Difficult Decisions Fof Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: First Difficult Discesion HUSAM
Some BELIEFS OF THE ENGINEER OF JHELUM DO CONTRADICT ON AN OTHER EITHER DIRECTLY OR IN DIRECTLY. SOME TIME IT IS VERY DIFFICULT FOR THE ENGINEER TO SELECT ONE AND REJECT THE OTHER. In a series of such difficult decisions one shall see the problems of this new heretic from the City of Jhelum [Panja:b].
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Miscellaneous Difficult Decisions For Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum First Difficult Decision Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: is a heretic and heterodox who claims that he is on the M-nh-j Of ‘Ahlussuunnah but actually he his on the M-n-h-j OF ‘Ahlul Bid’’ah Vattafarqah. His system of beliefs and ideas is Inconsistent and he often contradicts himself either directly or indirectly. In this case it is proved that it is a very difficult to chose among the two alternatives given below: 1] God/Deity [Whose Proper Noun is ‘ALL-H] Spoke Holy Qur’a:n Intentionally/Voluntarily. 2] Holy Qur’a:n is Associated With God/Deity. These two beliefs are Mutually Exclusive there fore Enginner of Jhelum cannot accept both of them if he is rational and logical. Similarly he cannot reject both of the two , if he is rational and logical since these two are Mutually Exhaustive. Qur’a:n is free from Logical Contradictions and Self Contradictions. Proof: Page 2 of 13
Page 3 of 13 If Holy Qur’a:n is the Divine Spoken Speech then God/Deity did Speak Holy Qur’a:n. Let it be assumed that God/Deity Speak Holy Qur’a:n Intentionally/Voluntarily. This implieth that The Divine Act Of Speaking Qur’a:n is Intentional/Voluntary. If Divine Act Of Speaking Holy Qur’a:n is Intentional/Voluntary then the Speech of Holy Qur’a:n is also Voluntary/Intentional since Speech is a Term [‘Alh:a:s:il] of the act of Speaking. If an Act hath a Term , then if the Act is Intentional/Voluntary the term of the act is also Voluntary/Intentional. If both the Act Of Speaking Qur’a:n and the Speech of Holy Qur’a:n both are Intentional/Voluntary then they both are Non Eternal Since it is impossible for any Non Eternal to be bring in Existence involuntarily /unintentionally by God/Deity. This implieth that both Act Of Speaking Qur’a:n are Non Eternal. Since :1] It is impossible that Divine Acts are Involuntary /Unintentional. 2] It is Impossible that any thing that is Unintentional /Involuntary is a Divine Act. I
3] It is Impossible that any thing that is Non Eternal is Unintentional/Involuntary. 4] It is impossible that any thing that in Involuntary/Unintentional is Not Non Eternal.
So it is implied that both the Holy Qur’a:n Nor the Act of Holy Qur’a:n are Neither Associated With God/Deity Nor are Inseparable From God/Deity. One that is Neither Associated Nor Inseparable is Separate From Deity/God, Distinct From God/Deity and Alien to God/Deity. If they are neither Associated With God/Deity Nor Inseparable From God/Deity and God/Deity is not a Locus of them. This implieth that Act Of Speaking Holy Qur’a:m and the Term of the Act of Speaking that is Attribute of Qur’a:n both are Separate from God/Deity . [ A term of an Act is one that is directly implied by the Act. In case of Act of Speakin the Attribute of Speech is directly implied by the Act of Speaking ,so the Attribute of Speech is a Term of the Act of Speaking].
Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: himself believes that God is not a Locus [M-H:-L] of Non Eternals [ H:-du:th:/H:a:dith:]. If this be accepted then this holder of the Heretic Mind should also accept the followings as well:1] Nothing Separate From God/Deity [GH:AIRULLAH] is brought in Existence by God/Deit With Out Divine Will/Intentions. Page 3 of 13
Page 4 of 13 2] No thing Separate From God/Deity [GH:AIRULLAH] is Eternal. 3] No Eternal is Intentional/Voluntary in Existence. 4] No Non Eternal is Involuntary/ Unintentional In Existence. 5] Deity/God is the Freest of all Agents and All His Acts are by His Free Will/Intention. 5] If an Act is Eternal then it is really an Attribute.
