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A CRITIQUE OF LECTURE 169,SOME PORTIONS OF 71a ,57 . Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is a Ra:fid:i: yet he has partial tendencies of Kh:ava:rij. The question is what are the main features of a the Sect of Kh:ava:rij. 1]All Kh:va:rij declare the following S:ah:abah as Ka:fir or Not A Mu’min. [Na”u:dh:ubillah] 1.1] Saiyiduna: “Uth:ma:n RD: 1.2] Saiyiduna: “Ali: RD: 1.3] Saiyiduna: Mu”a:viah RD: 1.4] They even declare Saiyidatuna: “A:’ishah RD: as Kafir /Ka:firah [Na”udh:billah]. 2]The were extremists in Takfi:r and they use to declare any one as Ka:fir even on the Issues of ‘ijtiha:d. .Page 2 of 30

Page 3 of 30 ; This is the tendency that is found in Engineer “Ali: Mirza:. How ever this tendencies has some limits in the case of the Heretic and Apostate Engineer. Engineer “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum declares a large number of Scholars who are either ‘Ahlussunnah or are ascribed to ‘Alussunnah as disrespecting or blaspheming ‘ALL-H,RASU:L and Some Basis Principles of ‘’Isla:m. From Mudaddid ‘Alf Th:a:ni Rh to Maulana: ‘Ashraf “Ali: Thanvi Rh, Engineer “Ali Mirza: is declares every one of them as a disrespector of Holy Personalities , Principles of ‘Isla:m and even Divine Essence Himself. He even accuse ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: of Bans Baraili: as a disrespector of Religion, and Holy Personalities, and Divine Essence Himself. He declares ‘Ibn “Arabi as Disrespetor. The problem is that the believes in the literal meaning of any portion of text that is necessary to be interpreted and not to be taken in Literal meaning. That is why he declares ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah Rh: as Commiter of Kufr. Why does Engineer “Ali: Mirza: does not interpret a proof text which may have some objectionable literal meaning. This tendency is inherited to Engineer Ali: Mirza: from his former teacher the simple minded Zubair “Ali: Zai. Unfortunately Zubair “Ali: Zai had takfiri: tendencies. He did not believe that Scholars of Hanafites are Muslim. Similarly he did not believe a number of S:u:fiah as Muslim. So this is the reason he even borrowed objections of ‘Ah:mad Rada: of Bans Baraili against great H:anafi: Scholars. But he even accused ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: Of Bans Baraili as Blasphemer and a disgracer as well. He did completed the incomplete circle of Takfi:r made by ‘Ah:mad Rad:a of Bans Baraili and enclosed even ‘Ah:mad Rada: of Bans Baraili in the circle. But this was not the end of the work. Soon Zubair “Ali: Zai made the circle an Ellipse and included some of the great ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: scholars in its circumference. But there are several possible interpretations and explanations of such proof texts which prevents a person from Takfi:r. In books of Fiqh it is written that if there are hundred meanings of a text and ninety nine of them are pure kufr and just one of them is ‘isla:m even then the author of the text cannot be declared as Ka:fir or Commitor of Kufr. But this is still a subcase. The truth is that which may be given in the following mathematical form. Let T be a Text ant Let n be a number of interpretations, explanations, meanings of the Text. Let n be a Natural Number how so ever large, . Let (n-1) of these meanings, interpretations etc. are Kufr. .Page 3 of 30

Page 4 of 30 ; Let only one of them is Not Kufr . In this case the author of the Text is a Muslim and not a Ka:fir and the Text is not Kufr. Obviously n canbe greater than 100 [Hundred]. In may cases Zubair “Ali: Zai made his own scenario to declare a person as Ka:fir. I my self wrote against Zubair “Ali:, in my personal questionnaire to Zubair “Ali: Zai. But he was unable to response properly. I did ask what you say about Saiyiduna: Sha:h ‘isma:”i:l Shahi:d since he believed in a particular type of Vah:datul Vuju:d. Was he Ka:fir according to you? Zubair “Ali Zai did not respond. For he was afraid that I may take his epistle to different scholars of ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: and may ask them to comment on this Zubair “Ali Zai. When he declared ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband has Ka:fir on the issue of Per Se Contingency of Falsehood/Falsity in the Divine Statements [Assertive and Negative Sentences] and said some disgrace words and sentences against some scholars of ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband particularly Maula:na: Rashi:d Junjuhi/Gunguhi:, I immediatlely wrote “ What does you say about Sha:h ‘Isma:”i:l Shahi:d in this regard. I also quoted from Yakrozah Shari:f, yet there was no response. But latter he received a oral message through one of his students that he did not consider even Sha:h ‘Isma:”i:l Shahi:d as Muslim. Zubair “Ali: Zai also said some disrespecting sentences against ‘Ima:m Suyu:t:I, ‘Ibn H:ajr, Maulana Nava:b S:iddi:q, Maulana: Th:ana:’ullah ‘Amrithsari, and even to ‘Ima:m Sh-u-ka:ni: Rahmatullah “Alihim . Zubair . Greate ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: scholars advised him to not become a Takfiri:. But Zubair “Ali: Zai did not listen. After his death I received a response of him through one of the narrators. “If the texts of these persons can be interpreted then there are some similar texts in the books of some persons who are agreed to be Ka:fir, by all. So what is the discriminent . Why there texts are not interpreted. But by the time I received this report Zubair “Ali: Zai had passed away to face the Divine Essence for his deeds and astray from ‘Ahlul H:adith: and Maligning ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: and confusing ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: with Kh:va:rij. Although he was no more yet I responded to the argument and it shall be given below. Zubair “Ali: Zai did condemn scholars like ‘Ima:m Gha:za:li, ‘Ima:m Suyu:t:i:, Mujaddid ‘alf Th:ani, Shah “Abdul “Azi:z, Sha:h ‘Isma:”i:l. Saiyid ‘Ah:mad Shahi:d,Maula:na Qa:sim Nanautavi, Maulana: Kh:ali:l Ah:mad Muha:jir Madani, Maulana “Ashraf “Ali Thanvi, Maulana Nava:b S:iddi:q ,Maulana Nadh:i:r Dhalivi,’Ima:m Sh-u:-ka:ni etc. He was a Takfi:ri and a Tafsi:qi mechine. But may of his Tafi:ra:t and Tafsiqa:t were oral and due to possible reaction of Scholars of ‘ahlul H:adi:th: he was careful in his

