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Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: is the king of fallacies makers. His pragmatic mind is a machine for producing and conceiving fallacies and heresies. Concept of Shirk in the theological system is still influenced by Barailavism. Although this Engineer from Jhelum city (Panjab) claims that he does not follow any sect and follows Qur’a:n and Sunnah the very same claim which is made by the Faunder of Jama:’’atul Muslimi:n , he is greatly influenced by Barailavism , to which he formally belonged to. Why he borrowed the Barailavi concept of Shirk is due to the fact that Barailavi concept of Shirk allowes him to believe that a person can be a Muslim and a Mushrik simultaneously with out becoming a Ka:fir [Non-Muslim]. On the other hand due to influence of ‘Ahlussunnah Non Barailaviah he is convinced that there are some Articles Of Shirk which are not Shirk according to Barailaviah. So he made a middle view that if a person believes in Some Articles of ‘Isla:m yet he/she believes in some Articles of Shirk , he/she continues to be a Muslim and becomes a Mushrik , if the Shirk is other than the Shirk accepted by Barailavism. The difference between Engineerism/Alimirzaism/Jhelumism and Baralavism is that Barailavism does not accept any belief as Shirk that is not Shirk according to them, hence Barailavism does not consider a person who believes in an Article of Shirk that is not an Article of Shirk according to Baralavism as Mushrik and considers him /her as a Muslim.
On the otherhand Jhelumism and its founder Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum consider such a person as Mushrik amd a Muslim SIMULTANEOUSLY. This means that he believes in two types of Shirks [‘Ashra:k]. A] Type A: The type which if a Muslim believes is sufficient to expel him out of the domain of ‘Isla:m. B] Type B: The Type which if a Muslim believes is not sufficient to Expel him out of the domain of ‘Isla:m. Page 3 of 10
Page 4 of 10 If a person who is a claimant of ‘isla:m yet believes in the type B Shirk , he is both Muslim and a Mushrik and continues to be a Muslim even if he is also a Mushrik. This is a Heresy according to ‘Isla:mic Standard. THIS IS SUFFICIENT TO PROOVE THAT ENGINEER ‘’ALI: MIRZA: OF JHELUM IS MORE DANGEROUS TO ‘ISLA:M THAN MIRZA: GH:ULA: ‘AH:MAD OF QA:DIYA:N. Before contemplating deep in the mind of the Jhelumi , it is required to know the concept of Shirk in Modern Barailavism , as found in the work of Barailavi Reformer Late Gh:ula:m Rasu:l Sa’’i:di: of Madrasah Na’’i:miah. How ever this is the most brilliant formation and no rival of Late Sa’’i:di: has disputed him on this issue, Inspite of the fact that he is a controversial person , and traditional Barailavis dislike him. SHIRK AND ARTICLES OF SHIRK ACCORDING TO BARAILAVIS [MODERN VERSION] According to Barailavis there are only four articles of Shirk and beside these four Article there is no fifth article of Shirk. 1] To believe that some one/thing beside God is WORSHIPABLE. 2]To believe that some one/thing beside God is ETERNAL [Qadi:m/’Azli:] 3] To believe that some one/thing beside God is NECESSARY EXISTENT [Va:jibul Vuju:d]. 4] To believe thatIf God is Attributed with an Essential Attribute [‘AS:S:IF-H ‘ADH: DH:A:TI:] then to believe that some one /thing beside God is also attributed by the same /similar Essential Attribute. For example as God is Attributed by Essential Knowledge, then it is Shirk to believe that some one/thing beside God [Say a Created Suppositum] is Attributed by Essential Knowledge. These are the only four articles of Shirk in Barailavism. There is no fifth article of Shirk in Barailavism. But Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: made an evolution in this idea to propose the theory that a person can be Mushrik and Muslim simultaneously. Some thing which even Barailavis cannot accept. It is a remarkable revolution in the history of heresy,apostasy and heterodoxy. A revolution which contradicts the basic Axioms and fundamental Schema of ‘Isla:m. Although Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: did not exposed his views initially , but at latter stages he revealed his believes explicitly and now there is no confusion of heretic views of this Engineer. In one of his heretic and apostate lectures the Engineer of Jhelum confessed that:-
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Page 5 of 10 He does nnot declare the N-s:airiah if Syria as Ka:fir on the BASIS that they believe in the Goodhood of Sayiduna: ‘’Ali: [RD:] BUT HE DECLARES them as Ka:fir because they declare all Muslims as Ka:fir. This reveals the fact that Engineer of Jhelum does not consider Nus:airiah as Ka:fir on the basis of believing Saiyiduna: “Ali: [RD:] AS God or God Incarnate or Incarnated God or Incarnation of God. Engineer ”Ali: Mirza: bases his Declaration of Kufr on an other basis that is distinct from the first that Ns:airiah declare Muslims as Kafir. This change of Basis is absolutely and infinitely Significant beyond doubt. This shews with crystal clarity that according to the Engineer, if someone believes that if a person [Rational Suppositum] is in God or Incarnation of God or or God Incarnate or Incarnated God or God Manifests in the person then the believer does not believe that the person is God beside God.. So he according to the views which he has developed from the concept that there are only four articles of Shirk , the Engineer is compelled to conclude that Nus:airiah are not Ka:fir and their Shirk does not excludes them from ‘Isla:m. Deification of any created Suppositum whether the Suppositum is believed to be God/Deity Himself believed to be beside God/Deity is Shirk beyond doubt. Both Direct and Indirect Deifications of any Created Suppositum whether believed to be Rational or not ,Irrational or not , is SHIRK BEYOND DOUBT. But the Engineer of Jhelum attempts to make doubt in it. Na’’u:dhubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah. No sane person [Rational Suppositum] can doubt this fact. How ever the super cunning mind of the Heretic concluded immediately that if he does not declares Nus:airiah as Ka:fir ,even a number of his followers shall not agree with him and may drift from his circle. So to satisfy them he declared them as Ka:fir but not on the basis of Shirk which N-s:airiah commit by believing Saiyiduna: ‘’Ali: is God/Deity in any way and any form of Deification, whether directly or through the medium of Incarnation or Manifestation [or media of both] . but by another technical ground that they declare Muslims as Ka:fir. Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum hoped that this mischief would be undetected. But by the Grace of God this mischief is detected and exposed, As to believe ‘’ If some one say Saiyiduna: ‘’Ali: is God ‘’ [in any way mentioned above] does not mean that the believer or sayer is believing Saiyiduna: ‘’Ali: beside ’’ALL-H , compelled this Engineer to believe that ‘’ To believe Saiyiduna: ‘’Ali: is God (in any way) is a Shirk which expel the believer from the folds of ‘Isla:m ‘’. Now it is well determined that the Engineer of Jhelum does not consider that “ to believe that any human person is God [in any way of deification what so ever] and if the human person is not believed to be beside God (say the human person is believed to be in God or in the Godhead).” Since this does not comes in the stated four articles of Shirk as stated above. How ever it may be noted that N-us:airiah who are also known as ‘’Alavites are Not Muslims on several reasons regardless of fact whether they declare Muslims as Ka:fir or Not. 1) Alawis are self-described as a community of "true believers". Alawites "celebrate Mass, including consecration of bread and wine."
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Page 6 of 10 2) Middle East scholar Malise Ruthven writes that Alawites include Socrates and Plato in their line of prophets, and they also believe in “transmigration,” in which the souls of the wicked pass into dogs and pigs but righteous souls go on to more perfect human bodies. Many of their beliefs are not known to the outside world. Alawites tend to be secretive about their faith because they have been oppressed. But Engineer of Jhelum did not declare that they are Ka:fir on the bases of belief of Transmigration [Tana:sukh:] and their belief that Consumption of Wine is Allowed on certain occasions. This does shew that either Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: is ignorant of these Kufrs or he deliberately ignores them as if he is ignorant of them. But his ignorance is highly unlikely anf strongly improbable. This means that he does not consider these two as Kufr. How ever giving him the benefit of least probability since its comes in the domain of possibility he may not be charged so. But there is very strong Probability that he is deceiving his listeners .
