally I am very honoured to be re-elected as a AHHA chairman for another two years and looking forwards to continue our successful charity work to assist the underprivileged.

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Cambodia Field Trip Writer Mr Ted Mlynarz

“I see my Family, I see the World� For many people around the world truer words have never been spoken. Family is important, so is the function of sight. Seeing family members of all generations, seeing them develop and grow is one of the best experiences one can be involved with. Following the success of the 2016 mission to Cambodia, more than 420 people could see again due to the cataract operations provide by the Australian Health Humanitarian Aid team. As well, around 1100 patients were treated by the dental team and are now able to go about their daily lives without the pain of dental problems. Planning for the 2017 field trip has been in progress for some time. AHHA, in conjunction with Khmer Sight Foundation, has been planning the 2017 field trip to Cambodia and the organising program is well advanced with volunteer teams selected and equipment being prepared for the task ahead. The 2017 Mission to Cambodia will commence on Saturday 12th August 2017 when 110 volunteers from around

AHHA is fortunate to have an extensive support base, not only with the great work performed by the volunteers, but also with its sponsors, supporters, donors, service providers and a long standing supporter - Alcon Australia.

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Australia will make their way to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. The next day work will commence to prepare for the next two weeks with volunteer familiarisation of the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital where the Cataract operations will take place and Puthisastra University Dental Clinic where the dental procedures will be carried out. During the year, the Khmer Sight Foundation has been conducting screening programs in outlying villages and provinces selecting patients and preparing them for transport to the hospital for eye inspections and cataract operations as well as dental patients to be treated at the university. Conferences are also being organised to update local Cambodian doctors, surgeons and dentists with the latest procedures. Following the success and outstanding attendances during the 2016 field trip, it is expected these will again attract local medical and dental professionals. AHHA is fortunate to have an extensive support base, not only with the great work performed by the volunteers, but also with its sponsors, supporters, donors, service providers and a long standing supporter - Alcon Australia. Humanitarian work is also being planned during the trip, volunteers will visit villages and poor communities to distribute much needed supplies to enable improvement in the lives of those in need. The AHHA team is looking forward to the 2017 mission which is only made possible by the kind donations of its supporters and the public in general and again working with the Cambodian volunteers who provide a vital service particularly with translation and local support.


Chuyến Công Tác Thiện Nguyện tại Cambodia Bài tường trình của Mr Ted Mlynarz

Dịch bởi Bác Sĩ Tâm Trần

“Tôi nhìn thấy được gia đình tôi, Tôi nhìn thấy được thế giới”

răng tại Bịnh viện Nha khoa Đại học Puthisastra.

Đối với nhiều người trên thế giới nầy, có những lời lẽ chân thành mà ngôn từ khó có thể diễn tả hết được. Đó là sự quan trọng của gia đình và sự quan trọng của thị lực của đôi mắt. Được nhìn thấy con cháu của các thế hệ trong gia đình, nhìn thấy chúng phát triển và trưỡng thành là một trải nghiệm tuyệt vời.

Các buổi hội nghị y khoa cũng đã được tổ chức để cập nhật những kỹ thuật mới nhất cho các bác sĩ, phẫu thuật gia và nha sĩ Campuchia. Chuyến đi năm vừa qua 2016 đã đạt được thành công lớn và có sự tham dự nhiệt liệt đông đão, dự kiến năm nay lại sẽ thu hút hơn các chuyên gia y tế và nha khoa địa phương.

Sau chuyến đi thiện nguyện thành công năm 2016 của tổ chức AHHA tại Campuchia, với hơn 420 người đã sáng mắt trở lại nhờ được mỗ cườm (đục thủy tinh thể) do Tổ chức “Hỗ trợ Y tế và Nhân đạo Australia” thực hiện. Đồng thời, có khoảng 1100 bệnh nhân đã được chửa trị nha khoa và bây giờ họ đã có được một cuộc sống hàng ngày mà không bị đau nhức vì bịnh răng. Kế hoạch cho chuyến thiện nguyện năm 2017 đang được suôn sẻ tiến hành . AHHA, kết hợp với Khmer Sight Foundation, đã lên kế hoạch cho chuyến đi hãi ngoại năm nay 2017 điểm đến Campuchia và chương trình tổ chức đang được tiến hành với đội ngũ tình nguyện viên đã lựa chọn xong và thiết bị đang được chuẩn bị cho nhiệm vụ sấp tới. Sứ mệnh năm 2017 tới Campuchia sẽ bắt đầu vào ngày thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 8 năm 2017 với 110 tình nguyện viên từ khắp nước Úc sẽ đến Phnom Penh, thủ đô của Campuchia. Công việc bắt đầu ngay ngày hôm sau, tình nguyện viên sẽ làm quen với Bệnh Viện Hữu Nghị Khmer-Xô nơi đây công tác mỗ cườm (giải phẫu đục thủy tinh thể) sẽ tiến hành liên tục trong hai tuần lễ và toán Nha Khoa sẽ công tác chữa trị

