A defense of 30 Parts of Sacred Qur'a:n against the objection of Mirza Jhelumi

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The “Ijma:’’ on the Permission OfThe division of Sacred Qur’a:n in Thirty ‘Ajza:’ Refuting Mirza Jhelumi Ahlussunnah

Mirza: Jhe:lumi: has alleged that the division of Sacred Qur’a:n in Thirty Parts is a random division ofbysome one. It is attempted to refute his claim by shewing some Mathematics behind this division.

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The “Ijma:’’ on the Permission OfThe division of Sacred Qur’a:n in Thirty ‘Ajza:’ Introduction The division of sacred Qur’a:n in Thirty “Ajza: is a latter one . Its exact time is unknown. But it is an irrefutable fact there is an ‘Ijma:’ of Ummah on the Permission of it [Consensus], and it is one of the most Powerful ‘Ijma:’. Not a single sound was raised against the Permission of the “Ijma:’ on it. As “Ijma:’ is one of the sourses of “Isla:m , it is nether an Heresy nor an Heterodoxy [neither Bid’:ah nor khila:fussunnah]. How ever as the ‘Ijma: is on the Permission and not on the obligation , it is still permitted to print or to write or to type Sacred Qur’a:n without it.

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Page 2 of 20 But it must be noted once for all that this division is flawless . Since it is impossible that there is an “Ijma:’ on some error or some mistake.

The reason of Division in thirty Parts. This division of Sacred Qur’a:n is very useful in reciting Sacred Qur’a:n in Tara:vi:h: and recitation of Sacred Qur’a:n in a month or for the purpose of teaching and preaching of the Text of the Sacred Qur’a:n. Heretic Objections by some Heretics in the 21st Gregorian century , or 15th Hijrah Century Unfortunately Dr ‘Isra:r and Mirza: Jhelumi: both has criticized this division on the following grounds. 1] This division is independent of the Division of Su:ras [Chapters] of Holy Qur’a:n. So some parts of a Surah is some time in one part and some parts of a Surah is in the next part. This they consider as a flaw [S-q-m] or an Ugliness [Qabah:ah/t]. 2]This division is not topic wise. The answer to these two objections is that this division is not in regard to Surah and also not in respect to topics. This division is in regard to the recitation of Sacred Qur’a:n in Tara:vi:h: . Had this division was suggestion with the condition that no Part shall divide any Su:rah , yet this condition was not satisfied , then there would have been an imperfection and a flaw. But as it is clear that there was no such condition ever imposed , and as it was never imposed it was never dropped after its supposed imposition. This condition was absent and rejected from the very beginning of the division. If there is no condition then no condition is violated, if a condition is not imposed from the very beginning of the idea of division there is no question , whether it is satisfied or it is not fulfilled. So the alleged flaw based on a condition which was never imposed is not a flaw. To call it a flaw is an illogical claim . As for the objection that the division of Sacred Qur’a:n is a random division or an arbitrary division is incorrect and modern works shew that there is a mathematical system in the division. How ever strange but this is proved as follow. There are 7 Manazil [ Sing: Manzil] in Sacred Qur’an , 558 Ruku’:a:t [Sing : Ruku:’:] , 30 ‘Ajza:’ [Sing: J-z’] 60 ‘Ah:za:b [Sing H:-zb, dwel H:izba:n] , 240 Ruba:’ [Sing : Rub-‘:]. Each part is divided in to two H:izba:n , and each H:izba:n in four Ruba:’: . Now there is a Mathematical function between such divisions. Page 2 of 20

Page 3 of 20 That is the Remainder of divisions is divisible by the number three. If this is the case then such a division cannot be a random or an arbitrary division. Modern research does shew that there are 6236 Ku:fic ‘A:ya:t [verses/Sentences] in Sacred Qur’an. Non Kufic verses which are represented by inverted hearts or the numerical 5 of Sindhi or Urdu language constitute non Kufic ‘Aya:t. But we shall focus our attention on the Kufic ‘A:ya:t. In Tara:vi:h , the verse Bismillahir Rah:ma:nir Rah:i:m is recidted independent of all Surahs for only one time. So the number of Kufi: Tara:vi:h: verses is 6237. The total number of letters in Sacred Qur’a:n is 330709. The tolal Number of words in Sacred Quran is 77797. If Bismillah is added in the Kufic Verses the number goes to 6236+113= As we know that according to the general formula: Divident = (Divisor)(Quotient) + Remainder The division algorithm. Now it is clear that there is a Mathematical relation between the remainders of different types of divisions , which are made after difficult calculations .Calculations by Humans and not by computers and calculators. One must appreciate such a hard work , not not make fun of such a wise calculation as done by the Apostate of Jhelum. Relation between 114 ‘Aya:t and the number 30 of ‘Ajza:’ 114 = (3)(30)+ 24 24 is the remainder [rem]. 24 is divisible by 3, 24\3 =8 Hence 24|3 Relation between 558 Ruku’:a:t and the number 114 [Total number of Surah] 558 = (4)(114) +102 102 is rem.