Let it be suppose that Qur’a:n is Associated with God/Deity. As Qur’a:n is Associated With God/Deity then Qur’a:n is Inseparable From God/Deity and God/Deity is a Locus محﻞ Qur’a:n. This implieth that Qur’a:n is Eternal. If Qur’a:n is Eternal then the Act of Speaking Qur’a:n is also Eternal. This implieth that both Divine Speech Of Qur’a:n and Divine Act of Speaking Qur’a:n are Eternal. If they both are Eternal then they are Unintentional /Involuntary. That is they are not in Divine Will/Intention. So in the First Case if Engineer of Jhelum believes that Sentences/Verses of Holy Qur’a:n are Voluntarily /Intentionally Spoken by God/Deity then it is implied that neither Qur’a:n not act of speaking Qur’a:n nor acts of speaking every Verse/Sentence of Holy Qur’a:n nor act of Speaking Verses/Sentences of Speech of other Books beside Holy Qur’a:n say Holy Taurah/Torah et cetera are Associated With God /Deity and Inseparable From Him. In the Second Case Holy Qur’a:n ,each and every Sentence/Verse of Qur’a;n Speech of Other Books Et Ce Tera all are Unintentional /Involuntary. It is impossible to accept that there is a Non Eternal Divine Speech that is Unintentional/Unvoluntary. So it is a very difficult decision for the ENGINEER OF JHELUM [PAN JA:B] indeed, to select one of the two MUTUALLY EXCLUSICE AND MUTUALLY EXHAUSTIVE BELIEVES GIVEN BELOW: 1] The Qur’a: Spoken by God/Deity is Associated With God/Deity . 2] Qur’a:n is Spoken By God /Deity Intentionally /Voiluntarily.
Some Closely Related Conundrums for the Most Heretic Mind of Twenty First Century CE. Does Engineer ‘’AliL Mirza: believe that When God/Deity Spoke to Mu:sa: [‘’A S] then He Spoke Unintentionally and Involuntarity?
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Page 5 of 13 Does Engineer of Jhelum believe that when God/Deity said the Commandment to Angels ‘’to perform Saj-dah’’ (‘-S-J-DU: ) to ‘A:dam then He said the Commandment Unintentionally/Involuntarily. If these sayings are Eternal then does it mean that God said to Moses Eternally when Moses was Non Existent in Eternally and when Moses came in Existence this command was there but Moses did not hear it and then one day Moses heard the Eternal SPEECH . This means that God/Deity did not Spoke to Moses Intentionally/Voluntarily. Asha:’’irah AND Matu:ridiah can interpret since they have their respective Hermeneutic Systems . But Engineer of Jhelum like Zubair ‘’Ali: Zai is an opponent of them. So THERE IS AN OTHER CONUNDRUM FOR HIM:= If each and Every Verse of Qur’a:n is Spoken by God/Deity Intentionally/Voluntarily then God/Deity is Not Locus of ant one of them.. Does the Engineer believe this? If God/Deity is the Locus of Each and Every Verse of Holy Qur’a:n then none of the verses of Holy Qur’a:n is Spoken by God/ Deity Intentionally/ Voluntarily. Does the Engineer believe this? Let the Engineer Be Asked. An other Conundrum for the Heretic of Jhelum is as follow: Are the Abrogated Verses of Holy Qur’a:n once associated With God/Deity then Ceased to be Associated With God/Deity? Are the Abrogated Verses continued to be Associated With God/Deity even AFTER they are Abrogated. Does this not mean that that are Not Abrogated from being associated With Divine Essence? If so the why they are Abrogated from Divine Book? Divine Essence is Deity/God and God/Deity/ is the Divine Essence. The same is called Divinity ,Godhead and Godhood in General unless and otherwise stated.
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Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: is asked a number of question in regard to his beliefs about Holy Qur’a:n. Once again he is asked in some systematic manner, yet these questions may be found in lists of questions asked before. But in some what more organized way and in more simplified forms. Further more Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: declares great scholars of Minority of ‘Ahlussunnah as COMMITTER OF KUFR on the bases of some Theological Errors. These questions and conundrums may reveal the fact that Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: is a Mu’’t-z-li: minded person and his ‘I’’t-za:l can be unveiled if he attempts to answer these questions and conundrums. It may also be noted that he is also against the Majority of ‘Ahlussunnah as well. He is on the Manhaj [M-nh-j] of Bid’’ah [On the Way of Heresy]. These questions and conundrums are carefully selected and rationally arranged after a number of discussions. As for Us we do Believe in the Eternity and Uncreatedness of Holy Qur’a:n as an Essential Attribute as Majority of ‘Ahlussunnah believes but do not declare Minority of ‘Ahlussunnah as Ka:fir just because they believe in the Dogma of Uncreated but Non Eternal. To discard a dogma is one thing to declare it Kufr is an other thing. Minority of ‘Ahlussunah HOLDS the following beliefs:= 1]Doeth God Speak by His Will/Intention.? 2]Doeth At times God Will /Intend to Speak, and at times God Willeth /Intendeth not to Speak.? [Which may be termed as remaining silent].