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Page 5 of 30 ; writings. Yet he had great respect for Maula:na: ‘Irsha:dul Haqq ‘Atha:ri. On some occasions he remained silence due to the fear that he might be contradicted by this great scholar. After the death oF Zubair “Ali: Zai many supporters and assistants of Zubair “Ali: Zai reverted to the mainstream of ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: . One of the great Nouns is ‘Abu: Ja:bir Da:ma:nvi who reverted from his views against Yazi:d, and said that his book about Yazi:d is an error of past , and now he abrogate [Tansi:kh:] it. Now we come to point out that Engineer “Ali: Mirza who is a cunning enemy of S:aha:bah and Sunni Scholars did borrowed from Zubair “Ali: Zai but he never condemned the Rava:fid: for any thing in their works. Uptill now Engineer “Ali : Mirza: has advocated Rava:fid: and he is as silent as church’s mice against them and their scholars. Why? Because he want to convey an implicit massage to those who have not studied the books and works of Rava:fid: scholars that infidelity particularly blasphemy is found in the books and works of ‘Ahlussunnah ‘s scholars and it is absent from the books of Rava:fid: scholars. Some of our students did face a situation when two audiences of Engineer stated the same thing stated above when they were argued by the argument that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: accuse ‘Ahlussunnah Scholars of different subsects of ‘Ahlussunnah be infidelity in general and blasphemy in particular. They were immediately shown may portions of the works of Ravafid: where there are such passages. After seeing then the irrefutable evidences, their response was as follow:= “This means that both sects are equal in blasphemy and Infidelity. So why you accuse of them and not both of them?” One of the student replied that “ Go and ask this question to the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: and then ask us”. This is just to report the conspiracy engineered by the Engineer does appear to work , and it is engineered geniusly by an evil genius mind of the Engineer. Before going in further details it is necessary to answer the fallacious argument of Zubair “Ali: Zai stated above:= If a person is proved to be a Non Muslim or a Murtadd by denying any thing which causes Kufr or accepting any thing which causes Kufr then his other statements which have both types of Meanings Kufr and Not Kufr are not interpreted since this benefit is only for Muslims. An ambiguous sentence of a Muslim is interpreted but a similar ambiguous statement of a Kafir is not interpreted even if it is possible to be interpreted in the similar way. So this rule must be followed. This is the rule of Fiqh and not of Logic. Fiqh does not say that it is impossible to interpret an ambiguous sentence of a Non Muslim , but it saith That one cannot be declare as Kafir on the basis of ambiguous sentences. How ever there are some cases when scholars differ about the nature of some sentences of an author. Some claim that they are unambiguous while some claim that the are ambiguous. In such situation it depends upon a person who researches in the find. Research may differ from researcher to researcher, and a person who is involved in the debate either must research himself/herself or compare different researched in this regard and make an opinion on the basis of comparison. But no research can be claimed as ultimate and final. Some time antithesis are presented to very strong thesis and this .Page 5 of 30

Page 6 of 30 ; weakens the thesis. For example ‘Ibn “Arabi is explained differently by different scholars. Some claim that his sentences are Unambiguously Kufr, some say they are Unambiguously Not Kufr and some claim that they are Ambiguous, neither Unambiguously Kufr nor Unambiguously Not Kufr. In such cases even if the original person is a Kafir, the one who does not take the meaning of the Kufr from the text of the sentence , and declares him as Muslim is still a Muslim. Similarly if the original person is a Muslim, the one who does take the meaning of the Kufr from the text of the sentence , yet declares him as Muslim is a Ka:fir. For example if a person who denies the ‘Ijma:” on the Thirty Divisions/Parts of Holy Qur’an or believes in any other number of Divisions /Parts say Twenty Nine or Thirty One or else , is a Munkir of ‘Ijma:” and is not a Muslim, So if he says any ambiguous sentence which have some meanings of Kufr and some of ‘Isla:m, is not given the benifint of doubt and not interpretation is acceptable even if it is Possible. But if there is another person who says a similar sentence but there is no Kufr on his part ,then his ambiguous sentences are interpreted. This is the reason that some times some followers of some Apostate persons argue in the similar way as the argument reported to us from Late Zubair “Ali: Zai. But they neglect the basis point. That is when a person is declared as Ka:fir on some Unambiguous and Explicit Sentence , his ambiguous sentences are not interpreted even if they can be interpreted How ever the point that MUST BE noted is that the Takfi:r of such a person under the present discussion is based on the basis of Explicit or Unambiguous Sentences or both, and not on the ambiguous or inexplicit or both types of sentences. This is the reason that if some followers of the apostate person (who so ever he may be) begin to interpret him, their interpretation cannot save him from Kufr. Some scholars do impose a condition that the number of such ambiguous sentences must not be large but small in compare to his books and works. But others do not impose any condition and the apply the rules and principles to any number f sentences


( ) However in some cases such followers may make a fallacious argument that it is injustice (It is Unjust) to make interpretations for some and not to make interpretations for some. But they do miss the point that is just stated and sentenced above. Zubair “Ali: Zai was a simple minded person he could work on the ‘Asna:d of Traditions yet he was not expert on the other fields , so he became strict on the issues where strictness was not allowed. However he was a thousand times better then Engineer “Ali: Mirza:. When even he realized that his view is unique among ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: he used to become silent and tried to skip the issue. Several times he kept silent in front of many great ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: scholars who declared him incorrect. He respected some of the elder Scholars of his time. He used to defend Saiyiduna: Mu”a:viah RD: and was annoyed by ‘Ish:a:q Jhal Vala called him as Jahu:l (Authentic oral report) since ‘Ish:a:q Jha:l Vala was a Heretic even in his eyes.

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Page 7 of 30 ; But the enmity of H:anfiah lead Zubair “Ali: Zai to borrow any thing from any one against great H:anafi: scholars even from ‘Ah:mad Rad:a of Bans Baraili. I myself wrote that that allegations of ‘Ah:mad Rad:a Of Bans Baraili on ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband are never seconded by Great ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: scholars of highest eminent not in pre partition period but even after the partition of Indian Subcontinent . He did not replied once again since it is a very powerful argument. His argument was usually as follow as reported by others who argued from the Fata:va: of mainstream of ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: on different issues. “ I am not a Muqallid of ‘Alul H:di:th of 13 th and 14 th centuries {Hijrah}.” Such argument were used against Zubair “Ali Zai, that “We are Not your Muqallid” and he used to be answerless initially then he devised an answer. He said “Do not follow me but follow the truth”. He was responded that truth is not with you as you think. This answer used to make him furious and he used to stand up. But the same response may be given to Engineer “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum.

TEXTS PRESENTED BY ENGINEER “ALI: MIRZA: AS ALLEGED PROOF TEXTS OF HIS CLAIMS. A number of of texts presented by “Ali: Mirza , to support his claim that they are Blasphemous and Abusing in regard to Prophets and even to Divine Essence [Dh:a:tul Ba:ri:] Himself are Not Blasphemous at all. Only that the Engineer has attempted to explain them in a Blasphemous may. So if then it is not only not necessary to deny the claims of blasphemies and infidelities ascribed to great Sunni scholars but it is necessary to refute and answer the false claims of Blasphemies and Infidelites ascribed to these noble characters. The best way is to discuss in detail each and every presented proof text one by one.

PROBLEM OF ‘AHMAD RAD:A OF BANS BARAILI. Maulavi Rad:a: Of Bans Baraili was the first person in subcontinent who misinterpreted texts of contemporary scholars , some elder scholars of his time and some great scholars before his time and declared them as Ka:fir and Mutadd [Na”udh:u Billah]. After him his successors also attemted to defend those false allegations. Which were made by ‘Ahmad Ra:da of Bans Baraili. It is well proved that all the alleged Blasphemies and so called infidelities were attempted to be generated from the well known disputed issues. For example the allegation of Blasphemy on Maula:na ‘Ashraf “Ali: Tha:nvi RD: is attempted to be generated from the dispute that whether “Ilm ‘Al Ghaib is Incommunicable Attribite or a Communicable Attribute of Divine Essence, Similarly the objection on Maula:na Kh:ali:l ‘Ahmad M-ha:jir Mad-ni: is based on the dispute of Kul “Ilm Ma: Ca:na Va Yaku:na.

