Ali mirza and his false accusations on ulma 2

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WHY ENGINEER "ALI: IS SILENT ON ZUBAIR ALI ZAI. Engineer "Ali: Mirza: declares 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RH: as a committer of Kufr. According to "Ali: Mirza: 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah committed a Kufr when he said that Temporalites [H:ava:dith: /Temporals] do not have Beginning. How ever he provides an a benifit of doubt that 'Ima: 'Ibn Taimiah might have rejected this belief. According to us this Belief is not Kufr. Engineer "Ali: Mirza: may try to declare us as Kafir for not accepting a Kufr as Kufr. But there are certain problems which Engineer "Ali: Mirza: the Heretic mind of Jhelum has to encounter. If Zubair "Ali: Zai the former teacher of "Ali Mirza: did know this belief of 'Ima:m 'ibn Taimiah RH: then he has no choice except to deslare 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RH: to declare him a Kafir. Otherwise he himself becomes Kafir for not declaring a Belief of Kufr as a Kufr. So in this case Zubair "Ali: Zai becomes a Kafir according to the system of thought of "Ali: Mirza of Jhelum. Now "Ali: Mirza Of Jhelum considers Zubair "Ali: Zai as a Muslim who did not declare 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RH:as Kafir. So Engineer "Ali: Mirza: becomes Kafir. His Takfi:r turns back on him. This is a Miracle of 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RH:. Tkfi:r of Engineer turns back on him. The circles is complete. A POSSIBLE REPLY:= Zubair "Ali Zai did not know this sentence and this belief of 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah. Reply to the possible reply. This cannot be accepted since Zubair "Ali: Zai used to study all sorts of books and this belief cannot escape his studies. This is impossible to accept. AN OTHER POSSIBLE REPLY Zubair "Ali: Zai did declare 'Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah RH: as kafir but due to fear of strong opposition he kept silent as Church's Mice.

Answer to second Possible Answer: This cannot be accepted . Such a claim requires a proof. With out any proof nothing can be accepted. Some More Objections On the Engineer: 1] Can "Ali: Mirza: provide a single S:ah:ih: H:adi:th: that states that the belief that H:ava:dith do not have Beginning is Kufr? 2]In lecture 154 Engineer "Ali: Mirza differentiate himself and Jama:"atul Muslimi:n as follow:= The latter declare every one as Kafir, while the former delare every one as Muslim WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THOSE HO ARE MENTIONED IN HIS LECTURE. BUT THIS IS FALSE SINCE HE DECLARES ALL THOSE AS KAFIR WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE BEGINNING OF HAVADITH:

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