It is reported that Engineer Ali Mirza claimed that space trevelling is prohabitted. We do not think that this report is correct, since not even a heretic like Ali Mirza can say such a thing. There is no proof that space trevel is Un-Islamic . Actually the Event of Mi"ra:j is a proof that Space Trevel is not only Possible but inter Universal Trevelling are also Possible. Actually the first heaven is not a part of this world but an other Universe. How ever it is possible that "Ali Mirza got this idea from simple minded Ali Zai who probebly denied the existence of intelligent life on other planets in this universe. He seconded the view of Khairabadi school of thought that intelligent life only exists on only one planet , and that is earth. He believed that Prophets were only send on earth, and declared the impossiblity of Prophets on other Planets. His idea is very close to the believes of some Christians that Aliens are Satans and nothing else. And that the only came on earth and all the other planets are either dead or inhabitted by Devils or evil spirits. Hefurther claimed that Sun revoves arround the earth seconding Rad:a Shah of Bans Baraili. Up till now no planet is found arround which a star orbs. When Ali Zai was asked that if earth is going to exlpode , it is rational to leave the earth. He did not respond. Initially I thought that it is a very good suggestion but latter I was convined that earth cannot be destroyed such that no life form remains on it prior to Qiamah, which is not the destruction of earth but all the Universes. How ever necessity of Space trevel is undeniable , and in some cases one may need to take refuge on some other planets. But Ali Zai considered all these possibilities as fictions of imaginative minds. WE HAVE PRESENTED A SHORT ARTICLE ABOUT KRYPTON WHICH PROVES THE NECESSITY OF SPACE TRAVEL, EVEN IF THIS IS A FICTION BUT STILL IT IS POSSIBLE WITH SOME PROBABILTY.