Trong năm, Hội Khmer Sight Foundation đã tiến hành các chương trình sàng lọc ở các làng và các tỉnh xa xôi để lựa chọn bệnh nhân và vận chuyển họ đến bệnh viện để kiểm tra mắt và tìm người bị đục thủy tinh thể cũng như tìm những người bị bịnh răng đễ sẽ được điều trị. AHHA may mắn có được một cơ sở hỗ trợ rộng rãi, không chỉ với những tình nguyện viên đang làm công tác tuyệt vời mà còn có các nhà tài trợ, người ủng hộ, người biếu tặng, các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ và một công ty ủng hộ lâu năm - Alcon Australia. Công tác Nhân Đạo cũng đang được lên kế hoạch cho suốt chuyến đi nầy, các thiện nguyện viên sẽ đến thăm các thôn bản và các cộng đồng nghèo để phân phát nhu yếu phẫm cho họ hầu cải thiện cuộc sống cho những người có nhu cầu. Công tác thiện nguyện của tổ chức AHHA năm 2017 chỉ thực hiện được là nhờ vào sự đóng góp của những người ủng hộ và của cộng đồng nói chung và một lần nữa nhờ vào làm việc với các tình nguyện viên tại Campuchia, là những người cung cấp dịch vụ đặc biệt như là thông dịch và hỗ trợ tại địa phương .

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Prince Sisowath Tesso of Cambodia Writer Mr Ted Mlynarz

During the mission to Cambodia in August 2016, the Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA) volunteers were honoured with the presence, on several occasions, of His Royal Highness Prince Sisowath Tesso. From the welcoming dinner on the group’s arrival, visits to the hospital and university dental clinic to the farewell lunch in Phnom Penh, the prince expressed his gratitude on behalf of the people of Cambodia to the AHHA volunteers who travelled to his country to help those in need. The Prince has graciously accepted an invitation to visit Australia and attend two AHHA fundraising dinners. The first in Sydney on Friday 26 May 2017 and then in Melbourne on Saturday 27 May 2017. HRH Prince Sisowath Tesso is a dancer and director of the Royal Cambodia Court Ballet, was born in Phnom Penh. With the appointment of his father as Permanent Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Prince Tesso studied in Paris, France and worked at the headquarters of the French multinational “Spie Batignolles” in Cergy-Pontoise. In 2006 the Prince returned to Cambodia and became Advisor to the

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President of the National Assembly. In 2007 he was appointed to the position of State Secretary within the Ministry of Tourism. The King of Cambodia later appointed Prince Tesso as Advisor to his cabinet and is Private secretary to HRH Princess Norodom Buppha Devi, former Minister of Culture and currently is Director of the Royal Ballet of Cambodia. The King of Cambodia has decorated Prince Tesso with the Medal of Commander of the Royal Order of Monissaraphoan – Arts & Letters. To enable the work of AHHA to be carried out, a partnership has been formed with the Khmer Sight Foundation who assist with local authorities and organisations. Prince Tesso is a Board Member of the Khmer Sight Foundation and has shown his willingness to help wherever possible. During breaks from the cataract operations and dental procedures, the Prince gave up his busy timetable to take AHHA volunteers on a personal tour of the Royal Palace in Phnom Pehn and surrounding grounds. Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA) directors, management and volunteers are excited at the opportunity of having Prince Tesso attend the fundraising dinners.


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Annual General Meeting: Report from the Chairman Writer Dr William Trinh I would like to extend my welcome and thank you everyone for attending the AGM today. I am very honoured to have your trust to be bestowed upon me two years ago to lead the organization to face one of the biggest challenges in its history and I am sure you would agree that transition from VVPA to AHHA has gone smoothly as much as we have hoped. I am proud to report we now have a new name, a revised constitution for our organization. AHHA is officially a registered Australian Charity. We have been able to continue our field trips to provide cataract surgery, dental treatment, medical exam, medicines, eyeglasses, scholarships and humanitarian aid to the underprivileged in Cambodia and Vietnam. We also have been active in collaborating with other community organizations to raise fund for the dead fish crisis in Vietnam, flood relief in Vietnam and the Philippines, earth quakes in Nepal, special fund for UNRCH and other local community projects such as Braeside hospital and Vietnamese Bronze Drum in Bankstown.

The one important aspect that I’m most proud of for our organisation is that we have not changed the compassion, respect and care our volunteers shown toward the people we try to help... We all should celebrate and be proud that our helping hands can bring so much happiness and comfort to them.