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Page 8 of 30 ; The false allegation of denying the finality of Holy Prophet on Maula:na Qa:sim Nanautavi: RD: is based on the dispute of existence of Prophets on other Earths [Inhabitable planets/planets suitable for intelligent life form]. The false allegation of occurrence of falsehood/falsity in the Divine Assertive/Affirmative or Negative Sentences is based on the dispute of Divine Omnipotence upon Falsehood/Falsity in Divine Sentences stated above. Following his footsteps Captain Retired “Uth:ma:ni tried to declare a number if great Sunni Scholars and S:ufies. Then some tried to shoot ‘Ahmad Rad:a of Bans Baraili by his own bow and arrows. They find similar texts in his works/books and declared him and a number of his followers as Ka:fir on similar grounds, which he once used for others. Zubair “Ali: Zai: tried to declared all the great ‘Ah:na:f guilty of Blasphemies , and was great opponent of Vah:datul Vuju:d. But he realized that ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband are the true representative of ‘Ah:na:f and Barailis are not , so he tergetted the former mentioned in the sentence using the allegation of Bans Barailites’ founder. Engineer “Ali: Mirza did generalize his act and included a number of Baraili scholars in his deadly attempt to declare that his is the the ultimate and only the correct person. What he wants to say that he is the only person who is free from blasphemy and there is no scholar of ‘Ahlussunnah who is free from blasphemous activities. Engineer “Ali: Mirza purports to be free from sects but what is the freedom , the declaration that all the great scholars are Infidels and Blaspheme. This is the ‘Isla:m of the Engineer but actually an other religion in the Noun Of ‘Isla:m.Even we do dispute from ‘Ah:mad Rad:a Of Bans Baraili and declare him as heretic on several issues yet we do not declare him heretic just due to some ambiguous texts of sentences (whether similar to that of ‘Ahlussunnah upon whom ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: of Bans Baraili made objections) or not, but on the explicit texts of sentences of his believes.This shews that the principles must be followed even for the arch- nemesis. But on the contrary the this person Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is a Principle-less person. He neither respect any rule nor obeys any regulation. His ideas are unsystematic and usually unsound. “Ali Mirza:’s alleged sectless ‘Isla:m Engineer “Ali: Mirza is a great deceiver. He calls to become Muslim and claims that he does not declare any Muslim sect as Ka:fir, but the cost of his conspiracious declaration is that an ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband must declare all his elders as Ka:fir, an ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: must declare all his elders as either Ka:fir or Fa:siq, a Barailvi must declare all his elders as Ka:fir. This is the cost. But there is no cost for Rava:fid:. A Ra:fid:i: has no cost to pay. He does not have to declare his elders as Ka:fir or Fa:siq.


This is the religion that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is presenting in the name of ‘Isla:m. ( ) There can be several debates and discussion on each allegation of Engineer “Allegation of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum.

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Page 9 of 30 ; Those who follow him must know that it is not an easy task to declare any one as Ka:fir just on the basis of some literal meaning of an interpretable text .‘Ah:mad Rad:a: of Bans Baraili did not know that what he had invented would one day be used not only against him but even for S:ah:a:bah RD: as well. Even Zubair “Ali Zai was unable to conceive the conspiracy behind all this. The cost of “Ali: Mirza’s sectless ‘Isla:m is to declare a large number of Sunni scholars as Committers of Kufr. “Ali: Mirza: follows the way of Mas”u:d ‘Ahmad of Jama:”atul Muslimi:n , since he himself is a Sect/Firqah yet he purports to be a sect less ‘Isla:m as if he is the ultimate authority of ‘Isla:m . “Ali: Mirza: follows the way of ‘Ah:mad of Ba:ns Baraili , since he himself is a founder o Sect/Firqah yet he purports to be a sect less Sunnism as if he is the ultimate authority of Sunnism .

Example 1: [It may be noted that the word ‘Al Gh:aib in the term /phrase “Ilm ‘Al Gh:aib is taken in the literal meaning and not in the terminological meaning by some claimants of “Ilm ‘Al Gh:aib for Ghairullah. Maulana: ‘Ashraf “Ali: Thanvi made not only a beautiful but also a wonderful irrefutable argument of the stated above word in the literal meaning in the stated above phrase/term] “Ilm ‘Al Ghaib is an Incommunicable Divine Attribute. That is that it is the Divine Attribute and it is Impossible for Ghairullah Essentially [‘Adh:a:ti] and Non Essentially [Ghairudh:a:ti] alike. So to believe that a Ghairullah is ascribed with the Non Essential Type of an incommunicable Divine Attribute is Shirc/Shirk. What Maula:na: ‘Ashraf “Ali: of Thanah Bhavan did argue may be resentenced as follow. If the Knowledge of a Ghairullah comprehendeth each and every individual [ALL/JAMI:” individuals ] of infinite Individuals of ‘Al Gh:aib, then it is Absolute Impossible. So no Ghairullah can be termed as “A:lim ‘Al Gh:aib and no Gh:airullah can be ascribed by the Incommunicable Attribute of “Ilm ‘Al Gh:aib/ “Ilmulgh:aib. So in this is an Absolute Impossible [Absolutely Impossible] case. If the Knowledge of a Ghairullah Comprehendeth some of the Individuals and finite number of Individuals of ‘Algh:aib then there is specification for Prophets in general and Holy Prophet in Particular since since in this Case this type of ‘Al Gh:aib is known to even lower animals and animals other than humans. .Page 9 of 30

Page 10 of 30 ; But this type of Sentence was declared as blasphemuous by ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: of Bans Baraili because he knew the power of this irrefutable argument. Sticking on the urdu word ‘Aisa which have a variety of meanings , ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: first took this word in the meaning of Equality then he shifted to the meaning of sameness. But he did not accepted any other meaning. The weakness of allegation of ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: Bans Barailvi can be seen when in his desperate attempt he tried to shift this argument on Divine Omnipotence. The same can be seen in the lectures of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum since he agreed with ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: of Bans Baraili that “Ilm ‘Al Gh:aib is a Communicable Attribute and not an Incommunicable Attribute. But what was the problem of Zubair “Ali: Zai. The simple minded Zubair “Ali: Zai wanted to declare each and every Great H:anafi Scholar as Ka:fir/Ca:fir. In his zeal he borrowed from ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: of Bans Baraili with out knowing the consequences of his conspiracy . This does shew that both the teacher and the telephonic student were actually working on two different agendas . The simple minded Zubair “Ali: Zai overlooked the consequences and the cunning minded Engineer did know some of the consequences. But his cunningness is more than his knowledge and rationality [intelligence] alike . That is why this amazing apostate did not tried to understand the meaning of the text properly.

Example 2 Most popular argument of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum is on “Ali: H-jvari: RH: According to the apostate Engineer “Ali H-jvairi RH: BLASPHAMED against Holy Prophet when he wrote Holy Prophet Unintentionally and accidently saw some thing that he should not see. How ever this claim though is incorrect yet it is based on a fabricated report. “Ali: H-jvairi RH:: did quote a fabricated report yet he did not invent it. As he was not a scholar of reports he cannot be declared as K:afir just because he trusted on an untrustable and fabirated report. He was not a scholar of testing the reports, so it was natural to make a mistake what so ever. This is not a new discussion and much debate have been done on this issue of Cashful Mah:ju:b. When “Ali: H-jvairi was defended by An ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband , Maulavi ‘Ish:a:q of Fais:al Abad used this


argument to defend Rava:fid: scholars against S:ah:abah RD:. ( ) Maulvi ‘Ish:a:q the Ra:fid:i: argued that in Scholars of Rava:fid: may also be given the same benefit which was given to “Ali: H-jvairi since there are reports which ascribe evil acts and deeds to S:ah:a:bah. .Page 10 of 30

