ALI ZAI AND SHAH ISMAIL. Zubair Ali believed that all Asharite and Maturidites are Kafir or Heretic. I said that Shah Ismail is Ahlul Hadith: and a combination of Asharite and Maturidite. He claimed that Shah Ismail was a Kafir. I said no one has this is extremism. He began to say that Shah Ismail was Kafir since he believed in the Possibility of Falsehood . But he was responsed that God Hath the Power over A false statement. But he said that no Uncrreated Thing is in Power Of God, and Truth of Divine statement is Uncreated. He was informed that Deity and Divine Attributes are Uncreated but Relative Attribiutes of Attributes of God are not the Atributes of God since No Attribute of God is God; whether it is relatve or Active. Unable to repond , he confused Relative Attributes of God and Relative Attributes of Relative Attribute Of God. One again he was informed that there is a difference between them. For example Mercy may be a Relative Attribute Of God but Truths of Assertive Positive and Assertive Negative sentences are just Attributes of Attribute of God. Any how Ali Mirza Of Jhelum followed him in this reguard. Ali Mirza and his former teacher both were of the view that Ahlussunnah Deoband are Kafir since they hold that God Falsehood is Possible. He was told that Shah Ismail Shahi:d also believed in it and Yakrozi / Yakrozah , a famous book of Shah Shahi:d was shewn to him he became annoyed which crossed all limits. He began to deny POSSIBILITY OF NAZ:I:R. as well. ACTUALY he was reading Subhan Asubbuh when he became confused. When he was corrected and errors of the book stated above were exposed in some discussions, he instead of accepting the truth declared Shah Ismail RH: as Kafir [Astaghfarullah].
When he was informed that his views contradict all the Ahlul H:adith: scholars of Sub Continent, he said I do not follow them.
He was asked to present his view that Shah Ismail Shahid was a Heretic or Kafir in front of Irshad Al Haqq Athari, then he begain to say that he [i.e Ali Zai] is better than him [Maulana Irshad Al Haqq]. This annoyed many who loved Shah Ismail. Ali Zai said that even Talib Ar Rahman declared Shah Ismail as Kafir on the Issue of Vahdatul Vujud. He was responsed that interpretations of Shah Shahid are fpound in "Abq:a:t, then he began to say that "Abqa:t is full of Kufr and began to quote Dr. Cap. Ma"u:d "Uth:mani, from the first part of his controversal book Tauh:id Al Kh:alids: . This was sufficient to shew that he was a takfiri. So is his one time student Engineer Ali Mirza.