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Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is asked to explain the verse (9,7,17,142), with keeping the questions and points in this articles, such that his answer may be comprehensive and cover each and every question and point given this article. Page 1 of 11
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ش ن ل شعيل ع ة مشو ن ة ووا ش عت ع وعونع عشدعنا م سى ث عل نث ش بي ع مشمن نهعهها ب بعع شرر ت مشي ع م ب قا م فعت ع و ع ش ش ة وعقعهها ع خ يي شهبي ي ع ب ر عرب ب هه ا سههى بل ع ب ن ل شعيل عهه ة ب ع مشو ن ل م ع مشى وعا ع ش صل بشح وععل ت عت وب بههشع ن اشخل مشفن بشى فبههشى قعههشو ب هنمرشو ع ﴾9,7,17,142﴿ ل اشلمشفسدشين ع سب ش بي ع م ب ب ع A Literal Translation is := 1] And We made a promiSe with Moses/Mu:sa: for thirty nights and perfected them by [the addition of] ten; so the term of his Lord was completed as forty nights. And Moses said to his brother Aaron, "Take my place among my people, do right [by them], and do not follow the way of the corrupters." Some Interpreted translations are as follow:
2] 142. And We appointed for Musa (Moses) thirty nights and added (to the
period) ten (more), and he completed the term, appointed by his Lord, of forty nights. And Musa (Moses) said to his brother Harun (Aaron): "Replace me among my people, act in the Right Way (by ordering the people to obey Allah and to worship Him Alone) and follow not the way of the Mufsidun (mischiefmakers)." 3] And We made an appointment with Moses for thirty nights and perfected them by [the addition of] ten; so the term of his Lord was completed as forty nights. And Moses said to his brother Aaron, "Take my place among my people, do right [by them], and do not follow the way of the corrupters." The Mas:dar (Infinitive) of the verb Va”adna: is Va”dah . The verbs derived from Mas:dar Va:dah ( meaning “To Promise” ,Infinitive) are Transative and requires Grammatical Objects.
Meaning of the word Promise 1] a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified. Page 2 of 11
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2] a declaration ( assurance in statement) by some one, either that an event shall occur in future or that a particular thing will happen in future. A declaration is a sentence which is Kh:abar and not ‘Insha:’ . So a Kh:abar is either true or false and an ‘Insha:’ is neither true nor false.
Alternative translations of the word promise “Stipulation”, “Asseveration”.
Literally verse Doeth mean that Divine Essence [Dh:a:tul Ba:ri:] Made a Promise with Moses [Mu:sa: “AS] for thirty days and them completed it by adding then more days. This ‘A:yah according to our ‘Ahlussunnah needs and interpretation and to deviate from the literal meaning is Necessary. Since Buda: are of two types. 1] Buda:’ Fil “Ilm. That is Absolutely Absurd. 2] Buda:’ Fil Khabar that is Relatively Absurd . In either case , the it is necessary to take the Interpreted meaning and not to take the Literal Meaning. This verse requires either Ta’vi:l or Tauji:h or both. The believers in Buda;’ whether they believe in Buda’ Fil “Ilm or Buda’ Fil Kh:abar do not take the interpreted meaning but take the literal meaning. They suppose that this verse is a Proof of Buda:’ [Na”u:dh:billah].
The argument of Buda’is as is as follow:= Divine Essence promised Moses PBUH for a Period of Thirty Days. But then violated the promise and added ten more days. Thus the total period of days did became Forty days. As promise means a Declaration that some event shall occur or shall not occur in Future, A Promise of Thirty days is a Declaration that an specified event shall occur at the end of Thirty days. To add ten more days is a Buda:’. As Divine Essence cannot violate His Promise in Normal terms and conditions then this is a case of Buda:’
A CHALLENGE TO ENGINEER “ALI: MIRZA: O F JHELUM CITY. Now we come to discuss the system of Engineer “Ali MIrza: of Jhelum city. As per our claim , the Engineer cannot explain this verse according to his own system.