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Page 7 of 13 3] Is There is no Esoteric Divine Speech [‘Al Kala:m ‘An Nafsi:]? 4] If God Speaketh then Doeth the Speech of God Come in Existence from Nonexistence/Nothingness? 5] When God Speaketh Not then Doeth no Speech Of God Come in Existence from Non Existence? 6] When God Willeth /Intendeth to Speak a Speech ,Doeth the Act of Speaking come in Existence from Non Existence immediately without any delay? 7] Are ‘ The Act of Speaking a Speech and the Term of Speech which is implied by the Act of Speaking’ Uncreated and Non Eternal? 8] Are Neither the Act of Speaking a Speech nor the very Term of Spoken Speech by the Act of Speaking Per Se Subsistent [Qa:’im Bidh: Dh:a:t] in the Divine Case.[ Any thing that is implied by an Act is a Term of the Act]? 9]Is A Divine Act Neither Eternal Nor Created? 10]Is the Term of a Divine Act [if the Divine Act Hath Any] also Neither Created Nor Eternal. 11] Does This [Q:10] mean that Engineer of Jhelum does Accept that all Non Eternals are Creations WITH THE EXCEPTION OF Divine Acts and The Terms Of Divine Acts [If Some of them have some]. If Engineer of Jhelum responds in negation in regard to some of the stated above questions then he is asked to respond explicitly. If Engineer of Jhelum responds in affirmation in regard to some of the stated above questions then he is asked to respond explicitly. The condition of Explicitness is Imposed and never dropped throughout this questionnaire, if each one of his response is in negation or each one of the response is in affirmation. To the followers of the Engineer Of Jhelum it is most humbly requested that Engineer ‘’ali: Mirza: believes in contradictions and his ideas ,views and beliefs often contradict either directly or indirectly. So it is necessary to present his beliefs to the scholars of the Muslim World so that the Muslims all over the world may get aware of his heresies and beware of his heretic inclinations. It may be the case that in some cases even he is unable to understand the inconsistency in his own system of beliefs , thoughts and ideas, It is also necessary for the listeners and followers of this person to understand the ideological, theological and conceptual problems in the entire system of the Engineer, before the decide whether to drift away from his circle or to continue his following.
Now there is another class of question given below. Page 7 of 13
Page 8 of 13 [Some may find some repetition but these questions are presented to clarify some subtle ideological and theological ambiguities in the system of the Engineer of Jhelum.]
1] Is each verse [‘A:yah] of Qur’a:n Spoken by God ? If it is so then the question is whether it was spoken Intentionally by God [‘ALL-H] or Unintentionally [Bil ‘Ira:dah or Bi Gh:airil ‘Ira:dah].
If it is Spoken by’ALL-H Bil ‘Iradah then It is Absolutely Impossible that THE ACT OF SPEAKING AND THE SPOKEN Verses are Eternal. If it is Spoken Bi Gh:airil ‘ira:dah then it is Absolutely Impossible that both of the them [ Act of Speaking and the Spoken Verses] are Not Eternal. So Engineer of Jhelum if he claims that they are both Eternal and Intentional [Bil ‘Ira:dah] then he is just deceiving. 2] Is each Verse of Qur’a:n Associated with the Divine Essence [Dh:a:tul Ba:ri:]. If it is then whether Engineer of Jhelum believes that these verses and the act of speaking of these Verses to be Intentional or Unintentional in regard to Divine Intention/Will [‘Ira:datul Ba:ri:].
If they are Associated With Divine Essence then it is Absolutely Impossible Upon Divine Essence that they are Intentional [Bil ‘Ira:dah]. If they are Intentional then it is Absolutely Impossible for them to be Associated With Divine Essence. 3] Does Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: believes that ANY THING that is NEITHER the Divine Essence Itself Nor Associated With the Divine Essence is Separate [Gh:air] From God/Deity [‘ALL-H]?
If Engineer does believe that there is atleast one thing that is Neither the Divine Essence Itself Nor Associated With Divine Essence ,but it is not Separate From God then he is just making deception and Is openly deceiving his followers. Since Anything that is Separate from God [Divine Essence] is a Creation Bil ‘Ajma:’’ . 4] Does the Engineer Of Jhelum believe that there are things [atleast one thing] which are [is] Neither Creation Of Deity [Makh:lu:qul Ba:ri:] Nor Uncreated [Gh:airu Makh:lu:q] ?
