Ignorance of ali mirza from a principle of hadith

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Ali Mirza hath proved his ignorance from a Principle of H:adi:th: called T:aqt:i:” First we prove this principle from authentic sources: IBN ‘AS:S:-LA:H: According to ‘Ibn ‘As:s:-lah: the Permission of Division of a Text Of H:adi:th: in distinct parts and then to include them in different ‘ABVA:B [CHAPTERS/TOPICT] is more acceptable then its non acceptance . Leaders of H:adi:th: like Ma:lik ,Bukha:ri etcetera Have done it. [‘IBN ‘AS:S:-LA:H: 217] KH:AT:I:BI: AAccording to Kh:at:i:bi: “” If the Text of a H:adi:th: consisteth of such parts and orders which are not connected to one another [i.e Independent of one another ] then it is permitted to separate them . Several Scholars of H:adi:th: have done it””. [‘-LK-FA-YAH 193]. How ever ‘Ibn ‘AS:S:-LA:H: hath written in epilogue : It is not empty from dislikeness. Now it is clear that the scholars who have argued from the part of H:adi:th Ka:na: Yakt-bu Al Vahy have used this principle. Since the proper and logical negation of this part is “Ma kana …..” This negation is neither implied by the words of Prophet “ May God not fill His Stomach” not by the act of not coming upon being called. Ali Mirza Has said many disgracing words and abusing sentences in his speech , as if the scholars has done a crime or a transgression of Principles of H:adi:th: by not quoting then the H:adith: in its entirety. He has even criticized his former teacher Zubair Ali Zai. But what so ever they have done is in perfect accordance of the Rules,Principles and Axioms Of H:adi:th: . Logical FormationThe statement used to prove that Saiyiduna: Mu”a:viah RD is Katib ‘Al Vah:y is:= He did use to write Revelation /Aspiration [Vah:y]……….(1) The logical negation of this statement [proposition] is: He did not use to write Revelation /Aspiration [Vah:y]……..(2)

There are just to points of knowledge in the Text of H:adith: := 1]SAIYIDUNA MU”AVIAH RD did not come upon being called two times, and continued eating [ the food]. …………………..(3)

2] Statement of Holy Prophet {S:allallahu ”alaihiV a Sallama}: May ‘ALL-H not fill His Stomach. -----------------(4) (3) IS AN ACT NOT A STATEMENT AND IT NEITHER IMPLIETH (2) NOR CONTRADICTETH (1). (4) IS A STATEMENT AND IT NEITHER IMPLIETH (2) NOR IMPLIETH (4). This proveth that (1) is an Independent Statement. So it is a H:jjah irrespective of (3) and (4). Abusing Language:= Ali Mirza used satyr by saying the word TOTA for the Holy Text of Tradition. The word Tota even in Panjabi language is not a word worth of being used for any portion of Texts of Qur’a:n or H:adi:th: . A REQUEST TO THE FOLLOWERS OF ENGINEER ALI MIRZA. FOR THE SAKE OF ALL-H PLEASE DO LISTEN THE LECTURE OF ALI MIRZA LIKE 131-C ,116:A,B,C ; AND DECIDE WHETHER HE IS MAKING SATYR AND MOCKING ON THE PRINCIPLE OF H:ADITH: OR NOT . HE IS MOCKING A S:AH:ABI: , HE IS MOCKING THE TEXT OF H:DI:TH:, HE IS MOCKING THE PRINCIPLE OF H:ADI:TH, AND HE IS ALSO MOCKING AN OTHER S:AH:ABI [IBN “ABBAS RD] . FOR SAKE OF ALL-H PLEASE COMPARE THIS ANSWER TO THE COOMENTS OF ENGINEER ALI MIRZA AND DECIDED YOURSELVES THAT WHETHER THE ENGINEER IS A RAFID:I: OR NOT.

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