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Page 4 of 20 102\3 = 34 This proves that 102|3 Tara:vi:h Kufic ‘A:yah =6237 Now if this number is divided by three we get the following algorithm 6237 = (207)(30)+ 27. 27 is the rem. 27 \3 = 9 This proves that 27|3 If one take 6236 instead of 6237 even then the remainder is 26, which is just one less that 27. Relation between Relation between the number of Ruku:’:a:t and the number of parts of sacred Qur’a:n which is 30. 558 = (18)(30)+ 18. Rem = 18 18 is the rem’ 18\3 = 6 This proves that 18|3 As the total number of Ruba:’: is 240 and total number of Kufic Tara:vi:h: ‘Aya:t is 6237 6237 = (25)(240)+237 Rem = 237 But 237\3 =79 This proves 237|3 Relation between 6237 and 114 6237 =(54)(114)= 81

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Page 5 of 20 81 is the rem 81\3 =27 This shews that 81|3 Relation of 240 Ruba:’: and 114 Surahs 240 = (2)(114)+12 Once again 12\3 =4 This proves that 12|3 Relation of the number of words in Kufic Verses [KV] with 113 Bismillahand the number 30 The total number of kufic verses are 6236. The total number of letter in these Verses are 77797 Adding the letters of Bismillah which are 19 , 113 time : 77797 +(19)(113)= 332856 Now 332856 has the following algorithm with number 30 3328556 = (11095)(30)+6 Where 6 is the Rem 6\3 =2 This proves that 6|3 Relation between the Number of letters in 6236 ‘Aya:t and the number of words in them 330709 =(4)(77797)+19521 Where 19521 is the Rem 19521\3 = 6507

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Page 6 of 20 This proves that 19521|3 Relation between Taravi:h: Words and Tara:vi:h: Letters. As mentioned earlier that in Tara:vi:h: one usually recite Bismillah with Jahr independent of any Su:rah. Bismillah has four words and 19 letters. This constitute an interesting formation. (330709+19) = 330728 (77797+4) = 77801 330728 = (4)(77801)+ 19524 Rem = 19524 19524\3 =6508 This proves 19524|3 This does shew that the number 30 was selected to continue the divisibility of remainder by 3. But this is the reason of selection of the number 30.

These reslt does shew that the number Thirty is a number which is not selected at random , but it is a number selected wisely to achieve a remainder , which is divisible by the number Three. But as ‘A:ya:t are not of equal length it was not possible to divide ‘A:ya:t [Verses ]equally in all parts . So the distribution of ‘A:ya:t in 30 parts is not equal. Therefore the verses are not divided in ‘Ajza:’ on equality. But there is some thing which proves a wisdom in the unequal division . This may imply that the divisions of words and division of letters in each juz’ is also unequal. So the number 30 was selected on this ground , the distribution of verses was not possible on the numerical equality. Page 6 of 20

Page 7 of 20 But once again it is a bad conjecture that there is a random choice of distribution. Modern Mathematics have made it easy to understand a Mathematical relation by using Mean Deviation formula. The finding of this formula is indeed a marvel and disproves tha Absolute Random theory as proposed by Mirza Jhelumi. If the mean deviation is calculated we find a remainder very close to a number which is divisible by 3. This does prove that the dividers of Qur’a:n in 30 parts did considered many things before selecting the number thirty , and the number of verses in each part was selected on some basis/bases , such that even the modern formula shews that the mean deviation is supporting the remainder formation as in other cases. Mean Deviation for ungrouped Data

[ Σ|x − μ|] \ n = Mean Deviation --------------------------------------(A)

Where: μ is the Arithmetic mean, n is the total number of ungrouped data. Sum of Absolute Deviations = Σ|x - μ| |x- μ| is always non negative whether x> μ or μ>x or x= μ. So we shall write x- μ as positive or non negative even if μ>x and if for sake of simplicity mod is not written. That is negative sign shall be neglected if any.