It must be noted that any thing that is not Created is Certainly Uncreated. If Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: denies this , his Heresy is unveiled immediately and with immediate effect. Also Are Voluntary/Intentional Acts of Human Beings and Jinn Beings Creations of ‘ALL-H? If Not then the Question is Whether they are Associated With Divine Essence?
If yes, then it is Shirk to believe that each and every act of Human Beings and Jinn Beings are Associated With Divine Essence, 5] Does Engineer of Jhelum believe that Divine Essence Is Associated With Deity or it is the Deity Himself? 6] Does Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: believe that any thing that is Uncreated [Gh:airu Makh:lu:q] is Eternal?
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If the Engineer answers in affirmation then it is implied that It Is Either Associated With Divine Essence or It Is the Very Divine Essence Itself.Since Only Divine Essence and Divine Attributes are Eternal and Only Divine Attributes are AssociatedWith Divine Essence [according to Majority of ‘Ahlussunnah].If the Engineer denies this then he becomes a member of a Minority of ‘Ahlussunnah in case of Notion of Divine Acts they are Neither Eternal Nor Separate . But Engineer does not believe that Any thing that is Associated With Divine Essence can be Non Eternal. 9] Who is the Creator of Human and Jin Acts [Stated Above].
Either there is no Creator of Human and Jinn Acts or Human and Jin are Creator Of their acts or ‘ALL-H is the Creator of their Acts. There is no forth option, 10] Is Creation of Creation of God Not Creation of God? If it is not then the question is it is not the belief of all Muslims that one that is not Created is either Divine Essence or Associated With Divine Essence?
It is Shirk to believe that there is some thing that is:-A] Separate Form God. B] Not Created By God.This is True for all things whether they are Acts [‘Af’’a:l], Accidents [‘A’’ra:d:], Essences [Dh:va:t] ,Attributes [S:ifa:t], Substances [Java:hir], Matter [Ma’-ddah]. 11] Does Engineer of Jhelum believe that Qur’a:n is Attribute Of God or Act Of God or Qur’a:n is God?
If Engineer believes that Qur’a:n is God then this is either the very same belief that is in John1:1 ‘’And the Word Was God’’ or something close to it. If he either believes that Qur’a:n is an ATTRIBUTE OF God or believes that Qur’a:n is an act of God then he must state the difference between Divine Act and Divine Attribute. 12] Does Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: believe that Uncreated Qur’a:n is the Speech of God and the Act of Speaking of Uncreated Qur’a:n by God is Created. Does Engineer Believes that Qur’a:n is Eternal Speech of God but the Act of Speaking of Qur’a:n is Non Eternal? If so then what is the relation between Eternal Speech of Qur’a:n and Act of Non Eternal Act Of Speaking of Qur’an by Very God Himself?
13] Is Act of Speaking Qur’a:n by Very God Himself Non Eternal? If Non Eternal then then the question is whether this Very act stated above in this question Separate from Qur’a:n or Inseparable from Qur’a:n? If the Act of Speaking of verses of Qur’a:n is Eternal then why it is an Act and not an Attribute? Does it mean that there is atleast one Act of Divine Attribute of which the Divine Attribute is just a Term? [Note if some speech is spoken then one that is spoken by the Act of Speaking is called the term of the Act?] 14]a) If Act of Speaking of Qura:n by God Himself is Non Eternal, but the Spoken Qur’a:n is Eternal Then does it not mean that Spoken Qur’a:n Pre Exitences the Act Of Speaking of it itself?
In this case Attribute Of Speech Of Qur’a:n is Eternally Associated With Divine Essence with out the act of Speaking b]Are their Sentences and Words Spoken by God which are other than Qur’a:n Divine Speech(es)?
