1 CAN ENGINEER EXPLAIN THIS VERSE ?A CHALLANGE Surah Az-Zukhruf (ornaments of gold, luxury) Ayah 3
نتععققللنونن للنعلللكعم نعنرقبييق ا لقعرنآينق ا نجنععلننق اله قإنلق ا Literal meaning Verily We Did Make Qur’a:n In “Arabic That You May Understand. or Verily We Made Qur’a:n In “Arabic That You May Understand. This verse does shew that Qur’an is made. Now if this Qur’an is made then it cannot be Eternal. We ask “Ali Mirza to make a commentary of this verse. Since if he thinks that this verse means that Qur’an is made then one that is made is not eternal. If not Eternal then not associated with Divine Essence=Deity. Since he in his lectures has admitted that Non Eternal [H:adith:] neither can sustain in Divine Essence nor can be associated with Divine Essence [Dh:a:tul Ba:ri:]. If he interpret otherwise then he must state the rules of interpretations before making any interpretation. After stating the rule. If Qur’an is made then It is Not Eternal. 1
If Qur’a:n is Eternal then It is Not Made. Also Made Qur’a:n neither can be associated with Divine Essence nor can be sustained in Divine Essence. If Qur’a:n is either associated with Divine Essence or Qur’a:n is sustained in Divine Essence then it is Not made. We have not asked about Makh:lu:q [Created] but asked about made [Maj”u:l]. As Engineer “Ali Mirza: has admitted that he believes that Qur’a:n is Uncreated , one may ask , then how he interpret this verse. Does he believe that Qur’a:n IS CREATED but not Made? Does he believe that Qur’a:n IS MADE but not Created?. Does he believe that Qur’a:n is neither made nor created? Is Qur’a:n Neither Made Nor Eternal? Is Qur’a:n Neither Created Nor Eternal? Is Qur’a:n Neither Created Nor Made? Does Engineer of Jhelum believes that the Made Qur’a:n is Either Associated With Divine Essence or Made Qur’a:n is Sustained in Divine Essence or both? [Qia:m ‘Al Maj”u:l Bi Dh:a:tul Ba:ri:]
Is Qur’a:n an Intentional or Voluntary Speech of Divine Essence or It is Unintentional and Involuntary Speech of Divine Essence. Does “Ali Mirza: of Jhelum believes that Qur’a:n is Intentional/Voluntary and Eternal Speech Of Divine Essence Nounly/Namely ‘ALL-H simultaneously? Also does Divine Essence [Deity] Hath Power to made Qur’a:n in any other language? How Engineer “Ali Mirza interpret this verse of Qur’a:n? “Ali: Mirza: is challenged to make a proper explanation of this verse in light of the above sentenced Questions.
RS OF “ALI: MIRZA You Shall See that this person shall never try to explain this verse in strict wording ‘Insha: ‘All-h because he himself knows that any explanation shall turn back against him. [‘Insha’ALL-H] For example if he explains the verse by saying that Qur’a:n is Eternal yet Voluntary then this is an Absolute Impossible not even Relative Impossible. If Engineer says that Qur’a:n is Made and Not Eternal then he cannot say Qur’a:n is associated with Divine Essence. If Engineer says that Qur’a:n is Made but Neither Eternal Nor Created then he cannot say Qur’a:n is associated with [/Sustained in] Divine Essence. Only thing he is likely to do is to make a joke in Panja:bi: Language because he can easily do that. How ever this is a disgrace of the Panja:bi: Language. 4
This verse is a proof that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is an Apostate and Heretic.