Page 11 of 30 ; He was responded as follows:= 1] Although the tradition is a fabrication yet it neither ascribes any Sin nor any transgression to Holy Prophet since the act which this fabricated tradition ascribes is an involuntary and unintentional act. So it is neither an Error nor a Sin. So such an act is not against the innocence and infallibility of Prophets. If neither a Sin nor a Transgression then then it is not a disgrace of a Prophet but an ascription of an act based on a fabricated tradition. In case of S:ah:abah the acts ascribed to their personalities are intentional and voluntary so they constitute Sins and Transgressions. The difference between intentional and unintentional acts is essential and substantive. To neglect the difference is a fallacy. 2] An error committed by a Sunni scholar is different from the believes of heretic scholars. 3] To argue from a fabricated tradition is cannot be Kufr unless and otherwise it contradicts the basic principles and Axioms of ‘Isla:m and ‘Ahlussunnah. Yet the argument is Certainly Wrong and Certitudely Incorrect. 4] Although it is correct that such an act is impossible for Holy Prophet since infallibility implies the Relative Impossibility of this act but it is the case that “Ali: H-jvairi committed a mistake for limiting the infallibility to intentional and voluntary acts. Such an error is not Kufr nor disgrace even from Barailvi standard.Since an unintentional act cannot be Tark of ‘-u:la: 5] Rava:fid: try to make objections on S:h:abah yet “Ali: H-jvairi did not made any objection on Prophet. 6]Some what similar act is ascribed to Saiyiduna: Davu:d in some weak traditions , but they are not considered as disgrace for him. So the same is true in this conditions. Although Ish:aq Jha:l Vala was unable to was unabe to respond them but he did make some fun of the answers. He was asked to become serious and to discuss in proper way but he was unable todo as he was asked to do. He only said such an act is Impossible for Holy Prophet. He was responded to determine and definitize the error of “Ali H-jvairi. He responded that the basic flaw is that to look at some parts of a Woman unintentionally is also some thing that is against the infallibility . He was responded that it is correct but the point of discussion is not whether this is against the infallibility or not , but it is that if some one do not consider it against the infallibility then whether it is Kufr or not. It is not the matter of S:h:abah and Prophet but it is the matter of intentional act and unintentional act. This made him to repeat some arguments which he had made earlier and did not say any thing new. So every thing became clear.

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Page 12 of 30 ; 7] One more argument that could be presented to ‘Ish:a:q Jha:l but was not presented is as follow:= It is one of the most authentic and authorative tradition that a Stone/Rock stole the clothes of Holy Prophet Mu:sa: Peace Be Upon Him , AND He was seen with out clothes by a group of people. If some parts of Prophet can be looked at with out disgrace since they are unintentional and this is not against infallibility , how can it be some thing against infallibility if Some Parts of Woman is seen unintentionally by a Prophet. Engineer “Ali: Mirza: must have known that similar arguments are made by Munkirs of ‘Ah:adi:th: against the tradition in regard to Saiyiduna: Mu:sa: “AS. Is he going to make similar claims against the Mu:sa: - Stone Event as he has made against Kahf ‘Al Mah:ju:b and its author. Some day it may not be today this Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is likely to become a denouncer of ‘Ah:adi:th:, since his path which has chosen leads to this heresy, heresy of denouncing traditions.

THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “ALI MIRZA: AND ‘ISH:A:Q JHA:L VALA. While “Ali: Mirza: wanted to declare “Ali: H-jvairi as Kafir and Mutadd , Ish:a:q Fais:al ‘Aba:di wanted to defend Rava:fid: Rava:fid: He did not declared “Ali: H-jvairi as Kafir or Murtadd or both. Each one of the two heretics have their own reasons to use an Error of a Great S:u:fi Scholar. It may amuse the lovers of “Ali: H-jvairi of Lahore the author of Cashf ‘Al Mah:ju:b that “Ali: Mirza: incorrectly considered an Error as Blasphemy.

An argument in support of the claim that “Ali: H-jvairi did not commit a Kufr If to look at a clotheless woman accidently and unintentionally is a disgrace as just an act of chance is something that is against the infallibility of Prophets and a disgrace then “Ali: Mirza: is asked to provide some ‘Ah:a:dith: which explicitly say that:= 1] Such an act was Impossible for Holy Prophets during their respective lifetimes . 2] One who hold this view is a disgracer of Holy Prophets. It I known that “Ali: Mirza is likely to say ‘Astagh:farullah without providing any Kh:bar or ‘A th:ar what so ever. 3] Great S:ufi: did not committed any sort of Kufr , since the Tradition of Saiyiduna: Mu:sa: and the stone which did run away with his clothes is far more sensitive then this tradition. Is “Ali Mirza: going to ascribe

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Page 13 of 30 ; disgrace to the narrators and reporters of stone-clothes tradition? Is he going to declare this tradition as Blasphemous and Infidelous? Although the Stone – Clothe tradition cannot prove the tradition of Cashf ‘Al Mah:ju:b but it does prove that the latter is neither Kufr nor Blasphemous. 4] Some commentators have also accepted traditions ascribing a similar act of seeing a Woman in similar conditions to Saiyiduna: Davu:d [“AS]. This tradition is incorrect and wrong, yet it is not a Blasphemous tradition. It is reported that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: declares all such Commentators of Holy Qur’a:n who have accepted these traditions as Infidels or Blasphemers or both. But many of the followers of Engineer if they have not gone beyond the boundaries of reason shall not accept this claim if he did make any. We have given some examples , that how “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum works. Now we come to the scheme of Heretic “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelun City.

THE SCHEME OF “ALI: MIRZA: AGAINST ‘AL H:ADI:TH: ‘AS:S:AH:I:YAH What “Ali: Mirza: is trying to induce in the mind of his listeners is as follow: 1] First of “All he wants to make some Rational objections against a fabricated tradition. 2] Second Of All he wants to convince that these arguments are correct and the fabricated tradition is a disgrace. 3] A person is motivated to believe that if to ascribe the act of seeing a woman with out clothes to a Prophet who so ever He may be is an act of Blasphemy then to ascribe a number of Persons to see a Prophet with out clothes is a greater Blasphemy .The sanctity of a Prophet is far more then a Woman who cannot be a Prophet. But such a motivation can only be ceased if all the common objections and similar objections on the both texts are rejected and every thing is just based on the category of the traditions and respective chains of reporters and narrators. Not in the way “Ali: Mirza: used this Multi –fallacy. 4] Now he is likely to motivate his listeners to apply these arguments and objections to the Correct Tradition. The Clothe –Stone tradition which is undoubtly correct. 5] Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is making ground to convince a number of his followers to declare all those Commentators Of Holy Qur’a:n who accepted the Tradition which ascribed a Similar act to Saiyiduna: Da:vu:d [“AS] as Ka:fir or Blasphemer or both as he had tried for the Author of Cashful Mah:ju:b.

So far so intelligent. The consequences are that his audiences some day shall apply the same objections and arguments against the authentic traditions and thus declare the authentic H:adi:th: as Kufr and Blasphemuous , and also declare some great Commentators of Qur’a:n as Blasphemers or Infidels or both.. .Page 13 of 30

Page 14 of 30 ; It is very natural that if some objection is made on the meaning of Text of a Concocted Tradition, and the text is declared as Infidelity or Blasphemy, and there is an other Tradition with some what similar meaning yet it is S:ah:i:h: and genuine then a person inclines toward considering the S:ah:i:h: tradition as Infidelity or Blasphemy. Such a person bases his views not on the standard of the tradition of H:adi:th: but only and only upon the meaning of the Text of Tradition and Contents of the Text stated above. Similarly it is very natural if some objection is made on a book of Tas:auvuf , and there are some Commentaries of Qur’a:n have similar traditions, then a normal reader shall apply the objection on these Great Commentaries of Sunnism. In particular if a tradition is Kufr and Blasphemous in a Book of Tas:auvuf , then similar traditions mjust also be Kufr or Blasphemous even if they are in the Books of Commentaries of Holy Qur’a:n. A very cleaver way indeed to make some one astray from ‘Al Ah:di:th: ‘As:s:ah:iyah . A very intelligent technique to make one against the books of Commentaries of Holy Qur’a:n. Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad Pervez the last well known denouncer of ‘Ah:adi:th: did use this trick in the very initial stage of his life to make doubt in the Authentic Traditions. It is not known whether he invented this mischievous trick or he borrowed from some one else but it is well known that he developed it. It is said that H:abi:b ‘Ar Rah:ma:n Candhelvi also used this trick in some modified form. While making objections on weak traditions he used to make objections on some traditions of Holy Bukh:a:ri and Holy Muslim. Maula:na: ‘Irsha:dul Haqq ‘Ath:ari: studied this trick and refuted it in one of his marvelous books. Maula:na: Sarfara:z Kh:a:n S:afdar RH: also detected this trick and in his lectures refuted it . Maula:na “Abdul Gh:ani: Jajarvi also delected this trick independent of others and delivered several lectures to his students in his Madrasah [School of Religious Studies].(


