Saiyiduna Ammar, Saiyiduna Abu Ghadiah, and Principle of Khulf ‘:Al Va’id Refuting Engineer Ali Mirza Zahi:r Naqvi
A Asharite Principle of Khulf Al Va’:i:d defends Saiyiduna: ‘Abu: Gh:a:diah from the Tradition of Announcement of Punishment FOR THE Slayer of Saiyiduna: ‘:Ammar. 14-09-1440 AH
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There is a tradition in Holy Bukh:a:ri: that ‘Ammar would by killed by a Party of Insurrectors. There is an other Tradition that one who would slay Saiyiduna: ‘:Ammar RD: would go in Fire [ Of Hell]. Now he say that Saiyiduna: ‘Abu: Gh:adiah claimed that he killed Saiyiduna: ‘:Ammar . Page 1 of 6
Page 2 of 6 But he is a person who was present in the event of Rid:va:n. Forgiveness of all sins is declared for the S:ah:a:bah present in the Event of Rid:va:n. So in the case of Saiyiduna: ‘Abu: Gh:a:diah RD: these traditions and the ‘A:yah conflict. This paradox needs to be solved according to the principles of ‘Ahlussunnah. This shall be done in several Preliminaries Preliminary One There are several answers to this Paradox. But we have taken the one that is more suitable for the Engineer of Jhelum. So choosing one does not mean to reject the others. Preliminary Two According to a Sub-sect of ‘Asha:’irah , that is a Sub-sect of ‘Ahlussunnah, Khulf ‘Al Va’:i:d is Possible. Kh-lf Fil Va’:i:d means “Violation of Announcement of Punishment”. According to them it Mumkin ‘Al Vuqu:’: that God may forgive a person who commit a Sin how so ever great , if God Will. So all the Announcements of Punishments are particularised by the Divine Forgiveness and Mercy [‘:Afv and Magh:f-rah]. Rather suchKh:ulf ‘Al Va’:i:d is Va:jib ‘Al Vuqu:’: in some cases. The only Khulf ‘Al Va’:i:d that is Mumtana’: Bil Gh:air which are Mumtana’: Bil Gh:air the Va’:i:d in regard to Kufr and Shirk. Preliminary Three This means that Kh-lf Fil Va’:i:d is neither Kizb [Falsehood] nor it implies it implies Kizb, in case of Faithfuls . So it is Mumkin Bidh: Dh:a:t but it is not Mumtana’: Bil Gh:air that God Gorgiveth a Faithful/Muslim/Mu’min. So this means that if God Hath Announced a Punishment for a Sin or a Transgression even then a person may be forgiven even if he never repents on his/her act if God Wills so , since all such announcements of punishments are particularised by Divine Mercy and Forgiveness. Preliminary Four It is well known that Mu’:tazilites believe that God Shall never Forgive any a Person who commits an act of Great Sin or Great Transgression. Page 2 of 6
Page 3 of 6 They consider such Kh:-lf as types of Falsehood /Kizb and did not consider such forgiveness as Possible. Some extremists go to the extreme to declare that God doeth not have Power to do so. Preliminary Five So the announcement of eschatological punishment on the Murder or Slaying of Saiyiduna: ‘:Ammar RD: can be violated since Khulf ‘Al Va’:i:d is permitted. But this Khulf becomes not only Mumkin ‘Al Vuqu:’: [Occurenceally Contingent], but Va:jib ‘Al Vuqu:’: . [Occurenceally Necesssary] According to my Excogitation it is Va:jib Bil Gh:air. Since if a Mumkin Bidh: Dh:a:t [Per Alias Contingent] is not Mumtana’: Bil Gh:air [Per Alias Absurd] then it may be termed as Va:jib Bil Gh:air. But not in the meaning of Peripatetic Philosophers who believe that Vajib Bil Gh:air [Per Alias Necessary] implieth Qadi:m Bil Gh:air [Per Alias Eternal]. Sixth Preliminary This means that the Ayah of Forgiveness is a Proof of the Khulf of Va’:i:d in case of announcement of Punishment for the act of Slaying of Saiyiduna: ‘:Ammar RD:, and a Proof for the forgiveness of Saiyiduna ‘Abu: Gh:a:diah RD:. It must be noted that the Va’:id may be in form of a Kh:abar. So if a Va’:i:d is in form of a Kh:abar of Punishment in regard to Future tense even then the Laws of Va’:i:d are applicable and not of Pure Kh:abar. So in thus a Situation it is wrong and incorrect to argue that it is a Kh:abar of a Future event and any violation /Khulf is Either a Type of Falsehood or in implieth a type of Falsehood [Kidh:b] since one a sentence is a Va’:i:d then the Laws of Va’i:d are applicable , Such a Kh:ulf is considered as K-r-m and not Kidh:b. So Kh:ulf of Va’:i:d is not the Kh:ulf of a Promise. Seventh Preliminary It is clear that those ‘Asha:’:irah who do not believe in KH-LF stated above actually undergo in a verbal dispute and not a real dispute. Similarly it is just a verbal dispute with the rest of Sub-sect of Sunnism. Eight Preliminary One may ask that if God is Omniscient then he Eternally Knew that ‘Abu: Qa:diah shall not be punished by this Principle so why did he revealed the announcement of Punishment to the Holy Prophet. The best
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Page 4 of 6 answer is to refute those people who think that if they cannot figure out the reason of a Divine Act then this Means that God Shall not do it even if God Hath the Power to do it. So God did reveal and one of the reason is likely to refute those who ask such questions. This is the Divine Omniscience and Divine Omnipotence which ARE EITHER the Very Divine Per Se Subsistent Essence or are Per Se Associated with the Divine Per Se Subsistent Essence. Conclusion This means that due to the Principle of Khulf ‘Al Va’:i:d there is no contradiction among the ‘Ah:adith: and ‘A:yah. So Mirza Jhelumi is refuted even on his own grounds. THE AUTHORS ARE HONOURED TO BE THE FIRST PERSONS WHO DECLARES SOLEMNLY THAT THE MAN OF THE CAST MIRZA,MIRZA OF JHELUM HAS CEASED TO BE A MUSLIM AND IS NOT A MUSLIM. 14-091440 AH 19-05-2019 Time 11:15 PM. DISCLAIMER THE AUTHORS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DISTORTION OF MEANING DUE TO THE TYPING ERRORS OF THE TYPIST . TO THE FOLLOWERS OF THE MIRZA OF JHELUM. How many proofs do you require to be convinced that the Engineer is a Heretic, an Apostate and an Innovator? Do you still require evidences. See that this person has declared a Tradition of Holy Muslim 3597 as a Tradition of Tah:ri:f in the Text of Qur’a:n. This is a Proof that he is a Denouncer of H:adi:th: . You are informed. We shall not be held responsible for not informing in Qiya:mah ‘Insha:’Allah.
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