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We have signed MOU with Khmer Sight Foundation and fortunate to have the support and collaboration of the Cambodian government, Cambodian Department of Health, Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital, University of Puthisatra dental school, Prof Meng Ngy, Prof Callum Durward, HRH Prince Tesso Sisowath, Mr Sean Ngu, Cambodian students and local volunteers. The continuing success of Sunday BBQs fundraising, annual dinners and Moon festival are amazing. The newly established Victorian fundraising committee is so dedicated & committed to our cause. We have made many changes to improve our work. We have a new AHHA website, AHHA face book which has over 1000 followers, AHHA YouTube channel with video clips of past field trips, AHHA newsletters are getting bigger and better. We have gone digital with medical records. The number of new volunteers wanting to join AHHA and go on annual field trip is ever expanding. We are very proud to see many young students eager to volunteer for AHHA. The one important aspect that I’m most proud of for our organisation is that we have not changed the compassion, respect and care our volunteers shown toward the people we try to help. We all can feel the pain and suffering of the poor elderly with poor vision, disabled kids with neglected dental care, the flood victims and the neglected in the society. We all should celebrate and be proud that our helping hands can bring so much happiness and comfort to them. Of course, all these achievements cannot be possible without the wonderful support and generosity of our donors and volunteers. I have always believed that every volunteer is able to make a contribution using his/

her own talent and skills and together we help transform the under privileged peoples’ lives for the better. Special thanks to our management committee members for their total commitments and hard work: Hien, Ted, Dan, Anh, Trudy, Michael, Chinh, Hung, Stephanie, Tanya, Thuy, Charlie, Jim, Michael Man. Our interstates representatives: Juliana, David, Khanh Tien, Oanh. Our advisors: Janice, Ha, Tam, Chau, Thuan, Chinh. Other regular contributors: Maria, Martin, Christine, Monica. Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife Stephanie and son Billy for their love, support and understanding. Looking forward and goals for the next 2 years: Tax deductible status for AHHA, continue to work on the work permit in Vietnam, Eye Institute in Phnom Penh, seeking corporate sponsors and maintain our good work ethics and cultures. Thank you.


2017 Newly Elected Management Committee Members BOARD DIRECTORS Chairman Dr William Trinh Vice-Chairman Internal Dr Hien Tran Vice-Chairman External & CEO Mr Ted Mlynarz Treasurer Mr Dan Dang Secretary Ms Trudy Ho TEAM LEADERS Ophthalmology Dr David Worsnop Dentistry Dr Chinh Nguyen & Dr Hung Tran Optometry Dr Khanh Tien Truong Humanitarian Project Manager Mrs Thuy Nguyen IT & Publication Ms Stephanie Wong Education Sponsorship Ms Tanya AnhTuan Media & Logistics Mr Michael Tran ADVISERS Honorary Legal Adviser Ms Janice Le Human Resource Mr Charlie Hili Fundraising Mr Michael Luong Administration Ms Trudy Ho

Congratulations Anh Nguyen Kieu & Van Tay Nguyen Writer Mr Ted Mlynarz AHHA Volunteers Marry Anh Nguyen Kieu and Van Tay Nguyen were married on Saturday 8th, April 2017. Family and friends attended the beautiful wedding ceremony (afternoon) and reception (evening) to help celebrate the joining in matrimony of two AHHA volunteers. Both Anh and Van are enthusiastic members of the AHHA family and have travelled with the team to provide medical and humanitarian relief to the poor and needy people in both Vietnam and Cambodia. Their commitment to help was witnessed on Sunday 9 April, just one day after their wedding where they attended a bimonthly BBQ fundraising event in Cabramatta. The money raised will go toward providing cataract operations and dental procedures, as well as humanitarian aid, to the underprivileged during the August 2017 mission to Cambodia and Vietnam. From everybody at AHHA, congratulations on your wedding, wishing both of you a long and happy life together.

STATE REPRESENTATIVES Victoria Dr Juliana Chong Queensland Dr Khanh Tien Truong South Australia Dr Oanh Ha

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Tribute to AHHA Volunteers Writer Mr Ted Mlynarz

“Volunteers Change the World” To become your best self, offer your help to those in need. Volunteers all over the world have a united ambition by offering their time and services to those who may be suffering, whether it is illness, poverty, hunger, homelessness, natural disaster or any other reason. The volunteers registered with Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA) are no different to any other volunteer group anywhere. They are willing participants with all and any activities undertaken to enable AHHA to carry out its work and help those in need. AHHA volunteers come from many walks of life and a variety of professions and skills. From all over Australia, these include medical, surgical, optical, dental, pharmaceutical, financial, business, administration professionals as well as university and school students. They are the lifeline of AHHA. They are vital to the organisation to

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be able to succeed with its numerous activities and they are instrumental with progressing and achieving the Vision of Australian Health Humanitarian Aid – “To provide diverse charitable and humanitarian services to relieve human suffering and improve quality of life of those in need with compassionate acts.” This Tribute is dedicated to all AHHA volunteers, past and present and to the volunteers who have provided, and continue to provide, assistance from afar, including Vietnam and Cambodia. Every one of them generously donates their time, expertise and energy to care for and close the gap those living in dire circumstances with little or no hope for the future. Over the years, AHHA volunteers have “put their hands up” whenever they are needed. From participating on the field trips to foreign countries, to attending fundraising activities and joining community groups to aid when natural disasters strike. Apart from the annual field trips, AHHA Volunteers have joined community

groups to raise much needed funds to support those who have suffered from natural disasters, which include, Bushfires and Floods in Australia, Floods and Fish Contamination in Vietnam, Typhoons in the Philippines and Earthquakes in Nepal. Not only did they participate with the fundraising effort, some visited the devastated areas to provide direct assistance. With the calibre of and willingness to help, the volunteers registered with AHHA are the future of the organisation and the work it performs will remain in capable hands. “A helping hand, a willing heart. Sometimes that’s all it takes A simple gesture on someone’s part, but what a difference it makes.” (Author unknown) Thank You for being there and be Proud!!!