THE TRUE WAY TO RESPOND: We reject the tradition of Casf on the basis that it is fabricated and not because it is a disgrace in regard to Holy Prophet since a tradition similar in acts and events mentioned in its text and dissimilar in the category of classification is found. As the objections and arguments if valid one the Text of the Unauthentic Traditions implieth their validity on the text of the Authorative and Authentic tradition. This is the scheme of the Engineer engineered with great conspiracy. If “Ali: H-jvairi RH: would not have committed this mistake , we would not have studied the case in detail and would not have figured out the conspiracy of the man called Engineer “Ali: Mirza: . Indeed a great Conspiracy.

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SAME AND SIMILAR TEXTS OF TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF ‘AH:A:DI:TH: IN REGART TO DIFFERENCE IN CATAGORIES. There is a difference between “Same” and “Similar”. If there is a tradition with a text and authentic chain of narrators and a similar text with a weak chain of reporters or a similar text of a fabricated Tradition, then the weak and the fabricated must be rejected on the basis of the of Weakness or Fabrication but not on the basis of some self styled reasons. Since if some alleged reasons are the basis of rejection of a Weak or Fabricated Tradition and these reasons are also applied on a reliable Tradition then it is implied that this tradition must also be rejected on the same or common or similar grounds. But it is not the case. This is the reason that Self Made Reasons of the Engineer are invalid. When ever the Engineer feels that his arguments are weak he use to say ‘Astagh:farullah to generate strength in his weak arguments, but such tricks cannot and donot make strength in weak arguments.

EXAMPLE 3 Shaik: “Abdul Qa:dir Jila:ni was accused for Blasphamy against S:ah:abah and Prophets on his saying “ My foot is upon ths shoulders of Saints [‘Aulia:’ Sing:Vali:=Saint]. It was said that as his words in the sentence are general and as Each Prophet is a Vali: and each S:ah:abi: is a Vali, so the generality of his sentence is a Blasphemy against Prophets and S:ah:a:bah [Companions]. But the answer to this objection is that the words in the sentence are not so general and they are particular to some of the Saints of his series [Silsilah] not all of the Saints. It is necessary to Particularize the words of the sentence . So it is evident that to reject the literal meaning or literal generalization is necessary on several reasons. Even the Great Fuqha:’ Like ‘Ima:m Sha:fa”i:, Great Muh:addath:i:n like ‘Ima:m .Page 15 of 30

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Bukh:a:ri, great Theologians like ‘Ima:m ‘Ash”ari: ,Great Mufassiri:n like Baid:a:vi etc. are excluded from the sentence quoted above. However some extremist followers claim the generality of the sentence with certainty and that is Kufr/Infidelity.

EXAMPLE 4 Some Heretic claim that “What so ever that is Known to Devil(s)/ Satan(s) is also Known by (Known to) Prophet(s), Since the knowledge of Prophet(s) are far more then the knowledge of all other Creations. But this belief is based on the bases of misconceptions and fallacies. First it is based on the misconcept of More-ness, Greatness , and Less-ness and small-ness. Maulana: Kh:-li:l ‘Ah:mad M-ha:jir Madani: RH: pointed at this reality that the Knowledges of Prophets in General and Knowledge of Holy Prophet in particular are/is more and are/is Greater than all the other Created Supposita /Essences both in Quality and Quantity. Yet it is incorrect to say that “What So Ever that is Known to Devil(s)/Satan(s) is (are) also Known to Holy Prophet(s).” But he was falsely accused to believe that Knowledge(s) of Devil(s)/Satan(s) is (are) more/greater than the Knowledge(s) of Holy Prophet(s). This is not the belief of this great Sunni H:anafi: Scholar Maula:na Kh:ali:l ‘Ah:mad M-ha:jir Madani. The question is why he was accused as such by Maulavi “Ah:mad Rad:a: of Bans Barali. The answer is Absolutely Simple. Maulavi: ‘Ah:mad Rad:a of Bans Baraili believed in “Cul “Ilm Ma: Ca:na Va Yacu:na” for Holy Prophet. According to the Dogma of “Cul “Ilm Ma: Ca:na Va Yacu:na ‘Ila: Yaumil Qiya:mah” to believe that a single thing known to any one of the Created Rational Supposita that is not a Prophet and not Known to Holy Prophet(s) means that the Knowledge of the said Supposita is greater/more than that the Knowledge of Holy Prophet(s). The fallacy in this type of argument is due to the incorrect meanings of TERMS like Less than, More than, greater than, smaller than etc. If a Suppositum /Essence B knoweth some thing not Known to/by Suppositaum A in a particular field say F0 , A knoweth many things in other fields of knowledge not known to/by Suppositum /Essence B , Knowledge of A is greater/more than Knowledge of B both in Quality and Quantity in other fields say Fi ,n>i>0 , i ≠ 0 then it cannot be said that Knowledge of B is more/greater than than of A just because of some things known to B and not Known to A in field Fi, n>i>0 ,i ≠ 0 ,where n is any finite and definite natural number say n=n0 >0,n≠ 0 . .Page 16 of 30

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Explaination If Devil(s)/Satan(s) have (a) number of Knowledge(s) of Evils and the Prophets Know a number of Good Knowledges [Knowledges Of Good ] YET the these Knowledges of Evils are not Attributed to Prophets, it is certainly not implied that the Knowledge of Devils/Satans are more/ greater than the Knowledges of Prophets. Note: In general the Plural of Knowledge is not used but due the the requirement of of the argumentation plural is made as “Knowledges”, it is not due to any ignorance but due to necessity of argumentation. The word Prophets includes all the prophets from the First Prophet to Last Prophet. Due to Earthy Death of a Prophet Annihilation of the Essence of Prophet and the Prophethood of the Prophet are NOT IMPLIED.

Mathematical Representation Let x ∊D,

Y∊ P,

D,P are both finite Sets. Where D= {x| x is an Evil Knowledge or Knowledge of an Evil}, P= {y| y is a Good Knowledge or Knowledge of a Good}, Let |D| < |P|, and D ⋂ P ≠ φ, THEN it is Certainly Not Implied that |D| ≥ |P| This is an irrefutable refutation of the allegation and irrefutable reason.

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The knowledge of Holy Prophets are Greater than the Knowledges of Intelligent Supposita that are not Prophets in this meaning and not in the meaning implied by Cul “Ilm Ma: Ca:na Va Yacu:na. Also Divine Knowledge is not a Set of RFC but a Class of MKS or Grothendiek Universe or even beyond that.

