Ali mirza and his false accusations on ulma

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ALI MIRZA AND HIS FALSE ACCUSATION ON "ULMA: THAT THEY ACCUSE HIM FALSELY. In some lectures this Engineer namely Engineer "Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum as accused falsely that "Ulama accuse him falesly. The accusation of Engineer of Jhelum is certainly false and incorrect. This cleaver person of Jhelum claims that "Ulm:' have made false accusations on him. "Ali: Mirza has tried to refute these accusations as if they are false. One must obseve the fact that the "Ulma:' are the defenders of Truth of 'Isla:m and 'Ahlussunnah. If they all are making accusations of Apostasy and Heresy on the Engineer of Jhelum then there MUST BE some truth behind these accusations. Ask a Lahori or a Qa:dya:ni Mirzai and he shall say that "Ulma:' are making false accusations against them and against Mirza of Qa:dya:n. Ask a follower of Di:nda:r movement and he shal say that "Ula:' are making a false accusation against them and S:iddi:q Di:n Da:r the founder of this movement. Ask a follower of Ysuf Kadh:dh:a:b and he shal reply that "Ulma:' are making false accusations on them and Yusuf Kadh:dh:a:b. One may watch some interviews of Zaid H:a:mid in this regard and how he attempt to defend this Kadh:dh:a:b. Now the very same trick is also used by the Engineer from Jhelum. There may be some errors in accusations of "Ulma:' upon the Engineer Of Jhelum, yet their principle accusations are correct with certainty. We donot want to make accusations on the personal character of the man from Jhelum namely Engineer "Ali: Mirza: . So we have left a number of them. We are how ever presenting some of those which unearth and unvail his apostatsy , heresy and unorthodoxy.

IRREFUTATBLE ACCUSATIONS OF THE APOSTATE JHELUMITE ENGINEER. 1] "Ali Mirza: does not consider Shirk as Kufr. 2] He believes that some Musricks [Mushrik] are Muslim , they are

neither Original Ka:fir Nor Murtadd and additionally not Z-ndi:q. This is a modified version of Mu"tazilite 'Al M-nz-lah Bain M-nz-l-tain. 3] He believes that Banu 'Umaiah has introduced a flaw [S-Q-M] in the Text of Holy Qur'a:n by dividing them in thirty Parts. Actually there is an 'IJMA:" on it and this division is beyond any objection. An objection on 30 divisions of Qur'a:n is certainly a Kufr. 4] Engineer does not believe that the Voluntary acts of human and Jinn Beings, the Attribute of Will and act of choice [choosing] which emanates and issues from the Attribute of Will are Creation of 'ALL-H the Only Deity. Although he some time claims that 'ALL-H is the only Created of Every Non Eternal thing yet his lectures do imply that he makes an exception for them. 5] He ascribes acts of Fisq and F-ju:r towards Saiyiduna: Mu"a:viah RD: , Saiyiduna: "Am-r Bin 'Al "A:s: RD: etc. yet the engineer "Ali Mirza: is clever enough not to say THEM Fasiq and Fajir explicitly , yet application of these Nouns of Agent ['Ism 'Al Fa:"il ] ARE DIRECTLY deduced from his accusations, statements and sentences of his apostate lectures. 6] He does accuse Mothers of Faithfuls for providing pain [Tkli:f] to Holy Prophet ['Astaghfarullah Min Dh:a:lik]. 7] He declare great Sunni scholars as Nas:ibi. 8] He declares 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RH: as COMMITER OF KUFR. 9] He is absolutely silent upon the authors and books who wrote against S:ah:a:bah RD: . 10] He accuse any one who attempt to defend S:h:a:bah RD: by any charge he chooses, in his attemt to nullify their credibility.

11] He does shew his annoyance to books which support S:ah:a:bah. 12] He misinterpret Traditions as according to his mentality to support Non Sunni sects like sub-sects of Rafid:ism. Uptill now he has delivered 154 lectures and his apostasy, heresy etc. are scattered in his lectures and sermons. It is very strange to see that Engineer of Jhelum who himself does make False Accusations on Noble S:h:a:bah RD: complains that "Ulma:' make false accusations on him. Is this not a Divine Punishment. TO THE FOLLOWERS OF "ALI: MIRZA: FOR THE SAKE OF 'ALL-H PLEASE DRIFT FROM THIS PERSON BEFORE THE ENGINEER MAKES YOU A PERFECT APOSTATE. YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED. IN THE DAY OF QIYA:MAH I /WE SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR NOT INFORMING YOU. YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED. 'ALH:AMDU LILLAH

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