Thank You 2016 Field Trip Volunteers Writer Ms Stephanie Wong

AHHA wishes to thank each and everyone of our 2016 humanitarian field trip volunteers. We are most grateful for your commitment, compassion and generosity which contributed to another great successful mission. It takes enormous commitment, personal sacrifice and of course great leadership and teamwork to make each mission successful.

Ms Tanya Anhtuan Ms Alison Baum Ms Judy Bui Mr Ian Brookes Mr Max Bunter Mr Joe Cauchi Ms Socheata Chea Mrs Alison Chong Dr Juliana Chong Mr Martin Colantonio Dr Ryan Cornish Mrs Amanda Cunningham Ms Maria Dang Mr Dan Dang Mst Justin Dinh Dr Bernadette Gilmore Dr Oanh Ha Mr Glenn Hale Dr Aaron Hayek Mr Charles Hili Ms Trudy Ho Dr Tuan Ho

Mst Jayden Ho Mst Nathan Huynh Dr Son Huynh Dr Tess Huynh Ms Laura Johnston Ms Elle Kadasamy Mr Peter Kadasamy Ms Anh Kieu Dr Phuong Anh Lam Mr James Leahy Mrs Andrea Lee Dr Troy Limjoon Dr Dennis Lowe Mrs Monica Luong Ms Mai Lytran Dr Rex Martin Mr Michael Miranda Mr Ted Mlynarz Mrs Marie Myers Dr Andrew Narita Dr James Ngo Dr Chinh Nguyen

Mr John Nguyen Mrs Thuy Nguyen Dr Huy Nguyen Ms Christine Nguyen Mr Van Tay Nguyen Mr Benjamin Nuttall Dr Nicolette Parkinson Dr Hau Pham Dr Yvonne Pham Ms Louise Pham Ms Joanne Rehe Dr Carolyn Ross Dr Michael Shiu Dr Michael Stefanescu Dr Albert Tran Miss Albertine Tran Miss Angelina Tran Mrs Helen Tran Dr Hien Tran Dr Minh Duc Tran Dr The Minh Tran Ms Tien Tran

Mr Michael Tran Dr Ha Tran Mrs Ha Tran Mr Alfred Tran Ms My Linh Tran Ms My Phung Tran Dr Hung Tran Mrs Hang Tran Dr William Trinh Dr Theresa Truong Dr Khanh Tien Truong Mrs Dunia Tucker Dr Anton Van Heerden Dr Phung Vu Dr Patrick Wong Ms Stephanie Wong Dr David Worsnop Ms Helen Fuhong Xie Ms Kiera Young

All volunteers pay for their own expenses including airfares, accommodation, transportation and meals.

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Volunteer Profile: Dr David Worsnop Hi, my name is Dr David Worsnop, Ophthalmologist (Eye Surgeon) with AHHA (VVP) for 14 years and I am now surgical team leader and a Victorian representative on the AHHA committee. I have been married almost 32 years to Juliana, who is totally awesome and an inspiration to me. She is the Theatre coordinator and also a Victorian representative on the AHHA committee. Our two children are now adults but were teenagers when we first went to Vietnam. Since then each has pursued their own charitable works in Melbourne, Vietnam and Africa. Juliana and I have always looked to using our medical skill to help those in great need. Finding a report in Australian Doctor of the VVP pilot program was accidental but we felt immediately it would suit, so we volunteered. That first year was a harsh but also an exhilarating introduction to outback third world medicine: no sterilization, a few poor quality hand instruments, foggy microscopes, no changing the patient eye drape for each operation, and so on. We have conducted reviews during and after the first tour and then after every one since. I feel in many ways these have been a most important factor in the success of our teams over the years. At first we listened informally to our colleagues, our Vietnamese colleagues (doctors and nurses to look at what should be improved, could be improved and whether the change was feasible (medically, logistically, financially). Gradually we introduced improvements such as sterilization, phacoemulsification, better quality lenses and new microscopes. Whether the reviews were over dinner or a coffee, in-house or with our overseas colleagues, or on occasion a written questionnaire, every year we have explored our aim of providing the same standard of care overseas as is

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found in Australia, in an affordable and sustainable way. I am very pleased to see ours and AHHA’s role in more formal teaching is expanding into teaching Ophthalmology students both theory and practical skills in a wet lab setting. We continue to share knowledge and ideas with our Ophthalmologist colleagues overseas. I enjoy this aspect of AHHA very much, as I do in Australia. During the year I work as a General Ophthalmologist. In my spare time

I play my Tuba with the Australian doctors’ orchestra and Manningham concert band. I also help with sourcing donations of stock, equipment and instruments for AHHA and help with fundraising. The members of AHHA are caring, committed and a great pleasure to work with. There is nothing quite so fulfilling as seeing someone who has been blind for years suddenly see again.