WHY ZUBAIR “ALI: ZAI ATTACKED GREAT SCHOLARS OF ‘AHLUSSUNNAH DEOBAND BORROWING THE ALLEGATIONS AND ARGUMENTS FROM ‘AH:MAD RAD:A OF BANS BARAILI It is very clear that Zubair “Ali: Zai did not believed that H:anafite Scholars are Muslims. So he was always ready to borrow any thing from any one who so ever he may be , to allege that these scholars are Ka:fir [Na”u:dh:bllah]. But some great scholars of ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: asked him to change his views on the matter of Tacfi:r. So Zubair “Ali: Zai invented a new method . He used to ascribe Cufr/Kufr to them and remained silent on Tacfi:r. But this trick was exposed and his inner enmity of H:anafite scholars was an open secret. NOTE: Zubair “Ali: Zai was a Semi ‘Ahlul H:adi:th:, not a Total ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: , and he had many unique views which were not accepted by Great ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: Scholars. That is the reason his views about great ‘Ahlussunnah Scholars cannot be generalized to all ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: scholars.

WHY ENGINEER “ALI: OF JHELUM ATTACKED GREAT SCHOLARS OF ‘AHLUSSUNNAH DEOBAND BORROWING THE ALLEGATIONS AND ARGUMENTS FROM ‘AH:MAD RAD:A OF BANS BARAILI Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is a Rafid:ite and proofs for the claim that he is a Rafid:ite are embedded in his different lectures, which can be searched if these lectures are researched. So there is a different reason. Engineer “Ali: Mirza: accuse many great ‘Ahlussunnah scholars of Blasphemy , Infidelity and Na:s:ibiah and this exposes his Ra:fid:iah. He even ascribe Kufr/Cufr [Infidelity] to ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: , so there is no hope for any Sunnism from this heretic Engineer. NOTE: Although Zubair “Ali Zai was a Semi ‘Ahlul H:adith: ,He was not a Rafid:i: at all. But Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is neither a Total ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: not a Partial ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: . The Engineer of Jhelum is a Total Rafid:ite , although not a Twelver but still not a Sunnite.

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TWO OTHER SCHEMES OF THE ENGINEER When studying the lectures of the Apostate Engineer Critically and Analytically it is found that the Engineer prefers to accuse of Infidelity and Blasphemy, those scholars of ‘Ahlussunnah of ‘Ahlussunnah who defended S:ah:abah RD: or ‘Ahlussunnah from Rafid:i:tes and similar sects.That is a type of character assassination. What this person wants to induce in the mind of his audiences that their defend and apology of S:ah:a:bah and ‘Ahlussunnah is not acceptable since they were themselves Infidels and Blasphemers . Once again Engineer “Ali” Mirza: of Jhelum city has taken an indirect approach to convince that attackers on S:ah:abah RD: are free and safe from such Infidelities and Blasphemies , but the defenders and apologists commit them. An illegitimate baby scheme conceived by the pragmatic evil mind. The Engineer did think that this scheme could never be detected. But by the grace of Almighty Existent it is not only detected but exposed. An other scheme is to accuse all those scholars of ‘Ahlussunnah Val Jama:”ah of Infidelities [Kufr/Kurfiya:t] And Blasphemies [Sha-t-m/Sh-t-mia:t] who defended the Tauh:i:d and refuted Shirk [Schick/Schirk/Schric/Shirc]. Initially Engineer “Ali: Mirza: refuted some believes of Maulavi f Rad:a: of Ba:ns Baraili as Shirc/Shirk. But latter he began to attack all those who repelled the believes of Maulavi Rada: of Bans Baraili from being injected in Sunnism. He was finally exposed when he declared that “Ilm ‘Al Gh:aib is not an Incommunicable Divine Attribute. [An Incommunicable Divine Attribute is one that is necessary for the Divine Essence and is Absolute Impossible on Non Divine Essences and Non Divine Supposita , not only Essentially [Dh:a:ti] but also Non Essentially [Ghair ‘Adh:a:ti:] . Then Engineer “Ali: Mirza: began to preach in his Question Answer cessions and telephonic preachings that one who is involved in Shirk/ Shirc yet recites Kalimah ,he is still a Muslim. His faith [‘I:ma:n] does not cease by his Shirc/Shirk. On other hand he began to declare all those Great Scholars as Blasphemers ,who refuted and answered the Shirks [‘Ashra:k :pl of Shirk]. How ever Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is no friend of ‘Ah:mad Rad:a: of Bans Baraili apparently , yet he does not condemn him on his believes of Omnipresence [H:-D:U:R VA N-Z:U:R] OF Prophets, but he accuse other scholars of Sunnism like M-h:addith: Dahl-vi:] RH accusing himof this Heretical belief. [ But is accusation is based on misunderstandings generated by Simple Minded Zubair “Ali: Zai, who was fascinated by Barailvi attempt s to ascribe this believe to the scholar stated above . That is he seconds Maulavi Rada: of Ba:ns Baraili on some issues but for his own reasons does not high light them .He wants to Shift the Certainty of Tauh:i:d to Probability. But the shifting of Tauh:i:d from Certainty to Probability is not Imporobable but impossible. So this is the reason his mischievousness is exposed and detected by those who research his lectures microscopely and deeply. If he is not an Evil Genius then he must necessarily be inspired and groomed by an Evil Genius Mind, if not then he is himself that sort of Genius.


Page 20 of 30 ; Some time Engineer “Ali: Mirza: amazes us , when his conspiracies are exposed . What a hidden conspiracy he makes. He is the most conspiracious mind in the world of heresy. No conspiracy is too holy to be detected, to fallacy is to stubborn to be unsolved, no apostate is to smart to misguide perpetually. Some day every masked heretic is unmasked. The same is true of the Engineer .Every evil in the clothes of Goodness is some day unclothed. When one critically analyzes the lectures of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: one is likely to discover hidden conspiracies . As there is a proverb that give the devil his due, one may admit that his plots are the best plots. One by one he attempt to declare great Sunni Scholars as Blasphemers. And never to say any thing against Ra:fid:ite scholars. A dangerous fallacy which can misguide his audiences unless and otherwise one is a researcher and has sufficient knowledge to study his lectures critically and analytically.

A GREAT TAKFI:RI: IN DISGUISE OF A NON TAKFI:RI: Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is a great Takfi:ri: in the disguise of a Non Takfi:ri: . He declares many great Scholars of ‘Ahlussunnah as Ka:fir or Commiter of Kufr [Fa:”il ‘Al Kufr] some time explicitly some time implicitly, some time directly ,some time indirectly, some time impliedly some time intrinsically . But with all these he claims that he is not a Takfi:ri:. His game of Taqaiyah is exposed when his lectures and sermons are studied. Perhaps this is the reason he do not write books. Although he do not declare a normal layman who is an ‘Ahlussunnah yet he declares on different ways as stated above the scholars of ‘Ahlussunnah as Ka:fir or Committer of Kufr etc. So he becomes a Takfi:ri: like the founder of alleged Jama:”atul Muslimi:n. Even he accuse some S:ah:abah RD: to prove that he is a great Takfi:ri Ra:fid:i:. His statements about Saiyiduna: H:a:t:ib ‘Ibn ‘Abi Balta”ah RD: are noted specially.He is making a Takfi:r of this great S:ah:abi: implicitly. It must be noted that he sometime accuses S:ah:a:bah RD:. some time accuses Great Scholars Of ‘Ahlussunnah, but he never accuses the Scholars of Rava:fid: . This is an other irrefutable proof that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is a Ra:fid:i: . Listen Lec 148. ,where he declare different sects as muslims in regard to nomal followes but in other lectures declare there scholars as blasphemers. He even declares those as blasphemers who refute the false accusations on the texts of sentences. This is the true face of the engineer.