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Page 10 of 13 c]When God Said/Spoke Kun/Cun , the Word Kun/Cun is Eternal or Not. If it is Eternal then this means that the Things which come in Existence infinitely after the Spoken Word spoken By God. If it is immediately before the Creation then it is also not Eternal? d] When the Word Kun was Spoken by God, was it the part of Qur’an or became the part of Qur’an when God Reported the Word Kun in Qur’a;n? e] Shall God Not Speak after Qur’a:n in Doomsday or after Doomsday or God Shall Speak in the Doomsday or after the Doomsday which shall be other than Qur’a:n? f] Is the Act of ‘Istiva:’ Eternal or this act came into existence after the Creation of ‘’Arsh when God Willed/Intended to bring this Divine Act from Nothingness and NonExistence. g] Is the Act of ‘Istiva:’ Intentional Divine Act or Unintentional Divine Act? h] Is Ma’’iah [Withness ] Of God an Eternal Attribute or an Eternal Divine Act or a Non Eternal Divine Act? Also if there was no Creation of God in Eternity does it mean God was With No one. If with no one then does in mean Divine Withness is Non Eternal? i] ‘Istiva:’ is On ‘’Arsh. Can God Practice this act on Farsh or God Cannot practice/Exercise this act on Farsh? j] Does Divine Act of ‘istiva:’ Implies Divine Attribute of ‘Istiva:’? k] Do the Divine ‘Istiva:’ and Divine Wthness have Terms or they are Termless or one of them has a term? If one of them has a Term then which one? l] Is Divine Withness Imseparable from God? m] Is a Divine Act in God, and if it is in God then Is it God or Beside God? If it is neither in God nor God then Is it beside God ? n]Is any thing that is beside God is Separate From God? o] Is any thing in God God? p] Are there only four Divine Notions, a] Divine Essence, b] Divine Nouns c] Divine Attributes d] Divine Acts; or there are some more Divine Notions, if so then please state them explicitly? q] If God Willeth /Intendeth a thing to be Created then is the this Divine Act of Will/Intention emanateth from the Attribute of Divine Will/Intention? r] Is the Divine Act of Will/Intention and Divine Attribute Of Will related or not , and if so then is this relation Creation or Uncreated? s] Is Tajalli the Divine Act or Divine Attribute or none of the two. Is The Divine Tajalli: Makhlu:q or Gh:ai Makh:lu:q? t] Is an Intentional /Voluntary Divine Act Associated with God and inseparable from him? Page 10 of 13
Page 11 of 13 u] Are there some Divine Acts which are Unintentional and Involuntary [Ie they occur without Divine Will/Intention]? If there are then ,are they Eternal or Non Eternal? v] Is it a Bid’’ah to believe an Involuntary Divine Act as Voluntary Divine Act? w] Is it a Bid’’ah to believe an Intentional/ Voluntary Divine Act as Unintentional/ Involuntary Divine Act in regard to Divine Will/Intention? x] Are Some Divine Attributes known to us Involuntary/Unintentional in regard to Divine Will/Intention? y] Is the Divine Act of Will which Emanateth from Divine Attribute of Will/Intention Intentional/Voluntary or it is Involuntary? z] Is there a S:AH:I:H: AND S:ARI:H: H:ADI:TH: That explicitly stateth that ‘’ It is Kufr to believe that an Intentional Non Eternal Divine Act is Associated With God? ONCE AGAIN IT IS INFORMED THAT PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: Why we are asking this questions and conundrums , may be answered as follow: Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: declares great scholars of Minority of ‘Ahlussunnah as COMMITTER OF KUFR on the bases of some Theological Errors. These questions and conundrums may reveal the fact that Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: is a Mu’’t-z-li: minded person and his ‘I’’t-za:l can be unveiled if he attempts to answer these questions and conundrums. His own beliefs are full of contradictions, inconsistencies And Absurdities. In this situation Engineer o Jhelum Must accept that his there is some Kufr in his beliefs ACCORDING TO HIS OWN STANDARD. DISCLAIMER THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OF ANY DISTORTION OF MEANING DUE TO TYPING ERRORS AND SPELLING ERRORS COMMITTED BY THE TYPIST. A possible allegation:Some people who are not the students of Theology and Dialectics may declare that such questions are Disgrace and Disrespect in Divne Glory. To them it is responded that this is not the case, but if so then why Engineer of Jhelum is declaring Great Scholars as COMMITER OF KUFR when he himself does not know that his declaration requires a deep research.
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The system of the Engineer is the most inconsistent minded person yet like the Great Deceiver rather Super Deceiver , he attempts to distort the belief of Muslims . His system of thoughts is in inconsistent, his ideas are self contradicting, his views are paradoxical and his faith is his heresy. He is most dangerous than an Atheist or a Missionary . So please do not listen to his lectures unless and otherwise you have thorough knowledge of the subjects he is dealing with. He uses verses of Qur’a:n and Traditions of H:adi:th: other than their proper meanings. Like Mr. Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad Pervez he is a Master of Distortion. How many proofs and evidences do you require to be convinced that he is a Heretic and Heterodox. Are you still in doubt? Any How You Are Informed. On the day of Judgement we shall be glad to say that we did informed you. On that day Engineer’s followers shall not have any way to escape from God/Deity. So please do not be in them . THANKS FOR READING THE ARTICLE .
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