3) The Alawites purportedly differ from Twelvers in holding that Ali was a manifestation of God - a notion that some members of Syria's Sunni majority consider heretical. But this is the Heresy that is Kufr. One may see another quotation which may open the eyes of the blind lovers the Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: :The basic doctrine of ʿAlawite faith is the deification of ʿAlī. He is one member of a trinity corresponding roughly to the Christian Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ʿAlawites interpret the Pillars of Islām (the five duties required of every Muslim) as symbols and thus do not practice the Islāmic duties. They celebrate an eclectic group of holidays, some Islāmic, some Christian, and many ʿAlawite practices are secret. They consider themselves to be moderate Shīʿites, not much different from the Twelvers. Page 6 of 10
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If Deification of any human being whether he be a Prophet or Not , Saint or Not is Shirk , S:ah:a:bi or Not ,then ‘’Alavites/’Alawites are Mushik and Kafir. This single reason is Sufficient Enough to declare them as Non-Muslims. But Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: does not consider this belief of ‘’Alavites as Kufr. He states an other reason that they consider all Muslims as Ka:fir and that is a Necessary and Sufficient reason for their Takfi:r as according to the Jhelumite Engineer , ‘’Ali: Mirza: . This means that he either does not consider the incarnation and deification of Sayiduna: ‘’Ali: [RD:] as Shirk or he consider it as Shirk which does not expel a Person from the religion of ‘Isla:m. In the first case he is does so since he believes that there are only Four Articles Of Shirk and this belief does not belong to the Articles of Shirk. So he uses this conception to defend a Mushrik and to declare such a person as Muslim. In the second case it appears that Engineer considers only four articles of Shirk are Kufr and rest of the articles are not Kufr.
Mathematical Represention Let S={ψ|ψ is article of Shirk according to the Engineer of Jhelum} Let K={η| is an article of Kufr according to the Engineer Of Jhelum} Let C=S∩K If according to the Engineer of Jhelum S = ᴓthen he cannot declare any believer in any Article of Shirk as Kafir what so ever. If C=/=ᴓ THEN Engineer can declare a person who believe in any Element of C and not in any element of S. But this is Kufr it self. Even Barailavis who believe in ONLY FOUR articles of Shirk do not say that Deification of Saiyiduna: ‘’Ali: RD: is not Shirk . When ask they try to include this belief in the four Articles of Shirk stated above. But Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza borrowing from them makes a different approach.
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Page 8 of 10 He tried to declare ‘’Alavites/Nas:i:rites as Ka:fir on an other basis just because he wants to save some of his relatives from Kufr. So that he may not annul relationship with them. Further he wants to satisfy the rest of the Non Barailavi Sunnis that he does consider such beliefs as Shirk. Further he wants to satisfy Baralavis that he declare only Those as Mushrik and Ka:fir who believe in that there are only four Articles of Shirk with out any fifth without any exception. Probably he wants to save some incarnative or manifestative or deificative or thophnic sect from being declared as Non Muslim.
CONCLUSION It is clear that Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: only consider a person as Ka:fir and Musrik if he believe in any one of the four Articles of Shirk stated above. On the other hand if the person believes in any fifth article of Shirk such a person is Muslim and Mushrik [Mushric] simultaneously. This is the most dangerous thing in the system of ‘’Ali: Mirza: . It must also be noted that Engineer ‘’Ali Mirza: holds the same belief about Qa:dianis/Mah:mu:dites that they are Ka:fir just because they declare all believers of Finality and Lasthood of Holy Prophet [S:’’AVS] , as Non Muslims. This does shews that he has some dangerous plans against ‘Isla:mic Tauh:i:d and Finality Of Holy Prophet.
TO THE FOLLOWERS OF ENGINEER ALI MIRZA With this concept of Shirk of Engineer of Jhelum , the Engineer lost the right to defend the Tauh:i:d /Unicity of ‘Isla:m. He is a Musrik not on the basis that he claims that he believes in an article of Shirk but he is a Mushric on the basis that does not consider a Number of Shirks/Shircs as Kufr. Page 8 of 10
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How many proofs do you require before being convinced that Engineer ‘’Ali: Mirza: is a Heretic, Heterodox, Apostase and worse enemy of God , His Tauh:i:d [Divine Unicity] and equally dangerous to ‘Isla:m as Mirza: of Qa:dia:n is. Mirza: of Jhelum equals to Mirza: of Qa:dia:n in enmity of ‘Isla:m. YOU ARE INFORMED ABOUT THE HERESIES IN THE ALIMIRZITE SYSTEM.
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