A CRITIQUE OF 3 CONCEPTS OF ENGINEER "ALI MIRZA IN HIS LECTURES 148,154,73 . CONCEPT:= 1] IF A PERSON RECITES KAL-MAH AND BELIEVES IN SOME ARTICLES OF SHIRK REMAINS AS A MUSLIM. 2] SOME MUSHRIKS ARE NOT KAFIR. 3] THE PROBLEM OF ALLEGED AND REAL APPLICATION OF VERSES ORIGINALLY APPLIED TO KUFFA:R ON CLAIMENTS OF MUSLIM. The Apostate Engineer "Ali Mirza have discussed some of the most controversal issues in the Muslim world. The first of them shall be discussedb first. According to Engineer "Ali Mirza of Jhelum City some of the reciters of Kal-Mah are still Muslims. He asks for an explicit 'A:yah from Qur'a:n which declares a Person as Kafir if he recites Kal-mah, believes in the Text of Qur'an and in the Prophethood , yet beleaves in some articles [at least one] of Shirk. Engineer "Ali: Mirza: has commited a certain fallacy which was initially invented by Qadya:nies and Baha:ies. They use to ask similar question for a person who did not deny the text of Ayah of Khat-m An Nabi:yyi:n. yet interprete it as according to the Apostate belief of continuety of advent of Prophets or Messengers or Apostles or all. What the fallacy is commited by the Mirza: Of Jhelum the followers of Mirza of Qadian is one and the same though the cases of application of it may be different. If a person disbelieves in a single article of Faith or believes in a single article of Kufr [Apostasy and Blasphamy] he becomes a Kafir . If he continues to claim that he is a Muslim he becomes a Z-ndi:q . Engineer "Ali Mirza has crossed all the limites and is unable to understand that if a person := a] Believes in 'ALL-H b] Text Of Qur'a:n c] Prophethood of Muh:ammaD [p.b.u.h]
d] Believes in the Doomsday/ Day of Judgement [Q-YA:MAH] yet the person still be a kafir if the person believes in some articles of Kufr and Shirk. For example if the person:= 1] Disbelieves in the finality of Holy Prophet [either by denying the text of Ayah or by not denying the text of Ayah but by an interpretation]. 2] Believes that any one other than ALL-H is Necessary Being or Supreme Being. 3] Believes that the World is Eternal . 4] Believes that the Text of Qur'a:n is Z:anni. Etc. There is question what if such a person believes in some Articles Of Shirk [atleast one]. The proper answer is that such a person is a Kafir. In such cases the demand of "Ali: Mirza: is insignificant and incorrect. We give some examples which may be sufficient even for an adudience of "Ali: Mirza. 1] If a Person believes in ALL-H , His Last Prophet, His Final Book, the last Day,yet believes that some Attributes [S:IFA:T] of a Ghairullah are Essential [Z:a:ti:] ,He is NOT a Muslim. 2] If a person believes that God is [Extreme] anthropomorphic he is a Kafir. 3] If a person believes that the Bukha:ri Shari:f is a fabrication , then such a person is a Kafir. 4] If a person believes that Divine Knowledge and Knowledge of the Holy Prophet are exactly equal, and what so ever from Necessaries,Absudities and Posiibilities is known to 'ALL-H is also known to Holy Prophet without any exception with the only different that Divine Knowledge is Eternal and Knowledge of Holy Prophet is not Eternal [or Temporal] then such A person is a Kafir. So if a person believes in an article of Shirk he is a Kafir. Actually Ali Mirza has demanded a proof with is own SELF PROPOSED CONDITIONS from the Text of Holy Qur'a:n. His self proposed conditions are incorrect,invalid and irrelative. THE PROBLEM OF VAH:DATUL VUJU:D "Ali: Mirza: may point at the belief of Unity Of Existence [Vah:datul Vuju:d] which is declared as Shirk by some Sunni Scholars and Which is believed to be not Shirk by some [Sunni Scholars]. "Ali Mirza: may say that Vah:datul Vuju:d is a Shirk but its believers are still Muslim and Not Kafir.