Volunteer Profile: Trudy PT Ho Writer Mr Ted Mylnarz “God has blessed my family and me with everything we have here in Australia. As such I should share my blessing. I hope to continue to be part of this family and help whenever I can and that we grow to other parts of Asia or be with communities that need us most! Love the friendship and the vision.” This quote comes from the heart of an Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA) volunteer. Her name is Trudy PT Ho. Trudy found out about the organisation through a friend at her church and became a volunteer in 2005 shortly afterwards. In the same year, Trudy was invited to travel to Vietnam as part of the medical aid field trip. An invitation she accepted and has been an ardent volunteer on field trips ever since. Trudy left Vietnam with her family when she was 10 years old and the field trip in 2005 was the first time she returned since the family left to start anew in Australia. This first trip consisted of a team of around 30 volunteers and after overcoming a nervous start, Trudy

quickly worked out what was needed to be done and became a vital member of the team. She found the work not to be very difficult, however, soon discovered that the conditions were at times oppressing and the long hours were taking some getting used to. However, the happy faces and stories from the patients were heart-warming and encouraging, instilling pride and joy in the work being carried out. Trudy has carved out a career in the world of finance. Upon leaving school she attended Macquarie University attaining a combined Bachelor of Commerce – Actuarial Studies and a Bachelor of Science (Statistics) and then a Post Graduate Diploma as Master of Business. She has worked with the Westpac Bank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Bank of America (UK) and Credit Corporation and has now started as a financial broker with Positive Lending. Being a busy person in her work and personal life Trudy maintains her voluntary work with AHHA and Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) as well

as supporting Rotary, WorldHope and many other non-profit organisations. Besides travelling with AHHA to Vietnam and Cambodia she has also travelled to S/E Asia with OMF and recently worked with indigenous communities in Normanton, far North Queensland. She recently travelled to Central Vietnam to distribute water filtering systems to villagers affected by devastating floods. Apart from her volunteer work Trudy finds time to enjoy some outdoor activities such as hiking, bush walking, coast walks and catching up with friends. She is an avid traveller and goes whenever possible. describing her other activities as “nerdy”, she dabbles with building websites and explores digital strategy based on on-line clicks, ads and SEO. The Rotary Club of Liverpool West, a long-time supporter of AHHA, has recognised Trudy’s contribution to charity and the community. In 2011 she was presented with the Rotary Pride of Workmanship Award for her exceptional service in the area of administration and as the then secretary on the charity’s board. In 2015 Trudy was again recognised by Rotary for her tireless work as a volunteer and was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) an award recognised by Rotarians worldwide. In closing, describing Trudy in not difficult. Her personality can be portrayed as “bubbly”, being infectious and uplifting. Her organising skills and work ethic have been of enormous assistance to the group anywhere she is involved, on overseas field trips and activities and events in Australia. Trudy has a message to anybody who contemplates volunteering – “Don’t think, go volunteer, either with AHHA or with other charity groups. We are blessed with all we have in Australia. Let me encourage you, it’s a life changing experience and it should start now.”

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2016 Westmead Excellence in Teaching Award Writer Ms Tanya Anhtuan

Awards | Western... https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/medicine/som/research/general_practice/newsletters/2016_summer_wsu_gp_newsletter/awards

SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Awards Dr Hien Tran of Lidcombe Medical and Health Centre received the 2016 Westmead Excellence in Teaching Award. This Award is made on nomination by the medical students and is supported by the Westmead Association. Dr Tran was unable to attend the award ceremony in person as he was in Cambodia as GP team leader and logistics manager for over 80 volunteers delivering free cataract surgeries, medical health checks and dental treatments to poor recipients from rural areas, on behalf of Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (Rotary International). See the AHHA website for more information and some moving videos – and please consider making a donation to support the volunteer work of our colleague: http://www.ahha.org.au/

Dr Hien Tran has been teaching medical students in General Practice for the past 10 years. This teaching is in association with the department of medicine at the - University of Sydney and - Western Sydney University. It was an honour for him to receive the prestigious Excellence In Teaching Award last year.

