Ridvan ali nadvi and ali mirza

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“Ali Mirza:”s Sources of Heresy 1]Ridvan “Ali Nadvi wrote his heretic views about Saiyiduna Mu”a:viah in is Magzeen “Al Baya:n” in the year 1990 CE August and September or in 1418 AH Muharram/Safar. https://rekhta.org/ebooks/al-bayan-magazines In this heretic articles he attempted to misguide about Saiyiduna M-“a:viah RD. Even in this work there is an article namely Imam Hasan by Hasan Muth:anna Nadvi which is full of false allegations on Saiyiduna Mu”aviah RD. FROM page 7 to 28. Although it is said that Rid:van “Ali in present of some Scholars repended , a tradition which requires verification , Engineer “Ali Mirza believes in each and every word of it. Even the Hasan Muth:anna made a false allegation on Saiyiduna: M-“a:viah RD: for poisoning Saiyiduna H:asan RD: [Na”u:dhu Billah]. Engineer “Ali Mirza is said to be inspired by Rid:van “Ali Nadvi and the Hasan Muth:anna Nadvi and people of these types. Ridvan “Ali Nadvi had written some refutations of Sha:h Bali:gh:uddin a Nas:bite Scholar and in his Alleged refutations he has presented similar views as Hasan M-th:anna Nadvi. In my personal conversation on telephone [ probably in 1995CE] Rid:va:n “Ali Nadvi declared works of H:abi:b ‘Ar Rah:ma:n Kalendhvi as Incorrect. I asked him whether he has ever discussed the topic to Maula:na: Sarfaraz Kha:n Safdar, he said he did not know him. I wrote in 1995 CE a personal letter to Ridva:n “Ali Nadvi and even called him on Phone asking several question but he never answered to them. Instead he send a copy of ‘Al Baya:n. He was defending Vaq-di on several issues. One of My question was that if this person Vaq-di was a Judge in the time of Ma:mu:n the Mu”tazili, then this is a proof that Vaq-di was a believer in the Dogma of Creation of Holy Qur’an and not a Sunni. “Rid:va:n “Ali failed to answer me. I even talked to a woman when I called to Rid:va:n “Ali: , probably his spouse , whose accept of Urdu was not good as if she was a foreigner . She admitted that Rid:va:n “Ali has received the letter. But she made some excused for not answering to the questions asked. Ridvan Ali never answered them. Any How Ridvan and Hasan Nadvi are to two basic sources of the Engineer’s Heresy.

We have found the basic sources of influences of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum. 2] Maula:na Vah:id Zaman This is an other person who was a Ra:fid:I and “Ali Mirza is inspired of his works. 3] Maulana: Maududi

Like two stated above the third person is Maulana Maududi the author of Khilafat and M-lukiat. These are the three heretic authors who inspired “Ali Mirza to make allegations on Saiyiduna

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