Part Two of the discussion:Can Engineer “Ali Mirza Expalin the VerseSurah 6. Al-An'am, Ayah 12

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Part Two of the discussion:Can Engineer “Ali Mirza Expalin the VerseSurah 6. Al-An'am, Ayah 12


Part Two of the discussion:Can Engineer “Ali Mirza Expalin the VerseSurah 6. Al-An'am, Ayah 12


Part 2 of Discussion on Surah 6. Al-An'am, Ayah 12 1]If Mercy is not Eternal and It is Written on Divine Self [Essence] Non-Eternally by the Non Eternal Act of Writing then at least one of the two of the following are true. 1.1] Non Eternals are Sustained in Divine Essence [Self]. Or 1.2] Non Eternals are Associated with the Divine Essence [Self] Or 1.3] Both. In any case Divine Self [Essence] is implied to be a Locus of Non Eternals. So the Principle :� Non Eternal are Absolute Impossible [Absolutely Impossible] On Divine Essence� is Violated. 2] If Mercy and Writing of Mercy both are Eternal and they are 2.1] Associated With Divine Essence Eternally. Or 2.2] They are Sustained In Divine Essence Eternally Or 2.3] Both Then in any of the cases of 2, it is implied that the Verse is Interpreted Critique


The Principle “Non Eternals Are Absolute Impossible [Absolutely Impossible] On Divine Essence/Self is equivalent to LAWS OF THOUGHT in Theological Logic , yet Karramites reject this Principle. It is said that they argued that this Principle is neither stated in Qur’a:n nor mentioned in ‘Al ‘Ah:a:di:th: ‘As:s:ah:i:yah. Similarly ‘Ah:mad Rad:a of Bans Baraili considered some Rational Principles as Probable and denied their Certainty.. This did lead him to accept that if a Person say P believes that the Eternal and Essential Knowledge of Divine Essence [Dh:a:tulBa:ri:] and the Non -Eternal and Bestowed Knowledge Knowledges of Holy Prophet are exactly equal in regard to Knowns, then such a Person is not only Muslim but also an “A:rif [Na”u:dh:Billah Va ‘Astaghfarillah]. For details see Foot Notes of ‘Addaulatul Makkiah by the Author of ‘Addaulatul Makkiah himself namely ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: Bans Barailvi [1856CE-1930CE] Son of Naqi “Ali: BBans Barailvi. Questions To “Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum Q1] If he believes that there are some Rational Principles that are neither Stated in Holy Qur’a:n nor Mentioned in ‘Ah:adi:th:uS:s:ah:i:yah, YET THERE VIOLATION is Kufr [Infidelity] or Bid”ah [Heresy/Heterodoxy] then he must provide a list of such principles . He is also asked to inform us , is there an ‘Ijma:” on some of them or one of them or on all of them? If HE CLAIMS that they are neither stated in Holy Qur’a:n nor mentioned in ‘Al’Ah:a:di:th:us:s:ah:i:yah, yet there is an ‘Ijma:” on some of them [at least one of them] or on all of them then it is asked to provide full references and evidences to prove the claim of ‘Ijma:”? Q2] If he does not believe that there is an ‘Ijma:” on any one of them then he cannot declare any one as Kafir or Heretic just because he or she violates some of them [atleast one] or all of them according to his own principles. Since he in his lectures appears to be an extreme case of literalists even more literalist then traditional literalists. Yet he silently and calmly use some Rational Principles when he wants to condemn others. Q3] Has he some Rational Principles which are neither stated in Qur’a:n nor in ‘Ah:a:di:th: Explicitly? Even if there is no ‘Ijma:”? Engineer “Ali: Mirza: believes in only two sources of Knowledge. 1] Revealed Knowledge 2] Knowledge obtained through Experiments and Observations.

It is therefore implied that he rejects Knowledge of Logic,Knowledge of Mathematics, Knowledge of Rationality, Theological Knowledge ,Philosophical Knowledge, and even the Knowledge of Laws Of Thought. In this case in is implied that he rejects all the rational principles including the Principle “Non Eternals are Absolute Impossible Upon/On Divine Essence”. So he cannot believe in any one of such principles. It is implied that if some one believes that seeing and hearing are Intentioal Acts of Divine Essence like Speaking, then “Ali: Mirza: cannot claim that such a believer is heretic since he does not believe in such principles which proveth that these are Absolute Impossible. Point to be noted if Engineer”Ali: Mirza: does not believe in these Rational Principles then he cannot interpret any Verse of Qur’a:n or Text of Tradition of H:adi:th: on the basis of them. This implies that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: cannot interpret the verse under discussion, and if he does he does it with out any reason, with out any principle, with out any Logical Argumentand with out any Scriptural Arguments [ the word Scripture is used in broad meaning which includes the texts of S:ah:i:h: ‘Ah:a:di:th:, since Books like Holy Bukh:ri etc do become scriptures when the traditions were written.] Since Knowledge of Logic is Pre Observation and Pre Experiment . Hence it is neither of the two. Hence it is implied that he denies it. If he claims that he does accept Logic then he contradicts his initial position that he believes in only two sources /types of Knowledge. Perhaps he consider Contradiction as natural and believes in occurrence of Contradiction and violates law of Non Contradiction since he cannot accept the Law since it is neither Revealed one nor it is obtained by means of Experiment and Observations , but is Prior to them. If Engineer believes in the Possibility of Contradictions and disbelieves in inpossibility of Contradictions then he may believe in contradictions since they are in this case possible according to him and he may believes that Contradiction and Paradoxes are existing beings/existents with existences. This is what this engineer “Ali: Mirza: wants , and if he does not know the consequences of his own sentences , he is exposed as a knowledgeless person.

TO THE FOLLOWERS OF “ALI MIRZA How many proofs to you require to make you convince that “Ali: Mirza: is not only a cunning heretic but also is Knowledgeless person. I do not want to use the word like ignorant which may appear to be a strong word so I have used a subtle word. END OF PART 2

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