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The award ceremony was held in August 2016, during the period of time when Dr Tran was on a mission with AHHA in Cambodia. In February this year, Dr Tran was formally presented the award by Dr Nadia Khan, a lecturer in the Sydney University department of Medicine. Attached is an extract from the newsletter of the Western Sydney University Department of Medicine, mentioning the charity work of AHHA.�

New Volunteer: Shelley Marx


Water Filter Project for Vietnam Flood Victims Writer Ms Thuy Nguyen

The project marks the first time that portable water filters were ever used in Vietnam. They were freely distributed to almost 3000 households that were severely affected by the polluted waters caused by the recent flood in central Vietnam. The project lasted 3 arduous and long days, starting from 26/12/2016 and finished on 28/12/2016. Volunteers had to be up by 3:30 AM, travelling in a mini van, in order to reach the distribution points located in far and remote areas. In total the group travelled to 7 distribution points, aiding approximately 34 villages in remote central Vietnam. Those who received aid expressed their appreciation and their gratitude and wished on-going support for this project in providing accessible clean water to other affected areas. My name Is Shelley, I live in Chiltern, a small country town with a population of 1,100 in North East Victoria. I started my operating theatre career, way back in 1990 at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital. I am currently working at Wangaratta Private Hospital with roles in scrubbing, scouting and anaesthetics. This will be my first time on a humanitarian trip, which has always been a life long dream of mine to participate. Now it’s coming to reality in August and I am super excited. My expectations are

I also want to take this opportunity to express my thanks to AHHA MC’s, The Satellite Club and all donors and supporters - without all your support, this project would not come to fruition. Additionally, Venerables, nuns and lay people from Thuong Chieu Monastery and Vinh Nghiem Temple who have helped with custom clearance, working with local authorities and arranging for transport and distribution processes.

- having long days of surgery - working in different conditions than what I am used to - meeting lots of new people It will be challenging in many ways - not knowing the team I will be working with, initially - surgical techniques, I can’t remember the last time I did an extra capsular cataract extraction ... - being away from everything familiar to me, family, home, work and country. But these issues pale to insignificance really from the end results of our efforts. In transforming peoples lives with the return of sight!! I am anticipating the trip to be totally exhausting but rewarding. I am looking forward to meeting the team, making friendships and experiencing Cambodia.

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Humanitarian Update: Nepal Writer Mr Ted Mlynarz

It was Anzac Day in Australia, on the 25th of April 2015 a massive earthquake hit Nepal with devastating effect. Soon after, on the 12th of May severe aftershocks caused further damage and destruction. More than 9,000 people died and in excess of 23,000 were injured with 2 million left homeless. The Vietnamese Community Association – NSW Chapter, Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA), the Australian Vietnamese Health Professionals Association and the Rotary Club of Liverpool West combined their resources and held several fundraising events where over $150,000 was raised. An allocation of funds was provided to enable immediate response to provide temporary shelter and clean drinking water. Other funds were allocated to selected projects to help those affected by the earthquake. These projects were selected during a trip to Nepal by an AHHA/Rotary representative who visited Nepal with a Rotary International team. Four projects were selected and following receipt of program and funding reports, funds were allocated. During a trip to Nepal in November 2017 by several AHHA/ Rotary representatives, inspection of the projects was conducted and the following is provided as an update. Project 1 – Home Building High in the hills about 40 kilometres from Kathmandu in a village known as Anekot, 42 houses were destroyed. Some finance had been provided from other sources to re-build 20. From the fundraising account, funds were allocated to build the other 22. At the time of inspection, 20 houses had been completed and are occupied by families. One was nearing completion

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and should now be occupied. The last house had the framework and outer cladding in place with the interior yet to be completed. It is envisaged that this has now been done and a family now has shelter. Funds were also allocated to supply each family with electric fans, a pressure cooker and mosquito nets. The village has developed its own brickworks to provide for future building. Project 2 – Water Harvesting Most of Nepal has mountainous terrain with the highest mountains on earth. The hill country has elevations higher than anything experienced in Australia. With the steep terrain, it is difficult to retain constant supplies of water for human consumption as well agriculture and livestock and several trips up and down the steep hills to a river below were necessary to ensure adequate water supplies. Funds were allocated to a project undertaken by a young local engineer to build 50 water storage facilities in and around Phoolbari village. All 50 of the storage facilities are now complete and providing water for irrigation and watering of livestock. The program’s success has resulted in economic growth within the area where villagers can grow enough food for their personal needs and take produce to the local markets.

Project 3 – Water Wells The village of Sankhu in the N/E corner of the Kathmandu Valley suffered extensively during the earthquake where many died and the majority of buildings destroyed. Most importantly, 2 wells which provided water to the village suffered severe damage. Funds were allocated for the repair and both wells now provide clean water. Project 4 – School at Nuwakot Located north of Kathmandu, the Nuwakot District also suffered many casualties and destruction of buildings. High in the hills above Nuwakot (around 1400m) in the village of Chhaiju a school which provided education for about 95 pupils was destroyed. Funds were allocated to re-build the school which has now been completed and was ready for opening for the first term of 2017. Further funds have been allocated to assist with school furniture and books.