But this is a very dangerous fallacy. Vah:datul Vuju:d is a philosophical term with, various meanings. Actually there are several Mutually Distinct Dogmas which are included under this Term. These forms of Vah:tadul Vuju:d recur frequently in the books of philosophy ,theology religion. European Vah:tadul Vuju:d The idealistic-spiritual type in neo-Platonism and in Spinoza's metaphysics, and the purely idealistic type in the rational absolutism of Hegel are the forms of Modern Vah:tadul Vuju:d [Monism] DIFFEREN JUGEMENTS Each Dogma requires a different judgement from the perspective of 'Isla:m. Some of them are Certainly Kufr and Shirk and Some of Them are Certainly Neither Kufr nor Shirk. Some time this term is also used for Monism. Some time it is used for some thing which is against Duality. Some time this term is used for Pantheistic Immanentism which may be described as follow: Deity indwelleth in the universe as a part of the Universe, not distinct from the Universe. Some time this term is used for Acosmism which may be described as follow: The World doeth not exist as a reality, but only as a manifestation or phenomenon or culmination of Deity. Some time it is used to convey the following meaning: Deity is a reality distinct and seperate from the universe and independent of it, and that the universe is a reality distinct from the Supreme Being, though not independent of the Deity.This just negates the concept that the Universe requires the Creater just for its Creation and once it is Created it is now independent of its Creator. Still there are may versions and dogmas under this Title or Noun and it is very difficult to declare each one of them as Shirk or Kufr. The fallacy commited by Zubair "Ali Zai the former teacher of "Ali: Mirza is that he was unable to realize this reality of plurality of Dogmas under one title Vah:datul Vuju:d. The Problem Of 'Ibn "Arabi Ibn "Arabi and his book F-S:U:S: 'AL H:-K-M are problematic since followers of different
digmas of Vah:datul Vuju:d ascribe their respective dogmas towards them. This has made his book one of the most controversal book in the history of mankind. Perhaps the best version of Vah:datul Vujud is presented in a commentary on Khus:u:s: Al K-l-m by Maulana "Ashraf "Ali: Thanvi , Raud:ul M-ju:d by Fad:l Haqq of Khairabad, Maulana Qasim Nanautavi has also explained in in his different lectures and books like: Muba:h:th:ah Shah Jahan Pur,Melah Khuda Shana:si, Hujjatul 'Islam and Taqri:r E Dil Pazi:r, and M-naz:ira e "Aji:biah. Unfortunately one has to extract the contents from these works to understand Vah:datul Vuju:d. "Abqa:t by Sha:h 'isma:"il RH: is also a good book to understand Vahdatul Vuju:d. Any how the dogmas of Vahdatul Vuju:d which are Shirk cannot be confused by the dogmas of Vah:datul Vuju:d which are not Shirk. A safe opinion about Ibn "Arabi is that any opinion about him depends upon what he believed. As it is extremly difficult to make a Judgement and no Judgement is Certain one must remain silent . Any how we have presented the possible objection of Engineer Ali Mirza based on a book of his former teacher. These forms of metaphysical Vahdatul Vuju:d frequently in the history of philosophy; Even Spinoza's metaphysics, is a type of European Vah:datul Vuju:d. Vah:datul Mauju:d is a kind of Vahdatul Vuju:d but there are several other types. Mujaddid 'Alf Th:a:ni: who believed in Vah:taush Shahu:d was actually a believer in Kath:ratul Vujuda:t [Plurality of Existences]. Imam 'Ibn Taimiah was also a believer of Plurality Of Existences. Yet both have different forms of it . Mudaddid was a believer of Unity of Essence [Vah:datudh: Dh:a:t] some thing analogous to Spinoza in appearent but actually some what different. Ima:m 'Ibn Taimiah disbelieved in Unity of Essence and believed in Plurality Of Essences as well.[Kath:ratudh: Dh:ava:t]. 2] The claim that some Muslims are Mushrik is as incorrect as the claim some Shirk is Isla:m. Or some Kufr is Isla:m. It is very strange that Engineer "Ali: Mirza: has claimed such a thing just to make his follower to be reluctant to different sects.