CONSPIRACY AGAINST SHA:H VALI:YULLH RH: Although he admairs Sha:h Valiyull-h RH: yet the cost of his admiration is infinitely hight and is unpayable. He claims that all the works of Sha:h Valiyull-h Dahlavi RD: written prior to the book Hujjatullah ‘Al Ba:ligh:ah are cancelled and abrogated by the author Sha:h Valiyullah RH:. This type of argument is not invented by the Engineer .Page 20 of 30

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and thus lakes originality. He has borrowed it from Mirza: Mah:mu:d of Qa:diya:n the son of Mirza: Gh:ula:m ‘Ahmad Qa:diya:ni [ the imposter]. In some debated between to Mirzai sects the Qa:diyanites and Lahorites when Lahorites [Maulavi Muh:ammad “Ali: Lahori, a Lohorian who is the leader of Lahorites] argued from some texts of book of Mirza: Qa:diya:ni: against Mirza: Mah:mu:d , Mirza: Mah:mu:d replied that all these texts are Cancelled. This answer was borrowed by Engineer “Ali: Mirza: and was attempted to be used for Sha:h Vali:yullah RH:. What Engineer “Ali: Mirza: probably thought that if this answer is correct for Mirza: then it is also correct for Sha:h Valiyullah [Na”u:dh:ubillahVa ‘Astagh:farullah]. This Is a disrespect of Sha:h Valiyullah RH:. In implicit form Mirza: Of Jhelum accused Even Sha:h Valiyullah RH: that even he was an Infidel and a Blasphemer before he wrote H:ujjatullah ‘Al Ba:ligh:ah. When I pointed this implicit allegation against Sha:h Valiyullah one of the follower of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: become so furious that he discontinued any further discussion . [The proper response of the Engineer’s argument about the alleged cancellation from the contents of text of H:ujjatullah ‘Al Ba:ligh:ah shall be discussed separately]. So according to the Engineer of Jhelum even Sha:h Valiyullah was a heretic or a Blasphamer or an Infidel before the period of authoring H:ujjatullah ‘Al Ba:ligh:ah. So strict is the alleged standard of this person of Jhelum, but why such a person is silent against the scholars of Rava:fid: . He is as silent as a statue or an idol or a doll. Why ? The answer is that he himself is a Great Ra:fid:i: and he is continuously attempting to misguide those who unfortunately listen to his lectures in the hope that they may find a Sect-less ‘Isla:m through his Lectures. These people in the hope of a sect-less ‘Isla:m are imprisoned into the worst sect/cult of all, rather a religion opposite to ‘Isla:m in the Holy Noun [name] of ‘Isla:m. Engineer “Ali: Mirza and Sha:h Isma:”i:l Shahi:d. .Page 21 of 30

Page 22 of 30 ; A Barailvi in general develops an intrinsic nature of hating Sha:h ‘Isma:”i:l Shahi:d. Even if a Barailvi becomes an ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: be continues to hate ‘Ash Sha:h ‘Isma:”i:l Shahi:d the ‘Ima:m of ‘Ahlussunnah in Subcontinent. As this Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is a former Barailvi he did hate the noble Shahi:d and in all of his conversions his hatred of ‘Ash Sha:h ‘Isma:”i:l Shahi:d continued and when he become an ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: for a short period of time even then his hatred of the Noble Shahi:d did continued. He was seconded by Zubair “Ali: Zai who was also very against him for two reasons. 1] For the belief of Vah:datul Vuju:d , See “Abqa:t by Sha:h ‘Isma:”i:l Shahi:d. 2] For the belief of Divine Omnipotence upon Falsehood/Falsity [Kidh:b] , See Yakrozah/Ycrozah Shari:f. So he also injected a serum of further hatred in the veins and arteries of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: .

Now the Engineer Of Jhelum hates him and uses the objections of Fad:l Rasu:l , Bada:yu:ni scholars, works of ‘Ah:mad Rad:a Bans Barailvi and Maulvi Na”i:muddi:n Mura:d ‘Aba:di etc.

EPILOGUE It must be noted that if this person Engineer “Ali: Mirza: who declares a large number of Sunni Scholars as Blasphemers is not a Takfi:ri: then whon else on earth be a Takfi:ri:.

FOOT NOTES [1 ] I I my self used to defend Maula:na: Maudu:di:’s ambiguous sentences. But when I studied the book “Kh:ila:fat Vo Mulu:kiat, I stopped to interpret his ambiguous sentences because he did shew his Ra:fid:ite tendencies. After that he lost the benefit of being Ahlussunnah, and then it was use less to interpret his sentences which were interpretable yet as he had shewn his Ra:fid:ite tendencies It was he did not deserved to be interpreted. How ever He was not a Ra:fi:d:ibut he gained som tendencies of Ra:fid:ism, probably to get some votes for his political party.


( ) Engineer “Ali: Mirza: did claim that he does not belong to any sect, but it is just a claim. The claim is some thing separate from the proof. In this case his claim is identical to the proof or claim is a proof of itself. So these are no proofs. Engineer “Ali: Mirza satisfies all the definitions and conditions of being a sect. So he along with all those who agree with him do constitute a new sect. Engineer to not coin a Noun for his sect. .Page 22 of 30

Page 23 of 30 ; How ever it may be named/nouned as “Alimirzaism,Engineerism,Jhelumism,Jhelumiah ETC. He uses the same trick once used by Mas”u:d ‘Ah:mad BSc. Mas”u:d did claim that he is a pure Muslim and does not belong to any sect. But he is thought to have Kh:arjite tendencies even by Engineer “Ali: Mirza:. Actually both of them constitute two different sects or cults one having Ra:fid:ite tendencies and the other having Kh:a:rjite tendencies. As “Ali: Mirza: declares many scholars as Ka:fir whether directly or indirectly he is a Takfi:r:i: beyond doubt. His version of sect-less ‘Isla:m is to ascribe Kufr [Infidelity] and Blasphemy to great Scholars of other sects.


[ ] Although ‘Ish:a:q Fas:alabadi: was a Ra:fid:i: yet he did not accused S:ah:abah for the alleged crimes and transgressions. At times he even refuted allegations against Saiyiduna: Mu”a:viah RD: . How ever he was of the opinion that Rava:fid: received some traditions which ascribed evil acts to S:ah:a:bah. Based on the information of these traditions the accuse S:h:a:bah RD: and abuse them. As the traditions do exist they cannot be declared as Ka:fir. This was his view however inpresence of many ‘Ahlul H:adi:th scholars he confessed that he considered all such traditions as fabrication of enemies of ‘Isla:m. Yet even this is a very strong tendency towards Ra:fid:ism. That is why we consider him as a Fa:fid:i: . It must be noted that he was not a twelever and he denied several times their books of traditions as fabrications.Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is more dangerous than him. However the cause of this Rafid:ism of man from Fais:alaba:d was initially with a cause in mind , and that was to attract Ra:fid:ism toward Sunnism, but this crossed all its limits. Instead of attracting Rava:fid: towards Sunnism , ‘Ish:a:q of Fais:alaba:d was attracted towards Ra:fid:ism , although a new type of Ra:fid:ism yet still Ra:fid:ism.


( ) As Engineer “Ali: Mirza has sympathies with Gh:amidi it is implied that he must have some sympathies with Gh:la:m ‘Ah:mad Pervez as well, if not total then partial.

END OF PART ONE In Part Two each and every .Page 23 of 30

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alleged blasphemy shall be discussed individually. It will be tried to defend a sentence of our worst opponent if we .Page 24 of 30

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find that the alleged blasphemeous sentence is interpretable ,it it is interpretable according to the basic .Page 25 of 30

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principles of interpretation. Some terms explained. 1] WHAT IS VAH:DATUL VUJU:D It must be noted that Vah:datul Vuju:d [Unicity Of Existence] is not a single dogma as supposed by Salafites and ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: but under the term of Vah:datul Vuju:d there are several dogmas. Some of them are purly Kufr, some of them are not Kufr, Some of them are just philosophical thoughts and do not contradict ‘Isla:mic Teachings and Axioms. In such a case it is incorrect to declare any believer of Vah:datul Vuju:d as Ka:fir.