We shall calculate the mean of Pure Kufic ‘Aya:t and Tara:vi:h: Kufic ‘A:ya:t First we calculate the Tara:vi:h: Kufic ‘A:ya:t as it is a very strong probability that the Thirty ‘Ajza:’ were selected from Tara:vi:h: Kufic Verses [TKV] As TKV are 6237, then the mean of verse in each part is 6237/30 =207.9 So μ= 207.9 Mean Deviation for the 1st part Page 7 of 20

Page 8 of 20 Mean Deviation for the 1st part Number of verses in the 1st part = 148 This is the Kufic number of verses. Adding one from Taravi:h: Kufic verses it is 149. Please let it be noted we have just added one verse Bismillah not as a part of Surah Fa:tih:ah: but independent of it. Some time this verse as a unique verse is added in the 30 th part. But for sake of convenience it is added in the First Part. Those who are interested to add it independent of all Surahs in the 30th part may calculate the result as an exercise , left for them. In the Tara:vi:h when the recitation of entire Sacred Qur’a:n is completed , some ‘A’imah repeat initial part of Surah Baqarah , but before it they recite Bismillahirah:ma:nirrah:i:m loudly not as a part of of Surah Baqarah ,but independent of all Surah, as if it is a Surah itself. It is possible to recite it initially as well. So we have added in the First part neither as a part of Surah Fa:tih:ah nor as a part of Surah Baqarah but independent of them, but before the beginning of Surah Baqarah [which is without Bislillah/

[ Σ|x − μ|] = Sum of all Mean Deviations in Absolute Value. [ Σ|x − μ|] \ n = 77.92, where n = 30 Once again the 2337.6 2337.6 = (77.92 )(30)+ 27.6 One may argue that if rounded up 27.6 becomes 28. But if chopped of it is still 27. Even in Bracket Function it is 27.What we want to say that neglecting the fractional or decimal part we get 27. According to bracket function [x-α]=x , where 0<α<1 For example [1.99998] =1 So the distribution of TKV were not at random and equally not arbitrary but this does shew that they were selected with a wisdom which is disclosed only by Mean Deviation Formula for Ungrouped data , a formula which was not present at that time. Page 8 of 20

Page 9 of 20 Was this possible without Divine Assistance , as suggested by Mirza: Jhelumi: and Dr ‘Israr. Instead of appreciating such a hard and laborious work with out calculators and computers and without any modern Mathematical Formulae , only keeping in mind that the remainder in any case should be divisible by 3, and performing calculation manually , it is one of the wonders of the religious his history , which is bluntly discarded by Mirza: Jhelumi: and Dr ‘Isra:r as if they are the gods of Qur’anic studies [‘Astaghfarullah Va na’:udh:ubillah].

Last but not the least: If we take Kufic ‘Aya:t with 113 Bismillah as found in Mus:a:h:if then 6236+113 =6349 ‘A:ya:t [ Kufic +113 times Bismillah] 6249 = (211)(30)+19 19 is a well known number in Qur’a:nic Number Functions.

Mean Deviatiom . μ= 207.9 =6237\30 Number of Ayahs in each Juz = x

Here's a count of the number of Ayahs (verses) in each Juz of the Qur'an...

Juz 01, x = 148 verses. Adding 1 for Bislillah as an Independent verse we have 149. Taking x= 149 we have: Page 9 of 20

Page 10 of 20 |x - μ|=58.9 Σ|x - μ| Juz 02 ,x = 111 verses |x - μ|=96.9 Juz 03, x = 126 verses |x - μ|=81.9 Juz 04 , x= 131 verses |x - μ|=76.9 Juz 05,x = 124 verses |x - μ|=83.9 Juz 06, x = 110 verses |x - μ|=97.9 Juz 07, x = 149 verses |x - μ|=58.9 Juz 08, x = 142 verses |x - μ|=65.9 Juz 09, x= 159 verses |x - μ|=48.9 Juz 10 - 127 verses |x - μ|=80.9 Juz 11 , x= 151 verses |x - μ|=56.9 Juz 12, x= 170 verses |x - μ|=37.9 Juz 13, x = 154 verses

