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It is some times said by some scholars that a person may go astray if a person studies Qur’a:n or Scriptures of ‘Ah:adi:th: by his/her own, just by reading translations .Engineer of Jhelum [Jahl-um] known as Engineer “Ali: Mirza of Jhelum (who is a Takfi:ri) declares all those scholars as Committers Of Kufr. Not just a Moderate Ka:fir but a Ka:fir of such an Extreme Kufr , that some one even doubts on their Kufr is also a Committer Of Kufr. But the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: distorts the meaning of their sentence deliberately. A Sentence is a Group of words of a language according to the Grammatical Rules of Syntax and Morphology of that language and have some meaning. A sentence may have one meaning or more than one meanings .a) One that Is Kufr.b) One That is ‘Isla:mic.c) One that is Neither Kufr Nor ‘Isla:mic. The Engineer Of Jhelum confuses different meanings in order to motivate his audiences to Become Enemy of Scholars of ‘Isla:m in Sub-Continent of Continent Asia . So it is necessary to understand the meaning taken by the scholars in the proper context and to Expose the Enmity of ‘Isla:m and ‘Ahlussunnah which resides in the Essence of “Ali Mirza Of Page 4 of 8
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1] A Translation or Version of Qur’a:n in any language whether it be English or Persian or Sindhi: German or Urdu: or in the mother tongue of the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: say Jhelumi dialect of Panja:bi: is not Qur’a:n. Even translation of Qur’a:n in modern “Arabic is Certainly Not Qur’a:n. So what these Scholars of different parts of Subcontinent South Asia of Continent Asia mean that by reading such translations with out proper knowledge may lead to some meanings Certainly Not Intended By the Divine Essence Whose Proper Noun is ‘ALL-H[Subh:a:n-hu: Va Ta”a:la:, “Azz- Va JJall-]. This may cause heresy. These Scholars Of ‘Isla:m did not prevent Muslims from reading and reciting the Holy Text of Qur’a:n. But they did shew some reservations from reading the Translations and Versions Of Holy Qur’a:n.. If the wanted to prevent the reading or recitation of the Divine Text of Holy Qur’a:n they would have issued a Fatava: that it is prohibited of any one who does Know “Arabic sufficiently enough to Understand the Literal meaning of the Text Of Holy Qur’a:n [‘AL QUR’A:N ‘AL MUQADDAS] unless and otherwise he/she is a scholar of ‘Isla:m. Neither they ever issue any Fatava: that “Arabs who are not Scholars [“U-ma:’] are not allowed to read and recite the Text of Holy and Sanctified Text . Since Muslim scholars do differentiate between the Original Qur’a:n and different Versions and Translations of Holy Qur’a:n in different languages. Unfortunately in subcontinent of Asia , a large majority of Muslims do not know “Arabic. But their ignorance of “Arabic cannot make any translation or version of Holy Qur’a:n equals to Qur’a:n. So what they say is not about Holy and Noble Qur’a:n but about Its Translations. But the third Hypostasis of Trinity of Heresy the Engineer “Ali: Mirza: deliberately confuses his listeners .
2] There are a number of translations and versions of are written by Heretics. So to study their translations and versions must lead to astray. Even the lectures of the Heretic of Jhelum may lead to astray . So it is a proper advise that one must not read such translations and versions of Holy Qur’a:n. We give an example . Engineer “Ali: Mirza: Criticizes the Thirty Holy Parts of Holy Qur’a:n and thus his lectures become dangerous to the respective faiths of his Listeners. But this is not an example. There are so many heretic translations and versions which even Engineer “Ali: Mirza: considers as incorrect.
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Page 6 of 8 However it Has come in information that now Engineer “Ali: Mirza: declares all the translations and versions of Holy Qur’a:n in Subcontinent as incorrect. If this information is correct then he is not in a good position and his Fat-va: may be used against himself. Some Fat-va some times fire back. How ever if this information is incorrect then he must disagree with a number of scholars , and in such cases he is likely to ask his audiences not to read them. Let us see what is his response.
3] Some may assume that ‘Ah:adi:th contradict Qur’a:n since they do not know the proper interpretations ,explanations, commentaries of Holy Qur’a:n and Holy Books of ‘Ah:a:di:th: . Now every thing is clear. Some time by reading Holy Qur’a:n ‘s translations and versions in different languages one may get artery .
4] Some time without proper knowledge of Holy Qur’a:n reading translations may make a person assume that Holy Qur’a:n contradicts science. Instead of asking Muslims to obtain proper Knowledge of Holy Qur’a:n, “Ali: Mirza: declares those scholars of ‘Isla:m as Committers of Extreme Kufr. This is the very dangerous scheme Engineered by the Engineer of Jhelum. A Possible Reply Of “Ali Mirza: Of Jhelum [ Panja:b]. It may be responded that all he want that the people of Subcontinent must study “Arabic so that they may understand Holy Qur’a:n. It is our wish that Urdu: may be replaced by “Arabic as the National Language of Pakistan since “Arabic is the Language of Speech of Divine Essence , and His Holy Apostle and Last of All Prophets. So in this era Key to success of Material Life is English and Key to Heavens is “Arabic. But this does not mean that this Engineer can excuse his Fat-va as such. Since he has declared a Fat-va: of Extreme Kufr. Why just because he does not want to teach Muslims “Arabic but all he wants to deliver a Fat-va of Kufr to which has conceived in his pragmatic heretic mind. Heresy of “Ali: Mirza: 1] He confuses Holy Qur’a:n and Its Translations/Versions in different languages. 2] He wants his followers to assume that to prevent persons from reading translations is to prevent from Holy Qur’a:n. Our View:
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Although we do differ from this view and opine that there are some very good translations /versions of Holy Qur’a:n in different languages that may be read and may be studied, yet we do not issue a fat-va: , and consider it as difference of opinion. We do hold that No Translation of Holy And Noble Qur’a:n is the Holy Qur’a:n. Holy Qur’a:n is the Speech of Divine Essence [ALL-H] ; and the Translations and Versions of Holy Qur’a:n are the works and books of Created Essences [Non Divine Essences]. When will the followers of the Engineer ‘Ali: Mirza: understand that this Engineer is Deceiving you . He is simply trying to develop enmity of scholars Of ‘Isla:m in a tortoise way, slowly and gradually , in steps, leading to the worse heresy ever innovated in the Holy Noun of ‘Isla:m. The same answer is valid in case of translations and versions of ‘Ah:adith: , a similar Fat-va: is issued by the Supreme Heretic of of our time in regard to books of translations and versions of ‘Ah:adi:th:.
A REQUEST TO THE FOLOWERS OF ENGINEER OF JHELUM Please leave he folds of the Engineer before it is too late.
Do you really believe that He is a Friend of ‘Isla:m???? How many proof and evidences you require before you get convinced that the he is greatest Heretic of all time.
Notes: 1]As now the Traditions of ‘Ah:adi:th are also written so it is proper to use the ord Scriptures for Page 7 of 8
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the Holy Books of ‘Ah:a:dith: like Holy Bukh:ari , Holy Muslim M-‘-t:t:-, N-sa:’i: etc. 2] The word Version and the word Translation are used as synonyms. The same is in the case of their plurals.
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