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Page 4 of 11 So, if he accepts the challenge and try to explain this verse them he must consider the following points
of Knowledge [A translation of His invented term “Ilmi Point( )] given below:= 1] Does Engineer “Ali: Mirza Of Jhelum believe in Some Kind of Buda’ or does not believe in any Kind of of Buda’. The Engineer must explicitly state it so that no AMBIGUITY exists in this regard. 2] If Engineer take the word Va Va:”adna: [And We Promised] in the Literal meaning then the question is := To violate the promise is Buda:’ or not. If not Buda:’ then does Engineer “Ali: Mirza: considers that this Holy Verse states or implies Violation of Promise. If it is Buda:’ then he must explain the term Buda:’ as “Something which is neither the Violation of Promise nor Observance Of Promise”. Since a simple Observance of Promise cannot be termed as Buda:’. Violation cannot be termed as Buda:’ as according to
this question.( ) So what is this Neither Observance of Promise Nor Violation of Promise, if some kind of Buda:’ is not a Violation of Promise????? Engineer “Ali: Mirza: must explain this thing if he accepts that this verse proves some kind of Buda:’ . But if he accepts that this verse does not teach any kind of Buda:’ what so ever , even then he must state all kinds of Buda:’ and then he should shew that this verse does not prove any kind of Buda:’ what so ever. 3] He must clearly state that whether according to his alleged research whether some ‘Ahlussunnah [Including Muh:addith:i:n ( ‘Ima:m Bukh:ari:, ‘Ima:m Muslim etc.) and Fuqha:’(‘Ima:m Ma:lik, ‘Ima:m ‘Abu: H:ni:fah etc) ] believe in some kind of Buda:’ or none of ‘Ahlussunnah believe in any kind of Buda:’. Unambiguous and
Explicit Sentences are required.( ) 4]He must clearly state whether the belief of := 4.1] Buda:’ in the Divine Knowledge is a belief Of Kufr or Not. 4.2] Buda:’ in the Divine Promise is Kufr or Not. 4.3]Buda:’ in the Divine Will is Kufr or Not.
5] As the promise means a statement [sentence in assertive or negative mood] telling someone that the speaker of the sentence/statement definitely shall do something or definitely shall not do some thing or that something shall definitely happen/occur in Future or some thing definitely shall not occur in Future. So any deviation from the stated things in the statement of Promise is a violation of Promise. So the question is how the Engineer of Jhelum tries to Explain this verse if the Promise of Thirty days are changed to forty days by addition of ten days. He must not take help of great ‘Ahlussunnah Scholars and must try to explain on his own. If he takes helps and do not observe this condition then he must also admit that this is not his personal research but a borrowed one .
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Page 5 of 11 6] He must answer the question ,”Does he agree with a Buda:’ist who somehow try to prove Buda:’ or a particular type of Buda:’ from this verse . If yes then he is exposed. If no then he must refute the argument in support of Buda:’ from the Text of This Verse.So that one may know how he refutes them. 7] He must state the difference between Violation of Promise and Buda:’ With Examples (If he differentiates between the two). Suppose that Divine Essence Promiseth P with some one say S. We all know if it is supposed for the sake of argument that P is not fulfilled.
if the Divine Promise is violated [ Na”u:dh:ubillah ] P then this imlieth that
But what if the Buda:’ in the Promise occurs. Is the Promise P is fulfilled or it is not? If it is then what is the difference between Buda:’ and Observance of Promice? If not then what is the difference between Buda:’ and the VIOLATION of Promise. The stated difference must be in explicit sentences. Implicit sentences requested not to be used.
8] Suppose that if some one says that if Divine Essence MAKETH a Promise P with a Divine Will . Now if Divine Essence Doeth not fulfill His Promies with the Divine Will Keeping constant then it is a Violation of Promise. If the Divine Essence Doeth Not Fulfill the Promise P with change of Divine Will
then it is Buda:’ and not violation of Promise . Then does The Engineer Of Jhelum “Ali: Mirza agrees with this statement Or he does not agree with it . If he agrees then he must say affirmative. If he does not agree then he must say negative. If he does not agree then he must state whether not to fulfill a promise whether By a changed Divine Will or Without any change in the Divine Will is a Violation of Promise or not? He must also state whether the Divine Will changes or not? 9] Does Engineer “Ali: Mirza: believe that Divine Will Changeth or he believes that Divine Will never Changeth? [This question is greatly related with question 8 ,yet it is asked separately for some Polemical reasons]. 10] If some one define Buda:’ Fil Khabar as Abrogation in Promise or Abrogation in
Kh:bar then Does Engineer “Ali: Mirza: accepts this meaning of Buda:’ ?. If so then he must also state that Abrogation In Kh:abar is permitted in Divine Speech or it is not? Some Buda’ist say that Buda:’ is a type of Abrogation. According to them Abrogation in Imperative sentene ‘Insha:” is Naskh: Al ‘Ah:ka:m [annulment] and Abrogation Assertive and Negative Sentences [Declarative Sentences/Kh:abar] is Buda:’ Fil ‘Akh:ba:r]. Does Engineer “Ali: Mirza: agrees with this statement?.If so then the question is: Page 5 of 11
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Can he provide proofs from Qur’a:n and H:adith: that Abrogation/ Annulment in Declarative sentences [‘AL J-MLATUL KH:ABARYAH] does not occur in Divine speech? If he can then it is requested that he must present them . [ We do believe that Naskh: Fil Kh:bar does not occur but we want to ask for the proofs from “Ali: Mirza: himself since we seriously doubt that he does take our proofs as invalid [‘Astagh;farull-h]. So it is necessary to ask him his proofs if he does not believe in the occurrence of Buda:’ or Naskh: Fil Kh:abar or both . It appears that he differentiates between Buda:’ Fil Kh:abar and Naskh: ‘Al Kh:abar.If so then he must state the difference. But we cannot ascribe it to him with certainty (that he takes our proofs as invalid) since there are some ambiguities in this regard. So he must state it explicitly and unambiguously. Additionally he must provide the proof while explaining this ‘A:yah stated above. If he does not then he must state explicitly that he does not.If he differentiates between the two then he must explain whether he consider each one of the two as impossible or only one of the two as impossible or neither one of the two as impossible . ] 11] Does Engineer “Ali: Mirza: believes that Buda:’ Fil Qur’a:n is impossible and Buda:’ Fil H:adi:th: is possible? He must explain the answer with examples. For example if he believes that Buda:’ Fil H:adi:th: is also impossible then what would be the case if it was possible? 12] If Holy Prophet informs that a person shall go in Heavenly Paradise , and if the person does not go in Paradise at the given time in future in regard to the H:adi:th: then is that a case of Buda:’ Fil H:adi:th: ? If not then what is the difference between the violations of the information of Holy Prophet in regard to future events and the Buda:’ Fil Kh:abar?