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Page 11 of 20 |x - μ|=53.9 Juz 14, x = 227 verses |x - μ|=19.1 Juz 15 , x = 185 verses |x - μ|=22.9 Juz 16 , x= 269 verses |x - μ|=61.1 Juz 17, x = 190 verses |x - μ|=17.9 Juz 18, x = 202 verses |x - μ|=5.9 Juz 19, x = 339 verses |x - μ|=131.1 Juz 20, x = 171 verses |x - μ|=36.9 Juz 21, x= 178 verses |x - μ|=29.9 Juz 22, x = 169 verses |x - μ|=38.9 Juz 23 , x= 357 verses |x - μ|=149.1 Juz 24, x = 175 verses |x - μ|=149.1 Juz 25 , x =246 verses |x - μ|=38.1

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Page 12 of 20 Juz 26 , x= 195 verses |x - μ|=12.9 Juz 27, x= 399 verses |x - μ|=191.1 Juz 28, x = 137 verses |x - μ|=70.9 Juz 29, x = 431 verses |x - μ| = 223.1 Juz 30, x = 564 verses |x - μ| =356.1

... That's 6236+1=6237 verses in total.

Note that the above is according to Taravi:h according to Kufic Verses of recitation.

Σ|x - μ|= 2337.6 [Σ|x - μ|]\n = [2337.6]\30 =77.92 (77)(30)+27.6, where 27.6 is a remainder. Now using Bracket function [27.6]=27. Similarly if the decimal part is chopped of it is 27. Page 12 of 20

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As the fractional parts were chopped of instead of rounding of as it was a normal tendency 27 is the result. xɛ {y| 207.9-77.92≤y≤207.9+77.92} Where x is the number of verses in the ith Juz’ of Sacred Qur’a:n. ‘i’ is Natural Number 1≤i≤30 Also 6237 = (207)(30)+27 If we take

. μ=207.866 =6236\30 Then Σ|x - μ|=2338.124 [Σ|x - μ|]\n, n=30 [Σ|x - μ|]\30 =77.93746 Also 2338.124 = [77][30]+28.124 The remainder is 28.124 It is just one more than 27 Also 6236 = {207}{30}+26 26 is just one less than 27 Page 13 of 20

Page 14 of 20 In either case 27+1 or 27-1 [Taking the verses in the First Part =148, and mean deviation=58.866] According to According to the research of Dr ‘:Abdul H:afi:z: Fad:ili: the total number of verses of Surah An-Nisā’ of the Qurān is 177 whereas it is 176 according to other calculators. Similarly according to him total number of verses of Surah Al-An‘ām of the Qurānis 166 whereas it is 165 according to other calculators [Calculator in the meaning one who calculates , not a device of calculator]. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 19 [Special Issue – October 2012] Dr. Abdul Hafeez Fazli Prof/Chairman Department of Philosophy University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan. [ Transliteration Scheme is:Abdul= ‘:Abdul ; Hafeez = H:afi:z: ;Fazli = Fa:d:ili:]

http://www.ijhssnet.com/journals/Vol_2_No_19_Special_Issue_October_2012/27.pdf It may be the case that Dr Fa:d:ili: has taken one of the Gh:air Ku:fic ‘Aya:t in Kufic ‘A:yat. How ever if only one of the two opinions given above is true then the number of verses once again become 6237. So once may recalculate himself if he partially agree with the learned scholar stated above.

Finally it may also be noted that there are 8 Ruba:’ in each Part. Thus 240 Ruba:’: in each Part of Sacred Qur’a:n. As the Verses vary in length , it is impossible to divide them equally in Rub-‘: [Pl: Ruba:’:].

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Page 15 of 20 But it is surprising to note that the average number of verses in each ruba’: is 25.98333, if the verses are taken as 6236. 6236= [25][240]+236 The remainder =236 , which is very close to the diviser 240. If instead of 6236 . the number 6237 is taken then according division algorithm as follow 6237= [25][240]+237 Rem =237 , more close to the number 240. Also this means that the average number was taken as 25 in each Rub-‘: , chopping or neglecting the fractional or decimal part. Once again it is a very very strong probability if not certainty that the number Ruba’: in Sacred Qur’an were selected so that there would be an average [‘Ausat:] of 25 veres , neglecting the fractional [decimal] parts. An answer to an objection An objection is made that there is a Surah , which is divided such that only one of its verse is in one part and all the verses are in the next part. But the wisdom behind this , is to provide an irrefutable proof that the parts were suggested independent of the division of Surahs. As there is an ‘Isjama:’ on the

So the average number of verses over the

Divisions of Sacred Qur’an, 240 Ruba:’ ,60 ‘Ah:za:b, , it is not an objection that such division is not found in Qur’a:n and H:adi:th: . Since ‘Ijma:’: is itself a source of ‘Isla:m. More than 800 years have passed and no one has criticized this most powerful ‘Ijma:’: . Inspite of all this Mr. Jhelum calls these Holy Divisions of Sacred Qur’a:n as BLUNDER several time in his lecture, [‘Astagh:farullahVa Na’:u:dh:ubillah] , which is disgrace and disrespect of holy ‘Ijma:’: . Page 15 of 20

