Ali Mirza confuses Naskh and Plurality of Readings with Tahrif

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1 Engineer Ali Mirza is the worst heretic mind of the present century and probably in the present millennia. He deliberately confuses the Sunni Traditions of NASKH: ‘ATTILAVAH AND PLURALITY OF READINGS [TA”ADDUD ‘AL QIRA:T] with the Rafd:ite Traditions of Tah:ri:f. It is reported by some ex-followers of Heretic Engineer Ali: Mirza that they asked “Ali: Mirza about the traditions of Tah:ri:f ul Qur’a:n in the Rafid:ite books of tradition. When proper references were shewn to “Ali: Mirza and “Ali Mirza: was unable to deny that “Rava:fid: do have traditions of Tah:ri:f in their fundamental books of tradition, Heretic Engineer began to accuse ‘Ahlussunnah that they also have traditions of Tah:ri:f. When he was replied that Sunni Traditions are either about Naskh: ‘Attila:vah and Ta”addud ‘Al Qira:t , Engineer ‘”Ali: Mirza in his zeal made the folloing objection: “Sunni Books Of Traditions contain some traditions which are about Tah:ri:f and to claim that they are about Naskh:’Attila:vah or Plurality of Readings is with out Proof.” He was argued that what is the proof that they are about Tah:ri:f “Ali Mirza quoted some Rava:fid: ‘s book. When asked that this is a false allegation, the Apostate Engineer Replied that he did not think so”. So the those person left the apostate circle of the heretic Engineer. They reported that “Ali: Mirza use to say that Ravafid: are sub divided into Us:uli Rava:fid: and ‘Akhba:ri: Rava:fid: . The former do not believe on Tah:ri:f but the latter do believe in Tah:ri:f. When Engineer “Ali Mirza was argued that does Us:li: Rava:fid: declare ‘Akhba:ri: Rava:fid: as Out of the folds of ‘Isla:m, “Ali: Mirza said that it was not his problem and he had no time to discuss. Finnaly he was compelled to answer a question: What if one claims that he denies Tah:ri:f yet believes that a person who believes in Tah:ri:f is a Muslim, Engineer “Ali: Mirza stood up and responded furiously: I have no time for further discussion. Thus “Ali Mirza was exposed and these person left the Circle of the apostate Engineer . TO THE FOLOWERS OF ENGINNER “ALI: MIRZA “Ali Mirza of Jhelum is exposed several times and he also does not believe in the Thirty Divisions of Canon Of Holy Qur’a:n and want to open the debate on the Canonization of Holy Qur’a:n. IT MUST BE NOTED THAT THERE IS ‘IJMA:” ON THE THIRTY DIVISIONS OF QU’R:AN [J-ZZ]. Thus He also deliberately confuses Nask: ‘attila:vah and Ta”addadul Qira:t with Tah:rif.

2 So decide yourself whether such a person is an Apostate and a Heretic or a true follower of S-L-F.

DeciDe Your Self. He is likely to raise the problem of Ma”u:dh:-tain and Saiyiduna “Abbullah Bin Mas”ud in future.

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