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A CRITIQUE OF LECTURES 162a and 162b. ENGINEER “ALI: MIRZA AND NAHJ AL BALA:GHAH Every one does know that Nahj ‘Al Bla:ghah is not a Book of ‘Ahlussunnah Wal Jama:”ah. Its author is Shari:f Murtad:a: of Shri:f Rad:I or it is a work of both of them. Both authors were not Sunni and both have collected the traditions from Non ‘Ahlussunnah Sources. They have translated their own traditions in a different style , a case of translation from one language to itself in different words and sentences by making some changes in the sentences and words. Technically it is a book of ‘Ath:a:r ascribed to a single Companion of Holy Prophet. But it is not recognized by ‘Ahlussunnah. Engineer “Ali Mirza is once again is exposed , since he deliver a whole lecture using its traditions. But :“Ali: Mirza is a Person who pretends to be very critical in case of Sunni Traditions of ‘Akh:ba:r and ‘Ath :a:r . He rejects a number of Sunni traditions as weak [D:a”i:f]. He only accepts S:ah:i:h: and H:asan traditions, and oft accept only S:ah:i:h: traditions (though with his own commentaries and explanations). So if he cannot accept Sunni Traditions and does test their chain of reporters how can he use Nahj Bala:ghah which cannot satsfy the Sunni Sanad condition . Since this work neither has Sunni ‘Asna:d nor ‘ith:na: “Ashri: ‘ath:na:d . This is how he is exposed that in heart he has sympathies with this book. A Possible Apology Of “Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum. It can be apologized that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: used this book just to convince the Twelvers as a Muslim some time uses Bible in discussions with Christians or a Christian some time uses verses of Qur’a:n in discussions with Muslims. Similarly this man Engineer “Ali Mirza: used Nahjul Bala:ghah to convince Twelvers, yet he consider it as D:a”i:f or Maud:u”. It is just for a counter argument . But this is a fallacy. It is well known that according to ‘Ith:na: ‘Ashrites ‘Al‘Us:u:l ‘Al Ka:fi: is far more powerful book then Nahj ‘Al Bala:ghah. Even this book is not included in THE SET of four books i.e ‘Al‘Us:ul ‘Al‘Arba”ah. If it would have been included by the elders of twelvers they would have ’Al ‘Us:u:l ‘Al Kh:amsah instead of ‘Al‘Us:ul’Al ‘Arba”ah. So Engineer “Ali Mirza: would have made arguments from the books of Twelvers which are far more superior then Nahj ‘Al Bala:ghah to convince them. But he selected Nahj ‘Al Bala:ghah which is lesser in
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rank not only to books like ‘Us:ul ‘Alka:fi:, ‘Istabs:a:r, Mal La: Yah:d:ir and Tahzi:n ‘al ‘Ah:ka:m but also inferior to the books like Faru:” ‘Al Ka:fi: . So it is a very clever act that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: has indirectly tried to convince some people of ‘Ahlussunnah Wl Jama:”ah that Nahjul Bala:ghah has some weight in Sunni system. Some Sunni scholars are ascribed to say some good words for this book of Nahj ‘Al Bala:ghah. But it is just an other type of Taqli:d to accept a Non Sunni Book without Looking at its ‘Asna:d the only real criteria to accept or reject a tradition or a book. When some ‘Ithna: ‘ashriah cannot consider ‘Us:ul ‘Al Ka:fi: as a books of all S:ah:i:h traditions, when an ‘Ahlussunnah cannot consider Musnad ‘Ah:mad as a book of all S:ah:i:h traditions, how can an ‘Ahlussunnah consider Nahjul Bala:ghah as S:ah:i:h:.