Page 16 of 20 See:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X00Tz_gUUAA 0:00 / 57:15 #QURANClass #NEWSerial #Introduction 004-Qur'an Class : Introduction of QUR'AN (Part No. 4) By Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza (17-Nov-2019) Time : 25:08 to 29:18

Conclusions 1] There is an irrefutable ‘Ijma:’: on the 30 Holy Parts of Sacred Qur’a:n , so to call is a Blunder is a disgrace . and who so ever calls it a Blunder , becomes an heretic at best and an Apostate at worst. 2] The Canon of Sacred Qur’a:n cannot be reopened or any alleged correction in the division or change in the number of Division , which is 30. 3] There is a wisdom in the division in 30 parts, 60 ‘Ah:za:b, 240 Ruba:’: . 4] There is a divine assistance in the ‘Ijma:’: of mentioned above divisions. 01:10:1441 AH /HE [HE=Hijrah Era] 5:23:2020 CE Note: It was reported from Yazid bin Abdullah, from Abdullah bin Amr (RA), that he said, “O Allah’s Messenger (PBUH)! In how many days should I recite Qur’an?” He (the Prophet, PBUH) replied, “In one month.” I said, “I am capable of more!” – and he made it less, until he said, “Recite it in seven.” So he (Abdullah bin Amr, RA) said, “I am capable of more!” But he (the Prophet, PBUH) said, “He who recites it in less than three (days) will not understand it.” (Hadith No. 1390, Chapters pertaining to the Month of Ramadan, Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol. 2). A number of scholars have derived and deduced a permission for reciting the Whole Sacred qur’a:n in thee days. Also

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Page 17 of 20 It was narrated from Abdullah bin Amr (RA) that Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “No one properly understands who reads the Qur’an in less than three days.” (Hadith No. 1347, Chapters of Establishing Prayer & Sunnah regarding them, Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 2). Also It was reported from Abu Salamah, from Abdullah bin Amr (RA) that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Recite the Qur’an in one month.” He responded, “I find myself (more) energetic.” The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Recite it in twenty (days).” He responded, “I find myself (more) energetic.” The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Recite it in fifteen.” He responded, “I find myself (more) energetic.” The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Recite it in ten.” He responded, “I find myself (more) energetic.” So he (the Prophet, PBUH) said, “Recite it in seven and do not do more than that.” (Hadith No. 1388, Chapters pertaining to the Month of Ramadan, Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol. 2). So a division was made in 30 parts since 30 is LCM of 3 and 10. This is a different approach from division in 7 Manazil. LCM (3,10)=30 Similarly LCM(3,10,15)= 30 So division of Sacred Qur’a:n in Thirty Parts is very helpful in recitation of Sacred Qur’a:n for those who want to recite it in 3 or 10 or 15 days. How ever some more things are needed according to 6236 Kufic verses +1 Bismillah independent of all Surahs as in Tara:vi:h: . So the number is 6237. The average verses in 3 days 6237\3 6237 = (2079)(3)+0 A perfect division Average verses in 10 days 6237\10 = 623.7 6237 = (623)(10)+7 Page 17 of 20

Page 18 of 20 Rem 7 Just one more than number 6 , which is divisible by 3. How ever if it is discarded since it is not divisible by 3 , even then there is a good approximation for the other two. Once is just above and one is just below. Average verses in 15 days 6237\15 = 415.8 6237 = (415)(15)+12 12 is divisible by 3 How ever it is not possible to divide verses exactly in the average , since they are of unequal lengths. Number of verses in Parts 1 to 10 =1328 [Including Bismillah asan independent verse , independent of all Surahs, as we see in Tara:vi:h:]Number of Verses in Parts 11 to 20 =2085. Number of Surahs in Parts 21 to 30 =2851

Disclaimation The auther is not responsible in Any distortion in meaning due to error in typing , whether it is an error of spelling or readaction of the typist or grammatical error or else. The Author is ‘Ahlussunnah and cannot disrespect any one considered as Holy by Majority of ‘Ahlussunnah. So if any content in the text of the work is against the fundamentals of ‘Ahlussunnah is an error of some kind. The Author is not responsible for any such error. There may be some errors , since the proof readings are not done.

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