Fundraising Activities


Writer Mr Ted Mylnarz The work of Australian Health Humanitarian Aid (AHHA) is dependent on its ability to raise funds. Fundraising is an important activity of the organisation and several events are conducted on a regular basis. An indication of cost of medical, surgical and dental procedures, the following “Fast Facts” list is provided: $10 - $15

Pays for dental treatment for one child extraction, filling


Buys a water filter for a family


Pays for one Phaco Cataract opertion using premium quality lens providing better long term outcome and includes post-operative medication for one month


Provides one year Education for one secondary student Additional Humanitarian Work carried out on a voluntary basis (Every AHHA volunteer pays for their own travel and accommodation expenses

The table provides the basic costs encountered for each field trip, however, other expenditures are also incurred which include the purchase of medical, surgical and dental equipment and operating expenses. AHHA volunteers do not receive remuneration for the services they provide. AHHA is involved in fundraising activities, four Sunday fundraising/bbq/entertainment events are held at Freedom Plaza, Cabramatta. This is a bi-monthly event which allows AHHA to provide community awareness of its activities as well provide public education about the plight of poor and needy people in countries such as Cambodia and Vietnam, as well as the suffering of those affected by natural disaster anywhere it may happen. AHHA also continues to support the annual Cabramatta Moon Festival usually held in September. AHHA, in conjunction with various community groups, has also been involved in humanitarian fundraising events to help people within Australia (major bushfire and flood disasters), Vietnam (major flood and fish contamination), Philippines (typhoons) and Nepal (earthquakes). An initiative by AHHA volunteers in Melbourne resulted in a stall being organised at the Springvale Lunar Festival on Sunday 22nd February 2017. The exposure of AHHA to the Springvale community was outstanding and the volunteers, in attendance, are to be congratulated for their efforts with organising and operating the stall. AHHA conducts an annual fundraising dinner each year not only to raise much needed funds, but also to thank all the supporters, donors and friends who have contributed to ensuring the success of all the events, especially the annual field trip. In 2017, two fundraising dinners will take place, the first in Sydney on 26th May and then in Melbourne on 27th May. Both dinners

will be attended by HRH Prince Sisowath Tesso of Cambodia, as well as representatives from Khmer Sight Foundation, who have graciously accepted an invitation from AHHA and will be honoured guests at both functions. The Prince and the Khmer Sight Foundation are keen supporters of AHHA and play an important role during the field trips. Without the support of the generous donations, sponsorships and supporters the work of improving and changing the lives of the underprivileged cannot take place. A sincere thank you to all have supported AHHA. AHHA has introduced a TV monitor at the fundraising events to show the public the type and scale of work performed. When you are at the next event, pause for a moment to view the videos.

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2017 Annual Fundraising Dinners Writer Dr Hien Tran It has been the usual practice for AHHA (previously VVPA) to hold its formal annual fundraising dinner in Sydney every year. This year for the first time, AHHA will host two consecutive fundraising dinners, with these exciting “duo” events planned to take place in Sydney and Melbourne. Sydney: Friday 26th May 2017 Melbourne: Saturday 27th May 2017 Our special guest of honour lending support with his presence at both fund raising dinners is HRH Prince Sisowath Tesso of Cambodia. Prince Tesso supports the charity work of AHHA and has kindly taken time out from his busy royal duties to come all the way from Cambodia to Australia to join AHHA volunteers in our fund raising efforts. In Melbourne, the momentum started rolling since the team set up and manned an AHHA stall at the Lunar New Year festival in Springvale on Sunday 22nd January 2017. The Melbourne team of volunteers has been working hard weeks after weeks, meetings after meetings to organise their upcoming big fund raising dinner event in May. Us “Sydney siders” are applauding their commitment and hard work – as this is the first major event for the many volunteers in Melbourne. For us “Sydney siders”, things have also been hectic as well. The fundraising campaign started off with our regular BBQ & outdoor musical performances in the middle of February at Cabramatta. This event was well attended by our volunteers, notably many young students were there to give a hand.

AHHA CHARITY DINNER 2017 Special Guest:

HRH Prince Sisowath Tesso of Cambodia Friday 26th May 2017 7:00 PM Crystal Palace 219 Canley Vale Road, Canley Heights Gold Tickets $70 pp Silver Tickets $60 pp

RSVP & Tickets: Dr William Trinh 0419 285 139 Mr Thuan Nguyen 0413 027 968 Mr Ted Mylnarz 0408 979 304 Mr Michael Luong 0424 811 822 Dr Hung Tran 0403 379 986 Dr Hien Tran 0410 612 553

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Inspired by the adult AHHA volunteers, young high school students - Isabelle Nguyen and Felicity Pham initiated their own fundraising campaign via the “Color Fun Run” event held on Saturday 18th February 2017. They chose AHHA as the organisation worthy to receive the funds that they worked hard to raise. Isabelle and Felicity raised $9,200 and $1,300 respectively. I take my hat off to these two young students with big charitable hearts. When the date of the fundraising dinner in Sydney was announced, tickets were quickly sold out through our usual channels. A big “thank you” to all of the volunteers who have assisted with the ticket sale. The AHHA motto is to ensure that our volunteers and guests thoroughly enjoy the fundraising dinner events. The organising committees for both Sydney and Melbourne have planned for exciting and memorable entertainment programs for the enjoyment of all who attend – guests, sponsors, families and friends.


