Zubair "Ali: Zai was a Takfi:ri: minded person who was ready to declare any one either as Kafir or as Heretic. He was so stunch that he began to oppose Imam Ibn Taimiah RH: and 'Ima:m Sha:h 'Isma:"i:l Shahi:d RD: . He was an opponent of belief of Possibility of Falsehood in Divine Declarative Assertive and Negative Sentences. He used the objections of 'Ah:mad Rad:a: of Bans Baraili [1856-1930] I personally did write to him that Imam Shah 'Isma"i:l Shahi:d RD: did claimed the Possibility of Falsehood in Divine Sentences stated above, BUT he did not claimed the Possibility Of Other Defects [ Defective Atrributes and Defective Acts] like EATING. DRINKING, THURST, HUNGER , WALKING , PAIN BODINESS ETC. But he was unable to distinguish between the two types of Defects. He was opponent of Shah Shahi:d for three reasons. 1] Vah:datul Vuju:d. 2] 'ASH"ARIAH and Maturiah 3] Some sentences of Tqviatul 'i:ma:n As for Vah:datul Vuju:d Shah 'isma:"il has a different interpretation of the dogma , and his interpretation cannot be declared as Kufr.But Ali Zai was unable to declare ALLAMAH ROPAR:I as kafir when he defended the very same dogma in Fatava Ahlul Hadith. My objection is that If Allamah Ropar:i can be apologized, then what stoped Ali Zai from making Apologies for Shah 'Isa:"i:l Shadi:d and rest of 'Ahlussunnah Deoband. As for Ash"ariah and Maturidiah , a large number of great Sunni Scholars are either "Ash"ari or Maturidi or both. From Ibn Hajr to Mulla Ali Qari, one can not declare each and every Scholar as heretic just because of their Ash"arism and Maturism. My objection is then why Shah 'Isma:"i:l is to be accused. At best one may differ but to declare them , out of folds of Ahlusunnah is the pure Extremism. As for Taqviatul Ima:n he commited a gross error. Actually Ali Zai was making objection on the portions of texts of books of Ahlussunnah Deoband, which he borrowed from Ahmad Rad:a of Bans Baraili, he was informed that such incorrect objections can even be rased against Taqviatul Iman Shari:f, hoping that he may stop attacking those books , since inpite of all disputes which are between Ahlul H:adi:th and Ahlussunnah Deoband , no true Ahlul Hadith: accepts the objection of Rad:a of Bans Baraili against the elders of Ahlussunnah Deoband.
But contrary to all expectations he began to criticise Shah 'isma:"i:l RH: and his Noble Book of Tauh:i:d stated above. He began to declare him first as Heretic then as Kafir.
Ali Zai was fond of contracting and limiting thje Divine Power [Omnipotence].
His list excludes many thing from Divine Power . He used the very same trick to misguide Ahlul Hadith , by asking some questions like follow: If Falsehood is in Power then what shall be your answer if some one does ask about Eating or Fornication etc. He was of the view that one of the reason that Ahlussunnah Deoband are Kafir ; is that they believe that Falsehood is ion Power. He was asked what is his view about Yakroza, with the hope that his Takfi:r may cease after this enquiry, but against all expectations he declared Shah 'Isma"i:l as Kafir.A number of Ahlul Hadith scholars do know these horable problems of Zubair Ali Zai but deliberately try to hide it. particularly ofter his death. It is said that Ali Zai and Ghulam Rasul Sa"i:di secretly contacted several times on Mobile Phones and had long discussion, each one influencing the other. Cunning Sa"i:di was able to convince simple minded Ali Zai that Shah Ismail is Kafir, and the belief in the Possibility of Falsehood is Heresy or Kufr or both. How ever it is said that Sa"idi in his last days rejected the Takfi:r of Elders of Deband, and gave up the belief in the Ilm Ma Kana Va Ycun. [May the saying be true]. But simple minded Ali Zai was too stunch to accept his mistakes. He was of the view that No Opposite of Divine Attributes of any type are in Divine Power. Even the opposites of Relative Divine Attributes. He did not know the logical differences between the Divine Relative Attributes AND RELATIVE Attributes of Divine Attributes, since Relative Attributes Of God are not God [i.e not identical to God]. Ali Mirza does follow him in these issues , that is the reason why this man is against Shah Isma"i:l RH: