Thirty Proofs that the Engineer Ali Mirza is a Rafidite

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INTRODUCTION Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is certainly a Ra:fid:i:. He is not a Sunni: in any valid meaning of the terms Sunni, ‘Ahluttasannun, ‘Ahlussunnah Wal Jama:’a:ah etc. Although he calls himself a Sunni he is anot a Sunni. He is a Student of a Fafid:I called ‘Ish:a:q Jha:l Vala of Layallpur, who was also known as ‘Ish:aq Layallpuri: . Later he Layalpuri: was replaced by Fais:alaba:di, since the Noun of the place Layallpu:r was changed to Fais:alabad. ‘Ish:a:q Jha:l Wala: was a person who I n his zeal to unite all Muslims adopted many views of Rava:fid: so that they may come close to him. But in his attempt he himself became a Rafid:i: , just to complete his mission. But he was unsuccessful. He misinterpreted many thing and made many false statements. When he realized that the Rafa:vid: are not going to come in web of spider , he tried to convince ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: to come close to Rava:fid:. Initially he was successful like the dictator Adolf Hitler by using Falsehood and Fallacies, but soon he was identified . Page 1 of 21

Page 2 of 21 How ever some still neglected his heretic views. Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is one of his disciples and is following him blindly. Engineer ‘:Ali Mirza: initially appeared as a person who wanted to unite all Muslims by using the principles of Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai. Many ‘Ahlul H:a:di:th: were unable to identify him as a secret disciple of ‘Ish:a:q Jha:l Vala. Many began to follow him. Then the Engineer of Jhelum began to shew his tendencies towards Ra:fid:ism. He was Immediately recognized by may ‘Ahlussunnah Scholars. He adopted a new technique of delivering a long lecture with some Heretic and Rafid:i:te believes some where in the middle of the lecture for a short period of time then turning back to the lecture which was seemed to be correct according to Salafite views. In this way he was able to get some popularity among Salafite youths. But he was exposed and scholars began to study his lectures critically and strictly . There are many infedelities and Heresies in his lectures. Some of the great scholars began to compare his controversial believes with the controversial believes of ‘Ish:a:q Jha:l Vala: . It was found that what so ever the Engineer has said till then was nothing but the manifestations of Jha:l Vala: , with change of words and sentences but with the conservation of meanings and senses. It was found that what so ever was said by “:Ali: Mirza: was also said by ‘Ish:a:q Jha:l Vala. However latter Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza did say some heretical things which even Jha:l Va:la: had not said. This person crossed the limits of Jha:l Va:la: . Now he is exposed not only in Asian Subcontinent but also in the Entire globe. People recognized him and drifted from him. Twelvers used him just as a tool in debates with Sunnite Subsects to shew that a man from Sunnism has come to same conclusion which they held prior to him. This further exposed this person. The Proper and Regular students of Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai also declared him as Heretic and Deviant. He was once considered as Improper and irregular student of Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai, [1957 CE-2013 CE] but when the Proper and Regular Students of Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai began to study and compare the believes of both of them it was found that Zubair ‘:Ali: Mirza: Contradicts H:a:fiz: Zubair ‘:Ali Zai on several issues. But then Enginner ‘:Ali: Mirza: began to make false reports that just before the death of H:a:fiz: Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai he agreed with ‘:Ali: Mirza: . He made some false witnesses to second his claims. But these false witnesses were rejected by the Proper and Regular Students of Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai. It was demanded that they should be produced for cross examination and counter questions. But none of them came. Then this Engineer in some of his classes began to condemn Maula:na: ‘Irsha:d ‘Al H:aq ‘Ath:ari. An ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: Scholar who is not only moderate but so great that even Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai respected him the most. Page 2 of 21

Page 3 of 21 How it is possible that in a short period of time in the Dead Ilness when the life of Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai was more probable then his life was less probable, he rejected all of his views which ‘:Ali: Mirza: wanted him to reject and accepted all of the views which ‘:Ali Mirza: wanted him to accept. How it is possible that Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai was able to reject all the works and portions of the works which ‘:Ali: Mirza: wanted him to reject and discard in a short period of time. What was the duration of period of discussion of a man near to his death when he was not able to make long and religious discussions. This does shew that Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is concocting stories and is presenting them has histories like Rava:fid: . Is this not a proof of his Rafid:ism? If some one speaks falsehood there must be a limit of his falsehood otherwise the falsehood is self evdent. In this regard he followed his predecessor Mirza : Gh:ula:m Qa:diani. First Event Mirza: Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad Of Qa:dian debated with his Christian rival ‘:Abullah ‘A:tham , and then predicted that ‘:Abdullah ‘A:tham would die in a given period of times. But the latter did not die with in the given period. So one of the excuses which Mirza: Of Qa:dian made was that the later might have repented before the end of the given period of time. Second Event Mirza: Bashi:ruddi:n Mah:mu:d son of Mirza: Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad was of the view that all the works of his father were abrogated which were written before the claim of prophethood. Both events were found in Mirza:’i: books and are available. So Engineer ‘:Ali Mirza: tried to apply the Mirza:’i: trick on Shaikh: Zubair‘:Ali: Zai with some modifications. Conspiracy Of Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza Jhelumi Engineer of Jhelum claimed that Maula:na: Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai repented from his works, which he had written and were against the views of Mirza: of Jhelum and all of Shaikh: Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai’s portions of work which are against the views of the Mirza: of Jhelum are abrogated by a single sentence. For the proof of this sentence the Mirza: Of Jhelum produced false witnesses, who alleged to be eye witnesses of the alleged event of repenting. But this is unacceptable. The Reason Of Conspiracy Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai was a simple minded person. Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: thought that he was over simplified but this was not the case. He recognized the Mirza: Of Jhelum and expelled him from his circle. So ‘:Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum tried to visit him in his dead illness and tried to narrated false stories. In the final days Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai was unable to discuss and research. Page 3 of 21

Page 4 of 21 So it is said that he went to Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai: and tried to state his views on which sick Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai did not responded due his illness and requested that he wanted to restrest. If Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai did converted to the believes of Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: then he did not tell his conversion to any one OF HIS CLOSE RELATIVES, SIBLINGS and obedient Students. Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza has produced a false witnesses who claim that he was converted when the Engineer of Jhelum met him last time. Refutation of This according to the Principles of H:adi:th: If there is such an event , then the dictum of the conversion is reported be a Majhu:l . Second Engineer himself is a Ra:fid:i: and if for sake of argument if the Engineer is not a Ra:fid:i: even then he has irrefutable tendencies of Ra:fid:ism and hence non of report which seconds these tendencies are acceptable. So the chain of reporter [Sanad] is as follow ‘:An Ra:fid:i: ‘:An Majhu:l. So this is a fabrication of both of the members in the

Chain of Reporters.

This is the most unreliable tradition . Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: considers himself equal to the R-va:h of Bukh:a:ri and Muslim , and therefore he assumes that what so ever is reported by him is absolutely and infinitely true. In some cases he reports some thing on unknown and unidentified Narrators and insists that his listeners must accepted his reports from his secret reporters as Absolutely true. His student may still consider him as infallible but he is proved to be a speaker of false sentences and his falsehood is proved irrefutably That is he speaks falsehood and falsehood is the quality of his speech speech .

Below are Thirty Irrefutable Proofs that Engineer Of Jhelum is a Ra:fid:i: . First Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: believes that Saiyiduna: ‘:Umar Rad:iyallahu ‘:Anhu: committed a mistake in the Event of Q-l-m and Q-rt:a:s. [Na’:u:dh:ubilah V ‘Astagh:farullah]. Mirza: Borrowed this HERETIC belief from ‘Ish:a:q Lyallpu:ri. This is an evident proof that Mirza: of Jhelum is a Ra:fid:i: . He violates the ‘Ijma:’: of ‘Ahlussunnah. Page 4 of 21

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Second Proof Engineer of Jhelum believes that Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: RD:was more eligible for Kh:ila:fah than Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: . This is a sufficient evidence for the Fafd: of the Heretic Engineer of Jhelum. Third Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: believes that :-“ policies and politics of Saiyiduna: ‘:Uthma:n RD: were incorrect and wrong ; and those who insurrected and rebelled against him were on RIGHTEOUSNESS [Na’:u:dh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah] but they committed an Error Of ‘Ijtiha:d in slaying Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: ”. This is a clear proof that Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is a Heretic and a Ra:fid:i: . Forth Proof Engineer ‘:Ali Mirza: uses a Tradition of Muslim which he borrows from a book written by a ‘Ith:na: ‘ashrite [Twelver] Scholar ‘Ami:r ‘Al H:usaini: for not folding hands in Prayers. He rejects the Sunni Answers hastily and Agues in favour of not folding hands rejecting all Traditions of Folding hands in prayers. This is a fallacy of making a Judgement on insufficient evidences. That is to make a discussion on a single piece of evidence or few evidence and neglecting all other the other evidence against the descission. :This is a certain proof that he is trying to prove Twelvers belief from Sunni Traditions.A detail refutation of Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is beyond the scope of this work, it is proved that this person Engineer ‘A:li: Mirza: is a Ra:fid:ite other wise he would not have distorted the tradition as such. Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: in order to ascribe his result which his pragmatic mind conceived contradicts S:ah:i:h: Bukh:a:ri: :Volume 1, Book 12, Number 707 Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd: The people were ordered to place the right hand on the left forearm in the prayer. Abu Hazim said, "I knew that the order was from the Prophet ." But rejecting this Tradition on base of an invalid argument innovated by Mirza: of Jhelum Himself , he accepts that UNFOLDING OF HANDS in S:ala:h is correct.

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Page 6 of 21 Even he violated his former teacher Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai on this issue. He is so heretic that he neglects the work of his former teacher in the book “Sah:i:ih: S:ala:t Nabvi on the issue and accept the stated above Twelver scholar and his book Nama:z e Payambar , and even equates him with Shaikh: Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai. This shews in addition that now the Engineer wants to convince his students that even a Twelver has a Knowledge equal to the Knowledge of Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai . This attempt has uncovered the his face from the mask. Shall his followers still not recognise this man of Jhelum. Fifth Proof Engineer of Jhelum [Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: Jhelumi] believes that the ASSASSINATION of Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: became a Kaffarah [Atonement] for the Mistakes and Errors of Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: [Na’:u:dh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]. Only a Ra:fid:i: can say such a thing. This is a clear proof that Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is a Ra:fid:i: . If some one doubts on it then there is a counter question . The question is if some one believes in a similar belief for Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: RD: or Saiyiduna: H:usain RD: or both then he is surely a Nas:ibi: . So a similar belief for Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: is Ra:fid:iah. Six Proof Engineer Of Jhelum believes that Murder of Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n was just a Matter of ‘Ijtiha:d. Na’:udh:ubillah. This is a belief that only a Ra:fid:i: can hold. Seventh Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: claims that that Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah committed the sin and transgression of neglecting and violating ‘Ah:a:di:th: which were conveyed to him. This is an allegation however if it is considered as true then Fisq is implied. This is the misinterpretation of his acts. But what Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is trying to do is to ascribe ACTS OF FISQ to him which is by definition to ascribe FISQ itself. Since to ascribe ACTS OF SIN to some one is to ascribe fisq itself. Eighth Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: believes that Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah RD: poisoned Saiyiduna: H:asan RD:. This was the view of Kh:ajah H:asan Niza:mi. and Nas:i:ruddi:n Shah .Probably ‘Ish:a:q Layallpuri: was also of this view. Now Engineer of Jhelum has borrowed this view from all of them or some of them or one of them.

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Page 7 of 21 If this false allegation is supposed to be true then this is to ascribe FISQ to Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah RD: [ASTAGH:FARULLAHA VA NA’:U:DH:UBILLAHI]. Ninth Proof Engineer of Jhelum believes that Holy Prophet [S:’:AVS] Cursed Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah RD: . This is an incorrect deduction from the tradition of Muslim. Holy Prophet did not cursed Saiyiduna: , BUT BLESSED Mu’:a:viah RD: .If it is not a blessing then it is neither a curse nor a blessing. But it is certainly Not a Curse. So Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza is not a Sunni but a Ra:fid:i: .Since only a Ra:fid:idi: can say such a thing. Tenth Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: believes that Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah RD:did not fight with Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: RD:for the Q-s:a:s: [Qis:a:s: ] of Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: but for achievibg the Kh:ila:fah [Caliphate]. This is a proof that ‘:Ali: Mirza: is a Ra:fid:i: . Eleventh Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: believes that Saiyiduna: Mugh:i:rah RD: and Saiyiduna: ‘:Amar Bin ‘Al ‘:A:s RD: were betrayers and they were on the side of Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah for their own benefits. [Na’:u:dh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]. Twelfth Proof: In one of his Enquiry Sessions , Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: said that if a person declares , Saiyiduna: ‘Abu: Bakr RD:, Saiyiduna: ‘:Umar RD: , Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:m RD: and Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: as Ka:fir , he remains a Muslim. [Na’:udh:ubillah Va ‘Astaghfarullah]. Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: has taken this opinion to save those from Takfi:r, [Declaration of being Ka:fir] who believe that Saiyiduna: ‘Abu Bakr [RD:] Saiyiduna: ‘:Umar [RD:] , Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n are either Non Muslim or Non Mu’min or both, and to save those from Takfi:r who believe that one of the stated above three Noble Persons or two of them are either Non Muslim, or Non Mu’min or both [Non Muslim and Non Mu’min. Although Engineer of Jhelum has included Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: fron his saying , but this does not exclude him from Ra:fid:ism , Since he has adopted this view from being Exposed. For if Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: would have said that he who declares the First Three Caliphs [S:ah:a:bah] as Ka:fir is IS A Muslim or a Mu’min or both , but he who declares the forth Caliph as Non Mu’min or Non Muslim or both, is a Ka:fir, then Engineer of Jhelum would have been exposed evidently. So he included Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali RD: as well. Now it is required to shew that Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: has included Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: , just to cover himself from being exposed. Page 7 of 21

Page 8 of 21 However this requires a critical study of his beliefs from his lectures. First Proof that Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: incluses Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali as a Taqaiyah [ Religious Hypocrisy] Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: has declared that ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: has denied a Mutva:tir H:adi:th: , hence this means with certainty that he accuses ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Timaiah RH: as a committer of Kufr with Certainity. Since to deny a Mutva:tir H:adi:th: is a K ufr With Certainty. The tradition is well known as “Man Kuntu Maula: …………….”. But the S:ah:i:h: ways of traditions of this Tradition does not exceed even the number sisxteen. Now if some one declares each and every Ra:vi: [Narrator of the Tradition] in each and every Sanad [Chain of Reporters and Narrators] of each and every way stated above , then the tradition ceases to be a Mutva:tir. Since this Tradition is declared as Mutva:tir by the Engineer of Jhelum due to the Convergence of the Ways [T-r-q] of S:ah:i:h: Lidh:a:ti: Traditions. But if each and every person in each and every way of Tradition is supposed to be a Ka:fir or a Non Muslim or a Non Mu’min ,then each and every Way cases to be a S:ah:i:h: Li Dh:a:tihi: . So their convergence cannot become a Mutva:tir. So if some one deny this tradition which is declared as Mutva:tir due to convergence stated above and also deny that Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: RD: as Maula: then he cannot be declared as Ka:fir or even committer of Kufr. But this means that denouncing a Mutva:tir Tradition is not a Kufr at all. If Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: says that it is not Kufr to declare each and every Narrator of each and every way of the Tradition as Non Muslim or Non Mu’min or both , yet it is still Kufr to declare the Tradition as Kufr is an Inconsistency in the Theological System of Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: . It is impossible for a tradition to be S:ah:i:h: Li Dh:a:tihi: if it is conveyed by all Non Muslim Narrators in its chain of Tradition or some Non Muslim or Non Mu’min or both Narrators. So it becomes inva:lid . Such traditions cannot converge to form a Mutva:tir. If Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: says that if a person declares Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: as Ka:fir yet he remains a Muslim but if a person declares atleast one person from each way of the stated above Tradition, then he becomes a Non Muslim or a Non Mu’min or both, then his inconsistency is exposed once for times. Second Proof that Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: includes Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali as a Taqaiyah [ Religious Hypocrisy] If it is accepted that to declare one of the four first Kh:aulfa:’ [Caliphs] of ‘Isla:m , or some of them or all of them as Ka:fir is not kufr then this means that to declare ‘Al Mu:ha::ith:um like ,Ima:m Bukh:a:ri:. Page 8 of 21

Page 9 of 21 Imam Muslim , ‘Ima:m Ma:lik and ‘Ima:m N-sa:’I is also not Kufr primarily, whether some one declares one of them as Ka:fi or some of them as Ka:fir or all of them as K:afir. So in this case if some one declare all of the four’Al Muh:addath:u:n as Ka:fir and remains a Muslim then it means that he has discarded all the four books namely Bukh:a:ri: Shari:f. Muslim Shari:f Muvat:t:a:’ Shari:f and N-sa:’i: Shari:f. So in principle this means that if a person denies all the traditions of ‘Ah:a:di:th in these books he remains a Muslim. [Na’:u:dh:billah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]. Since this implies that to such a person the books becomes invalid and concoction immediately, when he declares their respective authors as Ka:fir. This is a defence of Denouncers of ‘Al H:adi:th: . There are questions which do expose the Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: and his conspiracy. 1] Does Engineer ‘A:Ali Mirza: the GREATEST CONSPARACIOUS MIND OF ALL CENTURIES, believes that if a person believes that ‘’Ima:m Bukh:a:ri: is Ka:fir [Na’:u:dh:billah Va ‘Astagh:faarullah] and denies Bukh:a:ri: Shari:f, then he is a Muslim; Yet if a Person believes that ‘Ima:m Bukh:ari is a Muslim and denies Bukh:a:ri: Shari:f is a Ka:fir? 2] The same question is repeated for ‘Ima:m Muslim,’Ima:m Ma:lik and ‘Ima:m N-sa:’i: ; and their SS:ah:i:h: Muslim , Muvat:tt:a:’ and Nasa:’: shari:f . THESE QUESTIONS DO EXPOSE THE FAFD:OF THE GREATEST HERETIC MINE OF RECENT CENTURIES . Perhaps the discussionhas gone too far. Let it be return to the original position which is more simplified. A person has just to declare all the authors of the bbok as Ka:fir which contain S:ah:i:h: Li Dh:a:tihi: traditions of the text MAN KUNTU MAULA: ……………….,, WHICH ARE EVEN LESS THEN SIXTEEN IN NUMBER,and he can thus discard the Tradition which is called as Mutva:tir due to Superimposition and Convergence of these S:ah:i:h: Li Dh:a:tihi: traditions, from being Muta:tir and additionally can claim them as Concoction , while remaining as Muslim. Once again The Engineer of Jhelum cannot say that to declare all the Four Caliphs as Ka:fir is not Kufr but to declare the authors of the Books which include the stated above traditions is aKufr since none of the author of a Books is a S:ah:a:bi: . If to declare such S:ah :a:bah RD: as Ka:fir is not Kufr then how can it be Kufr to declare some Non S:ah:abah as Ka:fir?????? This is also a Proof that ‘A:li Mirza: is making a Taqaiyah just to deceive ‘Ahlussunnah of different Subsects. Last and not the least he has said that he declares Qa:diani:s [Mah:mu:di: Mirza’is ] as Ka:fir because they declare Muslims as K:afir, but if to declare S:ah:abah RD: particularly four caliphs as K:afir is not kufr then it cannot be a kufr to declare Muslims during the time and after the time Mirza: of Q:dian claimed Page 9 of 21

Page 10 of 21 prophethood. So this means that Mirza: of Jhelum does believe that the followers of Mirza: of Qa:dian are Muslims , yet he makes TAQAIYAH. There are some mor questions and inconsistencies which proves the Taqaiyah of this man. This also exposes that the Engineer of Jhelum is principally and accepts ‘Ah:adi:th: only orally. Some say that he is not even a Ra:fid:i: , rather he is going to claim that he is either a Nabi: or a ‘Ima:m or Na:’ib ‘Ima:m. Sooner or latter he is going to make similar objections and comments on Saiyiduna: H:asan RD: , Saiyiduna: Fa:t:imah and Saiyiiduna: Husain RD: as well. It is just a matter of time. SOME QUESTIONS 1]If it is not Kufr to declare ALL THE S:AH:ABAH RD: what so ever their number be, then how can one believe in Sacred Qur’a:n and ‘Ah:a:dith: in general and Mutva:tir ?Since in this case they all are conveyed to us from Kuffar. 2]Is there is a number such that it is not Kufr to believe S:ah:a:bah less than the number as Kuffa:r . and it is Kufr to believe S:ah:bah RD: equal to the number or greater than it as Kuffa:r? If so then what is the number? What is the source of the number: 3’Is there a s ingle Mutva:tir H:adi:th: that is conveyed only by Kuffa:r? 4]As Engineer is of the view that it is not Kufr to declare Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali as Ka:fir [Na’:u:dh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farulla] then does the Engineer hold the same view about Saiyiduna: H:asan RD: , Saiyiduna: Fa:t:imah RD: AND Saiyiduna: H:usain RD: ? If not then how can he differentiate as such and on what grounds, If he does then this shews that he is even more dangerous then any other Heretic ever born on the third planet from sun caked Earth.

Note : It must be noted that the terms Non Muslim, Non Mu’min are used in the meaning of Ka:fir. How ever due to some Polemical Reasons they are written as above. Thirteenth Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: believes that Holy Wives of Holy Prophet caused sufferings/ pain [Takli:f] to Holy Prophet . Such a thing can only be said by a Ra:fid:i:te. He fails to under stand the deep relations of Husband and his Wives. Disputes of a Husband with his wife/wives can not be declared as causing sufferings/pains on either side. Only a R:afid:ite can say what the Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: has said. Fourteenth Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum believes that Saiyiduna: ‘:A:’ishah RD: realised her Mistake for Going at war against Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: RD: ,when at the place of H:-‘-B dogs began to bark, YET SHE PROCEEDED to fight thewith Saiyiduna: “:Ali: RD:. Only a Rafid:ite can say such a thing.. Page 10 of 21

Page 11 of 21 Fifteenth Proof He declares all those scholars who defend Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah RD: and other S:h:a:bah as Nas:ibi: and declares any defence of S:ah:a:bah in general , and Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah RD: , Saiyiduna: Mugh:i:rah RD: ETC. as Pseudo defence [Jhota Difa:’] where as they are Sincerus Defences. In doing this he also commit a Logical Fallacy of Begging the Argument. Only a Rafid:i:te can do such a thing. Sixteenth Proof He does not declare the Murderers of Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: as Fasiq Va Fa:jir [Transgressor and Sinner] , and consider the Murder of Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: as a Matter of ‘Ijtiha:d . Na’:u:dh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah. Any one who has sympathies with Murderers of Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: is a Rafid:i: beyond any shadow of doubt. If some one says something similar to the Murderers of Saiyiduna: H:usain RD: , Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is very likely to declare such a person as Na:s:ibi:. So if some one says such things for Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: THE PERSON must be a Rafid:i: . Engineer of Jhelum believes that one who defends Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah RD: , Saiyiduna: ‘:Uth:ma:n RD: , Saiyiduna: Mugh:i:rah , Saiyiduna: ‘:Amar Bin ‘Al ‘:A:s: RD:, etc . is a Na:s:ibi: . Only a Ra:fid:i: can saysuch a thing. Eighteenth Proof Man from Jhelum accuses a Number of Sunni Commentators on Sacred Qur’a:n as manipulator of Holy Qur’:an . He borrowed this allegation from his teacher ‘Ish:a:q Layallpuri, the great hypocrite of all times. But it must be noted that there are any Twelvers’ scholar who disbelieve in the Conservation of Sacred Qur’a:n , yet the Heretic of Jhelum is absolutely silent on them . This is a conspiracy and only a Rafid:ite can plan such a Conspiracy. Nineteenth Proof A]Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: from the beginning of his lectures to the present day has criticized great Sunni Scholars , not only by using unfriendly language but also by abusing and scolding language, keeping aside all Ethical and Moral Values. He CURSED ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Si:ri:n RH:, he called ‘Ima:m Ma:lik RH: as “ Sun Sunak e: Sunni:” , abusing S-L-F [Elders] that their circumcisions should be checked [Na’:u:dh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah], He accuses ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: for committing Kufr atleast for three times, he accuses ‘Imam Mujaddid ‘Alf Th:a:ni: [ Reformer of the Second (Lunar )Millennium ] as Fasa:di [Trouble Maker] and Disrespectful. BUT from the Authors of ‘Al ‘Us:u:l ‘Al Ka:fi and Nahjul Bala:gh:ah to the scholars of twelvers like Kh:umi:ni: and Kh:ui , he is silent. He has not said a single word against them. This can only be done by a Rafid:ite.

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Page 12 of 21 If he would have been a neutral person he would have said some thing against their scholars through history as well. B] He calls a Number of Sunni Scholars as Na:s:ibi: . In his zeal he has gone too far that he considers ‘Ima:m T-m-dhi: as Na:s:ibi: [Na’:udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah] . But he does not declare a single Twelvers’ Scholar as Ra:fid:i: . This is a proof that Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is a Ra:fid:i: . Twentieth Proof He discards any H:adi:th: that is in favour of Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah and and even excludes it from the Principles of H:a:di:th: in favour of his discarding the Principles of H:adi:th: in regard to a H:adi:th: in favour of SDaiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah RD:. This can only be done by a Rafid:i:te. Twenty First Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: accuse Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah RD: for concocting ‘Ah:a:di:th: in favour of him. [Na’:udh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]. Only a Rafid:ite can accuse Saiyiduna: Mu’:aviah RD: as such. Twenty Second Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: equates the Kh:ava:rij of N-h-rva:n and S:ah:a:bah of S:-ff-n as in ‘Ijtiha:d. That is he equates them in the Error of ‘Ijtiha:d. This is a form of Rafid:ism invented by Engineer’s Teacher the ‘Ish:a:q Layalpu:ri: who was latter known as ‘Ish:a:q Fais:al ‘Aba:di: . Tewenty Third Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: accuse the entire family of Banu: ‘Umaiyah for the event of Karbala: . This is a pure Ra:fid:ism. It is a Fallacy of Hasty Generalisation. Hasty generalization is the fallacy of examining some examples or studying some cases, and generalising to be representative of the whole class . Example : Mirza: of Qa:dian is Heretic, Mirza: Of Jhelum is Heretic then all Mirzas are Heretic. [Note: Heresy may be Kufr or Fisq]. Twenty Forth Proof Page 12 of 21

Page 13 of 21 Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum claims that the division of Sacred Qur’a:n in Thirty Parts [J-z, Pl: ‘Aj-za:’]. Is Flaw [S-Q-M]. [Na’:u:dh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]. Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza refuses the ‘Ijma:’ on the thirty divisions of Sacred Qur’a:n, and wants to reopen the canon of Sacred Qur’a:n. His basic argument is that there there is a Su:ra:h in Sacred Qur’a:n which is in a J-zz with the exception of a single ‘A:yah that is in the previous J-zz. This is an invalid argument. But only a Rafid:i:te can say such a thing. Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: denies the ‘Ijma:’: on the THIRTY HOLY DIVISIONS OF HOLY QUR’A:N. Engineer ‘:Ali Mirza is a cleaver person and claims that there is a Consensus [‘Ijma:’:] on the Biographical Conferences which are held in the month of Rabi:’ul ‘Auval. But the very same person rejects the Consensus on the Thirty Holy Divisons of Holy Qur’a:n and called this Holy Division as a Flaw [S-Q-M]. This certainly makes him a Rafid:i: , since for centuries no one has declared it as incorrect. It is correct and permitted by ‘Ijma:’: . Since some Rava:fid: does not believe in Thirty Parts of Holy Qur’a:n then Engineer also rejected this Holy Division. Twenty Fifth Proof He makes fun of the clause of the H:adith: “ Ca:na Yakt-bul Vah:y “ which proves that Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah was a Writer/Copist of Revelation /Inspiration [Ka:tibul Vah:y]. He use a Panjabi Slang Tota, which means a part. Tota means a part but it is not a word of Grace. It must be noted that that Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: use to deliver lectures in Urdu:/Ri:kh:tah , and not in the Panja:bi:. There are many Muslim scholars who deliver religious lectures in Panja:bi . Yet Engineer of Jhelum does not deliver his lectures in Panja:bi. But occasionally he uses panja:bi words and Panja:bi sentences not as shift of languages from ‘Urdu: to Panja:bi , but for satire, making fun or joke or where he use to run out of proofs and evidences. So calling this sentence of H:adi:th: as “Tota” is evident from the context of the lecture , that he is making a fun or a joke. He has made fun of the clause of H:adi:th: because this clause proves that Saiyiduna: Mu’:aviah RD: was a Writer/Copyist of Vah:y [Revelation/Inspiration]. He rejects this clause as true. This proves that he is a Rafid:ite and and has borrowed this view from those who are either themselves Ra:fid:ites or have very strong tendencies towards Ra:fid:ism. Page 13 of 21