Note: We believe that such violations and Buda:’ are Impossible in ‘Ah:dith:. Yet we want an answer from Engineer “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum. Does according to “Ali: Mirza: this ‘A:yah Doeth Support the claim that if Holy Prophet Maketh a Promise or Maketh a Prophecy about a Person or a Group of Persons about Eschatological Reward(s) , yet he or they or some of them may be deprived of the Reward stated in this sentence with or with out Buda:’?
[Na”udh:ubillah]. Note: We consider it Impossible to occur [Occurrenceial Impossibility],in either case, we want to see the point of view of Engineer “Ali:Mirza: of Jhelum. 13] If Divine Essence informeth that a person shall go in Heavenly Paradise yet for some reason he doeth not go at the given time in regard to Divine Information i.e ‘A:yah then is this a case of Buda:’ Fil ‘A:ya:til Qur’a:n ? [Na”u:dh:billah]? If not then “Shall such events occur in Eschatological Future?
Note: We believe that such violations and Buda:’ are Impossible in ‘Aya:t of Qur’a:n. Yet we want an answer from Engineer “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum.
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Page 7 of 11 Does according to “Ali: Mirza: this ‘A:yah Doeth Support the claim that if Divine Essence Maketh a Promise or Maketh a Prediction about a Person or a Group of Persons about Eschatological Reward(s) , yet he or they or some of them may be deprived of the Reward stated in this sentence with or with out Buda:’?
[Na”u:dh:ubillah] Note: We consider it Impossible to occur [Occurrenceial Impossibility],in either case, we want to see the point of view of Engineer “Ali:Mirza: of Jhelum. 14] How does Engineer “Ali: Mirza: refutes the argument of Buda’ists from this ‘A:yah (9,7,17,142) stated above? An strict and explicit refutation is required if he refutes the argument of Buda:’ists. Also what is the explanation of this verse in the Engineer “Ali: Mirza:’s system? Is his explanation of this verse based on the basis of Literal Meaning or on the basis of Interpreted meaning. An explanation with all the requirements is asked. Note: We have not provided our explanation of this Holy Qur’a:nic Verse but we have asked the Engineer to explain the verse .
Epilogue We have find some Page 7 of 11
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tendencies towards the concept of Buda:’ in the lectures of Engineer “Ali: Page 8 of 11
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Mirza:, so an enquiry is necessary .That is why he is inquired. Page 9 of 11
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As he is an expert in making ambiguous statements and Satyr we have demanded answers in Explicit and Strict sentences and words so that there cannot be any ambiguity. How ever we do think he has some tendencies towards the Dogma of Buda’ and in this case his followers are requested to drift away from him. As for us we have only asked questions to find the truth , no views and no opinion about our believes may please be made on the bases of this questionnaire. THANK YOU FOR STUDYING IT.
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Page 11 of 11 (1) Some of his invented terms are Non serious like Phakki [Digestive Powder, a Local Medicine] but this term “Point (s) Of Knowledge” may be used since it is serious and not funny; this does not connotes satire. A literal translation of this term is Knowledgical Point(s). The adverb of the Knowledge as Knowledgical is not used in English Language. This is forcibly made as a new term. How ever we use the word POINT as an alternative of his Semi English and Semi Arabic , Semi Persian and Semi Ri:kh:tah term “Ilmi Point”.A discussion on some invented terms of the Engineer shall be discussed in a separate article. (2) We do consider that a Buda:’ is a violation of a Promise . How ever in this question it is assumed not to be a Violation. An assumption for sake of argument. (3) Any one who attempts to ascribe Buda:’ to any ‘Ahlussunnah scholar his not speaking the truth but speaking the falsehood. In the case if Engineer “Ali: Mirza: speaks the stated above falsehood he is exposed that he is a follower of Buda:’ists and not an ‘Ahlussunnah but a heretic.
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