The reasons may be noted as follow:= 1] As it is not a single dogma but there are several different dogmas under the term of Vah:datul Vuju:d so it is not necessary that one who believes in Vah:datul Vuju:d believes in those which are Kufr or Fisq. 2] Some of the dogmas of Vah:datul Vuju:d are misunderstood . So to declare a dogma as kufr when it is misunderstood by the declarer cannot be acceptable. So many ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: scholars do differentiate b/t different dogmas of Vah:datul Vuju:d. So such an exercise of declaring each aand every dogma of Vah:datul Vuju:d as Kufr , just because some of them are Kufr is just an haste induction and induction is a weak argument .

2] COMMUNICABLE AND INCOMMUNICABLE ATTRIBUTES. If an Attribute is of two types 1] Essential , 2] Non Essential, and Essential ‘[‘Adh: Dh:a:ti] is associated with the Divine Essence [Dh:a:tul Ba:ri:] and the Non Essential [Gh:air ‘adh: Dh:a:ti] type is Possible for Ghairullah Essences, and Essential types is impossible upon Ghairullah Essences [Dh:a:t ,pl: Dh:va:t], then it is Communicbale Attribute. Example, Speech, Sight, Mercy,Love,Justice. If an Attribute is of only ONE types “Essential “ , and Essential ‘[‘Adh: Dh:a:ti] is associated with the Divine Essence [Dh:a:tul Ba:ri:] and the Essential and the Non Essential [Gh:air ‘adh: Dh:a:ti] types both are equally Impossible for Ghairullah Essences [Dh:a:t ,pl: Dh:va:t], then it is called an Incommunicbale Attribute [‘As:s:fa:tul M-kh:t-s:-h].Example Divinity, Creativity, “Ilm ‘Algh:aib .


Page 27 of 30 ; Essential Attributes are those Attributes that are Issued from the Very Self Of Divine Essence due to the Intrinsic Nature of the Divine Essence and is Self Associated with the Divine Essence. The Intrinsic Nature of Divine Essence is Absolutely Identical to the Divine Essence.[‘AS:S:IFA:TUDH: DH:A:TIYAH] Non Essential Attributes [‘AS:S:IFA:T ‘AL GHAIR ADH:DH:A:TIYAH] are those Attributes that are not the Essential Attributes. They are of three types. 1] Divine Active Attributes.2] Divine Relative Attributes 3] Bestowed Attributes. Divine Active Attributes [‘AS:S:FA:TUL FI”LIYAH] are those Divine Attributes that are the relations of Takvi:n or Divine Will or Divine Omnipotence to different Divine Acts say Mercy, Justice ,Benevolence etc. Their Mabda’ and Mansha” are Essential Attributes. Divine Relative Attributes [‘AS:S:IFA:TUL ‘ID:A:FIYAH]] are also Relations of Divine Takvi:n or Omnipotence or Divine Will to Divine Acts yet there opposites are also exercise by Divine Essence like Rad:a and Gh:-d:-b, Taking Life and Giving Life, Forgiving and Punishment . Bestowed Attributes [‘AS:S:IFA:TUL “AT:A:’IYAH] are Attributes of Created Supposita and Created Essences and not of Divine Essence .Yet they are Created. SALAFITES , H:ANA:BALITES, AND A MINORITY OF MATURIDITES CONSIDER ALL DIVINE ATTRIBUTES AS ESSENTIAL ,BUT MAJORITY OF ‘AHLUSSUNNAH DISAGREE FROM THE THREE MINORITIES OF ‘AHLUSSUNNAH WHO ARE IN MINORITY OF ‘AHLUSSUNNAH COLLECTIVELY AND INDIVIDUALLY.

4] BLASPHEMY AND INFIDELITY Infidelity is used in the meaning of Kufr/Cufr, something opposite of faith of ‘Isla:m. blasphemy [Sh-t-m is used in the meaning of using abusing or disgracing sentences about Holy Personalities and Holy SUPPOSITA. All blasphemies are Infidelity .YeT Infidelity is more General the Blasphemy.

5] ALLEGED BLASPHEMY If a sentence is Not Blasphemous at all yet some one claims falsely that the sentence is Blasphemous then this is an Alleged Blasphemy. It is not a Blasphemy at all. Rava:fid: accuse Great S:ah:a:bah for Blasphemy, Baralivi accuse ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband and ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: for Blasphemy. Engineer “Ali: Mirza: accuse Scholars of ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband, ‘Ahlul H:di:th: and Barailvis for Blasphemy and at times accuse some S:h:a:bas as well as it is exposed from his heretic lectures. An Accusation of Blasphemy is not a Proof of Blasphemy , rather it require full discussion whether a sentence is Blasphemous or Not Blasphemous. Some restrict the word Blasphemy to the disgrace of Divine Essence and Noun Of Divine Essence but we have used this word for the disgrace of Holy Personalities including disgrace of Prophets , S:ah:abah Muh:addith:in ETC.


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Whether the objections of this person from Jhelum on other scholars are true or not it is a separate issue but Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is Himself is an ememy of truth and an enemy of ‘Isla:m, an enemy of Divine Essence [Dh:a:tul Ba:ri:] , Essence of Prophet [Dh:a:tun Nabi:] and Dh:ava:t ‘As:S:-h:abah [Essences Of S:ah:a:bah] , Attribute of Qur’a:n [S:-ft ‘Al Qur’a:n ] etc. If you are just the listeners of “Ali: Mirza: then for the sake of ‘ALL-H , Rasu:lullah , Qur’a:n, ‘Ah:adi:th:, S:ha:bah and ‘isla:m do not listen to this person unless and otherwise you have sufficient Knowledge to detect his fallacies and falsehoods. He explains Qur’an and ‘Ah:adi:th: incorrectly and he is a deceived deceiver. Like the great deceiver that shall come this deceiver he is a deceived deceiver . .Page 28 of 30

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TO THE FOLLOWERS OF “ALI MIRZA You may have listened some of his lectures and his objections on the proof texts. But it is our right to discuss them both individually and collectively. You must not agree with “Ali: Mirza: and”Alimirzais unless and otherwise you have studied both sides i.e the accusation of Blasphemies and their rebuttal, thoroughly . After an impartial study of both sides you may decide yourself whether the accusations of Blasphemies are correct or they are false allegations of the Engineer “Ali: Mirza:. . It is hoped that you shall think again before making your final decision and last judgement about this character and the cunning entity of Jhelum city. Engineer “Ali: Mirza is a founder of a new sect, which is not named by him yet. He may not name it , and it is probable that he never attempt to name his sect. Yet he is a founder of a new sect and if he does not name it then we have full right to name his founded sect. We name his sect with different names. 1] “Alimirzaiah and the followes are “Ali Mirza’is. 2] Engineeriah and the followers are called Engineerites or Engineeri. 3] Jhelamiah and the followers are called Jhelumites or Jhelumi. 4] Neo Mirzaiah and the followers are called Neo Mirzais [Adifferent from Mirzais yet equally Anti Isla:mic]. If a sect or a religion does not coin a Noun for it , it is correct to coin a Noun for it. Followers of Mirza Qadiya:ni do not call themselves as Mirzais but they are correctly named /nouned so. Similarly if followers of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: do not call them selves as “Alimirzais it is correct to call them so and to noun/ to name them so.

The part 2 of this Critique shall be presented soon ‘Insha:’All-h

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