If a belief is Shirk then one who believes in it is a Mushrik and is out of the folds of 'Isla:m even if he believes in all the other articles and Axioms of Islam. "Ali Mirza has attempted to differentiate between a Shirk of Kuffa:r of Makkah and the Shirk of Heretics. So according to him the latter Shirk is not Kufr implying that according to him this type of Shirk is Minor Shirk ['ASHSHIRK AL 'AS:GH:AR] and Not 'ASHSHIRK 'AL 'AKBAR [Major Shirk] which is definately Kufr. But the question is if these articles of Shirk are not Shirk then on what grounds "Ali Mirza: claims that they are Shirk. So the very ground of his statments and declarations become problematic and controversal even upon his grounds. One may challange "Ali Mirza: for proving these believes as Shirk, by asking similar self conditioned types of proofs which Ali Mirza has invented to ask against Muvah:h:di:n [Islamic Unitists]. We repeat a question . If a person believes in 'ALL-H ,His Prophet, in the Text Of Qur'a:n, etc like a Muslim and yet believes that some Knowledge of a Nabi: or a Vali: is Essential [Dh:a:ti] and Not "At:a:'i [not Bestowed] , then whether such a person is a Muslim or not. Since accroding to the Creteria Of "Ali: Mirza of Jhelum such a person is still a Muslim yet a Mushrik Muslim and not a Muvah:h:id Muslim. Even a person who believes an Essental Knowledge for a Ghairullah , which is not only less then Divine Knowledge but just equal to a single Point Particle [Dh:arrah] is Kafir and Mushrik according to Rad:a Shah Bans Barailvi. Thus From the point of view of 'Ah:mad R-d:a: Of Bans Baraili such a person is a Kafir and a Mushrik. But from the standard of Mirza Of Jhelum such a person is still a Muslim and not a Kafir.
But the question is if such a person is not a Kafir then this implies that according to "Ali Mirza of Jhelum the belief of Essential Knowledge for any Ghairullah is a Shirk but NOT A KUFR. It is very strange that "Ali Mirza declares the belief that Temporals do not have a Beginning ascribed to 'imam 'Ibn Taimiah RH: as Kufr and the believes of some Mushrik Claiment of being Muslims as not Kufr. Actually the thing is that Engineer "Ali Mirza is an Enemy of S:ah:abah and any one who
defended :Sah:abah is a Kafir in eyes of Engineer "Ali Mirza. He has no principle of Takfi:r. We ask "Ali Mirza: what was the opinion of his former Teacher Zubair "Ali: Zai about the Shirk of those beople who claim to be Muslim? As "Ali Mirza was a questionative person it is extremly unlikely that he had not ask this question to his former Teacher. We shall ask the proper students of Zubair "Ali Zai to make response on the any possible answer of "Ali Mirza. We can savely ascribe to "Ali Mirza that he does not believe believes like OMNIVOLENCE Of Ghairullah , "Ilm 'Al Ghaib of Ghairullah, believes of Assitence from deads etc . as Shirk but not Kufr. It is informed that the family members of this Engineer still hold belief in articles of Shirk and in order to save his relatives and family members he has declared that such people are Muslims though Mushriks. The Problem of Creativity of a Creation. A number of Sunni scholars believes that the Belief that some Created Rational Beings are the Creator of their Voluntary Acts. Some of them do not declare them as Mushriks. See Taftazani: RH:. [Sharh: 'Al "Aqa:'id Nasfi] The problem is clear that these Mu"tazilah are Mushrik . How ever it is doubtful what is meant by the word Kha:liq by them. Some of Sunni Scholars who did not declared these Mu"tazilah as Kafir and Mushrik , because they did not agree with others in the meaning of Creator [Kha:liq/Mukauvin]. They thought that the meaning is different. It is not the problem of division Attribute of Creativity in Essential and Bestowed implying an Essential Creator and Bestowed Creator, but use of the word Creator in the meaning of Agent and the word Creation [ Takh:li:q/Takvi:n] in the meaning of Acting ,Action and Agency. ANALYZATION OF ALI MIRZA Ali Mirza divides Muslims in two groups. 1] Mushrik Muslims 2] Muvah:h:id Muslims. Such a distinction is it self a heresy. But "Ali Mirza does not think that if He can dispute upon a Shirk , whether it be Kufr or not