According to the great Ithna: ‘ashri scholar Zain al-Din al-`Amili, known as al-Shahid al-Thani (911-966/15051559), who examined the ‘asnad or the chains of transmission of al-Kafi's traditions, 5,072 are considered S:ah:ī:h: (sound); 144 are regarded as H:asan (good), second category; 1,118 are held to be Muwath:th:aq (trustworthy), third category; 302 are adjudged to be Qawī:‘ (strong) and 9,485 traditions which are categorized as D:a’i:f (weak). Zain used the methodology of latter ‘Athna: ‘Ashri:tes. Those who still use the methodology of classification of traditions of early ‘than: ‘Ashrites consider each and every tradition as S:ah:i:h: since they use the principle of Vuth:u:q Bis:s:udu:r a principle rejected by all ‘Ahlussunnah . So the question is how many of the tradition how many traditions of a relatively inferior [Nahj] book are S:ah:i:h:, how many of them is H:asan, how many of them are Muvath:th:aq, how many of them are Qavi: and how many of then are D:a”i:f as according to ‘Ithna: ‘Ashri methodology of Classification of their traditions. According to some scholars of twelvers each and every tradition of Nahj is just Musal . It must be noted that it is not Musal in Sunni Nomenclature of classification of traditions but in the Nomenclature system of ‘Ith:ana:’ahrism. A Mursal is a weak tradition even in ‘ithna: ‘Ashri tradition system and methodology of traditions. So no ‘Ith:na: ‘Ashri can accept any tradition of Nahj ‘Al Bala:ghah if it contradicts any S:ah:i:h: tradition in particular of ‘Us:u:l ‘al Ka:fi: . So “Ali: Mirza: is just fooling Sunnis who do not have comprehensive knowledge of the traditions and classifications of traditions of Twelvers. When a ‘Ith:na: ‘Ashri argues in favour of Nahj against Sunnis he argues as far as his own principle of classification of traditions are not contradicted. But when it comes to the ‘ithna: ‘ashrite Principles of classification the agree do acknowledge and admit that none of the traditions of Nahj is S:ah:h:ih: or even H:-san. Instead a number of their scholars do accept it as a Book of Mursal Traditions which is a kind of D:a”if traditions.
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The Scholars of Traditions of Twelvers who claim that it is not a book of Mau”u:”a:t are forced to accept that it is a Book of Mursal Traditions ONLY. Based on the discarded principle of Vuth:uq Bis:s:-du:r they argue that it is not a Book of Maud:u:” traditions but just of D:a”i:f traditions. So why this Engineer is using such a book , and not using superior books and they book which enjoys ultimate supremacy over it namely ‘Us:ul ‘Al Ka:fi. If this is the status of this Nahj according to ‘Ithna: ‘Ashriah, what could be its status in ‘Ahlussunnah according to Their Science of Classification of Traditions. It is a Book of Maud:u:”a:t. Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is not so ignorant and not so innocent as he purports to be. He is indirectly injecting heresy in the minds of those who have either no knowledge or who possesses little knowledge of the subject. Enginner “Ali Mirza has attempted to convine that some traditions of Nahj ‘Al Bala:ghah are S:ah:i:h: . But he has used a twisted method by argueing in support of 30 years of ‘Al Kila:fah ‘ArRa:shidhah. Actually what he wants is to declair that Saiyiduna: Mu”a:viah RD: is not a Khali:fah Ra:shid. How ever this is not the topic of this article/critique. This shall be discussed latter. What is the [point that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: has devised a complicated system to confuse Sunni Muslims that some traditions of Nahj ‘AlBala:ghah (Nahj in short) are either S:ah:i:kih: either from the Sunni Classification system or from ‘Ith:na: ‘Ashrite Classification system. He is trying to deceive both of them. This error was actually made by Maudu:di who began to use traditions from Nahj and when he was criticized he attempted to defend himself by arguing that similar traditions are also found in Sunni works. He was responded many times that if a tradition is weak in Sunni books it cannot be empowered by finding traditions in non Sunni sources like Nahj , ‘Al Ka:fi: etc. It the tradition is strong then it is use less to use non Sunni Sources. But he for his political reasons did not repent. Any how the same error is borrowed from the Borrower of Errors who has a reservoir of borrowed errors to deceive others . He is one of the Great Deceivers the World has Ever seen berhaps only second to the Great Dajja:l. May ‘All-h save all Muslims from the conspiracies engineered by the Engineer of Jhelum. ‘A:mi:n
So beware o’Ali: Engineer “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum. One must thank Saiyid Naqi: “Ali: a former ‘Ith:na: ‘Ashrite and a scholar of ‘ithna: ‘Ashrite traditions for helping to write this article against the heretic lecture of the greatest heretic of all times namely Engineer “Ali: Mirza of Jhelum.
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