Refuting Engineer Ali Mirza Jhelumi : Can He Explain the Verse 81:29 Takvi:r

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A CHALLENGE TO ENGINEER “ALI MIRZA Surah T-kvi:r 81:29 ‫ب ا‬ ‫اا رنيرشلارء رأن إمال رترشلااءنورن رنورملا‬ ‫اللرعلارلممنيرنر رر ب‬ And will ye shall not, unless ALL-H [Deity] willeth, the Lord of all Universes. Or And ye shall not will except as Allah willeth,- the Cherisher/Providence of the Worlds. This is one of those verses of Qur’a:n which Engineer “Ali: Mirza Explains as according to Mu”tazilite believes. Since this verse in the apparent and literal meaning meaneth that Human Will cannot function of its own and in functions according to Divine Will/ Intention/Volence. This implieth that Divine Will is the Necessary and Sufficient condition for the act of human Will that emanates from the Attribute of the Human Will.



So as the Human Will is a Contingent Existent in both meanings and types say as an Attribute and as an Act, this implieth that it is Absolutely Impossible that it moves or inclines or acts with out the Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Divine Will/Intention. So if a human being commits a transgression of Law [Shar”] it is because it is so willed /Intended by the Divine Essence. Similarly it can be said for any other Rational Suppositum Being say Jinn Beings etc. But Engineer “Ali: Mirza cannot accept this Commentary and attempts to make objection as if he is a Mu”tazilite. He does not accept that Divine Will is the Necessary Cause of the act of choosing an act of transgression of Human Will.


2 So he tries to make objections. This exposes that Engineer “Ali: Mirza: is a Mu”tazili. If you listen the lectures of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: about Taqdi:r you shall find that he is denying the Basic Commentary of ‘Ahlussunnah Val Jama:”ah and is opting a Mu”tazilite commentary. Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza is a Mu”tazilah and tries to hide this heresy by presenting some traditions taking them in there literal meanings when it is necessary to interpret them. CAN THE ENGINEER OF JHELUM EXPLAIN THE VERSE AS ACCORDING TO THE MAINSTREAM OF ‘AHLUSSUNNAH????? IT IS C CHALLENGE. IF THIS PERSON OF JHELUM ACCEPTS THE CHALLENGE THEN WE SHALL INVESTIGATE HIS WORK AND MAKE A PROPER CRITISCISM ON IT.

TO THE FOLLOWERS OF ENGINEER “ALI MIRZA: Engineer “Ali: Mirza is a heretic. He cannot explain the verse according to Orthodoxy but he interpret according to heresy.



How many proofs you need to be convinced that the Engineer Of Jhelum is a Heretic and Heterodox. Please to not spoil your faith by follpwing such an Apostate. 2


It is necessary to inform you so We cannot be accused on the day of Q-ya:mah for not informing.





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