Page 14 of 21 Twenty Sixth Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: believes that some S:ah:a:bah were Muna:fiq [Na’:udh:ubillah Va ‘astagh:farullah]. He divides S:ah:abah into the following two types : 1] Legal [Qa:nu:ni:] 2] Real [H:aqi:qi:] This Heretical division is made by him , in order to defend Ra:fid:ism and to declare some S:ah:a:bah as Hypocrites . This is pure Ra:fid:ism. This division is Heretical and has been refuted in some articles. This is a proof that Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is a Ra:fid:ite. Twenty Seventh Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza claims that he believes in the Uncreatedness of Sacred Qur’a:n. Engineer of JKhelum further accepts that there is an ‘Ijma:’: on the Uncreatedness Of Sacred Qur’a:n. But the very same Engineer criticise Twelvers for not believing in the Uncreatedness of Sacred Qur’a:n. He remains silent on the issue, since he himself knows that if a sect does not believe in an ‘Ijma:’: then the sect is Heretic . So one who denies that Qur’a:n is Uncreated , denies an ‘Ijma:’: on the Uncreatedness of Sacred Qur’a:n AND one who denies an ‘Ijma:’: on any thing is a Heresy. This is a Proof that he is a Ra:fid:ite. QED So in order to save them from the declaration of Heresy , Engineer ‘A:li: Mirza: did not mention this extremely Important Issue which can make all his efforts topsyturvy. When pointed at this irrefutable proof of his Ra:fid:ism some students of the Engineer of Jhelum asked to prove that they do not believe in the Uncreated ness of Holy Qur’:an instead of proving that they believe in the Uncreatedness of Holy Qur’a:n. It is a fallacy. Twelvers neither believe that Qur’a:n is the Divine Per Se Subsistence Essence nor believe that Uncreated Qur’:an is associated with the Divine Per Se Subsistent Essence. Twelvers believe that Sacred Qur’a:n is Separate from Divine Per Se Subsistent Essence and Alien to Divine Per Se Subsistent Essence.

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Page 15 of 21 So any one who believes that a Thing is Alias to [Separate From /Gh:air] Divine Per Se Subsistent Essence, yet it is Uncreated [Gh:air Makh:lu:q] then this is pure heresy. Since Qur’a:n is a Divine Attribute that is Neither Identical Nor Alias/Separate “La: ‘:Ain Va La: Gh:air” a vcvording ding to majority of ‘Ahlussunnah Val Jama:’:ah. So if any thing is a Divine Attribute and is Uncreated then it is Certainly not Separate/Alias from Divine Essence. Twenty Eighth Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: did not say that the belief in Beatific Vision [ Ru’yatul Ba:ri: ] is the necessary article of belief. Any one who denies the Beatific Vision is a Heretic and Unorthodox. There is an ‘Ijma:’: not to interpret the Ru:yatul Ba:ri: Metaphorically , Figurative and Allegorically . But Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: does not declare the Twelvers as Heretic for not believing in Beatific Vision. So he does not discuss this issue even once. Such a Sympathy can only be the quality of a Rafid:ite beyond the shadow of any doubt. Twenty Ninth Proof Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum declares ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: as a committer of kufr on the issue of H:ava:dith: and Divine Per Se Subsistent Essence. But there are two types of Twelvers. 1] Those Who believe in uninterpreted Bada:’ 2] Those Who interpret Bada:’. But the latter do not declare the former as Ka:fir . Any how following the latter Engineer do not declare the former as Ka:fir or even committer of Kufr. But what is the interpreted meaning of Bada:’. That is Divine Knowledge is neither Eternal nor Comprehensive , and is Mutable.This means that Divine Essence is the Locus of Non Eternal Knowledge . So Engineer is silent on the Issue. It is anticipated that this Engineer shall advocate Bada:’ some day in some of his lectures . This can only be done by a Rafid:ite. Thirtieth Proof A]‘Ima:m Ma:lik was born in 711 CE or 93 AH and died in 795 CE or 195AH. He wrote the book Muvat:t:a:’ in a period of forty lunar years. It consisteth of sixty one books. It is included in the First Category [T:abqah] of Books of Traditions. It consists of Kh:abar [Marfu:’:] , ‘Athar [Mauqu:f] , Maqt:u:’: and Murs-l Traditions.

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Page 16 of 21 One of the unique condition of Holy Muvat:t:a:’ is that ‘Ima:m Malik did not inclused any marfū‘/Kh:abar H:adī:th: if it was not Rava:yah Bil Lafz: i.e verbatim transmission of Traditions of the sentences and words of the Holy Prophet [S:’:VS]. Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: makes a Satire of ‘Ima:m M:alik RH: on a tradition about which the ‘Ima:m says that he has heard . What Engineer Commented is “ Sun Suna: Ke Sunni” Na’:udh:uballah Va ‘Astaghfarullah. A satire that a person believes what he hears. The word Sunni is not an ‘:Arabic word in the expression uttered by Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza but a word incorrectly derived by the Urdu word Sunna [ to listen] . So if ‘Ima:m Ma:lik reporteth that he received a Tradition without mentioning the noun of the transmitter [ the person who transmiteth the tradition] , Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: makes fun of Holy Muvat:t:a:’ . But on the contrary he asserts the Book of Nahjul Bala:gh:ah as an authentic book and claims that he can prove the traditions of ascribed to Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: [‘Athar/Mauqu:f] from alternative Sunni Sources. It may be noted that Shari:f Rad:i: was born in 970 CE or and died in 1015 CE or Some opine that this work was authored by his elder brother Shari:f Murtad:a: . Supposing that this book was written by the younger brother , the supposed author was born 175 years after the death of ‘Ima:m Ma:lik [Approximately]. But the very same Engineer neither used the expression Sun Suna: Ke: Sun-ni for the Shari:f Rad:i: . nor discarded this work of ‘A:th:ar of Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: is with out credibility and with out reliability. On one hand this person the Engineer of Jhelum makes fun of ‘Im:am Malik and his book and one the other hand the very same person take the book Nahjul Bala:gh:ah of Shari:f Rad:i: very seriously and claims that he can find alternative sources and chains of reporters of this book , and neither makes asatire of the book nor makes fun of the book. This is an Evident and Obvious proof that Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is a Ra:fi:ite. It must be noted that this person whose Proper Noun is ‘:Ali: Mirza: neglected the fact deliberately that the man who authored Nahjul Bala:gh:ah did not write any chain of reporters according to the ‘Ilm ‘Asma: ‘ Rija:l. But he did not declared this work as Maud:u:’: . On the contrary he claimed that he can find alternative chains of reporters of the concocted traditions of the latter book. So Engineer is a Rafid:i:te beyond any shadow of doubt. B] Full Personal Proper Noun of ‘Ima:m Bala:dh:uri is ‘A:hmad Bin Yah:ya: Bin Ja:bir ‘Al-Bala:dh:uri:He was born in 806 CE or190-91 AH He died in 892 CE or 278 AH [‘:Ali: Mirza: claims that he died in 292 AH or 904-5 CE ]One of his famous book is ‘Insa:bul ‘Ashra:f.According to the Engineer of Jhelum neither this book was authored by ‘Ima:m Bala:dh:uri: . Commenting on a Tradition of this book he further said that the Central Transmitter of a Tradition in this book was absent from the Event of Karbala: . So he rejects Page 16 of 21

Page 17 of 21 the tradition.But the every same Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: supports Nahjul Bala:gh:ah . Shari:f Rad:I was born in 970 CE , this is 78 years before the birth of the author of the book purported to collect some traditions of Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: which would havecome in the category of ‘Ath:a:r, if they had would chains of reporters according to the Principles of H:adi:th: of ‘Ahlussunnah. But rejecting the Book of Bula:dh:uri: on an alleged work of Shaikh: Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai and the absence of a Narrator of Tradition H-lal , Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: rejects the tradition in particular and entire book in general. But the very same Engineer of Jhelum accepts Nahjul Bala:gh:ah.This is a thing that only a Ra:fid:ite can do. In the Preliminary [Muqddamah] of Holy Muslim Engineer writes [or mkes some one else to write on hehalf of him] in regard to weak traditions as follow” “ After this Research I do not opine that any one shall Quote [N-q-l] te Traditions of ‘Ah:a:di:th: from Majhu:l [Unidentified/Unknown], Gh:air Th:-q-h an[Unreliable] and Untrustworthy Narrators of Traditions when he /she is aware of the Chain of Reporters [S-N-D]. except him/her who wanted to shew his knowledge to people, and in order to achieve this goal the person does not feel hesitation [i.e does not hesitate] and fear [of G-d], so that people shall appreciate him/her for collecting more traditions. But any person [any one ] who shall chose this wrong way then his/her respect and dignity shall cease in people of Knowledge and Rational minded people [‘:Aql Mandon] . Then he writes his views about Mursall and Tadli:s. But why Engineer does not apply this on Nahj ‘Al Bala:gh:ah . The answer is simple we wants to misguide his listeners . This is the contradiction of spoken and written words. Engineer or else in the Pamphlet says that one should research that whether the reporter has really heard from his Shaikh: [Teacher] or he has ascribed the tradition as a Tadli:s. The author of the Pamphlet has written that weak traditions are invalid in Problems [Masa:’il] and Virtues [Fad:a:’il] and that weak traditions are invalid in Problems [Masa:’il] and Virtues [Fad:a:’il]. [ The Pamphlet is published by Engineer of Jhelum and purports to present is beliefs].

But Engineer is not applying these laws to Nahjul Bala:gh:ah. Holy Bukh:a:ri and Nahjul Bala:gh:ah in the The system of Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: In one of his Question and Answer Sessions , Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: attacks on Bukh:a:ri: Shari:f by saying that:1] He accepts only those Traditions of ‘Ah:a:di:th: in Bukh:a:ri: Shari:f which are Marfu:’: , Muttas:il And S:ah:i:h: ‘Al ‘-Sna:d. 2] He does not accept Mu’:allaq, With Out Chain of Reporter [With out Sanad] Traditions and Sayings [‘Aqva:l] in Bukh:a:ri: Shari:f. The first saying of Mirza:’ implies that he does not even accept ‘Ath:a:r [Mauqu:fa:t] of Holy Bukh:a:ri . Page 17 of 21

Page 18 of 21 Any how this shews what a water tight rather Mercury Tight criteria this person is presenting , that he even do not accept a Tradition of Holy Bukh:a:ri: Shari:f , if it does not satisfy this engineered Criteria of the Engineer. But the very same Engineer of Jhelum does not apply this criteria on Nahj ‘Al Bala:gh:ah. At least if he was so lenient to Nahj ‘Al Bala:gh:ah he would have dropped the condition of Marfu:’: . But he must have kept the other conditions imposed. For example he must have imposed the condition of being S:ah:i:h: ‘Al ‘-sna:d to Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: RD: . But he know that such conditions shall give a deth blow to his heresy which he wants to induced in his students. It must be noted that Nahjul Bala:gh:ah does not contain a single tradition that is S:ah:i:h: ‘Al ‘isna:d , according to Sunni Principles of H:adi:th: . This does shew that only a Ra:fid:i: can do such a thing . Since if a person who is so critical about S:AH:I:H: BUKH:ARI: cannot be so uncritical to Nahjul Bala:gh:ah , then this is nothing but Ra:fid:ism. It is clear that this person is attempting to make doubts in Books like Bukh:a:ri: , Muvat:t:a:’ etc , and is trying to remove doubts from books like Nahjul Bala:gh:ah. Only a Ra:fid:i: can do such things. If Engineer is so critical in case of Sunni books and he puts aside all laws and Criteria for an ‘Ith:na: ‘Asrite book the this DOES PROVES WITH CERTAINTY that Engineer ‘Ali: Mirza is a Ra:fid:ite. Significant Points [These are necessary to understand the problem necessary so they are included in the Text instead of being written in footnotes]. First Significant Point There is no certainty that Nahjul Bala:gh:ah was authored by Shari:f Rad:I , it is also said that it was Authored by his elder brother Shari:f Murtad:a: . [965 CE or 355 AH- 1044 CE or 436 AH].Since the Noun /Name of the author is not found on the Nahjul Bala:gh:ah. Yet ‘:Ali: Mirza: claims that Shari:f Rad:i: is the author of the book with out any shadow of doubt.He SHOULD have rejected this work due to uncertainty of its authorship. Second Significant Point Even from the year of death of Bala:dh:uri: asstated by the Engineer Of Jhelum, Shari:f Murtad:a was born 65 years after the death of Bala:dh:uri: .Yet he does not discard Nahjul Bala:gh:ah , even if none of its traditions have chains of reporters which is recognised by ‘Muha:ddith:un of ‘Ahlussunnah. Third Significant Point Page 18 of 21

Page 19 of 21 It must be noted that even from the Rules of Traditions of Twelvers none of the Tradition of Nahjul Bala:gh:ah is S:ah:i:h: , none of the tradition is H:asan , none of the tradition is Muvath:th:aq, none of the tradition is Qavi: and none of the tradition is even D:a’i:f. They all fall in th catogary of Maud:u:’: accoding the the latter Rules of Tradditions of Twelvers. [Please note that the terms of Traditions mentioned IN THE Third Significant point are according to the Rules of Tradions of Twelvers. And not according to ‘Ahlussunnah ]. Forth Significant Point Some of the Twelvers use the formula V-TH:UQ FIS: S:-DU:R to declare its traditions as S:ah:i:h: [ according to the terminology of Twelvers] but this principle is inva:lid according to ‘Ahlussunnah . So this proves that Engineer ‘:A;i: Mirza: is a Ra:fid:ite. Forth Significant Point The second point raised by the Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is that H-la:l Bin Asa:f was not present in the Event of Karbala:. [ A reporter who narrates a tradition of the Event of Karbala]. But the very same Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is silent on the infinitely significant issue that who were the first eye witness reporters of Nahjul Bala:gh:ah , who repored the Event , Sentences, Words of of Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: according to the Rija:l of ;Ahlussunnah. The answer is that there is no one. Fifth Significant Point Shaikh: Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai has accepted the tradition of the Book Fad:a:’il e S:ah:a:bah as since he is the Excogitator and Researcher of the book authored by She:r Muh:ammad, Published by Maktabah ‘Isla:miah. On page 105 She:r Muh:ammad the author of this book has written a Tradition from the book of Bala:dh:uri: under discussion and declared its chain of reporters to H-la:l Bin ‘Asa:f as S:ah:i:h:. AS ZUBAIR ‘:ALI ZAI IS THE RESEARCHER AND EXCOGITATOR OF ASNA:D [TAKH:RI:J] OF the Book he also accepts the tradition as S:ah:h:i:h: and the necessary condition of this H:ukm [Declaration/Judgement] is that the book it self is credible and is correctly ascribed to its Author. But Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: rejects this book for his own heretic reasons and declares it as a fabrication. But accepts Nahjul Bala:gh:ah as reliable work. In he also falsely ascribes to Shaikh: Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai that he discarded Bala:dh:uri: ‘s book ‘Ansa:b ‘Al ‘Ash Ra:f as fabrication. But does not provide any reference to any one of the book of Shaikh: Zibair ‘:Ali: Zai. If weak traditions are invalid in Problems [Masa:’il] and Virtues [Fad:a:’il] they should also be invalid in case of ascribing Sins and Transgressions to S:ah:a:bah, but the Engineer is not discarding Nahj ‘Al Bala:gh:ah be declaring it as an unreliable source according to Principles of H:adi:th: and which is based on Twelvers’ Rule of V-th:u:q Bis: S:-du:r, which is not accepted by Muh:addith:u:n of ‘Ahlussunnah.

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Page 20 of 21 C] There is a report in S:ah:i:h: Mualim that there shall be a person in distant future who shall challenge Dajjal. ‘Ima:m Muslim says that the person is identified as Kh:ad:ar RD: [by some]. But Ima:m Muslim did not provide the change of Narrator of this piece of information. This Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: discards this information as surplus and Uncanonical. Even this Tradition is in Holy Muslim. Just because this Tradition of S:ah:i:h: Muslim does not mention the chain of narration, BUT THE VERY SAME ‘:Ali Mirza accepts the entire book of Nahjul Bala:g:ah which does bot include Asnad and Isnad according to Sunni Us:ul Al Ha:adith: this does prove that Engineer Ali Mirza is a Ra:fid:i: . Note : ‘:Ali: Mirza:claims that a number of traditions of Nahjul Bala:gh:ah can be proved from two Sunni Books. Perhaps he has read an article “Alternative Sources of Nahjul Bala:gh:ah published in ‘At Tauh:i:d of ‘i:ran. But this is not the case .There are so many problems in it which shall be discussed separately.Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: is cunning but by the Grace of ‘ALL- SUBH:A:N-HAHU: VA TA’:LA , the Engineer is unwise.Thus Cunning but Unwise? One may be surprised , why this Greatest Heretic Mind did not asked H:afiz: Zubair ‘:Ali: Zai about Nahjul Bala:gh:ah? J DISCLAIMER The author is not responsible for any change in meaning due to typing errors and errors committed by typist. The author seconds ‘Ahlussunah Deoband in many issues. But he is of the view that all the Sunni sects should unite on basic principle. The author consider that this is the time for all Muslims in general and all Sunnis sects in particular to unite against the Engineer of Jhelum. He is only the beginning. TO THE FOLLOWERS OF ENGINEER ‘:ALI: MIRZA: It is proved that Mirza: is an Apostate who is trying to distort ‘Isla:m , So please be aware of him and please drift away for him. Mirza: of Jhelum is more angerous then Bashi:ruddi:n Mah:mu:d and Muh:ammad ‘:Ali: Laho:ri: . So you are informed and we shall not be held responsible on the Day of Judgement ‘INSHA:’ALL-H.

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