Melbourne Khmer New Year Celebration Writer Dr Juliana Chong On the weekend of Khmer New Year this year, a group of our volunteers gathered at Khmer Temples Springvale to promote the work of AHHA to the Melbourne Cambodian Community. Dr Worsnop, the head of our Eye Team, explained to the crowd about the work of AHHA. The speech was kindly translated into Khmer by Mr. Richard Lim. This resulted in lots of interest and support for AHHA. We were even treated to a large spread of delicious Khmer food. Throughout the day, colourful AHHA balloons were given to happy Cambodian children in their beautiful New Year outfits. Our volunteers then joined in some traditional Khmer games and practised some Khmer dancing! So much fun was had by all that I can see us back next year to celebrate another Khmer New Year with the community.

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2017 Colour Run Writer Miss Isabelle Nguyen

The Colour Run Night was held on Saturday the 18th of February. Waves of hundreds flooded through the starting line and with the sun already setting, I was soon left to run blindly in the dark. It was the invaluable feeling of knowing that each stride took me one step closer to my goal, that motivated me to persevere. Runners were showered with multi-coloured neon powder; pink, orange, yellow and green, that turned our pristine attire into an explosion of colours. And before I could feel any traces of fatigue, I was making my way towards the finish line, completing the ‘Happiest 5k on Earth’ “Giving sight to change lives” is AHHA’s

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motto which first ignited a passion within me. It fuelled my determination to make my own contribution in creating a lasting difference for those in need. Having heard about the Colour Run from friends, I believed it would be a fantastic opportunity to not only to raise awareness, but also fundraise for AHHA’s great cause. In as little as a few days, I had managed to raise an incredible amount of $9000- exceeding my initial goal of $1500 by a mile. I was thrilled to see the tremendous amount of support from family and friends, and even more so to know that each and every cent was going towards making a difference.

Whilst it was a good laugh and a long run, the Colour Run Night symbolised something much greater to me; it was a vehicle for hope and a determination to seek a difference. As hard as it was to run in the dark, I beared in mind that the hardships faced by the people who live with blindness trivialize my feelings of discomfort by a far greater amount. Nonetheless, the Colour Run was also an opportunity for me to experience, even if just a fraction, of the exhilaration that overcomes a cataract patient when their eyes are opened to a world of colour after living in darkness. Once again, my fundraising efforts for AHHA through the Colour Run Night would not have been possible without the generous hearts and support given from family, friends and the community. I am truly appreciative of their generosity, knowing that this opportunity to help change lives is an invaluable experience that I will always cherish.

Fitness & Charity is good for the heart and soul! Writer Ms Anh Kieu

There are so many great charities out there, all for such worthy causes. The AHHA difference is that our volunteers, donors and supporters are so diverse coming from a variety of backgrounds and professions – brought together by their compassion and willingness to help others. That’s how we met Jimmy Trinh, proud owner and extraordinaire of Kaizen Gym at Penshurst. Jimmy has been teaching Martial-Arts for over 15 years alongside personal training and free community bootcamp classes on the weekends. Last year, he decided to take it to the next level and open up his very own place, Kaizen Gym. He runs a variety of classes such as Yoga, Muay Thai, Hapkido (selfdefence) and functional fitness to people of all ages. Kaizen Gym was first introduced in January 2016 but has already used it as a vehicle to support many other charities such as Christmas toy drives and Beyond Blue.

On Saturday 25th March 2017, a weekend workshop was held to celebrate Kaizen Gym’s first birthday. Expert trainers in their field created a fun, jam-packed schedule with all profits from the sessions and charity lunch being donated to AHHA. We would also like to personally thank our new AHHA volunteers, Ku Ngov and Siv Ngov, for their hard work and providing delicious and guilt-free cupcakes from ‘Sweets by Q’. Needless to say, the treats were a massive hit. Thank you to the volunteers who helped made it a successful fundraiser with special mention to Jimmy Trinh, Amy Nguyen, Bradley Halabi, Airam Diaz, Kim Wainer, Ku Ngov, Siv Ngov, Anh Kieu, Van T Nguyen and Linh Van Lai. Over $500 was raised that afternoon and Kaizen Gym donating another $250 towards the AHHA mission. Fitness and charity is definitely what the Doctor ordered for the heart and soul!

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Fundraising Freedom Plaza, Cabramatta NSW November 2016, February 2017, April 2017

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Fundraising Springvale, VIC Lunar New Year, March 2017 Khmer New Year, April 2017

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We need your help! Our mission would not be possible without the generous donations from our valued donors. Your donations will help us to provide life changing cataract surgeries, vital dental treatments, medical & dental supplies, medicines, education sponsorships, school supplies, food packages and more to those in need.

Donate today to help us give sight to change lives! Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Donation forms are available online at www.ahha.org.au/forms/ or see page 22 of this newsletter.

We thank you for your support.

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