Can Engineer Ali Mirza explain Verse No 142 Aal Imran, A Challange to Ali Mirza

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1438 AH,2017 CE

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A Challenge to Engineer “Ali: Mirza:Can he explain the verse 142 of Page 2 of 7

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Su:rah “A:li “Imra:n.

Surah Aal-I-Imran Ayah #142 Translated in English


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Literal Translation. Do you think that you will enter the garden while Allah has not yet known those who strive hard from among you, and (He has not) known the patient.

Interpreted Translation

Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while Allah has not yet made evident those of you who fight in His cause and made evident those who are steadfast? 142 ‘A:L “IMR A:N. The Holy Verse of Qur’a:n in its literal meaning or real meaning negates the Divine Knowledge of Future events and consequently negates the Divine Omniscience. Therefore an interpretation is necessary. Jahmiah , Rafid:iah Buda:’iah etc . probably used this verse not only to negate the Divine Knowledge of future but also to shew that := 1] Divine Knowledge Doeth not comprehend Each and Every Existent, Non Exitent, Event of Past, event of Present, Event of Future. NA”U:DH:U BILLAH VA ‘ASTAGH:FARULLAH

2] Divine Knowledge is not Eternal . Page 4 of 7


3] Divine Knowledge is Finite and Limited. NA”U:DH:U BILLAH VA ‘ASTAGH:FARULLAH

4] Divine Knowledge increases as time passes and events occur. NA”U:DH:U BILLAH VA ‘ASTAGH:FARULLAH

5] Non Eternals are Asscocited With Divine Essence. NA”U:DH:U BILLAH VA ‘ASTAGH:FARULLAH

We do not think that the Engineer Of Jhelum would have gone to this extreme. If not then he must interprete this Holy Verse. What we ask How he interpret it and according to which rules of interpretations. He must have to state them. If he cannot then it is exposed that this Engineer of Jhelum is a Man With Out Any Principle. A Principleless Person. His principlelessness is exposed. How ever if he believes that Divine Knowledge is neither Eternal Nor Comprehensive then this implieth that Non Eternal is Sustained in Divine Essence. Also this implies Jahl [Nescience/Ignorence]. NA”U:DH:U BILLAH VA ‘ASTAGH:FARULLAH We ask “Ali; Mirza: the following questions:= 1] What is the meaning of the words in the text of the sentence of the verse “ Va Lamma Ya”Lamillahu” ? Is it not “ ‘ALL-H Hath Not Known it Yet”? If not then what it is? 2] What is the Interpreted meaning of these words in the text of “A:yah. Is it not “ALL-H HATH NOT MADE IT EVIDENT YET”? If not then state your own meaning , AND DERIVE IT BY THE LAWS OF “ARABIC. Also state explicitly whether your meaning is an interpreted /virtual meaning or real /literal meaning.

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Page 6 of 7 3] What do you say about a person who insist on the Literal Meaninng and discards the interpreted meaning. Is he a Muslim or Not. Also it is possible that a person becomes a Kafir by taking the Literal meaning of this verse? 4] Is there any Evidence/Indicator in the text of this verse which implies interpretation and discarding of the Literal Meaning? 5] If some one tries to prove Literal Buda’ [Not Metaphorical Buda’] FROM THIS VERSE ,DO YOU THINK literal meaning is a proof of it or not? [Please not we do not ask about Metaphorical Buda’ which is different from Literal Buda’ in this question. So any discussion on Metaphorical Buda’ shall be out of context in the answer of question 5]. 6] Do you believe in Metaphorical Buda’ or not? [Please state either in affirmation or in negation. No further discussion is required]. 7] What is the Literal Meaning of the Word Shai’ . Is it Existent /Mauju:d ? If not then what it is? 8] Is it necessary to interpret a verse of Qur’a:n by an other verse of Qur’a:n? Or it can be interpreted by Reason or a H:Ladi:th: or both. 9] If Engineer “Ali: Mirza: interpret this verse by an other verse of Qur’a:n then does he allow any one to interpret that verse by this verse? If not then why? For example if Verse A is Interpreted by Verse B by Engineer “Ali: Mirza: , what is his response if some one interpret the verse B by verse A. Please provide examples if any. 10] What are the total number of Verses in Holy Qur’a:n which are interpreted by Engineer “Ali: Mirza: and he does not take them Literally? 11] If Engineer “Ali: Mirza: interpret this verse by the Text of A H:adi:th: then does he allow any one to interpret that H:adi:th: by this verse? If not then why?

12] Does Engineer “Ali: Mirza: believe that Holy Prophet does know the event of future [relative to the time of revelation of this verse stated above ] yet Divine Essence [D:a:tul Ba:ri:] doeth not? Also Doesthe Holy Prophet knoweth it that after the occurrence of it? “Ali: Mirza of Jhelum must explain this verse with all these in mind which are stated above.

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TO THE FOLLOWERS OF ENGINEER “ALI: MIRZA: OF JHELUM IT IS SHOWN THAT “ALI MIRZA: IS A HERETIC AND HETERODOX. HE DOES NOT FOLLOW ‘AHLUSSUNNAH VAL JAMA:”AH. HE IS JUST AN OTHER VERSION OF JAMA:”ATUL MUSLIMI:N [Engongated Ta:] WITH SOME MODIFICATIONS. HE IS MORE CLEAVER THEN THE LATE FOUNDER OF THE JAMA:”ATUL MUSLIMI:N [Elongated Ta:]. He has Rafid:ite tendencies while the founder of Jama:”atul Muslimi:n had Nas:ibite tendencies. How many proofs you require to be convinced that he is a heretic. Do you still require some proofs? It is a necessary responsibility to inform you about apostasy of the apostate engineer. You are informed.

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