one can apply the same trick by asking him to prove whether these articles of Believes are Shirk or not. ALI MIRZA DOES NOT INTERPRET THE WORDS OF SUCH PEOPLE OTHERWISE THEIR LITERAL MEANINGS BUT EXPLAINS THEM LITERALLY IMPLYING THAT ALI MIRZA IS HIMSELF A MUSHRIK. 3] There are two different cases. Some verses of Qur'a:n which were initially applied on Kuffar of "Arab in the time of N-zu:l were applied to Muslim ['Ahlussunnah] by Khavarij. This is incorrect and invalid. On the contrary Such type of verses can be applied to Mushriks , Kafirs and Z-ndi:q . This argument is the most used argument by Qadyanis and Lahories [two Mirzai sects], since they are declared as Kaifir and the verses applied on Kafir are applied on them, they try to save themselves by making this argument. "Ali Mirza is trying to use the same argument by some Mushrik against 'Ahlussunnah. It may be the case that some Mushrik claiments of being Muslim might have used this argument against Muslims. Actually there is a difference of using a verse against Heretical Kufa:r and Muslim ,which was initially and originally applied to Kuffa:r of Makkah during the time of Revelation of Holy Speech 'Al Qur'a:n. Once again "Ali: Mirza is confusing two different types of application of verses on Kuffa:r of relative future from the time of Revelation .1] Valid 2] Invalid. If a person accepts an article of Shirk or begens to believe in it there is only one result. He ceases to be a Muslim. If he does cease to be a Muslim then he cannot be declared as a Muslim and a number of verses which were initially applicable to Mushriks of the period of Revelation, are certainly applicable to him with CERTAINTY. But same verse cannot be applicable to Muva:h:id Sunni since there is neither any shirk nor any kufr and also not both in his believes.
Khairabadi Division Khairabadi devides Shirk in two groups. 1] To believe that any Ghairullah deserves to be Worshipped. 2] Believe any Ghairullah is Vajibul Vuju:d [Necessary Being]. A part from these two believes they disbelieve any other belief as Shirk.
This was based on misinterpretation of the Commentary authored by 'Ima:m Taftaza:ni RH. The division is notcomprehensive as pointed by 'Ahlusunnah of Deoband. But some add an other belief as perfect Shirk which may be stated as follow:= 3] To believe that any Ghairullah is Qadi:m [ETERNAL]. This is a certain evidence that the division in the work stated above is not comprehensive But Rada shah of Bans Baraili changed every thing when he divide Shirk in only two beliefs 1] Essential Attributes 2] Bestowed Attributes. A CHALLEGE TO THE ENGINEER "ALI MIRZA: If a Person Recites K-LMAH and belives in different articles and Axioms of 'Islam but believes that God has an Eternal Hypostasis which according to him is issued intrinsically from the Divine Essence, and he neither call this supposed Hypostasis ['Aqnaum] as Son nor as Holy Spirit [Holy Ghost] , and also not call this Supposed Hypostasis as God/Deity ['Ila:h] then the question is whether this person is a Mushrik or not. If yes then an other Question is whether this person is a Kafir or not. If the answer to the last question is in Affirmation then the challenge to "Ali Mirza is to prove that this person is Kafir from his own standard. 'Insha: 'ALL-H "Ali Mirza shall never be able to answer this question. CONCLUSION "Ali: Mirza: actually believes that a Number of Believes of Shirk as not Shirk and that is the only possible reason he does not declare the believer of these believes as not Kafir. But due to the influence of Zubair "Ali Zai he could not declare them as not Shirk. So he invented a new idea that some Shirk are not Shirk of Kufr. Tauh:i:d and Shirk are opposites and there is no Shirk in 'Isla:m . This implies that he believes that they are Minor Shirk and not Major Shirk. One may see these tendencies in "Ali: Mirza:'s lectures when he said that there is no dispute over the issue whether a Ghairullah has Omnivolence or not.
Result :=
ANY MIRZA IS A MUSHRIK ACCORDING TO HIS OWN STANDARD. Also he is unable to prove that those who declare such persons as Kafir are Kafir.